Sunday, January 01, 2012

Just in case anyone thought that 2012 would be an easier year for President Obama than past years have been.

These are tweets collected by a site called Vile Tweets.

I am not positive, but I think this is what this moron is referring to.
And before you ask, yes this guys has been reported to the Secret Service.
This is just a sampling of the kind of hate being tweeted back and forth about Obama, and the kinds of threats that are directed toward him, and even toward those that support him.

In my opinion this is going to be a VERY ugly year in politics, and we are going to need all of our critical thinking skills, senses of humor, and determination to get through it in as few pieces as possible.

And hopefully of course having achieved our goal of hanging onto the White House as well.


  1. Anonymous2:41 PM

    And more proof that keeping our posting anonymous, if we like, is important. There are some very unhinged people out there with weapons and apparently unresolved anger issues.

  2. Abo gato2:47 PM

    You know, I just love the Internet with all it's flaws. But Gryphen, I honestly think I could have gone the rest of my liife without knowing about that site where they collect those awful tweets.

  3. Anonymous2:49 PM

    It's a sad state of affairs that we have to post anon. But the few times I made reasonable arguements with some of SP's semi-supporters (!), I got such blasts back in capital letters, I quickly apologized.

    There will be blood.

  4. sharon28533:00 PM

    Reading this garbage is so offensive to the deepest part of my soul. What dark and awful place does this human garbage grow from??

    Our president is the leader of the free world. A great man that was elected by "we the people" and I pray to whatever god there is or whatever the power greater then myself may be = please protect him and his family.

    This ugliness and twisted, racist ignorance certainly dims the light we claim to shine upon the world, doesn't it sarah?

    White trailer trash and uneducated people do exist but at least we can identify them as soon as they open their mouths.

    (and not everyone living in a trailer is trash but they sure do give them a bad name)

  5. Anonymous3:06 PM


    I went to the site. I'm scrubbing my eyes out with horror that this blatant racism, hate and yes VILEness is upon us.

    Makes me deeply grievous for what could have been possible within human kind.

    HOWEVER, I am grateful to be made aware of this, cringingly so, but still, it's important to be cognizant of what we are up against in our task to make sure that President Obama is our President for the next 4+ years. Without being dramatic, it's a fight to the death for intelligence to prevail over hate, fear, prejudice, divisiveness, racism, violence and ignorant propaganda.

  6. Olivia3:23 PM

    I respect the desire for anonymity. I believe I am anonymous here in regard to my identification. The name I use is not my real name. Is everyone aware that you can put in a name and nothing else in the Name/Url selection? You don't have to add an email address, you don't have to add an URL. You don't have to use your own name, you can select any name you want and use that name over and over without any other identifying information.

  7. angela3:27 PM

    I have decided this year I shall take an anthropological view of the hateful racists and bigots. They are a sick bunch and should be viewed that way.

    I will volunteer for the campaign and realize that when the so called spokespeople for the GOP banter hate, lies and filth at the President—some of their ignorant followers feel no compunction to be any better.

    A family member (who lived in Alabama through the bus boycotts and the civil rights movement) says she never in her life thought she'd EVER hear the word nigger again— spit out like it has been in the last three years.

  8. Beldar Angry Conehead3:27 PM

    Being reported to the Secret Service isnt enough. There needs to be a SWAT-style arrest and HD video of these traitors being perp-walked in shackles out of their homes with visible evidence of loss of bladder control with their wives and children waving tearfully from the front door to a daddy they may not see again for a considerable amount of time. Zero tolerance for this shit, people.

  9. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Despicable, hope the FBI and Secret Service nail each and everyone of these lowlifes. And all retweeters.

    ABC (Anon by Choice)

  10. DobieTracker3:32 PM

    Silence gives consent.

    The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

    Letting others stick their head out of the foxhole while you keep yours down is cowardice.

    To say you are not thinking of yourself, that you have a family to think of is also cowardice. Think about the message you are giving your family, what you are telling your children about "character" when you let others do the dirty work for you. The dirty work of speaking up and taking responsibility for their opinions by not hiding their identity away.

    HOW on earth is anyone really going to learn who you are if you use a made up name and your URL is available to this blog.

