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If the voting age were lowered to ten years old, Obama would win in a landslide. |
Obama came into office with expectations that Superman couldn't have met. Many on the left believed what the right feared: that Obama was an old-fashioned liberal. But the president's cautious centrism soured the left without reassuring the right.
Like many, I have disappointments with Obama. He badly underestimated the length of this economic crisis, and for a man with a spectacular gift at public speaking, he has been surprisingly inept at communicating.
But as we approach an election year, it is important to acknowledge the larger context: Obama has done better than many critics on the left or the right give him credit for.
He took office in the worst recession in more than half a century, amid fears of a complete economic implosion. As The Onion, the satirical news organization, described his election at the time: "Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job."
The administration helped tug us back from the brink of economic ruin. Obama oversaw an economic stimulus that, while too small, was far larger than the one House Democrats had proposed. He rescued the auto industry and achieved health care reform that presidents have been seeking since the time of Theodore Roosevelt.
Despite virulent opposition that has paralyzed the government, Obama bolstered regulation of the tobacco industry, signed a fair pay act and tightened control of the credit card industry. He has been superb on education, weaning the Democratic Party from blind support for teachers' unions while still trying to strengthen public schools.
In foreign policy, Obama has taken a couple of huge risks. He approved the assault on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan, and despite much criticism he led the international effort to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi. So far, both bets are paying off.
Granted, the economic downturn overshadows all else, as happens in every presidency. Ronald Reagan, the Teflon president, saw his job approval rating sink to 35 percent in January 1983 because of economic troubles. A faltering economy sent the popularity of the first president Bush into a tailspin, tumbling to 29 percent in 1992.
By comparison, Obama has about a 43 percent approval rating, according to Gallup.
For a couple of years, the left has joined the right in making Obama a pinata. That's fair: It lets off steam, and it's how we keep politicians in line.
But think back to 2000. Many Democrats and journalists alike, feeling grouchy, were dismissive of Al Gore and magnified his shortcomings. We forgot the context, prided ourselves on our disdainful superiority — and won eight years of George W. Bush.
This time, let's do a better job of retaining perspective. If we turn Obama out of office a year from now, let's make sure it is because the Republican nominee is preferable, not just out of grumpiness toward the incumbent during a difficult time.
I don't think there is too much that I can add to that. And since it seems pretty obvious that Mitt Romney is going to be the Republican nominee, I guess the only question for Americans to ask is; are they willing to stick with President Obama in 2012, or do they really believe that Mittens, who his own party can barely stand, is the better choice?
Go ahead and mull that one over for a little while, and then get back to me.
Or better yet, hold that thought until you get to the voting booth in 2012, and then vote like it was the most important vote you have ever cast. Because you know what? It just might be!
Bravo! I can't agree with you more. We've always got to keep things in perspective and in context of the times.
ReplyDeleteI admit my disappointments early on with President Obama, but I've never experienced leadership close to his, in the most obstructive political climate. We need to back him fully this election, the alternative would be disasterous.
Oh please. Do NOT blame liberals for 8 years of Bush. There is much evidence that both the 2000 and 2004 episodes were stolen by the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I get disappointed with Obama, I remember these three things:
ReplyDelete1. He got the Healthcare bill passed.
2. He repealed DADT.
3. He killed Osama bin Laden.
Then I'm not disappointed anymore.
Obama 2012 !!
ReplyDeleteI too was disappointed in several things that Obama has done since taking office. But also recognize we (the masses)never get 100% of what we want, while Boehner should be on a year long drunk when he got his 98%
Obama has done very well considering the political climate & obstructionism from GOP
Today my Fire engine red GOP'er bosses were trying to tell me how much higher their taxes would be if the Bush cuts expire. I asked as business-owners, they do a 10% markdown on X-items. So for awhile, the business will make LESS profit on those items, even tho other expenses are the same or increasing, with the hope traffic would generate sales of other items. But you can't keep the 10% markdown forever when business expenses (wages, insurance, utilities, building taxes etc.) increase. Or when you taking on huge project, right?
Bush 10 yr tax cuts are the "marked down price"
The higher traffic for non-sale items didn't pan out - private sector jobs to increase revenue.
Huge project are 2-unfunded wars
The public wants the markdown price - without realizing it is hurting the business bottom line.
I told them they got their 10 yr sales price expanded 2 more years, say thanks & move on!!
You're right if kids could vote he'd win in a landslide. I, too, have been a little disappointed that he didn't fight harder for single payer in health care reform but if you look at the Republican candidates even Republicans I know are going to vote for Obama. It's always heart warming to see pictures of him with children. He seems to be as delighted to be in their company as they are in his.
ReplyDeleteI'm getting pretty tired of all the people whining and being angry at lack of progress. We could have McCain/Palin in office right now. Then you could whine. Now is the time to work hard for progress by getting involved. Call and pressure congresspeople-- repeatedly if necessary, write letters to your local paper, volunteer, etc.
