Saturday, December 31, 2011

With Santorum "surging from behind" a desperate Newt Gingrich decides to suck up to the Palin-bots.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich, who takes every opportunity possible to assure voters that he is the most serious candidate in the race, said he would be open to appointing Sarah Palin to a high level job in his administration. As Right Wing Watch reports, during a Wednesday night tele-town hall hosted by Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition, a caller asked the former Speaker if he would consider Palin as a running mate. Gingrich responded that Palin “is certainly one of the people you would look at” and told the caller that he is “a great admirer of hers.” He also floated the idea of appointing her Secretary of Energy because, he said, “I can’t imagine anybody who would do a better job of driving us to an energy solution than Gov. Palin.” “Tell her that she would certainly be on the list of one of the people we would consider,” he added.

Some of you seemed a little panic stricken about this yesterday.


Do you really think Gingrich will be the nominee?

And if by some miracle he was, do you really think he would choose Palin as his VP choice?

And if he was that brain damaged, do you think she would actually take that number two spot? Again?

And if all of the above came to fruition, do you really think this would help Gingrich win the White House?

Come on people, WE are supposed to be the intelligent side of the political divide.

This is just Gingrich's sad attempt to get a little press, and possibly win over a few undecided radicals. Perhaps he thinks it is helping Santorum, and he wants a little taste himself.


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Things are so bad at the Sea of Pee that not one new article was posted today.

    All their hope lies on Iowa now. Even though they have been told no already. Newt's pandering might get him a few votes - but it won't do much for $arah.

    She can't afford to be vetted again.

  2. Anonymous2:16 AM

    I know, but it's very scary to think of that head case (well, both of those head cases) anywhere near anything!

  3. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Ralph Reed is a smarmy little person who was involved with Jack Abrahamoff swindling the Native Americans over their casinos. He is another holier-than-thou religious pretender who belongs in prison. His track record for get rich quick schemes is as long as Gingrich's. He even tried running for governor of Georgia, and was soundly defeated. Gingrich really likes "running with the thugs". He has tried every trick, even CRYING on TV. I always thought he was an ugly man, but seeing him cry is stomach churning.

  4. Anonymous3:12 AM

    We all know how well the Geezer/Twat ticket did the last time around...

  5. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Newt's logic might work to wring a few more votes out of Iowa fundies. However, his thought that no one knows more about energy than Sarah is an insult to everyone else. What an idiot.

  6. Eye of Newt wants a taste of Frothy Mixture? Ewww.....

  7. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Gingrich thinks he's smarter than he is, but he's an Einstein compared with The Palin.
    He'll drop her faster than his principles and his wives after dropping her name in a couple of primary states.

    It's fun to watch him pander to the Palinbots, but, really, this man has not one chance of ever becoming our President. And Sarah will never have a chance to get an all-expenses RNC ticket out of Wasilla.

    This madness will end after a few primaries; Romney will be nominee, and all these other candidates who are selling books (and themselves) were provided to give the appearance of a GOP contest this year. They're all financed from the same trough, of course. It was a show: more entertaining than the money people in the background could ever have envisioned.
    Read today's NYTimes to see how "Citizens United" is bloating and corrupting this election already.

  8. His next conquest maybe? I think he just wants a little of it.

  9. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Old Newt must have felt some distant stirring in his groin for why else promise to consider including Queen Dipshit in an administration? He is a sad and desperate creature these days. What? He thought he would be embraced and adored? Not happening. Mitt is not very much better in the likeability and credibility department and I do believe that will be his undoing in 2012.

  10. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Newt and Sarah have something very interesting in common: they don't feel the need to wash their hair/wig before appearing in public! Yuck.

  11. The Republican party is no longer simply comic relief. It has become depressing what a once great party is now offering our once great country.

  12. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Palin Overstates Energy Experience
    By Laura McGann
    Monday, October 06, 2008 at 12:01 pm

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska— Vice President Dick Cheney is the chief caretaker of national security in the Bush administration. If Gov. Sarah Palin follows in his footsteps, she’ll be angling for energy.

    In an early exchange with Sen. Joseph Biden during the vice presidential debate in St. Louis on Thursday, Palin called energy her “area of expertise.” She talked about her deep energy experience throughout the evening.

    A close examination of Palin’s energy background, however, reveals that the GOP vice presidential candidate has only a relatively short history of studying and working on this issue.

