Friday, January 13, 2012

American soldiers shown urinating on dead Afghans.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail:

Footage showing American soldiers urinating on dead Afghan bodies has sparked outrage across the world - with Afghanistan's leaders labelling it as a 'recruitment tool for the Taliban'. 

The 'disgusting' and 'highly reprehensible' 40-second clip shows four men in combat gear standing over the three corpses with their genitals exposed as they relieve themselves. 

The men can be heard joking 'Have a great day, buddy', 'Golden like a shower' and 'Yeahhhh!' as they groan with relief whilst urinating. 

It has sparked anger from Afghans, with top negotiator from President Hamid Karzai's High Peace Council Arsala Rahmani, saying it will have a 'very, very bad impact on peace efforts'. 

He added: 'Looking at such action, the Taliban can easily recruit young people and tell them that their country has been attacked by Christians and Jews and they must defend it.' 

The Marine spokesman claims that the video has not yet been "verified as authentic" but you can watch it here and judge for yourselves. Let me first warn you that it is quite unsettling.

This is, of course, the LAST thing the US military needs at this time. As it will indeed make it much harder to convince the Afghanistan people that the soldiers are there to protect them, and to move forward in efforts to end the war.

No matter how the US spins this, the video clearly depicts Americans urinating on Afghans, or to the Islamic mind, Christians pissing on Muslims.

And we have to realize that if this one incident was caught on film that there are undoubtedly dozens of other episodes of similar behaviors that are happening which are not. Which tends to suggest that incidents like Abu Ghraib, the 2007 shooting of Iraqi civilians from a helicopter, and Jeremy Morlock and his "kill team," may in fact be far more widespread within the US military than we have wanted to believe.

But really, how could we expect any different?

These young men are trained to see the individual they are aiming their weapons at not as human beings, but simply as the "enemy." They dehumanize them by calling them "camel-jockeys," "ragheads," "Haji," "sand niggers," or any other epithet which makes blowing the top of their skulls off more palatable.

Essentially it is no different than what was done in other wars.  Krauts, Japs, Charlie, have all been used to differentiate the enemy from the REAL human beings fighting them, right?  And it is that very method of ritually stripping away what makes them like those who are killing them, which allows for these kinds of atrocities.

How effective would a soldier be if he allowed himself to think of the person he was shooting at as somebody's father? Or uncle? Or son?

And once you kill this inhuman monster how do you feel about them then?  I think the soldiers in the video linked above have answered that question very clearly.

I am painfully aware that President Obama cannot end this war in Afghanistan before this next election, though the realization for why that is the case leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth.

But when this election is over I think it is time for the anti-war effort to go into overdrive.

There never WAS a reason for American troops to kill the people living in Afghanistan, or Iraq for that matter, and it is way past time for that killing to stop. WAY past time Mr. President, way past time.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    And yet , the GOP has no intention of ending any war, and would start more. For that reason alone, we cannot allow them any more power over our youth and our military.

  2. Mike W8:06 AM

    Exactly right G. Even in basic training we were taught that the enemy was not human.
    It's just too bad that it got publically posted and these guys are going to be screwed for it.

    Support the troops, but bring them home!

  3. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Defense Secretary Leon Panetta described video that apparently shows U.S. Marines urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban fighters in Afghanistan as "deplorable" on Thursday.

    CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports all four Marines in the video have now been identified, and charges could be brought within hours.

    As investigators begin the job of determining who is guilty of what crime, the Marines are asking themselves a more basic question: "what made these guys think they could get away with this?"

    The four Marines pictured in the video were members of a 1,000-man battalion which recently completed a combat tour in Afghanistan and returned to Camp LeJuene, North Carolina, where they apparently started showing the video around as a war trophy.

    So who else knew about it? Certainly the person who took the video, but were those five marines by themselves or were others watching? And how many Marines subsequently watched the video?

    According to Secretary of State Clinton, they all could be party to a war crime.

    "Anyone, anyone found to have participated or know about it, having engaged in such conduct, must be held fully accountable," Clinton said Thursday.

    Martin points out that, while you can't judge an entire unit by a few pictures, an officer who commanded troops in Afghanistan says other photos of the battalion in action last summer - showing a Marine sniper without his uniform or body armor - raise questions about the unit's discipline.

    The four Marines in the alleged urination video - and presumably the person who shot it - were also members of a sniper team. You can see one of them is holding a sniper rifle.

