Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sarah Palin to reprise her role as the Wicked Witch at Disneyworld in Florida! What? Oh, never mind I guess she is just giving a speech at the Republican Party Victory Dinner. I think my first headline made more sense.

Courtesy of Politico:

The date is November 3 and the venue is the Republican Party of Florida’s 2011 Victory Dinner in Orlando, where Sarah Palin will be the keynote speaker. 

The event shows that some Republicans still view Palin as something of a draw, even if she has faded dramatically as a figure in the 2012 political lineup. 

RPOF Chairman Lenny Curry laid it on thick in a statement: “Having a Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance is yet again proof of the crucial role Florida will play as the year unfolds. We are so grateful that Governor Palin has accepted our invitation.”

A paid speaking gig, with a free dinner, at Disney's Grand Floridian Resort? And THEY are grateful she accepted?

These people do realize that Palin will try to get her entire family's airfare, hotel stay, and admission to the Disney World comped, so that she can convince her kids that THIS is their family vacation right without having to spend a dime right? I mean by now they MUST know her, don't you think? 

Okay this sentence still confuses me: " Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance." Uh, what stature? And important to whom?

Here is a woman who was defeated as a VP candidate, quit her Governor's job half way through, and then for two years grifted off of a bunch of paint chip eaters by faking her intention of running for President! Doesn't exactly sound like the first choice for a "Keynote speaker at Victory Dinner" to me.

But hey, if MY standards were that low I guess I would be a Republican now wouldn't I?


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Just one more example of how the conservatives/republicans have gone off their meds. They truely live in LALA land.

  2. Our Lad3:09 PM

    It drives me batty that she isn't running. Over at the sea-o-pee they're goin sideways but I think it hurts me worse. I never thought I'd miss crazy, but now I know different.

  3. hedgewytch3:20 PM

    Well Florida is full of old white men who are pumped up on Viagra and beer. Probably one of the few places left in the U.S. that she could actually draw a crowd, albeit a crowd that moves really slowly.

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    looks like we didn't get rid of her.

  5. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I guess Larry 'Mens Room' Craig wasn't available to give the keynote!

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Well the Floridians did elect Rick Scott as their governor and choose a Taliban Dan over Allan Grayson ... need we say anymore?

  7. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Her top lip in that picture cracks me up. Guess since they removed her red lip tattoo, she can't figure out that her top lip is not supposed to go straight across? And who except for teens wears that shiny pink lip gloss?

    She is really a freak'n freak, isn't she?

    Just when you the the GOP can't be any stupider, they prove us wrong.

  8. WalterNeff3:35 PM

    By her own admission, she's not a Republican

  9. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  10. You said: "Sarah Palin to revise her role as the Wicked Witch at Disneyworld .. "

    I suggest ""Sarah Palin to reprise her role as the Wicked Witch at Disneyworld .. "

    revise - To reconsider and change or modify

    reprise - A recurrence or resumption of an action.

    With the Grifter Queen's almost certain inability to change or acknowledge the need for change, it's pretty much a given: Once a Witch, always a Witch.

  11. jadez3:43 PM

    no one cares about this woman.

    like a dying candle you see a few bursts of life ..then...dead.

  12. Anonymous3:53 PM

    There was a short period when Politico was not a Palin cheerleader. Now they seem to be bending over backwards trying to keep the Palin name in headlines including a "Happy Birthday" message to Bristol. They are desperate to keep propping Sarah up as noteworthy so they can continue to cash in on stories about her. Soon they will realize that she's no longer a draw and stop publishing meaningless stories like this one.

  13. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Anom 3:32

    It's the Herpe's blister on the lower lip that always bothers me. Just imagine ....ewwwwwww ...never mind

  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    And the Grifter just keeps on a-grifting. Babygate book by Fred coming up any time soon?

  15. AC in Anchorage4:00 PM

    She is a witchy, witchy looking woman.

    Track was at Humpy's the other week telling everyone she wears "wig-lets" and has horrible foot odor bc she wears the same socks for a week on end and won't shower the whole week. I can't understand why he lives on that property, he obviously despises her. He was laughing it up, "doing" her fake folky voice and showing general dislike and disrespect.

  16. Just more proof that the Rethugs are stoopit.

  17. Anonymous4:01 PM

    We should send as many messages as possible to them stating that she is NOT of the quality they project!

    I find the current Republican party to be friggin' amazing.

    President Obama, you will be re elected!!!!

