Sunday, January 01, 2012

I have a request for IM commenters as we move into the new year.

Click here to see image enlarged.
First I would like to point out that I REALLY try not to reject any more comments than I absolutely have to.

However having said that, I will admit that I have been less than pleased with how some of the discussions have quickly deteriorated into nothing more than pissing matches, and name calling sessions reminiscent of a Middle School cafeteria.

I would hate to start rejecting more comments, but I also hate to see people attacked for expressing a reasonable disagreement with something I have posted here, or with a comment addressing something I have posted here.

My other choice is to no longer allow anonymous comments, which I am also loath to do because I believe it would affect the freedom with which people feel they can speak their minds here.

So if we could try to keep our comments in the yellow or above portion of this pyramid, that my go a long way toward making this a much more welcoming place to come and have intellectual discussions, respectful disagreements, and stress relieving rants.

Remember, even the comments on a blog can determine if more people read the content or not, so when we ugly the place up we are essentially telling possible return visitors to go someplace else. If that is your goal, then you are one of our trolls and you serve a different purpose. But it if not, then I could really use your help in making IM a more welcoming place to visit.

Namaste my friends.


  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Well I will do my best Gryphen, but it is hard to do that on a S. P. post. Anyway Happy New Year !! And your spinach dip recipe was a big hit at the New Years Eve party, and yes I gave you credit.

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    The repetitive nature of the posts, not to mention the vocabulary, leads me to think the point is precisely to dirty the place up, and that one or a small handful of people are behind it. Censorship works for me, G.

  3. Anonymous10:27 AM

    I will be happy to abide by these guidelines. But, in general, one of my 2012 resolutions is to stay off of blog comments. I think that Twitter, blogs & the Internet has spawned a culture of anonymous, poisonous vicissitudes, full of negativity, bile and worse (Tucson tragedy)--yet furthering no real dialogue or solutions to our myriad problems. I will be meditating more, reading blogs & Twitter less. Namaste.

  4. Are we not allowed to refudiate?

  5. Alright: Namaste to the Fairytale Troll.

    There, so can the snark continue now?

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I would like to say that the comments here have come a long way since you first started posting, or since I first found your site.

    In the beginning, after reading your article, I would read the comments but it would leave me feeling disappointed in the way people treated each other. There seemed to have been alot of explicit swearing and cutting down. It was a little depressing.

    There is a way to express an opinion and I don't have an aversion to swearing but 'the way' it was expressed wasn't good.

    After reading another article, I wasn't going to read anymore comments because of the depressing feeling I would leave with,expecially after reading the 'c' word in reference to women and other 'blah' words. Before I signed off, I read a comment and I ended up referring to that 'one' commentor who out of 'all' the comments posted actually wrote an opinion and backed it up with common sense. I thanked that commentor because it was a refreshing change from all the horrible bile spewed.

    Since, then your commentors have made me laugh, smile and generally get a good chuckle from your posts and the reference to other views. The swearing is still around which I have absolutely no problem with and am perfectly fine with it, but 'the way' it is expressed is different.

    So, while there are 'small-minded' people who still attack your blog and you have to gaurd against them, I just wanted to say that overall, I think you have a good following that has developed over the years.

    Nicely Done.

  7. Anonymous10:36 AM

    As long as we can still call Scarah an Asshat.

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Thank you Gryph, Snarkyness is fine but some of the commenters are over the top rude and nasty to each other, I can see why some newbies would be turned off.
    As you have said..don't feed the trolls, just like a hungry animal they will be a pest and come back for more.

  9. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Ah HA! This is just so very interesting, though off topic.

    ...Throughout this story, I’ve been careful to refer to Perry’s activities as homosexual or same-sex, never “gay.” That’s because as far as I’m concerned, Rick Perry isn’t gay. He’s a man who has sexual encounters with other men. Those men predominantly identify themselves as gay. But Rick Perry is not, as far as I am concerned, gay.

    Being gay is much more than just sex. Being gay is having an emotional relationship with a member of the same sex.

    What’s the cover blurb about your book, Head Figure Head?
    It is the story of my failed efforts to expose Rick Perry’s homosexual encounters in the national press. It’s the tale of simple curiosity aroused by a reporter’s questions about a past alleged sexual scandal, and of how complicated it is to find the answers to those questions. Over the course of my efforts to discover Rick Perry’s secret homosexual past, I learned a lot about not only many of his alleged former partners, but also the difficulty in exposing them to the wider public—particularly in a state where so many individuals’ jobs and livelihoods depend on not incurring the wrath of Texas’s longest-serving governor and his massive network of cronies, appointees, and henchmen.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    I think America’s future will be OK after all.

  11. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Perfectly reasonable request Gryphen. And it's your playhouse so your rules are the law.

    Personally, I enjoy the trolls. In light of what's happened in the last three plus years, their comments are uniformly ridiculous and so easily debunked that it's too easy. Kind of like shooting wolves from a plane. Where's the fun in that?

    We have a lot of work to do in the coming year and I look forward to doing it together. No problems with healthy disagreements among friends. Let's just keep it civil. We're all on the same side.

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Does our favorite lipsticked demagogue exit public consciousness, not with a bang but a whimper? (Apologies to TS Eliot.) Sarah Palin has slowly but surely receded from the scene over 2011, to the relief of many and the grief of a few. Here is a sampling of how the year went. Hint: it didn't start out too well!

  13. fromthediagonal10:49 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen!
    I have been dismayed lately by many comments which were clearly meant to satirize "troll" writings.The writers may be clever wordsmiths copying sentence structures of "troll" communications, but I find them almost as much of a nuisance as the original writers.
    At any rate,I am glad you are encouraging your followers to adhere to some sort of "speak when you have something to constructively add to the conversation".
    I wish you and all of us who frequent this blog all the best.

  14. mitchethekid10:54 AM

    From personal experience of being banned, it was (is) always the result of the tip of the pyramid. Although on occasion I have ridiculed and subjected a poster or blog moderator to much deserved scathing sarchasim. It is for this reason, when counter arguments are made that completely refute the contention of the poster or moderator that I have been banned. They simply cannot defend their contentions or demand uniformity and disallow any dissent which only proves my point. Furthermore, allot of posters lack the intellect to debate effectively because they substitute reason and facts with emotion and biased fact-free opinions.
    A perfect example of this "phenomenon" of human nature is C4P or Blogsforvictory. (Of which I hold the record for the # of times being banned!)
    If they truly invited thoughtful discussion, they would be more welcoming. Instead they are an incubator for cults of personality and as such demand a surrender of ones doubt and free will.
    I always use my name on this blog but I might suggest that you Gryphen change the format somewhat. Disqus is very popular and it allows posters to reply directly to one another; in real time. No offense to you, but your threads are chronological. Kind of time consuming. But anyway, Happy New Year and I want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. I have been following for a very long time now and I have noticed that lately; since Palingates and Joe went away, and Polticalgates has become somewhat more esoteric that your blog has increased in popularity. Congrats! I also heard today on Meet The Press that the term "progressive" scores high in public popularity. So you have that going for you my friend. Keep up the good work and I hope that this yr, Ms. Quittypants is finally exposed, shamed and humiliated into oblivion.

