Today's selection is one that has some rather odd revelations about the relationship that two Anchorage based DJ's assumed they had to with Sarah Palin, while also providing fodder to help imagine the comedic implications that could have ensued if Palin had actually taken these two imbeciles up on their idea.
Here are the e-mails in question:
gov. wrote:
Wants KWHL to throw me a baby shower. I say "yes", if the gifts can go to these young Army wives who don’t have much, they’re far from their families, the dads aren’t there for the newborns first months, etc. And now Ft. Wainwright’s aviation unit was notified of a four month extension on deployments. Would u assign someone to work with Bob on that angle?
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
From: Kris Perry
To: ExternalEmailgsp
Cc: Leighow, Sharon W (GOV)
Sent: Mon Mar 10 19:53:44 2008
Subject: Re: Bob Lester
Yes, I’ll give him a call initially and then have someone work with him on details. Love the idea about the young army wives.
So far this sounds very reasonable and appropriate, and you kind of have to give Palin credit for thinking about military wives. (Though her generosity COULD be the result of some guilty feelings I guess.)
But then it gets weird.
From: Kris Perry
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 15:25:58, Sharon Leighow
Subject: Re: Bob Lester
I spoke w/Bob. He agrees on the donation and thinks it’s great. He brought up the possibility of doing it after the baby is born so the baby would be present as well. He’s envisioning ALOT of people, i.e. Egan Center and I’m not too sure about that idea.
We’ll work out details once timeframe is determined.
He also asked again about the live audio recording of the birth and what you thought. A private moment?
WTF? Bob Lester wanted to record the Governor of his state WHILE she was giving birth to another human being, and then play that tape on the air for his radio audience? And he believed in his chances of getting a positive response from Palin enough to ask multiple times? Really?
![]() |
"Eeewww!" |
Don’t want to take this too far. Kinda wish I hadnt had to tell anyone, but crazy to think it could have been hidden long. No- no Egan, and I’m not going to assume this will be as smooth and easy as the other kids’ births, so can’t imagine inviting in a rock radio microphone.
Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
Wait! She's "not going to assume this will be as smooth and easy as the other kids births?"
That concern was certainly NOT reflected in her famous "Letter from God," written less than a month later, in which "God" clearly states "I let Trig's mom have an exceptionally comfortable pregnancy so she could enjoy every minute of it, and I even seemed to rush it along so she could wait until near the end to surprise you with the news." But a month earlier Sarah/God was worried that this birth might be MORE challenging than those preceding it? (Kind of hard to imagine since this was a fake pregnancy, which would be followed by a fake birth. OH! I see the problem.)
![]() |
"I was pregnant, and now there's a baby. Nothing to see here. So move along!" |
What stood out for me is the sentence in a form of a question: "A private moment?" Like she's asking?!! I mean like if there EVER was a private moment, giving birth just might be it! WTF?! LOL!
ReplyDeleteHa, that was what struck me, too! So funny.
DeleteI also like how SP's response is not along the lines of "Are they fucking crazy?", but more like, "nah, don't think I'll take things that far". What?!
As she was discussing the possibility of making an audio recording of something that was not actually going to take place, though, I guess it makes sense that she'd be blasé about it.
"WTF? Bob Lester wanted to record the Governor of his state WHILE she was giving birth to another human being, and then play that tape on the air for his radio audience?"
DeleteYou missed the best part, though, Gryphen - he wasn't it to be a LIVE audio recording! LOL!!!!
Yes, that is interesting. I wonder if they possibly suspected that she is as fake as they are, and realized that there are comedic possibilities in a LIVE broadcast of a FAKE birthscene.
DeleteIn "Oversexed Rugsuckers from Mars" Martians are trying to mate humans and vacuum cleaners... from one review:
"The day arrives for Tom's trial, and the defense is spirited ("Objection! The prosecution is attempting stand up comedy!") In the worst courtroom scene of all time, pregnant Rena testifies, goes into labor, and delivers her offspring: a half Dustbuster-half Cabbage Patch Kid. This must be seen to be fully appreciated."
So, have these shock jocks watched this movie? (I've only read the review, but it sounds like something shock jocks would own.) Were they plotting to deliver more than their lines? What sound effects are in their library? What would they pull out from the hat in lieu of cooing baby sounds?
I remember that time Piper called in. She was being coached throughout theconversation. You could tell by the pauses. And yes, I think we can assume Bob is a different sort of person. Gross.