    Do you really think anyone is going to try, or be able, to gain that info and that YOU, of all the names that would be thur available, are going to suffer ANY real harm?

    There will be many on the list and it would take more talent, competency and organization that the "paint chip eaters" have to really come after you.

    Don't be paranoid. It is a poor excuse for not standing up for what you believe in and makes for a poor role model for your children.

    Don't be like the Muslims, who after 9/11 were afraid to speak up against the radicals in their religion that gave them all a bad name.

    Would you want YOU as someone who had your back in any dangerous situation? Would you trust them to stand their ground? Or would you turn around to find no one behind you?

    Courage is not a lack of fear. It is doing what must be done in spite of your fear.

    Decide how you live your live and if you will be proud of yourself when you need to face your own mortality.

    If you don't do it "now", you will never do it.

    It's time to get serious.

  11. DobieTracker3:32 PM

    Silence gives consent.

    The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

    Letting others stick their head out of the foxhole while you keep yours down is cowardice.

    To say you are not thinking of yourself, that you have a family to think of is also cowardice. Think about the message you are giving your family, what you are telling your children about "character" when you let others do the dirty work for you. The dirty work of speaking up and taking responsibility for their opinions by not hiding their identity away.

    HOW on earth is anyone really going to learn who you are if you use a made up name and your URL is available to this blog.

    Do you really think anyone is going to try, or be able, to gain that info and that YOU, of all the names that would be thur available, are going to suffer ANY real harm?

    There will be many on the list and it would take more talent, competency and organization that the "paint chip eaters" have to really come after you.

    Don't be paranoid. It is a poor excuse for not standing up for what you believe in and makes for a poor role model for your children.

    Don't be like the Muslims, who after 9/11 were afraid to speak up against the radicals in their religion that gave them all a bad name.

    Would you want YOU as someone who had your back in any dangerous situation? Would you trust them to stand their ground? Or would you turn around to find no one behind you?

    Courage is not a lack of fear. It is doing what must be done in spite of your fear.

    Decide how you live your live and if you will be proud of yourself when you need to face your own mortality.

    If you don't do it "now", you will never do it.

    It's time to get serious.

  12. I don't have the facts to back this up but I happen to believe that the Rethugs know President Obama will win again anyone who believes otherwise hasn't been following the mind numbing antics of the GOP's finest, the vicious verbal assaults and frothing at the mouth rage would be amusing if one didn't know 'bout them guns these mellow fellows snuggle up with at night, come November think I'll stay in as much as possible. As for keeping our comments anonymous, did Gryphen demand we display our full name and physical address also, too? I must have missed that post.

  13. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Wow - just wow. What in the deuce is wrong with these creatures?

    I know racism can stir anger and violence, but our President has done nothing to trigger such vile reactions.

    He is the best man for the job: intelligent, mature, calm, and thoughtful.

    I say again, what the deuce is wrong with these people?

    Sarah Palin, you stirred up this pot of hate. It was probably simmering below the surface, but your senseless rhetoric caused the fire to soar and the bubbling madness to make itself known.

    Sarah, I hope your God can forgive you because most of us cannot. We are so very lucky your stupidity drove you into the dumper. Stay there. It is better than what you deserve. Perhaps you can spend the rest of your life thinking about the damage you and your backers have done to our country.

    If you speak, at least ask for calm, peace and tolerance. That is the very least you can do Sarah. You have set the madmen free. Perhaps some of them will still listen to your pitiful, shrill voice.

    Do your part, Sarah, denounce these kinds of messages, denounce the hatred - now. Please. Show your country and your children you can rise to the occasion and try to stop this now.

  14. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?

    Or do you JUST care about your own party members?

    This isn't new and the others shouldnt be ignored.

  15. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Hmm, at least one of these guys might be having a very bad New Year's day. Perhaps one spent talking to some very serious men and dark suits. Drunken New Years Assassination Twitters are Never A Good Thing.

  16. DobieTracker3:40 PM

    Silence gives consent.

    The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.I think Martin Luther King said that.

    Letting others stick their head out of the foxhole while you keep yours down is cowardice.

