Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and President Obama have angry exchange on airport tarmac. Update!

Courtesy of Politico:

It was a tense moment on the tarmac. 

President Obama, alighting from the stairs of Air Force One in Phoenix this afternoon, was greeted by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who handed him an envelope and the two exchanged what appeared to be some heated sentiments. At one point, she pointed her finger at him. 

Asked afterward what happened, Brewer said, "He was a little disturbed about my book, Scorpions for Breakfast. 

"I said to him that I have all the respect in the world for the office of the president. The book is what the book is. I asked him if he read the book. He said he read the excerpt," she said, according to a pool report. "He didn't feel that I had treated him cordially. I said I was sorry he felt that way but I didn't get my sentence finished. Anyway, we're glad he's here. I'll regroup." 

In the envelope she had given him was a handwritten letter, Brewer said -- "an invitation that I've extended to him before with regards to coming to Arizona and going to the border with me....We've had a remarkable comeback here and I want to share that with him." 

A White House official confirmed the invitation and described the encounter in more bureaucratic terms: "The President said he'd be glad to meet with her again, but did note that after their last meeting, a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book. The President looks forward to continuing taking steps to help Arizona's economy grow." 

The pool reporter, POLITICO's Carrie Budoff Brown, said the scene was far from the norm. Aside from the pointing, they appeared to talk over each other and he appeared to walk away from her while they were still talking.

I, of course, have not read Brewer's book, but according to Politico, this is the description that upset the President.

“It was though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee,” she wrote, according to Capitol Media Services. “He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me.”

And if Brewer lied, remember she once claimed erroneously that there were headless corpses found along the US-Mexico border, then the President has every right to call her out on it.

Now I wasn't there so I do not know exactly what happened. However I do know that the President is very good at keeping his cool, and it is not HIS finger that is pointed in Governor Brewer's face. Which by the way, I don't care WHO you are, is an incredibly disrespectful thing to do to the President of the United States.

Update: Just a reminder as to who wrote the foreword for Brewer's book,


  1. WakeUpAmerica4:24 PM

    She's a vicious, dumb bitch like someone else we know. Whatever happened is between them and should stay there. The rest of us don't need to get involved. I have full confidence that President Obama can take care of himself just fine.

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Jan Brewer: Rhymes with "hunt".

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Whoa... he actually called a Republican on her shit?

    I hope this is a harbinger of things to come.

    Maybe there is hope for him.

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    You are right Gryphen about the finger pointing. The picture tells me all I need to know. What an ugly person she is and I'm not talking about her face.


  5. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I am sick of this lack of respect for the President. It is true that many Presidents have been dis-respected in the past but none like Obama. It is off the charts with him and I blame Sarah Palin and FOX news for the tea baggers, like Brewer. And, John McCain for unleashing this uneducated hillbilly on us that IMO started it all. From the birther issue to he's a Muslim, etc.
    Karma bitches! It is coming for you slugs!

  6. lostinmn4:33 PM

    She should be more respectful. You know she hates his guts - or is that his skin color? Regardless, he's the President of this country and being the Governor it probably isn't smart to piss him off.

  7. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "I thought we probably would've talked about the things that were important to him and important to me, helping one another. Our country is upside down. Arizona was upside down. But we have turned it around. I know again that he loves this country and I love this country."

    Reading the story and to read her saying the words "helping one another" - well like her campaign and her statements in governing, that's more bullshit spewing from her asshole. President Obama doesn't do the 'social calls' when 'demanded'.

    Remember -- back when Olbermann was still on MSNBC - she yanked funding for transplant patients and refused to answer where funds were. She too signed that racist immigration law.

    This bitch spewed pure bullshit as to what happened today. The truth will 'leak' -- you can be guaranteed of that!! Ooops, someone overheard the President speaking to someone else.

    That bitch has no credibility whatsoever. I still remember her sitting at a debate 'ah, ah, ah, ah, blah, blah, blah, (and then she bullshit spewed)' after which she got caught by the media and rambled that crap about corpses again.

    Shows how stunned & stupid these Bagger Rethugs are thinking they've just one upped the President!! Good luck!!

  8. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Jan Brewer another dumbassed liar governor from a "A" state...can you name the other?
    Both Hags, Liars, I'm glad POTUS call Jan out on her lies.
    What a dumbassed bitch.
    Just like SWWBNN.

  9. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Why is it when I see her shaking her knarly old finger at the President that I can see her calling him BOY??She is one of $arah's endorsments. Fuck her!

  10. None of those Tea Baggers have any respect for that uppity boy.

  11. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Jan Brewer is a thoroughly repugnant human being.

  12. Anonymous4:43 PM

    You do remember who wrote the forward to Brewer's book?

    Preview available here: check it out before making your purchase decision!

  13. Anonymous4:45 PM

    She's a loon--really. People in AZ wonder if she has a drinking problem or is suffering from early dementia. She is one of the few governors in modern times who didn't get a college education. Lack of formal education isn't a problem, as long as you educate yourself, but she clearly has zero concept of history, does not understand constitutional process, obviously goes out of her way to be stupid about all sciences (but, then she's not alone on the right, there). Her written documents are barely legible and have to be massively edited by others (wonder who actually wrote 'her' book). In short, she's an unstable nitwit.

    President's response to Jan Brewer would have been to completely ignore her. That is the sort of treatment she has earned.

  14. Anonymous4:47 PM

    What do you expect from ignorant people like Jan Brewer and Sarah Palin. The Republicans are vile people.

  15. Tom Joad4:50 PM

    the Secret Service should have put her ass on the ground. That was a prelude to assualt, an assualt on the President of the United States.

