Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Donald Trump faces reality, packs up his Teabagger circus tent, and bows out as moderator of Republican debate that nobody would attend anyhow.

Courtesy of USA Today:

Donald Trump says he's withdrawing as moderator of a GOP presidential debate in Iowa. 

Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum were the only Republican candidates who agreed to the Dec. 27 debate, sponsored by the conservative website Newsmax. 

Steve Coz, editorial director for Newsmax, said the company is "disappointed" by Trump's decision but respects his wishes. The statement on the Newsmax site doesn't give any indication of what's next.

I think the writing is pretty clearly scrawled on the GOP lavatory wall.  The Teabaggers are yesterday's news, their spokes model Sarah Palin is a dried up old has been, and their ringmaster has morphed into a sad face clown who cannot draw a crowd of more than two.

I am just glad that the other GOP candidates, as deeply flawed as they are, were able to demonstrate a little common sense and nip this ridiculous side show in the bud right off the bat.

I do kind of feel sorry for the comedians though. Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert would have had a field day with this debate-apalooza.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM


  2. Anonymous3:18 PM

    So even the Dumpster realized that no one would watch his little 'conversation' with Newt? Wow. That must have been a big shock to his ego. Newsmax is just another Fox...and Trump is the male Palin, but with more ill-gotten gains than even she has...although he has been grifting a lot more years. They do, though, appear to have the same hairdresser.

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    He is an ass!!! Fits right in w/that group of Republicans that we can hardly believe are even being kept in the national news. This has been going on for a number of years now - with Palin - then it was Cain - Bachman - Perry. These people are idiots. President Obama is going to be re elected I have no doubt and I will vote for him AGAIN. He is the only sane one out there for crying out loud!

  4. Off topic

    Wonkette is reporting that in Spain there is a tradtion dating back to the 7th century of placing a figurene pooping in nativity scenes. This year figurenes of the half term governor are a popular choice.

  5. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Gee I'm SOOOO disappointed. Surely this is a great loss and tragedy for the world of comedy during the holiday season.

  6. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Gosh, what will I do now on December 27??? [snark]

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Darn!!! Trump quits his Republican circle jerk. Who on earth can Newsmax get to replace him?? Palin is waiting for the call!

  8. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Um,...off topic bu interesting. On gawker there's a blond item about a celeb faking a pregnancy. Everyone thinks its beyonce., but anyway someone made a comment about how there was a big tell-all about Sarah and babygate coming out soon????

  9. Anonymous4:29 PM

    But--but what about that little "chat" he and Newt were gonna have? Lawrence O'Donnell must've aired about 6 clips of The Dumped bragging that he and Newt were going to chat about world affairs, as they're both so knowledgable. Hey, maybe they could've even "chatted" about how much fun it is to keep dumping your wife for a younger model.

  10. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Wooh hooo..... LOL.... Ha Ha...

    I'm sorry... I need to calm down but I can't help myself....

    Anything Sarah Palin endorses turns to shit!

    Satan liked "Herb" Cain....

    Satan endorsed Donald Chump's debate and knocked those who were not showing up...

    Satan endorsed Todd Palin's reality show....

    Satan not only endorsed Bristol Palin's book signing but showed up as a twofer and nobody fucking showed up!

    Satan endorsed John McCain...

    I can go all night who Sarah Palin endorsed.

    What a fucking looser that Sarah Palin is!

  11. Anonymous4:41 PM

    But, this was going to be the highest rated GOP debate ever...LMAO

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, Karl Rove is laughing his butt off while dancing the electric slide.

  12. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Sarah Palin's track record of endorsing things does not look to good.

    I betcha she endorses her presidential pick on election night.

    What a douche bag.

  13. Anonymous4:44 PM

    "Trump, who considered a Republican presidential bid earlier this year, said he will not moderate the event to avoid a conflict of interest stemming from a potential independent presidential bid."

    What another fucking looser... his track record of quitting is matching Sarah Palin's record.

    No way is the Dumpster getting into any race.

  14. Anonymous4:47 PM

    grassisland asked:

    "what happened to his yellow hair?"

    December 13, 2011 02:31 pm at 2:31 pm |

    That yellow in his hair moved down to that yellow stripe in his back!

    Chump is Old Yeller!