  15. eclecticsandra10:55 AM

    The pyramid is very good at describing the levels of comment. When people write what I call "knee jerk" comments, they belong on the bottom. These are selfish because they let off some hateful feelings but add nothing to the discussion. Keep up the good work.

  16. fromthediagonal10:56 AM

    anonymous @ 10:43, I am glad you posted this to keep us informed.

  17. Anonymous10:58 AM

    O/t but, whoa... and THIS GUY thinks he deserves to be our president? So lame. So rigid. So throwback. So dark ages. So wrong.

    Ron Paul Ups The Ante And Claims Sexual Harassment Shouldn’t Be Illegal

  18. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Just delete the offensive comments, duh, it's your blog, you keep the dogs from crapping in your yard don't you? ( it's ok to sound like a cranky old neighbor)

  19. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Gryphen, we are the same age, and you are so much wiser than I am. :-)

    I admit I called someone an azzhat once, but I've felt bad about it ever since, and it was probably 7 months ago.

    I know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that.....

    Happy New Year! Thanks for being you!

  20. Thanks G! I love your blog and the comments - until the name-calling and ugliness get going, so I truly appreciate this. Happy 2012 to all!

  21. Grypen~

    I just finished reading the comments from the $arah Palin WaPost Post.
    Now I understand why you have THIS post up!

    I'm no fan of Palin~ $he was the reason I ran to OfA after the RNC in 2008! But some of those comments in that post are truly nasty.

    Good luck in what ever it is you choose to do. I think if people would just tone it down a little, maybe not use so many hateful words, everything will be alright.
    Please, don't cut off comments all together! That is half the reason I come to this blog every day! The other half is to read your posts.

  22. fromthediagonal11:21 AM

    mitchthekid @ 10.54:
    I agree that the format would be better if one could respond directly to a commenter.
    Just one correction to your text:
    The word is "sarcasm".

    No criticism, but dictionaries are our friends, even in this age of technology.

  23. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Does that mean the trolls, dirty wig and her ill-mannered children have to play nice too?

  24. martha uys11:28 AM

    Thanks Gryphen. Without humor in hand, it's not really a great idea to read about Sarah Palin in a group setting.

  25. Anonymous11:32 AM

    As long as I am not banned for my knee-jerk use of the f-word on your Palin posts then I'm cool. This is going to be an exciting year in politics and beyond and I love how you share your views - happy new year!

  26. Can I still call her Gov Dirty Wig™? Other than that...Great post!

  27. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I agree with Mitchthekid. I can get lost when someone responds to a specific remark by repeating the questionable statement and time. I mostly just read and don't remark. My only request is to consider\implement Disqus.
    Sincerely, View

  28. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Thank you, Gryphen! I was hoping you'd address this. I've been horrified by some of the comments here, especially ones aimed at under-aged children. Kids that read these comments. Whatever these kids' issues are, they're products of their environment and don't deserve the vile bullying that's been going on here. Like the coward I am, I've stayed silent for fear of being labelled a "troll".

    Here's to a Classy New Year!

  29. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Totally agree, IM. Keeping SP off as topic would be a huge help to many of us. She is the topic that always seems to bring the negative commentary and nastiness.

    There is just more anger and fear in our world than there was a year ago. And, I don't blame President Obama for it.

    All the Repubs want to do is bomb Iran and continue to lessen the financial abilities of the poor and middle class.

    I suggest you delete the responses that offend you and go against your stated policies and recommendations. The majority of us would have no problem with that.

  30. mitchethekid11:46 AM

    I'm a horrible speller. But after I read your comment, and thought about the meaning of the misspelled term, perhaps I'm on to something. Chasm. A deep dark jagged hole with the first letter of Immoral Minority interjected at the end.
    Maybe not grammatically correct but a convoluted defense of my spelling shortcomings. Don't make me mad!! lol..

  31. Namaste and Happy New Year everyone!

  32. Anonymous11:49 AM

    You're just a freaking idiot if you think some stupid-ass pyramid picture is going to clean up this cesspool...

    This was meant to be an explicit refutation of the central point. How'd I do?

  33. johnie2xs11:50 AM

    The only point, on which I must strongly disagree with you Gryph, is regarding attribution. I, from the beginning, have put my name to all that I have had to say.
    Why not?? Who's so important?
    Why hide behind the Anon label.
    It would be nice to recognize a name, and then thread together, over time, the thought processes to which that person subscribes.
    Hit and run trolls then get the same benefit of anonymity that a bona fide reader, and frequenter of this site, are availed of.
    Let the faceless trolls,
    declare themselves!

    Just Sayin' !!!!

  34. guiltyconfession11:53 AM

    I posted parody troll comments here in the past. I stopped because they just wasted everyone's time. It also gave me a headache trying to think and write like that. Some are much better than me at humor.

    I think that comment formats that allow click to respond to a particular comment just encourage more of this personally anonymous back and forth. There are malicious people here attacking the content of the blog and those who provide their opinions and new facts about what is posted here. Some of them are here because there is an argument to be had. Others have a more personal connection to the topics.

    I will keep this post in mind this year. I will try to be more kind and less profane when responding to opinions. Thank you to Gryphen. I know it is a lot of work to run Immoral Minority. I can't imagine doing it myself.

  35. Balzafiar11:53 AM

    @10:43, thanks for the info; I have ordered the book.

    I detest Rick the hypocrite.

    Now for something completely different: Gryphen, you have a great blog going, so you make the rules and I will always try to follow them.

    I do agree with others that it would be nice to have threaded comments so everything would make more sense.

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  36. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Ok buddy, then bye bye.

    Something tells me you don't like we anons who disagree with you. I am most definitely on your side, however, and not a troll or someone trying to mess up your threads.

    It's too bad you feel the need to monitor your threads through the illusion of believing you know who is posting simply because they use a name or you can track their urls's or whatever - and it's completely unnecessary.

    All the best, though.

    (Gryphen, if you resort to this change it's like you're trying to keep the Palin posse out as well. Only the weak need to control, remember that. I thought you were one of the strong ones, but perhaps I was wrong.)

  37. Quiet112:04 PM

    I don't understand why people can't remain "anonymous" and still post with a user name . . . At worst it seems it would allow us to tell if the same person is making a slurry of comments.

  38. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Oops, I see you are only considering the banning of anon comments....

    Sorry, over-reaction on my part.

    Please don't do this, though.

    Your blog is strong enough, and so are you.

    Those who want a more tightly controlled environment might not have your best interests at heart anyway, Gryphen.

  39. I think your delete master tower of power is very liberal. Sure sounds more than ok.

  40. Anonymous12:16 PM

    As someone who has been reading and commenting for a very long time, I think this reminder is right on time. I prefer discussions along with reading the topic, and have been attacked a few times for being trollish. And for not posting under a name.

    I agree with the poster who said some sites were getting a bit esoteric- and I have no problem with that- but it makes for a very closed discussion that ends up reaffirming each others beliefs and ideas.

    I prefer the anon ID, listening to the content of my comment is far more important (to me) than needing to know who I am. Can't you trust your comprehension skills to determine what I'm saying instead of relying on whether or not I'm a "regular", therefore "safe and friendly" poster?

