Friday, October 07, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell takes a well deserved victory lap to celebrate that he was the ONLY serious MSM pundit who always knew that Sarah Palin was NEVER going to run in 2012.

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I took a break to clean our palate with the delightful Gabby Giffords, but I would be remiss to not include O'Donnell's gleeful spiking of the ball at the news that Palin is not running for president.

Besides he actually has Schmidt on to join him in his celebration. How could I NOT post that!

Let's face it O'Donnell has a pretty good track record at predicting who is truly running and who is pulling our chain. Though to be fair he did once believe that Pawlenty could take the nomination at one point.

But hey, nobody's perfect!


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Imus "Like[s]" Tyson's Comments About Palin

  2. Anonymous4:04 PM

    By the way, if Miss Quitty Pants thinks a title isn't necessary to help America, why does she insist on being called GOVERNOR Palin?


  3. grammy974:04 PM

    Giant nest of weasels! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha

  4. Anonymous4:07 PM

    He always calls them right. Remember Trump?

  5. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Non-candidate Palin speaking in St. Charles tonight

    She's not running for president, but Sarah Palin is still out trying to fire up potential voters.

    The former vice presidential nominee is speaking tonight at a paid event with Glenn Beck at the Family Arena.

    Tickets for their appearance, which is called "Defending the Republic" are selling for $20 to $97.

    Earlier this week, Palin announced she would not run for president in 2012.She said she still planned to play a role in national politics.

  6. jadez4:18 PM

    and i will take a victory lap too.

    when palin was put on the ticket by mccain, i predicted she would crash and burn the ticket even when the polls had them in the lead.

    i was also the first to predict over a year ago she would never run for president.

    and..i was the first to predict nearly 3 months ago that fox would bounce her off the air first chance they can.
    of course we will see on that one but lots of people think so now.

    stay tuned!

  7. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I've been trying very hard to forget That Woman and the Idiot are in St Louis tonight. grrrr...

    But that "open letter" from a previously rabid bot has made it much easier to bear. (google is our friend... just sayin)

  8. Anonymous4:44 PM


    I too am really looking forward to seeing her get canned by Fox.

  9. I loved the look of jubilation on Lawrence's face as he gave his commentary. It made me smile too.

  10. I love the look on some of LO's guests' faces when he insisted she wouldn't run.

    What I want to know is why isn't the Wallace/Schmidt revelation that they had a mentally ill candidate on the ticket getting more exposure and discussion?

    I may be seriously overreacting but it sounds to me like something worthy of a congressional investigation. How did it happen? How can we keep it from happening again? How bizarre that the media and political pundits has elevated this unbalanced person for the last three years as someone who could run for the presidency and who should have any part in the national dialogue.

    And for those who poo-poo babygate...doesn't knowing that Palin is mentally ill...someone with observed 'troubling behavior that caused the McCain campaign to question whether they could allow her to be sworn in if they won make...doesn't that make it easier to accept that she might fake a pregnancy?

  11. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Giving up watching Boise State/Fresno State to go watch "Sarah Palin: You Betcha!" tonight. I'll post a review later.

  12. Anonymous5:03 PM

    curiouser said...

    What I want to know come Steve has a job on the same network NOW. He help raise Palin to the level we all saw her these past years.
    In fact, he's as GUILTY AS PALIN.

  13. Anonymous5:11 PM

    LOD was right about Donald Trump and he was right about Palin. Palin may think she can influence people but I hate to tell her that the only people she'll sway are her bots. She's got the stupidest base ever and anyone with an ounce of intelligence know what a self-centered grifter she really is.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Another horrid photo of her...this one especially looks as though surgery was done on her face. She's as ugly inside as she is out!!

  15. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Thanks to Alaska WTF:

    "Nicolle Wallace, ... bit of information dropped into a recent Time interview:

    “There certainly were discussions — not for long because of the arc the campaign took — but certainly there were discussions about whether, if they were to win, it would be appropriate for her to be sworn in.”

    So this will be in Time magazine? The MSM couldn't get out of their own way gushing over all things Palin but it seems that we're going to finally hear how they really felt about her now. It's about time! Fertile ground for exposes. You might need to get a one of those "phone answerers" like Sarah has.

    Speaking of which, I wonder how that new job, political advisor, is going for her. Anyone hiring her better not expect much for their money except a lot of work-place demands. She'll be funneling off $ from other campaigns, just you watch.

  16. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Giving up on Boise State not cool. It will be interesting to see if Sarah's upcoming speeches are covered by anyone but the CNN Ticker and Politico - she is becoming a has-been.

  17. Anonymous6:41 PM

    I predict Sarah will start her own cult, get her followers to donate all their worldly goods to her, and they will all drink Kool-aid in preparation for boarding their comet-spaceship on Dec 21, 2012.

  18. Anonymous6:44 PM

    According to St. Louis Patch who is live blogging the "event" with Sarah and Rush tonight...the venue was not more than half-full....did not come even CLOSE to selling out.
    They blogged the Quitter's comments and it was all the same.."Patriots/Obama is bad/blah blah blah".....same old drivel.