ReplyDeleteAnd I have no idea what you mean by "guilty feelings". The military is the one thing Palin has always supported, emotionally and financially. I know they were photo ops since they were during a campaign, but remember all the Blue Star Mom get togethers she attended? And of course those pictures that turned up of the family welcoming Track back home outside the house in fall 2009. The Heaths, Palins, Sheerans and whoever else strongly supports the military. We have to give her that one thing as genuine.
Don't you find it odd that she can devote time, money & energy to military causes (which we can assume has a lot to do with Track) yet she does almost NOTHING to promote awareness of DS kids?? She's got all this SuperPac money, and access to the news media and she rarely even mentions Trig or what special needs kids programs could use support & attention.
DeleteShe could've used her newfound fame in a positive manner but instead chose to become a vicious attack dog blasting anything having to do with Obama.
Doing one decent thing doesn't cancel out the evil crap she does on a daily basis in my book..
Support of the troops? That's a no brainer- it's just garnering another voting constituency. Same as supporting the NRA, and spouting religious crap she doesn't believe. She was all Tea Party too, till they went out of vogue. It all looks very patriotic, dontcha think?
DeleteOf course Sarah Palin supports the military. The military is hardly a force for good. It's a force for invading other countries, for brainwashing young people, for destruction, violence and mayhem, for ruining lives. No wonder she approves.
DeleteI agree. It's an opinion no one wants to hear but it's true.
DeleteIf she is such a big supporter of the American military and not just in it for photo ops why did she marry an anti american seccessionist and why is she tied to anti american militia's?
DeleteGreat point. If she supports the American military so much, why be involved with the AIP ? Did she ever wear flag plans before her VIP pick? What about flag jewelry ? She is such a hypocrite.
DeleteAnd by the way, almost ALL Americans support the troops. It isn't worthy of a medal or special award or anything.
She's an ANTi- AMERICAN piece of SHIT.
DeleteNo, I certainly don't remember her attending any Blue whatever dinners, and who cares if she did? It was for votes, votes votes.
And you want to give a MOM PROPS for welcoming HER OWN SON home?
You're a fucking idiot.
I don't have to give Sarah Palin credi for shit.
She is ONLY concerned about Sarah Palin.
That's ALL you EVER need know about that shitsack.
Sarah's generosity knows no bounds. She supports everything when it brings attention to her. She fed starving natives by bringing a batch of home made cookies, she supported Down Syndrone causes by doing ONE psa (Trig in glasses!) and opened her heart and pockets by donating One Thousand Dollars at the last minute, as a tax write off.
DeleteShe told the people of Alaska that they'd pull themselves up by the bootstraps after the Exxon Valdez settlement she was so disappointed in.
And who can forget the iconic footage of her on a military base, welocming the troops with open arms while peddling her books?
And that beautiful newsweek cover and article of her in her skimpy running suit, doing all kinds of poses with the American Flag in the background, draped to the floor off a table etc. etc. Soldieres must have posted those photos prominantly on their walls, you know, like the pin up gals in WWI and WWII. A real morale booster!
The only reason she gives for her refusal is that it might not be an easy birth. That's the only thing she sees wrong with this plan?? So she would have done it otherwise???
ReplyDeleteI don't recall any baby shower for military wives - did it ever happen?
I don't see anything wrong with Shock Jocks recording Trig's birth. After all, Bristol was there taking photos (probably the inspiration for the new sculpture in Wasilla). In fact, the whole family (and maybe Levi) were in the room, along with Chuck Heath who claimed to be there when Trig popped out.
ReplyDeleteI would like to take a moment and speak directly to all of the women reading here who have given birth. Did you have your whole family gathered around watching the birth process, including your father? Do you believe for a moment that after being induced for two hours any woman would want a room full of people watching her give birth?
I have no doubt that Trig was delivered to MatSu on April 18, and when they pulled the blanket away from his little face, he "popped out." However, there is no way that Sarah Palin gave birth to him, let alone with a room filled with people watching. This story just gets better and better the more often that it is told.
By the way, Sarah has given two different versions of Trig's birth: 8 months at MatSu or 7 1/2 months in Anchorage. Which one is it?
Any of 'em, either of 'em, all of 'em!
DeleteWhat day is it?
I did with my daughter. My father, mother, sister in law, two brothers and cousin were in the room with me when my daughter got here.
