Sunday, January 15, 2012

Mitt Romney is a serial killer. Must see new ad from Colbert Super PAC.


  1. Irishgirl7:49 AM

    I thought you'd like it! :)
    I think it is pure genius.

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM


  3. Anonymous8:06 AM

    WOW! I can't believe what I just saw. That could hurt Romney so bad and put the Newt right there on top to be slain by the MFWIC or POTUS.
    Thanks to John Stewart and Comedy Central. Whoda thunk it, CC in politics.

  4. ibwilliamsi8:21 AM

    I think it's brilliant, but then again I'm not voting in ANY Republican primary. This only works if Colbert can make the R's stop and think about the corruptness of PACs and PAC advertising.

  5. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Stephen Colbert could run circles around any one of these idiots that are running for the GOP nomination. He's a brilliant guy, VERY well read and sharp as a tack. I LOVED this ad, and thanks for posting G, you're the best!

  6. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Sarah butt boy is at it again:

    Small, Mean and Petty: Joe Miller’s Lawsuit

    ...He remains furious that evidence of his criminal activities while employed at the Borough leaked out. His campaign for the U.S. Senate was premised on hiding the truth from the voters. His lawsuit is kind of weird inversion of a slander claim: he’s suing because someone told the truth, rather than lying about him.

    Readers will recall that Miller tried to hide his crimes behind a claim that the Borough’s employment records were confidential. One of the lawsuits Miller has has lost determined that the public interest outweighed any claim to privacy. Judge Winston Burbank ordered that the Borough records be made public. So Miller’s beef is that someone at the Borough leaked his personnel file early, before Judge Burbank ordered that it be made public. He can’t argue it shouldn’t be public. He can’t argue that they are properly of public interest. He can only that it shouldn’t have been public so soon. His crimes shouldn’t have been outed so early. Someone at the Borough, Miller is claiming, should pay for reporting that Miller had committed crimes and was lying about it.

  7. What fun they must be having at the "not coordinating with Colbert" super PAC. I look forward to more of these brilliant, hilarious videos.

  8. Amazing what "no coordination" can do!

  9. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Does Colbert know this helps Romney?

  10. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Romney's Bain Capital received millions in dollars of Federal bailouts. If this is the capitalist way, why did he opposed President Obama saving the auto industry's jobs? What does Romney have against Detroit?

  11. Earmark Ulu9:06 AM

    Amend the Republican platform to include:
    "...Be it hereby resolved that corporate conception begins at the moment that first word of the business plan is scribbled on the bar napkin..."

  12. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Who is doing the voice over? Is that John Lithgow? I love Stephen there is a serious candidate running! Finally!

  13. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Stephen Colbert is right. He who has the most money speaks the loudest. I would like to add that Stephen's use of political satire and humor is a very effective way to mock the Citizens United ruling. If Sarah is worried about Obama's billion dollar war machine campaign, she only has to thank the Supreme Court for allowing her rival and nemesis access to so much unregulated money. Right now, with $5 million in his SuperPAC, Newt has the ammunition to wound Romeny. Thanks, Supreme Court.

    PS Hi, Sarah. Have Bristol look up the word "nemesis" for you.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Does Colbert know this helps Romney?

    9:00 AM

    I know!

    Republicans LOVE serial killers!

    Stephen Colbert should portray Romney as a baby (AFTER it's born) whisperer to inflict the most damage to Romney's political career.

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    anyone have a link to this vid for those of us not in the US?

  16. @ibwilliamsi You wrote:
    This only works if Colbert can make the R's stop and think about the corruptness of PACs and PAC advertising.

    You gotta start somewhere. And if they see it on TV, it must be true...:)

  17. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Wouldn't that be a hoot if people wrote Colbert in and he won? I'll GUARAN-DARN-TEE YA it would.

    Hey, Bitch Queen...because I know you're reading this, you ridicule Santorum for selling sweater vests for $100 unless the money is going to a children's charity? What about your $100 DVD sale of "The ALWAYS Defeated?" Did THAT go to a children's charity? Of COURSE it didn't, you hypocritical harpy.

    So you didn't take Gina's dare to use "benign" in a sentence but chose the afore-mentioned above. How about "rootin' tootin'" next time? You're SOOOOO presidential.

  18. Earmark Ulu said...
    Amend the Republican platform to include:
    "...Be it hereby resolved that corporate conception begins at the moment that first word of the business plan is scribbled on the bar napkin..."
    9:06 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Who is doing the voice over? Is that John Lithgow? I love Stephen there is a serious candidate running! Finally!
    9:08 AM

    Two great posts!