    Snipers make up a small proportion of a battalion - perhaps 30 out of 1,000 men - but their actions have cast a cloud over the entire unit which fought through last summer in the Taliban heartland of Helmand province, and lost seven of its members in action.

  4. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Speaking of sick behavior at the hands of the Palin/Heath family:

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Jeremy al
    no better than these numbskulls
    Ron Paul is right, just get these boys home, or EVERYBODY will hate us.

  6. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Ron Paul is right: nation building is not the military's strong suit. Time to come home!

  7. ghostwriter8:13 AM

    What these "soldiers" don't comprehend, apparently, is that by their actions and the publicizing thereof, they are putting their own comrades-in-arms at risk. They are inciting their enemy to do the same--or worse--to whatever enemy prisoners fall into their hands. That is one of the primary reasons that the higher-ups try to prevent these activities. These morons are making it much harder on the next American whom the Taliban fighters capture or kill. Do we really need to escalate the war of atrocities?

  8. Anonymous8:34 AM

    These soldiers belong in Gitmo.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    You know the Palin family gets off on these kind of pictures. You might want to use the censored version.

  10. Smirnonn8:39 AM

    Well what do people expect? We train young people to be vicious, cunning killers - to do the job of being a soldier. Then we send them to the other side of the planet to a hostile environment where their lives are constantly in peril. You think they're going to not be affected by that? I'm not saying this demonstration of the dehumanization of the enemy is fine and dandy but I would assert that these kinds of behaviors are probably a lot more common than most people realize. Thanks to bush, cheney and the MIC for this decade of wasted lives and treasure. Let's bring them ALL home and start the therapy and healing process.

  11. Anonymous9:03 AM

    DISGUSTING! CNN should fire her ass!

    Dana Loesch Endorses Taliban Desecration By Marines: ‘I’d Drop Trou And Do It Too’

    CNN political contributor and Editor-in-Chief of Big Journalism Dana Loesch came out in support of the video showing US Marines urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters during her radio show Thursday. “Now we have a bunch of progressives that are talking smack about our military because there were marines caught urinating on corpses, Taliban corpses…Can someone explain to me if there’s supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter?

  12. Hoken9:41 AM

    We put these Marines in a sustained, primal, live-or-die fight for their lives, and then regard it as shocking when their behaviors emanate from primal emotions? Really? What is shocking to me is the public's utter lack of comprehension of the differences between their day to day reality and the day to day reality of those they send to war. No one is shocked by the killing or the dead Talibanese lying on the ground - after all, that's just the Marines' doing their jobs. But if, while on an adrenalin high (the intensity of which you can't imagine) and jubilant that they're the ones still alive at the end of a fire fight, those same Marines engage in a primal ritual to show their contempt for and mock the impotence of those who would have killed them, it's shocking.

    If I'd been in that fire fight, I'd have been right there with them. Likely I'd have felt some embarrassment later, after the adrenalin wore off, but I'd have been there. These guys weren't primal animals when we sent them there - that's a matter of adaptation to people trying to kill them, and the necessity of their having to normalize killing for their own survival. War is an ugly endeavor. That the people who send other people to conduct it on their behalf are so incapable of empathizing with the depth and magnitude of war's human realities and the impact it has on those they send is also ugly. Stop pissing on the Marines.

  13. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Marines, you won. You prevailed. They are dead. The Taliban are malnourished, emotionally and intellectually stunted. You won.

    Maybe Americans are perhaps wanting to know if you really had to take a piss on them also too?

    What is more troubling, is the comments of loud-mouth-crass Americans cheerleading such action - and then being outraged when the Taliban escalate their attacks and efforts to desecrate American soldiers and contractors bodies.

  14. CNN Contributor On Marines Urinating On Dead Taliban: "Supposed To Be A Scandal"? "I'd Drop Trou And Do It Too"

    Another reason NOT to watch CNN.

    After ~~Ashleigh Banfield and Zoraida Sambolin, who host "Early Start"~~ "prank" called Kerri Kennedy at 5:30 A.M. to ask her about her "haunting memories of her fathers campaign and assassination" I decided , though I rarely watch CNN, I would never watch again.

    Keri Kennedy is the daughter of the late Robert Kennedy.

    She was only 8 years old when her father was assassinated on the campaign trail and only a short time after her uncle, President John Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas.

    Not even Glen Beck or Rush Limbaugh have stooped a slow as CNN has...... Ted Turner, he must be horrified.

