Saturday, October 29, 2011

State of Alaska drops charges against Schaeffer Cox and his fellow murderous militia members.

Michael O. Anderson
Courtesy of Fairbanks News Miner:

The state of Alaska is dismissing all charges against five Fairbanks-area defendants in the “241” murder conspiracy case. Federal charges against four of the defendants remain in place. 

The decision is based on a recent court ruling that keeps prosecutors from using secret FBI recordings made without a search warrant. The charges against militia leader Schaeffer Cox and the others cannot be refiled in state court, Assistant District Attorney Dwayne McConnell said. 

The dismissed charges include many of the most serious charges, including conspiracy to commit murder. State prosecutors had alleged all five defendants were participating in a plan to kill Alaska State Troopers and state court officials. 

All of the five defendants except Michael O. Anderson remain jailed without bail on separate federal charges. As of 1 p.m. today, Anderson remained in custody at Fairbanks Correctional Center, according to the jail’s records, although the dismissal appears on the Alaska Court System website. Anderson faces no other criminal charges in state court, according to the website. 

Leave it up to Alaska to err on the side of the criminal once again.

Makes me wonder who might be pressuring who to let these assholes off the hook. Don't forget that Cox has been linked to Joe Miller, Sarah Palin, and even Congressman Don Young.

Just three days ago four more of his supporters were arrested for tax evasion in Washington. And thanks to the internet his videos have attracted even more batshit crazy followers since his arrest. He, and his followers, are clearly a danger to law enforcement professionals, his fellow Alaskans, and anybody who helped the Federal government build their case against him.

My source called yesterday to tell me that the Feds were caught completely flat footed by the state, and had no idea they were about to drop the charges.

I am also told that the Federal charges are very strong, and that all, except Michael Anderson (The man who gathered the information on the potential victims), will remain locked up until the Federal trial.

Apparently the Feds are also trying to keep Anderson behind bars as well, but it is not looking real good at this time.


  1. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Do Alaska state officials work with the FBI on any level?

    Are there truly that many elected separatists that's just scarey as hell.

    In Yahoo news (Australia) this morning are listed the 5 happiest places in the world to live. the top one is Denmark. according to the report, the peacefulness of Denmark's citizenry can be attributed to no one being left behind in medical or dental services and they bike everywhere as opposed to traveling by car.

    Interesting take on life's priorities.

  2. jadez4:07 AM

    more proof of how disorganized a state alaska really is and also proof as I have always believed how the state attracts the socially undesirables......
    If it weren't for corrupt politicians and the bizarre perverted pathologies of the type demonstrated by chuck heath,etc. alaska would consist of about a dozen people.

    Well, maybe a few more..But you get my point.

  3. Anonymous4:35 AM


    These righteous whack-jobs are going to think their behavior is sanctioned by the greater public and that their dreams of overthrowing government, law and order is justified.

  4. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Hey jerk-offs, have a great winter. Stay sober.

    God bless -

  5. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Wondering if one of those State Troopers on the "Hit List" was one by the name of Mike Wooten?


  6. Anonymous5:56 AM

    You do realize that every time something like this happens up there, all over the world thugs decide that Alaska might be a great place to set up shop. Maybe that is your government policy, to bring in more corruption and crime.

    I am very surprised that Joe McGinniss made it out of there alive. It's obvious that nothing would have been done to anyone who messed with him.

    Malia's ongoing campaign for Shailey's personal belongings is sure exposing a very corrupt APD.

  7. Anonymous6:04 AM

    If the Feds really want to get them in trouble with the right wing, they should kidnap them and drop them off at a OWS protest. Then they will be hated.

  8. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Article at the Fairbanks Daily Newsminer-

  9. Anonymous7:35 AM

    This story is also up on the ADN & the comments there are just UNBELIEVABLE with the support this move is getting - even from commenters who normally post fairly liberal views.

    It's all against the "FEDS." The general consensus, when I was there, was that these scum bags should have all charges dropped. It's scary.

    When they were first charged, the sentiments seemed to go against them, but now it's changed. Guess there must be that many separatists - elected and unelected who live in Alaska.

    Me? Just more proof how far and how thoroughly the corruption has spread. The APD is just one example.

  10. Note to jadez.

    Alaska always gets the people who aren't wanted anywhere else...and those who are.

    But there are a few of us relatively sane ones here too.

  11. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Before you get all het up about this, it is not unusual for states to have "search and seizure" laws and search warrant laws that are stricter than federal laws. The FBI has much greater latitude here, a far greater chance of making the charges stick.

    Stewart was most likely just doing what a judge should appropriately do, uphold his or her own state laws. You would want him to do that if the shoe were on the other foot, if you were in political sympathy with the accused.


  12. emrysa8:40 AM

    damn this really sux gryphen, sorry to hear it.

  13. Anonymous9:01 AM

    In Alaska so many real criminals walk free, and often the innocent are convicted. A travesty at best.

    Hopefully the Feds will lock those whackos up for good, along with their political buddies.

  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Alaska sounds like hell to me. A great place for bullies and corrupt government officials.

  15. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I am so disliking living in the State of Alaska and I've been here since 1950! Our government has been and still is corrupt. Many of our current legislators have been bought by the oil industry. We have a suit happy governor that cannot be trusted due to his ties to the oil industry and on and on and on.

    Alaska seems worse in stature than many states in the lower 48. Palin's time on the national scene didn't improve the look of our capabilities either.

  16. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Looks to me like the Feds need to do some more digging. Start with Young, Palins, and Parnell. All of their hands are dirty on this one. And of course Miller. He is the dirtiest of them all.

  17. Anonymous11:09 AM

    An example of what could happen if the bad federal govt, 'leave things up to the states' crowd gets their way.

  18. Anonymous12:13 PM

    If these guys had arab sounding names and were Muslims, the right wing would be going freaking nuts on this!

  19. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Why not let the Feds prosecute this case? They can't be tried twice for the same charges anyway. I'd rather have them rotting in a Federal Pen than breathing Alaska air.

    The Feds have way more tools at their disposal to make a successful prosecution.

    My only problem with this case is that search warrants apparently weren't obtained before they did the wire-tapping. Why not? That is law enforcement 101. How hard would it have been to get a warrant?

    The fact that the feds can get away with it because of the (un)Patriot Act really rankles me. And it's one of the things I hold against Pres. Obama, that he hasn't gotten rid of the Patriot act.


  20. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    If these guys had arab sounding names and were Muslims, the right wing would be going freaking nuts on this!

    12:13 PM

    Thank You! I had the same thought while reading it.

    I've always felt Our President's biggest flub was not holding the previous administration culpable for the Patriot Act, ignoring the Geneva Convention, starting an unjusst personal vendetta against Iraq with not one shred of evidnence.

    Stay Safe, our Alaskan Friends.


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