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"I am too, am too, am too still relevant! God damn it!" |
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said it’s not too late for someone to enter the Republican presidential race.
“Things can still be shaken up,” Palin told Fox News & Commentary. “Things can change in terms of candidates coming and going.”
Palin said over the weekend that she was not enthusiastic about anyone in the current GOP field.
“I don’t think that the field has to be considered set today – set and locked up,” she said. “Even beyond Iowa I think there is time for more shakeup.”
I am only writing about this because I have received a link to this article about a dozen times, and I have also seen it turn up on the Huffington Post and numerous other so-called "news outlets."
Trust me, she is NEVER going to jump into this race. Period!
She is so completely done that the fork sticking out of her has started to rust already.
Palin is simply desperate to stay relevant in any way that she can, and since she cursed Tim Tebow and destroyed his winning streak, she is just trying to distract her sycophants by throwing them another bright shiny, but essentially useless, bauble.
I swear to God that Pavlov's dogs learned faster than these people.
"Don't bother salivating Fido, he is just fucking with us again."
The thing about a scam artist is they are always looking for a new way to get more money. Way to go Sara. Let's see you make another toe in the water and get your brain dead followers all hot and bothered again. They must seriously not bother looking at the TV anymore to see what an ugly hag you've become. But hey, run and see what happens. I can hardly wait for you to make one more statement, the knives will come out faster than you can even imagine. You really think you are going to get a free pass this time around?
ReplyDeleteWhere is that kids birth certificate anyway?
And what else? Oh, wasn't there just something about ANOTHER ethics violation? Want to ask Newt how that's playing with the electorate?
As Glenn Close said in "Fatal Attraction," "I will not be ignored!" Sarah needs a couple of things to live: the spotlight and money. Maybe if her fans donate enough money this time, she really will run. No, she won't. Not without a campaign staff. Not when she has missed filing deadlines. Not when she spends her money on herself rather than on advertising a candidacy. I don't think that Rupert and Roger want her to run. Herman Cain was already a big joke. Sarah wouldn't be able to answer questions any better than good old Herb. But, the only way that anyone will notice Sarah is if she teases people with that "it's not too late" tease. Tomorrow, Sarah will be explaining that she was hoping that someone, anyone, Trump, Christie, Jebb, anyone jumped into the race. Please.
ReplyDeleteWell, hey now, she'll take her rootin' tootin' foreign policy and go straighten out those goll durn North Koreans.
ReplyDeleteIf her supporters are that Goddamn dumb, let them lose all their money! They deserve it!
ReplyDeleteIs the grifter lady trying for another shot at reality tv?
ReplyDeleteDamn, it's expensive being a non-candidate these days! The Grifter has already gone through all of the PAC money.
ReplyDeleteSo get your checkbooks out, Palinbots. It's time to re-stock the Gov Roadkill Wig's pantry.
I love how the media spins one statement from her into "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work. The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is, only the GOP knows Sarah Palin. The left thinks they do but more often than not, they're just gullible morons who lap up everything their president says. People who believe random crap on the internet deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
ReplyDeleteSadly, this is what people who support Palin are about. Sarah wants to sell her reality show. $$$$. And if she gets back in the news making noise about a run she thinks one of the cable networks will buy the inane show because of the buzz.
Transversely--there would be NO way she could be on television if she was running for anything, thus no run for POTUS.
Why can't the poor idiot mouth breathers see this?
Or maybe because the APD destroyed all of Shailey's property Sarah thinks she safe from Todd's pimping problems and feels a bit more empowered to annoy the populace again.
Boring as hell.
Anon 4:51, did you proof read your comment? Did you pass 4th grade? Did you get a "plays well with others" mark? By your sentiments, I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you go study up on what is REALLY happening in the country. Because you won't find any of that stuff sane people call truth here on the hate opinion blogs.
Since no one would nip at the latest "reality show" pitch . . . she needs to troll-for-dollars.
ReplyDeleteThe coffers containing all that pilfered loot must be rilly getting low . . . so give till it hurts Pbots!
You dear, poor souls.
Momma needs a new pair of shoes...and more botox and a tuck here and there...and maybe another first class trip to Hollywood or New York...and a new wig or two...Oh, wait. She doesn't need BotBucks for that. She trolls the local dumpsters for her headgear...
ReplyDeleteThis woman is truly an idiot. She has a minor fraction of 300 million Americans pining for her idiot ass and she thinks she is relevant. It is beyond stupid and so are her few thousand fans. Always a good laugh though!!
ReplyDeleteAll of these candidates will be so black & blue before anyone gets the nomination, it would be wonderful if she would enter the race and unleash her venom towards her competitors. It will help to end the Republican Party completely! Today they are even hinting that Jeb may get into the race! REALLY?! Are they so stupid, that they think this country would put a THIRD Bush in the office?