DeleteWhen I was in labor, I remember thinking, ""ho cares who's looking?!?! Just get that thing out of me!"
Two kids here, my husband was there for the labor, my mom came in for the delivery. My Dad and In Laws stayed in the waiting room.
DeleteWe had discussed it early on, I wanted my mother in law there, but she didn't feel comfortable and made it known it was nothing personal.
But then, I wasn't hiding my condition or riding in airplanes and takeing long drives to get to the hospital. I don't think I'd want my teen daughter and her boyfriend around if I was pregnant and delivering either.
Hey Sarah! Next time you get a request like that, here's the response for typing into your teleprompter:
ReplyDelete"That is beneath the dignity of my office."
or, if you aren't 'holding a title',
"That would be highly inappropriate."
See? Lots of options!
I agree.
DeleteActually, for any other intelligent, competent, professional, female, pregnant Governor, this ludicrous and idiotic request from two shock jocks would never have made it to her desk or otherwise been brought to her attention by any professional, competent staff.
Nor, for that matter, would any idiotic request from shock jocks make it to the desk of any competent male Governor, either. That's because other educationally, professionally, and intellectually prepared and competent Governors, male or female, would be focused on their executive positions, leading the state and solving state problems, not reading People magazine or shopping all afternoon at Nordstrom. Their staff would never waste the Governor's time with this nonsense. Just further evidence of what an incompetent buffoon, idiot, and outright fraud Sarah Palin happens to be.
It would have sounded like the scene from the movie where, was it Meg Ryan? she fakes the orgasm? Imagine the drama, and every c4p man in the world just letting loose as they listened to her moan and swear in pain.
ReplyDeleteepic bad idea
wonder WHY she didn't want to tease them with it? then ask for donations between contractions
Media wh.... she will do anything to get attention...including lead men on to thinking that they could be there when she gave birth.
ReplyDeleteSo it Brisol was there taking pictures of the birth: where are they?
They are at the photoshoppers.
DeleteIt would be like The Three Stooges running amok in the maternity ward! The radio crew would show up at the hospital, given the "wrong" room number, of course...then they'd run all over the building looking for Lady Blah Blah: dragging their equipment, barging into other birth rooms, knocking over meds carts and trying to contact the two jocks who'd be flipping out on the air--with all the ensuing hijinx and hilarity. By the time they found her--surprise!--she would have snuck in by a side entrance, been all set up in the first room and already "had Trig." Whoopsie! Too late! ;)
ReplyDeleteYep, cue yakkity-sax music and we have a winner!
DeleteGeez, I forgot the Benny Hill soundtrack...
ReplyDeleteIt kind of hearkens back to H.G. Wells War of the Worlds radio broadcast where he scared the shit out of the entire East Coast. As to screech I can almost imagine it - sitting in the hospital room screaming and pretending to be in labor while these two yahoo's were giving the play by play - the comic opportunities are beyond description - a running dialog of the condition of the target - probably wouldn't bother baldy, I'm sure lots of people gazed at it before they put it up in the front lawn of the High School for the world to see. Hey. How 'bout an update and what they've decided to do and whether anyone has come forward to inform the unknowing whether that's a characterization of Sara or Brisket's golden temple. HAHA - they really are a treat.
ReplyDeleteOf course the radio guys dodged a bullet - literally - if they'd been in on it they'd be buried in Lake Lucille by now
You mean Orson Welles.
DeleteI wonder if they knew she wasn't pregnant and were just messing with her.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I thought!
DeleteMe, too!!!!
DeleteAbsolutely, that is what I think. They may not be the most intelligent men in the universe, but they have street smarts, and they have known and seen Sarah. They probably either knew of or suspected her ruse, so they were trying to call her bluff!
DeleteTo SARAH: Where's the birth certificate?
ReplyDeleteWhat a creepy weirdo she is.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin.
ReplyDeleteProve me wrong.
Wow she was REALLY desperate for some kind of "proof" that Trig is her kid. Uhh Sarah? It's really easy to prove it. All you have to do is show us the medical records, DNA and birth certificate. Things any REAL mother would have on hand and could produce no problem.
ReplyDeleteLifetime has picked up "Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp," an all-new docuseries that will provide an exclusive, rare glimpse into Bristol Palin’s real life as a young, single mother forging her own way in the world while living under the constant spotlight as a member of one of America’s most high-profile families.