ReplyDeleteLook at history. What did social security look like when it was passed? It was a far cry from what it is now. This is how big change comes. Three steps forward and two steps back.
Whenever I read or see a story on how hard Americans before us fought for the things that we now enjoy, it makes me wonder if we have become too soft. We enjoy a better life and live in a better world because those before us fought and even died for worker's rights, women's rights and civil rights. They fought for national parks and clean water and air, etc. What are we willing to do?? No president waived a magic wand--people demanded change and they pushed and pushed until they got it.
Do you really believe that the votes were there for single payor and Obama decided to pass on it? Really??
We need to realize that sitting at our computers and complaining will not bring us the changes we want. The non-stop media circus keeps us enthralled with the idiotic back and forth. Knowing every stupid word uttered by these politicians is useless.
As our president said: "take off your bedroom slippers" and be the change.
Remember folks, if you stay home that's the same as casting a vote for Mitt (or whoever)!!!
ReplyDeleteTime is on our side for one thing but don't rely on it - take action….every single day old republicans die. I knew this 65 yr. old guy that during the last election, I asked him why he was voting for McCain. I asked him did he know about what issues were at stake. WHAT issues he replied. My family has voted Republican for generations and that's why I am too.
ReplyDelete"PRINCETON, NJ -- Although Democrats currently enjoy a party identification advantage over Republicans among Americans at every age between 18 to 85, the Democrats' greatest advantages come among those in their 20s and baby boomers in their late 40s and 50s. Republicans, on the other hand, come closest to parity with Democrats among Generation Xers in their late 30s and early 40s and among seniors in their late 60s."
So now let us also considerate that minorities (particularly Latinos) are out-growing whites by the hour…literally day by day and generation by generation. I'll leave it to you to look up those statistics. Well no wonder the KKK politicians are against multiculturalism. (Yes those politicians with weird last names whose parents immigrated from OTHER countries). On the other hand they want to take down Planned Parenthood, birth control & let minorities they hate flourish. It doesn't make sense to me. It's a losing battle no matter how hard they are against change.
According to the "CIA Factbook," there are approximately 6,744 deaths in the US per day.
Look at this:
The dirty little secret of conservative talk radio is that the average age of listeners is 67 and rising, according to [Jon Sinton, founding president of Air America] — the Fox News audience, likewise, is in its mid-60s: “What sort of continuing power do you have as your audience strokes out?”
Only dinosaurs listen to radio these days, and it’s doubtful many people under 50 even know AM radio exists, so it shouldn’t be surprising that the average age of right-wing radio listeners is 67.
So take heart progressives. The ONLY thing teabaggers and Koch Brothers can't change is change itself!
Don't rely on statistics though. ACTION and VOTING is what is needed. Like Obama said DON'T SIT THIS ONE OUT. In fact don't sit anything out. You saw what happened mid-terms and you have no one else to blame but YOU if you didn't vote.
PS=If you are needing some flying monkey fun go here where they are trying to defend the Palin cultists ad. They have no control over banning you:
- Occupy Seattle
I love this picture. It's like trying to find ET in Elliot's closet!
ReplyDeleteBarack Hussein Obama is the best thing that has happened for this country, and the world, in more ways than I can begin to measure, in my rather long lifetime. It is criminal that he has been so thwarted by the GOP and the Blue Dogs, and still his accomplishments are staggering.
I never expected that I would agree with every single thing he did or didn't do, said or didn't say, that would be utterly unrealistic. I am however, overall, and in hindsight VERY happy with my vote in 2008 and will wholeheartedly vote again for this remarkable man. He must continue his presidency for four more years.
Barack Obama/Joe Biden 2012 is going to happen and I can't wait!
"mac said...
ReplyDeleteRemember folks, if you stay home that's the same as casting a vote for Mitt (or whoever)!!!
7:51 PM"
Obama... he's not as bad as the OTHER guy.
Ringing endorsement.
President Obama’s Notable Quotes
Oh, I'll vote for President Obama, but let's be realistic about what he has and has not done.
ReplyDeleteHe totally botched the healthcare debate. He got bitch slapped by Boehner, Cantor, and McConnell.
As for DADT, when did the president ever lead on that issue? He did jack shit until he was pressed hard repeatedly by the GLBT community.
As for gay marriage, he is not much more helpful than the GOP.
He has also essentially maintained many of the Bush administration policies - such as Gitmo - much to his discredit.
As for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, he has been remarkably inert. The recent change in Iraq has more to do with the government in Afghanistan than the White House.
To acknowledge that the president is better than the congenital moron that preceded him or the crop of inbred buffoons in the GOP candidate clown car is to set the bar exceedingly low.
The president has not really exhibited much in the way of true leadership. He has left much of the heavy lifting to Pelosi and Reid. He is capable of greatness, but seems so risk averse that he has spent much of his time in office effectively beholden to the GOP leadership in the House and Senate, for no apparent reason.