ReplyDeleteI agree Gryphon, that Palin's money is drying up right before her greedy little eyes and she is desperately trying to be relevant. But wouldn't it be great fun if she were to enter this crapfest?!
She quit as governor.
ReplyDeleteIt's as simple as that.
Wish I could agree with you but I don't. I have been saying since her announcement that she was re-grouping or in her words re-loading. Her simple suggestion has everyone in the MSM in mass hysteria wondering if she will re-enter the race and what has it cost her to this point, not a whole lot.
ReplyDeleteIt scares the crap out of me that the MSM may make her relevant again for ratings but if she starts to gain traction due to this current GOP field, then we are in for it all over again.
They are in full orgasm over at C4P...lots of I told you so, we are so smart, She would never quit on us I knew it! etc. They really think she can just say I'm in and she will win...no money, no organization, no skill, no debates, no clues, no ability to think, much less speak, on her feet....they just ignore the fact that she is also in the news cuz Survivor guy is pitching a sequel to Sarah's Alaska...apparently he is either lying or doing it without her knowledge, even though he is a huge fan.
ReplyDeleteOh how I wish she would do it...fading away with the lasting ability to say "I coulda been a contenda" is fine and all, But...to watch her actually try to win, get humiliated and embarrassed and wiped out and just broken...ah, that would be sweet.
This is directly connected to her unsuccessful bid for a new show...Im in the biz and know how this works. Trying to make her relevant so she can get a new show. Sorry, Sarah, your time is over and your ability to grift is over.
ReplyDeleteHow is that new grift going...the ADF?
yeah yeah yeah, "shake it up"" blah de blah. Look, we don't need shaking k? We need sanity and a viable party. You aint it sister.
ReplyDeleteMaddow covered this dream tonight. She has missed the deadlines to register for the primaries. I knew she would have to miss the debates. She is dead in the water if she has to speak off the cuff, or palm.
ReplyDeleteShe could run as an independent though. It would be a great way to dilute the GOP vote. Maybe Obama can win even with the GOP voter suppression they cooked up to steal the election.
The "Peeing4Palin" folks are turning around in circles! They don't know what to think over there! It's hilarious...check out what they posted....
ReplyDelete"If she does indeed do what some are suggesting she will, the first state she would be able to participate in would be the Colorado caucuses. The first primary she could participate in would be the Arizona primary.
So why is Mark Burnett saying the following to the New York Post? If she did reconsider and won the nomination, she wouldn’t be able to take time off to film the series in the summer."
BECAUSE SHE AIN'T RUNNING DUMMIES!!! The stupid....it burns!
I bet you I know WHY she is stirring up the pot: Her donations have dried up, and this is the only way she get some much-needed $$$!
ReplyDeleteBut isn't it fun to check out the Sea O'Pee when Quitter teases she might run? The bots are practically peeing all over themselves thinking she might run, or that enough voters might write in her name. Seriously, they are starting a write in campaign for Quitter, and think that because she hasn't discouraged the idea, she will accept if nominated.
ReplyDeleteIt's about her not willing to become irrelevant. It's about the PAC money.
ReplyDeleteThose withholding the truth about her as she is not a candidate need to come forward. Reveal it all and shut her the FU once and for all.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Everybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.
That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!
John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.
Whew...... I said what I had to say and now I can go to sleep!
One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.
11:13 PM
Was Palin live on camera or did she phone it in from the rubber room? I still want to know what happened to her Arizona mansion - the one she had a wonky title to. She's just loving this little bumpit of attention and speculation. Helps add to the coffers.
ReplyDeleteI tell you, she's in full Norma Desmond mode now.
Please run, Sarah, this will be the most comical campaign ever. Will Glen Rice be your campaign manager?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that your BOTS will take him in like a FAMILY MEMBER. After all there is not a Racist bone in your body, RIGHT?
Anonymous 5:06 PM said...
ReplyDelete"I love how the media spins one statement from her into "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work. The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP.
"Funny thing is, only the GOP knows Sarah Palin. The left thinks they do but more often than not, they're just gullible morons who lap up everything their president says. People who believe random crap on the internet deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way."
Better hurry over to C4P because THEY are the ones swooning and fainting at this very minute "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." I think they need your pearls of wisdom because we sure as hell know she ain't running, except for their SS, disability and retirement money.
Bark, bark, bark.
ReplyDeletePoint, point, point.
Lie, lie, lie.
Same fucking tired routine. Fuck off already, Palin: No one is buying what you have to sell anymore.