  18. Anonymous4:02 PM

    This country has a very small minority of dumb people who think she is divine. They will never get it. She is a divining rod for the truly clueless. I will give her a lot of credit for that. It has made her rich and they will continue to worship at her shrine. They don't even feel the tire tracks on their backs. They will lie prone as they await another set. They are in reverie. It is the March of the Lemmings.

  19. emrysa4:05 PM

    "Republican leader of Governor Palin's stature and importance."

    when I first read that I thought leader? really? leader of what? what has she taken the lead on? what accomplishments have happened because of her leadership?

    this shows you how sad the republicans are that some of them consider the quitter to be a leader. there is not one piece of evidence to support the idea that she is, or ever even was, a leader.

  20. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Hey, paint chip eaters vote too. this is just gimmickry to gain their vote for whatever rethug wins the primary.

  21. I guess if you want a photo to illustrate insanity...perfect. You could expect her to raise the knife any minute.

  22. Anonymous4:09 PM

    3:20 has it right. Floridian men, mostly wealthy, old, obese, and personal-hygiene challenged, (neo-con Republicans), probably think they'll get it up one last time when they hear and see Sarah speak. Happy, happy, joy, joy. They're PRAYING Sarah will wear a short skirt and the leopard shoes with the Cross of David dangling between the girls.

    I pity their wives - they have to be sick-to-death of their hubby visualizing Sarah's face on them...ya know...during sexual relations or attempts thereof.

    Is this analysis too risque for this forum? Nah, didn't think so. :) I think I nailed it.

  23. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Someone needs to inform these GOP Floridians that on her own Facebook page, she's not one of them.

  24. Linda Arizona4:13 PM

    May I suggest an email blast to any right-winger who refers to the Wicked Witch as "Governor" to stop it?

    Here's the link: The Official Guide to Names, Titles and Forms of Address by Robert Hickey.

    It's become a minor hobby for me. It could help bring down her credibility (whatever that is!) with these worshipers.

  25. Sarah needs one of those Republican Makeovers. She's looking tired. Her hair definitely needs some work. A good hairdresser would suggest a much shorter cut and lots of conditioning. Just look at the hair hanging in the back. Whatever it is one her head, it looks DOA. As to her 1960s make-up choices: there are no words. What Sarah needs is a husband like Marcus Bachmann. He really does a good job of styling for Michele, although Jon Stewart did remark that her jacket looked like "they freed the arms from her straight jacket."

    I can't believe that the Repubs are so desperate for keynote speakers that they would pick Palin. It just shows how out of touch they are. Even Floridians are smart enough to know she is a has-been. Other than her acolytes at Sea of Pee, most are glad to see Sarah and her endless drama out of the picture.

  26. otto katz4:26 PM

    Gryphen, when was that picture taken? Awfully progressive of her to be wearing purple today ;-)

  27. ibwilliamsi4:28 PM

    It would be lovely if there were also a gay pride day at Disney that day. :)

  28. Good GODDAMNED right G! These people aren't true conservatives. Either that or they're just clueless. Hmmmm...!!

  29. Thank you Tell All, yes I was thinking "reprise" and typed "revise."

  30. Anonymous4:50 PM

    The bar has obviously been set very low for this event .
    As it has for the entire GOP .

    May god help us all.

  31. Anonymous5:00 PM

    fukin' retard smearin' piper's lip gloss all over her face....again

  32. Anonymous5:13 PM

    What victory are they celebrating?

  33. Anonymous5:17 PM

    a lttle ot but i had to post this poor guys' response to one of my posts over at greta van s's site...this is verbatim, word for word embussy 11's......


    dear coomback....we like palins just as they are....they are
    hard working family as you all are in alaska....since we got
    to know her ,she has been introducing alaska to the world
    like no body has ever done before in histry of alaska...
    just vote her to presidency you will see how she will promot
    alaska above your dreams...not every body is gifted like her,
    so do not be jealous but protect, appreciate, wellcome and
    be proud of her as your country man with thanks giving to
    the good lord.also she makes money $ ? good for her ...she deserves way more ...she does not steal it ,she works for it
    and people show their appreciation towards her. we love you
    alaska and god bless america.
    Like Reply
    19 hours ago in reply to coomback

    Edit Reply

  34. Anonymous5:17 PM

    "Victory Dinner" What victory have they had lately? If they consider Palin a great prize then maybe they are not such a big deal themselves. Hope they can afford the $100,000 plus a private jet. It would be nice for all of Bristol's kids to go to Disney, though.

