Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And just like that Rick Perry lost the Evangelical vote.


Super duper Christian Rick Perry does not respect the birthday of his savior by saying Merry Christmas on his official website?

Jesus says "No Presidency for you!"


  1. Well I don't really follow Perry, because he doesn't seem to be relevant. But in all fairness, government & religion are separate. And most business persons will specifically send "Happy Holidays" to avoid bad feelings with the Jewish or others.

  2. Anonymous2:57 AM

    I despise Rick Perry. But why are you criticizing him for actually doing something sensitive to other religions?
    For once, he's PC and you attack him for that too.
    As a Jew living in a Christian country, it amazes me how many people are so dense they say Merry Christmas to me when they know I'm Jewish. I don't care that they say it in general but when they say it to me nit even realizing I dont celebrate XMAS I find it kind of dumb.
    There are so many other things to criticize these GOP kooks for, that this just seems yo be a waste of energy.
    Do you never give credit when it's due?
    That takes away from your credibility.

  3. Anonymous3:55 AM

    No, Happy Baby Jesus Birthday to fundamental Christian U.S. Americans? Isn't that what Sarah's says?

  4. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Why didn't Sarah hand over the reigns of her 'small' government over to her Lt. Governor when she was devoting 100% of her time running for a job she was only 3% qualified for?

    Why doesn't Rick hand over governing Texas over to his Lt. Governor? At least Mitt is unemployed and not neglecting his constituents.

  5. Rick Perry is a nonentity.

  6. Beldar Sky Gott Conehead4:35 AM

    Gryphen, I never know when you're kidding around and when you're serious. Is there really such a thing as a "super duper Xtian" or did you make up simply ridicule our nation's most stoopidest CURRENT governor? The reason I ask is that if it's an official designation and not just a way to scornfully mock (or is it mockfully scorn?) the only SITTING governor demonstrably not smarter than any 5th grader, I would appreciate information on how to apply for "super duper atheist" status. I humbly believe that, Zeus willing, I am worthy of such a designation.

    Thanks in advance. And Happy Holidays....

  7. Anonymous4:39 AM

    Methinks P.Rick's youthful image has been photoshopped in! He WAS a handsome man once but not now. His son looks like a bufoon, Anita looks melancholy and who can see the daughter? What a typical right-wing family... and a happy holiday to you, too. He is the laughing stock of Texas!

  8. Anonymous4:58 AM

    What? The Perry family knows that not everyone in Texas worships Jesus? And they support that diversity? Maybe you should have remained a Democrat, little Ricky. Then at least you would never have been elected governor of Texas, and you would have saved the world from your obnoxious beliefs and your insane comments.
    Has Fox seen this yet?

  9. Anonymous5:32 AM

    That's hilarious.

    I guess Obama made him do it!

  10. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Well, we better say Happy Holidays now, 'cause it may not be long before that is construed as "disrespecting religion" - something the Obama admin is agreeable to criminalizing. (The Secret Muslim and Sharia Law crowds are going to have a field day w/ this one.) It's frightening what's happened in Europe as they've let this repression of free speech progress, and there's no end in sight. There simply can be no reasonable compromise with those who are unreasonable and uncompromising, so why don't we just agree that it's foolish to try? Every compromise the Europeans have made in the interest of social harmony has proven to be one more click of an unrelenting ratchet that is squeezing off more and more of their freedoms. Freedom of speech is the taproot that anchors all our freedoms. Please let the White House know that bargaining it away is, in any form, unacceptable.

    And, in case you think I sound like Michele Bachmann, here's an article that may vindicate me:

    Happy Holidays.

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    2:57, I would have thought it was crystal clear, but since you seem to be just as dense as those your criticize, I'll spell it out for you. Gryphen is criticizing Rick Perry for being a fucking hypocrite.

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Damn atheist socialist commie! It's f'n Christmas, Perry, you boa wearing pinko! The reason for the season.

  13. Get a grip, folks! Gryphen isn't criticizing Rick Perry's sensitivity to the religious beliefs of other persons or cultures. He's simply pointing out Perry's hypocrisy in his current political ads regarding the fictitious "war on Christmas", a la Faux News.

    Think first, then type. Ok, you are free to go back to playing playin Angry Birds.

  14. angela6:15 AM

    I think some commenters kinda don't get the fact that Rick is not only a nasty, dumb piece of work----he is also a pandering hypocrite
    about religion.

    He talks about the President's imaginary war on Christmas and how no one is allowed to say Merry Christmas and how this should be a CHRISTIAN nation (dog whistle to the evangelicals) when in actuality as governor of Texas he did the right thing by saying Happy Holidays—which he now basically intones is offensive.

    Perry also gave less than one half a percent of the reputed 2.6 million dollars he's made in the last nine years to his church. Plus, earlier this year his spokesman said Perry's religious beliefs and info were off topic and private. Not so anymore, I guess.


  15. To Karen at 2:19:

    Please know there are no 'bad feelings' with we Jews when Christians celebrate their various holidays. We have a few festivals and religious holidays of our own and we are not insulted that they don't rise to the attention of the masses. When I was a young child I do recall more Christians celebrating Christmas in their churches and have been somewhat amused and confused that Santa and the reindeer have taken over and that everyone within hearing distance of a television or radio knows it's time to let the shopping begin. Doesn't faze me in the least.

