Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Sarah Palin declares she will NOT run for President! Update!

Courtesy of the New York Times:

Ms. Palin, the former governor of Alaska, ended her inscrutable cat-and-mouse game with the political establishment on Wednesday by saying that she would not join the field of Republican candidates seeking her party’s nomination, but would still work to oust President Obama. 

“Not being a candidate, you are unshackled and able to be even more active,” she said on “the Mark Levin show. “I look forward to using all the tools at my disposal to get the right people in there who have a servant’s heart.” 

Speaking on the afternoon radio show, Ms. Palin said that she intended to continue waging a “mission to help wake up America to what’s going on in this country.” “I can be more effective and more aggressive in this mission” without being a candidate, she said. 

“I need to be able to say what I want to say,” she added, and to “call out the wrong-headedness of our leaders who are leading us down this path. Let us unite to restore this country.” 

In an e-mail she sent to her supporters, Ms. Palin said she had decided not to run out of respect for her family and the impact that a campaign would have on them. 

Well there you go! Palin has finally packed up her circus tent, fired her clowns, and released the winged monkeys back into the wild.

If you listen closely you will hear the beautiful sound that lets you know the fat lady has finally burst into song. And what a joyful song it is!

We ALL knew she wasn't running, now she has finally made it official, and the longest political prick tease in American history is now over!

Here is the letter to her supporters:

October 5, 2011 

Wasilla, Alaska 

After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order. 

My decision is based upon a review of what common sense Conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office – from the nation’s governors to Congressional seats and the Presidency. We need to continue to actively and aggressively help those who will stop the “fundamental transformation” of our nation and instead seek the restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law. 

From the bottom of my heart I thank those who have supported me and defended my record throughout the years, and encouraged me to run for President. Know that by working together we can bring this country back – and as I’ve always said, one doesn’t need a title to help do it. 

I will continue driving the discussion for freedom and free markets, including in the race for President where our candidates must embrace immediate action toward energy independence through domestic resource developments of conventional energy sources, along with renewables. We must reduce tax burdens and onerous regulations that kill American industry, and our candidates must always push to minimize government to strengthen the economy and allow the private sector to create jobs. 

Those will be our priorities so Americans can be confident that a smaller, smarter government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people can better serve this most exceptional nation. In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House. Thank you again for all your support. Let’s unite to restore this country! 

God bless America. – Sarah Palin

So just like we predicted, she used her family as the excuse not to run while pretending that it has NOTHING to do with the fact that she realized all along she could not face the national press, or hold her own in a GOP debate.

Sorry Sarah, you might still be able to fool the paint chip eaters, but WE have had your number from day one.

Update: the mental breakdown is already happening at the Sea O'Pee, From the comments section:

I'm depressed. Extremely depressed. Obama is still sitting in the White House. The GOP field is full of RINOs and fake conservatives. Foxnews is now sounding more liberal than CNN. Sarah was our only hope. Sarah, will you please change your mind or is this some kind of misdirection? 

Am I the only one to see the genius in her announcement to run? Today, she claims she won't run. All the lame stream media prints this as fact. Seriously, go to MSNBCommie and CommieNN. They are forced to print this lie. Now, come Friday, when Sarah announces her run, she will call out the lame stream media on their lies and false headlines! GENIUS. I love you Sarah! 

Does she get to keep all the money we sent her and spend it on herself or now that she isn't running will she refund all of our money?

No you poor little Palin-bot, you do NOT get your money back.

Right now they are in the denial phase, but soon it will sink in and the bottom will drop out of their pathetic little world.

I don't think this is going to end well.

Update 2: Okay I took another dip and got a few more. (BTW I am finding them on this thread.)

Sarah has a little boy with Down Syndrome and Piper to raise. She probably made the smart decision for her family considering what the Left is capable of. Joe McGinniss was just a preview of coming attractions. I was just hoping that she would be able to overcome all of that somehow and still be able to protect her children. I am ashamed of America for its treatment of this wonderful leader. 

I guess it is time to close this website. 

Close it for 2 days? Why? She's announcing her run on FRIDAY! Word is that the convention center in Des Moines has been booked for her for 8AM on Friday. This will hit the morning shows, and blast her into the stratosphere. And into the White House.

Okay that's it.  I cannot go back there for awhile. I am actually beginning to feel sorry for the little dipshits.

Update 3: Here is the video of Palin's remarks on the Mark Levin show.

Do you think we should send it over to the Sea O' Pee so they can finally accept that it really happened?

Update 4: Unbelievably this vile woman is STILL trying to squeeze money out of her heartbroken supporters. She just tweeted a link to this video:

If they are still stupid enough to give her their hard earned money after she callously strung them along for two full years, then they have NOBODY to blame but themselves. And of course their parents for doing such a poor job of home schooling them.


  1. C4P is fun right now -- ah, the wounded feelings!

  2. Anonymous2:53 PM

    A statement from God: “Leave me out of it, freak.”

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    -Sarah "The Quitter" Palin

  4. Anonymous2:55 PM

    -Sarah "The Quitter" Palin

  5. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Can you say "FUCKED?!?" Baaahahahahah! Yeah, let's "unite for the benefit of the country" by abandoning our "God-given call" to run it.

    Phony bitch! God's gonna be pissed with ya, loser!!!

  6. Anonymous2:55 PM

    And Sea of Pee is numb. They wouldn't believe it and now it's happened. She took their money and said thank you, but I won't be running! Also, too, thanks for voting for Bristol, it got her a house!

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    what'a fraud 'tard, that being $carah

    this urine member hasn't got the message yet ;

    polarfan 0 minutes ago
    I've a message for anybody who believes Sarah is doing this for the money:



  8. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I sincerely hope someone saved all the posts where Patrick said she was definitely, for sure, 100% running.

  9. Bavet2:57 PM

    Congrats Gryphen. I know your work in exposing her was instrumental in her decision to not run. Thanks to all the AK bloggers and authors for knocking this vindictive bully out of any chance at power.

  10. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "As always, my family comes first"?????

  11. Anonymous2:57 PM

    CHECK AND MATE Scarah! Now GO HOME and STFU for good!

    Next Move: Press/Media-IGNORE anything Palin Tainted...

    Balls in your court ASSHOLES!

  12. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I guess it's no longer "Country First" with Palin.

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I hope that people still work on uncovering her secrets, though. I know I shouldn't care, since the main thing is that she doesn't hold office, but I don't want her to have ANY bearing on our political scene whatsoever.

  14. Family comes first. Bwahh! This frees Palin to make all those paid screeches to the faithful. Ailes has thrown her under the bus; no one in the GOP hierarchy wants her and Alaska wishes her family had never moved there. I'd like to thank all the bloggers, commenters and serious journalists who helped make this possible.