  15. Anonymous4:49 PM

    FYI guys, since Phil Munger, Progressive (Ha that's a joke) Alaska got axed from Gryphen's blogroll, there's virtually NO comments to be found. Seems, as I suspected, that Gryphen's blog traffic was accounting for Phil's traffic and now that the plug is pulled, Phil is sliding into the abyss. So, that's one down, and we're still gunnin' for the Grand Granny Grifter, better know as GGG.

  16. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Well Sarah by Donald getting out of the debate show, that frees him up to do Toddy's snowmobile reality show!

    Why don't you fly down to New York again and meet with the Chumpster for another slice of greasy two bit slice of pizza?

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    A plea:

    Her name is Jenay Faith Jones, a beautiful two year old who was recently diagnosed with leukemia, a cancer of the blood. Jenay lives in Alaska. Jenay's dad, Todd, writes regular updates about her treatment at the Caringbridge website that he created for Jenay's friends and family. He shares the highs and the lows of Jenay's journey and the struggles that the family endure as they help her fight the cancer which has taken over their lives during this festive season and which will remain a part of their lives for the next two and a half years. Quite a stretch in a little girl's life when you are only two. More information can be found at this link.


    You will have to register with an email address to gain direct access to Jenay's page.

    I believe that in situations such as this that prayer can be a powerful support. However, there are many material considerations that cannot and should not be overlooked. Jenay's treatment is expensive and the family do need some additional support. It is my hope that we can pull together to help ease the situation for this beautiful family.

    Arrangements have been made with Todd's pastor, Pat Hadley (907 563-9033) of the Well Spring Ministries of Alaska, for donations to be sent directly to him. Pat will pass on all received donations directly to Todd. Checks should be made out to Todd Jones not Pat Hadley. If you send cash be sure to include a note that says that the donation is for the Jones family and not the church.

    Please send what you can:
    Checks in the name of

    Todd Jones
    Address envelopes to:

    Todd Jones c/o
    Pat Hadley,
    WellSpring Ministries of Alaska,
    2511 Sentry Drive #200,
    Anchorage, AK 99507.

  18. Anonymous5:15 PM

    AzureGhost ROCKS!



  19. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Trump pulls out again?

    That's his second time during this election campaign!

    Chumpster in baseball ya only get 3 strikes.

  20. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Jon Stewart’s GOP Debate Recap: ‘A Mormon Gambling With An Evangelical Over Who’s The Bigger Liar’


  21. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Trump put out a press release explaining his position:

    “The Republican Party candidates are very concerned that sometime after the final episode of The Apprentice, on May 20th, when the equal time provisions are no longer applicable to me, I will announce my candidacy for President of the United States as an Independent and that, unless I conclusively agree not to run as an Independent, they will not agree to attend or be a part of the Newsmax debate scheduled for December 27, 2011.

    “It is very important to me that the right Republican candidate be chosen to defeat the failed and very destructive Obama Administration, but if that Republican, in my opinion, is not the right candidate, I am not willing to give up my right to run as an Independent candidate. Therefore, so that there is no conflict of interest within the Republican Party, I have decided not to be the moderator of the Newsmax debate. The American people are embarrassed by the gridlock currently taking place in Washington. I must leave all of my options open because, above all else, we must make America great again!

    “I would like to thank Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum for having the courage, conviction, and confidence to immediately accept being a part of the Newsmax debate. I believe this would not only have been the most watched debate, but also the most substantive and interesting debate!”

    Watch the report from Fox News below:


  22. Anonymous5:22 PM

    ...Schultz noted that he thought Trump’s claims that he would be a fair moderator were “garbage,” and was happy to see the debate idea go. Dyson agreed, adding that Trump was an “unmitigated narcissist” and that the event would not be “a debate, it’s a rebate” (?). He expressed particular frustration about Trump “perpetuating this lie that he’s a serious candidate.”

    Telling to Trump also was the idea that Republican candidates seemed uncomfortable at a venue with Trump because of his tendency to be a loose cannon and shoot off with embarrassing ideas that could reflect badly on them. Schultz called him an “unguided missile” who “doesn’t have to answer to any standards or practices that many in this industry have to answer to and follow,” with which Dyson agreed. Dyson added that this was particularly telling of Trump– “that’s saying a lot when you’re talking about Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich who fly off at the lip at a moment’s notice.”