  35. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I don't know how many times I have rolled my eyes at the acronym for the Republican Party of Florida - Ripoff! Especially after the scandal of their high muckamucks dipping into the expense accounts, much like.....hey, maybe THAT'S the attraction!

    in North Florida
    (Central Florida, with Dizzy World and The Villages, is a lost cause)

  36. Madame Menopause is lookin hard these days.


  37. AC in Anchorage...I bet Sarah smells like bologna left out in the sun.

    He, he...h/t for talk show hostess extraordinaire Wendy Williams.

  38. Anonymous5:37 PM

    "What victory are they celebrating?"

    Victory over sanity...

  39. Anonymous5:45 PM

    By next year she'll be the opening act for the puppet show.

  40. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I think that this shows you what a sellout she is. She spends all of her time pretending to be a victim of the GOP and bashing them, but now she'll shill for them because she's getting paid.

    How can her last remaining fans not see that she's a total phony?

  41. Sally in MI5:47 PM

    And people thought she quit the race to spend time with her loving family. What a truly stupid world we live in, when a millionaire like Cain, who has surely never benefitted from affirmative action, can berate the poor and jobless for being responsible for their own problems, and a total idiot like Sarah Palin can still get people to pay her for talking nonsense. My God. Can we wake up from this nightmare anytime soon?

  42. Maybe we can establish a NO PALIN fly zone in Florida...

    gawd, the thought of her coming here again makes me... well... pass the barf bag...

    anon 3:30 THIS Floridian did NOT vote for Scott, couldn't vote for Grayson, if Grayson would run for Prez... I'd quit my job and do whatever I could to get that man in higher office.

    Like Alaska, not all of us in either state are complete and total dumbasses... we just have alot of dumbasses from OTHER states taking up residency here. Thank you very much. Mostly YANKEES in FL for that matter.

    But I digress...

    Truly I wish there was a NO PALIN barrier in the atmosphere that could prevent her impotent and limp excuse for a brain from ever entering this state again, all states really. Lets just exile the numbnut to Siberia.

    She is cancerous. As a nation we should be trying to remove the Palin tumor from our midst. Let us put this scourge into final remission. NO more paid invitations. NO MORE media coverage. NO MORE blogs who speak her name.

    Store that bitch in dry ice and forget about her miserable ass for all time.

    As much as I have hoped and prayed for all of her lies to be exposed, I am coming to the point of Palin exhaustion, and frankly as disappointed as I was to see Palin blogs signing off, all of a sudden I can see their point.

    I know that lying bitch pulled alot of shit over on alot of people, and I'd like to see her exposed, embarrassed, and held accountable for violating the law and violating peoples trust. (You know those PBots, poor thangs)

    But gawd knows... Ima tired of her skanky ass...

    and am staring to enjoy the LACK of SP coverage all of a sudden...

    sheesh, if EVERYONE ignored her... uh, then what???? PEACE baby PEACE.

    Guess if she's coming to FL, Disney couldn't be a better place for her fanatsy livin ass to deliver word salad.

    Disney promotes fanatasy, Lou Sarah lives in one, ha ha where she thinks she is qualified to be President of the United States.

    No bigger or ridiculous fantasy has ever been considered than Sarah Heath Palin for president.

    Disney is the perfect venue for that dimwitted mouthpiece.

    Done on the soapbox, um, for now.

  43. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Better rake in as much dough as you can before those indictments come down.

  44. Rick Scott is arguably the most disliked governor in the Union, so it pleases me to no end that he wants Palin on his side.

    Obama should be able to win Florida again, thanks to the unpopularity of Scott, who has solid TP credentials- Sarah Palin will seal Scott's political casket.

  45. Anonymous5:50 PM

    She doesn't know it yet, but the victory the GOP is celebrating is her dropping out of the race.

  46. Linda Arizona,

    Thank you for the link to Robert Hickey's Guide. It is great.

    Is Palin really being paid to give the speech? By next year, she will be doing it for free just to stay in the spotlight.

  47. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Truly, doesn't everyone see this:

    when you look at Sarah these days?

  48. Anonymous6:05 PM

    i look forward to the day when i can discuss legitimate policy differences with Republicans, not start at the level are --are these people totally nuts?????

    hey, it used to be the case.