  16. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Gryphen, I'm glad to see you posted this news item. The disrespect our president has had to deal with is beyond the pale.

    When I see a newsworthy item posted on on websites or on the news stations, I come here to see if you have addressed the issue and especially to read your editorial comments and those who post.

    Your labors are much appreciated.

  17. Anonymous4:57 PM

    She is a old hag with a drug problem like someone else we all know!
    She can't be trusted to remember a speech? Remember that when she had a drug blackout? Heh!
    How can she be trusted to remember what transpired between her and POTUS?
    NOT. She is a cunt like Screech. Pure and simple. And drugs!

  18. Anonymous4:58 PM

    That display Herr Brewer performed for her photo op can be easily be fixed next time.

    Just have the Secret Service keep Herr Brewer off of the tarmac.

    If she wants to talk to the president then she can call for an appointment the next time the president is in Arizona.

  19. Anonymous5:00 PM

    OT - Gryph, if you feel like revisiting secularism vs. religion, here's a story to consider. Pastor throws his neighbor's cat off a bridge, it dies, the neighbor's 5 year old now tells her parents she doesn't believe in Heaven anymore.

  20. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Take a look at her wiki page:
    never even got a community college degree; lied about her father's having fought in WWII; see the picture of her with the President at that infamous meeting (no finger wagging then); and read her quote about the meeting -- she's satisfied -
    But, when she wants to show her Tea Party cred, she makes up a story about the big bad bully President dissing her -- figuring that
    a) no one would ever read the book;
    and b) she wouldn't be called out on her lie.
    She was wrong.

  21. Anonymous5:01 PM

    And if Brewer lied?

    That's what Vanity Fair called it. In the story title.

    "Arizona Governor Jan Brewer Caught in a Lie—a Lie About Nazis!"

    Jan Brewer, imperial sun queen of Arizona’s chromatocracy, told the Arizona Republic that her father died fighting Nazis during World War II. The saga is very sad, except its tragedy is somewhat mitigated by the fact that it is extremely untrue. Brewer’s exact statement: “Knowing that my father died fighting the Nazi regime in Germany, that I lost him when I was 11 because of that ... and then to have them call me Hitler's daughter. It hurts. It's ugliness beyond anything I've ever experienced.”

    See, The Arizona Guardian points out that Brewer’s father “worked as a civilian supervisor for a naval munitions depot in Hawthorne, Nev. He died of lung disease in 1955 in California.” Obviously this is essentially a semantics issue, retorts Brewer’s spokesperson.

    More at the link.

  22. mudkitten5:04 PM

    Stay classy, Jan. If you are that bitchy to the most powerful and arguably the most important man in the world, you are an idiot.

    Makes you wonder how she treats people with less power than her, doesn't it?

  23. hedgewytch5:05 PM

    I'm watching the die-hard conservatives around me here panicking. They are darn sure that the President is out to destroy the Constitution and all that they hold dear. The sky is falling! And no matter what kind of facts are put before them, they are like little kids putting their hands over their eyes and screwing their eyes shut and screaming "I can't hear you!"

    And we are seeing their political leaders, such as Brewer here, also doing the same thing. Its just gonna get uglier from here to November.

    Poor Rethugs, some people are going to seriously need some meds when Obama is reelected.

    An aside, an elderly neighbor of mine, a die-hard conservative, who I never would have thought in a million years would change his mind about ANYTHING, is supporting Obama. I'm not exactly sure why, but I can only guess it is because his health took a drastic turn for the worse recently and I know he doesn't have adequate health insurance. Bet that had something to do with it.

  24. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Crazy Racist Brewer puts the "crone" in "cronyism." Doesn't she have Alzheimer's or dementia? Maybe the President has seen her medical records, and so tolerates her angry crazy outbursts, knowing she's mentally ill.

  25. ManxMamma5:08 PM

    I am so sick and tired of the lack of civility in our society. What kind of nerve does this woman have? At my workplace we have a Code of Conduct that everyone from the lowest to the highest must adhere to. If I were to raise my finger in the face of a member of the custodial staff or to senior leadership I would be out of a job.

  26. Crystal Sage5:08 PM

    What an ugly woman - inside and out. Palin in twenty years. Dried up like a lizard in Arizona.

    How dare she disrespect the president of the United States.

    She of the headless corpses looks like one herself.

  27. Anonymous5:08 PM

    She's an asshole, and a stupid one at that. She needs to be schooled, but I'm sure the President was more tactful.

    It would have been great if the secret service had tackled her as soon as she stuck her finger in his face.

  28. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Stunning display........only reinforces my opinion of her....

  29. WHEW! That old bag of bones got a lot of nerve! This is a performance for her dwindling Teabagger/KKK base! The President is such a gentleman...look how he's leaning in to listen to her!

    Her breath probably smells like liquor and cigarettes! Not to mention she looks like dried up beef jerky! The sun is not her friend!

    Yep...I can see how her and Baldy are BFF's. They got that finger thing in common!

    This is what the REAL conversation was between Gov "Burntface" and the President...

    Jan: ...'and I'm tired of you treating my friend Sarah Palin like shit! She is the best thing to happen to your re-election and you should be thanking her every time her mannish face shows up on TV pleading and begging for your attention"!

    President Obama: WHO??

  30. What is it with these angry Rethug females? Testosterone shots? Or just hatred of that damned n****r in the Whiteman's House?

  31. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I would have broken that bony ass finger off. Stupid bitch!!

  32. Anonymous5:16 PM

    What a nasty hateful racist BITCH! The secret service should have yanked her ugly ass.