    Dyson continued, arguing that the debate would be a “Donald Duck show” in which Trump would be “trying to browbeat them and coerce them by any means necessary into this fabricated debate,” only to later say something that would embarrass them all. “I am so glad that man has never been on The Ed Show,” Schultz admitted, calling Trump a “total loser, all-American zero” who “doesn’t have the guts to run.” Dyson corroborated the cowardice attack, saying the reason he has not been on The Ed Show was that he was “afraid.”

    The segment via MSNBC below:


  23. Anonymous5:24 PM

    He fired himself?

  24. WakeUpAmerica5:38 PM

    Gryphen, please put up another Palin post so that we can play with the troll again. Pleeeeaase?

  25. His excuse was priceless...because he might yet run for president as an independent, and blah, blah, blah....

  26. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Gryph: Did you see Glee tonight? Sue Sylvester (the evil cheerleading coach, marvelously played by Jane Lynch) says she had planned to spend Christmas reindeer-hunting from a helicopter with Sarah Palin, but SP had to cancel, as Todd hates it when she misses his ballet recitals. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

  27. Anonymous5:51 PM

    If The Trumpster were the Republicans' biggest problem, things would be looking a lot better for them than they presently do.

    The Koch Bros' Lipton-lapping lapdogs are in as much trouble as most of us expected they would be. Florida Gov Rick Scott is the least popular Gov in the country right now @ 26% and sinking faster than the Deepwater Horizon.

    South Carolina Gov and Lipton-lapper Nikki Haley, one of the Republican's "rising stars", now has an approval rating of 36% - eight points behind Obama in her own state - and still sinking fast. Also in South Carolina (yes, That South Carolina), Obama is polling better than both Gingrich and Romney.

    MA Sen Scott Brown has fallen further behind Elizabeth Warren, who now leads 49-42 (Elizabeth is beating the margin of error now by 4 pts.)

    The recall petition signatures in Wisconsin have now topped 300K of the 540K needed to recall anti-labor Lipton-lapper Gov Scott Brown. Traditional Republican strongholds, small towns and rural areas, are getting on board in surprising numbers.

    Those four were all among the Lipton-lappers proud standard bearers, and the message they sent at election time is far less important than the message voters will get from their performance once elected. These poster kids will all soon be on milk cartons.

    I love karma;) I'll love it even more if Gingrich completely Newters what's left of the party - that ass scares conservatives as much as he scares the rest of us. Announcing that he would name world-class dickhead and antagonist John Bolton as his Sec'y of State, and his close associations with the End Times/Armageddon crowd, may get him Palin's endorsement, and really, what more need we hope for?

  28. angela6:03 PM

    Couldn't have happened to a more vile egomaniac.

  29. Anonymous6:08 PM

    People like Donald Trump and his ilk never follow the up-to-date sentiments of the little people. They can't relate to the little people, and think that the tea partiers are still in 2008 election mode; what people like Donald don't seem to realize, is that the honeymoon is over and the excitement and energy has trickled down to disillusionment. All their idols have departed seeking more lucrative opportunities.

    Moderating an Iowa debate to a tired disgruntled disappointed crowd worrying about their high oil and electric bills this winter isn't all it's cracked up to be. I hate to be the Grinch of bad news for the big people, but they can't get their jollies off the backs of the little people all the time.

  30. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Sarah Palin speaks, but are Americans heeding her anymore?

    ...Palin has become nearly irrelevant, says Tom Fiedler, former executive editor of the Miami Herald and now dean of Boston University’s College of Communication. “America’s fascination with Sarah Palin is like everyone’s fascination with a shiny and sleek new car that hints of fun and adventure,” he says. But if it quits early, or if it refuses to run at all, “preferring to sit at the curb and look nice, our fascination will quickly die."


  31. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Sarah Palin’s New Reality Show Is Deservedly D.O.A.

    What if I sat you down and pitched you an idea for a TV show that centered around snowmobiling -- would you be interested? Probably not, because, yeah, not that many people are interested in the jet skis of the winter. Sarah Palin thought she could make a show about her husband Todd Palin's champion snowmobile racing career, but despite being teamed up with famous reality producer Mark Burnett, the former Governor has gotten zero bites from networks. Not surprisingly, no one's really fired up by the idea of watching Todd Palin putzing around the frozen tundra on a snowmobile.