ReplyDeleteWith never-before-granted access to Bristol’s real-life experiences growing into womanhood, Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp will reveal how she adjusts to her life in Alaska, where daily she faces the many pressures of raising her toddler son Tripp alone and maintains the close relationship she holds with her parents, former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Todd, and siblings. Steadfastly moving forward both personally and professionally, Bristol will be confronted by the many difficult life decisions people must make regarding parenthood, family, relationships and career – giving viewers a unique look at how these true-to-life challenges test her resolve as she single-handedly writes the next chapter in her and Tripp’s young life.
"From the first moment she was thrust into the public eye, Bristol and her son have been the subjects of a huge amount of curiosity and misunderstanding. This show will reveal the real Bristol Palin and her journey as a daughter, a mother and a young woman making her way in the world,” said Rob Sharenow, Executive Vice President, Programming, of Lifetime Networks.
Lifetime has ordered 10 half-hour episodes of the program to air this year.
The daughter of ex-Alaska governor Sarah Palin and former “Dancing with the Stars” contestant will star in her own Lifetime reality show “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp.”
Tripp, of course, is her son. The 10-episode series, according to Lifetime, will chronicle Bristol’s journey as a single mother and career woman (I’m not sure what that career is) and how she balances relationships with her family, including her famous mother. Given the description, Sarah is all but guaranteed to appear. An airdate has not been announced.
Gag me. Didn't Lifetime learn anything about what charisma-challenged Bristol before it committed to this series? Are people really interested in that ho's daily routine enough to watch this snoozefest? It has been bruited about that Snookie is preggers. Now that would be interesting to the under-educated masses - not Bristol.
DeleteThis might spur investigations into Bristol's sordid history.
DeleteWill the reasons for choosing the name "Tripp" be discussed?
DeleteROFL. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel, Lifetime! I wonder how much Sarah is paying them to air this.
DeleteLevi should have a rebuttal show (with guest Shailey Tripp?). I wouldn't watch Bristol's show but I'd be glued to the set for Levi's!
DeletePoor Trigg, he won't get to be with his mom, I guess...
DeleteIs Bayer Aspirin the sponsor?
Deletei think i'm going to throw up now.
DeleteLol! More proof that the Palins ARE still fame-seeking assholes! Lol! Bri$tol is a “career woman?” Lol! What “career?” Grifting? Lol! This show will be a ratings flop, and widely criticized just like that other crappy Palin “reality” show. Who gives a crap about Bri$tol? She is boring, and has a “blah” personality, and no charisma. And like her mother, she’s not very bright, either. Bri$tol couldn’t even sell her damn ghost-written book, let alone hardly get enough people to show up at her book signing so she could give away free books! Lol! The entire family is mentally ill. They just won’t go away! The Palins are just asking for more ridicule! I can’t wait for Gryphen to (hopefully) blog about this latest piece of shit! Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha!
DeleteWTFunk!! Well...I'll wait until Gryphen puts up a post about this shit...because for sure the Palin Family Troll stalker will be here with ALL kinds of tales!
Delete*gleefully rubbing hands in anticipation*
Ugh. Snooki wasn't enough, now we have this dreck fouling the cable channel programming? May have to finally pull the plug, go Hulu and quit paying for trashy nonsense like this.
DeleteTens of people will be thrilled!
DeleteThis really disappoints me. Lifetime is the only station where I could catch reruns of "Will & Grace". I wonder if Bristol knows they air a show about teh gay.
DeleteHopefully, GinaM will take one for the team and give us recaps of the shows. They'd be sure to be more entertaining!
Hey why did Bri$tol leave Hollywood again? Thought they don't live for the limelight, just one big happy PRIVATE family.
DeleteI wonder what sort of entrance the 'Bristol' character on 'Game Change' will make? I wonder how well this series will sell after March when the world will be shown the true and accurate accounting of what a doofus her mother was, and is, and how people will be talking about it (and not in a good way for Sarah).
DeleteI wonder if all that 'revealing' will stop Bristol's show dead in it's tracks, no matter how 'cute' Tripp may be.
That write up really did make me a little sick to my stomach, the one fawning over Bristol as if she's done something exemplary in her life, when there are girls and women out there who are TRULY struggling with single parenting, dwindling paychecks and flat out survival, which Miss I've got my own TV Show, has not, is not, and will never experience. It's such a huge insult to hold Bristol up on some sort of 'tough mom' pedestal, when it's just a sordid and disgusting lie.