I swear....this blog is always on target with my views. I dont think there is anything sexier than intelligence..and baby you got it. My other favs are Jon Stewart, Matt Taibbi. Rachel Maddow..and Michael Moore. Love your sense of humor..keep making me laff.
ReplyDeleteOh Boy...or maybe I should say Oh Man...because Gov Dirty Wig™ is on with Eric Bowlingpin of FAKE Business News...and the Peeing4Palin folks are peeing all over themselves in the comments...I kid you not!
ReplyDeleteThe comments are so hilarious I can't wait to see the tape.
I'm waiting with bated breath to see which dirty filthy wig she shook out and plopped on her over size head! I heard she's also wearing a big ass cross along with a ...uh oh...SCARF! Maybe she really is glowing with pregnancy! The suspense is killing me!
That woman and her followers are all idiots.
ReplyDeleteHey Gryph thanks for the snarkfest this fall and early winter - you make me smile. Merry, merry and happy, happy to you and yours.
How can a returd like Sarah Palin who mothered 4 kids which the 3 oldest ones are uneducated untalented drug and alcohol users with the 4th one following closely behind them be taken seriously in anything she does?
ReplyDeleteHell her own husband has no respect for her.
Hell they don't even have respect for each other!
How can a returd like Sarah Palin who mothered 4 kids which the 3 oldest ones are uneducated untalented drug and alcohol users with the 4th one following closely behind them be taken seriously in anything she does?
ReplyDeleteHell her own husband has no respect for her.
Hell they don't even have respect for each other!
That hoe who raised a house of hoes aint runnin' fer nuthin' except to the ATM.
ReplyDeletethe weirdest thing about her stringing along her feed bag followers is that she doesnt even like them. she wouldnt even talk to them when they all traveled to iowa, what was it, the 5th or 6th time ago they all convinced themselves she was running? these morons travel all the way to iowa in thier dumbass caravans.... to see the great leader sarah... and she wouldnt even give them the time of day at thier meetup... how do they not feel used yet? it is purely amazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure she is running out of money and is doing whatever she can to make herself relevant again. God, it's been a slice of heaven NOT hearing her voice on a daily basis for the past few months!
ReplyDeleteI really don't think she has the balls to run as she has too much baggage. Look at the delving the media has done to Perry, Cain, Bachman and Gingrich! They'll have a field day w/Palin! I'm sure Alaskans would help them on another go around.
These Republicans/Teabaggers are a mess and I'll wager President Obama will be re elected. Look at the Congress - specifically the House - the "American people" as they like to say - will not vote for them again.
I love it that her cultists are all wee weed up over this (donating more bucks lol) and that the LSM sees it as yet another political prick tease by Sarah to get more $$ in her pac. She just can't keep her trap shut and insists on damaging her "brand". LOL
ReplyDeleteI admit that she's very sly when it comes to grifting and it has made her a lot of money. On the other hand it cost her her reputation. Ha ha ha, she got out of her own bus and it ran over her. She still thinks because she, her lawyer and the Anchorage Police Dept. de-neutered Shailey Tripp and illegally destroyed her property that she can still get away with anything.
Keep thinking that way Sarah! Keep insisting on center stage - Your lust for rock-star attention and bilking people for money is exactly what is destroying you and in the end completely destroy you. Another reality TV show - bad idea! I just can't wait to see what KKKarma has in store for you!
Go watch the movie "Mean Girls" and you'll see yourself & what happened in the end. It might open your eyes - that is, if you get the moral of the story.
love ya! Keep on entertaining us!
Somebody needs to take teh bubble away from her and tell her it's time to check into a long term program.
ReplyDeletetook long enough to shine all that light on loser central. i love thinking all us little bloggers were a major factor in that. thank you everyone!
ReplyDeleteIs anyone really surprised? Good grief. She tried to sell a reality show and it went over like a fart in church. She needs the lsm to start covering her every move again - to breathe life into her skanky dead body. She's never, ever going to make it to the wh. Never.
ReplyDeleteSarah actually looks good in that photo compared to how she looks now.
ReplyDeleteJust ask the gals where she gets her chemical peels and Botox. Doesn't she look more like Tammy Faye every day?
Those eyebrows are so bizarre and so high, they make her look like a horror movie actress. But the waxing/Botox gals insist this is how she wants them.
There is a good reason she isn't showing her glowing (I.e. Greasy ) face on the tube. You betcha!
Anon 5:06.. Again you show how fucking stupid you are. Really, you are as dumb as a brick. Yeah sure that's what she said. Not only are you thick, you are truly a fucked up stalker of this blog. Do you think you make a difference? You simply reinforce what the entire country thinks of Palins redneck uninformed drones. Wah wah wah.
