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Saturday, Sarah Palin spoke at a Women's Conference on Liberty University's campus. Her message this time was a lot more personal than political, sharing with the audience why she chose family over the White House.
"The best day of my life was April 20, 1989 when I became a mom, and I'm sure you moms out there can agree," said Palin.
In a letter earlier this week, Palin stated, family comes first. Saturday, she echoed that statement.
"The goal for my kids is to allow as much normalcy in their lives as we possibly can," said Palin.
She says being in the limelight, as such a high profile political figure, took its toll over time.
"When I was the governor and I gave birth to Trig, the next day in the hospital my staff came into the hospital and brought me some legislation to sign some bills into law," said Palin.
Palin says she wants to stay involved in the world of politics, but doesn't need a title to do it.
"There are the world's standards of perfection and then there's Gods standard of perfection, and at the end of the day that's all that matters," said Palin.
Well the pictures that I posted the other day did not lie, she does NOT look well.Or sound well for that matter!
Gee I wonder why she is telling her Trig birth story yet again?
Oh, I guess I do know that don't I? And tomorrow morning so will all of you.
Update: In the "I kid you not" category, even after finally telling her supporters that she is not running and then insulting them for being disappointed Palin is asking them for money yet again!
You know, she has caused me to despise the word "mom". I now always refer to my own maternal relative as "mother". "Mom" is so creepy.
Oh no, we all better prepare for those stupid troll/s to be posting hundreds of messages tomorrow am in an obsessive sick manner! As G has been saying, beware what you read!
ReplyDeleteAlso I really hope you G will tell us who has leaked stuff ro Breitbart and others. Someone who wants the earning potential and fame themselves. I hate that some of us may have accused the wrong people. It isn't fair to them if the accusations were wrong. Plus we all (I'm sure) want
to know who would be so selfish and horrid to undermine you and others for themselves.
So, are you making Fred's book pointless?
ReplyDeleteAll those millions and she can't buy a comb.
ReplyDeleteSarah really looks bad. I will be glad when she fades away. She will never stop spewing her hate until she is in prison where she belongs and Todd too.
ReplyDeleteHer email said "April 18, the day he was born, I signed a bill into law and conducted a few State actions while in the hospital".
ReplyDeleteLink to email
Now she says it was the day after? She sure does have a fuzzy memory surrounding Trig's birth.
OMG! Look at them pouty sucker lips! She's been having more work done - is it just the lips or has the chin grown too?
ReplyDeleteInsane cowardly, bitch. Just keep talking, Sarah. We'll get ya' sooner or later. Probably one of your own demented cast-offs.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, that means tomorrow, as in with my coffee in the morning.
"Are you ready to join Sarah and make a difference without a title?"
ReplyDeleteSo send money for a non-candidate with no title, but oh, so much power!:)
If I were a non-thinking woman, or a low-info voter, or whatever excuse that can be created, I suppose I could buy into her rhetoric of putting family first.
ReplyDeleteBut if any thinking person thinks about it, why was politics more important than her family when she was mayor, governor, VP candidate, & gaming the system as a POTUS candidate? - not to mention, politics before being mayor, & politics after being governor/
When you look at Sarah Palin's history, you can see she had little concern when her children were much younger & needed their mom. Little concern then, little concern now.
But I suppose she's keeping face, as she knows she & Todd would never pass the vetting process, nor would she ever be the GOP contender.
And the stupid just keep going.....give bots, give! Give all. And when you have nothing left, don't look to Sarah, SarahPac, or any of her capitalist cronies to give you anything. When you finally wake up and realize you have been royally had, blame yourselves.
ReplyDeleteYour own bible refers to "sheep being lead to slaughter and people being destroyed by lack of knowledge."
Sarah tickles your ears with the hate speech you yearn to hear. But in the end, it is you who will be poorer for it.
What a piece of work - she's ridiculous - I can't believe anyone - ugh, I seem to forget the pathetic folk a lot. I'm sorry. TIL TOMORROW - WOO HOO!!
ReplyDelete"There are the world's standards of perfection and then there's Gods standard of perfection, and at the end of the day that's all that matters," said Palin.
ReplyDeleteUh...so. Hmm. Maybe I read it wrong, or...something. I guess you're implying that YOU'RE "God's standard of perfection," eh, Toots?
Gryphen, you're such a tease!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how she now describes her staff bringing her legislation to sign the morning after she "gave birth" (yeah, right) to Trig as burdensome. She usually wears it as a badge of honor.
Can't wait until tomorrow.
Normalcy in her kids lives?
ReplyDeleteI don't think so.
She keeps saying wheat her peeps would WANT to hear her say....with no relevance to reality.
The skirt and high heels she wore were absolutely ridiculous. Very slutty looking. I'm sure some college girls' mothers would have made them change if they saw them wearing that outfit. And here's this almost 50 year old wearing it.
ReplyDeleteThe skirt was that tight and stretchy fabric and SO inappropriate for a "Christian" woman. Why do those people support her and not see her for the skanky slutty trash that she is?
That said, yes, she looked like crap too. Bloated the one day, thin and sallow the next. WTF?
So, Sarah is going to help people get elected by endorsing them and stuff?
ReplyDeleteYou know that old saying about how if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas?
Well, Sarah Palin is what you get when you lie down with fleas.
she knows her fan base are low information people (dumbass muthafuckers.)
ReplyDeletethis stupid old hag is taking her stupidass fans and twisting the knife counter-clockwise this time. There are a few who can't admit they backed a grifter.
she said her god told her to make fun of our President. 'Well lord, I will, with great glee fuck with your mistake, President Obama. Next time dear Jesus don't mess up' what a flippin insane clown that retard is.
And her excuse is straight out of 4th grade reasons of why I can't get what I want. "I don't need a title; a title don't mean shit.'
HAHAHAHAHA Yeah bitch, it doesn't mean shit WHEN YOUR STANKASS CAN COME NEAR THE HIGHEST TITLE OF THEM ALL. lol at how stupid you are. your fan(s) is/are pissed.
Why is she saying she signed bills on 4/19/08? Were there bills signed? What staff came to the hospital? Have they ever said anything? She was back to work in 2 days, what was so important?
ReplyDeleteShe is sick, I can tell she is just lying. She has a personality disorder or she is all drugged up.
ReplyDeleteFrom C4P someone at the event actually said Palin saw the Northern Lights and knew it was a sign from God not to run...Bwahahahahahahahaha
"You Trusted me to be your President but you didn't even believe in my Prayers."
NOTE: This is just my memories of the speech yesterday and there
maybe some inconsistencies in what she actually said. I need to listen
to it again.