    To say you are not thinking of yourself, that you have a family to think of is also cowardice. Think about the message you are giving your family, what you are telling your children about "character" when you let others do the dirty work for you. The dirty work of speaking up and taking responsibility for their opinions by not hiding their identity away.

    HOW on earth is anyone really going to learn who you are if you use a made up name and your URL is available to this blog.

    Do you really think anyone is going to try, or be able, to gain that info and that YOU, of all the names that would be thus available, are going to suffer ANY REAL harm?

    There will be many on the list and it would take more talent, competency and organization than the "paint chip eaters" have to really come after you. Don't give them your power. Take it back and use it yourself. And, do you really think they have, much less deserve the power you attribute to them??

    Don't be paranoid. It is a poor excuse for not standing up for what you believe in and makes for a poor role model for your children.

    Don't be like the Muslims, who after 9/11 were afraid to speak up against the radicals in their religion that gave them all a bad name. Yes, they knew what those radicals were capable of and feared for their lives, but I don't think the non-radical muslims are real proud of their silence. Who had to stick up for good muslims before they found their own voice and how much time had to pass before they felt even remotely safe to speak up. I understand their fear. I just find it hard to respect "silence" in the face of evil, no matter the race, color, creed, religion, gender etc.

    Would you want YOU as someone who had your back in any dangerous situation? Would you trust them to stand their ground? Or would you turn around to find no one behind you?

    Courage is not a lack of fear. It is doing what must be done in spite of your fear.

    Decide how you live your live and if you will be proud of yourself when you need to face your own mortality.

    If you don't do it "now", you will never do it.

    It's time to get serious.

    How do you feel about your "character"?

  17. Sadly, I had no illusions that 2012 would bring an end to the ignorance. Since the GOP has no viable alternatives, I'm sure it will actually get worse.

  18. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Dude, are you really acting like this is new? Just because of his race? There are lots of people more criticized and hated on than Pres O. No one deserves it, no one can control it. Humans are flawed creatures. Products of environment. The "hater" isn't to be hated on or criticized, though I am not against a good ass-whoopin. Schoolyard fights add characters and make us strong.

    Oh and btw, California is NOT helping anything by mandating educators only teach religion in a positive light. They ARE helping things by mandating educators teach about homosexuals. (though their plan needs reform)

    There will no doubt always be groups who are scorned. You can't change people. They have to come to realizations on their own.

    What we CAN do is be fair, report fairly, and irrationally assume things about people we don't know. Start here and see where it takes you.

    If you have a nasty thought, count to 10 and imagine what your mama would say about it, or a cherished teacher would say.

    Choose maturity. Choose the higher road. Don't judge anyone REGARDLESS of their words of actions. You have NO idea what theyve lived through or whats inside their minds. Spreading THAT idea globally may help, and it can't hurt.

  19. ""3:32 PM""

    Because of course "Dobie Tracker" is your real name.

  20. Anonymous4:23 PM

    After reading this, does anyone actually think that these people would have voted for Herman Cain ?

  21. "" Anonymous said...
    Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?""

    I think you should definitely go and start your own blog about this.Because you care.Then you can exhort all of your members to stop writing,posting,saying and encouraging vile things about everyone.
    Or do you only care about repubs?

  22. Olivia4:26 PM

    Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?

    Are you F'ing kidding? The hateful things about Bush were reporting true things that came out of his mouth and true things he did to drive our country down into this hole that Obama is trying his damnedest to pull us out of. The vile racist epithets and obscene lies spewed about the President and his family are far beyond ANYTHING ever said about Bush and other republicans.

  23. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "Don't be like the Muslims, who after 9/11 were afraid to speak up against the radicals in their religion that gave them all a bad name."

    I wish the Christians, (or anybody)would speak up against the violent radicals in their religion, too.

  24. Anonymous4:41 PM

    "Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?

    Or do you JUST care about your own party members?

    This isn't new and the others shouldnt be ignored."

    While I can believe in theory they were out there, I never heard a "lib" actually openly call for Bush's assassination and I certainly never heard anyone say they'd kill anyone who voted for him. That goes well beyond merely saying "hateful things" and straight into terrorist/traitor territory.

  25. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Also, I never saw 24 hour "news" networks and actual government leaders openly fanning the flames of anti-Bush extremism...