  15. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Invade foreign nation. Good. Imprison, torture, and murder its citizens. Still good. Peeing on the people you just murdered. War crime.

  16. onething10:09 AM

    Beautiful post, Gryphen.

    Now let's see if he can keep us out of Iran and WWIII.

  17. Anonymous10:10 AM

    1)During the Vietnam War, there was a "joke" - what's "funnier" than a necklace made of Viet Cong ears? A pile of dead VC with their ears cut off.

    2)You write "I am painfully aware that President Obama cannot end this war in Afghanistan before this next election, though the realization for why that is the case leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth." Think about this a little harder. Why can't he? What's stopping him? Why doesn't he do it anyway? What would actually happen if he did?

  18. Anonymous10:14 AM

    When young men and women are trained to be soldiers they are trained to kill the enemy. When in hostile territory they spend their lives being shot at and threatened with explosive devices. In this environment they undergo mental stresses that people who have never engaged in battle cannot fathom. Some of them suffer "behavioral breaks", which leads to this type of behavior.

    They've succeeded in their "mission" to kill the enemy and some will choose to celebrate in this manner. In the creation of these "killing machines" sometimes what we consider "moral" or "ethical" behavior is lost or compromised. Sometimes just killing the enemy is not enough due to the stress and anger that has been fomenting while these soldiers are engaged in enemy territory. They've seen their fellow soldiers killed and wounded and they themselves are living under unimaginable mental stress. Sometimes they act out. It happens. The military knows it happens. You don't train people to be killers and place them in harms way and then expect them to act "responsibly" 100% of the time. The degraded mental state of some of our soldiers is often considered one of the "casualties of war".

    When their tour of duty is over the military brings them home and attempts to "debrief" them or turn them from killing machines back into regular human beings. Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. Some can go back to a normal life and some can't. There are many hazards that accompany this type of training.

  19. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The really sick thing about this is that the real message is that it is perfectly OK to kill and slaughter other human beings for no good reason, but just don't ........

    War is immoral! We train our soldiers to be insensitive to the act of killing others and when something like this happens we are shocked.

    London Bridges

  20. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Orders come from a higher place. Soldiers are only extensions of this higher place. THEY are not to be criticized.

    NEVER take an article about military matters at face value.

  21. "Think about this a little harder. Why can't he? What's stopping him? Why doesn't he do it anyway? What would actually happen if he did?"

    @10:10, Sorry, admit I'm a little out of it with allergies--but what? Are you saying it is because of the elections? Because of incidents like this one?

  22. That is exactly right. This is a taliban recruiting tool. When will the military get it?

  23. Anonymous11:01 AM

    In Vietnam our enemy knew American soldiers had a soft spot for children. Our GIs loved them. They could not resist a child in need, especially a child reaching our for help. So the enemy booby trapped their children to blow up when American soldiers rushed to their aid.

    War is hell.

    Those are not innocent civilians on the ground. Those are not living POWs. They are cadavers. I have seen far worse.

    The soldiers are guilty of allowing themselves to be filmed. The person who leaked the video is an asshole.

    I stand by the marines.

  24. This is just so damn sad! And that Dana person from CNN...isn't she a woman? So she would drop her panties and expose her coochie and pee on a dead Afghan while the cameras are rolling? REALLY?


  25. Teutonic1311:06 AM

    I agree we need to get out. As a Navy Corpsman, I was attached to the Marines. I don't think I would have pissed on the dead Taliban- but after seeing the Iraqi hanging of our soldiers, and the Mogadishu marine being dragged in the streets- I don't give a flying fuck about it.

    I hate those assholes over there as much as I pretty much hate any fucking raghead from the middle east.

    Yep I'm a liberal and progressive- but I fucking hate almost every AHAB POS I see that wants to fuck us over.

    Personally? I hope they just keep killing each other- since they seem to enjoy it so much.

    Anybody that wants to call me a troll- go fuck yourselves.

    (God that felt good to say)

    Oh yeah- Todd? Go fuck yourself too you fucking pussy.

  26. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Orders come from a higher place. Soldiers are only extensions of this higher place. THEY are not to be criticized.

    NEVER take an article about military matters at face value.

    10:18 AM
    Yes and Hilter's soldiers were only following orders too so "THEY are not to be criticized" right? You are a fuck!ng idiot with severe ODS. Sarah is that you?

