Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Beyonce's possibly fake pregnancy is getting the kind of scrutiny we all wish Sarah Palin had received. But didn't.

Okay I have only had a passing interest in this Beyonce fake pregnancy story up until now, and in fact was not COMPLETELY convinced it was indeed fake.

But the evidence is mounting.

 Yesterday Beyonce was out promoting her NEW DVD. She looked AMAZING as usual. But she accidentally let what appears to be a PROSTHETIC slip out. 

Now we can't say for CERTAIN that's a prosthetic, but it sure as HECK looks like one. Which makes us ask the question - Gee we wonder why a PREGNANT WOMAN - who is supposed to have a BIGGER BUST would need prosthetics? We also wonder what OTHER prosthetics the chick has on .

Okay so here is one of the pictures that appear to show something  hinky with Beyonce's chest.

You can see more interesting pictures by clicking this link.
I figured since those of us on this blog are seasoned fake pregnancy spotters, I would leave it up to you to determine if Beyonce is pulling a "Palin" or not.

What do you think?


  1. Christina2:08 AM

    That's a bra, Gryph.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Yep, she's pulling a Palin.

  3. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Sarah Palin Got Scolded by Roger Ailes for Not Announcing Her Non-Candidacy on Fox News


  4. This particular link is the one that convinced me she's faking. But why? So what if she hired a surrogate?


    The boob shot with the "prosthetic" looks like something I have in my underwear drawer. A few years back when I underwent reconstructive post-mastectomy surgery (with an unfortunately lopsided horrible result)I saw these rubbery stick-em-on-your-boobs bra inserts, meant for women who want to bump up there cup size. They come with 2-sided tape so you don't have to wear a bra. For me they were the answer to "padding" one side of my chest to even out my "boobs" and make me appear more normal. A friend bought a pair to "lift & boost" if you will. I recognized the same exact insert/breast modifier by the piece that connects the two rubber cups in the center. (I cut mine apart to use them) Some women also use prosthetics to help disguise the good ol' "NIPS AHOY" from showing through the thin material of a blouse or dress.
    If I had never seen the video above of the "collapsing belly", I would have thought that the boob shots with the breast booster stuffed into her bra where worn by her to hide hard nips with that particular dress.

  5. This is the product I bought to help my unevenly shaped botched post-mastectomy reconstructive surgery result. I cut mine apart of course just to use one side. (cheaper than buying the ones made for breast cancer surgery patients at $350+ a pop) These look like what she is wearing.


  6. Well, it isn't her bra because the other pictures show that she is wearing a black bra visible thru the side mesh of her dress.

    I personally don't know what those things are, since I don't need them (he,he), but I'm more intrigued by Beyonce's belly, or rather lack there of. My guilty pleasure is reading US Weekly and Star mags, and they always have tons of pictures of pregnant celebrities. Jessica Simpson and Hillary Duff are currently pregnant, and there is absolutely no question...their walk, their faces, their boobs are all those of a pregnant woman. Beyonce? Not so much. Her belly doesn't look like it's grown in the 2.5 months since she announced her pregnancy. For someone who's supposed to deliver in a couple of months, Beyonce is looking rather small.

    Meh, she should have just bought some scarves. It worked for Sarah.

  7. Anonymous3:00 AM

    I see a prosthetic on both sides. Yes, she is faking it as she doesn't want to subject herself to stretched abs, (Gee you'd think she had might tight abs, but I digress),stretch marks, hemorrhoids, killr heartburn, vericose vein potential, bleeding gums, thinning hair postpartum, mood swings, and a little thing called labor and possible tearing or episiotomy to her cootch.
    She has an assistant carrying as a surrogate.

  8. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Is she going to run for VEEP on the ticket with an old, sick person?


    Who cares whether Beyonce is a psychotic freak or just a self-centered idiot. She can do whatever gets her as much as cash as possible. It won't be MY cash, that's for sure.

    BTW, I rather see a woman don a bust enhancer than stretch the girls with surgery. There is clearly a market for distorted boobs among rather stupid guys. The women that want that kind of guy ogling them don't have a very good self-image. But at least the non-surgical approach gives them a chance at looking normal at age 80.

  9. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Hi, Gryphen, thanks for posting this story, I'm the one who posted the link on here yesterday.

    I find it strange too that Palin was not questioned as much on the pregnancy story as Beyonce, but i guess beyonce isn't getting much about it in the mainstream media (yet), it's mostly on sites like mto, etc.