    It is funny how she always says the exact same thing and her followers desperately try to glean something new out of it.

  19. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Larry deserves a victory lap, so glad to see him getting his mojo back so soon after losing his mother.

  20. Anonymous6:57 PM

    MSNBC is great. I wish Keith were still there, as we don't get Current. But LO called this one correctly, and I predict that the GOP is so busy trying to appease whoever the TP is, that they will forget that you cannot be FAR right to win anything. The far right may be vocal and carry guns, but they are not the majority in this country.

  21. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Pic of the crowd at the Beck/Palin event tonight.


  22. Anonymous7:40 PM

    The rise and fall of Sarah Palin: A video timeline

    ...By the time Palin certified that she wouldn’t be running in 2012, a poll showed that three-fourths of Republicans didn’t want her in the field. It was a shocking figure, given not only Palin’s profile, but also the persistent dissatisfaction conservatives have had with the current crop of candidates. There had always been a gap between Palin’s media-driven fame and her potential political fortunes, but by the time of her low-key announcement on a conservative radio show, it had widened into a chasm.

    Undeniably, a presidential bid had always carried with it its own set of challenges. Even when her political stock was at its zenith, in late 2008, she was viewed by large swaths of Americans as unqualified for high office. And when she resigned as Alaska’s governor in the midst of her first term in 2009, those doubts intensified.

    From there, there were high points—her evolving persona as a vanguard of the tea party movement, the role she played in the 2010 midterm elections, the success of her books—and low points, her retreat into social media for long stretches, best exemplified by her “blood libel” response to the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, an attention-grabbing and disruptive summer bus tour that seemed to lack a purpose, and the way her life (sometimes through no fault of her own) resembled a reality TV show, on screen and off.

    The cumulative effect of all seemed to damage her in the eyes of all but her most fervent admirers. Where did it all go wrong and how did it unfold? Here’s a look back at some signature moments from Palin’s recent fortunes:,0,2341008.story

  23. Anonymous7:47 PM

    OMG - check out Sarah tonight in St Charles. She looks horrendous. LOL

  24. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I loved watching TV last night! So many take downs of Sarah. I recorded LOD, Jon and Colbert's shows so I was able to watch them again and again...

    I was over at Laura's blog and saw this pic of Todd holding a baby that may be Ruffles. What do you guys think?


  25. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Dear Sarah,

    Your followers aren't gonna be putting money in your cofers too much longer. Yeah, they may come to see your porn show, and hear you spout hatred and thinly veiled racism, but.......after a while, they ain't gonna give you shit. ANYBODY can spout hate....soooooo better get used to riding coach....


  26. Anonymous8:10 PM

    anon @ 6:41

    It may not be a cult, but the pee'ers for the most part have snapped out of their depression and some are trying to get a ground swell going to make their queen run. They are working hard to make her a martyr for being threatened out of running and thereby saving America. Anyone who calls a former politician "Our Sarah" is as sick as she is.

  27. hedgewytch8:16 PM

    I just got my copy of the Rogue today. I'm already on page 92 and I'm fuming mad. Makes me want to go over to Todd and Sarah's and slap them silly. How dare they behave that way! And how could so many people have been so intimidated by them?! Blindly fooled by them! Just think what might have happened if everyone had banded together and said NO to her?

    To those people who braved Palin's wrath and helped out Joe, you are TRUE Alaskans and good people. Bless you for the support you gave Joe when he really needed to know that Wasilla hadn't completely gone to the dark side.

    And I can't help but think that karma has just started kicking in for Sarah and Todd. They are going to get there just deserts and its not gonna be pretty. One way or another. I don't think they're bullying, threats and un-Christian attitudes are going to be tolerated any more.

    Wasilla has been embarrassed if not in the rest of the world's eyes, at the least the Nation's. While there are still some entrenched supporters still in place, overall, Wasilla has had enough and most of the folks who live there will actively work to reduce the Palin's influence and repair their reputation (not that it had much in the first place, but still...)

    BTW, I'm in Wasilla about 1 a month as my Mother lives there. I have a Scott McAdams sticker on my car's bumper. I've never ONCE had anyone bother me because of it.

    The Palin's are complete shits.

  28. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Someone posted a link to a picture from tonight's St. Charles appearance, commenting Sarah looks awful...she does. There were only 2 comments when I looked, and I love them. Check it out:

  29. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Herman Cain will get 1% in the next poll, because he speaks for the 1%.

    If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself.

  30. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Boy, I would have been really upset to spend money to go see Glenn and Sarah (sigh) and then only see the top of Sarah's head/wig as she read her notes on the lectern. What a bummer!

  31. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Lawrence is my new media hero, along with Jon Stewart. They don't bullshit, they just tell it like it is.

  32. Anonymous8:34 PM


    Previously, I had not noticed the baby's - Trig's - left ear in that photo but the ear is ruffled or wrinkled... NOT smooth.

