In a video statement carried recently by several official channels maintained by members of the hacker activist group “Anonymous,” a digitally generated voice explains that the online collective has decided to take down the Fox News website on Nov. 5th of this year.
The date, Nov. 5, is significant for its dramatic placement in the film and comic book “V for Vendetta,” about a freedom-loving terrorist who destroys an authoritarian government that’s come to power in the U.K. “Remember, remember the 5th of November,” is his saying, hearkening back to the “Gunpowder plot” of 1604, in which the terrorist Guy Fawkes was captured and executed for his attempt to blow up Parliament.
The mask used by the Guy Fawkes character in “V for Vendetta” has also become a ubiquitous symbol for “Anonymous.”
To mark this 5th of November, the latest “Anonymous” video points to the network’s “continued propaganda against the occupations” as reason for vowing to “destroy the Fox News website.”
“Since they will not stop ridiculing the occupiers, we will simply shut them down,” the digitized voice explains, adding that an Anonymous-driven “propaganda campaign” against Fox News would follow.
“Fox News, your time has come,” it concludes. “Operation Fox Hunt. November 5th. May the hunt begin.”
I will admit to having conflicted feelings concerning "Anonymous," but if they can pull this off they will forever be heroes in my book.
In my opinion, considering the damage that Fox News has done to journalism, politics, and the future of our nation, NOTHING short of physical harm, or murder, should be considered off limits in taking them down.
By the way have any of you ever seen my avatar on Twitter?
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A hint... |
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November,
the Gunpowder
Treason and Plot.
I know of no reason
why the Gunpowder Treason
ever be forgot...
V for Vendetta is one of my all-time favorite movies and graphic novels. I watch it every year on Nov 5th. It felt like this movie became more and more relevant every year. (well, that and Mike Judge's Idiocracy...)
ReplyDeleteThink I may have to pull out my mask this year and wear it. (I bought one from some guy off ebay who made replicas of the movie one. Has mesh over the eyes and everything.)
If I dye my hair black and get a hat, I could pretty much freak out everyone at work...(then get fired...)
Anonymous recently took down a number of kiddie porn sites on the "darknet"
Those guys are good so if they said they were going to do it there's a good chance that they already have penetrated the servers and gained access to areas sensitive enough to do the job.
It's amusing. That mask is owned by Time Warner so every time one is sold, Time Warner gets a cut.
ReplyDeleteYeah, really sticking it to the man.
I LOVE IT! It's also Bank Transfer Day where everyone moves their funds from those banks that are too big to fail!
Now this is something that I have no problem with. Roll on November 5th.
ReplyDeletebtw - if you've never seen the movie - it's a must see - fabulous film!!
Omigod!!!The first time I saw Glen Beck on FOX my first thought was of Prothero!!
ReplyDeleteSlightly OT - saying that Nov. 5 is "significant for its dramatic placement in the film and comic book 'V for Vendetta'” is like saying that the 6th of June is significant for its dramatic placement in the film 'Saving Private Ryan'.
ReplyDeleteOK, I get it, the author of this article (fellow Texas Stephen C. Webster) is meaning to say that the date is significant to Anonymous for that reason. At least I hope he understands there is a historical and cultural context for the imagery used in V for Vendetta...
Could be interesting.
ReplyDeleteRemember, networks rely on advertising. Google the list of advertisers for Fox News. Make a conscious effort NOT to use these companies.
ReplyDeleteWhat can we smaller geeks do to help?
ReplyDeleteCan they please go after Megan Kelly first? I can't stand that blonde bimbo's lying face! (And for any trolls who might attack me for calling her that .. I am a blonde bimbo, I just don't lie!)
ReplyDeleteWe are planning to have a Guy Fawkes night at our house with a big bonfire--just like how they do it in Great Britain.
ReplyDeleteI would encourage anyone that hasn't seen the movie V for Vendetta to do so---you won't be disappointed, but also look into the history of Guy Fawkes. Fascinating.
It's amusing. That mask is owned by Time Warner so every time one is sold, Time Warner gets a cut.
ReplyDeleteYeah, really sticking it to the man.
4:53 AM
False. Try again troll. You fail.
i will probably be lambasted for this, but; two wrongs don't make it right, and if the hackers are encouraged to do this, then who will be next?