  26. Anonymous4:51 PM

    This ugly filth makes me extremely grateful for the extraordinarily brave men and women of the Secret Service.

    May they keep our President and his family safe and protect them from people who wish to do them harm.

  27. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dude, are you really acting like this is new? Just because of his race? There are lots of people more criticized and hated on than Pres O. No one deserves it, no one can control it. Humans are flawed creatures. Products of environment. The "hater" isn't to be hated on or criticized, though I am not against a good ass-whoopin. Schoolyard fights add characters and make us strong.

    Oh and btw, California is NOT helping anything by mandating educators only teach religion in a positive light. They ARE helping things by mandating educators teach about homosexuals. (though their plan needs reform)

    There will no doubt always be groups who are scorned. You can't change people. They have to come to realizations on their own.

    What we CAN do is be fair, report fairly, and irrationally assume things about people we don't know. Start here and see where it takes you.

    If you have a nasty thought, count to 10 and imagine what your mama would say about it, or a cherished teacher would say.

    Choose maturity. Choose the higher road. Don't judge anyone REGARDLESS of their words of actions. You have NO idea what theyve lived through or whats inside their minds. Spreading THAT idea globally may help, and it can't hurt.

    Can we have some links, kind sir/madam? Make sure they call President Bush "The Cracker in the White House" and specifcally call for assaniation of either GWBush and those who vote for him.

    Violence of any kind doesn't "build Character", Violence begets violence, so I don't buy the premise of your argument.

    Thanks for stopping by, and please get back to us with your empirical proof that this is an overreaction by liberals.

    Have a Happy New Year!

  28. Anonymous5:09 PM

    I won't click on vile tweets.
    When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back at you.

  29. Anonymous5:10 PM

    @3:37 PM

    It isn't new, but it's different, and it's worse. The "you libs do it too!" crap won't work.

    Please. Bush didn't have it this bad. If a bunch of us "libs" did something like that, it would be all over the news. Threats against Bush were never ignored, while people just shrug off threats against Obama. The media got all excited a couple of years ago, when they thought someone threw a book at Barack Obama at a rally. The media acted as though he deserved it. The person could have had a gun. Fortunatly, the book thrower turned out to be a fan. But it became very clear to me that day, that even some members of the media wouldn't mind seeing the president harmed. I don't remember the media getting excited over potential violence, or threats against Bush.

    Tiny Tea Party KKK rallies were all over the news, but the media ignored the much larger protests against Bush. People would lose their jobs for criticizing Bush. Like, Dan Rather, for example. Give me an example of any right-winger in the media who has ever said much worse things about Barack Obama, and then lost their job.

    You can't. FACT.

    Your pathetic excuses are also nothing new. I want to know why you right-wingers always get so upset about posts about the hatred and threats aimed at the president. What's the matter? Don't want people know that creeps like them represent the majority of the republican party? You obviously only care about your own party members, since you're so bent out of shape.

  30. thedudefromMN5:16 PM

    Re: Bush bashing - has a nice ring to it. Well. I freely admit I bashed him - for his deer in the headlight moments when he heard about 9/11, his walking to the wrong exit door, the many times he mangled the English language or said something so stupid it made my head hurt. I suppose the aircraft carrier incident caused my heart to hurt for the real men and women who died in Iran while he played soldier to show his daddy what a badass he was. But, and this is a big butt. I never attacked him personally, never called him a white cocksucking coke head like I often felt. I never called him a sociopathic murderer, which I felt many times. In fact, I was quite civil toward him even though I think he was the worst POTUS we ever had who did everything he was told to do by people intent on destroying this country while they looted it. So yes, I admit to evil and dark thoughts about the man and the creatures and attitudes and racism and hate he spawned by kicking apart our country. The destruction he wrought on our economy was the opening the haters found they could use to start expressing their repressed bigotry, it is barely different from the way the Nazi's came to power in Germany - world depression, desperation, rage and a sense of impotence are a like dry sagebrush in a lightening storm. We were just waiting to go off and now we have. Sara just was there to take advantage and McCain was too fucking scared to tell the RNC to kiss his ass and pick Lieberman instead. No balls Jonny - you are a horrible man

  31. Anonymous5:19 PM

    These are the kind of people drawn to the GOP right now...people filled with hatred and fear of an intelligent, decent, caring African-American President.