    In more than a dozen interviews over the course of a month with Alaska insiders and close observers of state politics, most say Palin does not have a deep understanding of energy policy as she has claimed on the presidential campaign trail. In fact, she’s regularly described, even by those who support her policies, as having little expertise in the area.

    By spring 2008, the same high gas prices responsible for a state budget surplus also meant higher energy bills and gas prices at the pump for Alaskans.

    Palin’s response to the high cost of gas was to distribute $1,200 checks to all Alaskans, on top of the $2,000 they received as their annual oil revenue payment. Palin appointed her close friend, Deborah Richter, to head the division that distributes the earnings from a pot of money worth about $40 billion. Richter has one year of college experience.

    The board argued the $741 million would be better spent on a renewable energy project.

    During the vice presidential debate, Palin insisted that her experience in Alaska can help the United States move toward energy independence.

    As for what Palin has done so far, Dickinson is skeptical.

    “Can I think of anything she did to increase energy independence?” Dickinson asked himself. “No.”

  13. Anonymous5:04 AM

    As soon as that drivel came out of his mouth, I knew he was angling for the "Reconsider" paint chip crowd. Anyone that pays any attention at all could see this coming a mile away.

    It simply ISN'T going to happen. He's not going to get the nod and Queen Esther will remain as she always has been...irrelevant.

  14. Anonymous5:08 AM

    RNC talking points on a first term serving Governor of a smally populated state, Alaska - selected as a running mate for the highest office of the land:

    -- No one is better suited to deal with the largest issue on voters minds: energy.

    -- Being from Alaska, Sarah Palin understands how best to provide energy independence to the country.

    -- She knows the energy potential in Alaska and will work to make sure Alaska resources will fuel the country.

    It's all bullshit. Sarah, have we broken ground on AGIA yet? How's ACES doing? Taxed the snot out of Big Oil and redistributed wealth to every man woman and child in the State - buying your popularity to get McCain's team to notice you. Where are your two dogs ACES and AGIA? Were they put down when they were no longer useful to you? Put away like your bogus pro-life credentials Trig?

  15. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Both serial ethics violators. Both are narcissistic grifters, and whine they are being "victimized" when asked to play by the same rules everyone else has to.

    Neither one wants to put any real work or money into running a campaign. Gingrich/Palin would be the lamest run ever, constantly missing deadlines and signature requirements.

    I still think SP will not be able to resist the siren call of "I was a presidential candidate" and jump briefly into the race in late 2012.

    I think her Plan B is waiting for millionaire Mittens to call and beg her to shore up the right wing religious base. He isn't as old and frail as McCain, but he does have money and a real shot at being the GOP nominee. And accidents happen to everyone.

  16. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Palin's Energy Expertise in a nut-shell: Whatever she remembered from the highly technical briefings required of an Oil & Gas Commissioner. Those 11 months of mind-numbing facts before she couldn't take it anymore and quit - so this is what she processed and is able to articulate to the public 'thirsty' or 'hungry' for patriotic energy.

  17. angela5:16 AM

    The Iowa GOP caucus should be looked at as one of the most shit laden, reactionary, knuckle-dragging, quasi-religious circuses anyone has ever seen. Palin is just a drop in the bucket as far as I'm concerned.

    Highlights. Perry decides (at the age of 60) no abortions for rape, incest and life of the mother, can't remember Lawrence v Texas ( it was in his ghostwritten book) and generally makes a fool of himself everyday. Gringrich cries, accuses, panders and whines about people being mean to him--and the Palin thing. Bachmann continues to lie on leaving staff members and stays delusional about her chances at the nomination while thinking she's Thatcher. Santorum is his same no policy self in an ugly sweater vest and homophobic views. Mitt, a man who is worth a quarter of a billion dollars accuses the President of being out of touch with poor people (while he wears his standard "talking to poor people jeans" hoping they don't give him a disease) while his idiot son goes birther. Ron Paul is still crazy and continues to lure people who have no depth of reasoning about who he truly is and what he wants to do to this nation.

    Huntsman says the birther shit is just that—shit.
    And continues to be old school GOP—the poor bastard!

    So in the end the GOP has exactly one sane person (who won't go down on the regressive religious nuts of Iowa) running for the nomination who is not pushing a paleolithic shit car. The others, will claim to love Iowa and continue to scrape the festering bottom until its over. Then they will run from the state and never think about it or the people in it ever again. Until such time the DNC uses their bullshit quotes in ads for the general election.