I want President Obama to look more like the guy I voted for - candidate Obama. The handful of times that the president has REALLY taken the fight to the GOP, he has kicked their asses. Why is he so reticent to do so more often? He should be owning them every goddamn day.
Why are so many insistent on viewing Obama's time in office through rose colored glasses? Why is an honest assessment of his tenure such a threat?
I'll vote for the president, but goddamn, I wish he'd lead a bit more often. I've seen him do it, so I know he can.
I remain hopeful that he will yet.
Problem with the 67 year olds is that they show up to vote.
ReplyDeleteWhile those under 30 who are influenced by the frustration they see in older people around them. They must be made to see hope and the possibility for change.
Remember the Supreme Court, and, no matter what else is on the line in this election, whoever is President will affect the future for decades to come with his court appointments. So much depends on this election. Obama's not perfect -- he couldn't be. But stack him up against any of the Republican wannabes, and there's no contest.
ReplyDeleteI had NO idea that Gasman was a Firebagger. I usually enjoy his posts but this latest one is dead wrong and suddenly exposes his true mind. Such a letdown that someone who is usually so well spoken has fallen into the 'let's bash Obama' camp. It's a shame, but at least now I know.
ReplyDeleteHe makes these grandiose statements that are really just his OPINION, not based in much reality as far as I can tell, and yet he makes them with such authority it's as if they are the truth, when in fact they are simply his opinions.
I grow soooo weary of people projecting their expectations on President Obama, as if they matter. They are YOUR expectations, you made them up, and you are the one who decided they weren't fulfilled, and you get all 'disappointed' and then you blame President Obama.
Take some responsibility for yourself, man. Your disappointment has NOTHING to do with President Obama, it has to do with YOU and what you made up in your head should be a certain way, and when it isn't you get all whiny and 'disappointed' and bitch about it.
Start to live in reality, the reality of what is possible and not possible in politics and leadership.
I have no idea how old you are, Gasman, or what you've seen of life, but you are coming off as pretty immature in your political viewpoints. You seem to want the president to be something of a dictator, but that isn't the reality in American politics.
I read on the internet (maybe on this forum!) that Obama was not to be discounted, even when it seems as if he's been outfoxed by the "conservatives."
ReplyDeleteNow that we see how the "trigger" part of the "super committee" joke has worked out, it was like Obama laying down his FULL HOUSE hand, while the obstructionists turned over their pathetic JACK HIGH.
It will take awhile, but the swine are squirming over being outplayed...whining that it could make the military ineffective.
Maybe that should have occurred to them, before taking the position that they wouldn't budge one inch, in the "negotiations" expected to occur.
That Chris Christie came up with a twisted way to blame the President on his party's failure to govern, was pretty laughable. Even the dumbest bastards watching Fox channel, have to smell a rat in that logic.
There are a few items in the article I don't agree with and a lot of accomplishments he failed to list.
ReplyDeleteWhen did President Obama say anything about the school unions? I do know he's not keen on NCLB. He is for any idea that's an educational improvement whether it's academic or maintenance.
President Obama has ended discrimination in the military and improved DOMA.
Don't forget he has done this in less than 2/3 years. He has tried to improve our way of life against repugbagger assholes and racist dirtbags who want to fuck us at every turn.
Another thing, I don't know where all these so-called authors/hosts/pundits get that liberals/dems/progressives are jumping ship...this is bogus lie.
ReplyDeleteThis is a rating line that sells whatever they are selling.
Please name another President who had his scorecard watched as closely as President Obama?
ReplyDeleteNAME ONE!
In 2008, the only issue I really needed to consider in choosing a candidate was whether or not to put U.S. Foreign Policy in the hands of Boom-Boom McCain and some screechy lunatic from Alaska (who almost certainly regards the Nuke Football that follows the President everywhere he goes as the Jesus Pager). If Obama managed to accomplish something else along the way, that's great, but whatever else he has managed to do, it pales in importance to keeping the belligerent and reckless McCain and Neocon sock-puppet Palin out of the White House. Just take a minute to reflect on John McCain's faux Presidential address to the nation the night Russia came to the defense of South Ossetia after Georgian president (and Neocon puppet) Sakashvili began shelling civilians at ten p.m. on a Friday night - pure belligerence toward the Russians while being advised on the issue by Palin puppeteer Randy Scheunemann (who was himself a paid agent representing Sakashvili), and Palin's witless statements about going to war with Russia in her Couric interview. If those memories don't give you chills all over again, then add to them the memories of the surprise and relief we all felt when Bush didn't attack Iran a few weeks before the election.