    We lose the benefits of our critical thinking if we predetermine the intention of a person by their name and identity.

  41. I wanted to add that I live in a very, very Red state in an area where 78% of people voted for McCain/Palin in 2008. This site and the comments section has been my progressive haven and outlet. It is also a place where I vent a lot of steam from the silliness I hear on a daily basis, and the stupidity my kids share with me that they hear from their teachers, friends and friends' parents. So it's easy to just swat down the frequent posters in quick succession by the small cadre of koolaid drinkers from c4p. Doesn't contribute much to the dialogue on this site-my apologies-but probably contributes to the peace and harmony in my neighborhood ;)

  42. You are so right on this Gryphen! I have what I call my resident troll who would come by to deliberately take control of the thread and turn it into her personal chat room. Some of my regulars liked it but I did not, So I resorted to deleting anything she left that would change the subject of the post and cause all conversation to veer totally off subject. I was NOT amused! I also believe it turned away serious bloggers who wanted serious debate. Good luck and Happy 2012!

  43. Anonymous12:39 PM

    mitchethekid said...
    I'm a horrible speller. But after I read your comment, and thought about the meaning of the misspelled term, perhaps I'm on to something. Chasm. A deep dark jagged hole with the first letter of Immoral Minority interjected at the end.
    Maybe not grammatically correct but a convoluted defense of my spelling shortcomings. Don't make me mad!! lol..

    11:46 AM
    Mitch, I always enjoy your comments and you are well spoken and obviously have a grasp of what you are commenting on even if there are some occasional misspellings. It happens to all of us. You seem to be an enlightened student of our political culture and I always enjoy reading what you have to say in the comment sections of the various blogs that you and I visit.

  44. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I'm anon @ 12:16

    I should have added that I've fallen for the bait and have misbehaved myself a few times. (My comment sounded a little better-than-thou when I just read it. he)

  45. always anon12:49 PM

    I agree with 11:44, especially about the children. But (and please don't call me a troll here) I've also been thinking about the now-adult children, including Bristol who's been mercilessly skewered here and at other blogs. As a college instructor (why I must remain "always anon") I've seen a lot of young adults over the years who just can't escape the way they were raised... always cowering because they thought they were worthless (even when they were doing very well) or the opposite, the entitled ones who simply couldn't accept that they were failing. As aggravating as the latter group can be, I can't help but pity them in their sudden exposure to reality.

    I guess what I'm saying is that name calling doesn't help forward the conversation in any constructive way.

  46. Anonymous12:50 PM

    “some of the discussions have quickly deteriorated into nothing more than pissing matches, and name calling sessions reminiscent of a Middle School cafeteria.”

    That’s what a “stress relieving rant” is for some people.

    I’m fine with these new guidelines, but sorry, Gryphen, I’m going to have to put some of the blame on you. I always thought some of your posts, particularly ones about the GOP, kind of reminded me of “name calling sessions reminiscent of a Middle School cafeteria.” But in a funny way. I am only speaking for myself, but as a poster, some of your own posts only encouraged me to think it was O.K. to act that way here. It’s like that 1980’s PSA commercial about drugs, where the kid says to his father: “I learned it from watching you!”

    I did feel it was O.K. to speak my mind here. Not only that, you allowed the name-calling, and pissing matches to continue for so long. I don’t post the same kind of stuff on all blogs, I usually don’t post anything at all. I briefly used to post comments over at the Mudflats blog, but I never named called, or got into pissing matches, or anything like that. I never did that, because the lady who runs the blog (I forgot her name) never gave me the impression that certain kinds of behavior would be tolerated on her blog. I haven’t been there in a long time, but the place always seemed pretty “clean.” I stopped going there, because to me, it got boring, because I knew I couldn’t exactly speak my mind there, and she never talked about “Baby-gate.”

    For me personally, being able to post on your blog anonymously, is/was not the problem. I post anonymously because it means having to remember one less pass-word, or screen-name. I have posted on your blog under an actual screen-name before, but (surprise!) I forgot it. I sometimes come here to read the (which I consider) funny “disagreements” between the trolls, and non-trolls for the entertainment. I think the trolls are loads of fun. But since you may be considering rejecting more comments, including anonymous comments, it might not be as entertaining, anymore. I also come here sometimes to vent, because I can’t stand the GOP, and because our stupid media won’t do it’s job.

    But, it’s your blog, and you can do whatever you want. Since I’m not that shallow, I’ll still come here to read your blog, of course.

  47. mitchethekid12:54 PM

    Anon 11:49
    You are an embodiment of Gryph's concern. A crystallized manifestation of all things reactionary that a website such as this attracts. Sort of like a zap light attracts bugs.
    So, in homage to crude language and veracity of thought, go fuck yourself. And tell the Palin's to go fuck themselves as well. Their god knows they fuck everyone else...

  48. My main objection to those who post at the bottom of the pyramid is, as ecleticsandra says, "they let off some hateful feelings but add nothing to the discussion."

    A waste of time to read such stuff. No info. G, I'm fine with you deleting as you see fit -- to keep things content-rich and slur-poor.

  49. ManxMamma1:06 PM

    I agree with you 100% Gryphen. I especially dislike seeing a long standing member of the community being labelled a troll for no other reason than a different point of view. Happy New Year to all.

  50. 1) I will try to censor my own comments so that if I have a complaint, it's not focussed on any one other commenter, but rather is general, such as my complaint about the pervasive use of "Anonymous" by regulars who expect the rest of us to recognize the difference between them and the Anonymous trolls,

    2) if I have a criticism or disagreement I will try to be civil and non-confrontational,


    3) I will make a supreme effort to ignore any trollish comments no matter who they're from.

  51. N'yah1:15 PM

    In other words..........if you could just BAN Bristol, Willow, April, and the ever-present Palin family stalker Brooklyn- things would be fine.

    I really do feel they are the root cause of nearly all the comment kerfuffles which devolve into the middle school ad hominem arena.

    So to that I say- IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.

    If you see a post that calls Gryphen or any of the rest of us "immature", if you see a post which accuses ANYONE of being "jealous" (OMG as IF) of ANY of the Palins, if you see a post which reiterates again and again that Gryphen was "wrong" about Bristol having been pregnant on DWTS, if you see a post which disparages Mercede or Levi- etc etc etc etc...........IGNORE.

    Maybe if people stopped engaging Bristol (and I am certainly guilty of doing so) she will get off her lying ass and actually parent her CHILDREN.

  52. Balzafiar1:15 PM

    mitchethekid said...

    " Anon 11:49
    You are an embodiment of Gryph's concern. A crystallized manifestation of all things reactionary "

    Mitch, I think the writer was making a joke. Nothing wrong with his comment that I can see.

  53. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Just reject the trolls who don't provide substance or any back up to their comments. At least using that criteria your censoring would still be better than it is at Sea4Pee who censor anything negative. I know, I got censored for just pointing out a very negative article at Huff. Post that really castrated Palin. But hey, before then I was still able to post subtle negative comments about Sarah and point out facts that true along with the sources. While I've noticed (I've counted) there are only about 40 commenters that make up the bulk of the comments at Sea4Pee, there seems to be only around 200-300 posters in general. This particularly true on their daily comment post.