The quote from the Post's title was in response to some Hate Mail she
got right after she made her decision last week. She said unfortunately
this mail came from "Supporters." She explained that she had made her
decision after prayerful consideration and getting a "confirmation" (I
say a sign from God) in the representation of an "Arctic Rainbow" -- I
think the Northern Lights !! Although, I never felt animosity to Sarah
after the announcement I did feel she had let us down to some extent.
After hearing her words I felt ashamed that I hadn't respected her
Heart-felt, inspired decision more fully.
She told an
excellent story of how Willow never looked up in the Northern SKY to
enjoy the Beauty of God's Creation which is manifested in the Northern
Lights (Her confirmation that she shouldn't run). And she said ,
"WILLOW, come on what have you been doing for 17 years" -- It was really
funny :) She told her to "LOOK UP". I'm finally starting to get the "You don't need a title"
message.. Although at this point I would say "SHE doesn't need a title"
because of her God-Given and unparalleled Communication Skills. I
probably would still need one :)
Another theme she emphasized was that we aren't the center of the
Universe and it's not all about US but about God and his Son Jesus
Christ. She illustrated this by referencing the 16th Century scientist
Nicolas Copernicus who was responsible for the Heliocentric View of our
Universe. I'll try to paraphrase this and it's also in her book
"American BY Heart" that God Didn't put us here to make us LOOK Good but
we were put here to GLORIFY GOD !!" -- I think this is a profound
message and they call her a DIVA and stupid??? I related this back to
Sarah choosing NOT to run for the Prez. She set aside her EGO and did
what was best for her family and God. I respect her immensely for making
the right choice.
She also spoke extensively about restoring Judeo-Christian Values and
how we are all responsible for doing our part to make this Country the
Exceptional place God graced it with. She mentioned the Tea Party as a big influence on Restoring to what our Original founders envisioned that of a Country founded on BIBLICAL precepts !!
She brought Todd out on the stage and all the Ladies Loved it :) She
made some Jokes about being in the National Enquirer and while in the
supermarket and seeing her and Todd were involved in a $20 Million dollar divorce Suit. She called Todd up and asked him about it and he said "When are you going to write me a check" :) HA !!
She said she is flying to LA to visit Bristol then on to South Korea for her next speech.
So have any of these alleged staffers ever come out and said they saw Sarah in hospital bed post-partum? OMG that woman is so fricking twisted it's hard to keep up.
ReplyDeleteOkay, I watched the video with the sound off. Her face looks fine, she must have it smoothed down with spackle, but her HAIR. OH MY GOD...greasy in spots, fly away in others, plastered down here and fuzzy there.
That money grubbing site is UGLY UGLY UGLY! Crosshairs, guns, bombs...I don't know why God doesn't strike that woman down with a bolt of lightning.
ReplyDeleteThat is like the world's worst lighting for an events. She looks hot considering.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:42, since when is telling the truth about the goings on in DC hate?
ReplyDeleteGryphen, can you post pictures of her at the event she did with Glenn Beck this weekend - not the one where she's behind the podium and her hair looks like '80's Big Hair - but the side shot where she's sporting the short, short mini tight skirt and the five inch heels. I seriously doubt that's the outfit she wore to give her "I Love Being A Mom" speech the next night.
ReplyDeleteI saw four or five pics of her from the St Louis speech and one, behind the podium, looked so inappropriate. Can't remember which site they were from. Have you seen them?
I believe She and Hillary Clinton have the same Dr. Same puffy face.
ReplyDeleteThough you can't tell much, as the lighting is horrible. Typically there's someone on staff at these venues who actually knows what they're doing in terms of lighting. I guess this place blows.
Wait, what? Did she say "the day after I gave birth to Trig"... then complain about a signing and a writing her signature on some bills and legislation and stuff.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's what a governor does. I wasn't a governor, but I sure as hell could sign my name to some papers. I wrote personal thank you letters to people from out of state who called or sent gifts etc. It's not the same set of muscles, and delivery isn't a disability. She's definately whacked.
Wasn't there an email looking for some busy work for her that day so she could clock in at work and get "Paid"?
Can't wait for her to get comfortable enough with a crowd of folks to slip up- it's bound to happen sooner or later.
"she knows her fan base are low information people"
ReplyDeleteIf THEY are low information, what do you call yourself? You elected and still support the most unvetted President in history.
The following money bomb not been reviewed or approved by SarahPAC or its staff. US for Palin is solely responsible for its colorful content.
ReplyDeleteDo you support Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin? Donate to SarahPAC.
Do you look to Sarah for your leadership and inspiration? Donate to SarahPAC.
Do you detest Obama and his abomination of an administration? Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you a Republican who is utterly disgusted at your party being overrun with inexperienced buffoons, filthy milquetoast RINOs, Obama wannabes and corrupt crony capitalists? Introduce the RNC to Mr. Click the next time they call. Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you a Republican who is seething with rage over how your own party treated Sarah? You know what to do next time they call asking for money. They get nothing. Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you a Democrat who has come to support Sarah; who is utterly disgusted at the Marxism that has infested your party and repulsed by its corrupt crony capitalists? Next time the DNC calls, introduce them to Mr. Click and…Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you ready to tell the establishment machines of both parties where they can shove their big government corporate welfare agendas? Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you ready to revive, renew, and restore Reagan Conservatism – titles or no titles? Donate to SarahPAC.
Are you ready to join Sarah and make a difference without a title? Donate to SarahPAC.
Don’t blow your money on an “I ♥ Sarah” tee shirt. Show her you mean it. Donate to SarahPAC.
The time is now.
Another tease from you. What a surprise! If you don't have nothing tomorrow I'm never coming back here. You always say you have the skinny on things and you never do.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse my French, but
ReplyDeletethis GD see-you-next-tuesday and her thousands of "extraordinary women" have basically just established that it all means nothing if you dont also pop a person out your flippin vaj??
Beyond absurd.
I almost choked with laughter when I clicked on the Lists of Accomplishments for the past three years. My goodness - how funny! (This at the link G gives in his update that takes you to the US4Palin site.
ReplyDeleteShe lists FB posts as accomplishments along with other similar nonsense.
Gee think about how much you have accomplished by posting to FB. You, too, could be a celebrity candidate. Such hard, hard work. Of course, you wouldn't get paid for it, but, hey, soon neither will she.
April 20, 1989 was the best day in Curtis Menard's life too.
ReplyDeleteYou gotta hand it to her. She looks hawt.
ReplyDeleteShe must believe God is not listening, that there is no God, or that He is very, very forgiving because she keeps on lying and not even keeping her different version of the basic lies straight. Hilarious.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, we are keeping her relevant by talking about her.