  19. Anonymous9:51 AM

    "I have no control over that ad," said Colbert, adding, "I can't tell Americans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow what to do. It's not my super PAC, George. It's the super PAC of -- I hope I'm pronouncing this correctly -- Jon Stewart. I believe it's a soft 't.' But, listen, if that's not accurate, I hope they take it down."

    "I don't know if Mitt Romney's a serial killer," he continued. "That's a question that he's going to have to answer. That sounds like it's superstar John Lithgow voicing that. He played a serial killer on 'Dexter.' Two points make a line. ... I do not want any untrue ads on the air that could in any way be traced back to me."

    Colbert also said he agreed with Fox News President Roger Ailes' criticisms of Stewart.

    "I believe that Jon Stewart is a loose cannon. I believe that he's a liberal. I believe that he has it in for conservatives," said Colbert. "And that's why, I believe, if any of these ads cause trouble, that's Jon Stewart actually trying to undermine my exploratory committee. ... It's one of the reasons it's so hard to form an exploratory committee, George. I had to give away my super PAC. That was my baby. You know how hard it is to give away your baby? Imagine if that baby also had a lot of money, how much harder it would be to give that baby away? You might get the baby back, but it may not have the same amount of money as when you gave the baby away."

  20. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Many of the video clips you put up, Gryphen, are not available to those of us outside the U.S. I would love to be able to view this particular one. Any suggestion on how this can be done?

  21. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Palin: Still Not Endorsing

    Appearing on Fox News after the Huckabee Forum, Sarah Palin said she still wasn’t ready to endorse a candidate. One reason, she said, was that she wanted “to help the cause, not to hurt the cause. And when my name is attached to something then a lot of controversy seems to ensue.”

  22. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Stephen Colbert Takes On George Stephanopoulos During ‘Heated’ This Week Interview

  23. O/T, but have you all ever read this article dated September 8, 2008, where $arah was ENAMORED with Barack Obama's campaign?

    (tinyURL in case the big link is broken:

    After all, she said, Obama’s campaign was using the same sort of language that she had in her gubernatorial race. “The theme of our campaign was ‘new energy,’ ” she said recently. “It was no more status quo, no more politics as usual, it was all about change. So then to see that Obama—literally, part of his campaign uses those themes, even, new energy, change, all that, I think, O.K., well, we were a little bit ahead on that.”

  24. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Jeanine and Sarah Jan. 14, 2012

  25. Anonymous10:16 AM

    How The Tea Party Lost The 2012 Republican Primaries

  26. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Well we sure can hope, but I'm not convinced.

    Even GOP's rejecting the God Squad,0,3398660.column

  27. Interesting:

    Top 5 Contributors for Mitt Romney 2011
    1 Goldman Sachs $367,200
    2 Credit Suisse Group $203,750
    3 Morgan Stanley $199,800
    4 HIG Capital $186,500
    5 Barclays $157,750

    Top 5 Contributors for Ron Paul 2011
    1 Ron Paul for Congress Cmte $500,000
    2 US Army $24,503
    3 US Air Force $23,335
    4 US Navy $17,432
    5 Mason Capital Management $14,000

  28. Dear Mr.Colbert:


    Of course she should fake a pregnancy. Not that hard:
    --Announce it at 7 mo*;
    --"Deliver" a 6+ pound baby at 8 mo*;
    --No need to keep the fake belly on all the time (see Mar 14 photo);
    --No need to wear the BIG fake belly (Apr 13th one) all the time, like on a long flight a day before the "birth" when no one noticed the pregnancy;
    --Lie, lie, lie about at all the time;
    --Here's some free advice on how Amy Sedaris would look when faking a pregnancy. See? Not that hard to get away with it.

    Amy Sedaris could do a GREAT job for you with a baby hoax, just like McCain just said that SPalin did a great job for him (with HER baby hoax).


    *Kinda hard to identify "which month" for a hoax, but this is according to the undoubtedly fake medical letter signed by Dr CBJ and perpetrated upon us the night before the election, way after close of business.

  29. Irishgirl12:19 PM

    For those outside the US who want to watch Comedy Central, it can be done if you are using Firefox. It has worked for me!

    Hope this helps.

  30. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Hahaha! Brilliantly summaries in 30 seconds what took Newties attack ad to do in 30 minutes.

    "Corporations are people" will be chiseled on Mitten's political tombstone.

  31. The ad on youtube

  32. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Nearly died laughing watching Colbert on This Week with Georgie S. Hitting the steam room with Ailes. Fucking priceless.

  33. Anonymous4:22 PM

    More Willard Bain stuff:

    London Bridges

  34. Anonymous8:10 PM


  35. Anonymous8:11 PM


  36. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

    Wow, The perfect parody! Can't wait for the GingRICH and Santorum versions!

  37. Brilliant! Pure genius!

    That's John Lithgow's voice, too.

    Dragging that dead body was the best!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.