Monday, December 12, 2011

It looks like Mitt Romney owes Rick Perry $10,000.

(You can read more about why Romney may have jumped the shark with his offer to bet Rick Perry by clicking here.)

Okay well Rick did not shake on it, so I guess that Mitt is off the hook.

Too bad considering that Perry will probably have to end his campaign soon due to his massive stupidity, his parody inspiring anti-gay ad, and the fact that nobody can look at him without their George W. Bush related PTSD kicking in.

Of course Romney's inability to understand how this bet of his would be perceived by Americans struggling to make ends meet during these hard times, is not exactly doing him any favors either.

However as far as the Democrats are concerned he is doing everything JUST right.


  1. Anonymous2:26 AM

    OT - I wonder how this blogger gets access to the Palin's photo album. Does anyone know who this person is?

  2. In an ad released yesterday Jon Huntsman took Willard up on his bet with film clips of his touting mandates.

  3. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Mainstream media is letting Mitt off the hook on this factually. In fact some have suggested that Perry is lucky to not have taken the bet, because Perry was incorrect. How do we get the media to cover Huntsman ad in their news coverage?

  4. Anonymous4:31 AM

    The look on Rick Perry's face when he feels he 'zinged' Mitt, is so comically self-satisfied - the man is just a buffoon, taking on a robot.

    Rick Perry's been using $10,000 to clean the mud off his boots at The N*head for years.

  5. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Rick was king of Texas, lived in such a bubble. Thought he was the MAN and adored it when people begged him to run, thinking it was a sure thing.

    Hey Rick, why you don't speak of the Texas Miracle anymore? "Quality of Life" in your State is just so. . .and now your citizens kill their children and themselves when they are denied assistance in these hard times.

    Rick, didn't you learn anything from Sarah fake-baby Palin? You guys who look good on paper and air don't measure up under the harsh scrutiny of national campaigns. You are an imbecile and it ha been as painful to us as it is to you to be the "Oops" heard around the world.

  6. Anonymous4:36 AM

    For a man who's "unemployed," I'm surprised Mitt can casually throw away $10,000 for an un-winnable bet.

  7. Anonymous5:48 AM

    What is a Mormon doing betting in the first place, isn't that gambling?

  8. Anonymous6:26 AM


    Up to now [Romney] had looked consistently solid in these forums: calm, cool, reasonable, informed, somewhat robotic, but on the whole believably presidential. Tonight, by contrast, it was as though he had prepped for the showdown by doing several lines of coke backstage. He was talking too fast. Blinking too fiercely. Fidgeting too much. Babbling. Cackling. On the whole looking, as Newt Gingrich might put it, fundamentally twitchy

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    OT - Re Anon 2:26

    My guess is one of Palin's sisters trying to bolster the fairy-tale.

    BTW--look at the teeth on that kid. No way he is the baby the Massey brothers were talking about.

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Rick Perry Heckled Over Ad Criticizing DADT Repeal, Gays In The Military

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    More caramel popcorn and hot chocolate!

    After all the pain and anguish of George W. Bush, the Republican meltdown is very satisfying. They pandered to idiots and zealots, and this ridiculous field of zombie candidates is what they deserve.

    (*Not including Ron Paul, who at least has some integrity.)

  12. Dinty7:11 AM

    @2:26 I have theories, I asked the same question a couple of weeks ago. It may be the work of a couple people.

    I think this is bait:

  13. "and the fact that nobody can look at him without their George W. Bush related PTSD kicking in."

    well done,sir....loved that line. That is how I feel about the whole Republican line up but Perry, Perry is like Bush's dumber little brother.

    On the way to work this morning, listened to NPR talking about our troops finally leaving Iraq and how some people think Bush should get the credit for the timetable of withdrawal and then they mentioned that the Iraq's really aren't fans..hehehe,then my all time favorite story of 2008came up where and Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at Bush telling him "This is a gift from the Iraq'i people,you dog." Smiled all morning.

  14. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I just want to take a moment to give credit where credit is due.

    Thank You, Sarahcuda and the tea party, for infiltrating the GOP in the hopes of getting a rad right wing conservative on the ticket.

    The Democrats couldn't do it without your help, well they could have, but it would have taken longer. Newt vs President Obama is a democrats dream come true!

    Thanks again! Pat yourselves on the back!

  15. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Didn't Politifact determine that it was a good thing Perry didn't take the bet, because he'd have been the one that ended up owing?


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