Monday, November 28, 2011

I never thought it would happen to me but I am now convinced that Jesus is God. But remember I MAY have dyslexia.

I have heard of people seeing this image on windows, on doors, in the clouds, portrayed in birthmarks, and in just about every other possible place imaginable. But this is the first time that I personally have seen it so clearly. Just awe inspiring don't you think?

I do have to admit that I am a little puzzled by the message this sends however.

(Don't waste your breath telling me, I already know I am on the fast track to hell. Still, pretty funny right?)


  1. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Strangely, that dog probably has a purer heart than all the religious people who loudly proclaim their beliefs!! That really is amazing, and a clearer image than most of the other "stuff" (like toast) that they claim shows the image.

  2. Anonymous2:17 AM

    I am liberal, progressive and agnostic - perhaps even atheistic. Yet I do not think it wise or clever to gratuitously mock that which others hold sacred even when on the surface it appears funny to do so.

    When you do this, you appear to be as crass, ignorant and hateful as the most bigoted, hateful, evangelical on the far right lunatic fringe.

    I am reminded of man who kept sending out mass emails with racist pictures supposed of Obama - such as the one with a black man in a warehouse filled with watermelons and another that showed a black baby in KFC chicken bucket with the "humorous" caption that this proved that he was, afterall an American citizen.

    I challenged him on it. He responded that I would have to admit that both were funny. No, I told him they were both racist. His response was that "you liberals have no sense of humor." He gloated that is was so easy to get under the skin of a humorless liberal.

    With this post, you have put yourself on his level, for you have done exactly the same kind of thing in reverse.

  3. I've been reading your blog for years. It is just these incredibly stupid posts that are disrespectful of God that I cannot stand. Would it kill you to knock it off?

  4. Anonymous3:14 AM

    Looks more like him than some grilled cheese sandwiches i have seen.......and yes Gryphen,the Inbound Express........

  5. Anonymous3:23 AM

    You know this is going to keep me up nights, wondering....oyd

  6. Randall3:36 AM


    oh man...
    spat coffee all over my monitor.

  7. sharon28533:37 AM

    Hmmm...If you put a pair of glasses on this image and a little lip gloss I think you have a more perfect image of a person that can shoot rays of sunshine out of her ass. (some people think so anyway)

  8. Anonymous3:51 AM

    it looks more like Sarah pregnant at start of iron dog race.

  9. Wolfbitch4:24 AM

    O. M. G.

    You are indeed so going to hell.

    If I get there before you, I'll save you a seat.

    And bring the dog.

  10. lol. You need the Venn for this.

  11. Anonymous5:23 AM

    That's hilarious!!

    I won't even try telling you Gryph. I accepted years ago that I'd be going to hell. I was told my space was reserved and would be decorated with zebra print and a disco ball!! I have always said these look tacky so that's why she picked them.

    So - I got her back. I bought a battery operated medium size disco ball (hung from ceiling fan) and some zebra print fabric and made a bed cover, pillow covers, draped some as a curtain scarf and odd zebra print stuff I bought and decorated spare bedroom when this person was coming for a stay visit!!

    Let's just say, it was fortunate she was not drinking any coffee when she opened the door!!

  12. Anonymous6:15 AM


    OK, it's not just the image of a face, but the whole body. I think it's real. The potatoes and cheese sandwiches only have a face, and very vague.
    Also, God/doG. Coincidence?

    Save me a seat, Wolfbitch.

  13. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I think this is unnecessary and ill-considered. Many of us, including me, who read and appreciate this blog do not see the humor in this kind of post.

    You may consider religion to be the "opiate of the masses' but many of your readers, including me, do not. Belief systems, whether particularly religious or not, are very complicated and we all, one way or another, need them to explain our places in the vast universe. What is important is that they not cause harm but lead to understanding.

  14. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Kind of funny to me that people can speak so cavalierly about "hell". If there is one, I surely wouldn't be joking about going there.

    What I see from conflicted/doubting/sure-of- themselves-atheist people at this season in particular is a rise in hostility towards Christianity. I see it from my confirmed non-Christian relatives, also. You can't believe some of the joke emails I get just around Christmas Eve. So incredibly disrespectful, and nothing comparable to anything I would ever dream of sending them around their sacred holidays. (They'd go absolutely ballistic if I dared, though I feel no compulsion to do so.)