  32. Hoken5:20 PM

    If you see any tweets from Bunkmuffin, we'll know Tbone's hangover isn't going to be over anytime soon.
    I think liberals were seriously deceiving themselves in the past couple decades - thinking their imposed political correctness had all but wiped out racism and bigotry. The hatred seems to have only festered and remains as vile as ever. It seems to have also made liberals [or as I saw us referred to yesterday on one of those nice Christiany websites, "Satan's groupies"] equal targets. I agree w/ those who see Palin as having an influence on its openness - her appeal to the fringe hits where it lives, she certainly helped to communicate the "new permissiveness" that brought it back out into the open. And who can forget the TeabaKKKer convention where Tom Tancredo called for a return to Jim Crow to rousing applause. The Republicans have never been above exploiting anti-black, anti-immigrant racism, in fact it's an important part of how they get working class whites to feel like they're part of the club and vote against their own economic interests. 2012 is going to be ugly, but ugly often inspires a backlash, which is what I'm hoping for. We need to sweep a bunch of racist teabags out of Congress and a bunch of fringe lunatics back out into the weeds.

  33. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I have to give credit to viletweets...they report all of these threats to the FBI or SS or where-ever.
    Remember Sarah Palin made is "OK" to be like this. She is the pied piper of Hate.
    I hope 2012 will make her disappear!
    She is the mistress of VILE!

  34. Anonymous5:23 PM

    These guys sound like the kind of folks Sarah and Todd pal around with.

  35. Anonymous5:27 PM

    @3:45 PM

    Um dude, nobody said it was new. But it is WORSE because of his race. No other president in history has had to deal with so much anger SOLEY because of his race. Barack Obama has also gotten more death threats than any other president in history because of his race. And, I'm not talking about "lots of people," I'm talking about presidents. President Obama's race IS an issue. It's sad that because of his race, the 2012 presidential election for many, won't be about his policies, or the economy. For some, it will only be about his race.

    You really lost me at the end of your post, when you started to sound like the "people you don't know" troll. Hmmm.

    Racism still exists in the real world, though. "Choose maturity!"

  36. DobieTracker5:32 PM

    """3:32 PM""

    Because of course "Dobie Tracker" is your real name.

    4:20 PM"

    Please reread my post. You missed the part where I stated you dont have to give your real name.

    Also, I NEVER stated you should give your real name on a blog (nor address.) Standing up is not the same as being careless.

    Where you DO have to reveal yourself, at least visually, is to attend ralleys, testify in court, file lawsuits when the evil is great enough.

    I did !

    Six years of civil rights litigation and nasty letters to the editor because of my lawsuit. In court, you must give your address as well. I did that when I witnessed pulled over driver trying to kill a police officer. The officer was on the ground, turning blue, being choked and having his head pounded into the ground. A black woman next to me was yelling that it was "police brutality". The driver was white as was the blue/white officer who never struck a blow. He was waaaayyyyy to hesitent in this violent situation. I saw it from beginning to end. I testified when a judges wife who had also witnessed the incident refused. I told my landlord that evening and he allowed me to move asap without requiring the required notice.

    No DobieTracker is not my name nor is JRKITTY which I have also used but there are many who know who I am.

    By the way. I noticed all you did was attack me with a snarky remark and failed to even comment on what I said.

    Tells me a lot about your character.

    P.S. You will notice giving your URL is optional when using any name.

  37. Anonymous5:47 PM

    These kind of comments go on all over the country in bars and kitchens and bowling alleys and barbershops. Sad, but true. HOWEVER, when you elevate these comments into a public venue, a GLOBAL public venue, you should expect MASSIVE blowback for your stupidity and ignorance.

    Where you might get agreement in a small little bubble of a racist world you live in, when the eyes of the world see what you write, you are judged accordingly and hopefully held fully responsible for shooting your mouth off.

    And that includes being put on a watch list by the FBI, the Secret Service and any other group that watches out for this kind of activity.