I hope with all my being that the show is an absolute disaster and is cut after the first couple of shows. I wish her nothing but crashing failure in the tv world, and a KARMIC retribution in the form of losing all her money so she REALLY has to step up and live her life with way millions of single moms got through everyday of their lives, with strength and grace and devotion to the well being of their children. Women who REALLY fear if they'll be able to put food on the table, deep a roof over their heads and stretch everything they've got to keep their head above water.
Bristol Palin and LifeTime are a joke. Bristol, because she's so inauthentic and pathologically dishonest, and LifeTime for promoting and elevating her as if she is someone important or relevant...when she's not.
Boys Will Be Boys
DeleteMedia, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal
Authored by Shailey M. Tripp
Authored with Vickie Bottoms
Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is the true story of how Shailey Tripp, a young single mother of two special needs children became sexually involved with Todd Palin, husband of former Alaska Governor and 2008 GOP Vice-Presidential nominee, Sarah Palin.
This book explains the many factors that culminated in Shailey becoming not only the mistress of " Alaska's First Dude" but also a prostitute working for him which ultimately resulted in Shailey being arrested in March of 2010.
However, the story doesn't end there. After they received an anonymous email, The National Enquirer contacted Shailey regarding her relationship with Todd Palin and even ran a couple of stories about her liaison with him with several follow-up interviews scheduled. All that changed, when at the behest of the Palin's lawyers, the Anchorage Police Department issued a press release which stated that they had found no evidence of Todd's involvement with Shailey.
From that point on, Shailey was unable to get any media, with the exception of some internet bloggers, to tell her side of things despite the fact that she had proof of her truthfulness and had passed polygraph examinations.
Boys Will Be Boys tells the whole story from Shailey's viewpoint and includes the evidence. A true expose of how the media and even law enforcement agencies kowtow to the wealthy, politically powerful people, Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality and the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal is a must read.
Publication Date:
Feb 26 2012
147009102X / 9781470091026
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Biography & Autobiography / Women
Got mine from Amazon today!!!
Why did Bristol name her son TRIPP?
Maybe after Todds famous Geisha!!!
Wait a second. The other military service members were being subjected to an additional 4 months deployment, yet Track was home for a month's leave after only 3 months? What's wrong with this picture.
ReplyDeleteTroops on deployment still get their 30 days annual leave, its just staggered through the unit so he may seem to have been off early, but there were soldiers who got their months leave close to a year into their deployment. No big deal there.
DeleteTroops on deployment still get their 30 days annual leave, it is just staggered through the tour so everyone doesn't go home (or wherever) at once. He got lucky (maybe) and went on leave early. No big deal.
DeleteMark Springer
She really, truly has no idea about appropriate boundaries, does she? Not others and not even her own. Everything is filtered through the narcissist's single lens: do I like how this makes me feel? So anything is possible, nothing is too, well, too (fill in the blank) because all that she registers is does she want it, does she like it. And she neither has the ability nor the interest to care how she's viewed by others. The only test is can she get away with it - and she always likes the way THAT makes her feel.
ReplyDeleteTextbook, really. In fact, my daughter is a high school student taking AP Psychology for college credit, and they've begun the Abnormal Psychology chapter. She had to select a TV show episode, novel or public character and write an essay explaining at least the appearance of one of the conditions. She couldn't decide NPD or Borderline, so wrote it up both ways, got an A. And she's really not political, just chose Sarah after seeing some of the HBO trailers. Thank you Sarah!
That is so awesome!!
DeleteI think many of us have been on the fence whether she's NPD or Borderline, so I'm glad to hear she tried it both ways and got an A!
DeleteI'm going Borderline - the darker sides of BP are in SP and her behavior mirrors a woman I dated who had that DX.
DeleteWhat do you think of this scenario:
ReplyDeleteBaby is born (to someone) in early March, most likely in Anchorage. Because of health problems the baby is kept in the infant ICU. It is suggested that the baby will be released in May. Sarah announces that she is due in May.
While in TX, she (or Todd) gets a phone call telling them that the baby is being released from the hospital tomorrow (Apr 18). Sarah & Todd rush home. Realizing that she no longer has to be pregnant, Sarah becomes careless and travels without her baby bump. To the airline personnel she does not look pregnant but someone at the airport recognizes her (and later states that he was surprised to learn that she was in labor - or was he surprised that she was pregnant?).