  54. Anonymous1:20 PM

    When I took a literature class, the teacher said that we could disagree with his interpretation of the story, as long as we could prove our argument. No one would have thought to call the teacher names or demean contrary points of view. You had to make your case, or forget it. What's the problem?

    Much of what is written on any of the blogs is opinion. For each person who thought that Herman Cain was the best political candidate (he was #1 for a while) there were others that thought he was a joke. Trying to reason with the other side makes as much sense as saying that one religious belief is better than another. Some opinions are just that. There's no right or wrong, just different points of view. Sometimes, people cannot express what makes them feel that way.

    Gryphen, it's your blog. You can do whatever you want. You can tell if the same person is posting over and over again. You know where some of the troll comments come from. It's your call. Post whatever you want to.

    My opinion is that whenever a post deals with Sarah Palin, there are an unusual number of comments that defend Sarah in much the same language: "You are all haters, immature and awkward, that's a very loving normal family, you don't know what you are talking about." Sarah has a fan website that does not post opposing points of view. I can think of plenty of other websites that have moderation, and selective posting of comments. It's your blog, it's your choice. Happy New Year.

  55. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Let's see Gryphen I'll try my best to honor your wishes.... I will try to be civil when I speak of the Palins.

    Here we go...

    I just love how Sarah Palin contributes her Godly worldly wisdom about child rearing, energy producing and higher education for her children and others to better America and the world. Sarah should be nominated for Sainthood for all the SarahPac and her personal money she has donated to the starving freezing Native Americans in Alaska and to DS children every where. Can't forget to mention all the work Sarah has done for the NAACP and for her outstanding support and love to her best friend President Obama.

    Oh and I love how Todd shows men in America that with back breaking work ethics they too can build a two story house by themselves with a couple pieces of plywood he purchased with his own money. Not to mention Todd too should receive Sainthood for women's rights he has championed.

    It is amazing how Track, Willow and Piper were guided by a shining star to a stable where the Virgin Bristol gave birth to a baby boy in the cold month of December in a canvas tent and to this day Bristol still remains pure and untouched. We are so proud of her 10 Oscars for reality show of the decade and the gracefulness she displays when she dances. Teens everywhere owes Bristol for her guidance and shiny example of abstinence. Bristol has such amazing work ethics there is nothing Bristol can't accomplish.

    Oh my, I hope that my children grows up to be like Willow who at the age of 17 has already received her BS and Masters in education and law enforcement. Willow so deserved her two Nobel Peace prizes for fighting for the rights of Gays in the world and teaching civility to others.

    Sarah and Todd should be very proud of not only Willow's accomplishments but those of her siblings as well. The Palins are truly role models to parents every where.

    Then there is combat vet 6 Star General Track Patton Palin who single handed defeated communism and terrorist in the world. We all owe Track for the peace he has bestowed upon us and for the work he championed in supplying youths in Alaska with safer school buses.

    And we can't forget our little Piper Diaper who has not missed one day of school and is the most polite little girl you have ever seen.

    Well Gryphen because of your outstanding work you have done this year I give you this one time "Be Civil To Sarah Palin Gift" in appreciation for everything you have done. I hope I reached your expectations.

    Happy New Years to you and yours.

    Much Love,

    Anonymous, an Immoral Minority Commenter

  56. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The Blog creator is the boss. I consider commenters to be contributors to the topics. Love everyone's different takes on things.

    I don't find it edifies when some bring another commenter's spelling errors. It really stings. Not everyone has a university degree, not everyone had opportunity to fine-tune their writing skills. Some are dyslexic. Some might be partly blind. Some might be just bad spellers. Just saying.

    Back to the blogger. If he is offended by bad spelling, it should be only him/her that brings it up.

  57. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Bottom line, Gryph, it's your blog, and you have the right to shape the tone as you desire. I expect, as some have pointed out, that your own tone has contributed to the very free-wheeling attitude of posters. Perhaps as you appraise comments differently, you will also become more aware and moderate the tone of your posts more critically. I know I much prefer being pulled to being pushed. We can have fun w/out reprising Animal House, but please, please, please, Gryph, don't make it into an old ladies' tea room like The Mudflats.

    Hoken Haakinen

  58. MomWithAGun1:37 PM

    What took you so long? I agree with so many of the commenters here who believe it in the best interest of American that you cease posting about Sarah Palin.

    All it does is generated jealous and hateful comments that are nothing but malicious lies.

    I applaud you for finally growing up.

    Now run out and buy yourself a well-deserved candy bar.

  59. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Your site your call Gryphen.

    In evaluating your pyramid and definitions, I can not understand why 2 of my comments were withheld on the mystery post from a couple days ago where Sally Heath was shown in a photo at a picnic.

    I did not violate any of your previous rules on linking to other sites, I did not name other sites, I did not out the identities of the obscured men. I did not fall into any of the defined categories in the pyramid below the yellow.

    I was simply sharing information and playing along. Seems like that is what you were asking for in the first place; Miss Scarlett in the library with the candlestick.

    So, I remain confused by your standards and decisions. But I fully agree that it is your blog therefore you make the calls.

    ABC (Anon by Choice)

  60. fromthediagonal1:39 PM

    mitchthekid @ 11:46...
    You definitely have something there when you address the "Chasm" part!
    It works!

    What I was (maybe clumsily) trying to address is this:
    There are times when a well thought out post loses its significance because of a crucial misspelling.

    You are doing well, keep going, and so will I...

  61. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I comment as "anonymous" because I don't understand the other choices.

  62. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Why have you rejected my inquiries (from publication on your blog) about why Ma Palin declined to be happy in her usual "all about me" way after Track's baby arrived?

  63. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Question, is there any way comments can be posted under the commenter you're directing you're reply to? The same that is done in other blogs. That would create a more organized site where you won't have to constantly scroll up to find the comment.

  64. Anonymous1:49 PM

    My personal criteria for determining whether a blog is worthy or not: by the maturity and intelligence of the commenters and the maturity and integrity of the owner.

    If there's constant attacking and assumptions being made based on stupid rumors, that makes the blog trashy in my eyes.

    Gryphen, imho, I think your usage of anon commenters has only added to the BS factor of things. People feel free to just state any type of crap or mean comment without any accountability. I think you've had some good posts. I also think you've done some serious damage on a creidibility level.

    My motto. Just be nice.

  65. Anonymous1:51 PM

    I am of the point of view, anonymous or not, one should own their comments as if the entire world knew who wrote them. Just because it isn't immediately revealed, doesn't mean that you don't pay a price for toxic thoughts and words.

    Look at St. Sarah, she's imploding before our very eyes, sinking into her hate, which is sapping anything left that is good or kind or right or humble.

    And so ends a tumultuous 2011...for a spectacular 2012! Happy New Year everyone!

  66. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I think the biggest problem with the blogs in general is people (often under anonimity (sp)) feel they can judge things and people based on nothing other than hate.

    People want to feel a part of the action so they join in a conversation with a comment that gets taken as truth when it's an uneducated opinion. It's well known that lots of Alaskans *think they know the Palins for example, but have never met them and have zero credibility. But that's just a Palin thing. People jump on the hatin bandwagon to look cool and "in".

    Let's graduate 8th grade already.