ReplyDeleteSo, thank you, President Obama, for taking the gut-wrenching trauma out of reading the morning paper each day to see what our president's latest fucking stupid/witless/embarrassing/incompetent/shameful/sinister/vile/hateful/flippant, arrogant, honey-please-bring-me-a-paper-bag-and-some-scissors Presidential moment was. And if you want to see what a Republican presidency would look like after 2012, look at Wisconsin, or Arizona, or Kansas, or Texas, or Anchorage, ... Oh, yeah, now that's some leadership to look forward to.
ReplyDeleteI, too, am remembering SCOTUS appointments - and that Pres Obama has already made two and moved the Court to the right both times. Was I not supposed to remember it that way?
President Obama will have my vote AGAIN. I think he is doing in wonderful job in spite of the Repubs constantly trying to stop his progress.
ReplyDeleteHe is a good, honest man and I love watching him w/Michelle and his daughters.
Kids pay sales tax and learn to drive starting (legally) at 15 - 1/2, so why can't they vote? We need some active, inquiring young minds to combat the calcified teabagging boomers who have dominated the polls. 10 year olds, as you say, might be a little young, but 15 and 16 year olds are waking up to the injustice and inequality of this world. They also tend to be more connected through social media and could prove to be a deciding force on major issues. Don't waste that passion, develop it!
Do people not realize its congress that accomplishes everything that is mentioned in this article? The president signs papers if its beneficial for him.
ReplyDeleteThat's how this country works.
No mention of budget. I see.
No sane person blames Bush any longer.
ReplyDeleteBtw where were the dems through his terms? Voting with him that's where.
Where were the strikes and protests then?
I only remember good times from 2000-08. I was financially sound (still am), I took many vacations a year, I supported my family with strain on me.
Why do people complain about those 8 years? Good times.
Oh NYtimes, your liberal is showing. Could you maybe once print something that's not biased, and perhaps even slightly accurate?
ReplyDeleteI think we should all petition emails related to HCR be released. Those would be sobering for all of us who have an inkling of what really went down.
That is of the fools in DC aren't smart enough to permanently delete them.
The 90s had the most obstructive politcal climate. Today, intelligent people have been merely working like dogs to prevent a massive socialistic takeover that puts us on the path to what Europe became.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Sitting at a computer bitching about things you don't understand, fabricating reasons not to vote for certain people, posting photos that will only make people more biased, and Ígnoring the realities of a dire situation is not the way to live.
ReplyDeleteLook at all the people in this country who live active lives. They travel abroad, they volunteer in Haiti, they donate to charity even in stressful econ climate, they pursue their dreams of business ownership, theyspend time with family.
You all constantly report the negative. I only see positive.
There will always be greed. There will alwayss be heartacje. There will always be violence.
There is a large portion of the country that resents successful people. People condemn wall street, not realizing lawmakers can change that situation at anytime. Pelosi can start making selfless decisions for once. Obamaand et al already took an ax to several big businesses and ceos.
What's left to complain about? Punishing people for innovation isn't american. Punishing wealthy people with increased taxes will kill further innovation. People think of america as the place where one can become wealthy and support your family well. And that's what it is.
Every single person here has it in them to be a millionaire. Is it MY fault you're not?
At age 30 I owned 2 homes outright and have 2 toddlers and a 6 year old. Our collective salary was 175k.
Its called personal responsibility.
Cuouldnt agree more with 10:03...last time I checked, President Obama was just one branch of out of our three branches of government , and was not crowned King of America. Republicans have filibustered everything since that smarmy Scott Brown was elected in Massachussets, and Obama has achieved more than any other Democrat in terms of progressive legislation, despite that. Obama is a progressive, but he's also a pragmatitst, and he doesn't waste time on idealistic shit.
ReplyDeleteGasman, just take a fucking minute to think about a
McCain/Palin presidency , better yet, a Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney presidency. That shit will make Dubya look like a hero.
Gryphen, if you didnt do another post until election day, this one would be enough.
ReplyDeleteMost of your commenters get it right, too. Under the circumstances President Obama has done an excellent job. Not perfect, but who expected perfection? Our president's re-election is an uphill battle but a battle we need to win.
I thought, by god we did it, but then again, I thought, why would he want this miserable job the way George W. Bush left it?
ReplyDeleteThis was a beautifully written analysis by Kristof, glad for it.
10:03 pm. I agree with you completely.
ReplyDeleteImagine being president and having the opposition party stage a four year breath-holding tantrum in order to bring you down. I think President Obama has done remarkably well in face of total obstructionism. I think the Republican Party is made up, to a person, of traitors. They want their ideology to succeed, not the country. I want the country to succeed. That's why I support President Obama 100%.
Anon @ 2:19:
ReplyDeleteTwo things: first, why is expecting the wealthy to contribute to the commonwealth (from which they themselves benefit greatly) always tered "punishment" by conservatives?
Second: You obviously have lived a charmed life. You are very lucky to have escaped personally devastating circumstances and occurrences. Despite your smugness, I wish you well. Hope your luck holds.
