Sunday, November 27, 2011

Michele Bachmann's book tour, as interpreted by Funny or Die.


  1. Anonymous5:23 AM

    I'd like to know, especially in this economy, just who in the hell buys books authored by any of these horrible people?

    I LOVE our President and many progressives in Washington, but I'd never buy any of their books. Reading the papers about our reality is hard enough, you couldn't pay me to read a political homage to any of 'em, all of 'em authors.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    I read just two paragraphs from Joe McGinnis's Searching for the Rogue in an airport once, those passages alone only made me shudder and reaffirm how hideous a person Sarah Palin is.

    I can't imagine what I'd come away with in reading a Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann slop.

  3. Anonymous6:04 AM

    For the GOP, the campaign is just a means to enrich their already substantial bank accounts. And hey, if the field is weak, who knows who might be tapped to actually run? I mean, if Sarah Palin can be a few million votes from VP, why not a Bachmann? Besides, running keeps her and Perry away from their taxpayer paid jobs for months at a time...that may be a blessing in disguise.

    Jesus was a socialist!!!

  4. Anonymous6:17 AM


    "... and the failings of our first black president, Blackrak Blackbama."

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Hilarious! Chignon...LOL

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Depending on who the audience is, Bachmann is either a "preaching to the crowd" and "in your face" evangelical who believes that this is a Christian nation and that it should be restored to its former 'theocratic status', OR she is a pandering politician who pretends that she respects the Constitution and is striving to represent all Americans equally. I would describe her in the same way that I would describe all the right-wing candidates: exhibit A of spiritual schizophrenia, a 'disease' that, under careful questioning and investigation, is shown to manifest only in those who are hypocrites and liars.

  7. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Michele Bachmann's beliefs are front and center in Core of Conviction

  8. Anonymous8:32 PM

    The actress playing Shelly really has the crazy eye stepford clueless wife look down pat! The reseblence is amazing, or scary, or both.

    I bought Barack's "Dreams of my Father" book, and "of thee I sing", and they're both must read books. His character and core beliefs shine though, in his own words. His grace, a black man all but abandoned by his father, and raised by his mother's side of the family, still showing respect and love for his father, when lesser individuals would feel self pity, anger, and abandonment is amazing.
    Of Thee I Sing, although written as a children's book, is pertinant to adults and poingniant in it's revelations of a father's love for his daughters and the country they live in.

    Any self serving book from the GOP wannabes, I wouldn't bother reading the reviews, much less the books themselves.

    I'm half way through Matthew's JFK book, and I highly reccommend it. JFK had a difficult election because of his religion, and the times he governed in were truly volatile, how he handled it was more amazing than I knew. There are some striking parallels with Obama's presidency than I imagined.


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