I might co-sign on this idea if it weren't for the fact that SP opted not to bring security on the trip. Instead, she brought Todd. There's an email from the first or second batch about this. They didn't want witnesses to the shape-shifting. Her Gusty belly stayed in her luggage going to and from TX, hence the flight attendants not noticing her belly.
DeleteYou don't think that's a new scenario, do you? I've seen that exact same speculation dozens of times on this and other blogs. Makes as much sense as anything.
DeleteI have trouble believing that Sarah intended to wear the fake bump for more than a few days.
DeleteI don't think there was any rush in them getting back to AK, and I think she timed "the birth" to coincide with the end of the legislative session, and at a time when the baby could still (sorta) look like a newborn.
I think on the 4/17 flights, she just went with the scarf camouflage; otherwise the flight woulda been too uncomfortable, and the stage of her pregnancy wearing the Gusty bump woulda been obvious.
I can't really follow what happened but this seems like the clearest explanation. The whole story about water breaking is a lie. She had to appear pregnant but could not get on a plane to retrieve the baby she bought looking pregnant. A clever person would not have traveled at all. She assumed no one would notice, and no one did because she was not pregnant. No explanation for skipping all the hospitals on the way because she had to get to that place where the 'delivery' was being made. The whole family is complicit in this cover up.
DeleteNo one at the hospital can say anything because they will be lying. This really sounds like a conspiracy to commit insurance fraud. If she has lied on any insurance paperwork anywhere, all these people are complicit. Every cent paid for this purchased baby has to be paid for out of pocket or else.
I just don't think that the baby would be discharged from the hospital so suddenly. Babies will be discharged when they meed discharge criteria. They would certainly be aware that the baby would be discharged soon- they'd be hearing, "He'll need to gain x ounces and have no apneic episodes lasting longer than X seconds- maybe in a few days..." plus whatever their criteria would be. They'd get a warning that they were getting close.
I think they knew exactly when the baby was going to be "delivered." Sarah Palin wanted to attend the conference and give the speech because she lives being the center of attention and pretending to be important. The plan always was to leave in a hurry and "give birth" in the middle of the night when the hospital was quiet. I think her excuse was going to be that she felt something might be going on with the "pregnancy," but her idiot father oPened his fool mouth and said she was in full labor. Well, as it turns out, this actually elevated her in the eyes of the moronic fringe (and most everyone else didn't want to pry into the workings of the female body) so lucky Sarah got a pass.
DeleteSarah dismissed security for the trip, refused Perry's offer to fly her home, tossed the pregnancy suit, and had a relaxing trip home.
Difficult to imagine anyone besides a husband or partner asking to record the birth of a baby. It indicates that they either had no respect for Sarah and she had permitted or encouraged them to become too familiar or it indicates the radio jocks were idiots. Maybe both.
ReplyDeleteWho are these people? Ewwwwwwwwwwww
ReplyDeleteThe audacity to ask a sitting governor for permission to 'air' her actual delivery is, is, what, are these guys animals? Marketing an elected official giving a live birth? And they actually proposed it to her?
What is even more amazing is that Palin herself and her staff didn't show any shock at the request. And, this 'Egan' center, sounds like an arena of sorts. How tacky tacky tacky to put on a baby shower in this way by Larry, Darryl and Darryl of the North.
Indecent, exploitative, disrespectful, and it appears that Sarah and staff were 'contemplating' having the shower.
I'd like to know why no one in those emails responsded with an absolute NO WAY. Imagine bring a compromised immune deficient down syndrome infant to an arena with hundreds of people gathering around the mom and baby shaking her hands, touching the baby?
The first words that should have come out of Sarah and staff's mouths at this email should have been their shock at the audacity. They sounded like they'd be game for some of it.
Guess Sarah is Wonder woman. A 44 year old about to deliver a baby with possible DS and all the risks with it, and with the exhaustion any other mother would anticipate, Sarah still felt she could be there will bells on. Wow.
Shay's book 4 Sale on Amazon NOW!!!
ReplyDeleteBoys will be Boys:Media, Morality, and the Coverup of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal
Suck it Baldy & Toad APD, SOA, Corrupt bastards and all Palin Trolls!!!
Shay's book√
Palin emails√
Game Change√
Fuck you all Palins, bots, trolls! Busted!
Just ordered my book off of Amazon! And will read it and take notes along the way!
Volume 1, no less!!