ReplyDeleteI love how the media spins one statement from her into "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work. The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing is, only the GOP knows Sarah Palin. The left thinks they do but more often than not, they're just gullible morons who lap up everything their president says. People who believe random crap on the internet deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way.
@5:06 PM
Shut up. I'm glad I don't know $arah Palin. I don't want to know that hag. We're not the gullible morons who threw our money away on a fake fucking presidential candidate. Most people have finally caught on that $arah Palin is not only a quitter, but a grifter, and a shady scam artist. Palin's karma is already happening. She's being ignored.
ReplyDeletePissed I got in a comment before you did Sara, or Brisket or Wildew?
Sad thing about you is there are facts lurking under the surface that scare the crap out of you. And you know as well as I do that the GOP candidates you are too scared to debate have the long knives out and are running them over a whetstone so they are nice and sharp. Easy to filet a money grubbing shark that way. No one is afraid of you now. You are washed up and ratty as hell, just like your wigs. Your meds are not working, your clothing assistant must have gone on strike and your makeup makes you look worse, as if that's possible. You are just a shrill mean bitch so go back to wasilla and grown some more mold on your pasty wrinkled skin. And hey, you might want to spend a little more time devoted to child rearing. Your kids are a mess and they didn't get that way on their own.
All I can think of is Andy Kaufmann lip-syncing to the Mighty Mouse song: "Here I come to save the DAYYYYYY!"
ReplyDeleteLinda1961 said...
ReplyDeleteBut isn't it fun to check out the Sea O'Pee when Quitter teases she might run? The bots are practically peeing all over themselves thinking she might run, or that enough voters might write in her name.
Hilarious isn't it? We all have seen immature dogs who involuntarily pee all over when company comes over or someone pays attention to them and they are so excited the stream of pee comes out. Yes, they are peeing puppies.
Peeing puppies sounds better now than flying monkeys LOL.
Sarah Palin Heads to Fox to Play Pseudo 2012 Candidate and Concern Troll
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin was on Fox Business tonight, talking up the Tebow, the Lord and sporting a super large cross. Yes, she’s a courtin’ the base.
Palin got in the requisite digs at Obama, laughing and claiming he is unaware that “grace runs downhill to the humble.” She concerned trolled about how government doesn’t work and needs to get out of the way, and plugged her alleged energy knowledge as a way for America to be independent.
Then, coyly playing the role of possible 2012 candidate, this: “It’s not too late for folks to jump in,” Palin threatened on Fox tonight. “Who knows what will happen in the future.”
Ah, hello, Ms. Coy! For years Palin has been suggesting that she was waiting for “that right constitutional conservative candidate” to materialize (read: Tea Party, anti-constitution, pro-theocracy candidate). Palin has made overtures toward supporting either Newt Gingrich or Rick Santorum in the past, and I sensed a real love for the 9-9-9 before he got tossed to the cruel liberal lions of reality.
After Herman Cain fell from grace, Palin supporters begged her to jump in and save the country.
Watching the last “conservative” Great Hope going down in flames as Herman Cain reassesses his campaign approach, Conservatives for Palin see an opening for the Mama Grizzly. Yes, only she can save America from the evil socialist, even though she was the most socialist governor in America during her brief tenure as Governor of Alaska.
And while that may have seem far-fetched, a week ago, I wrote an article explaining that due to the new rules in the Republican primary process, the field is wide open for a late starter. In fact, given the way conservatives were running through candidates it was looking more and more possible. At the time, Newt was ridding high, but the bloom is fading off of that Tiffany rose.
Iowa looms just weeks away and the conservative base is still searching for The One. Who could possibly jump in at this late stage? They would have to be a national figure with the ability to raise a lot of money quickly. Someone with a lot of charisma. Someone like Sarah Palin.
Factoring in her families’ recent spate of reality TV shows failures, a rather desperate Palin just might make a show at running. Remember, the Republican way is to make a fake play as a candidate, write a book, get a Fox contract, and get rich.
If it’s the work you’re worried about, did you see Palin doing a lot of work in 2008? She couldn’t even remember Biden’s last name during the vice presidential debate and had to resort to calling him Joe lest she call him “Senator O’Biden.” I think we can cross “too lazy to run” off the list of reasons why this won’t happen.
Sarah Palin is not relevant politically and until she makes herself so again, the seemingly endless ways of grifting off of the evangelical base will continue to dry up. When you’re too busted to get your hubby a reality TV show even when your state offers to pay for a large percentage of it, what’s a wily woman to do? Why, play concern troll on Fox and flirt with a desperate conservative base.
If she wanted to, Palin could jump in and wreak real havoc on the Republican Party and position herself to make a lot of cash even with a failed pseudo run.
Do you think she has the guts to do it or is she just trying to insert herself into the limelight playing concern troll from her Fox bunker?