No sane person blames Bush any longer.
ReplyDeleteBtw where were the dems through his terms? Voting with him that's where.
Where were the strikes and protests then?
I only remember good times from 2000-08. I was financially sound (still am), I took many vacations a year, I supported my family with strain on me.
Why do people complain about those 8 years? Good times.
1:56 AM
Still mad you lost the election eh sarah? LOLOLOL. It is 100% Bush's fault the country is so fucked up right now. This is a fact. Accept it and move on.
Oh NYtimes, your liberal is showing. Could you maybe once print something that's not biased, and perhaps even slightly accurate?
ReplyDeleteI think we should all petition emails related to HCR be released. Those would be sobering for all of us who have an inkling of what really went down.
That is of the fools in DC aren't smart enough to permanently delete them.
1:59 AM
Deranged troll alert! Deranged troll alert! Hi sarah!
The 90s had the most obstructive politcal climate. Today, intelligent people have been merely working like dogs to prevent a massive socialistic takeover that puts us on the path to what Europe became.
ReplyDelete2:02 AM
Deranged troll alert! Look everyone it's the "socialist takeover" troll aka Sarah Palin. LMFAO. Uhhh dude Sarah don't you have a "retarded" baby to take care of? (your words)
Its called personal responsibility.
ReplyDelete2:19 AM
HAHAHA ur dumb.
2:19am is also a liar.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteNo sane person blames Bush any longer.
Btw where were the dems through his terms? Voting with him that's where.
Where were the strikes and protests then?
I only remember good times from 2000-08. I was financially sound (still am), I took many vacations a year, I supported my family with strain on me.
Why do people complain about those 8 years? Good times.
1:56 AM
Hey Gov Dirty Wig...couldn't sleep huh? Gee...wonder what's keeping you up? All those skeletons rattling and banging to get out of that closet of yours? Oh I'm sure you are "financially sound"....all those bot's you ripped off...not to mention all the money you've and your cohorts have stolen
*looking at you Kristan Coles...
KARMA is coming for you Dirty! LOOK OUT BEHIND YA'!
Thank you Anon 10:03 for your post.
ReplyDeleteYes, I too am disappointed that Gasman has shown his cards on how he feels about President Obama. Although there is no question that the man is well spoken and intelligent, he falls down pretty hard on his sword of 'talking points' that the more extreme left Firebaggers, I guess you called them, resort to.
Why don't more people do their friggin' homework before posting their 'opinions'? It seems that they are looking for a group 'agreement' as if to validate their skewed thinking. You just never know when these convoluted points of view will rear their nasty little heads, do you? And from someone as dearly loved as Gasman, it's really sad.
For me, I have never waned for one second in my support for and belief in Barack Obama, ever since I first heard him speak in 2004. There is no one in politics who has been more consistent in his message, or more committed to his vision than Barack Obama. You can go back 20 years and listen to him speak and it is the same consistent vision of uplifting people, bringing people together, transforming the dialogue. I feel safe with him in office. He is an honorable, gracious, humble man, truly interested in the common man.
In some ways I wish he WAS the one who could control everything, this country would be in such a different place, forward moving, forward thinking, responsive to the demands of the 21st century. Instead he has to fight the neanderthals in the GOP, and the poor, widdle, 'disappointed' Firebaggers on the left.
I thank God every single day for the blessing that is Barack Obama. I thank his mother and grandparents for guiding his way and I thank MYSELF for voting him into office.
Really Gasman, your dissatisfaction really does sit with you, 100%. You could choose to look at things another way, but you choose the negative angle on things.
Just sayin'.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOh NYtimes, your liberal is showing. Could you maybe once print something that's not biased, and perhaps even slightly accurate?
I think we should all petition emails related to HCR be released. Those would be sobering for all of us who have an inkling of what really went down.
That is of the fools in DC aren't smart enough to permanently delete them.
1:59 AM
Opps..."there you go again Dirty"....you know all about deleting emails huh?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe 90s had the most obstructive politcal climate. Today, intelligent people have been merely working like dogs to prevent a massive socialistic takeover that puts us on the path to what Europe became.
2:02 AM
Gov Dirty...this is your word salad put in a blender with just a tad bit of stupidity thrown in....GOOD JOB!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteExactly. Sitting at a computer bitching about things you don't understand, fabricating reasons not to vote for certain people, posting photos that will only make people more biased, and Ígnoring the realities of a dire situation is not the way to live.
Look at all the people in this country who live active lives. They travel abroad, they volunteer in Haiti, they donate to charity even in stressful econ climate, they pursue their dreams of business ownership, theyspend time with family.
You all constantly report the negative. I only see positive.
There will always be greed. There will alwayss be heartacje. There will always be violence.
There is a large portion of the country that resents successful people. People condemn wall street, not realizing lawmakers can change that situation at anytime. Pelosi can start making selfless decisions for once. Obamaand et al already took an ax to several big businesses and ceos.