  10. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Those Hollywood people pull fake marriages all the time, why not have an imaginary pregnancy, too? If she tried to show a little dignity, this wouldn't be a issue. Why the cleavage? Yes, Beyonce, pleased as punch with herself, seems to be faking it. Is she going to pretend to have a pregnancy loss if her next album tanks and pull a sympathy card?

    Is she married? If not, then she is also doing a Bristol the Pistol.

  11. dancingthroughlife3:56 AM

    Wouldnt surprise me if she's going to have a baby- via surrogate. Maybe she didn't want to worry about what would happen to her body, didn't want to take time off from her career, etc- why she would think she could take care of a child and do all that, I don't know, but it's possible- after all , they'll probably have more than one nanny, baby nurse, etc. She may not have wanted to admit that she's using a surrogate, so she's pretending? Nothing surprises me with Hollywood. Look at Katie Holmes' 'pregnancy' with her daughter.

  12. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Sure looks fake. This woman has boobs (or at least, she has always appeared to be pretty wel-endowed. I guess the entire Beyonce package is fake...what a shock.

  13. Like you, I have no interest in Beyonce. However, since Babygate, I am more aware of these fake pregnancies and the Beyonce "pregnancy" is the latest, it would seem. There is one picture of her taken recently where she looks like she's ready to pop and another recent picture where there is no baby bump at all. It is said that Kelly Preston did not give birth to her latest child. And I remain firm in my belief that Suri Cruise was born several months before her announced birth.

    It was a lot easier to cover up a pregnancy in the old days. Women just disappeared for a few months and then presented a new baby. A lot of families have a case where a grandmother "covered" for a teenaged daughter. Today, with everyone armed with a camera phone, it's a lot more difficult to pull off a fake pregnancy. Too bad few paid any real attention to Sarah's fake pregnancy back in 2008.

  14. I must say that those are one strange pair of boobs.

    Could it be some sort of weird bra?

    It does raise the possibility that she is using a surrogate.

    Also, too? Ouch. Whatever she has on looks painful.

  15. I find this whole thing disturbing at some level I can't even describe. If she used a surrogate, I don't have a problem with that. People have many reasons to do that. If she got an empathy belly to see what she would look like preggers, I don't have a problem with that. But faking the whole thing while running around looking like a babe, well, it's a little creepy.

  16. Anonymous5:28 AM

    That's a bra that is showing.

  17. Anonymous5:29 AM

    What I think, is that she is so afraid of gaining weight that she and Jay-Z have hired or accepted a surrogate, but as capitalists, got greedy and went and designed a maternity line for hot Mama Sizzly's.

    Baby Phat proved so lurcrative, Beyonce wanted some of that; unfortunately, that opens her up to this public scrutiny. But this is just for a performance artist, not someone who wanted to rule the free world. Who also happens to be a pretty lame political culture war performance artists who only dials in or votes 'present' in her expert analysis for Fox News and her six-figure speaking engagements.

  18. Anonymous5:43 AM

    I want to know where her bump went. Weren't there photos of her months ago with at least a 5 month looking bump? It's okay if she chooses to have a baby through a surrogate, but it looks insane to then fake a pregnancy to look like she gave birth. Benyonce, you are not doing yourself any favors hon!

  19. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Beyonce has indeed been seen with the scarves mirroring our beloved Palin...

  20. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Read below. THIS is why we need to hold people accountable for their antics, actions or lies. She is selling her 'pregnancy' to promote her brand. Just like Palin did for the nookie, not for Trig.

    "Ever since she announced her baby news, all eyes have been focused on Beyonce's fierce maternity style. From sequins to minidresses to incredibly high stilettos, Beyonce isn't letting dressing for two slow down her fashion choices. Click through to see the fun and stylish ways Beyonce is dressing up her baby bump."


  21. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I love the commentson the site that clearly shows she is wearing a black bra.

    It was pointed out that the fake chest is the same that trannie's wear.


  22. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Was this recent? I thought it was determined by her belly-slippage that she was faking?

    Why does this boob thing matter?

  23. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I agree, I think it's a bra. It might be filled,

  24. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Is there not going to be a babygate book after all? Maybe I missed something, but I thought Fred's book was supposed to come out in September, then October. I have seen nothing. Is this issue dead and is she just going to get away with it? Disheartening.

  25. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Totally agree with you, Crystal Sage.

  26. Can't wait to share this with my friend! He's been defending her belly.

    She ain't. Been telling it to everyone all along.

    Her mom has mad skills as a designer (not my taste), she could hook up some padding inside the dress, with no tell tale signs of straps and such.

    You can Google the interview she did a few weeks ago- when her belly folded as she sat down. That one moment convienced me that she was pulling a Palin (and Bristol too).