Anon 4:51, did you proof read your comment? Did you pass 4th grade? Did you get a "plays well with others" mark? By your sentiments, I doubt it.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you go study up on what is REALLY happening in the country. Because you won't find any of that stuff sane people call truth here on the hate opinion blogs.
@5:08 PM
I can tell by $arah Palin's list of enemies, her fear of bloggers, and reporters, that she doesn't play well with others.
I think most people here are already studied up on what's going on in the real world. It's $arah Palin who needs to pick up a newspaper. Any of 'em, all of 'em...
Oh Glory Be! Praise God everyone! I knew our Sarah, bold and free, wouldn't let we, the people down. I knew it. I knew ir. She had passed Gods tests and the door is wide open. You haters are all wrong and don't get the power of the Lord living through Sarah. She is an instrument, a vessel, a pure Godly spirit, through and through. You haters just don't understand. It's ok, Sarah and hers pray for you too and you will be forgiven.
ReplyDeleteGlory be! Our prayers are answered!
She needs the spotlight like a junkie needs heroin. She is going to be tossing out little hints until November of 2012.
ReplyDeleteShe has no intention of putting together a campaign staff and doing any real work but I bet she dreams every night of jumping in the race.
She is trolling for $$$. And her front teeth will look even more nutty as she ages. Trolling takes its toll.
ReplyDeleteWatching the video of Dirty on Eric BowlingPin and she has on the biggest scarf I've ever seen! The turkey neck must be swinging and she needed to cover it up! The cross necklace is peeking out like a talisman to ward off criticism...not going to work!
I think she's flashed the red baboon butt one too many times to fool the mouthbreathers again. Even the paid trolls are beginning to feel queasy.
ReplyDelete@5:06 PM
ReplyDelete"In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work."
STFU, bitch! In reality, you're just mad because you lost.
"The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP."
What are the democrats hiding, you insufferable bitch? Do tell. So funny coming from a woman who a faked pregnancy.
YUCKY!! I think a fly landed on Gov Dirty Wig™ shiny lips! Or the herpes is spreading!
ReplyDeleteThat poor fly!
She is hoping for a national write-in campaign.
ReplyDelete5:06 anon: ARE YOU FOR REAL???
ReplyDeletehey Anonymous @ 5:06 pm
ReplyDeleteBoth liberals, and common sense conservatives like me know $arah all too well.
We know she charged up $50,000 bucks worth of fancy office remodeling when she got elected Mayor
We know she illegally used her office and staff to run for Lt Gov while she was Mayor
We know she had to give back money for charging Alaska for 300 days of per diem while sleeping in her own bed, and for charging airline tix to Alaska taxpayers for her kids
We know that while Governor, she started a "trust" that was illegally funded, and was convicted of an ethics violation for that.
We know she and Todd were out for blood, and violated ethics trying to get Trooper Wooten fired.
We know that on the VP campaign she was rogue, out of control, over medicated, ignorant, and totally blew interviews, and stirred up crowds of Rill 'Mericans into racial hatred.
We know she's a savagely unrepentant narcissist with a long list of enemies, and nurses grudges forever.
We know that $arah Paylin is a christian supremacist who will use her religion as a cudgel or a tease, depending on which victims or shills are listening.
Want to me to keep going?
These are all facts, well known and documented by thousands of eye witnesses and Alaskan legislators.
So if you want to come on this blog and spew your irredeemably stupid bullshit, just know that there are many thousands of us that will attack her mercilessly, and some day she is going to be forced to sit down, and shut the hell up.
The people who know the LEAST about you ALWAYS have the most to say.
ReplyDeleteThere is not a truer statement in the world.
Palin is a grifter to be sure, but she is also just about the dumbest adult on the planet. She believes in her heart of hearts that God hisownself wants her to be POTUS. She see all of these doors that He is opening for her.
ReplyDeleteYeah, she wants to grab as much cash as she can, but she also DESPERATELY wants to be president. She has some bullshit notion that she could do it without actually working, reading, or thinking at all - she'd delegate all of those things to lackeys.
This is PALIN we're talking about. She doesn't have the brains that God gave a cocker spaniel, so I wouldn't be surprised at ANYTHING this buffoon did.
Don't discount the capacity for stupidity from someone who hears God's voice in her head.
Anon @ 5:06,
ReplyDeleteYou've got shit between your ears. Palin is an imbecilic clod. If you think that her mental abilities rate any higher than a potted plant then you are just as big a moron as she is. As for your contention that the GOP is just so oppressed, go fuck yourself.
You dismounted your sister to post THAT shit? Seriously?