  33. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Amazing the comments on many sites that people posting from AZ call her out as an alcoholic. She has a quashed DUI too.

    Here are links to 2 pics. The first from 2010. The 2nd from 2011 -- 17 months later and not a flattering pic. Seriously looks like a lot of 'rough lubricated' days in 17 months.

  34. ibwilliamsi5:17 PM

    She'll be a hero to the baggers for standing up to the "uppity" POTUS.

  35. I can not believe that disgusting bitch has her finger in our President's face!

    Who the F does she think she is??

    Oh. My. God.

    And I know Michelle has WAY too much class, but Dang I would have Loved to see her tell off that Scorpion Bitch!

  36. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Looks like we finally located Scarah Payme's "separated at birth" twin!

    What a couple of ignorant bitches.

  37. Anonymous5:24 PM

    He said She said. Your arrogant disrespectful comments to both show what your leanings truly are.
    You have no clue about the real world.

  38. It's intriguing that these women seem to crave Obama's attention and, when they are denied, they fly into a rage. She needs him to validate her status, and he refuses to dignify her. Yes, she reminds me of another trashy woman from Alaaaaska.

  39. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Here's link to the then Senator Brewer's rear ending a car while drunk driving. Failed 4 field-sobriety tests but as per status quo of 'politicians' -- was not charged

  40. I just want to snap the disrespectful finger right off her hand. What rude trailer trash so many of these "adult" Republicans have shown themselves to be ever since we elected Pres.Obama into office.W was an atrocious excuse for President,and nobody from the Dem. side would have ever done that to him in public,ever!! Low class ignorance is all Gov.Brewer has shown herself to be made of.

  41. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Jan Brewer is the very definition of getting her panties in a wad. Hurt feelings at not being allowed to take photos or have their cell phones in the White House. Listen, Jan, when I go into a government building: local county office, state or federal, I go through airport style security. You bet there are no cell phones and/or photos allow. For that matter, when you enter immigration and customs after getting off the airplane, it's no cell phones and no photos. Period. Even for governors. Airport security? Ask Ron Paul how that turned out.

  42. Olivia5:27 PM

    That woman is just as fucking senile as Ronnie Raygun was. PLEASE, humor her and get rid of her! She can't write worth shit and apparently can't hire competent editors to clean up the shit she writes,

  43. Nancy In New York5:28 PM

    Racist witch. How dare she point her crooked finger in the president's face. Isn't she the one who had a minute or two brain fart on television and lapsed into a coma during her governor's debate? And Arizona elected her anyway. Arizona is one place I never want to visit. I certainly wouldn't want to live there.
    She's also the (rhymes with witch)one who said she has the "utmost respect for the "office" of the presidency"
    So she admits she has no respect for President Obama.
    Code talking racism at it's lowest.
    Oh, and one more thing, is she in the stable of 'beauties' that the republitards are always saying liberals are jealous of?

  44. Anonymous5:36 PM

    My how times have changed. Remember that less than 10 years ago no one dare say anything critical about the President. (Remember what happened to the Dixie Chicks?) Can you imagine what would have happened if anyone dared wag their finger in the face of George W Bush? They would have condemned as "unpatriotic" and arrested for treason! These days you can't get through an entire day without hearing someone saying awful things about President Obama -- Heck, it happens almost every hour on FAUX . Amazing how sensibilities have changed.

  45. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Jan Brewer is such an embarrassment. I avoid AZ now, and used to love to go to Tucson.

  46. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Jan and Sarah:
    try to remember that a comb can be your friend.

  47. Anonymous5:42 PM

    WHO THE HELL DOES SHE THINK SHE IS??!!! She is not pointing her finger to one of her minions, husband or child, but to a sitting President of the United States. She couldn't possibly respect the "office of the presidency" and think that pointing her finger at any president is perfectly fine because she doesn't like him. Not only is it appalling and disrespectful but thuggish and classless. The Secret Service should have tackled her to the ground and beat the living shit out of her!! The Republicans have completely loss their minds with the intensity of their hatred.

  48. ...dare I say that I did enjoy the ever so slight look of bemusement on my President's face??? That twit, brewer, is lucky she has a finger left - Secret Service where are you when we really need you???

  49. Olivia5:43 PM

    She looks just like an angry white woman to me. Bitch!

  50. GiinaM,

    Gov Burntface! That's better than ex-gov Baldy. Damn, you're good.

  51. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Wow the accident where Jan Brewer was immune from arrest was news to me!

    More links about that.

    Link to police report

  52. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Love some of the comments here. The person who pointed out that if this is an example of how Brewer treats a higher-ranked public official, imagine how she treats underlings, is so right. She must be unbearable.

    Loved the comment "puts the crone in cronyism."

    WRT finger pointing: it's totally disrespectful. When I worked I was in a meeting and one other woman and I were having a heated discussion about something. She started wagging her finger at me. I said "don't you EVER point your finger at me like that again." She apologized and we continued our discussion. I think the President walking away is about the only way to handle this imbroglio.


  53. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Oh, I bet Sarah Palin is livid when she sees that picture. Sarah Palin will never, ever, get that close to President Obama. She will never, ever, get to screech at him.

  54. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Anyone who uses three-syllable words would seem "condescending" and "patronizing" to Jan Brewer.

    He must have corrected her on a matter of history, or Constitutional standing, or how many headless bodies had been found on the border.

    She clearly doesn't like to be challenged or corrected. She doesn't believe in dialogue, so she has to demagogue.

  55. Anon @ 5:24 PM,

    Translation, please?

  56. Anonymous5:57 PM

    One does kind of wish to know what that idiot women said that could get that reaction from President Obama.