    It's too bad that some people are so insecure about their own beliefs. I think this stuff just eats away at people and they can't restrain themselves from lashing out in an effort to feel better about not knowing for sure - which none of us do. It's the human condition.

    If you are at peace, be at peace. Stop insulting and hurting others.

  15. Anonymous6:40 AM

    It is amazing that people lose their sense of humor when it comes to a belief system.

    Not, mind you, racist emails that are intended to do harm and belittle people, but a belief system.

    For my part, having nine Newfoundlands, if they aren't going to heaven, then neither am I!

    I think this is hilarious in a purely dog way. I mean how do dogs greet each other!!

  16. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Anon 6:26

    So you're telling us that 'you're the more important one' because you believe.

    There are two sides sweetheart. Not all of us buy into 'organized' religion and in many ways it shows in that there appears to be a difference of open-mindedness. One is open - the other is closed.

    You figure out which one is which.

  17. As a rule I tend to leave religious practices or beliefs alone that are not being actively shoved down my throat by politicians or evangelicals who are convinced that THEIR version of God and the universe is the ONLY acceptable version.

    However let me mentions that there are places in the world where worshipers will travel hundreds, if not thousands, of miles to witness tears running down the face of a statue, or the image of the Virgin Mary, or Buddha, or even Elvis in a water stain on a building.

    It is not unusual for people to be charged money for access to these "miracles," or to be given the opportunity to buy some trinket to remember their visit. These people gladly pay as their faith has rendered their logic impotent.

    I once saw a picture of what was supposed to be the image of Christ on the window of a building, that I simply could not make out no matter from which angle I viewed it. Yet it drew hundreds of worshipers.

    I do not think it mocks religion per se, to poke a little fun at this rather odd phenomena.

  18. Anonymous6:53 AM

    sppppptttttttttt......damn, that is funny.

  19. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Ok, this is even too disgusting for me, and I'm an avowed non-believer in organized religions. Too crass for class.

  20. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Hmmm. Not sure if you moderated my earlier comment. Hope not, it was legitimate.

    Whatever, Gryphen, nice try on your last comment... Not an adequate justification, imo.

    Just because there are Christians who we cannot stand re: their political activities does not give everyone permission to ridicule a sacred belief system for millions of people.

    There is a vast difference between a piece of toast and this disgusting example.

    And, SPOT ON to the first anon. of the thread!!!!!

    And folks, the fun seems to be being poked at the mindless lemmings of religion, not religion itself.

  22. AkMom7:23 AM

    Love Love LOVE it! I shall be meeting you in a hot place waaay down low some day.

    Keep up the good posts, Gryph!

  23. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I see more "God" in animals than I do in people. Their love is unconditional, colorblind, and they harbor no hate nor anger toward anyone.
    This image is more visible than others I've seen on oil slicks, smoke from the twin towers, thermal windows with coating defects, toast, potato chips, waffles, crackers, and jello pudding skin from not covering the dish in the fridge.

    People think you've crossed a line with this one, and their feelings are hurt.

    good job,a sense of humor is a good thing!

    keep it up

    I'll save a seat for you and the dog, should I get there first.

  24. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Why those look like blue suede shoes.

  25. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Gryphen, you are going to catch HELL for this. I think it is amusing... and a remarkable likeness. I saw an "ethereal" image like this in my scrambled eggs this morning, but it didn't persist. I sopped it up with toast.

  26. Anonymous7:43 AM

    anon @ 6:34

    As a non-religious person, I could turn your statement around and use it myself. Especially this part:

    "It's too bad that some people are so insecure about their own beliefs."

  27. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Jesus wore a snuggie? Who knew?

  28. You might think it's Jesus but it looks like Rick Perry to me.

  29. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Too funny! It took me a moment to get what you were talking about. Then I saw it.

    Sounds from some of these comments like you hit a nerve. It's like they think Gawd won't like them anymore if they don't pompously defend him.

    I'm so glad I'm religious-belief-system free.

  30. Lighten up Frances!7:59 AM


    Thanks for the laughs this morning Gryphen...I can actually see the image for a change! And I love dogs too!