    Mrs. Palin, who had a hit reality show with Sarah Palin's Alaska, probably thought that if she got away with doing that, she and Todd had as good a chance as any to have TV crews follow Todd around as he froze his butt off on a snowmobile. Gratefully, networks like TLC and A&E have said thanks, but no thanks. This show is honestly one of the worst ideas I've heard all day, and someone suggested I see Tower Heist, so yeah, there was some competition.

    The Hollywood Reporter hypothesizes that the idea fell flat because Sarah Palin's celebrity is wearing off, which, to me, just gives way too much credit to the original concept that, may I remind you, is about Todd Palin on a snowmobile. I mean, maybe I'd be intrigued by the concept if the show featured Todd riding naked through the woods wearing nothing but the American flag as a cape, shooting leaves off trees with his .22, howling at the moon, and sleeping inside a dead bear carcass to keep warm, but no such promises were made.

    We'll have to wait and see if the show gets any buyers, but I have a feeling it's already dead on arrival.

    Would you watch a reality show about Todd Palin's snowmobiling career?


  32. Anonymous7:23 PM

    HA HA HA HA HA Trump "I always get good ratings" Quit! Guess it rubbed off when Sarah Palin had his shoe tossle imprints on her kneecaps.

    Hey, it just dawned on me, she wears wigs to try to look like Trump. Losers!

    This just in:

    Christine "I am not a witch" O'Donnel just endorsed Mitt Romney. In exchange she got a note of thanks, saying he appreciates her endorsement because she's always been in tune with the conservative voters.

    Can anyone spell "D-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e"??????

    That's about as good as an endorsement from Sarah herself.

  33. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Video at the link.


    At a city council meeting last week, Amy Weber, with her female spouse and daughters in tow, gently prodded Troy, Mich. mayor Janice Daniels about an antigay Facebook posting Daniels' wrote.

    Daniels was elected in November as a Tea Party candidate; in June, she wrote the following Facebook message: "I think I'm going to throw away my I Love New York carrying bag now that queers can get married there," in response to New York state's decision to legalize marriage equality.

  34. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Donald-the-clown! How fitting . . . and I wonder if he has a brother named "Ronald" who also wears a red wig.

  35. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Video at the link.


    At a city council meeting last week, Amy Weber, with her female spouse and daughters in tow, gently prodded Troy, Mich. mayor Janice Daniels about an antigay Facebook posting Daniels' wrote.

    Daniels was elected in November as a Tea Party candidate; in June, she wrote the following Facebook message: "I think I'm going to throw away my I Love New York carrying bag now that queers can get married there," in response to New York state's decision to legalize marriage equality.

  36. This is completely O/T but I thought it was very interesting. A fellow called "shagspur" posted this about Newt Gingrich over at Taegan Goddard's POLITICAL WIRE today.

    "Here is the absolute truth about Newt Gingrich, written by one who knows, myself, a fellow ERG. Newt Gingrich has Asperger's Syndrome. He talks at people with pure Aspergian speech. Hypersensitive, he somehow is also emotionally tone deaf to others. He does not play well with other children. He is impulsive, and prone to puzzling mood swings. He is not a good liar, but seems to lie because he makes conflicting remarks constantly. Whatever he is saying at the time is his absolute truth, because at that moment, he believes it. Finally, he relies on scripts in all his social interactions. He taught his scripts (Democrats are "odious, pathetic, malignant, etc) to fellow Republicans and flipped the house in '94. Now, probably coached by his wife, Callista, a control freak, he is running a script in which he never says an unkind word to a fellow Republican. Bottom line: EGSs are useful, brilliant and often important people. Bill Gates is an ERG, as is Mark Zuckerburg. BUT... you would not want to give the nuclear football to one of us. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.
    I would not mind at all to see this Asperger's analysis go viral. "

  37. Damn I wish The Donald was as avid a reader of this blog as is The WGE. He could blister some text boxes, couldn't he? It would be worth good money to read TD's commentary on the low opinion the rest of the world has of him.

  38. majii1:56 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen for dropping Munger from your blog roll as it seems he has a case of Obama Derangement Syndrome that seemed to be getting worse. Criticism is one thing, but outright lies based on shabby research is an entirely different animal.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.