ReplyDeletei never saw the movie, but people who wear masks make me nervous.
remember, we are a nation, not a set of separate groups.
I've been saying remember, remember the 4th of november so I won't forget the damned time change for the end of daylight savings.
ReplyDeleteFox news is the devil, but all the Chrstians I know think its the gospel truth. What a crock. I was once one of them, no more. I believe in Jesus Christ, but He is nothing like His crazy followers. Not all are inane conservatives, but many, many are. They've swallowed a bunch of lies. If Fox goes away,I say good riddance. Not wish physical harm on people,but Fox has been and will continue to be a very destructive force in the US if it is not reined in.
ReplyDeletelooking forward to nov 5th : ) Wish they would take on Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Alex jones and sites like natural news, information wars etc. There should be something to stop making money off of false information and lies...sometimes i will see something posted on facebook about the flu shot killing us etc but it's so hard to find the real facts because of all the lies. I used to get mad at the people who fell for the lies, but now...i wonder what kind of world they must live in to believe it all. What a scary world these people live in.
ReplyDeleteIt's amusing. That mask is owned by Time Warner so every time one is sold, Time Warner gets a cut.
ReplyDeleteYeah, really sticking it to the man.
4:53 AM
False. Try again troll. You fail.
Read the caption under the last picture.
Or are you telling me that BBC, and Liberal Current TV are liars.
It's ignorant fools like you who are the epic fails.
@Ghostbuster TX
ReplyDeleteNovember 5th is also a holiday in the UK where effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned:
Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night
Anon @6:20 AM
It actually is true Time Warner, who owns Warner Brothers, who produced V for Vendetta, does get a cut of the profit for every Guy Fawkes (V4V) Halloween mask which resembles the movie V for Vendetta. TW gets cut of profits of V for Vendetta mask
But, if one buys a replica that is made by someone other than the company that produces those flimsy Halloween masks (like mine) then no, the profit does notgo to TW. It goes to the artist who made it :-)
Or here's a site where you can print out your own and put it together:
Print your own V4V mask
Why do they advertise the date so far in advance? Why not afterward?
ReplyDeleteNov 5 is also the day that people are calling on others to get out of the Big Banks, like Bank of America, Chase and Wells Fargo... - Change to local banks and/or to Credit Unions. ;)
ReplyDeleteIt's ignorant fools like you who are the epic fails.
ReplyDelete7:09 AM
ROFL. U mad bro? Did I hurt your fee-fees? You said "every mask sold" which is a lie. If you said "some" I would allow it. Try peddling your propaganda elsewhere. No one here is buying it.
I can't wait until Foxnews is taken offline permanently. I will be celebrating that day. It IS coming. Let's not forget they are a propaganda network supporting radical domestic terrorists known as "The Tea Party". Shutting them down and locking up the propagandists is a good first step.
ReplyDelete@Sunshine1970, yes, that's part of the historical and cultural context I was referring to.
ReplyDeleteLoved V for Vendetta, one of the few movies I've watched multiple times.
ReplyDeleteI've been dreaming of a true rebellion for years, not the TPot version of the Koch Bros but more the one being demonstrated by the Occupy sites. Power to the people, power to the multitude, power to the 99% !!
It's ignorant fools like you who are the epic fails.
ReplyDelete7:09 AM
ROFL. U mad bro? Did I hurt your fee-fees? You said "every mask sold" which is a lie. If you said "some" I would allow it. Try peddling your propaganda elsewhere. No one here is buying it.
Are you retarded? Every legal mask sold, they get a cut.
You're not bright enough to consider an illegal knock off, the poster after me had to point that out to you.
You're an ignoramus who knows SFA.
And yes, I would like fries with that chump.
I'll never understand why so many Americans have been taken in by this network owned and operated by Saudies and Australians, doing everything they can to destroy our Union.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the younger generation sees this and Fox News will sit on the same 'shelf of history' as Joe McCarthy, Bendict Arnold, and Judas.