    AND banned from Twitter and Facebook and no longer allowed to spew this filth publicly. This goes WAY beyond 'freedom of speech'.

  38. An European viewpoint5:53 PM

    How come those people are not in jail right now and their accounts not destroyed ?

    Calling for murder IS a crime in my country. Anybody who would dare to do so would immediately lose all internet access in here, his job as well if it can be proved that he's done it from his workplace, and there would be a huge public scandal - or I least I hope there would be one.

    And I do think my own current president is a weasel, but if anybody would call for his murder, I'd report him myself !

    And if you think your "free world of whom you elect the leader" is freer than mine - in my country nobody will tell you what to do in your bedroom, nor ask you what your religion is, nor whether you have one, nor what your ethnicity is, and certainly not whether you're rich or poor when you need expensive health care, life saving or not. Some of the taxes we pay are used to pay for that, you see.

    That's the freedoms I care about.

    Oh, I forgot some : no police team can come and raid my house in the middle of the night ever, no way, warrant or no warrants, drugs or no drugs. We've seen enough of the Gestapo doing it... And police don't kill children here, period, even drug dealers' children "who were there in the wrong place at the wrong time, really what were their parents thinking". Police hardly kills anybody anyway. And if there's ever a catastrophic inundation like Katrina, the army will be called stat, and even in poor neighborhoods, none of them will brandish guns at the flooded.

    Swell, huh ?

    Come ! The European Dream awaits you !

    (that was sarcasm, but if you happen to have a university degree, you might want to come and try to find a job over here. Speaking English is certainly a plus, and if you won't become über rich, you won't either have to hold two full-time jobs to make ends meet. And bartenders are *really* paid by their bosses, minimal wage and all, tips or no tips.)

  39. Those tweets made me sad. Here's what's cheering me up, though. I've concluded that the GOP has decided that Obama is going to win 2012 hands-down, so they've let the clown-car of primary candidates carry on, keeping any semi-sane, semi-viable candidates for 2016.

  40. Anonymous6:23 PM

    The word Despicable cannot even begin to contain the degree of dark energies that are popping up more and more. It's not that they are 'new', it's that these sick postings are being called out and judged by the community...being identified and called out, called to task, reported to authorities, people become more public with their careless, ignorant statements.

    I have no doubt that the Secret Service will be VERY busy in the coming months...and when Barack Obama wins his reelection in a landslide, busier STILL in the years going forward.

    The drumbeat is '2012' for people who are vehemently against President Obama for whatever reason they've conjured up and are looking to a 'release valve' of a 2012 loss, and if they don't get that 'release' the way they see it should be, some will blow.

    The ones that are filled with hate and bigotry, racism and ignorance, rather than a healthy difference of political opinion, are the ones who will be most prone. Since all that is based on pure emotion.

    So it's good to have these vermin make their public statements so we can flush them out like the stinking bile that they are.

    And I'm glad that somebody is on this in an organized fashion, and that I don't have to read any more of the sickening words that these people are posting.

    But if and when I might run into such dreck in the cyberspaces, I will know where to send it to for the appropriate attention from law enforcement.

  41. Anonymous6:26 PM

    It just amazes me - the hate that is directed to President Obama. A man, who in spite of it all, has done an outstanding job. I so dislike the majority of the Repubs in include Cantor who just had a "60 Minutes" segment done to try and appear as someone nicer than he truly is.

    Yea, President Obama! You WILL have my vote again.

    I hope the person who published the items on IM today goes to jail. We have some very, very frightful people in the USA today. I swear all this started w/the likes of Sarah Palin as the VP candidate under John McCain. What a disgrace!!!

  42. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Please take those comments off the site. They're just too nasty. It makes my heart hurt to read comments like that. About anyone, much less our President and his beautiful family.

  43. Enjay in E MT6:40 PM

    Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, Patrick Henry, Ben Franklin & many others used pseudonyms or pen names in their writings to protect their identity, due to the fact they would be charged & hanged by the British for treason.