Shaily is asking for money and/or gifts on her blog. Does anyone else find this distasteful? In this economy we all could use a helping hand, but being a beggar on the internet undermines Ger credibility, IMHO
ReplyDeleteOh Goodie! Just what the GOP needs, another loony toon know nothing for the GOP to choose from to lose to President Obama! Amd she can't blame McCain this time!
ReplyDeleteConsider the source - Flummoxed News
Ain't happening!
Nuff Said!
If it's a choice between making money on a tv show and running for President, there's not a doubt that Sarah P. will take the money and run.
ReplyDeleteFCC rules mean her show can't be broadcast if she's a declared candidate; her Fox News paycheck would come no more to her Wasilla mailbox.
Based on the clear and irrefutable history of this dame, she will never be a candidate because she doesn't want a "title," she wants
glamour and bling.
5:06pm said:
ReplyDelete"I love how the media spins one statement from her into "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work. The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP.
Funny thing is, only the GOP knows Sarah Palin. The left thinks they do but more often than not, they're just gullible morons who lap up everything their president says. People who believe random crap on the internet deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way."
ROFL Brilliant satire! (Ahem) is that you?
Seriously, that is SO hysterical because it's exactly how wingnuts really think!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI love how the media spins one statement from her into "ooooo oooo she may enter the race." In reality, she probably means, hey republicans, get off your asses and start fighting harder to expose the shady dealings in this admin. Get off your asses and work. The media helps the dems hide crap. We don't have that. Things will never be fair for the GOP.
Funny thing is, only the GOP knows Sarah Palin. The left thinks they do but more often than not, they're just gullible morons who lap up everything their president says. People who believe random crap on the internet deserve every bit of bad karma that comes their way.
5:06 PM
The NDAA was custom made for You Treasonous pigs and Sarah!
Too bad they took some Language out of it.
I, myself, can't wait to see how January 3rd goes in Iowa...the pee pond is in overdrive on THAT one and I can't wait to read your post on the 4th, Gryph! It will be stellar.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that even plays the slightest bit of attention knows she'll never run. She CAN'T and WON'T because she knows what's coming if she dd.
Poor little picked upon $arah who did it ALL to herself, Turned on that sexual charm for Kristol and the boyz who, if you will pardon the word, came to meet her.
That's all she'll ever be is a wet dream of three years ago. Look at her NOW. LOL
GET your "reality" show season 2, you dumb@ss queen. How FAR you have fallen and I've enjoyed every rung.
Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?
Do you ever get the feeling that Eric Bolling is the last baboon in the zoo who still thinks Palin will mate with him?
ReplyDeleteGod wants $arah to be the President of the US like he wants the Broncos and Tebow to beat the Patriots at Denver on Dec. 19th.
ReplyDeleteAnd we know how those prayers worked for Tebow.
This tease is a double-edged sword for her, it will also increase interest in Fred's book along with her SarahPAC donations and any interest in a Palin-related reality show..
ReplyDeleteIs that why Sarah obsessively talks about Obama like a love-sick Justin Bieber stalker?
5:06 - projection much? My Dog, what an idiot............Sarah, is that you?
ReplyDeleteI have never believed Palin "loves" Alaska so much. I've always felt she wanted to get out of Alaska.
ReplyDeletePalin craves the limelight. I think she would love to become another tv family like the Kardashians--although she could play the role of several since she seems to have multiple personalities.
Palin seems better suited to Roller
Derby, though or the WWE.
If Palin gets in the race ,and Perry is still in, he will destroy her with opposition research--and I think she knows that. He can be brutal. But, I also think Palin has no qualms about destroying the whole Republican party--Revenge is her thing and ,I think, her intention.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteShaily is asking for money and/or gifts on her blog. Does anyone else find this distasteful? In this economy we all could use a helping hand, but being a beggar on the internet undermines Ger credibility, IMHO
You know what IS OFFENSIVE? A MILLIONAIRESS constantly begging for $$...& that would be Sarah. Concern Troll fuck off and leave Shay alone!
Shay has documents hidden, documents with names. Fuck you toad!
Oh goody. The grifter returns, and just in time for the holidays. This used to be funny, now it's just plain ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteGasman nails it as usual!
ReplyDeletePalin knew she would never make it through the round of debates although with this field the bar was set really low. Look at how she handled the '08 campaign. She was running for V.P. from early on, hiring a public relations expert for "Alaska" or at least charging it to the state when in reality it was for her. She had op-eds written by advisers planted in well-read publications despite the fact that she didn't understand what they were saying. It's in the emails, the different writers of the op-eds she claimed credit for asked her staff if they should explain it to Sarah but she couldn't be bothered. Here's a woman who is working behind the scenes to be nominated yet the most important realization about the entire scenario is what Palin didn't do in regards to the V.P. nomination. Palin didn't study foreign or domestic policy positions including those of McCain, she didn't study any of McCain's prior voting record, she didn't watch any of the cable news network shows except for Fox and that was rare. It's more important to know where the Democratic Party nominee is with his positions on different policies than your own party. Did Sarah even think about becoming better informed as a V.P. candidate would be expected to be? Hell no, she had shopping to do, just listen to the head of her security detail.