  57. Nancy In New York5:58 PM

    Shoulda known. Palin's grubby little fingerprints all over Brewer's nasty little book.

    We can always count on Palin to support the lowest common denominator in any equation.

  58. 5:17 PM....LOL!!

    Holy Jeebus!
    You should have given a warning about those pictures you posted of Gov "Burntface"...preferably a NSFW!

    Please...WTF happened to her FACE! She looks like a combination of an alligator bag and a Shar Pei dog!

    Has she never heard of SUNSCREEN...or SHADE....or a HAT! She's like Kramer of Seinfeld said...."HIDEOUS...and all craggily looking"...she could be the next "Marlboro Man"...yes, I said MAN!!!

    Now I know what to show my girls when they are thinking about smoking...just show them pictures of Gov "Burntface" of the Great State of Arizona!


  59. Anonymous6:03 PM

    You called it G. Who's finger is in who's face. By the way, look at that profile- sorta harsh and witchy. Why do republicans remind me of those evil beings who's true identity is only revealed just for a second, or when the lighting is just right- like that Al Pacino/Keanu Reeves movie Devil's advocate. So creepy...

  60. Anonymous said...

    He said She said. Your arrogant disrespectful comments to both show what your leanings truly are.
    You have no clue about the real world.

    5:24 PM

    Uh oh....Yoda speaks OR hillbilly gibberish!

  61. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Wow.The wrinkled cryptkeeper made the unfortunate mistake of getting aggressive with President Obama.

  62. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Ugly wrinkled cunt skank. FUCK YOU, jan brewer. You are nothing but a racist, wrinkled, old dried up pathetic skag.

  63. Anonymous6:11 PM

    "You have no clue about the real world."
    5:24 PM

    Is that the magical "real world" where Sarah Palin is brillant, Bristol can dance, and Todd doesn't have sex with prostitutes? In this magical "real world" are you not hopelessly annoying?

  64. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Is this the same Jan Brewer that went wrinkled prune, full corpse blank during an interview??

    The same DUI, "gotta get my daily of fix of scotch" Jan Brewer?

    Lying Hypocrite. This old hag makes me spit.

    It's ok to disagree but when you can't get your emotions in check and you disrespect the president,
    that's menopause and he should have slapped her finger away.

  65. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Jan Brewer exhibits classic symptoms of wet brain.

  66. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Crystal Sage said...
    What an ugly woman - inside and out. Palin in twenty years. Dried up like a lizard in Arizona. Try ten

  67. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Fugly skank.

    It's face reminds one of the "death star." So very many trenches.

    Rethug women are diseased beloved aunts.

  68. Anonymous6:18 PM

    @ 4:26, stop being provocative.

  69. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Pictures don't lie.

    If her face was green, she could be the Wicked Witch, man, that side profile, nose and chin, and the pointing finger. Where's Toto when you need him?

  70. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Anonymous said...
    He said She said. Your arrogant disrespectful comments to both show what your leanings truly are.
    You have no clue about the real world.

    5:24 PM

    hey $carah, 'bout time you got yer ass outta bed, or are ya still in there ? heck might as well throw back some more Ketamine washed down with some vodka and you'll be primed for more delusions of grandeur skank fraud piece of shit...

  71. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    The insane blonde (to differentiate her from the insane roadkill) probably asked him for his papers.

    Just our of curiosity, I compared these two renditions of the same story:

    Washington post refers to both their due titles. The last line is priceless. The President enters Intel factory and says he was so pleased to meet Gabby Gifford (Suck it Brewer!)

    Fox news omit's "president" and adds that he tossed the envelope into the limousine. (It's fox news, what do you expect?) One of the photos shows the envelope in his hand as she's disrespecting him.

    In her book,
    She's whining that they confiscated her phone before entering the oval office (A rule of protocol for everyone) Saying he was talking down to her as if he was a prof and she "felt belittled" and lectured to.

    What is it with these crazies who think the rules don't apply to them?

  72. Anonymous6:26 PM

    On Last Word, the story is that Brewer approached him, handed him the letter and told him what she wanted. He then chided her about the lies in her book. She got pissy. He stayed classy. And if he did walk away from her ranting, good for him. She is a liar, and there is no way to get through to these morons other than to ignore them.

  73. Hoken6:27 PM

    "Most of our Capitol complex, including the building we gather in today, is not ours,'' Brewer said in her State of the State speech delivered in the House building. "So ... to make all of our Capitol truly ours once again, I'm asking that you send me a bill by Statehood Day that allows me to buy back the Capitol.''

    That's right. Teagagger Brewer sold the state capital. For $81M. Now, after leasing it for three years (while slashing education, health care, pissing away money on lawsuits against the Fed Gov't, and a host of other Teagagger pissups), she wants the legislature to come up with $105M to buy it back.

    Much is made of Palin's endorsees not winning elections, but many of them did win, and their records in office say more about the Teagagger stupidity level than do the losers.

  74. Anonymous6:27 PM

    5:24 PM WTF!? We don't speak palinese!

  75. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Jan wants to have another meeting with Obama about immigration. I would guess that wagging her finger at him is going to get her put right to the top of his busy calendar. They have probably distributed a photo of her to the Secret Service with the instructions to keep that woman away from the White House, no matter what. Contradicting the President, calling him out and pointing her finger at him may play well to her Republican voters, but it won't get Jan back in the White House.

  76. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I just dropped her a note on the governor's website. I think the people of Arizona should be ashamed of their governor and her disrespect.
    Somehow, she gets to tell her view to the world in her book and she gets bent out of shape when the president gets to express his view privately to her. Typical republican. They disrespect the office they want so badly to control.