    The US Constitution protects our right to free speech, yet the US Supreme Court has exceptions: National Security, Justice, & Personal Safety

    1. statements uttered to provoke violence or incite illegal action.
    2. "fighting words" (yelling fire in movie theater)
    3. restrict rights because of conflicts with national security
    4. Obscenity
    5. Slander / Libel

    Someday, Hate Speech will no longer be protected. In the meantime, public exposure may make them think twice - and sites like viletweets.

  44. Anonymous7:18 PM

    We can rightfully blame the incessant cry of the Fox channel, for inciting this kind of insanity.

    I try NOT to listen to the garbage they pour out 24/7, but now and again, it gets on my clothes as I move through life.

    It is easy to picture the type of easily manipulated dimwit who would post such hateful things for others to see...and pity them.

    I have NO pity for the Fox vomitfest that inspires them.

  45. "3:37 PM"

    Oh please, chimpy continued the repugbagger declined to hell and completely ignored citizens of the US. he didn't get 1/10th of the vitriol he deserved that President Obama has received.

    Next time go to ceethepee and ask them that question.

  46. lilli7:51 PM

    Thank you Olivia

  47. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oh my God. I hate I read that vile stuff. I have to gargle with mouth rinse, rinse out by eyes with eye wash, and take a shower, after reading that filth.

  48. remainingananonymousasshole8:00 PM

    I am not convinced by all the posts to get a screen name and so on.

    The more prolific poster on the topic this post should start their own blog. Run it however they like. Do it in secret or invite all us here to check it out. Maybe they already have one. I don't care.

    Keeping Gryphen's pyramid post in mind means this comment ends sooner than it would have prior to today.

  49. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Sarah Palin loves to tweet, emai" and post on blogs with different names and aliases. I wonder which one of those tweets belongs to Sarah, Bristol or Willow..the 3 Stooges....

  50. Anonymous8:34 PM

    There needs to be a SWAT-style arrest and HD video of these traitors being perp-walked in shackles out of their homes with visible evidence of loss of bladder control with their wives and children waving tearfully from the front door to a daddy they may not see again for a considerable amount of time. Zero tolerance for this shit, people.

    3:27 PM

    Love to see Sally Heath and Sarah Palin wetting their depends along with Willow and Bristol as they do the penguin walk in chains.

  51. imnofred8:39 PM

    I agree. It will be ugly. My guess is that when it comes down to the general election that the Republicans will revive the birther issue, say that the President is a Muslim, and accuse him of associating with terrorists.

    That being said, the hatred and the vitriol that is directed towards this President is unprecedented.

    If her were white, would he be getting this treatment??

  52. Bristol's Real Chin9:21 PM

    "Remember Sarah Palin made is "OK" to be like this. She is the pied piper of Hate."

    This is so true. Every time I think of her saying "He's not like us," and encouraging hateful things to be shouted at her speeches, I just can't wait for her to be gone.

    Olivia, thanks for the heads up about the URL thing.

  53. Hoken9:30 PM

    Slighlty OT, but relevant to free speech and the suppression thereof.

    In mid-December, Obama and H Clinton hosted a UN meeting and signed onto a UN resolution that would criminalize speech that "insults religion". Constitutional Law Professor Jonathan Turley gives his take -

  54. An European viewpoint10:02 PM

    @ Enjay in EMT

    Thank you so much for responding to my point.

    So, if I understand you well, US does have laws against calling for murder : it falls squarely into your category of what limits free speech :

    "1. statements uttered to provoke violence or incite illegal action."

    So, why are those vile tweeters not in jail ? Why are their statements, which are criminal according to US law, still online ? Don't the corporations, who provide internet access to these statements, obey the US laws ?

    I don't get it. Peacefully protesting people are arrested and manhandled by cops, swat teams kill childrens and come at night like the Gestapo, and people who call to murder your president or anybody who'll vote for him are free to do so, free to walk the streets, and maybe equally free to carry arms ?

    I came to America 20 years ago, when I was young and ignorant, but from what I know now, I won't be visiting back anytime soon. I don't want to get killed by cops or by fascists.

    OT : what ? Obscenity is a limit to free speech ? Like, if someone swears in public, he's more likely to end up in jail, than a maniac imp who yells to "reload" to her armed-to-the-teeth brain-washed cult followers ?