ReplyDeleteYet we must have her 100% exposed for the lying sick fraud that she is. Talking about Trig again? Sarah could you be any dumber?
The question about whether you are making Fred's book pointless is interesting. I wonder who wrote that?
I predict the MSM will still be in denial and be complete assholes. Some will say: " she isn't running so why bother." Her fans and others too will think it is beating a dead horse. I mean Sarah IS finished politically. But I keep telling people this is a much bigger story and it's about the media and the crappy job they have done. And about McCain and the GOP. I'm so mad at Olbermann, Mahrer and others.
Did they even read Joes books? I used to love Keith but I now think he's an arrogant asshole. I thought Shannyn Moore was involved because she has been on his show several times and she seems to make every issue her biz.
I apologize if I'm wrong.
I have NO IDEA who Fred is and I can't wait until tomorrow.
This is going to be a good week.
Can you tell if any transcontinental flights are logging in to IM? Just saying.
ReplyDeleteBring the bots, it just doesn't matter anymore - they have been proven fools, especially after Sarah used some of her air time to diss them and their loyalty. They are getting the I told you so from all sides and I feel pity for the folks who have pledged their hearts and their dollars to a known grifter - it sucks to be had.
I am not sure whose head you are trying to get in with your final nail in the coffin hints - for some reason, I don't think it's mine. I think I might just love this Monday.
$arah Palin has set women back in politics 50 years.
ReplyDelete(An aside to $arah: Way to go, you stupid bitch.)
Sarah's big on "normalcy"..like when she slid the baby carrier containing Piper across the floor and said "take this fucking baby" and turned and walked out the door. Perfectly normal thing for a mother to do. Or when she banished Track to Michigan his senior year at the same time she banished Bristol to Anchorage. Yep, "God's standard of perfection". Perfectly normal childhood for all those kids. Geez.
ReplyDeleteBristol told Christianity Today that her mom is just too busy for church.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to Ruffles?
Is Palin referring to herself as "God's standard of perfection"?
ReplyDelete$ure sounds like it to me. $arah looks/sounds like she needs to go home and take a long rest.
COmment on the update: To be fair, that's not an official SarahPAC thing, it's just the poor pantysniffer who runs the site trying to pimp her out one last time (that site looks like it was built by a four year old BTW)
ReplyDeleteBut the desperate patheticness of the botz continues to astound... here's the quote that currently graces the front page of O4P:
"The more support I see, the harder I want to work, and the more determined I am to not let folks down."
That's right suckers, maybe you just need to send more money to change $arah's mind! Good lord these people are demented.
I think them saying WE have "Palin derangement syndrome" is pure projection. If anyone has a derangement where $arah's concerned, it's someone who sends more money hoping she's gonna run AFTER she's already admitted what everyone already knew, she ain't running for squat.
Like the nutjob on C4P who was gushing with love for Sarah's "genius" at "tricking the mainstream media" into reporting she's not running, so she can make them all look stupid when she announces she really *is* running.
There isn't a WTF big enough to encompass the delusion...
"When I was the governor and I gave birth to Trig, the next day in the hospital my staff came into the hospital and brought me some legislation to sign some bills into law,"
ReplyDeleteSurely there is some way to truth check this little info gem. Signed, and dated one would assume, in the hospital. Hmmmm>
5:08 - I agree Sarah did not seem well-groomed, primarily due the rat's nest called her hair.
ReplyDeleteHowever, her skirt was below the knee (quite unusual for Sarah and it was quite difficult if not impossible to see the type of black heels she was wearing - they were are least closed in the back around the heel, so from the back they looked quite acceptable - but I could not make out the front of the shoe.
I am one of those who thinks she dresses inappropriately most times, but this time, that suit was more conservative and calm than her usual attire.
So, I cannot agree with you on your opinion of that suit. It was more tasteful than her usual slutty style because it hung just below the knee and was not skin-tight. The jacket did not hug her breasts not fall open (at least on this short clip) to reveal boosted breasts.
Also, too - it was the reporter at the end of the segment who said she thought most women would agree that Sarah was the highlight of the conference - not the women themselves.
so we will all watch to see how palin will beg for money and how she will keep it all for herself instead of using it for any republican candidate or cause. meanwhile we will continue to investigate and share what she is up to with the world. thank you gryphen
ReplyDeleteAnon 4;32
ReplyDelete>>>Also I really hope you G will tell us who has leaked stuff ro Breitbart and others. Someone who wants the earning potential and fame themselves. I hate that some of us may have accused the wrong people. It isn't fair to them if the accusations were wrong. Plus we all (I'm sure) want
to know who would be so selfish and horrid to undermine you and others for themselves.<<<
My educated guess is that it was Jeanne over @ Mudflats. Joe probably cc'd her a copy when he was trying so hard for source confirmation. Then when the leak of BA by Joe happened, she decided to release that e-mail when she knew it would do the most damage.
Seriously! Look at the women who attended this event. Sarah, at her WORST, was better looking, and more articulate than these poor sad women. It goes back to high school - the "hot" popular girls, no matter how stupid, were the envy of the plain (but usually smarter) girls. Most of the unappreciated girls "grew up" and went on with their lives (and were pretty darned successful). Those that didn't, longed to be "Sarah, Mean Girl." These are the middle aged, oppressed by husband, given up on being someone women who support Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteThe clothing is not appropriate to the occasion. Yet another indicator of Sarah Palin's mental instability. Her puppet masters must have switched her medications in an effort to keep her on track, -fail.
ReplyDeleteSarah: "The goal for my kids is to allow as much normalcy in their lives as we possibly can."
ReplyDeleteDon't think it's her intention but Sarah can be pretty damn funny sometimes.
ReplyDeleteLet me just preempt tomorrow's post by this immature blogger who doesn't know anything about this wonderful family who spends so much time together and is at this very moment having blizzards together at the DQ after making Popsicle stick crosses to send to our allies in North, I mean South Korea.
Immature people who never met the Palins shouldn't make judgements about people they've never met because people who do that are very immature.
Trig spends a surprising amount of time with his family. In fact, he visits the Palins on a regular basis, at least once a month. You'd know that if you knew anything about this extraordinary extended family. But you don't and you're just very immature.
Trig loves to hang out with Aunt Willow and have his face shoved into cake and whatnot. He also loves hanging out with Bristol and her unicorn and rainbow friends in the magical world of Juneau.