  67. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Gryphen, I have one favor.

    1. Please don't write off comments as trolls just because it's a positive comment. More than likely, the comment is factual.

    2. Try to curb your enthusiasm at blogging about every little rumor and inane celeblike article that hits the internet. Your readers in particular are gullible and that doesn't help anything to feed more bs

    I look forward to seeing whether you become a more balanced blog, or just remain the left version of Fox news.

  68. Anonymous1:55 PM

    It does seem to me that attacks and foul language are an attempt to reduce traffic to the blog. That trick has worked on other blogs.

    If you do decide to go with requiring a name, I'll have to bow out. I've been harassed on other blogs enough to need "Anonymous". In any event, thanks for what you do. I'll still be reading.

  69. martha uys1:57 PM

    Just for feedback, I am used to the way your comment section has always been laid out. It's fine by me - I like that different bloggers lay things out differently as it makes the blog a place of personality, which it most certainly is!

    People might be attracted by content, but they mostly return due to the look & feel of the front room. I've never been sure why people go back & forth trashing other blogs, esp. the ones who cry "Free Speech! No Censorship!" in some form or other.

    Visit where you enjoy, forget the rest. If we were censored then it was probably deserved, and appreciated by readers. If it wasn't deserved, why remain in a hostile environment?

    I don't mind the Anons, but I don't always read comments. As someone mentioned earlier, I believe that we should really read what is written & intended by the commenter or go on by. The troll identification team members should just let it rest as most of them really suck at it to begin with, then make it worse by repeating middle school nonsense which is to me incredibly embarrassing. For them.

    I come here because you can really make me laugh. If it's not a funny day or post, then I don't stay. I don't yell at you before I go, either, just cause you weren't funny that day! But now that I think about it...

  70. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I'm totally with you on the pyramid and the content of our comments. However, I'm making a plea to keep allowing "anonymous" comments. For personal reasons I don't want to put up profiles at a bunch of sites, and I like your place because I can still comment here.

    If you go to DISQUS, I hope you can make it like they do at PolitcalGates, where Anon is still allowed using a screen name. (It works most of the time, unless DISQUS is acting up, in which case everyone is f'd). In any case, I always post my screen name at the end of my comments so people can begin to recognize me over time.

    I'd hate to lose the ability to post here, but it's your blog, your rules.

  71. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Love the blog. Enjoy most of the comments. Some make me think, some make me laugh, some I just choose to ignore. Not a fan of censorship. Allowing fools a platform to perform can be a good thing.

    Namaste ()

  72. I found IM last year after I quit posting at HuffPo because of their extreme censorship policy. I loved the fact that Gryphen was finally vetting Sarah Palin -- something so-called reporters failed to do at every turn in 2008. John McCain had betrayed America by choosing Palin as his V.P. candidate, and she wasn't immediately and handily exposed as a complete fraud? So thanks to Jesse Gryphen for some real investigative reporting.

    Most of all, I like the freedom of speech on IM. I don't resonate with all posts here, but I find humor and insight, and a lot of good, caring and thoughtful people. The rest I'm capable of editing out.

    Having said that, I agree with Johnie2xs 11:50 AM -- I'm not a fan of anonymous posters either. I think everyone should post under some name ... even a fake one.

    Happy 2012! Peace, All! And I'd like to call our President a name here, if it's still OK ... it's "President AWESOME!" Hope we can give him the landslide he deserves in November.

  73. Anonymous2:11 PM

    If I read this correctly Gryphen is addressing those who attack the opinions of other commenters on this site.

    It is still okay to give your opinions and use words that describes the retard and her ignorant lazy ass wipe family.

  74. telah2:16 PM

    An observation that this post has smoked out our "just grow up, be nice, stop judging people--oh, and move on from posting about Sarah Palin" friend.

    Hello Friend! Keep trying! I find it highly, highly doubtful that Gryphen is going to stop posting about St. Sarah so long as she keeps spewing her nastiness, elevating her position as a paid-for "commentator" on Fox News by claiming to know more about governing than any of the candidates and threatening a run for higher office. So, PLEASE stop asking and move on.

  75. Irishgirl2:22 PM

    I use anon and my username at different times. What the feck are you all scared of?

    Can I call her a fecking infection on the armpit of humanity? :)

  76. Anonymous2:30 PM

    ...Your readers in particular are gullible...

    1:55 PM

    I won't call you "gullible". That would be rude. I will, however, remark that your comment is comical in its attempt to insult. Stick around, read Gryphen's blog, educate yourself, you might get better with time.

  77. Anonymous2:30 PM

    New link for Bill Hess....
    He began "Logbook" today

    He will be transferring archives from his past blog to it.

  78. Sally in MI2:33 PM

    what I resent most about the incursion of Sarah Palin into our lives is that I see myself becoming coarser. I would bever had used swear words in writing or speaking, and now I have to catch myself. I like your new rules. I am one who can react and write without stopping to think about what I have just written. Good reminders for us. Thanks for all you do, and I am anxious for 2012 to get underway!

  79. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Does anyone here really believe that any of the Palins post here? I can't imagine them even posting anon. I just don't see it. They might read, but this fixation on Palins posting, especially Bristol, just seems to be wishful thinking. If Gryphen knew for sure that Palin family and/or friends posted here he'd probably let us know. I realize it's therapeutic for some to post "to Bristol" or "to April or Willow" or any other Palin but really, I don't think with the stakes of higher office still possibly an issue that any of the Palins would set themselves up to be discovered being trolls on this blog. I guess that is what is most annoying to me is people believing that they are commenting to a specific Palin or Palin friend. I'm mostly a Lurker now and certainly and Anon commenter as I've had enough of name calling and being beat up because some don't agree with what I have to say.

  80. I am new to this blog and thoroughly enjoy it. I appreciate the ability to freely comment on this blog or any blog. I sometimes sit here in utter disbelief,but I promise not to act like a kid at recess. Thanks Gryphen.

  81. sharon28532:41 PM

    I think the standard you're trying to set is appropriate and I've always posted by name. However, I was posting as "sharon" and suddenly someone else started posting with the same name so I changed mine to sharon2853.

    I also think it's important for this blog to show a standard of intelligence and understanding of the real issues facing us. If we want to expose the real enemies of our great nation, we need to be taken seriously.

    This blog has offered a wealth of intelligent arguments and very sane, wise people contribute here.

    That doesnt' mean we can't have fun in the process. I've read some really funny posts here that made me laugh out loud - but outsiders do come here everyday. Including the palinbots and their queen esther.

    They'd love to discount this blog and the people that visit in order to deflect the truth by playing the victim of crazy bloggers.

    Not gonna happen here.....

  82. Sweet anny2:52 PM

    Lately I have been stressed abit when an anon poster makes an attack on someone by name. If we cannot show respect for each other and the amazing job G is doing for us, we will lose this most remarkable forum, at least in it's present state. This is the most user-friendly site I've been to. I'm so glad that G does not require registration. I registered on a site on the blogroll, just to post comments, and before I knew it, I was swamped w/spam. Clearly, the blogger had sold my email address. I don't know which one it was, but because of that this is the only place I come to comment. BTW: G has had my email address for along time, or has had it, and did not sell me out.