  15. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Mark Levin's radio program? Didn't she promise this honor to Alaskan idiots Bob & Mark?

    There you go again Sarah, not having the guts to face Greta Van Susteren or someone on live teevee, just had to sneak on a friendly RW airwaves to f*^$ your supporters.

    Oh, and you only did yourself a favor, you pussy.

  16. Anonymous2:59 PM

    She managed to stay on script. Not a single whine about the attacks on Trig.

    I gather they got her medications just about right today.

  17. Anonymous2:59 PM

    This announcement doesn't give me the warm fuzzies. I'm thinking of her rabble-rousing during the last campaign when she was slightly controlled by the McCain tram and wondering if, unshackled, she'll be even worse this election. I fear nothing except incarceration will shut her up and rid us of her.

  18. Anonymous2:59 PM

    C$P is in total meltdown! It's really sad, the comments. And now they're just calling her "Palin," no Governor hornorific.


    Palin (excuse me, Governor Palin-bwah ha ha ha) took their money and didn't run.

  19. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The grifter could have stretched the tease out for at least four more weeks- very disappointed.

    Is she still accepting cash?

  20. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Question for the bots: How's that donation thing workin' out
    for ya?

  21. Anonymous3:00 PM

    The Palin Family Slush Fund aka SarahPAC just dried up!!

    Be careful driving under bridges as word on the street is that Cult followers are jumping off them

  22. Anonymous3:00 PM

    She wants to work to promote people who "have a servant's heart"?
    LOL..... Um, excuse me Sarah, didn't you mean "serpent's heart"?

  23. Anonymous3:00 PM

    As a diabetic I keep all alcohol to special occasions.I just broke out some Chardonnay for a toast!!

  24. Anonymous3:01 PM

    She wants to work to promote people who "have a servant's heart"?
    LOL..... Um, excuse me Sarah, didn't you mean "serpent's heart"?

  25. Holly3:01 PM

    Thank you Gryphen for helping to make this happen.

    Not a big surprise after Ailes statement today. I believe that was Roger's way of making sure she made the "right" statement.

  26. Anonymous3:01 PM

    some excellent posts going up over at the sea-0-piss in the open thread

    pssst, $carah better be watchin' her back....

  27. Anonymous3:02 PM

    THE LONG TEASE ENDS> Sarah Palin FINALLY says she's not running in '12

    Read more:

  28. padoreva3:02 PM


  29. See4Pee has a million ignorant conspiracies. I've been waiting for this day to really F with them.,

  30. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Sea of Pee = SUCKERS!

  31. Anonymous3:02 PM

    See, I told you she would blame God.

  32. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Big surprise (NOT!)

    I sooooo badly wanted her to run so all of her skeletons would be exposed and she'd finally have to release things like, oh---medical records and college transcripts. I fear that she's still going to spread her populist stink around and we won't be rid of her...

  33. Anonymous3:03 PM

    HA HA HA HA HA! Pbots - said it before and I'll say it again - you have been SO played!!!! How does that rice taste?

  34. lisab25953:04 PM

    I knew she wouldn't run when she didn't get discharged from Fox News. She wants attention, just not too much attention.

  35. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Freakin' griftin' coward. It's about f'ing time.

  36. Anonymous3:04 PM

    To the palinbots who are here: We TRIED to warn you. You get no sympathy from me. We tried. You were nasty in return.

  37. Virginia Voter3:04 PM

    Obviously the Wasilla SarahPac employees and RAM have been laid off...check out Sarahs Facebook wall. The comments are priceless...bots are demanding their money back.

    They are now pledging allegiance to Herb Cain

    Hey Sarah,


  38. Anonymous3:04 PM

    So will she show up in Lynchburg, Virginia this coming week-end for the women's forum?

    Many are waiting to ask her all about Glen Rice and snorting cocaine off oil drums. We got our signs ready for white Sarah on Rice.

  39. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Needless to say, I am relieved and thrilled, as are all of us I am sure.

    Why did the foolish woman (or her writers) put the words fundamental transformation in quotation marks????

    They are such idiots.

  40. Anonymous3:05 PM

    So let's not let up on the investigation into all of her misdeeds and fake pregnancy and mean girl behavior that has wrecked too many people's lives. Let's not let up on her abusing her PAC. Let's not let up on her in any way, shape or form, she should be made to answer to her lies and misdeeds and how she pulled one over on the world with her pathological lies.

  41. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Good bloody riddance.

  42. Anonymous3:05 PM

    1000 times YAY!!!

  43. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Palin supporters everywhere remember two things at this moment:

    1. Sarah Palin told the nation, on Greta's show, that she could win 2012.

    2. Sarah Palin is not living with Bristol, Willow, or Trig, and possibly not with Piper either. Check up on it for yourselves.

    This woman is a pathological liar, not to mention a criminal. Start doing your own digging, and then move on with your lives. Or better yet, just move on.

  44. Well I may have to start believing there is a god! ;)

  45. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Congratulations Gryphen and all the bloggers who kept the stories alive, who dug and took abuse and were threatened and called names. I admire you one and all for hanging in there.

    Was the tripping point Ailes or Wallace? Or Joe's book getting more MSM reviews? Deadlines for filings? The coming Babygate book?

    Whatever, it came fast and hard and I can hardly wait for her outreach to her fans at the seaofpee to keep sending money. They haven't even posted the story at seaofpee. Scroll to the end of the open thread comments and watch as they devour each other. Anyone who speaks out is trashed as a troll and is threatened with flagging and removal, it's clear she is losing a large percentage of chip eaters who were left. There are some die-hards but even fools stay on sinking ships and go down with them.

    Good riddance

    How much longer will:

    she stay on Fox
    she stay married to Toad

  46. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Thank GOD she is not running. My work is DONE. Obama 2012!

  47. And America bursts into spontaneous applause!

    This means we never have to give a rats ass what this idiot says about anything anymore, right?


  48. Well, to be precise, she said she would not seek the GOP Nomination. I guess she's still left the door open on the nutty independent run.

  49. Anonymous3:07 PM

    If there isn't mass suicide of p bots, they will be claiming that she is setting herself for a third (turd?) party run.

  50. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I think she pretty much admits that a run for president would out her pregnancy hoax. She says all this stuff about "protecting the innocence of children" on the Levine show. Her only "innocent" child left after the way she's paraded them around is Trig. She knew she would get caught, and when I listen to her, she admits as much without saying it outright.

  51. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Joe McGinniss was right all along. Now if only Fox would fire her that would be icing on the cake!

  52. Anonymous3:08 PM


    Let the C4P clowns think of all the money they have sent this fucking grifter... it is truly a "stupid tax" they have been charged by Sarah.

  53. Anonymous3:09 PM

    tah dah

    LOD will be having a bit of a grin on his face tonight eh?