DeleteThanks for the head's up on Amazon, Gina- I thought we had to wait til 3.3.12.
DeleteGuess not!
Mine is on the way, too!!!!!
Oooh boy, Todd is in Trouble!!!! :)
Give the shock jocks a break. They were dealing with Sarah Palin, a person who had a reputation of hogging the limelight. And despite saying she valued her family's privacy, she did not act that way. I think it was reasonable for the jocks to believe Sarah might ok broadcasting the birth. It would have been shocking, but that's what all three of them were about (and still are). Certainly, a live broadcast of the sainted beloved governor giving birth to a Downs Syndrome baby would have skyrocketed her approval rating among pro-lifers, a real "godsend" for her political ambitions. What makes the most sense is that she wasn't the birth mother so couldn't broadcast the event.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand, she did come up with a rivioting birth story, did she not?
They were refused but what most people don't know is that they were invited to watch the birth. Along with Chuck, Bristol, Willow, Sally, Charlie the gardner, Gordon their chef, myself, and about 15 other people. It was a very happy occasion. After the birthing ceremony, pink and blue baby-shaped cookies were served for all as well as soft drinks for the many children in attendance.
ReplyDeleteAll in all, it was a success but in the future the parents will be asked to leave their children at home as the scene got a bit noisey and rowdy. Sarah loved the experience as it provided the attention she so desperately needed for proving this was her own baby. All doubts were laid to rest.
Trig's birth story, "Through The Looking Glass" version. Return to reality now, Alice.
DeleteHow come I wasn't invited? I like cookies.
DeleteIs that you, (ahem)? :-)
DeleteHuh? You're not being serious, right?
DeleteNo, No, No, A more fitting (and lucerative) plan would have been to have it at the Curtis Menard Sports Arena, with Sarah on a flag decorated Zamboni, pyrotechnic effects at the last push. Film it in High Definition then put it on pay per view!
DeleteThey could put the Harlem Globe trotters and Glenn Rice shooting hoops on ice, while Dancing With The Stars plays in the background, and the judges can give Sarah all 10's!
Sheesh, we're talking about a fuel expert and CEO of the State of Alaska who had her own reality show.
Everything I learn about this woman, with no exceptions, over a period of several years, proves to me that she has zero maternal instincts – nada, zilch, nil. Even in childbirth, albeit an imaginary one, lol, it was all about her. No wonder she chose to trademark herself: she has never viewed herself as anything other than a marketable object for profit.
DeleteJust wonderin': did she sell tickets and issue invitations to her tubal cauterizing after Piper's birth?
Well, of course, Sarah Palin KNEW it would be "easy". Todd and Sarah were so comfortable with "easy" they didn't even bother to get little Trig enrolled in their health plan until June. That's how you treat "easy" and "precious", doncha know! A special needs infant does need no stinking health insurance.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for the microphone suggestion, personally I would never again speak to anyone that wanted an audio recording of me giving birth. And I certainly would not let my young daughter converse with such a person (on LIVE radio no less))
One of the Trigs did attend a shower given by ?Cole. There is a photo of a young child (face is blurred) holding the little baby. So obviously there wasn't much concern about Trig's immune system.
ReplyDeleteI have proof that Sarah had Trig. I will provide it to prochoicegrandma if she emails me at You will have to provide proof that you are the person posting under that name.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you contact Gryphen or one of the other blogs that would love to have your "proof"?
DeleteWhy don't you just email your proof to Gryphen, then? Why would prochoicegrandma need to give you her personal information?
DeleteYou should also share that info with Sarah because up until now she has not been able to prove she is the birth mother.
DeleteUhh you do realize that there is reward money for that proof? $10,000 I think. Sounds like you're trying to scam prochoicegrandma for some reason.
DeleteI know prochoicegrandma personally, and I can tell you unless it's a picture of Trig coming out of Sarah's Queen Victoria, a DNA test, undoctored birth certificate, or sworn statement witnessed by a notary signed by a licensed doctor, whatever proof you have is bullshit.
DeleteI suggest you contact her via Twitter or look up her blogger profile for contact info.
You can't provide evidence for something that never happened.
DeleteGoogling Palin comes up with the result that Lifetime has picked up Bristol's "docuseries". For everyone else, it is called a "reality show." Sick. You know Sarah will be in it.