    I have alot of respect for you G, and support whatever you decide. And I also look forward to seeing the names of regulars. There are many thoughtful folks here I would be proud to know.

    For my part, all I can say is, I remain...Sweet anny

  83. Ailsa3:24 PM

    You're just a freaking idiot if you think some stupid-ass pyramid picture is going to clean up this cesspool...

    This was meant to be an explicit refutation of the central point. How'd I do?

    You made me roar with laughter any way.

  84. Beldar Ass Hat Conehead3:36 PM

    Just to clarify: no ad hominem attacks on other commenters, right? We can still ad hominize you, Mr. Fancy Pants Alaska Liberal blogger and The Screechy Wretch(tm), Rick "GOOGLE ME RIGHT NOW" Santorum and Rick "I Never Sang For Journey" Perry, can't we?

    BTW, Happy New Year, Gryphen (If indeed that really is your name, which I seriously doubt...) There's a LOT of work to be done in what's looking to be a very ugly presidential election. Thanks for doing the good work you do.

  85. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I'm with physics mom (in fact I am also too a physics mom!)- I just don't want to put personal information on the web where I don't need to. I'm still a Facebook holdout (have known several folks who didn't get jobs because of what their friends put on their walls) and generally don't fill out profile information anywhere. I don't see why one can't be anonymous and creative/respectful at the same time.

  86. I gave up the ADN when it became obviously irrelevant also.

  87. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Gryphen, I do think people should use their real names. Personally I think Sarah and Todd are nice people and you would like them too once you get to know them.

    -Sarah Palin

  88. Ailsa3:48 PM

    Irishgirl said...

    Can I call her a fecking infection on the armpit of humanity? :)

    In the interest of defining a central point, may I suggest a fecking BOIL in the armpit of humanity? ;)

  89. mitchethekid3:49 PM

    See why I like Disqus??
    I'm a funny misspelling guy!
    Maybe Gryph will take the hint.

  90. DobieTracker3:58 PM

    "We can have fun w/out reprising Animal House, but please, please, please, Gryph, don't make it into an old ladies' tea room like The Mudflats."

    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I am proud to say I got banned from there a long long time ago because I had the nerve to post, in a nice way, that I was soooo tired of wading through the needlessly long list of comments to find on topic and pertinent comments. Every one had to say "Good Moring" and "Good Night" and " So sorry to hear about your husband, wife, mother, child, sibling" etc. There is NOTHING wrong about a blog where everyone considers each other family BUT SOME OF US ARE NOT LOOKING FOR LOVE BUT RATHER INTELLIGENT CONVERSATION ABOUT PERTINENT, IMPORTANT TOPICS THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF THE ARTICLE POSTED ON THE BLOG !

    "Little old ladies at a teaparty" is better than my own "Hallmark card level of maudlin sentamentality" so often substituted for thoughtful, criticle thinking responses to the author's articles.

    Nothing wrong with caring for the fate of others, even if you don't know them personally, but there is a time and a place for everything and is a "theft" of sorts to turn a blog like Mudflats used to be into a place where people "think" they really care about some other commenter on a blog.

    I prefer to deal with real people while still maintaining a compassionate attitude to the suffering of all. It can be done and if it is real you don't have to prove what a wonderful good person you are to yourself by offering easily made comments to others about how much you care when you know you will never meet that person or ever have to live up to your supposed level of care really is.

    I have known mud puddles with more depth than some of the supposed "caring" commenters on that blog.

    Too bad because Devon has talent, a good brain but apparently not the requisite courage to really commit herself.

  91. Marleycat4:19 PM

    I do think it's a good idea to think twice about how we express our opinions/feelings, etc, when commenting on blog posts.

    It is very easy to suddenly find yourself caught up in some very negative over the top discussions where you inadvertently fail to respect others or make blanket statements that you probably would have worded differently if the emotional adrenaline was a bit lower or more rational.

    I have done this myself and felt confused/ashamed that I was so demeaning or holier-than-thou in making my points. It's a curious phenomena - as I don't do this in a face-to-face discussion (well, except under some extreme duress - then, look out, my statements can get very biting). It must be the anonymity factor - as well as the subject matter, that gets people going!

    Regardless, while I will try to make sure emotions don't take over when I make comments, I still hate Sarah Palin, and all those who are like her - for causing such damage to this country and our Constitution, and will continue to make that VERY clear - with out apologies OR reservations. Some people in this world deserve this kind of disrespect (and much worse consequences).

    Thanks for reminding us to be a little more restrained with the obscenity, name-calling, and ridicule - even when you're really mad or have a good legitimate reason for it, ultimately it detracts from what you are trying to say!

  92. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Well, I just tested the limits of this blog and found out that I hit a nerve and my comment was not posted. At least I understand the limits firsthand. Good to know.

  93. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I wholeheartely agree with Anonymous. (ha ha ha)

    Gryphen, I usually don't like censorship of any kind, but your post makes a lot of sense. I will try my best to follow your new guidelines. And, if need be, I'll choose a name to distinguish my comments.

    Whatever you choose to do is fine with me, I come here to read your posts and to find some great insight, different ways of approaching issues, and clarifying mysteries that may never get resolved.

  94. Marleycat4:48 PM

    To the Anon commenter asking if anyone really believes Sarah Palin and crew read and post comments here - I certainly do!

    This is the AK blog with the most intimate knowledge and understanding of the true story behind the Palin facade.

    I think Gryphen pulls together a lot of sources, in and outside her inner circles, as well as inside and outside of Alaska, to get to the truth about this monstrous fake

    I also think, as he has said, he is privy to a lot more heretofore undisclosed icebergs - what's more - Sarah Palin and crew know at any time, when all the requisite factors/resources/timing coalesce - he has a lot more to divulge.

    So, yeah, she's here several times a day, and so are her paid minions - to try to "refudiate" the truth that's posted here. Unfortunately, all of their brains together are no match for even the average blogger, let alone one with such an intellectual advantage as Jesse Gryphen!

    There, not too mean and nasty, I hope? Happy New Year to all - I pray every day (like all good atheists) for the Palins (and all who are Palinlike carbon copies) to get their comeuppance once and for all - either in a big, irrefutable public humiliating way - or behind bars!

  95. try having an interactive blog my friend. visiting here is like pissing in the wind. oops!

  96. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Please don't go to Disqus. It takes FOREVER to load on an iPhone. I read your site all the time on my phone and it loads quickly, including the comments. Thanks.

  97. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I agree with Mitchthekid. I can get lost when someone responds to a specific remark by repeating the questionable statement and time.
    The reason for this is so peeps don't have to scan up and down to look for the relevant comment. Don't like discus it is a invasion of privacy!

  98. Well I've had all day to ruminate on Gryphen's post and I know that I post some things that other poster don't necessarily like but even I was a little startled to see an anonymous poster you say..."extreme dislike" of what I've posted. Now I didn't get offended's a big deal.

    I did respond to those that I felt crossed the line with me and some of my responses Gryphen posted and some he didn''s his blog...his rules. I did say to "Gasman" who was being attacked by name that I appreciated him standing up for himself and that comment was attacked! But's cool I don't take any of it personal.