  27. Anonymous11:12 AM

    CNN's Dana Loesch: Too Extreme For Rush Limbaugh

    January 13, 2012 2:02 pm ET by Jeremy Holden

    CNN contributor Dana Loesch is under fire for comments she made on her radio show dismissing outrage over video that appears to show members of the United States Marine Corps urinating on dead bodies that early reports have identified as Afghans, saying that she would "drop trou and do it, too." Loesch's comments are so extreme, they put her out on a fringe where even Rush Limbaugh won't go.

    Thursday night, Loesch complained that "we have a bunch of progressives that are talking smack about our military because there were Marines caught urinating on corpses -- Taliban corpses." She went on to say:

    Can someone explain to me if there's supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter? Someone who was -- as part of an organization murdered over 3,000 Americans? I'd drop trou and do it, too. That's me, though. I want a million cool points for these guys. Is that harsh to say?

    Loesch's comments have been widely rejected, leading to her responding that she was "defending" the Marines from "overly-dramatic hysteria."

    Her comments put the talk radio host out on the fringe where even Rush Limbaugh won't go. Dana Loesch - a CNN contributor - responded to the video by saying she would "drop trou and do it, too." Limbaugh -- RUSH LIMBAUGH -- responded to the video by saying there is "no defense of this":

    Well, there's a video, nobody knows how old it is, of some U.S. Marines urinating on the bodies of Taliban combatants in Afghanistan. Peed on them. And of course it's Marines. It violated the rules. There's no defense of this. The overreaction of this is nuts, but still it happened.

    Dana Loesch's comments, too extreme for Rush Limbaugh, put her out on the fringe where CNN should never go.

  28. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Orders come from a higher place. Soldiers are only extensions of this higher place. THEY are not to be criticized.

    NEVER take an article about military matters at face value.

    10:18 AM
    Wait so you think these soldiers were ordered to piss on dead bodies? Okay lunatic. Whatever you say... Please get help soon. You are mentally ill.

  29. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Limbaugh: "There's No Defense" Of Marines Urinating On Dead Bodies

  30. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Who benefits from these wars: war profiteers.

    Follow the money.

  31. Anonymous11:39 AM

    This really changes nothing. The people of Afghanistan were never taken in by the phony claims of the US being there to help little girls go to school, blah, blah, etc. The people of Afghanistan hate US military personnel and will continue to 'off' them at every opportunity. As of course the people of any country under occupation by a foreign military will do.

    During this critical time the need for preventing media publicity from showing the horrible truth has never been more important. And the attempted cover up so futile.

    US marines should stick to laughing as they throw tiny puppies off of cliffs because Muslim sympathies don't run near as deep on that kind of evil. And the bonus is that the starving people will be able to eat the dead puppies!
    god bless murica!

  32. Anonymous11:40 AM

    "It's just too bad that it got publically posted and these guys are going to be screwed for it."

    They screwed themselves.

  33. Anonymous11:44 AM

    After reading over the comments here it's obvious that the hidden message is that this is justifiable. And really, the dead bodies don't know the difference. The only down side to this that I can imagine is when a US soldier is shown hanging by his/her heels from a bridge with it's head missing. Not a problem, the corpse won't know the difference either will it!

  34. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I see a fair amount of validity in the claim that the soldiers were ordered to perform. Logic should tell us that this will incite the Afghan freedom fighters to seek revenge and consequently lose ten of theirs to every casuality of the superior US fighting force. Sor of help to end the approaching stalemate ya know!

  35. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Taliban Foot Soldiers Are Furious at Video of U.S. Troops Urinating on Dead Afghans

    The Taliban’s seemingly temperate line may hold promise for future talks, but it is clearly at odds with the hot-headed feeling among most Taliban fighters who have viewed or heard of the video, and with the general disgust among the Afghan public. Indeed, there seems to be a serious and perhaps dangerous disconnect between the Taliban’s suddenly more restrained official stance and its hard-pressed men in the field—and, indeed, the common man. “It’s insane,” says an Afghan subcommander in Helmand province where the urination incident allegedly took place last year. “Why are we talking to those who hate us so much that they desecrate our martyrs’ bodies?” he asks angrily in a phone conversation with The Daily Beast. His anger extends to the Taliban’s negotiators in Qatar. “To me those who claim to represent the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan in these talks are dishonoring the rivers of blood we have shed,” he says. “This act is worse than that of animals,” adds the subcommander who declines to be named for security reasons. “They showed no shame.”