  54. Maddies_Mom3:09 PM

    Our long national nightmare is (almost) over!

  55. Anonymous3:10 PM

    A red letter day - let us mark it on the calendar. Hubby and I shall open a bottle of Merlot and drink to Ms. Heath's cowardice!

    BTW Sarah don't think you are off the hook. Nope. All of us will keep an eye on you.


  56. TNbluedot3:10 PM

    This is just too rich... $arah's scared to run!

    What happened to her promise to those radio shock-jocks that she'd announce on their show? Just another example of her loyalty?

    Hope nobody with information backs off; we still need the truth to come out.

  57. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "We need to continue to actively and aggressively help those who will stop the “fundamental transformation” of our nation and instead seek the restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law."

    YES! Your fundamentalism and ungoodness have created such havoc! Now why don't you come clean about the pregnancies?

  58. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Romney has already put a message out that Palin is a good friend, yadda, yadda, yadda.

    All that was missing from his messages was a P.S. I look forward to your endorsing me and your cult followers supporting me!!!

  59. Just_a_Mote3:10 PM

    I have never been able to stomach the c4p site but I may venture over there to observe the "Chernobyl effect."

  60. It's worth it to listen to the entire Mark Levin interview with Palin once he read her quitter announcement.

    She plays a good game trying to justify her decision, but it seems that she really doesn't have her heart in it.

  61. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Didn't Bristol let slip months ago that Mommy Dearest had already made her decision? If I were a Palin volunteer and/or donor I would looking for ways to sue the phony for fraud.

  62. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Maybe I'll be the first to post.

    Thank you everyone, especially, you Jesse, for all the work sending this fraud packing.

  63. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Of course, she doesn't miss any of the right-wing "Christian" buzz phrases: "servant's heart" and "beyond a shadow of a doubt."

    But most Americans - including most Republicans - have now seen $arah Palin for the ridiculous fraud that she is. She will have no further political career. She is nobody.

    I hope that, if you haven't been already, you will soon be terminated by FOX News. You're too stupid even for them.

  64. Anonymous3:11 PM

    We've heard that same lame ass excuse in July of 09.

    Palin is running scared but to no avail.

    She'll be exposed!!

    Her voice is irrevelant.

  65. Pat in MA3:11 PM

    Finally admits what we've known all along. C4Pers are despondent: "betrayed" "disappointed" "stunned" "felt like I've been had"

    DUH, YA THINK?????

  66. SHE QUIT! Hahahahahahah. She quit. Again. She is not a politician; she has not been one now for over 2 years, so goodbye Sarah. I don't want to see your face, and especially hear your voice ever again on my internet or television or whatever ... well, wait - UNLESS it is to face charges for the crimes you may have committed and to reveal the truth about Trig and to don some orange overalls and march your butt to a correctional facility!

  67. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Wow.... shocking..... NOT!!

    Hopefully, she can crawl away and creep back into her Wasilla hole.

  68. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Reading between the lines......

    "Now that Roger Ailes has come out and said I don't have a brain, and I'm no longer hot and I'm losing my cushy job, and I've milked the last penny from the mush for brain supporters I still have, I've decided I have nothing left to gain with my ongoing prick tease."

    "Also, I can't keep up with hiding the babies my kids keep springing on me."

    "And I could never stand up to any sort of scrutiny that a serious candidate for President deservedly gets."

    "There's no way I'm gonna debate anyone."

    "I can't afford to lose any more hair."

    "I just want to take my meds go curl up in a fetal position and suck my thumb.."

    "And last but not least, Todd, you are free to go screw all the whores you'd like and you are released from your contract of pretending you are my happily married husband."

  69. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Here is the Mark Levin show recording:



    You CAN'T. HANDLE. THE. JOB!!!

    You can't even handle your freakshow family.


    Sarah Palin-

    You are SUCH. A. LOSER!!!!!!

    You aren't qualified to CLEAN MRS. OBAMA'S toilet!!

    You are absolutely PATHETIC.

    C4P doesn't even HAVE this up yet!!

    I've been blocked anyway, but all I wanted to say to them was:


  71. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Do ya think it was Nicole Wallace's book that put the nail in the coffin? She was intimately involved in the campaign and knew what kind of person she was.

    I just read that they were considering whether to swear her in as VP if McCain had won. WOW, just wow.

  72. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Just read that she will be on with her buddy Greta tonight. She is really a pathetic POS, even her cult over at C4P are disgusted with her now.

  73. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I cannot wait for LOD and JS to weigh in. Esp LOD

  74. Thank you Jesse. If it wasn't for people like you and Joe then she would continue to spread her hate and bile. She's done. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Carrie Blankenship

  75. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Sounds like she still doesn't want to sit down and shut up! I just hope more info keeps coming out,and we eventually see her possibly face criminal charges, or at the very least everyone finds out what kind of hoax she tried to pull off.

  76. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Sarah Palin will NOT be running for the 2012 Presidency

    Listen to Mark Levin speaking with Sarah Palin on her decision:

  77. Anonymous3:15 PM

    So, she is going to run as an independent, entering the race in 2012?

  78. Anonymous3:15 PM

    OOhh ! How sweet it is !!

  79. I think Joe's book scared her. Am reading it right now, and if she had run, that's a whole lot she'd have to keep closed.

  80. Anonymous3:15 PM

    She certainly doesn't look youthful in that photo! And, I'm delighted she fled from the race...she knew they would make mince meat out of her.

    Go back to Wasilla, sister Sarah and STFU!!!! We are ALL so tired of your crud these past years.

  81. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "Does she get to keep all the money we sent her and spend it on herself"

    The voice of a "real" American!!!!

  82. The true believers over at C4P really think Obama is the devil. It's WAR, several have written. Many are sure "the Establishment" "got to her" and made her not run.

    I don't know how these people can live in the world they live in.

  83. Anonymous3:16 PM

    "As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. "


    Sarah do you really think Todd gives a shit?

    Todd is getting ready to race. That is his only peace and quiet time away from your ass!

    What do you mean family? They all left you!

    Willow ran off to Los Angeles and dropped out of school!

    Track wants nothing to do with you!

    Nobody calls you mom!

    What family?

  84. Anonymous3:16 PM

    the sea-0-piss' comin' unhinged, uhh err wait, they already were, now just moreso ;

    MemphisNY 1 minute ago
    Yes I am a troll but please read on....
    I was an Obama supporter but I'm not happy and have been watching the Republican Candidates closely.
    The only candidate I could vote for is Huntsman, If you want Blue Dog Dems to vote Republican He is your best candidate.

    Freempg 0 minutes ago in reply to MemphisNY
    Fuck you


  85. Anonymous3:16 PM

    The C4P thread sounds not sad, but MAD.