    Some blamed the dress, saying it folded, not her belly. That moment reminds me of the squish balls, the ones used for stress. You know the type, well her belly reacted like one of those balls.

    One issue is that the belly is centered on her actual belly, that woman still has her waist. At 4, 5, 6 months, there is no waist. Her belly in other words has not spread, it has just centered.

    See her video performance on Nov 13th, as she danced in heels, kicking legs in air, bouncing about stage, flat as hell. No belly. Where as before, her belly was way bigger. In the video she wears black, and tries to blend into the black setting of the stage.

    By the way, I'm no expert, but I received my 'I can Spot Your Fake Belly' training certificate from the SarahPalin institute of Fakery.

  27. Her stomatch WAY WAY bigger here: http://cdn.mediatakeout.com/52384/beyonce-shows-off-her-pregnant-belly-and-she-s-huge-looks-about-13-or-14-months-along-now.html

  28. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Beyonce was invisible for a couple years. IMO she already has the baby and is pretending to be pregnant currently. Why? no clue....

  29. NOT a bra! One that is your skin's identical color and you wear prominently outside your dress?!?! And In the other photos it shows that she is wearing a black bra.
    Weather she CAN'T get pregnant or doesn't WANT to get pregnant and "ruin" her body...she and her husband should be PROUD and vocal about adopting a child. WTF is WITH these people!?!?!?!

  30. Calli Pygian6:40 AM

    I still think B is full of it, but that is clearly photoshopped. The prosthetic visible doesn't even line up with the underwire. Additionally, what prosthetic is made with goosebumps?

    I propose that she is gaining weight by the good old-fashioned hand to mouth method, so that when the surrogate delivers, B can shuck the padding and reveal her "post baby" lingering weight. This will allow her to dupe much of the public, and possibly score her a weight loss endorsement.

    Fake as fake can be, on all counts.

  31. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Sarah wasn't as big a figure as Beyonce is. If she had done it a little later in the same way she did in 2008, it would have been different. And, if she does it now, no one would care enough to say much, other than "Why does a family that can't figure out how to plan babies and adds to our population problems think they can deal with bigger issues?" It's become obvious, they can't.

  32. Here small: http://cdn.mediatakeout.com/51109/where-d-it-go-beyonce-photo-d-out-last-night-wearing-a-form-fitting-dress-and-look-no-baby-bump.html

    Here big: http://cdn.mediatakeout.com/51752/beyonce-photo-d-out-wearing-a-tight-dress-and-her-bump-it-looks-very-odd-have-y-all-ever-seen-a-bump-that-starts-so-low.html

    And check out how low the belly is already.

  33. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I don't get it. Being pregnant is one of the most wonderful things a human can do. I did not realize how many women these days do not give birth in Hollywood, probably because I really don't keep up with the Hollywood news. However, I did just buy a bra that was both black and nude on different parts of the bra, maybe she has one of those.

  34. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Makes me think that Beyonce has a surrogate in hiding somewhere but wants to play up 'the victim' of such a hard pregnancy she herself had.

    This is how Beyonce tanks her following in one easy step. Dishonesty!! Hmmmm - a familiar ring to it!!!

    Is she trying to hide that JayZ 'doesn't have the parts'?? How embarrassing to his 'manhood'!! Is it her and she doesn't want to fess as a black woman, she doesn't have the 'parts'??

    Who gives a rat's ass -- her dishonestly will tank her as no one would care if she admitted she was using a surrogate. Many in "LaLaLand" have used surrogates and nobody cares but it appears 'vanity' gets in the way of Beyonce's truth.

    Say goodbye to both Beyonce's & JayZ's respect and careers in that he too is hiding the secret - playing their fans. He's as guilty as she.

  35. Y'all hold tight. One more


    See her actual belly, flatten

  36. WakeUpAmerica6:52 AM

    Pulling a Palin. She must be considering a late run for the GOP ticket. (snort)

  37. Anonymous7:14 AM

    even if she is preg you can see from the photos she is small in one and large in the other... that's totally sending the wrong message to kids to be so fake

    and if it was a bra she wouldn't be wearing her dress so low that the bra would be seen

  38. People noticing that Beyonce is faking a pregnancy is good news for us Babygaters. It will make people more willing to consider that Palin did it, assuming Fred's book gets some press.

    I heard about a missing child case last night that somewhat mirrored a Law and Order episode the previous night. Very sad. But I also thought of Palin and Desperate Housewives and her going to see the movie Juno right before she announced. "If movie stars can do it, why not me?"