  77. AJ Billings6:32 PM

    Cue the Ancient Crone of Wasilla on Hannity or Greta in 1..2..3

    I will bet $100.00 that Caribou Barbie comes out with both guns blazing on this, since she's all up in Jan Brewer's corner, defendin' her, and also, too, helpin' the women folk.

    Ain't no Muslim luvin' east coast liberal elitz gonna talk like that to my fren Jan, when he who, like isn't a Rill Amerikan, and won't do relentless reform .

  78. laprofesora6:32 PM

    If I had to pick, I'd choose the calm one.

    That picture says it all about the difference between us and them.

    And by the way, I worked at a psych hospital. We all knew that as long as you remain calm, you have the upper hand. It's clear in this picture who has the upper hand.

  79. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Jan Brewer's Criminally Insane Son and His Mysteriously Sealed File

    Ronald Brewer, 46, is not just mentally ill. He was deemed criminally insane in 1990, following a July 1989 arrest and subsequent indictment for the sexual assault and kidnapping of a Phoenix woman....

    Those details are not available for public inspection at county Superior Court -- even though in a typical criminal case, they probably would be. On January 9, 2009, Superior Court Judge Pendleton Gaines sealed the entire case file at the request of Ronald Brewer's attorney.

    Judge unseals court records of governor's mentally ill son

    Her son's troubles were not something Brewer discussed much with colleagues during her 14 years in the Legislature, nor in her time on the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors or her six years as secretary of state. But nothing was hidden: The records were open.

    That all changed, though, in January 2009. Just days before she was scheduled to be sworn in as governor, her son's lawyer convinced Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Pendleton Gaines to seal the entire criminal record.

    Such action is relatively unheard of in Maricopa County.

    Aaron Nash, a special counsel to the Clerk of Superior Court, said there were 40,000 criminal cases handled in 2009. Out of that, he said, just four were sealed.

  80. PS...Gov Baldy if you are reading this...and I know you are....take a look at the pictures that 5:17PM (first one)posted of Gov "Burntface"...that is what you are going to look like...uh....NEXT WEEK!

    Be afraid Baldy...very afraid!!

  81. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Remember this woman is the brainiack that sold the state capital and other property and the state now leases it back. I heard she is begging for the money to buy it back. How the hell do these people get elected??

  82. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Jan: squawksquawksquawk

    The Prez: Honey Badger don't care

  83. Anonymous6:44 PM

    To me, respecting "the office of the President," means that she likes the chairs, desk, and pictures in the Oval Office.
    If she respected "the office of the Presidency," then she wouldn't be shaking her finger at our President.

  84. Alcoholic, just plain stupid, dementia-ridden, doesn't matter ... you said it best Gryphen, it is not President Obama's finger pointed in her face. No class, no respect. I cannot believe this!

  85. Anonymous6:53 PM

    We so love our guv here in the Copper State. She's so respectful, kind, and considerate of everyone here, we just don't know when to stop! She loves us all!

    (Sarcasm OFF now)

    Well, she's already muttering about running again in 2014. The slightly more astute Republicans here (there aren't many) already know she's toast. She alone has cost the state much, and when you add in the outright shit she says, Joe Arpaio, and the lunatic legislature, the R's have image problems and a lot of bad will going.

    We can only hope they begin to eat each other, and die quickly and painfully.

    They won't be missed.

  86. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Brewer is a skank just like Palin. Of Course, Palin has her beat!

    Check out this from C4P. Palin is still begging for money. This poster speaks the truth and is hammered by the morons over there who keep sending Palin money...

    juju341 24 minutes ago
    Does anyone here actualy believe that "ASKING" Palin to run is what would make her decide to run?
    Does anyone here think that writing her name in on a ballot with less then 30 people doing so in
    Iowa is going to make her decide she should run?
    Does anyone here think Sarah would approve of the expeniture of hundreds if not thousands being spent
    on advertising her is going to be what makes her decide to jump in the race at this late date.

    I understand the desire all of us have for her to enter the race. But, none of the above is going to
    have any influence on her decision. Sarah makes her own decisions after consulting with her God.
    Like she said once, something like this. "If you don't trust my decisions regarding my counsel with my family and could you trust me at all."

    How could this group be asking for money to promote something that can be decided without takes Sarah to make the decision. Her SarahPAC is in a major fund raiser and here
    we have another group coming on here to ask you to donate to ads in a newspaper and a bill board.

    For you that have not seen this...Here is what was in SarahPac fund raiser letter.


    Sorry, I just don't understand what this group is doing. If someone else can tell me how it helps Sarah win our Congress back and/or makes her change her mind or if you honestly think this is the way Sarah would rather have money spent on her behalf, I would love to hear it.

  87. Good heavens!! Can you just imagine what the outrage would sound like if someone had pointed their finger in W's face, or the one Repug they all want to associate with - Ronald Rayguns. It would be a never ending tirade against the person with the pointy finger.

    I wonder if people think it is okay to disrespect President Obama simply because of his color. I am sorry for those people, whatever their reason for disrespecting President Obama. I do know that the man can take care of himself, but there are too many people applauding this woman's bad behavior. Ick!!!

  88. hedgewytch6:57 PM

    Regarding your update; Don't you mean "allegedly" wrote the forward to the book.

  89. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Here's another extremely flattering pic of Brewer - ROFL

    We should have a 'face off' between Palin & Brewer -- LMAO!!

  90. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Obama is known as being unflappable. Does anyone honestly think he would be pissed off enough to 'go off' on this skank.

  91. Anonymous7:40 PM

    As soon as Herr Brewer pulled her finger out the Secret Service should of put a Rodney King beating on her wrinkly ancient ass.