  86. Anonymous3:16 PM

    LOL! This is rich.


    Todd Palin A Modern Day Gary Cooper and a Man’s Man

  87. Anonymous3:16 PM

    I'm glad she's not running, but obviously we've not heard the last of her, and will have to endure her more years of her stupidly flapping her gums off about things she knows little about.

  88. Allison3:16 PM

    We all expected this, now maybe the media will be more open to the Babygate story. As Willow might say "I'm stoked."

    After reading Levi's book, I'm all the more convinced Trig was born to Bristol and furthermore, I think Tripp was due in November and probably born in November (2008). It makes sense in many ways and clears up lots of confusion.

    After I wrote it all down it was so long, I thought it looked like it's own blog page. And it seemed rude to try to dominate a discussion with such a lengthy and detailed posting, so I posted it as a blog here:

    The Palin Place Blogspot inaugural post. I'd love to get feedback. Please stop by,

  89. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Dear Lord, I hope the bots go after her with a vengeance. :)

  90. Anonymous3:17 PM

    hmmmm - i just went to c4p and there are 0 comments on her announcement not to run. but gryphen, you posted one, so apparently earlier there were comments? this is deliciously hilarious!!

  91. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Yeah!!!! I was running around the house jumping up and down like a wild child when the bulletin came scrolling across the bottotm of the TV screen!!! So much for the fire in the belly, the servants heart. I commend you Sir Gryphen for your past and continued efforts in revealing the true Sarah "Fund the Tundra" Palin.

    My hats off and my flags at half mast to all who contributed money to the Grifta from Wasilla. May you all someday be given an explanation as to what your hard earned income was used for.

    But if you really want your cash back, request a refund from SarahPac. Demand your money back. Don't retreat...reload. Ask for a receipt!!

  92. Anonymous3:17 PM

    She's going to need to fire people from her PAC as why would people give to her now. But then, we know the BOTS are stunned and stupid.

    Why donate to a dried up has been!!

    She will want to use her PAC for her Family Slush Fund as nothing more will be coming in. She just scammed them for the last time looking for donations 'to decide' and the one to buy a DVD for $100 I believe.

    Hell, Little Johnny in South Carolina may be able to eat dinner tonight as Daddy won't be sending SarahPAC Johnny's dinner money.

    There is no way she is gonna be drawing the Speaking Fees. I wonder if she gets cancelled for the South Korea speech - but then that would already be contracted so she would get paid but she might not show up!! Wouldn't surprise anyone.

    Okay Ailes -- Hammer time at Fox -- FIRE THE SCAMMER/GRIFTER/BITCH!!!!

  93. icstraights3:17 PM

    Muuaawhahahaha Gryph!

    I was hoping you would grab some PeeBots comments over at the SeaOfPiss!

    NO Bots NO REFUNDS! BTW: Why don't you just go ahead and send Scarah the rest of your money. She needs all she can get to keep up on all those plastic surgery bills for her and Bristdull!

  94. Anonymous3:18 PM

    update: the front page shows 0 comments but there are 11 of them if you go to the story. bless their pointed little heads.....

  95. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Nicolle Wallace, on Rachel Maddow, stated that Palin was mentally unstable. In her most recent interview she stated that there was discussion as to whether it would be appropriate to swear Palin in if they had won.......WOW!!!!!

  96. icstraights3:19 PM

    PS PLEASE: MORE C4P comments! I can't go over there!

    Passing a bag o popcorn AND will Toast you Gryph AND JMcG tonight at exactly 8pm ALASKA time...

  97. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Face it Sarah, you were never runnning. You skeletons are crawling over themselves to get out of the closet.

    Anyway, hope she means it, so now i don't have to leave the USA.

  98. Anonymous3:20 PM

    They are melting over at see o pee.

  99. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Over @ da Pee Pond

    Palin Prez 12 minutes ago
    I'm depressed. Extremely depressed. Obama is still sitting in the White House. The GOP field is full of RINOs and fake conservatives. Foxnews is now sounding more liberal than CNN.

    Sarah was our only hope. Sarah, will you please change your mind or is this some kind of misdirection?
    Like Reply

    LouisLouis4 9 minutes ago in reply to Palin Prez
    This is a classic case of misdirection! How can nobody else see this for what it is? Sarah is running, starting Friday!

  100. Anonymous3:20 PM

    What a joke that she says it is because her family comes first! Since when has her family comes first. What a joke! Also she seems to think that she will still have a voice and that people will still care about her word salad. What a narcissist POS she is!!!

  101. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Her supporters always were and remain INSANE.

  102. aksnocat3:21 PM

    Tomorrow's my birthday. This is a GREAT birthday present!

  103. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen, for contributing to this fraud's demise, at this time.

    However, be warned. To paraphrase Nixon (1962), we won't have Palin to kick around anymore.

    Yeah, And you know how that turned out.

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

  104. Anonymous3:21 PM

    You know, that is a relief. Not because I ever thought she would win the nomination. But because the pitiful Pee'ers can finally accept their fate. Oh, but it would have been fun to watch her "debate". What a bitch she was to those people. Damn, I kinda feel sorry for them. Okay, I'm done. Off to SeaofPee to point and laugh!

  105. Dinty3:21 PM

    The first thing I did was check out C4P. Ahh, Schadenfreude. I haz it.

  106. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Governor Palin announced she will NOT be seeking the Presidential Nomination for 2012

  107. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Heh. What family?

    Bristol and Willow are heifering around LA. Track is ensconcing with Britta, hopefully in the tower with the doors bolted against Sarah glomming on to their little one.

    Who's left but Piper? She's running around town w/o adult supervision already, if a recent comment is to be believed, about her out shopping with a slightly older child.

  108. it went from 4 to 53 comments in one refresh!

    Love IT!

  109. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Here is my opinion on Sarah's decision...

    It's gonna change...

    She can't stand all the attention Chris Christie got. He was questioned over and over and was practically begged.

    I think that is what she wants.

    I think she wants the Right Wingers, Tea-Baggers, and GOPers to BEG her to run.

    She would LOVE that.

    She is hoping her "no" is taken like Chris Christie's "no".

    The timing is indicating that she wants them to fight for her to run so she will look like the savior of the GOP and the Great White Hope...instead of the Great Dumb Nope.


  110. Anonymous3:24 PM

    It is just sad how those poor people at C4P are so deluded. And they are angry! One guy wrote: "Maybe she's not who we thought she was" --- and the next comment was "Fuck you". How's that for a nice Christian conservative? You'd think the world was ending.

  111. angela3:25 PM

    Holy shit! Hide the pills and the poison. Poor crazy assed c4peers.

  112. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Okay are there some Gryphen posters posting over at Sea of Pee? Because there is some funny taunting going on over there, hahah!