Palin thinks she can do the same thing this time around and even better, there's no campaign staff she has to answer to as she did with McCain's staff. Despite Palin's crazy history, I still find it hard to believe that she thinks her little group of cult members are going to get her nominated via a brokered convention. Nor do I think she could enter last minute but if she does, it's obvious she was trying to avoid the vetting process. The '08 campaign will look like a child's party compared to the media going after her should she try to run.
I still think it's all about raking in the $$$ for her PAC but a lot of them are saving it for a campaign so she might be disappointed. Whatever it is with Palin, we can be sure it will be unethical and nasty.
This is directed to the Fairy Tale Troll, Palin's BFF. So how was the wedding? I'm sure you were invited. Please post photos of Britta and Track and little Kayla. I'm sure a wonderful time was had by all in that loving, strong family. Will we see the photos in "People" or "Us" magazine? The wedding took place, right? You were invited, right?
ReplyDeleteTrygve means brave victory in old Norse. Tri-G means Trisomy g, trisomy 21, Down Syndrome. Please address your appalling naming gaffe of your "precious gift from god" Tri-G. The DS community is still waiting for an explanation as is the rest of the world also ,too.
I agree that she is definitely trying to squeeze more money out of her ignorant followers. However, I have always said that IF she did run, she would enter the race very late, avoiding as many of the GOP debates as possible. She is so delusional that she really believes people would support her over Obama.
ReplyDeleteanyone entering the race now will have to run as an Independent....
ReplyDeleteChristmas is coming and there are so many kids to shop for. Time to rev up the PAC machine. This ought to prime the "will-she?" pump:
Isn't she lovely? Makes me feel good.
Go for it Sarah! Of course, she has mastered the tease. Say things that can be construed one way and then DENY, DENY, DENY. She has the pattern down. Everyone "twists"(detangles) her words to claim she says things she didn't. In reality, few care but for the bots and it buys her a little more time in their fantasy.
There you go again Sarah, winking, blinking and dithering. Just what these poor lost souls look for in an unblinking prayer warrior patriot desiring to turn America back into that bright shiny town on the hill.
ReplyDeleteSarah, "bold" and "shaking things up" are stale and hackneyed. You are doomed to repeat yourself because you don't know history. If Newt Gingrich, as a historian can't weather a national vetting, you have had to been regressing and wearing pull-up diapers at the terror of continually being pressed into a servant's heart role.
You are nothing, you aren't fit to lead and it is a discredit to the serious business of leadership that you are even on the periphery of credible political talent.
You are a useless housewife from Wasilla, why don't you just throw your producin skills behind enrolling Trig into Toddler's & Tiara's and being a stage mom?
Her entrance in the race will only put the exclamation point on the pathetic circus that is the GOP this year. And elicits a big ho-hum from most people.
ReplyDeleteAs I've been seeing, the fascination with just-celebrity-no-substance is waning, has become obvious and boring.
This article this morning doesn't mention political celebrities, but they are the same. The age of decadence coming to an end? Hallelujah.
This awful woman with the cheap wigs, will be a part of McCain's legacy. Too bad for him, but he effed up big time by letting her be his VP running mate.
ReplyDeleteJust read the comments in the Fox article where she confesses her dying love for Tebow.. They HATE her. For a while it was 99% negative, including "likes". Then some pee pool trolls came in late to add some inane crap.
ReplyDeleteRepublicans are tired of her shit. The pro-Palin pool has been reduced to the little cracked plastic blue thing a dog cools off in at a trailer park.
There's a lot of great pre-Christmas sales the professional grifter wants to take advantage of.
ReplyDelete(Paid for by her brain dead followers, of course).
And as for you Sarah (Anon. 5:08), a life behind the protective wall of ghost written social blogging and
fox "news" only appearances have made you what
we here in the real world call "delusional."
Only the brain dead, the brain washed and the
in bred crowd think of you as presidential
wow that is some mullet Screech:
omg - I visited the sea of pee and copied this post that was entered around 11:30am yesterday. this is just so freaking sad....
ReplyDeleteJust got an e-mail from SarahPac asking for a $100 donation for a signed
DVD even though I have several. Went ahead and donated so i'm asking
others to do the same if possible.
After tonights interview $100 doesn't hurt so much.
Here is the link: https://www.sarahpacdonate.com...
FUCK YOU, McCain. Fuck you.