Trig has a steel spine and he had a great time hanging out with Todd and Track. Trig doesn't wear glasses or hearing aids because the Palins prayed really hard (but not in church because they're way too busy to go). Trig's hearing and eyesight hasn't been tested in more than two years, but the fact that he doesn't complain about his sight or hearing means the Palins' prayers must have been answered. At least they don't have to keep making him wear his glasses which pretty much proves that he's cured by God.
Sarah had Trig and he's a Palin and you're immature.
Your time would be better spent curing cancer or building the perfect mousetrap instead of talking about people you don't know.
Sarah Palin just wants to settle down in her little house by the swimmin' hole and bake cookies and make five course meals for her entire family who is always around because they love each other so much.
Now that Sarah Palin isn't running for President, you just need to leave her alone and stop talking about pregnancies and babies and asking all these inconvenient questions.
Also, Bristol loves life and is blunt and sometimes she doesn't even wear makeup.
See you tomorrow, bright and early!
Such an undignified woman. She is always making such faces when she gives speeches. No grace. Awful.
ReplyDeleteM from MD
Wait. What? I'm going to have to go back and look at that... didn't she say to Mark Levin the other day (and in her written statement) that her priorities are "God, family and country" - in that order? And now it's family first??? Does she never stick to the same story?
ReplyDeleteI, too, am curious about who leaked that email to Breitbart. Will you share that info?
Looking forward to tomorrow's post and so sorry it took all of your Sunday!
Gryphen, I look forward to your post tomorrow on babygate, but please also too cover Palin screeching at the Korean knowledge forum. Hope the idiot confuses N and S Korea again.
ReplyDeleteAnd THIS blah-blah about her kids coming first AFTER Joe's book confirming that the Palin house had little or no food during the two weeks a month that Todd was on the North Slope? When $P stayed sulking in her room--a scenario confirmed by Levi, who said that while in residence if he or Bristol didn't cook, there wasn't any dinner? Incredible that $P still thinks she can revise the past...
ReplyDeleteSarah spoke to christian women who are part of the church that He built.
ReplyDeleteSarah gave her testimony to the Bride of Christ where He is worshipped, where His Spirit dwells, where those gifted are drawn together through Him.
Sarah knows christians need to have a healthy fear of God. She enters into His sanctuary(yes, His sanctuary - where two or three are gathered in His name, there will He be), stands in front of 10,000 redeemed women and tells her story. IF Sarah did tell a false story at the conference, I really really hope that's not the case.
She would know that it would be necessary for her to repent.
I can't bear listen to that voice, so I'll have to ask: Did she mention where Trig was born this time? Mat-Su? Anchorage? The Wizardin' World of Harry Potter?
ReplyDeleteI know she's been pretty flexible with that detail in the past...
JK @5:10 -- You're so crazy ; P
Anyone with half a brain knows palin doesn't give two shits about her crummy family.The only reason she didn't run is because she's incompetent and knows it.
ReplyDeleteMy prediction about the trolls in coming true. THEY HAVE NO ONE TO SUPPORT. THEY ARE ADRIFT.
ReplyDeleteWell, Lynne - one could take it as pretty good evidence that there is no god.
ReplyDeleteHey anon @ 531 - they're both inappropriate outfits. The tan cloggy things with the bad zebra jacket and either the shirt below it or the skirt itself riding up her skinny butt like a baggy balloon.
ReplyDeleteTHey, the LU outfit - all black with stripper 2" PLATFORM sandals with what look like 6" heels. A real WTF. The reason strippers and hookers can get away with wearing stuff like that is that they spend most of their workin' hours off their feet - on their backs - so I guess those shoes tell us a LOT about $carah's "work" and her work ethic.
(With apologies to all sex workers.)
Hey 5:32 - don't ever, ever, ever, put Hillary's name and the Alaskan skank's name in the same paragraph, let alone sentence.
ReplyDeleteFor one, Hillary wears her age gracefully and honestly. It's always been her brains that make her popular and earned her her offices and appointments.
And two, Hillary is 64. Judging from this recent photo, doesn't look like she's had any work done: http://guerillawomentn.blogspot.com/2011/08/ed-rendell-hillary-clinton-cant-resist.html
And still beautiful.
yeah that link in your update gryphen just shows that the "non sarahpac-related" websites are funded by sarahpac. what is the point of that "moneybomb"? to make a rich woman even more rich? she does nothing but complain. the only people who want the quitter to have more money are the people who are getting paid by her.
ReplyDeletejust like she wrote letters to the editor in favor of herself and signed other people's names to them, she has set up half these "non-related" websites to make it look like she has random people who love her so much that they're setting up websites and asking people to give her money. what a fraud.
hey sarah, why is it that your followers are so goddam stupid that they fall for these scams? doesn't it make you feel great to know that your followers are the dumbest people in the country - possibly the world?
Hitting the sauce pretty hard I bet.
ReplyDeleteShe is not having fun right now.
What's that saying: be nice to people on your way up because you'll met them on your way down. Except in Sarah's case she has made them enemies.
5:33 troll alert.
ReplyDeleteGeez, those trolls are persistent, ugly and stupid.
Anon. 6:26 - Sarah Palin appears to have a psychopathic personality--no genuine emotions, no empathy, no conscience, no regrets or need to repent. She believes it's okay to lie to get what she wants and she believes God is on her side through every devious endeavor.
ReplyDeleteThere are some angry people on here tonight. I'm wondering if they are refugees from C4P who are a tad miffed that they not only got ripped off but also, too got publicly ridiculed by their Queen?
ReplyDeleteBots! You can get your money back. Demand that SarahPAC refund your money. I'm sure she'd do it 'cause she's a Christian and she "told Todd she didn't want to string anybody along".
President Obama the most unvetted in history. You mean the man that got elected as a state senator,and then a us senator?
ReplyDeleteYou can say our president was not vetted over and over again and still it does not make it so. Moran.
"When I was the governor and I gave birth to Trig, the next day in the hospital my staff came into the hospital and brought me some legislation to sign some bills into law," said Palin.
ReplyDeletethe e-mails indicated she ordered someone to bring her something to sign so she could be paid for working that day.
She is looking worse and worse, there is no doubt. Could not bring myself to listen/watch the video. I'm sick to death of her!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fraud! Loves being a mother - my ass!! Everyone that knows her says she is a horrible one. It's documented folks.
That Willow is so talented - she can be two places at the same time, or is it three?
ReplyDeleteShe's in LA with Bristol, she's in AK with Sarah and she's in a school/institution in NY.
Bristol and Sarah need to get their talking points straitened out, real Christians who put God first ALWAYS make time for church.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure but I think I saw a brief glimpse of some "Pakleds" in
ReplyDeletethe audience there. This is what Sarah's followers remind me of...