  113. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Allison, Trig couldn't have been born to Bristol and Tripp be due in November of 08. THAT really isn't plausible.

    I believe Trig was born to Bristol, but then she got pregnant hastily to squelch the Trig rumors and they induced early in December.

    I believe Tripp was born in December, but early. And I believe he was due in January of 09, just like Levi said.

  114. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Here is the entire Mark Levin interview with Palin today. She really goes off more than ever on President Obama. I guess this is what she plans to continue to do. Someone needs to tell her to STFU!!!

  115. Anonymous3:28 PM

    I think she'll enjoy all the breaking news on national news and the back-to-back interviews she's no doubt scheduled for.

    Can't believe this. Was really hoping to relax and watch favorite shows tinight. Now we'll be spending our energy speculating on the ifs, and or buts.

  116. Anonymous3:28 PM

    So is TAWD putting her things out on the lawn now? No more need for pretense! Who's going to pay attention to Bristol? This is so funny.

  117. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Oh they are NOT happy little campers over there...and they still think she's going to run on a 3rd party ticket...the delusion is thick.

  118. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Dearest Sarah Palin Fans,

    I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude for the money you sent Sarah and our family.

    Without your kindness I would not be able to go to my snowmachine races this winter since I do not have a job.

    I would also like to thank all of you for paying for our heating bill this winter, again I do not have a job to pay for it myself.

    Well Christmas and winter is coming up and we hope you guys find a way to keep warm and buy presents for your kids because we do appreciate that we can buy them with the money you sent us and again I repeat that I do not have a job.

    Well Happy Holidays to you and yours,

    Thanks again Todd Palin

  119. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The country is better off. Thank you, Gryphen.

  120. Anonymous3:30 PM

    After listening to what Palin said today about Obama, the State Dept should state her from going to South Korea next week and giving a speech representing the country.

  121. Anonymous3:31 PM

    seaofpee commenters;

    "may god have mercy on our country"

    they are claiming that liberal threats made her quit so her kids wouldn't get harmed. So like your underage daughter in a bar getting into a set up fight with a gay man while the camera's rolled? That kind of threat?

    Lost of rats in the water heading for shore.

    Gotta rally the troops Sara, they're talking about all the money they sent you for your book tours and vacations. Might want to screen your emails and phone calls for a while, think the sea people are not very happy.

    Surprised and not at all how many fixed income or even no income people have been donating to your skanky ass over there. You seriously have no shame.

    And HEY. What do you want to bet the trolls with dry up and go away on this and other sites?

    Guessing Sara will be cutting payroll pretty fast. Maybe that's why Brooklyn was around today, one final shot across the bow

  122. Anonymous3:31 PM

  123. Anonymous3:31 PM

    w00t! Not surprising, but still good news. We still need to hold her feet to the fire, because, unfortunately she continues to have a voice at Faux News and will try to affect the elections. If we are lucky, the MSM will now ignore her, but I don't think that will happen. Once the babygate book comes out, I hope we can send her to isolation in AK once and for all.

    Nonetheless, today is a good day.

  124. Can someone who HASN'T been banned by C4P please post this?
    Why is Sarah citing her family as an excuse NOW when they are all OLDER than they were three years ago?

    She had NO hesitation about being VP with a NEWBORN DOWN-SYNDROME baby...
    What has changed?
    If you do, thanks!

  125. Todd can leave her now...or sometime before next April.

    I wonder if Fox gave her an ultimatum: quit Fox or quit the tease.

    Congrats, Gryph! Keep on unraveling the hoax until she has zero political voice and the media is appropriately shamed. I'm still waiting to celebrate your bigger 'I told you so!' re babygate.

  126. I am a private citizen ... she is a private citizen ... she is no more an official of any kind than I am. Watch out Sarah. Don't even dare to come anywhere near me .. ever. I mean it! Go away!

  127. jadez3:34 PM

    well people might recognize that i was one of the first to insist she would never be running.

    but you think her announcement right after roger ailes humiliates her is pure coincidence?

    i told you all ailes would lead te charge against palin if she went "off script".

    he showed her an example of what she was in for and she jumped out ASAP!

  128. telah3:35 PM

    HuffPo's post on Palin's announcement is an hour old and they have 1,500 comments and another 350 pending. Oh Happy Day!

  129. Anonymous at 2:53PM: I love it ... from God: Leave me out of, freak.

  130. Anonymous3:35 PM

    But MeAgain said she was going to do a speech and already had written 2 speeches; 1 if she ran and the other if she didn't. Sarah must have changed her plans after reading MeAgain's posts just to make him/her look bad.

  131. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Family most certainly did NOT come first at that first decision wherein she didn't BLINK. Family most certainly did NOT come first time after time after time after time get the picture.

    Go away, Sarah Heath Palin!! Even though you are--thanks be to God--not running, we would still like you to fade fade away, and if you think that by NOT running we will give up on this Trig business, you are sadly mistaken.

    I will say THANK YOU for not running, but we KNOW it's not because of your family.......really, please, you expect people to believe that???

  132. Thanks for everything you've done, Gryph. You were very important in this long-running battle, very important.

  133. Anonymous3:36 PM


    All of us.

  134. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Anon 3:1-

    The first message that was put out was from Perry, which would make more sense with what you posted.

    I think in all the excitement and so many talking heads talking on TV, it gets confusing as to who is say what!!

    Be careful driving under bridges - BOTS are jumping off!!

  135. Anonymous3:37 PM

    My sympathies to the C4Pers. May they come to see the light.


  136. Anonymous3:39 PM

    @Pat1755: "Well, to be precise, she said she would not seek the GOP Nomination. I guess she's still left the door open on the nutty independent run."


    Per msnbc: "Palin told Levin she is not considering a third-party bid. "

  137. Anonymous3:39 PM

    From the bots:

    And yes, I do feel betrayed. Not personally. I half-expected this. Palin is, after all, a politician, and I have made the mistake of placing my faith in politicians before. But make no mistake, Palin has betrayed her followers. This is a betrayal, to them and to those of us who put hope in her and who put trust in her.I will not make the mistake of trusting Sarah Palin again.

    Needless to say, her time as a national leader is over. She only gets to make this kind of mistake once. Never again.

    Sarah Palin could have been a contender. Once. But she made the worst mistake of all: she sold herself short. And by the way, now we are made to be looked like fools for having followed her.

    Reagan never did that. And, by the way, Reagan never did that to his people. But then again, Sarah Palin was no Ronald Reagan after all. We thought differently, but we believed what we wanted to believe.

    Until today I thought she deserved to lead the country. No more.

    I wish Palin a long and happy life with her family and her faith and her friends. She deserves that much, at least.