  55. Gryphen, you really have some nasty,
    disgusting and ugly people in your country.
    Every country has them, but they seem more prolific and verbal in America.
    They should hang their heads in shame. We in Australia respect and esteem your President.

  56. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Jerryv73 follows Palin. It figures.I didn't check the others.

  57. Anonymous3:23 AM

    "Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?"

    Don't try to make excuses. Nobody said this kind of stuff about Bush.

  58. OT- I hear a strategy listening to Governor Brandt when he is questioned about the GOP field. His answers consistently portray Obama in negatives including he is "weak". It was obvious he had nothing to credit the GOP candidates. If they are selling a repub is Mighty Mouse what is the substance for the claim?

  59. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Bristo's Real Chin @ 9:21 p.m.

    Sarah went back to that old Timey favorite also too recently in her critique of Obama's Christmas Card - saying, "It's just a different way of thinking coming out of the White House."

    Dog Whistle, he does not see America the way you and I (white fundy intolerant Christians) see America.

  60. Things will be nasty this year. Too much vitriol online and on the airwaves.

    Because of such rancor I will step away from the pc until the candidate choices shake out. I can always browse IM on my phone. Gotta keep the blood pressure under control.

    Gryph hope you keep the blog as it is.

    I added my alias; I always signed it at the bottom of my posts anyway. :-)

  61. Smirnonn9:05 AM

    "Did anyone care about all the libs saying equally hateful things about Bush? About repubs?"

    I don't remember any tweets about New Year's resolutions of "assassinating" that "fucking honkie" bush.

  62. Enjay in E MT9:23 AM

    @ A European viewpoint 10:02 pm

    The Obscene rule deters Public Obscenity.
    * Restricting words on radio, television. (Day & Prime Time hours)
    * Nudity or sexual content in billboard advertising (Calvin Cline).
    * Display covers magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hussler).
    * Also "Art" displayed can be considered Obscene if viewed from public area (gallery window) or displayed at a public museum.

    As for the threats - the Secret Service will investigate to see if the threats are valid, or someone running his mouth in the moment. Unfortunately, it's not the mouth but the silent lone gunman who believe those words are meant for them and they act alone.

    We are in very scary times. I pray for the safety of our President, his family and our country.

  63. Not What You Want To Hear10:19 AM

    sharon2853 said..."Reading this garbage is so offensive to the deepest part of my soul. What dark and awful place does this human garbage grow from??"

    Well said. What is truly alarming to me is how many people in this country have either allowed this filth to take root in their hearts, or are pretending it's not the evil that it is. It won't get better until Americans, as a majority, become collectively and permanently and VOCALLY disgusted with the sources: the rightwing and the Republican party.

    Will that ever happen? It's amazing to me they haven't been run out of the country on a rail by now.

  64. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think it is wrong to dismiss this sick ranting to white trailer trash. I have been amazed how many well educated white people I met during a visit in Sacramento, California, who are equally as sick in their unabashed racism.

  65. Anonymous11:06 AM

    5:53 p.m.,

    I am on my way! (Except you didn’t post your country!)

  66. Not What You Want To Hear12:03 PM

    For every vile thing we read said about Barack Obama, we must always, ALWAYS quickly remind ourselves of the extraordinary grace with which he's handled it.

    I have serious problems with some of the policy decisions he's appeared to have made, but I'll tell you this: if I could help instill in my own son some of Barack Obama's qualities as a man, I would consider it a significant accomplishment. Years later, when my son is old enough to understand, I'm going to talk to him about what Barack Obama was subjected to...and how he almost always came out the winner because of his superhuman focus and self-composure.

  67. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I just donated to President Obama's campaign for re -election after reading those cowardly non productive threats. Bring it on racists, I will campaign and vote for president Obama again.

  68. An European viewpoint6:11 PM

    @Anonymous 11:06

    All of Europe is my country. I thought that was clear...

    Specifically though, it's France. But I don't like to mention it much, since Frenchmen are such a pain in the ass when they speak about home. Germany, Italy, Spain are at least as nice - I've visited. Sweden, I'm told, is nicer, colder though. Finland is tops for education. All of Europe is pretty nice.

    The British however are just like America's little enabler, great humour, but you don't want to think of them as European any more than they do.


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