"We look for things that make us go".
sorry Sarah - it's obvious you don't care for your family at all.
ReplyDeleteYou sent the oldest two away while they were in high school because of 'problems'.
You don't spend any time with Trig because you are traveling constantly and you really don't care about him. He's only virtually adopted, not really adopted. (just like your dad).
Willow is gone from the house too. That's pretty much common knowledge although you pretend to have conversations with her.
So that leaves Piper. Does she still sleep in your bed with you?
Unlike your win of Liar of the Year, you will never win the Mother of the Year award. Heard you were up for Scammer of the Year though....that should please you....it's a title.
This link was posted somewhere. Dana Loesch and Sarah Palin looking like two...it was Sarah that said "Polls were for strippers and cross country skiers".
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnother tease from you. What a surprise! If you don't have nothing tomorrow I'm never coming back here. You always say you have the skinny on things and you never do.
5:37 PM'
You are anonymous, idiot. how would we know if you come back or not, palin skidmark eater.
Anon at 5:33--You and your ilk are so full of shit. "Unvetted"? Obama? Were you in a coma during the 2008 campaign season? Everything but everything ugly, pretty and previously unknown about Barack Obama came out during his slugfest with Hillary Clinton. He went on countless news shows, held press conferences, was quizzed and questioned and probed without ceasing by the media. Sarah fricking Palin is the one who was never vetted! But she will be, you cretin, she will be. Just wait.
ReplyDeleteWhat a sad, inconsequential woman. The world will be a better place when the paylum just goes away.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what tomorrow brings from you, Gryph!!!
Side note - anyone else out there COMPLETELY love goldfish crackers?!?!?!?!?!?!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteYou gotta hand it to her. She looks hawt.
Yeah, like a hawt "Dog turd" not to insult dog turds over the usa,usa!
Do you remember Bailey ("Blind Allegiance")saying he went to see Palin in the hospital when she supposedly birthed the recent baby during her 'quitter' governor half term?
ReplyDeletePalin says her staff came to see her the next day to sign documents. Do we believe it? Who wants to speak up on her staff that were majority former high school classmates from Wasilla?
God, she look horrible
ReplyDelete@ 6:08, hilarious.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh.
Gryphen, Your feedjit is really busy tonight. Is everyone watching for your new post? I know I am...
ReplyDeleteSo basically all those 'fathers' out there that are involved in politics aren't as important. How about the other mothers? I do believe that Mrs. Clinton has done a fine job.
ReplyDelete>>>Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete>>>It's funny how she now describes her staff bringing her legislation to sign the morning after she "gave birth" (yeah, right) to Trig as burdensome. She usually wears it as a badge of honor.<<<
Is there a rumor her staffers were rubbing her belly and complimenting her fine flat abs in that hospital bed? Or was the other rumor that the Alaskan lamestream media that did that? The sudden loss of all that pregancy weight gain was also more proof that she's superwoman- with a normal happy family.
Sign a few bills in bed? What do we have a Light Governor for? A good thing no drugs were used that would affect Half-Term's judgment. Read the fine print before signing? You've got to be kidding. That's what the cronies are for. They write the bill, then it gets passed and signed just like the cronies ordered.
She did start running again the next day didn't she? I mean to look HOT for John and all of 'em who might be lookin' at her.
Anyway you look at it, it's a rill miracle!
And in other news, who else will be joining me at the ass crack of dawn, here at the IM?
ReplyDeleteKinda feel sorry for all the bots who still think Granny Palin is so "hawt". Ummm..she's almost 50, a grandma two or three times over. That's your idea of "hawt?" So sad for you.
ReplyDelete"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf I were a non-thinking woman, or a low-info voter, or whatever excuse that can be created, I suppose I could buy into her rhetoric of putting family first.
But if any thinking person thinks about it, why was politics more important than her family when she was mayor, governor, VP candidate, & gaming the system as a POTUS candidate? - not to mention, politics before being mayor, & politics after being governor/
4:55 PM"
She is stupid to insinuate that parents aren't parents if they have full-time jobs. You can parent a child and support them, even if you are a single parent. For someone who thinks you have to be with children 24/7 to be a real parent, she sure slops around giving speeches often enough.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHey 5:32 - don't ever, ever, ever, put Hillary's name and the Alaskan skank's name in the same paragraph, let alone sentence.
For one, Hillary wears her age gracefully and honestly. It's always been her brains that make her popular and earned her her offices and appointments.
And two, Hillary is 64. Judging from this recent photo, doesn't look like she's had any work done: http://guerillawomentn.blogspot.com/2011/08/ed-rendell-hillary-clinton-cant-resist.html
And still beautiful.
6:54 PM"
Hillary looks better than she did 20 years ago. Whatever she is doing, it looks good on her. She is not perfect, plastic, or tarty, I hope I look as good @ 64. At 64, Sarah Palin will look like a Bristol/Bride of Wildensteen/Courtney Love hybrid. She will look WILD, if she hasn't committed suicide. All she has is her looks, and she won't age without a fight, and the fight will make a mess.
Anon 5:37PM - You have some nerve
ReplyDeletebegging money for Palin here. Her piggy bank isn't a charity, &
the laws for publically soliciting
money are tricky. You might want to check them out before you try
this again.
Sharon TN
Smirnonn 7:27PM - I love the 'fish!" The cheese flavored ones especially. I've used them in meatloaf instead of saltines or bread, along with pasta sauce
ReplyDeleteinstead of tomato soup (less salt),
lots of chopped onions & garlic,
an egg & every spice in the cupboard. Soooooo good!
Sharon TN
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhy is she saying she signed bills on 4/19/08? Were there bills signed? What staff came to the hospital? Have they ever said anything? She was back to work in 2 days, what was so important?
$P alleges she did that in order to get around "claiming" maternity leave, which would indeed be fraudulent for a non-existent pregnancy, eh. By allegedly signing bills, while being "laid up" in some innocuous hospital bed, she would still be "on the clock"...so to speak.
Tick. tock. sayrah.
Note that one of the many other speakers at the World Knowledge Forum is Amy Chua, author of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother." Probably the absolute polar opposite of $P lackadaisical parenting style, in her fierce and unrelenting drive to demand the best from her daughters.
ReplyDeleteAlso the fellow who won the 2010 Nobel Prize for Economics.
A high-powered group tossing around buzzwords like "black swan" "knowledge productivity" and "transcending resource nationalism" (kinda the anti-Palin, that one).
She will be a dead fish out of water in that group.