    Know this, and I speak only for myself. After today, Sarah Palin does not deserve, and will not have, my support in any national endeavor of hers ever again. Trust must be earned. It is broken only once.


    This doesn't make sense. Why ask someone to make videos of your record, if you're not running. Why let those people dangle in Iowa? Why speak in Korea? Don't think the rope lines are going to be much fun anymore. I'm devastated. Hell, who cares the political class is all in cahoots. Maybe Sarah is the next Oprah. More than likely the next Beth Moore, on the Christian circuit Well I won't be getting up in the middle of the night to see whats on c4p.


    I can say right now that I have never been more disappointed in a leader than I am in Governor Palin. There is no other way to put it. She let her country down today. At a time when our nation is in one of its more perilous times, and when her country was calling her to serve and help restore this country, she decided not to answer the call. She proved today that she is not a leader. Her actions today went against everything she said she was about. Don't retreat, reload. I'm a fighter, not a quitter. Well, today, she retreated. Leaders lead. She chose not to, when her leadership was more needed than ever. Today, she showed that she is just what her detractors said she was- nothing more than a cheerleader. We will see her influence greatly diminished now that she has decided to not lead. Also, we can rule out any run for political office in the future. Her political career is over.

    The reason she gave is family. I can accept that, but in all due respect to Governor Palin, the other candidates have families, too. They love their families, too, yet they are willing to step in the arena and subject themselves to the slings and arrows. Again, leaders lead, and today she abdicated her leadership position.


    Sorry but Sarah will not be known for the "Undefeated"...She will be known for CASHING IN after being a VP nominee....for stringing her supporters along for MONTHS into believing she was gearing up for a presidential run (just how many would have traveled to Iowa on October 3rd of she had decided not to run? How many would still be donating to SarahPAC?).

    She can promote "The Undefeated" all she wants but in the end, the story of Sarah Palin will be told by a liberal. They definitely knew Sarah PAlin better than most of us did.


    I'm not upset she isn't running, I'm upset she took us to the alter and said no. Her stock will fall off the board. How could I ever trust her now. If she would have said this a month ago I would feel different. Is she just after the money? They all will say it now and laugh at us all. Discusted! What happened to the crack in the door that she would plow through? We have been taken!!

  138. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Now the Pbots at the See of Pee are trying to start a DRAFT SARAH PALIN movement to "overwhelm the convention" in 2012. Strait jackets needed! Don't those poor fools get it? Palin doesn't want to run for Pres--it's too damned hard! And besides all her skeletons will come out of the closet.

  139. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Oh, and Ms. Palin, Mr. Obama also has a true servant's heart, and so sorry you cannot see that.

  140. It was just announced that Steve Jobs of Apple has died. This will take the half term governor off the front page.

  141. She is not going to sit down and shut up (I wish). She's going to go all unshackly and continue flapping her pie hole. She is going to spend the ENTIRE 2012 election cycle trying to steal headlines from the candidates.She is emotionally incapable of shutting her fucking mouth.

  142. Anonymous3:41 PM

    One comment from C4P....

    Those of you who gave to SarahPAC should sue to get your money back. It was criminal the way she played her supporters all these last few months. And that letter that was sent out in mid-September......she's on the verge of making a decision, so sent in your checks to show her how much we all support her in her upcoming run for president........what a joke!!

  143. Anonymous3:41 PM

    You can bet $arah believes all the scrutiny will now go away.

    Gryphen, say it ain't so!

  144. So she decided today .. she didn't stretch it out .. she didn't observe her own "drop dead date" but soon after. So what is coming down the pike Sarah say tomorrow or by the weekend to force this decision today? Hmmmmmmmm?

  145. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I am glad that FOX has scheduled her to talk on Greta's show and not let her hide behind a microphone or computer. After all the behind the scenes FOX stories swirling, could tonight be the last time we see her on FOX? Could we be that lucky?

  146. Anonymous3:42 PM

    AT C4P, it's hard to tell what's sadder (by which I mean pathetic)--the people who have just seen the light:

    "No one can blame her for not running. BUT did she have to take us to the alter to say no. How could I ever trust her again. She should have said no 2 months ago. Her stock will fall like a stone!!! This is like being served divorce papers!"

    Or the people who cannot let go:

    "Yes it seems as though some peoples 'true colors' are coming out tonight!!Hey everyone remember you trusted Sarah so much just 24 hours ago?? Can you at least try to still trust her? Don't you think she knows what she is doing? In her own way and in her own time, she will not let her country and supporters down. I know this."

    Either way, it's pretty hilarious.

  147. Anonymous3:44 PM

    I've been reading and posting here almost daily since 2008, and I'm absolutely thrilled that Sarah will not be running. But I have to say, I think her statement was pretty classy and her interview with Levin was low-key and gracious.

    Some of you may delight in kicking her while she's down. I don't. I'm glad to see her out of contention, and I wholeheartedly believe that she's a bad mother and a lazy, incompetent politician. But she's still a human being, and I'm not lowering myself by debasing her even further.

    With that said, bravo Jesse! You too, Me Again!

  148. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Maybe Willow's knocked up and Sarah doesn't want to look like a bad mom...

  149. Anonymous3:45 PM

    So does that mean that she's gonna throw Todd under the bus and get a real divorce since there's no need for him to carry her purse any more.

  150. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House." ... Oh what visions of grandeur the lazy, ignorant one has.

    Dear Lady Blah-Blah, you have difficulty coordinating your own dress attire as well as ensuring your kids go to school and get an education. Anything else is above your pay grade. And besides, you still suck of these simple things. You have already displayed some of your brilliant strategies to address important issues faced by the Nation. Remember building dykes to head off the environmental catastrophe from the BP oil spill? Or your interference that was blamed for the GOP failure of not gaining control of the Senate in the last election? Or your answer/non answer to illegal immigration on BOR show? Or when you implemented crony capitalism in Alaska yet call others out on it? Blah, blah,blah,blah,blah. Yep, those GOP/Tp movers and shakers will be beating down your door to seek your well proven advice and strategies. The only thing I see in your future is the $arah and Breitbart FU tour as paid agitators... but now that $ugar Daddy II doesn't think you're hot anymore, whose going to be providing for the twins?

  151. Anonymous3:46 PM

    She is all about family. Now people have no excuse to stalk and lie about her various family members who've been soooo egregiously lied about in the past.

    Shame on all the authors with bad sources. The Palins WIN!

  152. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Make sure to read the tweets of @HeyTammyBruce, who has been an ENORMOUS Palin panty-sniffer/cheerleader for a long time. She claims to be "stunned" but she also is showing signs of having awakened to the fraudulent reality that is $carah Palin.

  153. Dinty3:46 PM

    Oops, bad news cycle to pick to do this, Sarah.

    Steve Jobs just died.