God I hope this happens.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with Anonymous is that they attract young teens and preteens who think they are cool, and when they get caught, these kids are the ones to take the fall. They also go too far in their hacking. For instance, they post personal information of people who's sites they are hacking. It is one thing to take down a site in protest, and it is another thing to put names, social security numbers, home addresses and telephone numbers. People end up receiving death threats -- and how long before one of those threats becomes a reality? Just look at what happened to Gabriele Giffords -- and Joe McGinniss, for instance. As much as I despise Fox news, what if Anonymous posts personal information and someone gets hurt?
ReplyDeleteI thought V for Vendetta was a fantastic movie; I have some friends that gather at a nearby pub every Nov. 5th, this year I will join them and raise a glass to Anonymous!
ReplyDeleteTo 9:45am. If they are posting the names, addresses, birth dates and occupations of the child porn ring they busted, I applaud their efforts. It is a very small price to pay by the most despicable humans in the world.
ReplyDelete@ 1:45
ReplyDeleteThey posted all of the information online regarding the first police officer who pepper sprayed one of the OWS protesters. They've put all personal information of other police officers also. While I believe that particular officer and the other officers who used violence against the protesters should be fired, I don't think their personal information should be put online. These people have families who have nothing to do with how they behave.
I'd love to see Anonymous hack into the cell phones and emails of Rubert Murdock and Roger Ailes and get enough dirt on them to expose their evil minds, and discredit them for their lifetimes!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Anonymous is reported to have gone after kiddie porn sites makes them my heroes!
ReplyDeleteM from MD
You're right @6:32
ReplyDeletei will probably be lambasted for this, but; two wrongs don't make it right, and if the hackers are encouraged to do this, then who will be next?
i never saw the movie, but people who wear masks make me nervous.
remember, we are a nation, not a set of separate groups.
6:32 AM
You are getting lambasted.
i never saw the movie, but people who wear masks make me nervous.
Have you sought help for your phobia? Do people with scarves over their face make you nervous as well? Any other props, traits or features make you nervous?
remember, we are a nation, not a set of separate groups.
Save your platitudes in a safe deposit box, sweetie. Can you preach that to Congress? The GOP?
Condescend much?
Two wrongs don't make a right and who's next?
Who owns Fox News? Who Owns News of the World? An innocent girl was killed, and her parents held out hope for weeks she was alive because her phone was hacked by Rupert Murdoch's emplyees, and fox news going down for one day is going to what? Bring her back?
Have you watched or read real newspapers in the past six months, that's the tip of the iceberg as far as Fox's evil tactics go.
The sewage always trickles down from the top. In Murdocks case it's raining down, and by their silence, Fox News is complicit.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Rich "news" empires that commit crimes where people's privacy, liberty, and lives are ruined and distiguished makes two wrongs more than right.
"Now remember, the "l" shoe goes on the side where your thumb exteneded from your index finger forms the letter "l" and the "R" shoe goes on the hand where your thumb extended from your index finger does NOT form the letter "L"
I love this post! V for Vendetta is the perfect analogy for this "Anonymous" group. Well Thought out! Brilliant!
ReplyDeleteGot my calendar circled! Do you have any idea how much in advertisements, alone, this will cost Koch? And it couldn't happen on a better date.
Five is one of Herman "Herbie" Cain's FAVORITE numbers.
It may incite Murdoch's hackers to try something, and we all know who's watching them!
I see. . .
ReplyDeleteDoes no one see the hypocrisy in having a cow because Sarah Palin says "Don't retreat, reload" and then celebrating the implied violence in Guy Fawkes Day?
For those who haven't seen V for Vendetta (an excellent movie that Natalie Portman somehow manages not to ruin)"V" blows up Parliament at the end. Blows the entire mother-fucker up.
I'm sorry, but you can't have it both ways. You can't say, "oh, the rhetoric is too violent, and no, saying it's a metaphor doesn't change that," but then embrace a guy who tried to blow up Parliament, and the icon from from a movie where the guy *did* blow it up.
Look, I'm in charity with idea the bankers need to be held accountable, and I realize most of the people buying these masks don't have a blog where they've spent countless hours decrying the "violent rhetoric" and how said "violent rhetoric" is inspiring violence.
I can promise you if these were Tea Party activists wearing the masks, Gryphen would waste no time in drawing that line, but because it's the OWS movement, it's all good and no one could ever connote any implied violence from it?
Is no one else's head spinning?