What's left to complain about? Punishing people for innovation isn't american. Punishing wealthy people with increased taxes will kill further innovation. People think of america as the place where one can become wealthy and support your family well. And that's what it is.
Every single person here has it in them to be a millionaire. Is it MY fault you're not?
At age 30 I owned 2 homes outright and have 2 toddlers and a 6 year old. Our collective salary was 175k.
Its called personal responsibility.
2:19 AM
Now this Gov Dirty is YOU all the way! You give yourself away....EVERY FUCKING TIME! Let's see 2 houses at 30...hmmm...that must of been when your daddy ripped off that Trust....and at the time...that would make the kids....Track, Brisdull and little baby Willow....yep and the TOAD had the salary of 175K because I believe you were a bit busy....GLEN RICE ring any bells Dirty?
Take your drugs Dirty and I hope your handlers take away your Blackberry's because if they know what you've been writing on the blogs...your ass will be in serious trouble!
Anon @ 10:03,
ReplyDeleteTry pulling your head out of your ass before you post. The "disappointment [I have in President Obama] has [EVERYTHING] to do with President Obama."
Take healthcare. As a candidate for the Senate in 2003 he stated:
"I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer universal health care program. I see no reason why the United States of America, the wealthiest country in the history of the world, spending 14 percent of its gross national product on health care, cannot provide basic health insurance to everybody."
When it came time to discuss healthcare reform after he became president, not only did he NOT advocate a position he CLEARLY had voiced support for previously, but he refused to even allow the subject into the debate by taking it off the table at the very start. Why?
I could accept that it might be something that became necessary to compromise on, but he took the single biggest cudgel he had to use against the GOP and effectively handed it McConnell at the beginning of the fight. It was a stupid rookie mistake and the resulting reform was weakened because of it.
Nearly all of my complaints against the president are because of his timidity, lethargy, or outright inaction on social justice issues. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on if you think that we should EVER accept anything other than TOTAL EQUALITY for every citizen in this country.
As candidate, the president campaigned on ending the war in Iraq and spent the first two years escalating it. As candidate he pledged to close Gitmo and it is very much still up and running. He hasn't even attempted any action there.
I can go on.
I haven't said I wished I hadn't voted for him. I haven't said I am not supporting him in 2012. I haven't said he's been a failure. So quit trying to make it sound like I am saying those things. I merely think that as brilliant as President Obama clearly is, he is doing a less than brilliant job.
Why is it that you label anyone who is not wildly enthusiastic about EVERYTHING that this president does as being somehow less than credible? Why is it that only the most passionate cheerleaders for the president are the only ones expressing valid opinions?
You state "He makes these grandiose statements that are really just his OPINION, not based in much reality as far as I can tell.."
Yup, grandiose or not, reality or not, what I state is nothing more than my opinion. But everything that YOU write is nothing more than YOUR opinion, and you cannot show how it is any more valid, any more reality based, or any more deserving of merit than mine. Your opinion is no more THE TRUTH than anybody else's.
I do not criticize you for your unflinching support for President Obama, I criticize you for your inability to accept any differing opinion on that matter. You seem to contend that because I voted for the president I must forever remain mute, no matter how much I might object to what he does or does not do. I find such a proposition to be childish in the extreme.
Who is being the irrational one in this discussion?
Get used to the fact that the Democratic Party is a fractious house filled with people with differing ideas and sharp elbows. It has been that way for a very long time. If you want lockstep conformity, try the GOP as that is their schtick.
If you've learned nothing else from my posts, surely you've realized that I am not going to be silenced simply because you disagree with me. I can live with your disapproval, but I will not quietly accept what I believe to be your unjust condemnation.
I am somewhat disappointed in the president's performance. That doesn't make me a traitor nor does it invalidate my opinion. It just means that I may not agree with you. Why is that so difficult for you to accept?
1:56-- They had us all riding high so we would not (and we didn't) pay attention to what they were really doing. War expenses off the books, handing out money to EVERYONE (rebates, bailouts to banks and car companies--yes even then), cutting taxes in the face of huge deficits that they denied.
ReplyDeleteYep. Good times. Now the person willing to face the truth and take responsibility for our broken health care system is making the hard choices. This president will be responsible and we will pay the piper for the war and and the last decade of lies. The republicans were totally in charge for 8-10 years as health care costs skyrocketed and government spending exploded. They did nothing...party on.
Seems like most of your posters here get the point. But I'm amused to see several trolls here, even on a non-Palin post. Oh, Gryph, they just can't quit ya!
ReplyDeleteFor those disillusioned with Obama, I urge them to view his election night speech again. He's kept his promises. He never promised us that things would be easy, and he warned that the movement that he started was in fact the American people's movement, and would depend on their/our efforts.