    Maybe my Silicon Valley bias thinks this is bigger news, but I have a feeling...

  154. nogravity3:47 PM

    Poor Sarah, her announcement not to run was just upstaged by the announcement that Steve Jobs died.

  155. WE are not done. I don't want this bitch in my face in every election in every state for years to come.


    maybe her bots will send SarahPAC money so she can continue her tour? bet not enough

  156. Anonymous3:47 PM

    The C4pr's are lamenting their donations now. I for one am a proud progressive liberal but I must admit, I've not given one red cent to any candidate for anything, ever.

    Money needs to be removed from politics in order to make elections fair and balanced. Each candidate should get $10,000 from the government to run; that would cover all ads and all promotion and the playing field would be even, monetarily. That would enable us to view the candidate as a person and not only be subjected to the candidates that have the most funds for advertising.

    That's it. I'm tired of money bombs being the end all be all of politics and I won't participate in the game.

    I vote, but I won't give up a red cent to anyone. The C4P'rs are a firm reminder to me that the system needs to be overhauled and that people should not be called upon to give money to candidates. That is inherently opposite of our electoral system.

  157. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Not mentioned here yet (probably because Gryph has not yet approved the latest round of comments) ... Steve Jobs dead.

    Sorry to see him go. Palin is probably pissed that his death has taken over the news shows and left her where she belongs ... forgotten.

  158. Anonymous3:50 PM

    From the Urinal:

    "The worst part is she just validated the hyper leftists claims about her."

    "Why? Money"

    "She could have respected us more and let us know a whole lot maybe before O4P had boots on the ground IN EVERY STATE.......paying for that all on their own dime."

  159. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Thank you, Gryphen - Joe McG - Geoff Dunn - Jeanne/Frank - Levi - and everyone else who tirelessly and relentlessly helped reveal the awful truths about $arah Palin.

    I fear $arah now believes all the scrutiny will go away.

    This dangerous woman will now feel even more empowered to spread hate and divisiveness.

    $he must be stopped.

  160. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Re: an independent run. No way. She STILL has to declare by mid-Oct for MI and Oct. 30 for NH. You can't run if you're not on any ballots. There's NO WAY she'd do an independent run now; she's lost all momentum & no one would trust her. If she was going to do that, she'd have announced it today. And who would run that campaign? AIP Todd?

  161. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Steve Jobs died! So sad...

  162. Anonymous3:51 PM

    HINT: If You're Sarah Palin, It Might Not Be For Your Brains!

  163. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Wow! It's huge when C4P uses one of Gyphen's unflattering pics of Palin to deliver the blow!

  164. Anonymous3:53 PM

    HAHA!! Some at the C4Pee are posting that they're going to get shitfaced drunk. I think we can look forward to several PUI's over there later.

    Yep, as someone earlier said after denial comes anger! Watch out for the hounds of hell Sarah.

  165. WalterNeff3:54 PM

    and the death of one of my heroes, Steve Jobs, pushes her off the front pages after about 15 minutes. His final favor to the world.

  166. Anonymous3:55 PM

    From the Borowitz Report:

    Palin Decides Not to Run: ‘I Want to Go Straight to the Quitting Part’
    Decision Leaves Moron Vote Up for Grabs

    ANCHORAGE (The Borowitz Report) – Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told reporters today that she would not run for President because “I want to go straight to the quitting part.”

    “If I launched a campaign, let’s face it, a couple of months from now I’d up and quit,” she said. “This is a real step-saver for all concerned.”

    She said that prior to her decision she had seriously considered running, “but only for the free clothes.”

    When asked about her future plans, she said, “Although I’m not running for President, I have no intention of spending more time with my family.”

    The former Alaska Governor, who had originally scheduled a thirty-minute press conference to announce her decision, abruptly cut it short after fifteen minutes with no explanation.

    The Tea Party favorite’s announcement leaves the remaining Republican candidates scrambling for the moron vote, a key constituency in the 2012 GOP race.

    Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was said to be considering new strategies to dispel the nagging impression that he is mentally competent, an attribute that has alienated millions of Tea Party voters.

    Mr. Romney was rumored to be weighing a number of options, such as barking like a dog or wearing a bunch of bananas on his head at the next televised debate.

    Meanwhile, still reeling from charges of racism, Texas Governor Rick Perry was reportedly huddling with advisors at his country home, Jewtrap.

  167. And the Palin "news" is buried by the breaking news on Steve Jobs, she'll get no play in the news cycle tonight

  168. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Roger Ailes drop-kicked her to the curb in front of the whole country today.


  169. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I am sitting here crying because the AP just announced Steve Jobs has died.
    I am crying because we lost a unique, innovative mind, and the likes of Palin and family slither along, unencumbered.
    Maybe, just maybe, there will be some karmic retribution for the Quitter and her trashy family.

  170. Selfish, self-serving bi-otch right to the end. All she wants for her 'side' is control of the Presidency, the House and the Senate. She didn't mention the SCOTUS cause she knows they've already got that one sown up. If she thinks Obama and the left have a stranglehold on the government, just what do her words imply for the 1,000th time???? They want total control, they want to lie with impunity, they want to destroy the middle and working class, they want Seniors to just go away if they haven't been able to salt away a tidy little fortune, she wants to decide how and where we worship, how we maintain our families, who can live in this country of immigrants BUT no way can liberals, progressives and moderates have a say in anything. In Palin's twisted mind, that is what stands for fairness. Her way, their way or the highway. Well there are a ton of us in this beautiful Nation who feel their, and her, highway is one headed toward hell.

    I'm just hoping she will finally shut up and find something more productive to do with her disordered life beyond trying to run mine. She didn't even have the intellect or writing ability to churn up her own withdrawal. Her incompetence is her hallmark. She surprised none of us with those words, we've been writing them for her for three years. It was to be, like everything else in her past, way beyond her scope of work, pay grade and ability.

  171. Anonymous4:01 PM

    The first thing I did when I heard the news was head over to C4P to gloat. What a great day. But hey, Sarah Louise Palin, before you can slink off to the darkest corner and take your meds, I just want to say NOT SO FAST.

    The truth is still coming after you. All will be known. Your frauds are going to hit daylight, and then, and not till then, you can disappear and shut the fuck up.

  172. Anonymous4:01 PM

    "Does she get to keep all the money we sent her and spend it on herself or now that she isn't running will she refund all of our money?"

    How sad. These people sent their hard earned money or socialized incomes to a multi-millionaire pretending to be just your every day average hockey mom.

    Thanks, Gryphen for all your hard work in unmasking this grifter.

  173. Anonymous4:01 PM

    sad - but this is perfect!
    Steve Jobs has passed away - our nation has lost one of the most amazing inventors and innovators of our time.
    and sarah palin said she is not runing for president. she probably thought she would be on top of all the news but NOW she will be page 2 because we all care way more about Steve Jobs than the balding Klondike Kardashian!