Sarah and Todd are con artists. sarah calls the shots, Chucky said she didn't, he's wrong. I really believe Todds waiting in the wing, like all con artists when Sarah is no longer there and he gets all the money. Michael Jackson, Anna Nichole and Sarah Palin. Thats when all this will come down.Nothing good has come to the person who whores someone out as Todd did Sarah and as Sarah did Todd. . Is this the Palin Legacy
ReplyDeleteMost of us, after giving birth to a child with especially one with special needs, would be bonding with the child, spending time with the family and kids.
ReplyDeleteShe makes the birth of a baby sound like nothing.
Her gift from God was put on the back burner so she could do some 'real work'.
"Click on photo to view video"
ReplyDeleteNO THANK YOU.
@Sharon TN:
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that poster was just posting what is up at the pro-Palin website for gawking, not actually trying to solicit donations.
As a Southern Black Woman, reading this language took me straight back to my childhoold where it was common place to hear people talk like this -- both Black & White.
ReplyDeleteCheck out the article:
What Are White Supremacists Saying About Herman Cain?
Excerpt (without statements; visit webpage)
We know that Herman Cain is a human racism shield for Conservatives. As a black Conservative that is his designated role to play.
On their message boards and websites, Conservatives deploy many a racist defense for their man Herb Cain whenever he is attacked: Cain is a “good one”; He doesn’t play the race card like the other blacks; Cain is off the Democrat plantation; He believes in hard work and never benefited from handouts or affirmative action. In all, these are projections which just reinforce the bigotry that lies at the heart of contemporary Conservatism. They are also projections of the White (Conservative) Soul and its racial id.
I judge a man by the company he keeps and by those who defend them when under attack and criticism. Cain lays with and curries the favor of white folks who don’t have much love for black people. It is a strategic choice. It also pays well. But what of those whites who are open with their disdain for people of color? If the polite racists have to find ways to justify their racial animosity and channel it through Herman Cain to find some absolution and cover, what of unapologetic racists who don’t excuse make?
I get dirty so that you won’t have to. Here are some comments from “Stormfront” and the site “Niggermania” regarding Tea Party GOP front runner Herman Cain.
There are some eerie resonances here folks (check out “comment 16″ for example) with what is common speak in the Right-wing echo chamber, this is the symbolic racism and white racial resentment of the Tea Party GOP totally unfettered:
Who the hell is stupid enough to keep sending the bitch $$$???
ReplyDeleteThe Palinbots prove how stupid they are every day. Obama was the most " un vetted" President in history??? LMAO
ReplyDeleteThat is hysterical and shows your ignorance on so many levels. Presidential candidates don't go through a vetting process like VPs do. There is no such thing. And when you repeat stupid Sarahs comments, you show the world even more how uneducated she and her foisted are about American government. The president is vetted by the public and the press and NO president in history has been as thoroughly investigated and examined than President Obama. That is fact. Sarah might want to study what typically occurs in the vetting of a VP candidate, since she was not vetted.
And you dear troll might need to go back to school and learn about our history and government. No president in modern times has been treated as disrespectfully by fellow politicians as President Obama has either.
The person who is hawking money for Sarah is also a complete dunce. It's amazing how her fan cult don't even understand socialism, Marxism or democracy. Every time Sarah opens her mouth she sounds like the low class, uneducated, AIP and John Birch society member that she is. Than her lemmings repeat what she say only reinforcing that they truly are low info voters (and more!).
Anon 6:26: ok I am ignorant. WHO is the bride of Christ? Can you explain ?
ReplyDeleteAlso, in all due respect, I don't think Sarah cares about repenting. She often tells false stories. I do believe the one she told at this event is a whopper. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
@5:33 unvetted in what way? Seriously? Projecting much?
ReplyDelete"The goal for my kids is to allow as much normalcy in their lives as we possibly can," said Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin considers this NORMALCY:
1) Having your uneducated underage daughter get pregnant on a hard cold dirt and rock ground in a canvas tent surrounded by friends.
2) Having your uneducated underage high school drop out daughter as the leader of a gang that got caught breaking and entering and is now wandering the streets of Los Angeles.
3) Having your uneducated high school drop out son cut the brake lines of school buses and endangering the lives of many Alaskan children.
4) Having your uneducated daughter missed more school days than anybody in the history of Alaskan children.
If that was the goal for Sarah's kids and she considers that normalcy in their lives, then I hate to see what Sarah considers not normal.
Not normal is having a husband peeping at women's nipples through hidden peep holes and paying for sex with prostitutes.
Not normal is having a mentally ill retarded mom pulling the biggest money heist by a woman in the U.S. without a gun.
Wow - she looks like shit.
ReplyDeleteYou know that old saying about how if you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas?
ReplyDeleteWell, Sarah Palin is what you get when you lie down with fleas.
jk @ 5:10 PM
jk, I rarely in my life have literally spit out a beverage on my keyboard. That one did it for me. I've spouted that "get up with fleas" thing at my kids for years, ever since I was in a production of Fiddler on the Roof. But now I can see it through to its logical conclusion. Thank you!
Fathers are very important in rearing children, as well as "moms", yet I have never heard a man stand up and whine "dad" first. With this nit we all know she is telling more lies. Damage control to distract from The Rogue, by McGinniss, telling what a sorry "mom" she is, has been, and will always be.
ReplyDeleteDoes this story sound familiar:
ReplyDeleteReality Show Star Faked Being Lost at Sea
Bethenny Frankel's dramatic tale of being lost at sea for 21 hours doesn't hold water.
The man who "rescued" the reality star and her husband last month after their boat supposedly broke down near Nantucket now says it was all scripted for her Bravo show, "Bethenny Ever After."
Tim Russell told Jewish Journal that he was called to their boat by Frankel's therapist -- the vessel's captain -- at 5 a.m. to come and tow them back to shore because they had broken down. Before Russell, the therapist had called the Coast Guard, but they refused help because the boat was not in danger.
Sure enough, when Russell, a 40-year vet on the water, checked their coordinates (which were read to him off the boat's GPS, even though Frankel later claimed it had broken), he also realized the watercraft was fully functioning.
Still, Frankel's therapist -- a sailor with 30 years of experience -- insisted Russell come get them, which he found extremely odd.
Once he arrived, Russell noticed it was a party of nine: Frankel, her husband Jason Hoppy, the therapist and six Bravo crew members filming it all.
Hmmmmmm, sounds kind of like a recent incident involving b palin, doesn't it ?!?
""When I was the governor and I gave birth to Trig, the next day in the hospital my staff came into the hospital and brought me some legislation to sign some bills into law," said Palin."
So is Palin saying that her Juneau Governor's office staff came (flew?) to Wasilla to get her to sign legislation? Really? Is this usual practise? Was it that urgent?