  92. Anonymous7:44 PM

    OT but do you think Faux News has sent Palin to "timeout" for her juvenile comments about Christie?

  93. Anonymous7:54 PM

    You know the worst of this? It isn't that SHE wants to return to DC...she wants the POTUS to come back AZ at her convenience to visit the border. As if he caters to the whims of a woman after a photo op. Maybe she has some animal skulls she wants to show off? Or maybe she intends to show off her 2nd amendment prowess. I cannot believe she doesn't even has an associate's degree...what was AZ thinking?

  94. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Is Brewer a friend of Sarah's?
    must be

  95. Tyroanee8:04 PM

    The only thing I can think of when I see this picture:
    Can you imagine this happening to the former president? and if so how long before Secret Service would've had her strung up a flagpole singing in tongues!

  96. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Don't eat scorpions for breakfast. You'll end up like Jan Brewer.

  97. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I live in Arizona. What embarrasses me more than Gov. Brewer are the people who voted for her.

  98. ...Anon @6:55 - Her Baldiness must be running short of cash as she has so many nasty mouths to feed...

  99. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Anon 7:56

    Is Brewer a friend of Sarah's?
    must be


    When Palin was in AZ for a speech I believe in 2010 on her then 'paid' speaking events, Brewer and the Palin family attended a baseball game. They're two pees in a pod -- both stunned and stupid - both having 'air space' between the ears, and both queens of 'victimhood'

  100. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Anon 7:56

    Is Brewer a friend of Sarah's?
    must be


    When Palin was in AZ for a speech I believe in 2010 on her then 'paid' speaking events, Brewer and the Palin family attended a baseball game. They're two pees in a pod -- both stunned and stupid - both having 'air space' between the ears, and both queens of 'victimhood'

  101. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Can a president be arrested for assault & battery??

  102. O/T from Andrew Sullivan's Blog-

    THIS is why Boehner is a fucking ASSHOLE!!!!!!


    "This is a president who said I'm not going to be a divider, I'm going to be a uniter, and running on the politics of division and envy is – to me it's almost un-American," - John Boehner, on the day of the State of the Union.

    Who here said they thought Boehner was "honestly upset" about the division in Congress?

    Whoever you are, the spaceship has left without you...

  103. Anonymous8:34 PM

    If the conversation was what we are led to believe at this time, then good for the President for calling her out on her published lies. THIS woman is an esbarrassment to the GOP. And I live in AZ. And I did not vote for her. What an embarrassment.

  104. Also, there are 21,000 comments about this on HuffPo. I hope they are ripping that nasty bitch apart.

    HOW how HOW did she get elected??

  105. Anonymous8:35 PM

    And Sarah Palin wrote the foreword to her "book." Want to bet Mrs. Palin goes on the attack over this?

  106. Love my cubbies but won't go to Arizona for spring training. Won't spend a freakin nickel there!

  107. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I can't but help wonder how Brewer would react if someone disrespected her and wagged a finger in her face. What would she do? Obama didn't back down. He told her what he thought and then walked away. He has more important things to do than argue with some old woman who is acting like a nagging fish piker's wife.

  108. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I agree with the low assessment of Brewer's behavior and character but geez can't you guys find more descriptive terms than saying bitch-bitch-bitch over and over-? Her behavior and character would be just as abysmal and reprehensible in a man. Why not call her an a-hole or whatever you'd also call a man and leave her gender out of it since it is completely irrelevant?

  109. Bristol's Real Chin9:05 PM

    "Well, she's already muttering about running again in 2014"

    Maybe Gabby's progress will have improved enough by then for her to run.

  110. So, you know when you go camping, and you put the marshmallows on a stick and find the perfect spot in the glowing fire, and you bake the marshmallow to the perfect shade of brown, and you quick pull it back right when it starts smoking so it doesn't burn?

    Yeah, that's what her face looks like.

  111. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Is Brewer a friend of Sarah's?
    must be

    7:56 PM
    Yes. SP invited her to the Iditarod Start a couple of years ago. They were palling around like girlfriends.

  112. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "“It was though President Obama thought he could lecture me, and I would learn at his knee,” she wrote, according to Capitol Media Services. He thinks he can humor me and then get rid of me".

    Highly unlikely President Obama thought that Brewer "would learn" under any circumstances. It's obvious that Jan Brewer is incapable of learning anything.

  113. Anonymous9:33 PM

    A partial C4P comment,

    "Obama has a way of riding on the plight of common folks and in his polished community organizer sort of way is able to get people to buy in to whatever he is selling, be it healthcare, tax reform, jobs, etc.

    It's outrageous."


    Healthcare, tax reform and jobs.

    There truly is nothing the President can say that they will agree with.

    President Obama: The sky is blue
    Right wingers: Is not!

  114. Anonymous9:36 PM

    If I could caption that picture it would be Jan saying, "Now you listen here sonny boy!"

    She wasn't satisfied with spinning her version of any conversation with our President and dissing him in her book and apparently couldn't wait to greet him to make a scene and diss him to his face all the while handing him an "invitation". An invitation to what? So she could turn around and put her personal spin on another conversation with Obama?

    Then after the tarmac meeting Jan shows her clueless-ness by telling the media, “I was very surprised.  I was taken aback.  I really was,” she said.  “I was shocked by the sternness of it all.” Well you idiot, must we remind you that you are speaking to the most powerful and respected person in the world's eyes?!?? Unlike YOU, HE DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO PLAY GAMES! What the hell did you expect? A tea party and tit for tat chat at your leisure?