  174. I posted the following message at C4P and even used "Governor Palin" and "Obama" in hopes to get people to read the message before it's deleted.

    "Would someone tell me how you thought Governor Palin would go about "restoring" the county? No president can just wave his arms and make things happen. We have a tripartite governmental system - three equal branches - and no president can do what you all would like a President Palin to do. Just like those on the Far Left who were disappointed that Obama didn't just wave HIS arms around and change the country to what they felt it should be.

    We cannot go back to the days of the 1950's. Isn't going to happen; we're too technically advanced and too much an intergral part of the world community to ever move backwards. Complicated problems need complicated solutions. We need smart people who are not afraid of the challenges we face as a country, and not just spout off glib phrases. Would Governor Palin have been willing to put in the hard, hard work it takes to both run a grueling campaign and then to govern if elected?

    Because governing is the bottom line here. "

  175. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Darn, I feel bad for Steven and Jon--oh the fun we could have had. Well, at the end of the day, I guess we could say she isn't completely stupid, because if she was dumb enough to get in, we would have eaten her alive. Even, scara, heartless bitch that she is, can probably only endure so much.

  176. Anonymous4:05 PM


    Apple Founder Steve Jobs has passed away.

  177. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:05 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen. You had a BIG hand in helping us all dodge this disaster. Eternally grateful!

  178. I'm thinking that this combined with that whole rapture thing not happening back in the spring is just going to be a bit much for some of these people.

    I guess she's going to have to flippin' her bumpit and shaking her money maker for her conservative male viewers since Ailes has pretty much outlined where her real value lies.

    Sarah, you faked a pregnancy. Be glad you got by this long without going under. Most of us couldn't have pulled that off. I know it's not like winning the whole pageant, but it's kind of like getting Miss Congeniality....

  179. ROFLMAO at the one/s who believe she's going to announce Friday morning that she IS running.

    I was on C4P on Sept. 30. Some guy said he "was terribly disappointed that she didn't announce on the 30th...that he had sent her $3000 in the last three years and wouldn't send any more money and wouldn't come back to the Sea until she announced". Sad.

  180. Gawd what an insufferable bitch. she stole christie stupid day of his non-presidential bid bs she bulldogged her way into Rolling Thunder and the Iowa State Fair, those were ronmey and bachmann's special days. Awwwhhhh boohoo.

    she is a loon. Then again the mentally-illed coward wants the adoration that christie brought out in a couple of stupid people, real or plant, whatever. the bitch wants that too. she still doesn't understand real people DON'T WANT HER STANKASS NEAR THE WH.

    WE never believed her. We have proof of her lying and stealing from the government. Grifter.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA I KNEW ALL ALONG she couldn't run. Crook

  181. Anonymous4:07 PM

    And her big devastating announcement is promptly bounced off the front page by Steve Jobs death. Grifter just can't catch a break these days.

  182. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I don't think the "breaking news" tag was off of Palin's news before Steve Jobs' passing was announced... so she got what, a whole fifteen minutes at the top of the news cycle? She wasn't even in the top stories at CNN last time I checked. RIP Steve Jobs.

  183. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I'm very sad to hear about Steve Jobs' passing, but I love it that Sarah's announcement is being upstaged.

  184. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Many goobers over at c4p are shutting down.

    Wow, what will Gryphen do now?

  185. Marleycat4:12 PM

    I think Sarah has already found herself venue - I googled c4p to read the reactions to the Quitter Queen's latest quitting - and it brought up a SWINGERS' CLUB!!! How apropo considering rumors of the swinging Sarah and Todd dabbled in - betwixt the snorting coke, having affairs, threatening perceived foes and friends alike, and of course - faking pregnancies!

  186. Anonymous4:12 PM

    They're still in denial - I just read this one over there: "Folks, The email said that she would not seek the GOP Nomination for President. It did not say that she would not run for President. Lets wait to hear it from her!!

  187. Anonymous4:14 PM

    wrong-headness? I want to see her birth certificate and transcript...English CANNOT be her first language

  188. Anonymous4:14 PM

    I hope with all my heart that ca$h4Paylin members and all her other followers send her as many threats as they sent to everyone who criticized her.

    How much time did these MORANS take to give false reviews to 'The Defeated' and everything else she has ever done.

    I also hope that none of her followers gave Scarah more than they could afford... it really bothers me that people could have saved up money to spend on their kids, grandkids, or themselves rather than this b*tch!

  189. her screeches should come off like the loser she is. she shouldn't even think of 2016.

    it was way too late for her to jump in with the small amount of nuts who follower her.

  190. Steve Jobs' last gift to the world: Upstaging Palin in today's news cycle.

    God Speed Steve.

  191. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Sarah is "UNTITLED"!

    I hope that all the truths come out about Sarah now and we are made aware of how much of a scam she was/is. If she had been the rill dill she would had had a chance. But she was not authentic which has become more and more obvious. You see, she thinks of vetting as a threat but President Obama can, and most likely does, welcome vetting since he is 2 things she isn't, modest and honest. They just don't seem to be in her constitution.

  192. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Do not keep ur wine glass away yet, for Palin will be on Greta tonite .

  193. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Gryphen, Thank you for all of your efforts. You were one of the first to start spreading the word of Sarah and now she isn't running. I do believe something happened this week, maybe Roger Ailes' "She WAS not..." did, maybe something else and we all know there is much more coming. Please do not stop until it's all out there. She needs to be buried deep to stop her forever in doing harm to our country.

  194. Anonymous4:17 PM

    As I read in GLEE that $P IS FINALLY TOAST, I look upon my Mac Air and my iPhone and realize something:

    THANK YOU Steve Jobs! You have done a great service for the world!

    Thank you Gryphen (and some of the other bloggers)for seeing this through. I know you won't give up until no one ever hear her name on a regular basis. She is indeed TOAST!


  195. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I just went over to C4P..its in!

  196. Sarah Palin announces she's not running..and I've been watching the news for the past hour or so. It was all over and it was going to be talked about.

    And now, all over the news Steve Jobs has died (RIP). She's totally been overshadowed

    I'm sad at Jobs' passing, but I'm so glad to see her being forgotten by the media.

  197. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Oh My.... VERY SAD about Steve Jobs. Time for some moments of quiet.

  198. Anonymous4:19 PM

    The State Dept needs to stop her from making her speech in South Korea. All she does is down President Obama and she should definitely not be giving speeches in a foreign country with her attitude.

  199. From the New Oxford American Dictionary:

    quitter |ˈkwitər|
    noun [usu. with negative ] informal
    a person who gives up easily or does not have the courage or determination to finish a task.

    Yep. That about nails it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.