    All I can say to Gryphen and others who comment here...I enjoy Gryphen's blog and I'm glad that I can express my opinion...good, bad or indifferent.

    Happy New Year Everyone!

  99. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I wish that Gryphen would do a post or comment regarding the all popular "Track Palin cut school bus brakeline meme". I am no fan of the Palins but I am a fan of the truth and the truth is that Track was not involved in cutting brakelines but in letting the air out of bus tires and unplugging their engine heaters. If this blog truly chases the "truth" then Gryph should smack down this untruth.


    Just for the record, Track didn't cut the bus's brake lines, he deflated tires and unplugged the engine block heaters, thus allowing the batteries in the busses to die in the cold. This event happened in Wasilla November 29, 2005. The link to the Frontiersman news article is no longer available.

    The cut brake lines happened in Chugiak/Eagle River, 25 miles away from Wasilla. This vandalism episode transpired on March 17, 2003. Here is a link describing the episode. Track Palin was not involved in this incident.

    Any type of vandalism is unacceptable, however, I do feel that it is important when judging someone based on their crimes to be accurate regarding what crime was actually committed. This is why the trolls go nuts and call people liars; because people are passing judgement based in incorrect facts. We can do better.

  100. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Thank you. I was just about ready to stop checking in to IM. It seemed to be going so downhill. You are playing a very important role, Gryphen, but I feel that the decency bar has been so lowered by some of the responders that your messages were losing their effectiveness. Best wishes to you in 2012, and thank you for your hard work.

  101. An European viewpoint6:25 PM

    I like your blog and its comments, it sure is a treat for when I have insomnia like tonight. Moreover aI hope you'll never ban the little feverish fingers who work overtime when "babies" or "palin" appear one of your posts. Their comments are such a hoot !

    Besides, if we're right about where they come from, each one of them published is a few dollars less for someone who deserves none at all - and you gotta do your small part to help out the economy, Gryphen.

    The comments being anonymous don't bother me. By all means keep them as such, if it will protect people.

    The late attacks on Sally Heath's face were a bit too much, though. Name calling and internal war over an old lady's face is just plain stupid. Most old gent's faces are way worse, and we don't feel the need to insult them...

    Keep going.

  102. An European viewpoint6:33 PM

    And please no Disqus. It takes ages to get the comments to load, from here at last.

    Here we have to do a little thinking to know who's answering to whom, and everybody being mostly anonymous makes it even more pleasurable.

  103. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Some folks on here snark & cuss away, but don't like it when others challenge them. I won't name names, but there are plenty who do this. Here's a good rule to start the New Year with: write a comment the way you would say it person-to-person, face-to-face. It's not the Jerry Springer Show, folks. It's Immoral Minority.

  104. I'm kinda confused...

    I don't come here b/c it's squeaky clean; I come here b/c it's usually damn funny! It's starts with you, G, and frequently continues on with your very humorous audience.

    And along the way, I learn quite a bit.

    And along the way, I drop some "F" bombs!

    As far as "reasonable disagreements", I believe that the majority of your commenters are quite respectful of each other.

    However, it is frequently when someone (usually an "Anon"), drops a turd like, "Well Obama is the biggest liar of all" and "Obama has murdered more people than Saddam Hussein"...well, it's bullshit.

    And I WANT to be able to call ANY one who admires Donald Trump a "brain dead piece of dried out dog poop"...

    **sniff sniff**

    Are you saying those days are gone?


    This "MomWithAGun" LOoney Toon?


    All it does is generated jealous and hateful comments that are nothing but malicious lies.

    I applaud you for finally growing up.

    I want to say a hearty "Fuck You" to



    I am what I am, Gryph!

    I hope you can accept me as I accept you!

  105. I applaud you, Gryphon. I am not a frequent poster, although, I visit and read your site everyday. In the last few weeks, I have found the discourse to be " not too intelligent" Whenever, you do a post about Sarah Palin, I am unhappy about the comments. I do not care if she has had botox, wears a wig, etc. I care that she will never be a contender for the highest office of the land. I would rather people speak about what she said, then, comment on her appearance. I feel the same when I read comments about her children. In my opinion, the money she earned would have served her children well....... if they used the money to further their education. Having said this, they may have decided to take the easy way out. Only, it is not that easy..... they may end up as a footnote in a celebrity blog.
    I have read your blog since 2008, I want the insightful people to post. I want to come away from this experience knowing more than I know. However, I have not found this to be so in the last few weeks. Have a happy New Year! I am so happy that you posted this messag

  106. People want to feel a part of the action so they join in a conversation with a comment that gets taken as truth when it's an uneducated opinion. It's well known that lots of Alaskans *think they know the Palins for example, but have never met them and have zero credibility. But that's just a Palin thing. People jump on the hatin bandwagon to look cool and "in".

    Let's graduate 8th grade already.

    The Palins are not "cool".

    Nice try.


    My personal criteria for determining whether a blog is worthy or not: by the maturity and intelligence of the commenters and the maturity and integrity of the owner.

    If there's constant attacking and assumptions being made based on stupid rumors, that makes the blog trashy in my eyes.


    "Maturity", "stupid rumors", "trashy"...

    hmmm, Gina M - Would you kindly give your "professional" troll opinion, please? thank you!

    Try to curb your enthusiasm at blogging about every little rumor and inane celeblike article that hits the internet. Your readers in particular are gullible and that doesn't help anything to feed more bs

    I look forward to seeing whether you become a more balanced blog, or just remain the left version of Fox news.

    Awww, we're "Gullible" guys!

    "the left version of FOX news"?



    Are These the types of comments we are or are Not allowed to comment on?




    Sarah Palin is a freaking psycho;

    Happy New Year- Get the Medications you need (and CAN GET thanks to President Obama - HAHAHAHAHA!!!)


  107. Anonymous7:43 PM

    "....I feel the same when I read comments about her children. In my opinion, the money she earned would have served her children well....... if they used the money to further their education..."

    First of all "money she earned"?

    Second "further their education"?

    Sarah and her family are the biggest scamming fuck wads in all of Alaska!
    They haven't earned nothing! Right before Glen Rice's mistress quits her job as governor she passed a law that allows a person to make a film in Alaska and collect tax payers money from it. THEN Sarah quits and collects over a million from the same law that she just created!

    Second "further their education"?

    How can you "FURTHER" their education when you can't even "edumicate" (that's Valley Trash lingo) rat turds who can't even make it through high school without getting pregnant or expelled? Do you remember Sarah during the McCain campaign when she was studying "gizintas" (Valley Trash lingo meaning math flash cards - "goes into") with Piper? I understand why that older girl Piper was just studying 2+2=44? She misses a lot of school and she hasn't even contracted mono yet like Bristol! There are preschool kids who already mastered that level of math? With lots of luck, Piper might master multiplication by her final junior year of high school if she studies 20 hours a day, doesn't get pregnant and Sarah quits using Piper as a prop!

    These Palin and Heath Deliverance rejects don't "earn" any thing and they can't be "edumicated"!

    All those Palin panty sniffers wants in life is a reality show.... LOL.... they should have a reality show just on how they breed, bully, take, scam and con people.... Its all in their inbred DNA... their lifestyle!