  39. First, I do believe she's faking her pregnancy. I was convinced ever since viewing the 'baby bump' video a while back.

    Second, the bra sides are black but the cups could be beige/nude color. It's not impossible for a bra to have different color components, straps, cups, etc. It's a low-cut dress so maybe Beyonce had a bra custom made to appear nude in front only.

    I think a prosthetic breast cup would be visible at the top of the cup area, but in this photo it's not vislble.

    So I'm a believer, but not based on this photo. Beyonce needs to stay in seclusion until the 'baby' is born.

  40. OverMountainMan8:02 AM

    That along with the pic of her sitting for an interview that shows her baby bump squishing like a water balloon lends to the fake baby tale, But I'll defer judgement until more evidence comes in .

  41. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Nope. Not a smoking gun. This is a bit of a stretch. The video of the baby bump folding however was super weird.

  42. Beyonce got scared by what poor ole Mariah Carey went through and Bey wasn't having none of that!

    Did ya'll see Mariah at the end of her pregnancy? She looked like a baby elephant...not to mention Mariah stayed in the hospital for two weeks for "reconstructive" surgery....code in Hollywood for a "tummy tuck". Then Mariah fucked it all up by shilling for "Jenny Craig" (hint to Brisdull...they have openings sweetie...better jump on it!)

    These stars can't get away with this shit like they use to...to many eyes and cameras...LOL!!!

  43. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I bet Beyonce gets her shape back quickly after the 'delivery'.

    There are lots of reasons for people to raise a child they did not birth. I think that some in show business may not want to look like Sarah did when she wore a red tent and stood on the deck.


  44. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Remember when Al Sharpton caught flak for saying that kids' acceptance of Michael Jackson as a pop icon helped change the environment, and paved the way for America's acceptance of a black President a few decades later? I never understood the flak: it struck me as an excellent point. And what that has to do with the price of tea in China is, we've all talked about the factors that contributed to the media's failure on babygate, including male squeamishness, and people's reluctance to believe a woman would do anything that insane. So maybe the current coverage of Beyonce is helping to change the environment? Maybe when Fred's book comes out people won't be quite so quick to write off babygate as too outlandish to consider? (Fred's book is still coming out, right?)

  45. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The "arrow type" thing looks like a very sharp shadow of her dress in her cleavage and the "wrinkles" around the perimeter of her breast just the natural skin bunching up in her cleavage. Looks like she has implants which do kind of mutate the skin in the middle of the breasts because of the unnatural pulling and tugging of the skin.

    Her "deflating" baby bump from the video a few weeks ago was very strange indeed, but this just looks like shadows and big fake boobs.

  46. Anonymous2:46 PM

    If she's having a surrogate do it for her, why not be honest about it? There's no shame in that, unless she's too vain to want to submit her figure to the strain of childbearing or whether there is some kind of health issue involved. They're going to be watching her every move to see if she can do things pregnant women can't: like bend over or waddle.
    M from MD

  47. Anonymous4:13 PM

    The picture montage in one link provided early on in the comments includes a shot of Bey in a bikini where she clearly has a baby bump that is no prosthesis. It looks about 4 mos., so early on. It is weird that the photos show huge and small profiles, though they aren't dated, so they may be out of order chronologically.

  48. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Unless she's running for office and sayin things like "You can actually SEE parts of the "Hollywood" sign from Hollywood", then I really don't care what Beyonce does.
    Hollywood is full of ditz's and fake people who will do anything and everything for money. Even fake a baby she already had, or is paying someone else to carry for her. Bey is a shrewd businesswoman, and can carry off this fraud, and her fans won't leave her. She's got looks and talent to fall back on. Sarah, Bristol? ehhhh, not so much.
    The only reason it matters with Sarah Palin, is it shows the extremes she'd go to to obtain political power. She went the route of fame whore extaordinaire, and is now just a mere speck of e-coli in the cesspool of the tea party. What talent does she have to fall back on? Ok, you can all stop lauging.

  49. Well, faking a pregnancy aside, that's most likely a bra. There are, as stated in other comments, things that stick to your breasts in order to increase your cup size and push the breasts together to create more cleavage. That's what it looked like to me.

    If she's faking a pregnancy, I feel bad for her. She must feel like she needs to do it for some reason.

  50. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I had a small chest before pregnancy, a slightly less small chest during pregnancy, and a disaster after breastfeeding.

  51. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I agree with Crystal Sage too. I remember a report on Tom and Katie having a after dinner cupcake with candles for Suri in January.We all remember a very pregnant Katie bending down and shopping for shoes,before (giving birth).


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