  36. Anonymous12:07 PM

    What a lameass response from BOTH of them!

    First CNN. YOU GIVE THOSE COMMENTATORS a platform to spew their crap. For god's take some responsibility for flooding households with this garbage.

    Second the Dana chick. Typical bashing of the left, whinging and whining, defending the indefensible. Lies, spin, twist and more lies, exaggerations and bald-faced. She is disgusting.


    Update: A CNN spokesperson released the following statement to Mediaite:

    CNN contributors are commentators who express a wide range of viewpoints—on and off of CNN—that often provoke strong agreement or disagreement. Their viewpoints are their own.

    Update II: Loesch has responded. Here’s an excerpt, via Big Journalism:

    There is a difference in advocating for the Marines to break the law, which I didn’t do, and defending them from overly-dramatic hysteria. I was using absurdity to highlight absurdity. It’s absurd to desecrate corpses but it’s not wrong to hate terrorists who are trying to kill our troops–and us. And I’m not in uniform–so I am free to express what a lot of Americans feel about the controversy, even if it makes some pony-tailed academics feel uncomfortable.

    The progressive left chose to include CNN in their attack because they don’t like that the network–any network–features conservative voices and have been throwing everything at the wall to get me removed since the very beginning.

    My entire point of the past two days was to highlight the absurd reaction from militant troop-bashers to these Marines. In my Twitter timeline yesterday progressives called our military “killers, kids, barbaric trash, murderers …” The only time soldiers are celebrated by the left is when they engage in protests like OWS. The rest of the time they’re demonized. They get the red carpet rolled out for them, too.

  37. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'm a Marine veteran and am disgusted and saddened by the behavior of the Marines in this scandal. It's this kind of behavior that negatively affects perceptions of Americans and can only serve to place more of our service members in danger. You should be ashamed of yourself for advocating this same behavior.

    Furthermore, your own defense is illogical. You rightly claim it was absurd to desecrate the corpses, yet you state you would have done it yourself and give the Marines a "million cool points for doing so." You, Ms. Loesch, are absurd.

    Additionally, you appear to state that anyone condemning this act is anti-military. But even the Commandant of the Marine Corps condemns it. By your line of thinking, even he is anti-military. That's ridiculous.

    The rest of your article utilizes logical fallacy. When defending this issue, speak to the issue. Instead, you create straw-man arguments to deflect responsibility. For example, what you say is acceptable because some may not have properly condemned the improper burials of 200 Air Force servicemen? Wrong! Any desecration is shameful.

    Just as the Marines involved in this scandal are a disgrace, so are you.

  38. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Let's not get too excited about the men in the photo/video. This is what happens in war. It brutalizes everyone.

    Again, look up to the larger issues. Who benefits from these wars? The war profiteers.

    Follow the money.

  39. Anonymous12:23 PM

    “The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

    Congressman Allen West

  40. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Friends of Track Palin and Jeremy Morlock?

  41. Anonymous12:28 PM

    A comment from the defensive Dana Loesch article since she's getting whollopped online:

    Dana Loesch, instead of applauding these warriors for doing what they did, which regretfully, dehumanization of your target is a necessary byproduct of being trained to be an effective warrior, we should be focusing on the other atrocities that you mention in passing as part of your justification for applauding them?!?! Quit defending your actions or your lack of thought before you spoke and just take your lumps for saying something dumb and thoughtless.

    Hopefully there are still some people in the world that realize that there are two sides to every story, all human life is precious and the loss of any life is tragic.

    It is never idea to reveal that you have trained your troops to devalue life to the point that urinating on a dead body would be a good idea, let alone photographing it. But there are costs when you send boys & girls to the military and into war. We should be worried about how to help these men and women cope and rehabilitate once they leave the military and want to rejoin civilian society, not how to punish them for doing what we have trained them to do now.

    What you should be doing as a responsible reporter is bringing to light the very atrocities you banter about as things that people who are condemning you SHOULD be talking about. Instead of using those things to try to take the spotlight off of yourself I have a suggestion, try being better than other reporters. Don't dignify these things that are sad truths about the war by lauding them as heroic. Raise awareness about the undignified means the US Airforce used land fills as mass graves for our heroes. Cry loudly in outrage when terrorists take innocent lives.

    Maybe then you would gain more respect and less haters. Just a thought from an old lady, take it from me looks will fade but your true character will be with you forever. Try to be the best you as possible your entire life.