    Brewer's little scorpion trap failed. She doesn't deserve the time of day from our President and I'm sure if Jan wasn't governor of a state he would say what he did of Palin, "I don't think about her". She can't even show professional respect or protocol but has sunk down in the gutter with Palin and Joe Wilson. I never thought much one way or another of Jan, but now she gets ZERO respect from me.


  115. Anonymous9:37 PM

    What Brewer was really saying:

    "Here, pull my finger!"

    W. Tortoise

  116. Anonymous9:56 PM

    There is one big difference between celebrity Sarah and Governor Brewer. Failed politician Sarah wouldn't have the guts to wag her finger in the most powerful black man in the world's face. She would have met him in AZ wearing sunglasses hoping to check out his cajones she will never feel.

    After all we know Sarah the loser has a secret crush on him and is a jealous woman scorned. No wonder she heaps hate on the First Lady Michelle and cowardly uses her cajone-less high school graduate husband Tawd.


  117. Anonymous9:59 PM

    And her letter went on and on and ON.

    Perhaps with misspellings galore, just like her tea party friends like to do!

  118. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Can a president be arrested for assault & battery??

    @8:29 PM

    "Assault & battery?" What the hell are you talking about? Shut the fuck up.

  119. I bet that RAM wrote the scorpion book's forward.

    Yep. Jan and $arah ~ sisters in sobriety (tee hee).

  120. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Can a president be arrested for assault & battery??


    don't ya think ya ought'a tidy up all yer slander lawsuits first dipshit..

    gawd, how do you fuk_tards manage to make it day to day ?!?

  121. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Yes. Jan Brewer is a close personal buddy of Sarah Palin's (as far as politicians go). Sarah flew down to AZ to do a bunch of publicity stuff for, and with, Brewer.

    So I did, I clicked on Gryphen's link to Sarah's foreword to "Scorpions for Breakfast." I read it. More shallow Sarah Palin words of wisdom, that she didn't even write her own self.

    Lie #4,523 in the very first sentence.
    She refers to April 24, 2010: "With my Alaska home still surrounded by snow, I looked forward to traveling 'outside'...where spring had already sprung."

    Here's what it looked like about a mile from Sarah's house, the week before. Clearly obvious that there wasn't even a tiny shred of snow on the ground.

    Most of the crowd is bare-headed and -handed; no hats and gloves. Light jackets and sweatshirts.
    In fact, that was a pretty low snow year, anyway. Parts of Alaska had more than others. Wasilla was somewhat windblown and bare.

    Whatever. Sarah and Todd were hangin' down there, coming and going, doing the rockstar thing with Mini-Me Jan Brewer.

  122. Bristol's Real Chin11:06 PM

    from the SarahPAC plea for money, what's a "county nation?"

  123. Irishgirl12:27 AM

    I actually thought the photo was a skit at first...I couldn't believe it.

    She is some ugly bitch!

  124. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Grandstanding bitch. Of course she made sure to do this in front of a pool of reporters and cameras, not in private, which would have been the appropriate place if she had a problem.

  125. Anonymous2:19 AM

    "Secret Service better get this little man with the big forehead out of my face before I bitch slap him!"

  126. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...

    Is Brewer a friend of Sarah's?
    must be

    7:56 PM
    Yes. SP invited her to the Iditarod Start a couple of years ago. They were palling around like girlfriends.

    9:20 PM

    They were palling around like girlfriends?

    More like twin sisters!

  127. Anonymous3:02 AM

    She probably wished her finger had been a gun.

    Racist KKK bitch.

  128. I doubt that the President had time to talk to that old witch about her stupid ass book. I feel she initiated the self-serving bullshit which President Obama didn't have time to get into such crap.

    It was rude, disrespectful, vain, and crude to have that lying, spazzed out, witch, liver spotted bony finger in our President's face.

  129. Anonymous4:13 AM

    This is getting alot of press. I don't believe her smiling rebuttal that she was not angry. Given what they both said it appears Brewer became defensive, angry and aggressive. The president has a right to tell her how he felt that she inaccurately portrayed their meeting.

  130. Anonymous4:25 AM

    My God. What kind of thuggish low-life trash does Arizona have as a governor?!

    President Obama handled the low-life bitch with CLASS.

  131. Anonymous4:30 AM

    He said She said. Your arrogant disrespectful comments to both show what your leanings truly are.
    You have no clue about the real world.

    5:24 PM


    WTF... are you drunk ???

    Is that you Jan?

  132. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Maybe Gov. Brewer is menopausal. . . . Otherwise that was inexcusable behavior for a governor. She may be jealous of the attention that Gabby Giffords received on the SOTU evening. For President Obama to have been visibly annoyed like that, she must have been really nasty. There sure are a lot of unpleasant people with homes in Arizona!

  133. Not What You Want to Hear4:45 AM

    She was just trying to get attention for herself. Probably to increase sales of her book. Is there any rightwing politician that isn't always angling to make a sleazy buck somehow?

  134. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Just because these whack-jobs fall backasswards into office or notoriety, they think they should write a book. And they think we should all read it.

    Just because a camera or a publisher will be put in front of them over the years, doesn't mean any of us have to respond.

    It's laughable that that crazy old lady full of senior moments that can't even describe her successes in a debate, expects the POTUS to read her crappy book. With a Sarah Palin forward.


    What losers.

  135. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Looks like she's angling for a iconic Republican money bomb photo-op. Here we go. . .

  136. Olivia4:52 AM

    A while ago, someone here mentioned that Sarah Palin was a shining example of the Dunning–Kruger effect.

    That horrible governor of AZ appears to also be a victim of this affliction.