  108. nswfm7:50 PM

    I also vote thumbs down on Discus, would prefer people make up an anony name and understand the problems of reading/typing on a phone. I appreciate Gasman sticking up for me when some commenter said they didn't give a shit about what I thought that was contrary to what I'd hoped President O was doing. I appreciate discussion not groupthink.

    The comments on Grifter Granny's appearance get a little old--I'm more concerned about her obvious lies than her appearance. Please keep the pressure on the lies--it is well established that her grooming and inability to wear appropriate clothes provides The Perils of Palins blog all kinds of great fodder....

  109. "Maturity", "stupid rumors", "trashy"...

    hmmm, Gina M - Would you kindly give your "professional" troll opinion, please? thank you!

    Sarah Vs. Sarah...LOL!!! See I was trying to be mature with my comment and not start any shit....but since you asked me directly....HeHe....then I MUST say something...right?

  110. Gryphen, I have felt that the number of hostile inappropriate posts have been on the rise. It was unpleasant for me to ignore them. I thank you for setting limits on middle school behavior. Recently comments resembled Bristol and Willow's infamous FB namecalling when a peer did not rave about SPA.

  111. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Oh my, Sarah Palin's bad JOO JOO continues 3 weeks in a row.

    Since Sarah came out and endorsed Denver Bronco's quarterback Tebow, they have lost 3 straight games!

    This last game, this outstanding quarterback (used to be until Sarah jinxed him) only completed 6 passes.

    Newt are you sure you want Palin's endorsement?

  112. Hi Flying Monkeys! Welcome Back!

    Man, you guys are pathetic! Stirring up the comment soup here at IM. Blindly defending the Quitter, Ex-Half-Term, Self-Terminated, Quitter Governor of Alaska,...oops I said quitter twice cuz she is a serial quitter!

    Anyhoo...Gryph, keep up the good fight, I'll follow your lead wherever you choose to lead the IM community. Sign or not I'm in.

    I just want to see Trigs Birth Certificate. Or at least Bristols best forged attempt.

  113. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "....I understand why that older girl Piper was just studying 2+2=44? She misses a lot of school and she hasn't even contracted mono yet like Bristol!..."


    I'm big enough to apologize when I'm wrong!

    Piper did not say "2+2=44", Piper wants to be corrected, her answer is 2+2=22.

    Again I apologize to Piper and Sarah.

    Sarah you are a wonderful home school teacher and now I understand how Willow will get her GED (Good Enough Diploma) in May even though she missed the entire school year lolly gagging in LA with Bristol looking for a reality show and on the road driving snowmobiles across the lower 48 instead of being home schooled in Alaska by Tri-G.

    Sarah you must be a very proud mother. Colleges must be banging on your door fighting for those highly educated Palin children.

    Our hats off to ya.

  114. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Is it my imagination or what? because it seems to me Gryphen that you have let more and more troll comments through lately in the past couple of months more than you ever have. It just seems that way. Or are you, yourself actually getting more troll comments lately? And we're not supposed to feed the trolls it says under "leave your comment".

    Too many troll comments invite a lot of ire that some people can't resist feeding/answering to.


  115. A much needed message in regards to those who insist on pounding their chests to make their statement known.
    Humility is another factor that could be cranked up a notch while locked in debate.
    However, the vast majority frequently engage in lieu of having that special human ingredient: a mental filter.

  116. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I'm wondering if 743p was looking to test the waters, because that is exactly the kind of post (one of them*) that has led me to post comments about the tone of discourse, although the recent post is somewhat less crass than many of the others. Look back at the Palin "buy my book" post, and note the slew of comments with exactly the same theme/tone, not to mention favorite vocabulary words: 605p, 610p, 613p, 636p, 652p (and more). Never mind that most of us AGREE that the Palin's are a bunch of malignant grifters -- these posts sound like drunken rants, or deliberate attempts to, as G says, dirty up the place, and they add nothing to the conversation.
    *Other posts I wonder about:
    1) Our friend anon@615p, and his/her ilk, back once again looking to rewrite the history books.
    2) The flurries of little comments that pop up in some posts, over and over: "Is it just me or do all of the Sarah Palin fans interviewed in that story look like homosexuals"...? Or, recently, that the two men standing with Sally Heath were Levi and Todd. That post kept appearing even after someone sprinkled the bread crumbs that lead to the original photograph. And you have to ask yourself, why? Was someone just that convinced they were right? Or were they looking to derail a conversation that might have gone in other directions? I'm wondering, also too, about the possibility of an attempted set-up. Gryphen, could you tell us if you were sent the original photograph...or a copy with the faces already blurred?

  117. lilly lily6:57 AM

    Oh please, no disqus. It is so ornary. Incredably difficult at times, frustrating and quirky.

    I rarely post at some sites because I won't waste my time.

    Glad you are cracking down a bit.

    It might be best to have names, they too are anonymous, but at least you can see who likes to post repetitive juvenile posts, and spip over.

    I never read every post anywhere. And about the only place I really read carefully is Andrew Sullivan and he doesn't allow comments.

  118. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I've never deleted a comment at my place, but I have turned comments off, and not allowed a single comment on one single thread.
    I wrote about losing a friend who was murdered. Years later, the child of the convicted found my post.
    It became necessary to shut comments off on that thread.

  119. Anonymous9:57 AM

    MomWithAGun said...

    What took you so long? I agree with so many of the commenters here who believe it in the best interest of American that you cease posting about Sarah Palin.
    Oooohhhhh! Your "Concern" is so touching...only people who want Gryphen to cease posting about Caribou Crosshairs are the TROLLS!
    If is has "concern" and smell like a troll, and talks like a troll, Well :Duh: IT IS A TROLL!

  120. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Hi again, LouSarah or one of her minions!

    Here's where you revealed yourself, Anon at 2:35 PM:

    "I don't think with the stakes of higher office still possibly an issue that any of the Palins would set themselves up to be discovered being trolls on this blog."

    Only a Paylin or Paylin employee would suffer from the delusion that Paylin in ANY way connects with the "stakes of higher office." She has no political career anymore. She barely has her talking head "career" at Fox because she so consistently pissed Roger Ailes off. Nobody pays money for her "screeches" anymore. So why shouldn't Sarah post here? She's got nothing better to do. And as a mentally ill psychopathic narcissist, she LOVES this place because it's been all about her for so long.

    Here's LouSarah's Anon post in its entirety:

    "Does anyone here really believe that any of the Palins post here? I can't imagine them even posting anon. I just don't see it. They might read, but this fixation on Palins posting, especially Bristol, just seems to be wishful thinking. If Gryphen knew for sure that Palin family and/or friends posted here he'd probably let us know. I realize it's therapeutic for some to post "to Bristol" or "to April or Willow" or any other Palin but really, I don't think with the stakes of higher office still possibly an issue that any of the Palins would set themselves up to be discovered being trolls on this blog. I guess that is what is most annoying to me is people believing that they are commenting to a specific Palin or Palin friend. I'm mostly a Lurker now and certainly and Anon commenter as I've had enough of name calling and being beat up because some don't agree with what I have to say.

    2:35 PM"

  121. Anonymous1:04 PM

    All anon comment pls
    Saves on hurled energy drink cans in driveways the next ml


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.