  31. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I think this is a very funny photo, but your attitude is not.

    I am not a Christian (or anything else), but I feel that your recent posts denigrating religion of any kind is unwise.

    I understand the urge to tease, because Xtians are especially vile these days, but you come over as dismissive and disparaging of ALL people "dumb" enough to believe in a faith system.

    The photo still makes me chuckle, but I think you could present it w/o commenting (insinuating) that believers are stupid. Certainly does not further understanding in this toxic stew we live in.

  32. Anonymous8:07 AM

    2:17, if not for the fact that this is the most clear Jesus-like image that I have ever seen in these types of visions, I might share your view, though not as angrily.

    Remember, "dog" is "God" from a different point of view.

  33. Hey that looks just like my backup dog's butt!!


    Oh FFS, it's just a DOG'S REAR END. It's funnier than the images seen in rust spots on a concrete wall, or on a piece of toast, because at least God made the dog. You don't think God has a sense of humor?

  34. I'm with those who believe it undermines the message of national inclusiveness and respect for all races, religions, gender orientations, etc., if we use the same crass and ugly language that the far-right bigots use. I'd prefer to promote civil discourse than contribute to destroying it.

    And wit is funny to me personally; just stupid or disgusting isn't.

  35. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Several great comments here.
    Yes god has sense of humor, but some people don't.
    I saw the image immediately! Funny that lots of us not religious can see the "miracle" here.
    Gryphen is this your Dog?
    I tweeted this out, sure to get some shit on it... :(
    Hey its not my fault if all they see is a dogs butt?

  36. Anonymous9:53 AM

    This is seriously funny!

  37. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh my… So many commenters equating rampant pareidolia with "a sacred belief system [held by] millions of people" and choosing to interpret ridicule of the former as an attack on the latter.

    First, the population of people who see significance in tortillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, etc, is in no way representative of the much larger general population of Christians. Second, even if by some absurd stretch of logic this were taken as ridicule of all living Christians, it in no way reflects upon the sacred belief system itself, but only upon its present-day followers. Veneration of a rust stain or a cloud formation hardly qualifies as a sacred belief.

  38. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Gryphen you need to copy your comment from 6:51 into the main article. Indeed you are commenting on the phenomenon and not persecuting Christians. It would be good for everyone who reads the post to understand the context and intent. I found the image very interesting and thank you for posting it.


    Don't worry about going to hell Gryph, a whole buncha us will be their to keep you company :-}

  40. Anonymous11:58 AM

    What Ted Powell said. Exactly.

    Just like I cant understand why my Christian friends think that my defense of separating church and state is some kind of persecution of them...and only them.

  41. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Ha, a friend of mine said he saw the halo over Jesus' head (in the photo).

    He has better eyes than me.


  42. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I personally want god OFF my money, OUT of my Pledge and OUT of my government. Until that happens I'm happy to mock any christian for their crazy beliefs.

  43. HAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA - Too funny. I am going to hell too. hahahahahahahah

  44. Beldar Olympus Conehead2:00 PM

    By Jupiter, Gryphen, they say All-Mighty Zeus read your post and grumpily snorted "Putz!" but throne-side demi-gods insist they saw the All-Seeing, All-Knowing, All-Powerful God of Gods suppress a snicker, as He is wont to do... You might want to avoid direct lightning strikes over the next few days, but don't worry, these things always blow over quickly.

  45. Anonymous3:08 PM

    A small part of me wishes there was a Hell, instead of cessation of life and absolute nothingness.

  46. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Some of you guys are missing the point.
    The point being that since absolutely no one knows what any of the multitude of angles, saints, or even the triumvirate God/Son/Holy Ghost who are worshiped by Christians - look like:

    That the mania for recognizing their images anywhere is just silly. And taken literally is the worship of a false idol.

    Also too, dogs are a creation of God so why is it a problem if his or his son's image should appear on a dog's body?

    You can't have it both ways.
    And you have dirty minds.

  47. Anonymous4:27 PM

    There is nothing in Gryphen's original post that mentions anything about Christianity.

    Or any other faith for that matter.