  42. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Conservatives are always holding themselves up as moral exemplars and castigating liberals for allegedly lacking core principles. So isn't it interesting that liberals can readily recognize what is evident to any normal person with sense of decency and common sense ---the Marines were wrong to do what they did?

    Rather than recognizing that and responding accordingly, Loesch made some crude comments that she insists on defending rather than doing what adults with a moral center do -- admit a mistake and apologize for it. Fortunately for her, she's running a website where most of her readers are too dense and too much a part of an extremist political cult to recognize that this is anything other than a dispute between "evil" liberals and "persecuted" conservatives.

  43. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Dana, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for saying what you said yesterday.

  44. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Bring back the draft. A permanent military class is a danger to our society.

  45. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Thanks alot assholes. I'll spend another year abroad pretending to be Canadian.

  46. Anonymous1:01 PM


    Julianne Moore Talks Sarah Palin, 'Game Change': Voice Coach, Research

  47. Anonymous1:05 PM


  48. Anonymous1:14 PM


    George W. Bush, Sarah Palin endorsements most influential, poll says

    Read more:

  49. Anonymous1:20 PM

    HBO’s film Game Change, about the 2008 Republican presidential ticket of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (Julianne Moore) and Sen. John McCain (Ed Harris), will premiere March 10, the day of four GOP primaries including Kansas.

  50. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Tom Miesmer

    As a Viet Nam Vet I'm appalled at the actions of our marines. We're above that, though it would appear that Dana Loesch is not.

    Ronald Woolever

    As someone who has put his life in danger in a combat zone, I can tell you there is no justification for what these Marines did. I served for 9 months before I was brought back. I was wounded three times during those nine months and again I say there is no justification for what those Marines did.

    David Somuah

    So what if it's a war. In what way does what they did help us in that war tactically or strategically? There is zero upside and quite a bit of downside in terms of inciting the enemy to fight harder. What those marines did had the same effect on the war as if they had actually handed their guns over to Taliban fighters. They hurt America and should be punished.

  51. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Any time you hear a politician touting a “game-changing” endorsement, remember the numbers above. Most endorsements are good for a headline or two and not much more.

  52. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Ron Paul slays the Mittens dragon. I'm not a Paul supporter, Obama for me all the way, but the piece is devastating for Mittens.

    Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'?

  53. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Hey! Maybe Toad P can jump on this bandwagon!

    ‘Pimpin’ For Paul: CNN Interviews A Group Of Prostitutes Endorsing Ron Paul

    In an interview, the women and their manager explain how much safer legalized prostitution is to the black market variety which is why they’re raising money for the pro-legalization Paul. They’ve created a “Pimpin’ for Paul” program in which johns can donate money to the candidates campaign. Of course, there’s the whole problem of getting Paul’s people to accept the donations once they have it...

  54. carollt2:05 PM

    As a U.S. Navy Veteran, I am very sad to see this. It shames us all.

  55. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Free Bradley Manning!

  56. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Have you seen this, Gryphen?

  57. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Brilliant smack-down from the Daily Kos below. Now, let's take her coveted CNN spot away from her.

    As the New York Magazine said:

    Loesch's baiting and railing demonstrate that she is very good at being a conservative radio host for a station in St. Louis; she may be a little extreme for mainstream cable news.

  58. Let me tell you first hand, there are very few soldiers who dehumanized their enemy. What happens is we have a mission to complete. Most of us keep our composure and our focus to more the mission forward. If we go off mission we doom ourselves.

    It's much like the attitude a professional boxer has before a fight. He doesn't hate his opponent...if you know what I mean.

    Now I'm not saying there aren't some crazy mofos in the military. This is the caliber of soldiers we get when chimpy scrapped the bottom of the barrel to fill boots.

  59. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Remember George Bush said that the Afghan war was not going to be fought under the rules of the Geneva Convention.

  60. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Support the twoops, support the twoops, they have a right to piss on dead bodies.
    Dog almighty I hate you fucking evil goons who talk about supporting evil in the name of supporting the twooops.

  61. Anonymous5:29 PM

    More comments from C4P:

    Nancy6Today 04:28 PM

    Drape those dead Taliban with an American flag, and The Left ain't got no problem with what those Marines did.

    56Survivor and 15 more liked this Like Reply

    56SurvivorToday 04:29 PMin reply to Nancy6

    Awesome comment and so true.

    USMAgrandma and 3 more liked this Like Reply

    RichardNCToday 05:09 PMin reply to Nancy6


    Yeah, then the Left would be advocating burning the dead Taliban.

