Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Occasionally Fox News accidentally broadcasts the truth. But ONLY occasionally.

Wow! That is incontrovertibly true.

Good for you Fox News!

What? Oh, it was an accident. That figures.

So then I suppose THIS one was on purpose.

Yep, Fox News still sucks alright.

These captures are courtesy of a Buzzfeed, and is part of their 45 Worst Fox News Moments of 2011.

Somehow I imagine that there were FAR more than just forty five craptastic moments in 2011.

Don't you?


  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Its not a accident.
    Just like that American dad episode wasn't a accident.
    They were warning Palin... we know you didn't birth Trig!
    Remember Roger is friends with Joe M. and they both don't like her.
    If she runs...bloodbath!

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    No, no bloodbath, But a healthy dose of....Santorum spewing would be very laughably watchable.

  3. Anonymous6:46 PM


    Whatever happened to Dec. wedding of Track?

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    It shows just how delusional hillbillies who accidentally find "celebrity" can get.

    I would estimate that I'm 85 times more intelligent than either of these Palin dimwits, or maybe even if they were joined together in a mindmeld.

    Yet, I have NO ridiculous notions that I should run for office, of even a municipal seat.

    Now, off topic: how can we get SOMEONE who people listen to, to come out and SAY that the entire Republican gamble of not extending the middle class tax cuts, is meant as a ploy to further ruin the American economy.

    They then plan to have the Fox channel blame the results on President Obama, making his re-election difficult.

    MOST people are hopefully savvy enough to have figured this out already, but it takes a slap upside the head, for anyone with the mental capacity of a Palin.

    (And, lets face it, there are a TON of such dimwits, many showing up in those "People of Walmart" email forwards.)

  5. Anonymous6:55 PM

    That one w/Sarah is an absolute riot! Couldn't have been better done!!

  6. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Damn, those eyes of hers creep me out. They always reveal a disturbing distance between her and the world around her, much the same as someone on psychotropics might look.

    Make her go away, Gryph.

  7. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Bristol won't rule out a run for Pres? Hmmm, in that case I think I'll throw my hat into the ring too. I've got to be more qualified than that uneducated bimbo. Hey, maybe my dog can give it a go, also too.

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Fox is known for it's faux pas, but the first one is a total riot!!!!

  9. 6:56PM...yeah those beady eyes give me the creeps too!

    That's one thing I first noticed about Gov Dirty Wig™...her eyes don't smile.

    Even when she's baring her teeth and snarling like a rapid dog and she thinks she smiling with her mouth...

    Those eyes are...DEAD!


    And as far as Brisdull running for President or any political office...let me know when she can SPELL President...then we can talk!

  10. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Is this our trolls webpage blog??

    This stupid Palinbot uses all the same words- hater, immature etc. The person who writes this blog is seriously mentally ill. She probably doesn't know Sarah at all.
    What a sick fuck.


  11. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol won't rule out a run for Pres? Hmmm, in that case I think I'll throw my hat into the ring too. I've got to be more qualified than that uneducated bimbo. Hey, maybe my dog can give it a go, also too.

    7:40 PM

    Hell Bristol won't rule out a ham sandwhich or a foot long Masey Brothers sausage.

  12. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  13. Anonymous2:26 AM

    So Troll, how was the wedding reception at the Alyeska Ski resort? Remember Dec. 16 was the date? Can't wait to see the photos.

  14. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Wow, even Faux gets it right every now & then... wonder if that intern got fired? Kind of makes me proud to have done my own little bit of "truth in advertising" at our local independent book store: they had copies of "Going Rogue on the shelf near another book on politics called "Fiasco." I always moved one of "Going Rogue" between 2 "Fiascos" and placed it facing up so you would see Sarah Palin's shiny, happy, glowing face bracketed by the words FIASCO which just happened to be printed in all caps on a bright pink book spine. Rather eye catching I thought

  15. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Anon 9:02PM Bristol is not the Massey brothers type. You must know every man is NOT interested in bedding skanky Palin's.

  16. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Big Juicy for Dog Catcher; Run Toad Run.

  17. Nancy In New York5:25 AM

    "Bristol Won't Rule out a run for President?"

    Is that the wine coolers talking?

  18. Anonymous5:27 AM

    And yet she's still laughing all the way to the bank, until 2014 that is.

    The antics she'll pull to get a re-up will be mind-boggling.

    How about copping to faking the Trig pregnancy Sarah? Blaming your Servant's Heart will perhaps maybe get millions to forgive you, but you will go down in history for perpetrating the most spectacularly insulting fraud the world of politics has ever seen, other than you being completely unqualified nor fit to lead.

  19. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Apparently no one wants to watch Todd tinker with his toys, Willow bass fishing, or Piper crapbooking. Apparently, Track is not having his faux wedding exploited in People Mag.

    Soooooo..... it looks like it will be up to Bristol the Pistol once again to "take one for the Grifter." Just like DWTS, Bristol, you owe your mother.

    Bristol will just have to get married. Just like Kim Kardashian. She already has the chin part - just needs to find a dumb stud, like Kim's ex, Levi, or Todd. Surely there is someone qualified among Bristol's acquaintances. or FB.

    Big wedding. Lots of celebrities. Lots of gifts. Lots of money for the young couple!!! Lots of exposure for Sarah!!!!

    Once you are married, Bristol, you can "adopt" your "godson" and get Tristan out of the closet. You can always get a divorce later. Remember, you don't have to love the dude. Marriage is a "business agreement" as your mother advised.

  20. Questions for Sarah:

    What happened to your mansion in Arizona?

    Can't get out of the house anymore? Afraid to show your face in Wasilla?

    How are those new grandbabies? How many are there now?

    How was that wedding? Can't seem to get those kids of yours to not have their children out-of-wedlock?

    How are those "family values" working out for ya?

  21. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Hahaha! A high-school dropout. Three-times pregnant unmarried mom. Yep. That'll happen.

  22. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Perhaps Track is spending a lot of time hanging around the house in an altered state of mind His bride may be having second thoughts.

  23. Anonymous10:37 AM

    If Bristol is President, the National Park System will be safe, since we all know how much she loves camping.

  24. Eppito12:01 PM

    “What America truly is and what America thinks it is are two distinctly different things, and it’s a long way home in the dark.” ~ me

    The racist comments I saw regarding the First Lady astounded me, though I shouldn’t have been surprised in the least. These idiots, these fools, who are more than ready to let a stupid, vindictive, clueless media whore speak for them, shame this country no end. The very idea that we have a black president is anathema to them; chaos come into the house for them, though they don’t have the self awareness to even begin to get it – having an African – American president is their comeuppance, paid in full. They forget the curse of the Son of Shrub, who dropped us into the mess we have today, that Obama inherited.

    Though I am agnostic I can’t help but quote Thomas Jefferson, who said regarding slavery, “I fear for my country when I know that God is just.” These knuckle draggers, these cysts on the ass of life cannot and will not accept that a black man was elected president – WHO IS THEIR PRESIDENT WHETHER THEY WANT TO ADMIT IT OR NOT! And all they can think and believe is that they must oust him at all costs and replace him with one of the clowns currently walking the ring. LMFAO!

    Before he threw his hat in the ring those years ago Barack must have told his wife and daughters, “Nothing we can do will please some. We will be hated, detested, reviled, but we will be who we are, which is all we can do.” And they knew before he told them, because they are black and raised in America.

    Forgive my rant, but I fear for my country when I think of insanity conquering reality, civility, justice, and humanity.

    Merry Christmas
    Happy New Year


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It just goes directly to their thighs.