ReplyDeleteNo, YOU, are more immature. Like when I saw you at Appleby's and you were like totally immature. I'm Bristol's BFF. Altho I haven't met her for real, she said so on FB.
Ms Grifter $Paylin has always been about fame, money, and power.
ReplyDeleteI suppose somewhere in the conflated mix of her brain salad is some religious notion of God or religious deeds of glory.
You remember what Wally Hickel said about her once she got into Governor's office? He said "Sarah is all about Sarah"
Fawning at the feet of Ivana Trump
because that tawdry tramp had fame, fortune, and better perfume than Sarah ever had.
Since she lost the beauty contest,
she's always wanted to be number 1.
Well guess what, you obvious troll, she was DEFEATED for VP, and she will never get the Repub nomination now.
She actually caused her own downfall by her mental condition, her tabloid exploits, the affairs,
and her out of control kids whom SHE PUSHED into the limelight.
She is, and always was incapable of doing the hard work of studying up, sticking with the job, learning policy, and building credibility as a politician.
The proof of that is the emails she sent to Bailey saying how much she hated the Governor's job, and how much she hoped she'd win the VP job so she could "get out of that place"
McCain was lucky as hell NOT to win, and end up with a narcicisstic deranged scorpion from hell as his VP, running rogue around the country mouthing off, and producing scandal after crisis after pregnant teen daughter.
She's a horrific mess of a human being at this point.
I feel sorry for $arah, in spite of her wanting to impose
her christian taliban on every US citizen.
$arah Paylin is now like a caged beast, who knows she can't ever get out, but will make every day a living hell for those like Todd, who must care for her, and feed her, and endure her ravings, her emotional abuse, and the lunacy of her mood swings.
April 19, 2008, was a Saturday. Whatever she alleges to have signed could have waited until Monday.
ReplyDeleteOh no, you suggested she does not look well again!.
ReplyDeletePrepare yourselves for another running photo/story. Maybe this time she'll do a complete marathon in under 3 hours and have the finish line pictures to prove it.
Hopefully, this time the spray-on sweat will be done by a professional.
Remember Sarah, under the arms, not the top of the shoulders!!!
ReplyDeleteTrygve means "brave victory" or "trustworthy" in old Norse.
Tri-G means Trisomy G or Down Syndrome.
Sarah, please make a statement regarding this appalling naming gaffe. Those of us who REALLY care for these people are STILL waiting.
@ 5:37 PM: Another tease from you. What a surprise! If you don't have nothing tomorrow I'm never coming back here. You always say you have the skinny on things and you never do.
ReplyDeletePlease don't come back then. You have nothing to offer.
Your sense of entitlement is annoying.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBristol told Christianity Today that her mom is just too busy for church.
5:45 PM
This is typical narcissistic family behavior. My NPD mother who is a cancer survivor but treatment related cripple will not go to church because of the germs", but casinos and malls are A-OK. These people hink they are too good for god. Matters not to me other than the hypocrisy. I think religion is a crazy crutch.
Sarah, if you're reading this, you looked great!
ReplyDeleteHey Gryphen, would it be possible to show the picture of her with her tight, tight skirt and 5-6 inch platform shoes?
ReplyDeletePretty please?
I may have gotten that outfit mixed up with the one she wore to the second speech (was out of town, so I didn't know which outfit went with which speech) but it was extremely inappropriate for any occasion unless it was a hooker convention.
I've been horrified by this woman many times, and she continues to lower the bar. She did it AGAIN with this outfit!!
And obviously some people haven't seen the pictures, based on comments that her skirt was below the knee. The butt hugger skirt would have raised eyebrows if someone wore it at my workplace, let alone a Christian speech.
Thanks! Love you and all that you do!
Family first? Sarah Palin has NEVER put her family first, and I can use her own accounts of her life as proof. First, when she was pregnant with a medically delicate child she supposedly flew while leaking amniotic fluid, and then gave a speech in Texas while leaking and in labor. Then while in labor and leaking she flew back to Alaska, bypassing better equipped hospitals to give birth at a small local one. She also says she conducted business either while in the hospital when she gave birth or the day after. Then she also states that she went back to work 3 days after giving birth to a medically delicate child. She was told this child needs hearing aids and glasses, yet he was never pictured with them. Her other children are also proof that she was never the parent she presented to the world. Oldest son got in trouble with the law and forced into the military. Oldest daughter pregnant at least once, and was well know (according to what she posted on her myspace account) for drinking and parties. Other daughter involved in underage drinking and breaking into a house. Sarah's youngest daughter is not in school. When has she ever put her family first???
ReplyDeleteWait -- she's implying, now, that you can't be a mother and have a job? Hello? Wasn't her whole thing in 2008 that she was so super butchy and terrific because she was a governor AND a mom? Nee ner Nee ner. Lie alarm...
ReplyDeleteAlso, re: Sarah @ 64...By then, she'll probably be a GREATgrandmother...and not one of her kids will have stepped on a college campus for more than to ask directions to the nearest frat party. Meanwhile, Chelsea is getting a doctorate from Oxford and working full-time at a major corporation...Gee, I wonder who's the more successful parent?
Over at c4p, they are begging god to change his mind. Are these people actually humans? Pathetic. There is one young African-American girl I feel sorry for. She is letting these unscrupulous people lead her astray.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should take up a collection for therapy for the Korean translators who will get stuck translating for her. They might face a firing squad!! Nobody will believe the real speech, and the translator will be accused of sending hidden messages to N. Korea. The educated people in the group will be shocked that THIS is what passes for American intelligence. Then they will laugh, finally understanding why the US is falling so far so fast, when lamebrains like Palin almost make it into top office.
ReplyDeleteSo is Palin saying that her Juneau Governor's office staff came (flew?) to Wasilla to get her to sign legislation? Really? Is this usual practise? Was it that urgent?
ReplyDelete2:04 AM
AND they did it on a weekend. overtime!!!
RAM should write a tell all, then retire to a tropical island to enjoy all the money.
ReplyDeleteLiberty Univ had a "Flava of the month" on one side of campus and an old stale cracker on the other side.
ReplyDeleteI was away for the weekend and haven't had a chance to catch up on everything, so if this is old news, I apologize.
ReplyDeleteJohn Ziegler who directed/produced Media Malpractice, about the 2008 election, posted an interesting open email to Sarah on his website.
I like the cymbals in the background. Remember 1 Cor 13? If I speak in the tongues of men and angels (or word salad) but have not love, I am like a clanging gong or a crashing cymbal?