    USMAgrandma and 2 more liked this

  62. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sorry, as a human, I just can't support troops who do sick things like this.
    No no no no no. Can't. Won't.
    Nor can I support troops who get their jollies by thinking this sort of desecration is funny or acceptable.
    No no no no no. Can't. Won't.
    This video going to cause us alot of problems and it should.
    I'm ashamed of us.
    Shame on us.

  63. Anonymous5:40 PM

    People in this country need to wake the fuck up and realize the only reason we are in Afghanistan is to get the trans -afghanistan pipeline built.
    9/11 was all orchestrated tohelp that happen.
    Do you really think these poor goatherding peoples are any match for the big ol US of A?
    Get a grip and a clue.
    Pakistan and saudi Arabia had way more to do with 9/11 than Afghaniztan ever did...but are we occupying and killing the people of those countries? No.
    Because we needed to get in Afghanistan for the pipeline.
    I wish Americans would wake the fuck up from what is really going on here.
    Thent here is also the distinct possibility that this is a fake video put out to incite a "retaliatory attack" in the US that ushers in more patriot act bullshit laws for us, in the name of "protecting us".

  64. Anonymous5:55 PM

    There's no question that war is hell. The Geneva Convention was put in place for a reason --- it allowed for prisoners on both sides of a war to be treated decently. We were the first to disregard those standards.

    Hate all you want to ... but every action like this leads to more of our troops being beheaded, hung, dragged naked through the streets, defiled and tortured.

    Perhaps, these young men should have been looking at their buddies and thinking of what they may have subjected them to in the future.

    An argument can be made for an honorable war --- but these actions dishonor the individuals, the Marines as a whole, and the United States.

    I "walked through 'Nam" -as they called it, sitting in a circle and listening to soldiers talk about their experiences.I acted as a witness to their memories, their pain, and sometimes their healing. Atrocities happened on both sides. But, I got to see the aftermath in the hearts, eyes, and minds of some of those who participated as perpetrators.

    This is more than a stupid prank against soldiers who died fighting in their country against interlopers.

    This says something very clearly about how far we have fallen as a nation.

    I'm just sick. Sign me - a veteran.

  65. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Where do I resign? Don't think I want to be involved in this anymore

  66. Anonymous6:28 PM

    More comments from C4P:

    Brawny CatToday 10:49 AM

    What was your reaction to the video that appeared to show Marines urinating on the three dead Afghan enemies?

    A) I agree with the obamAA+ administration - It's utterly deplorable!

    B) When you gotta go, you gotta go : )

    Pete Petretich and 2 more liked this Like Reply

    ChrisToday 10:52 AMin reply to Brawny Cat

    I like the tweet I got that said they were just doing a PSA

    Remember its always better to Pi__ed off than to be Pi__ed on!

    Once the Taliban stops beheading people, maybe then I will try and pretrend to care if some dead bodies got urinated on!

    smbren and 5 more liked this

  67. Anonymous7:06 PM

    dana loesch just joined my list of deplorable right wing skanks along with queen quittard and the blechmann.

  68. Anonymous7:37 PM

    More comments from C4P:

    exodus2011Today 10:29 PM

    John Nolte is being a real warrior on Twitter, defending the US Marines against Leftists trash talk (and earlier he was defending Dana Loesch also)

    If you are on Twitter and wanna support him by retweets or replies to encourage, as he engages this leftist 'lizardoid' (what an APT name!!!) here is his account ...!/NolteNC

    c4pfan and 6 more liked this Like Reply

    Tlibo7751 minutes agoin reply to exodus2011

    Looks like a verbal form of CQB. Wish I could type

    USMAgrandma and 1 more liked this Like Reply

    exodus201135 minutes agoin reply to Tlibo77

    yes indeed

    but Nolte's style is so cutting and witty ..always mainatins impeccable manners LOL


    USMAgrandma and 2 more liked this Like Reply

    blueniner49 minutes agoin reply to exodus2011

    What happened regarding Dana Loesch?

    Like Reply

    exodus201136 minutes agoin reply to blueniner

    she wrote at Big J defending the US Marines for their peepee on the dead bodies of fanatics who remove the heads of LIVE people

    and thus attracted trash talk from the military hating and Amewrican-Enemy loving Leftists

    Onawa and 8 more liked this Like Reply

    blueniner27 minutes agoin reply to exodus2011

    Thanks Exodus, i really like Dana Loesch.