  49. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Why don't they save themselves the trouble and just pop in a video of one of her recent speeches while playing the soundtrack of a gradeschool violin recital for an extra screech effect.

  50. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "paint chip eaters" LOL! Gryph you're so funny. Yep, that's a perfect description of Palin's followers.

    You would think the paint chip eaters would have packed it up by now & moved on to the next republican idiot. But nope, their still clinging on to Princess Dumbass.

  51. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Republican Party of Florida

    Let them know what you think.

  52. Anonymous6:59 PM

    THAT is a scary photo! and what is up with her hairline? her forehead is huge now and her hair looks like, well, not hair really.

    she looks old.

  53. Smirnonn7:04 PM

    Well, seems appropriate. She is Goofy, Dopey of the 7 Dwarves and Cruella de Vil all wrapped up into one; has a magic carpet that gestates randomly and wears space mountain on her head :)

  54. Anonymous7:07 PM

    How is it a "victory" dinner with a perpetual loser like Palin as teh keynote? Was Trump busy?

  55. Anonymous7:10 PM

    All those cute Disney furry creatures near this tundra huntress! Hope the Disney staff hide them. She'll want them for dinner in a stew.

    Wouldn't be surprised if she'll cancel; for the attention it gets about why she cancelled.

  56. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Sarah Palin paved the way for more crazy

    And just like that — phffffttt — she was gone. Sarah Palin, the phantasmagoric shooting star of far-right-wing wackiness, has formally bowed out of the 2012 presidential race.

    Apparently, her decision was God-sent. We can assume this, because, in her 2008 vice presidential run, Palin explained her decision-making process to us on a Fox-TV show: "I'm like, 'OK, God, if there is an open door for me somewhere' — this is what I always pray — I'm like, 'don't let me miss the open door, show me where the open door is, even if it's just cracked up a little bit, maybe I'll plow right on through that, maybe prematurely plow through it, but don't let me miss an open door.'"

    Eons from now, archeologists will unearth this truly awesome and breathless sentence, and say: "Huh?" But, for us political observers today, that burst of Palinese simply translates to this: God showed Sarah the door.

    In breaking the news of her departure from the political stage, the Fox-made millionaire trotted out her family again, declaring that she decided not to run out of respect for them.

    Uh-huh... and out of respect for polls showing that only 21-percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of her. Also — get this — three-fourths of Republican primary voters said they did not want her in the GOP presidential race!

    But let's give her credit. Yes, she's shown herself to be an incoherent, frighteningly unqualified, and far-out political figure, but without her, the door would not have opened for Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and other incoherent, frighteningly unqualified, and far-out Republican contenders.

    Palin would probably give credit to God for opening the door for Bachmann, Perry & Company — but I don't think God hates America that much. So take a bow, Sarah — you earned this one.

  57. Florida. Granny Palin. Snappy comebacks. Old, Republican men. Are you sure this isn't an episode of The Golden Girls?

  58. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Liz, I agree w/ you.

  59. Anonymous7:36 PM

    ... more than likely $he will say something funky and we'll get a good laugh!

    We can depend on Gryphen to fill us in on her latest gaffe so we won't have to click on stories about it in the media. (Do you see where i'm going with this?)

  60. Anonymous7:44 PM

    I wonder how much this scamming conniving ignorant retarded bitch speaking fee is? Her value must of dropped considerably since she announced she quit again (POTUS) and Joe's book came out.

    Some of her speaking engagements were probably arranged before she quit.

  61. Anonymous8:02 PM

    .....Is Palin really being paid to give the speech? By next year, she will be doing it for free just to stay in the spotlight.

    5:54 PM

    I don't know about that. Sarah might be too busy making appearances at children's birthday parties and car dealership openings.

  62. Anonymous8:24 PM

    I always enjoy the photos you choose for your posts.

    This one with the hair and the cold sore brings to mind a classic Cheech and Chong clip-

    Bet she does the toejam thing too ;o) Never underestimate the level of crazy.


    She's the grift that keeps on grifting.

    "Victory Dinner"? Seriously?

  63. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Hey Sare~

    What's with the lip lesions? Could it possibly be a pipe burn . . .or a "pipe burn?"



  64. Oh my. The candy-pink lipstick is a huge improvement on the "nude" she was wearing till recently. Jacket similarly does not wash her out so is improvement. But the hair is really, really bad.