    That should be a laugh.

  18. Does he realize that pipeline that palin spoke about in 08,has not even been started and looks like it will never will be?
    Does he realize that her administration committed 500 million dollars to the company, even if they never break ground?

    palin may blame the current administration for not getting i started, but she quit and left it for others to worry about.

    Some secretary of energy she would be!

  19. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Serious policy take on Fungible Commodities (yes, it is a cartoon, it holds more gravitas than a Sarah Palin understanding.)

  20. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Ick, you can literally feel Sarah's balls growing at the thought of the Primary Winner (whoever that is) picking her as their VP or for a Cabinet position.

    Yeah, let's but Herbie on Defense and Sarah on Energy, we'll blow ourselves up in 11 months.

    Hey desperate jackholes, none of you are fit to lead, and Sarah does not enhance your stature.

  21. Anonymous5:21 AM

    I never thought he stood a snowball's chance at the presidency. Apparently, neither did he, since he is just saying absurd things like this. He was never "in it to win it" he wants to sell books, DVD's, influence and very expensive "advice" I never found him attractive, but seeing him cry made him look repulsive. Brought to mind the crying baby Newt in a diaper after his hissy fit when Clinton made him exit the back of Air Force One. If these disgusting men are the cream of the repub. crop, then I would take the ADULT President Obama anytime. He is SANE.

  22. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Can someone rework that photo to get both heads on Newt's holders?

  23. Anonymous5:52 AM

    And do you REALLY think Palin Bots would actually accept anything less than number one for her?

    Still...vigilance is required.

    Who do the Palin's know with a tattoo on the back of their left hand?

  24. Anonymous6:08 AM

    McCain will always be remembered as the idiot that picked Sarah without ever vetting her...

    Sarah will never be offered any political job ever again.

    Bye, bye Sarah.

  25. Randall6:43 AM

    Drowning man swims to sinking ship.


  26. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Somebody help me out.

    Please explain to me HOW exactly Palin is any type of expert on energy? I've never understood that assertion.

    IIRC, she sat on an oil and gas commission, but wasn't it only briefly? It wasn't as though she wrote position papers or studied up on energy for years and years.

  27. This is truly funny. First, Gingrich is already sunk, by his own party, but if he weren't, his praise of Palin & suggestion he might choose her as his VP candidate, or worse, a cabinet position, will completely finish him off in everyone but Palinbots' eyes.

    Such a tr!nsparent effort to get them behind him, ludicrous in that it pits the entire rest of the citizenry firmly fightened to let him anywhere near the White House. The man isn't stupid, so I guess he's either mentally ill, or just that desperate (like McCain was), or both.

    A difficult year for Obama, GOP obstructionism, economy, etc., but bless 'em, the GOP gifts him with a surefire second term by letting the Tea Party crowd them into running on ridiculous right agenda.

    Gotta love it.

  28. Love Randall's:

    "Drowning man swims to sinking ship."


  29. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Ok. I've had a chance to do some reading and I did find out that Palin's 'energy expertise' is as thin as her real hair.

    Talk about padding the resume! It's amazing that these people spout all these major qualifications thinking that no one will check them out. Running for president and VP is still a job interview and these folks are failing miserably.

  30. ThanksABunchJohn7:49 AM

    Funny/Scary pic of our gal at a tea party, or some such shit:

  31. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Sarah's energy expertise is drinking "RED BULL"!!

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!

  32. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Love the Newt explaining to Sarah how small Todd's wee wee is? LOL

  33. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Palin for Energy Sec'y - why not. The only way conservatives can get any more backward than they already are on energy is to try to revive the whale oil industry.

  34. lilly lily8:34 AM

    He is finished. Now he will go on the lecture circuit following Sarah. Write some books. Blah, blah, blah, and more blah bullshit.

    The palinbots are pure Sarah poisoned kool aid drinkers.

    Will they transfer their allegiance.

    I doubt it.

  35. Anonymous9:33 AM

    4:23 am

    "And Sarah will never have a chance to get an all-expenses RNC ticket out of Wasilla."

    I respectfully disagree. She'll get an expenses-paid trip to the convention, where she will deliver one of the speeches, and it may even be a prime-time speech. Since it will contain all the expected dog whistles, it will likely be one of the favorites. I have no doubt it will be a great fund-raiser for her, since she will appear to her followers to be 'relevant' again. And the media, who have their own purposes for not dropping her, will likely play along big-time.