He told us he couldn't do things along. He's president, not dictator. He depends on us to organize, to make noise, to move elections. Too many of us sat out the midtern elections and we are paying the price. Time to get to work again and turn congress bluer. People tend to forget that we never had a fillibuster proof majority, not even right after Obama's election.
Gasman, have you thought about hosting your own blog?
ReplyDeleteI don’t object that anybody else’s opinion differs from mine. Hell, I LIKE the back and forth of a good debate. What I object to is this absurd premise that an a priori assumption exists which holds that any and all opinions which give less than full throated, enthusiastic support for EVERYTHING that President Obama has done is by default less than valid and not based upon reality.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to read a convincing argument - or even ANY argument - as to why this is so. Please, demonstrate this to be fact with demonstrable, verifiable, empirical evidence.
Why is it that when supporters of the president express their opinions in favor of his actions they are speaking THE TRUTH but when those who dare to differ with the president do so they are derided as being out of touch with reality?
Please, lay out in great detail your exegesis that unflinching support for the president constitutes a greater reality than does criticism.
I assume nothing and question all. The unquestioning Obama cheerleaders, however, have stated that ONLY their opinion is valid and that all other differing ideas are suspect. They have yet to make their case that this premise is valid or even plausible.
And to Anon @ 11:01,
Gasman is pretty cute when he starts frothing-at-the-mouth...LOL! He's just so PASSIONATE in his viewpoints, I wonder if that translates into his bed...
ReplyDeleteJust one of the reasons I come here, to see who is 'wee-weed up' over the latest, hottest issue.
For me, I didn't have any unrealistic expectations of Obama knowing the political climate we dwell in, so I'm not the least bit disappointed. To the contrary, it's been awesome to see him fight and produce the results he has.
I think what people tire of is the constant criticism directed Obama's way. It would be so much more legitimate, in my view, to speak of the really fabulous things that he has done, but to also discuss the struggles, challenges and mistakes that he has made in his 'becoming' the president that he is.
When it is only about bashing and criticism, it diminishes anything the speaker has to say from that point, since there is no balance in the viewing.
So Gasman, I challenge you to detail five positive things that you ARE genuinely happy about, and then balance that with five of your complaints. For me, THAT is the basis of an honest discussion. Demonizing never works.
I also think that people are a little sensitive. When they come to a liberal/progressive blog, they often do so to escape the RELENTLESS negative media slant the is predominant in all things President Obama. To find criticism and dissatisfaction, especially from 'our side', defeats that purpose.
Of course I recognize your right to voice whatever you want, but for me it comes down to this.
Either you are going to vote for him, or you're not.
Fueling and feeding the negative is NOT going to get him re-elected. It just isn't. Not when there is already a 24/7 drumbeat from Fox and Right Winger/Conservative radio, media, blogs and talking points, tearing him down in any way they can.
So, Gasman, if you want another four years with our president, you may want to keep all of this in mind. Once he's re-elected, well then have at it. But until then, it's sort of like shooting yourself in the foot.
Gasman - I was also bitterly disappointed in President Obama's not supporting universal healthcare - and all the compromises that led to what we now have with HCR. I have been disappointed in many things President Obama has had to compromise on - to the point of being so totally disgusted with politics I considered NOT voting for anyone - as it often seems to be a lesson in futility.
ReplyDeleteBut I really, really did some thinking about why he would have compromised to the point he did on so many issues and I believe it has to do with political reality - the President knew he did NOT have the votes to get everything he wanted passed. He compromised because he knew by doing so he could accomplish SOME of what he wanted. Criticizing w/o acknowledging the political realities and environment Obama has had to work in and minimizing his many accomplishments only serves to strengthen and feed the GOP/Teabaggers/Koch Brothers, etc.
We really don't know what happened behind the scenes - and as you can see, the backlash against even the watered down HCR has been horrific. President Obama has been relentlessly attacked and his agenda blocked by obstructionist politics.
If he had gone for the whole ball of wax - it would have failed outright and there would have been no progress at all, in anything. Progress has been made in many areas - and even that progress, as slow as it has been - has thrown this country into bitter turmoil and explosive divisiveness.
The political reality is that change is slow in coming - and not recognizing that fact is shortsighted. Democrats and Progressives may believe he only governs for them, but, in fact, he must govern for ALL Americans.
I don't know of any other President who has had to contend with the level of extreme racism, economic downturn/crises, along with Afghanistan/Iraq, and of course the worst environmental disaster we've had in a long time.
Big Business, in collusion with the GOP/Wall Street refuses to hire - in order to get rid of President Obama. It's clear they are willing to see millions of Americans suffer - just to regain political power. Don't give them the power to do this!
I do believe President Obama is one of the best Presidents we've seen in a long time, and will be seen as one of the great Presidents in American history. We need to give him the majority he needs in the Senate and the House so he CAN do the things this country needs him to do.