    It is a photo of a dog's rear end. Those of you who condemn Gryphen and some of the commenters are inventing something that is simply not there except in your own mind.
    And so any insult or affront is in you own mind.

    Those of us who are finding the photo humorous are laughing not at the precepts of Christ's teachings but at the silliness of enshrining objects that some think resemble things or people they have never seen.
    That falls into the same intellectual category as seeing ghosts and believing in dragons.

    Finding humor in that may in fact indicate that we actually value the truths of Christ's teachings rather than the faux trappings ad magic mumbo jumbo that have been larded onto them through the centuries.

    Is seeing the image of Mother Teresa in a bun really the measure of the depth and breadth of your Christina faith and practices?

  48. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Blogger Bretta said...
    You might think it's Jesus but it looks like Rick Perry to me.
    7:51 AM

    I was thinking the Abominable Snowman, myself. Though I do like the snuggie suggestion.

  49. I'll save you a pitchfork...

  50. Anonymous5:01 PM

    And God spelled backwards is Dog and dogs are surely a gift to humanity. I know I am a better human being because of the dogs in my life, so odd as this image is, it doesn't upset me the way it apparently does others. Kind of weird though.

  51. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Hilarious, Gryphen, I almost spewed on my monitor too.

    Personally, I think some of the "outraged" people are our favorite Palin family bots, just trying to jump on you for anything they can.

    Your explanation was helpful, but I didn't think you were bashing religion in the first place.

    Anyway, thanks, I chuckled all day at work about this.

  52. Anonymous7:49 AM

    People see Jesus in burned toast, in dirty water dripping down an overpass wall, and on dirty glass windows. I must say this looked more like the image of Jesus everyone worships than the drips on the overpass wall. I don't speak for Jesus in any way, but I think He has a sense of humor and if He were here today He would say, "you see, I told you I was everywhere." And then he would smile, bless me, and give the dog a treat.

  53. Marleycat10:41 AM

    EXACTLY, Gryphen - just how I feel! It IS funny, but not in a HA-HA-HA way - this pic epitomizes the absurdity of those who "see" Jesus in things that in reality are nothing but what they are - in this case - a dog's ass!

    And as for not being "respectful" to Christians for not condemning you for daring to post this inanity - I'm not afraid of going to HELL, because I'm already there!

    To those who feel Atheists are just as extreme as fundamentalist Christian Evangelicals - I disagree! I've never had an Atheist come to my door to recruit me, I mean, develop a new resource to exploit for more money - and not a one has ever condemned me for having a belief system of my choice.

    In fact, Atheists don't give a good GOD DAMN what YOU believe, as long as you don't try to take away their Constitutional Right to worship or not worship as they choose!

    Furthermore - if you have the same problem as Sarah Palin, Herb Cain, or the other nitwits who believe that God has "spoken" to them (via images like this dog's ass, for example)and told them they are the "Chosen One" to lead this country - get thee to the nearest shrink because that's not GOD - you are having AUDITORY HALLUCINATIONS! If you believe you see that GOD has "opened a door for you", get real, that's not God, either! Call a CARPENTER, and get the door fixed!

    Another thing - all you "devout Christians" - your belief system is no more or less sacred, legitimate, or meaningful than any other belief system, including Atheism. After all the horrific crimes against humanity committed by Christians, or other similar Religious cults, it seems to me, you don't have a leg to stand on taking Atheists to task.

  54. Anonymous4:34 AM

    If you are truly a religious person, it shouldn't be a surprise to find GOD in the most UNUSUAL places, and finding Jesus on a dog's ass would be a pleasant surprise, wouldn't it? I myself find it very amusing, made my day. It's also true that you see what you want to see, so for those Christians who have seen this portrait of Jesus , why are you offended, you put it there.

  55. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Is that a pug?

  56. Whine! Why doesn't anyone see Thor, Hera or Isis in toast/pancakes/mold stains, etc? Sigh - it ain't easy being pagan! (As for the anonymous blue nose at 6:56 who called it a "Disgusting" example, I think it was a nice, neat little dog's butt and I think Diana would smack him/her for being disparaging of one of Her hounds!)

  57. Anonymous2:12 PM

    I'm trying to get my puggle to stand up to see if he has any miracles on his butt.


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