ReplyDeleteHA! she is thinking of her family? What a cop out. she uses the excuse every crook politician uses when caught doing wrong.
ReplyDeleteBesides she used her family throughout her "political career," they were ALWAYS with her although it was highly inappropriate, cronyism and shows her shallowness, uneducated hick life.
Good riddance, ya old stupid wannabe daughter crook.
It blows my mind that any of her "god-fearing" followers give her a pass on the "too busy to go to church" thing.
ReplyDeleteAlso, too, all of Bristol's christian fans. They try to convince their daughters not to have sex based on the word of a girl who had lots of sex, got pregnant, and is too busy to go to church. What a great role model she is.
By the way, is it just me or does Sarah Palin kind of avoid Jesus and just talks about God most of the time. I thought evangelicals had a real love for Jesus. The one's I've come in contact with seem to spout his name left and right.
' She was told this child needs hearing aids and glasses, yet he was never pictured with them."
ReplyDeleteThere are pics of trig wearing glasses and hearing aid. Its that there are a lot more pictures of him not wearing his aids.
' AlabamaPantySniffer said...
ReplyDeleteSarah, if you're reading this, you looked great!
3:26 AM'
Stop lying and send her some more cash, she hasn't furnish her mansions yet.
she looks like a 80s slut. and she looks like she isn't well groom, pu.
StellaGuadalupe...Never, ever, EVER give such power to that Non-woman, Scarah "Somebody Take This Fucking Baby" Palin. NO ONE should be able to take away that chersished and honorable "title" from you or your mother.
ReplyDeleteHow DARE she sit there touting what an awesome mother she is. Her children are pawns STILL. Her kids know the truth, that's for sure. Even if they are brainwashed and frightened as hell of loosing her "love".
Anyone else remember when Sarah BRAGGED about how quickly she was able to get back to work after giving birth to Piper and Trig? She was such the SUPERWOMAN!!! Now she's cryin' about those mean staffers forcing her to work from her hospital bed? We know DAMN well her staffers would NEVER set foot in there unless volatile and moody Mama Tranny invited them in.
If McCain had won, I guarantee they would have placed "their person" in the Speaker of the House position (3rd in line to the Presidency) as soon as they could, and sarah would have mysteriously met her demise.
ReplyDeleteAs has been written, if McCain had won, there was no way sarah was going to be sworn in as VP.
Hey Granny Grifter, in your speech you said
ReplyDelete"Now Obama doesn't pay any attention to some little ol' hockey mom from Wasilla"
Damn right!
And that's your real problem isn't it $arah?
He doesn't know you exist, he doesn't buy into your "Look at me" syndrome.
And Obama doesn't care what you say, or what you believe.
Know why? Because he's doing the job as President, and you were DEFEATED!
And you are a 3 time quitter:
Quit as Oil & Gas Commissionor
QUit as Governor
QUit as candidate after deciding in June not to run, but stringing along your sycophants for 3 extra months.
So sit down and shut up $arah!.
Bristol and Willow, you can look up the big word there, since your Mom never encouraged you to go to college, study hard, or stay in school (sycophant)
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI was away for the weekend and haven't had a chance to catch up on everything, so if this is old news, I apologize.
John Ziegler who directed/produced Media Malpractice, about the 2008 election, posted an interesting open email to Sarah on his website.
6:02 AM
Wow! Nothing "sadder" than when you fall out of love. Looks like fomer #1 Palinbot Ziegler has FINALLY realized the girl of his dreams is just a lying, greedy, ignorant cheater. Sucks to be him.
I am halfway through reading Joe McGinniss' book - a GREAT read, even if I am late getting to it. And one of the things that really stands out is what a TERRIBLE mother Sarah is.
ReplyDeleteAnd one of the things that really stuck with me, from a NAMED source, Jim Whitaker, a Republican former mayor of Fairbanks, was his story of Sarah's speech at Track's deployment ceremony. "I have never seen such a detached and self-absorbed speech to deploying soldiers. Her lack of emotional involvement was scary. Her speech was all about her. Then, at the end, it was suddenly, 'Go! Fight! Win!' That was the moment I lost the last of my faith in Sarah Palin."
The day Track was born was the best day in her life? Bullshit. She doesn't give a damn about him.
No lightening strike! Just more proof that god doesn't exist or just couldn't give a crap.
ReplyDeleteAJ Billings said...
ReplyDeleteHey Granny Grifter, in your speech you said
"Now Obama doesn't pay any attention to some little ol' hockey mom from Wasilla"
Damn right!
And that's your real problem isn't it $arah?
He doesn't know you exist, he doesn't buy into your "Look at me" syndrome.
And Obama doesn't care what you say, or what you believe.......
6:42 AM
"Now Obama doesn't pay any attention to some little ol' hockey mom from Wasilla"
No bitch...... not every black man wants to screw the looser beauty pageant whore.
Todd might be interested Glen Rice's sloppy seconds, but Obama isn't.
Sarah, when are your going to set up your next PAC...the NBAGroupiePAC?
ReplyDeleteTell the truth, the reason you decided not to run was because Glen Rice wouldn't endorse you or play horse with your again.
McGinniss book now #690 on Amazon.
ReplyDeleteHere is what 1/2 Gov Palin signed on April 14, 2008
ReplyDeleteApparently there was an event scheduled where they were expecting the bill to be signed.
First some info from Legislature's archives that I collected, then part of story from Boston Herald
25th Alaska Legislature (2007-2008) Archives
Senate Bill 149 Sponsored by Sen. Terriault (and others)
TITLE: "An Act relating to redistribution of used eyeglasses and to the Board of Dispensing Opticians."
Signed into law 04/19/08
From Bill History:
05/30/08 2975 (S)SIGNED INTO LAW 4/19 CHAPTER 19 SLA 08
From Boston Herald
…..Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow would not elaborate on the special challenges. She said the governor would talk with reporters early next week.
The governor went into labor Thursday while in Texas at an energy conference. Her contractions let up enough for her to fly home on Alaska Airlines to deliver her baby in Alaska, Leighow said.
The name Trig is a Norse word meaning "true" and "brave victory," Leighow said. Paxson is an area of Alaska that both Palin and her husband, Todd, feel is "one of the most beautiful spots in Alaska," she added.
Palin earlier joked about naming the baby Van Palin after the ’80s rock group Van Halen.
The governor was scheduled to sign a bill on Saturday at the Lions Convention in Anchorage allowing for the redistribution of used eyeglasses. Palin will sign the bill without attending the event, she said.
"Until yesterday we were planning bill signings, and then the governor gives birth," Leighow said. "I think it caught everyone off guard."