  33. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Puffy Palin

  34. Man, she OD'd on Botox. Wonder if she was even able to speak. And that hair. Phew. If that's a wig, she needs to get a refund. It is fried. Just like Sarah. I see she's wearing her I Ate-a Blacka Key. Hah.

  35. Word was out before that the McCain staff had a dilemma due to realizing she knew little including how to dress professionally.

    They put a barricade between Palin and the press. The McCain camp ran with the stategy and battle cry talking points of "they are attacking poor Sarah's family!". Play RNC tapes amd hear the same talking points regurgitated. They electrified the mask of Palin and she rose like the bride of Frankenstein with better stylists and hairdressers.

    They wanted to win back power willing to pass off a master con artist, liar and fraud for she "fired up the base" cocealing she was not right in behavior, woefully incompetent, umqualified and did not want to learn.

    She had melt down told to knuckle down.

  36. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Utterly delightful. Thanks, Gryphen !
    I may have enjoyed this as much as any commentary this week.

    SunnyVee :)

  37. AJ Billings9:45 PM

    LOD really tells it like it is.

    And speaking of which,
    check out this amazingly frank and bitterly regretful smack down that Ziegler wrote to $arah's personal email address:

    "If the Republican ends up winning you will no longer have a purpose at all (unless you go really rogue and decide to be the chief conservative critic of the new president) and 2016 is obviously not an option, especially with no way to significantly enhance your resume. If they lose, by the time 2016 comes around a whole new wave of Republican superstars will be ready to take the plunge and you will have already shown yourself to be afraid of getting in the water even when people were still begging you to get in. By 2020 your name will be almost as remote as Dan Quayle’s and you will have been out of office for almost five times as long as you held it."

    That is some mandation from a former friend that's wee-wee'd up aint it? Golly gee, you betcha!

  38. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I was over at Laura's blog and saw this pic of Todd holding a baby that may be Ruffles. What do you guys think?

    I have never seen that photo before. If it is Ruffles, it's nice to know he looks so healthy!
    It says under the photo it's from the the campaign. But the place looks like a RV or maybe a basement? Anyone remember seeing this photo?

  39. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Just read McGinniss' newest blog entry "In defense of strong women" In it he said John Bitney told him in a recorded interview "that one of her first actions was to order the firing of almost two dozen people of color from low and mid-level state jobs because the presence of so many dark faces in state office buildings made her “uncomfortable.”

    And "“A lot who were dark-skinned lost jobs to make way for white guys. Her chief of staff, Mike Tibbles, came in one day and said, ‘They’re all fired. That’s what she wants.’ I was like, ‘All of them?’ He said yes, all the dark-skinned people had to go.”

    If I was a brown skinned person who was fired when Sarah Palin took office, I'd be suing the Permanent Fund out of Alaska, and Sarah Palin, and Mike Tibbles. This is obvious discrimination based on race.


  40. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Good God. Was she wearing a bathrobe in
    St. Louis?

  41. Erlene10:48 PM

    Um, Granny? You really need to stop wearing those cheap-ass wigs.

    You tried to conceal the wig by pulling your real bangs out and shifting the wig a bit farther back, but the transition between your real hair and the "It's 1975 and you are about to make your debut on The Grand Ole Opry" wig is painfully obvious.

    Seriously, crack open your wallet and go see a high-end custom wig maker.

  42. Anonymous10:49 PM

    a must read:

  43. Anonymous11:10 PM

    Someone posted a link to a picture from tonight's St. Charles appearance, commenting Sarah looks awful...she does. There were only 2 comments when I looked, and I love them.

    Her hair looks thin, dry, like straw... lifeless from being continually colored? Chemically stressed out crap. Or a wig. Either way it looks very unnatural. It's teased to high hell in the back (check it out!) cover what?

  44. Anonymous2:02 AM

    SAying something will happen, and having it come true is not the same thing as accurately predicting that something will happen.

    I generally like Lawrence O'Donnell.

    There is no way to predict the behavior of a mentally unstable person using logic.

    I give LOD credit for a lot of stuff, but not for predicting this. OTOH, if he continues a string of difficult predictions I might change my mind.

  45. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Jadez, I always enjoy your comments. Thanks.

  46. What Goes Around5:50 AM

    Anonymous said..."Pic of the crowd at the Beck/Palin event tonight.


    OMFG!!!!!-----HILARIOUS is more like it. How far and fast Esther's Quitter star has fallen.

    We have bigger audiences than that at public high school graduations in this city.

    FAIL x 1000

  47. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hedgewytch, I had to put down "The Rogue" at page 28, I was so angry and upset. Pat O'Hara - "I lived in a constant state of fear. The police would not protect me. It was the school janitor who would walk with me through the gauntlet of threats and hate to make sure we got to our cars safely."

  48. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    By the way, if Miss Quitty Pants thinks a title isn't necessary to help America, why does she insist on being called GOVERNOR Palin?
    4:04 PM
    Rick, she knows she would never be elected president, so she has to try to put herself as equal to the POTUS, which is ridiculous.
    She is an idiot for insinuating she could ever wield the same power as the POTUS. The presidency is not just a title, it is a position of power, world power.


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