ReplyDeleteJulianne Moore's Sarah Palin movie sadly wasn't likely to generate much interest with SP fading into obscurity. But Palin, irony, thrusting herself back into the spotlight will shine the light on the movie, too, which should just about bury any hopes she has of support from any but her little pack of fans.
ReplyDeletealso from the fox video, nice huge cross and that pathetic tree finally has some decorations on it
ReplyDeleteAnon 9:01..I'm sorry to say I agree with you, with her educational background, she should be able to get a good job and there is help out there for parents of special needs kids. If people want to give her money, go for it, it's no different than people donating to Sarah or Blade. No one is forcing them.
ReplyDeleteAnon 5:06..you are an idiot!
Like Sally Rand with her famous fans while nekked underneath.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin starts one of her fan dances with a wink for her stupid but rabid foolish following.
They can go broke keeping her in wigs, cold sore remedies, and patriotic bling.
"Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrals". Samual Johnston almost 300 years ago. Things don't change much do they?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewow that is some mullet Screech:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj-Tjj_ucKs 5:46 AM
It looks like she has a bumpit under the wig. Classy!
Checked a Palinbots twitter account. The last post was Dec 12, so it seems that particular Palinbot isn't jumping for joy.
ReplyDeleteShe was really gung ho. Was unpleasant to Joe McG. So I checked her twitter out now and then to test the winds on Palinbots.
I think her heart was broken.
If this latest attempt to wring money out of her bots fails, there is always 2016. Sarah likes easy money.
Once you have no pride and beg, it is easy I guess to beg, and beg and beg for money.
Like a begging dog. Give it a treat just once, and it always thinks you will give in for another treat.
Escept dogs are honorable creatures with loyalty and love.
Palin is a taker, not a giver.She doesn't give anyone anything but bad luck and grief.
Where's my SarahPac report?
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when SarahPac used to brag about how much money they took in and now they are awfully quiet!
I wonder how much money SarahPac brings in and how much money goes to salaries and how much does Piper makes licking stamps.
How many SarahPac employees were let go because the more she pays them the less she gets to keep?
How much is given to politicians?
How much is given to consultants (money laundering).
How much money is given to buy loyalty from the Anchorage Police Dept?
"lilly lily said...
ReplyDelete"Patriotism, the last refuge of scoundrals". Samual Johnston almost 300 years ago. Things don't change much do they?
6:28 AM"
Don't forget the quote attributed to Oscar Wilde: Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious.
Anon from 8:52:
ReplyDeleteThose who know least about you don't even know your name and therefore have nothing to say about you. I think you need a new philosophy. Try not to get one from a kitchen magnet next time.
She's USING Tebow and his fame to further herself, clearly wanting to attach herself to his growing fan base. That's how she rolls...remember Rolling Thunder. She only road the bike for a few feet for a photo op and to steal the limelight on an event that is actually supposed to mean something. Same with her faking running that entire half marathon in Iowa coming in 2nd and winning a medal that belonged to someone else. Sure hope the real 2nd place finisher received their medal on the DL. We ALL know if she was in training there would be MANY videos of it...you can't train solely on a treadmill and run the race she wants idiots to believe she ran. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE, thy name is Sarah Palin.
ReplyDeleteI agree with earlier comment - Sarah wants celebrity status for her family like the Kardashians. No talent needed - just parade the family around and everyone will give you money and attention. Do outrageous things. No accountability. Afterall the Paylins would be a Celebrity Family!
ReplyDeleteGeez, Bristol gets her very own Kim Kardashian chin, even though it doesn't fit her face or especially the rest of her body. A pointy chin will not a Kardashian be - as Bristol has learned by now.
Celebrity Family seems to be her last option for fame and fortune.
I suspect fortune is much on her mind these days. If the SarahPac dries up, who will pay for TriG's special needs care? She will not pay out of pocket, that's for sure. That was the whole reason for the faked pregnancy and birth -to get someone else to pay for his care.
No, I think Todd's bid to "take one for the grifter" has failed, so it will be up to Bristol, once again. My God, how much does she "owe" her mother? A lot apparently.
OK, Bristlepants, time to go to bat for Mommy Dearest. Once again. This time you will get married. As publically as possible, on reality tv, just like Kim Kardashian.
You are gonna have to hustle or rustle up a dumb stud like Levi or your Dad, or Kim's darling. Maybe one of the Massey Bros? Their career could probably use a bumpit.
Then, you can "adopt" your "godson" Tristan and bring him out of the closet. Then get a divorce and you can go back to being a single mom again. You might be too "old" for Candies by then, but invest wisely.
I just heard Michael Savage refer to her as the tundra hussy. He concluded by yelling -shame,shame, shame on you. He was upset because of her possible run.