I think you are mistaken if you think Obama supporters are blindly following him and disregard the failures - not so! But we know he needs the political support AND will of the people behind him all the way to succeed.
The great fear many of President Obama's supporters have is that because we allow the GOP/Right Wing to divide the Dems/Progressives and start fighting against each other - we very well could see a GOP/Teabag sweep in 2012. A lot is at stake - if you want to see further progressive change in the issues you cite - take stock of the what your options really are here. Do you really believe Perry, Gingrich, Romney , Cain, Paul, and the other nitwits are going to advance any of your agenda?
If the Republicans succeed in the upcoming election, instead of advancing your agenda or even maintaining it - there's going to be a rollback of of the last 30 years of progress in so many areas we've worked so hard to achieve. We can't afford to be purists now - time to face reality.
Anon @ 4:09,
ReplyDeleteI amused when you must distort exactly what it is that I have posted. I am also rather mystified by how you've declared that I must proclaim equal pros and cons regarding President Obama's record for you to extend your dispensation of validity on my opinions.
Fuck you. Why is your pro Obama stance accorded validity by default while mine is denied it? By what right do you get to say whose opinions are valid and whose are not?
I find it remarkably convenient that you get to declare yourself superior simply because you disagree with me.
I've made my points very specifically and concretely. Note, I don't demonize ANYBODY for your opinions, only for your intolerance towards others.
I wonder why you are so threatened by dissenting opinions?
You are entitled to speak your mind...continue to do so.
ReplyDeleteI have only one question...?
Who are you voting for? Or will you just write your own name in?
Look, it is bullshit to say that ANYBODY deserves NOTHING but fawning praise. NO elected official should be exempt from criticism. It is dangerous to simply bow and scrape to ANY leader.
ReplyDeleteWashington, Jefferson, and Lincoln didn't receive exclusively fawning praise from their own parties, so why the hell should we expect such sycophancy for Obama? Anybody making the case that President Obama is clearly superior to those three presidents? Then why the hell should he get nothing but obsequious praise?
There are clearly areas where President Obama could have done better. Simply acknowledging that fact does NOT mean that someone is therefore supporting the GOP. Liberal dissatisfaction with the president is not why his poll numbers are at their present levels, it's his performance in office that's responsible for that.
Anon @ 6:29,
ReplyDeleteReading comprehension is apparently not one of your strengths. In my first post, the first sentence begins:
"Oh, I'll vote for President Obama..."
What part of that don't you understand? President Abraham Lincoln didn't receive the bootlicking sycophancy from his party that you seem to demand everyone display toward Obama.
Jesus Christ, I simply disagree with the president and with you. Why is it a crime for daring to have a dissenting opinion?
Your attitude strikes me as being entirely too fascist in tone.
Please, explain why your subservient fawning over every single thing the president does more noble than those who disagree with the president? Why do you assert that your opinion is by default more noble than those with whom you disagree?
Who made you the arbiter of THE TRUTH?
Holy shit Gasman, you may want to get some help for those anger issues. I mean, really, just chill, you're all jumping up and down and stamping your feet like some five year olds do. You're much more intelligent than that, so don't let those latent anger issues trip you up. I understand that you are unhappy, but really, there are professional avenues that can help you with that. Here's a clue: life isn't always the way you want it to be. Just because you want President Obama to do what you want, doesn't mean he will. He's obviously much better equipped to do what he is doing than you are in managing your rage. Really, you're worth it, get some help. Life is way too short to get so upset about your disappointments. They don't mean a lick in the BIG scheme of things, so step back and get some real perspective, ok?
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 9:37,
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I'm angry about is petulant assholes like you who seem to think that being a mindless cheerleader for the president is in some fucked up way superior to those who choose to think critically and independently.
Look, I didn't invent the dissatisfaction that MANY people are feeling with President Obama. It is very real and it is NOT just among the Liberals in the Democratic party. I heard a story this morning on NPR that quoted a woman who identified herself as a Republican who had voted for Obama in 2008 and would not be voting for him this time around
Obama fatigue is something that you ignore at everybody's peril. Obama might have this election sown up, but his cavalier indifference to doing what he promised to do, to do what he was EXPECTED to do could well lose the White House in 2016. If he is as indifferent to the voters during his second term as he has been during his first, the GOP will win by default just to punish the Dems.
You can play chickenshit games all you want by mocking me, but you are thicker than shit if you think that my opinion is in anyway unique.
How is your being a condescending prick supposed to woo me to your way of thinking?
Pull your head out of your ass and see the very real signs of trouble ahead for the Dems if Obama doesn't become more of a leader. He is pissing off more and more voters as time goes on. How will that help anyone in the long run except the GOP?
>>Obama might have this election sown up, but his cavalier indifference to doing what he promised to do...
ReplyDeleteuh, gee gasman, there's 8 pages of promises he's kept, why the misrepresentation? you really are on a bent.