    I am wished Merry Christmas countless times during the season and find no irony or discomfort in returning the greeting. If for just a few brief moments people can come together in the smallest sign of good cheer I consider it a good thing.

    For any out there who mistake the celebration of Hanukah as a substitute for Christmas or anything else rising to the level of a Hallmark moment let me just say it's not. Nor should our children be pitied that they are denied the trappings of the season. We celebrate Hanukah as a remembrance of perseverance and courage in the face of tyranny, a time of rebuilding, a reminder that personal strength and integrity is essential to human survival.

    Peace and goodwill are easy to share and require no religious connotation to be effective and heartfelt. I see no reason why anyone should feel slighted by a wish of Happy Holidays. Seem to recall that phrase came about as a shorthand way to wish 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' rather than a calculated attempt to declare war on Christmas.

    So however and to whomever greetings are given and received, accept them and enjoy them. There can never be too little peace and joy floating around.

  16. Anonymous6:39 AM

    In this day of instant access to old pictures, stories, speeches, newscasts et al, Only authentic, honest and consistant politicians don't need to fear being caught out in re-writing history, lies & distortions.

    The strange question is does the Republican base even care? They seem indifferent to learning their favorite is a liar, or womanizer, outright crook, hypocrite. As long as their cadidate hates the same people as they do, i.e. is a bigot, they like him/her just fine. How they align that with their 'Christian values' is beyond me.

  17. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Karen 2:19 AM

    You can cover them all.
    Say Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas.

    Say Happy Hanukkah to the Jews.

    Say Happy Holidays to those you are not sure of what they celebrate.

  18. To diz 6:32: Thank you for writing thoughts from your perspective, good to hear & agree that the peace & goodwill are positive things. As a Christian, I'm disappointed in the commercialization of Christmas, where the main focus seems almost forgotten. The way you describe Hanukah is uplifting & I respect your religion & outlook.

  19. Anonymous8:24 AM


    Thank you for taking the time to put those words together for us today. I share in your thinking that you so eloquently articulated. I am in full agreement with your viewing, but this in particular spoke the loudest for me:



  20. Anonymous8:36 AM

    If I don't know what religious affiliation someone ascribes to, I just say "Have a lovely/great/restful/rejuvenating/safe (what ever descriptive word fits the occasion) Holiday" which is heartfelt but doesn't limit it to any particular holiday, especially during this time of Christmas/Hanukkah/Quanza. That way, WHATEVER holiday is identified with (in the mind of the listener) is the holiday they feel I've just wished them to have a lovely one.

    I save the 'Happy' for New Year.

  21. Don the bluesman8:58 AM

    I love the Festivus season and looking back, I have not pictures of our family in church celebrating christmas. I do have a lot around the tree, opening presents, and every one smiling and having fun. On December 22, the days get longerm and nature's alarm clock keeps ticking. Peace Out Gryph.

  22. many of the popular christmas songs were written by jews

  23. Anonymous9:20 AM


    Weird, my post got truncated, but
    I am in full agreement with your viewing, but this in particular spoke the loudest for me:

    Peace and goodwill are easy to share and require no religious connotation to be effective and heartfelt. I see no reason why anyone should feel slighted by a wish of Happy Holidays. Seem to recall that phrase came about as a shorthand way to wish 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' rather than a calculated attempt to declare war on Christmas.


    8:24 AM

  24. Anonymous9:45 AM

    A Holly Jolly Festivus to all and one!
    and a cool Kwanza too

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM


  26. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Yep, this is about an attempt at being inclusive (PC, if you prefer). Most savvy politicians use this phrase rather than being specific to one faith tradition, particularly their own.

    In fact, any politician who doesn't speak in these generalities is not electable. I'm no fan of Perry's, believe me, and I don't believe he is electable anyway.

    His hypocritical and confused ads have provided a lot of amusement through spin off parodies, that's for sure.

    As for Evangelicals refusing to vote for him, if he was the choice they felt best represented their extreme views and agenda, they'd certainly let this "Happy Holidays" go.

  27. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I'm with you, @ 2:57. I am a Christian, but I have many Jewish relatives by marriage, also dear friends. It is completely insensitive to throw Merry Christmas around indiscriminately. This was something Rick Perry's people got right...actually a tiny bit refreshing that he wasn't relentlessly pandering to the Christian Right for once!

  28. Euromerican8:20 PM

    I am sad that "Happy Holidays!" has gotten tinged with PCdirt because we ARE celebrating HOLIDAYS, plural, whatever they may be: Halloween (which I hate for various reasons but realize many don't share my views), Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, along with Kwanzaa and Hanukkah, Santa Lucia, Advent, Los Posadas, Guadalupe, Soyaluna, Yule, Boxing Day, Dong Zhi, Omisoka and Winter Solstice. What am I missing?
    Happy Holidays is all-inclusive, as is our nation on a good day.

  29. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Good One!!!

    Perry keeps the "ho" in "holiday"!

    Now THAT'S someone Sarah could endorse!

  30. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Hey 2:57

    Xmas is one day a year, boo hoo. I'm an atheist and have to put up with "God Bless You" everytime I sneeze!


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