  65. I wonder if Trig will be included in this family vacation?

  66. Grift-o-mania... Almost as bad as Alzehimers...

    So let's do a short trip in the way-back machine.... Florida, home of everything Chimpy Bush and other brother bush.... All losers all the time... And, they got a scamming, now maybe undocumented immigrant as a PHONEY US senator? Getting harder to keep up.. BUT, then there is the new Florida governor .... Rick He truly belongs in prison for fraud, stockholder theft, securities fraud, tax evasion, stockholder manipulation... Just to name a few!

    Mama monkey will feel right at home with a criminal like Scott around... And I really wish these double-widers would stop referring to this bimbo as 'governor'.... She's NOT. She's a pile of waste material that's learned to crawl.

  67. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Since Sarah doesn't need a title, I suggest that they stop calling her "governor." She didn't like that job, so she quit. As for equating Sarah Palin with Victory, just ask John McCain how well that one turned out. As I remember, it was Florida voting Democratic that helped Obama win. Sarah may call herself "undefeated," but when you don't win, then you are the loser.

  68. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Sarah Palin is sad that Libya's Muammar Gaddafi was killed on Thursday....

    She missed her photo op with him but don't fret Sarah, you can still have a photo op with Gaddafi when you see him in Hell!

  69. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Hey Sare~

    What's with the lip lesions? Could it possibly be a pipe burn . . .or a "pipe burn?"



    8:26 PM

    Another Palin STD, runs in the family starting with Sally Heath.

  70. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Hey Sarah you mentioned that you are giving Track a wedding shin dig this winter and I'm just letting you know that I did not git my invite yet.

  71. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Who told Sarah it would look good to have her own bangs pulled out from under that roadkill on her head? And is the back of her hair curled, prom style??? This is a really, really bad look. Ditto for the smeared on pink gloss.

  72. FEDUP!!!3:36 AM

    'Republican Party Victory Dinner'???????
    Victory over who or what?????

    And, YES, she will get her whole fandamily comped, and the kids will get their well-deserved, taxpayer paid vacations in the middle of the school year, even if it bankrupts the party coffers.

    Also, too... I guess she is STILL relevant to a few old, Viagra-supplied white males, even though even most of her vapid supporters have finally seen the light - and even though she is NOT a Republican anymore but instead a 'Conservative'.
    Wonder who/what it will take to FINALLY get her out of the limelight FOR GOOD and into an orange jumpsuit!

  73. Hey Linda Arizona, you should send a copy of that to Greta and Sean. Let them know how stupid they sound calling Sarah governor.

  74. Haven't these Republicans noticed that she's changed from Republican to Conservative?

  75. Anonymous5:00 AM

    I can't help but comment that this picture, like so many others of this witch, makes my head itchy just looking at the dirty, lifeless, hair caked with hairspray on her head. Probably smells like stale cologne, too. Yech.

  76. Is she still netting $100k per show? That's a lot of clams to make up from retirees for someone who is NOT a candidate. for anything.

  77. her hair is clipped on.

    That teenage lip gloss on those "Got Milk?" scabbed up lips is blistex.

    If one stares at her wonky eye for about 5 seconds, her wonky eye seems to get more wonkier. Then look down real fast and her eyes become straight. Optical Illusion bitch

    Do I see shoulder pads? It's the 21st century granny chicken.

  78. Anonymous7:37 AM

    How in the .... She lost that old bag mccain the election. Her brand is not good Florida. You will see. It will happen to you too.

  79. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Hope they know to count the silverware afterward.

  80. This is just more proof (as if we needed any) how out of touch the GOP is with American Voters.

    Haven't they learned ANY thing yet??
    It's been over 30 freakin years!

  81. I guess the US shouldn't be upset that Muammar al-Gaddafi ordered the bombing of Lockerbie, that happened in 1988 you fucking fool. Ha foreign experience my ass.

  82. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hmm, I'm signing a certain 1970s disco song.


    She, works for hard (though my mind is saying whored) for the money.


    It's time yet again for the Sarah to put on the false girls and show some leg and wink a lot.

  83. Anonymous10:10 AM

    She doesn't know it yet, but the victory the GOP is celebrating is her dropping out of the race.

    5:50 PM
    winner of the comments today!

    Chew on that sarah while you stand in front of the tp masses shilling your BS.
    and then tell mcshame to shut the F up too also.

  84. Anonymous10:42 AM

    take a drink every time her tongue comes out....hahahha

  85. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I wonder if she will get to see Glen Rice while she is there?


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