  137. Anonymous4:53 AM

    I would say Jan Brewer is the worst governor ever but that wouldn't be fair to Sarah.

  138. Anonymous4:54 AM

    She belongs in prison with Sarah Palin. Both are truly worthless human beings.

  139. Anonymous4:56 AM

    After this I will definitely never visit Arizona nor purchase any product from any company that supports Jan Brewer.

  140. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Can a president be arrested for assault & battery??
    Uhh you mean a governor right? She is the one assaulting the president here. I hope she is arrested.

    Is anyone else worried that envelope has anthrax? Since when can someone hand deliver an envelope to the president? I thought they were screened for safety reasons. I wouldn't put it past Brewer to put some bio chemical weapon in that envelope.

  141. Randall5:18 AM

    kinda makes one want to say
    "who the fuck does she think she IS, anyway?"

  142. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Jan Brewer, like Sarah Palin, act out from a deep sense of inadequacy, especially with regard to education and accomplishment. Her comments make that clear in ways she's too stupid to grasp. Combine that with near-intolerable racism and you you get their rancid stew of fear and resentment. Both are embarrassments to women, professionals, and public servants.

  143. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Ugh. Arizona is now one place I will never visit. I won't even allow my son to consider colleges in the state.

  144. Anonymous5:49 AM

    That photo looks like a viscious woman who is trying to boss around the President.

    The President looks like he is about to laugh in her face.

    Boy - I get she would have went really ballistic if he had just calmly listened to her and then laughed at her lame meltdown.

  145. Did it occur to any of you that the assault and battery comment might be about what the President, if he wasn't the classy guy that he is, might want to do to Governor Pointy Finger? That's certainly how I took it, instead of assuming it was some brain-challenged troll. I know that if that blonde knuckle-dragger was in my face like that, I would be weighing and balancing my assault and battery options.

  146. Anonymous5:56 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I would say Jan Brewer is the worst governor ever but that wouldn't be fair to Sarah.

    4:53 AM


    You could always say she is the worst sitting governor ever. Or maybe the worst actually completed her term governor ever.
    You know, to distinguish her from that old hag Palin.

  147. Ailsa5:59 AM

    There is a certain quality about President Obama in that picture that reminds me of Nelson Mandela.

  148. Anonymous6:01 AM


    Sarah & Brewer are old drinking buddies from way back.

    They used to go to bars & get into contests on who could score the most free drinks in the night.

    One of the favorite games was who could give the most blow-jobs in the mensroom at the club.

    Sarah usually won....

  149. sickofteaparties6:04 AM

    This is the woman who let people die while awaiting transplants. She is also the woman who has a criminally insane son locke dup in state hospitals ofr twenty plus years. She feels it is fine to take advatage of the state when it suits her. She also is being investigated I think for collecting social security checks for her son. She steals from the state and feds every day, yet lets people die who are on transplant lists because they can't afford one on their own. Super hypocriticla bitch dares to point a finger at the president. Arizon, if you don't remove that idiot, lying, stealing hypocrite of a governor next time around, then you deserve to have that bitch for governor.

  150. PalinsHoax6:07 AM

    Anonymous @ 8:29pm said...
    Can a president be arrested for assault & battery??


    If so, then George W should have been behind bars long ago for what he inflicted upon the United States, Iraq and Afghanistan.

  151. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Angry Exchange? Not quite. She is angry as hell; he appears calm. I would characterize this as Angry Alcoholic Points Finger in the President's Face.

  152. Too much shit in az like in ak.

    First the palin az massacre

    Second that fat greasyass sheriff that gave sarah her draws

    Third palin's sarahpac paid mansion

    Fourth bustols and gino's love nest

    Fifth brewer

    Sixth brewer's knotty old witchy warty liver spotted hand in Our President's face.

    It looks as if President Obama is leaning towards her to hear the old ugly bat over the noise when that spiney finger almost jammed him in his eye.

  153. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Wow! This finger-pointing episode has brought out some interesting info. It seems that Brewer has a nickname around the capitol -- Otis -- after the town drunk in Mayberry.

  154. I heard a radio interview where Brewer said she did not even remember pointing the finger in his face. I guess memory loss is an excuse for showing a lack of respect.

    OTOH, maybe this was just a publicity stunt to get her book out there. I don't think too many people have even heard of her book. Available on Amazon - hardcopy price $47.10 new, $47.16 used (not sure why it is 6 cents more if used)

    The Kindle ebook version is $12.99, and the other hardcover is listed at $15.78, marked down from $25.99.

    I'm sure it will be in the dollar store bins within a few months, though.

  155. Smirnonn7:07 AM

    Well, that's just rude. But, if memory serves, she's not the sharpest tool in the shed:!

  156. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Where was the Secret Service when this person went all white trash on the President?

    I am sure that the President had no trouble handling Brewer but it does look like she is threatening him.

  157. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Brewer's lack of higher education puts her in the same category as Screech....ignorant.

  158. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Dumb fucking move, really take after "Little Miss Pointy Fingers," don't you?

    You're finished.

    OBAMA 2012

  159. Silvergirl said...
    I heard a radio interview where Brewer said she did not even remember pointing the finger in his face. I guess memory loss is an excuse for showing a lack of respect.

    If she'd fortified herself with what many here and elsewhere suspect she does frequently, the memory loss could be due to that.

    I'll bet President Obama was close enough to Brewer to get a good whiff of the booze fortification on her breath. No wonder he has a bemused expression on his face.

    He would have immediately gotten a clue that the best thing to do in dealing with an angry drunk is to just walk away, and if there were any repercussions from the drunk, his Secret Service guys would handle it.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.