    Tlibo77 liked this

  69. telah7:57 PM

    carrolt, Thank you for your service.

    Sad to see how this affects our brave veterans and men and women in uniform.

  70. Anita Winecooler9:13 PM

    Someone Who Gets It!

    Thanks for your post! As someone who lost a relative in this war, I feel this cheapens his service and Sacrifice as a Marine. War is hell, but to desecrate any dead body in this manner is crass, uncalled for, and will be used against the people over there who fight for our freedoms, and that Dana asshat on cnn's freedom, and Rush Limbaughs freedom.

    To read a story or witness account is one thing, but images are powerful and more difficult to refute.

    Anonymous said...
    I'm a Marine veteran and am disgusted and saddened by the behavior of the Marines in this scandal. It's this kind of behavior that negatively affects perceptions of Americans and can only serve to place more of our service members in danger. You should be ashamed of yourself for advocating this same behavior.

    Furthermore, your own defense is illogical. You rightly claim it was absurd to desecrate the corpses, yet you state you would have done it yourself and give the Marines a "million cool points for doing so." You, Ms. Loesch, are absurd.

    Additionally, you appear to state that anyone condemning this act is anti-military. But even the Commandant of the Marine Corps condemns it. By your line of thinking, even he is anti-military. That's ridiculous.

    The rest of your article utilizes logical fallacy. When defending this issue, speak to the issue. Instead, you create straw-man arguments to deflect responsibility. For example, what you say is acceptable because some may not have properly condemned the improper burials of 200 Air Force servicemen? Wrong! Any desecration is shameful.

    Just as the Marines involved in this scandal are a disgrace, so are you.

    12:14 PM

    Thanks Again for your comment!

  71. this is ridiculous. if it is true . because such type of vedios can be produced very easily. but if it is true then we can say the American govt. is not known very much about the human rights and very inhuman.

  72. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Baloney. This is nothing like Vietnam. This isn't about the consequences of conflict, war trauma, the desensitization of young soldiers, etc etc.
    It's all about this:

    This is nothing more than typical trashy contemporary behavior of this generation of Americans. Nothing different. We live in a new world of impersonal rudeness. It's how they behave in malls, school, where ever, whenever. So they brought it with them into the theatre of war. Big deal. With an older generation of leaders and officers not just tolerating it, but condoning and even promoting such behavior. In deployment camps, surrounded and protected - a big huge giant boarding school environment. It's The Enemy, right? "They" attacked America and blew up the World Trade Center, right?

    Here's "Family Fun with PaintBall Dad" and his "Dripping Shocker" decals. You'll have to look that one up for yourself; you can find it in Urban Dictionary.

    If you object to this crap, put a stop to random depersonalized discourtesy and gross behavior in the corner of the world you live in, right now.
    Don't participate, don't promote it, don't find humor in ugly stuff that isn't funny.

  73. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Dana Loesch said
    "Can someone explain to me if there's supposed to be a scandal that someone pees on the corpse of a Taliban fighter? Someone who was -- as part of an organization murdered over 3,000 Americans? I'd drop trou and do it, too. That's me, though. I want a million cool points for these guys. Is that harsh to say?"

    First of all she seems to be confused by the difference between the Taliban and al Qaeda. As I understand it the Taliban were freedom fighters who fought against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan during the eighties. The American government actually supplied arms to this group. I've read comments from many local Afghan men who didn't like the Taliban because it was very inconvenient to escort your wife, mother, sister everywhere they went because of their strict adherence to Sharia law. A lot of these men were forced to fight with the Taliban just to keep their own families safe. Desperately poor young men were paid money to fight. Taliban is strictly an Afghan problem and like I mentioned armed by the U.S. al Qaeda is however, an international terror organization that was founded by the Saudi Osama bin Laden who used his wealth to launch a global jihad on western influence in the middle east.
    I am no scholar or expert but I try to understand the big picture. I get frustrated when the right wing try to imply that the Taliban had anything to do with the people who died in 9/11. The irony is that the Saudi's are supposed to be our friends and the Taliban are simply fighting foreign invader. Regardless, the eyes of the world are on America and U.S. soldiers. Because we promote the meme of exceptional-ism then we must accept the responsibility that we are held to a higher standard.
    I would be very happy to see feedback on my comments. Like I said I am not a scholar or expert so if there is any gross misconception on my part-let me know.


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