    I am merely saying this as an observer of the republican party and the corporate media. They seem never give up on their own, particularly when their own can prove to be of use for their 'greater cause' (in this case, stirring up visceral, vote-inspiring emotions in a party that now seems confused, leaderless, with a silly agenda, and bored – or stirring up more media hits/readership). We should assume that she and her agents are negotiating behind the scenes for such a result, and I think it's highly probable that they are.

  36. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Newt's campaign may go down in Iowa. If he has a poor showing the NotMitt crew will split between Santorum and Ron Paul.

    I doubt Newt was serious with his talk about wanting Snobillie Snookie for anything other than a hummer for himself, but it is possible.

    Newt's mother's problems and his own history might explain how he could have been serious in this. He has a history of impulsive and or self destructive acts, and does show some signs of certain mental disorders. His mother's history and the fact that certain mental disorders have a strong hereditary component make it possible Newt is not always quite right. When Newt said it, he really might have thought that OPalin was right for his administration. Or was thinking of a hummer from her and just babbled on like he sometimes does.

  37. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I don't recognize that person above Newt. Who is that? The woman known as Sarah Palin doesn't look like that now.

  38. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Sarah Palin?!? Isn't Newt Gingrich a historian? Didn't he learn anything from the 2008 general election, and what happened to John McCain's campaign, and his credibility?

  39. ibwilliamsi10:35 AM

    I never for a moment took this seriously. Newt was pandering for his own gain.

  40. Thanks for being rational, G.

    It amazed me to see the press and some of your readers get carried away with Newt's *response* to a question specifically about Sarah. He provided a diplomatic response--nothing more--although he could have toned it down. Can you imagine if he'd said, 'No, she's shown herself to be mentally ill and I wouldn't consider her for anything'.

    I want to know why the press is even asking about her.

  41. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Isn't Palin on record for being negative toward Gingrich? And, didn't she verbally support Santorum awhile back? Knowing what we now do - she and Gingrich would be a riot to watch together - both with such huge egos - Gingrich would slice her up in ribbons vebally and all she'd want to do is cut off his balls! (Her lingo, not mine!)

    There is no way either would pick her as a running mate. Trust me, she would not be an asset! And, she is not qualified in doing anything 'energy' related for a seat in any national administration. People just need to check her record as to the subject in Alaska - she was a failure as half-term governor.

    Plus, am sure Republicans in Congress already know the bad stuff that surrounds Palin. There has been too much published (and documented) about her horrid deeds w/the McCain campaign. Especially determined has been the fact they didn't vet her well enough prior to naming her to the McCain ticket.

  42. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Come on.... Gingrich is an amoral egomaniac but he isn't stupid. He has no illusions about Palin's lack of intellect. If nothing else, if you could possibly fit Gingrich's and Palin's egos into one room, there'd likely be an explosion that would level most of Washington.

  43. lwtjb3:39 PM

    The #1 US export this year was energy.

  44. AKRNC6:21 PM

    Newt is pathetic since he's only pandering to the 'bots in the hopes of gaining their votes. Hell, doesn't he realize that they still think she's running? About that Sec of Energy position, do you really think a woman who needed to have the reason for rising gas prices explained to her after she had allegedly obtained so much knowledge working for the Oil & Gas Commission and working on a pipeline deal, is fit to be the Secretary of Energy? Look at the resumes of past holders of the title and then try to explain why she should be considered for any position, let alone one that requires a working knowledge of alternative energy sources.

  45. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Gee, think Sarah's so impressed, she's waiting for a "Newtie Call"?

    I love the photos you chose. Sarah is her usual "Vapid" idiot.

    And, apparently, Newt's seen Todd!


  46. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Oh, the drama, the suspense, the stupidity. Will He, won't he, will she accept, and there, my friends, is what you call a brick wall.

    Due to due dilligence by a now defunct blog, several books, and photos yet to be seen, Sarah can't possibly accept.

    This is just a feeble attempt at getting a few votes. Iowa is all but over and done with, it represents about one millionth of a 1 percent demographic of voters. Huntsman, the smartest of the group, didn't even bother, and let the clown car thin down.

    No matter who wins, they're only winning the honor of losing to Obama.

  47. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Yes, it all worked out so well in 2008.

  48. How about a pic of Sarah and Calista together....................OMG!


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