ReplyDeleteAre you really sure they are that dumb or do they put on a persona. I can't imagine ANYBODY suggesting such a thing unless it was done to sort of tweak her knowing she wasn't really pregnant.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is in the eyes and the toothy grin in the photo w/ Trig #2 . . . you can almost hear her thinking, "Did I rilly pulled this off?"
ReplyDeleteYou betcha!
; )
Sorry, I've very late to this but -- does Sarah wear eyeglasses with plain glass in them? The more I look at pictures of her, the more often I see this, or suspect it.
ReplyDeleteHer glasses are so militant and hard-edged, but they put up an interesting shield between her and the world.
Apologies to Dorothy Parker: Men often makes asses (of themselves) about girls who wear glasses.
To cover the fact she's cross eyed
DeleteIf you look at $arah's 3/4-profile pictures, there is no distortion AT ALL of her face through the lens.
DeleteVanity glass.
Ooooo....I think I can hear a late-night skit being cooked up. Comedians, have at it!
ReplyDeleteOT--RIP Davy Jones of the Monkees...
ReplyDeleteLoved that show!
DeleteHEY HEY We're the Monkeeessss!
RIP Davy...the little cute one!
I wanted to KILL Marcia Brady when she got a kiss from him on her show...he was MY crush!! Him & Shaun Cassidy made my heart got pitty-pat..
DeleteSad isn't it?
DeleteI also wanted to slap marcia marcia marcia.
The palin curse strikes again! Bristol danced to their song while wearing a monkey face.
Did Sarah ever do any actual, you know, work?
ReplyDeleteHell it seems like all she did all day was govern over sycophants habdling of her endless personal drama, pick fights, and whine.
The only real job she had, where she had to apply and compete, was that failed tv sports gig. What are the odds that she lost it for lack of talent, intelligence and charisma? Or maybe for getting too friendly with the subjects she was interviewing (a huge gaffe, for someone "schooled" in journalism).
DeleteOr maybe the station found out she'd fabricated her diploma.
That is unbelievable!!! But yet, how many incidents have happened that are unbelievable concerning this woman and her family. It sounds like she actually weighed the pros and cons of allowing this to happen. Doubly unbelievable but I believe it.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Bob and Mark show, I was listening while driving one day shortly after the Fraud arrived back in AK after the failed campaign, and they called her home to check in. Piper answered the phone, and they started asking all kinds of weird questions like "hey, your mom is famous. That makes you famous too! How does it feel to be famous?" and other questions that seemed totally inappropriate, all the while not believing their luck she answered. That was before I had any clue about who the true SP was. I was horrified they were taking the liberty to speak to her child this way, and thinking how she would be angry to have her privacy and her child's invaded by a couple of radio kooks. My ears perked up wondering what was going to come of this... how would she handle this, and the next thing I hear is a cheery Sarah chirping on the phone and not seeming to care her privacy in her home, and that of her child's, was invaded. That was the first RED FLAG when I began to think there really and truly was something not right about that woman, all the other negative things I'd been hearing suddenly made sense.
Here's Sarah asking Todd to pray for their strength:
Don't see much of that.
Funny how in that photo with the newborn, Sarah's face is not puffy fro m labor, her makeup is perfect, as is her wig and her pearls. She sure looks moe like the proud adoptive mom (or grandmom) than a post-partum woman. Guess they don't make fake post-partum masks, huh? And it was really amazing that three days after her 7th 'birth,' she appeared at work in slim pants and with no tummy at all. She IS Wonderwoman!
ReplyDeleteShe's amazing, not only abs of steel, and no signs of having just given birth, she didn't go itno lactation mode until the Belmont Stakes years later. Wondersoman Indeed!
DeleteDude, that Mark and Brian clip talking to Piper is one of the creepiest things I've ever heard. If I were that child's parents I would never let those guys talk to my children again, especially if they were going to put it on youtube.
ReplyDeleteUgh, it's really horrible.
And she didn't whine and kvecth for weeks, calling them pedophiles and demeaning their character. So NOT like Sarah. There's plenty of clips from their show where they're creepy with her daughters and not a peep from her.
DeleteIf it was my kid I'd want to record the birth too....SP does seem to be chummy with those guys.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how much you hate her, she once was very pretty. Why did she ruin her face like that?
ReplyDeleteI really think Bob & Mark were trying to pull one over on Sarah. Think about it-
ReplyDelete"audio of the birth"?
"let's wait until he's born so he can be AT the shower"?
Obviously they had seen what there was to see (the governor's enviably trim figure) and had their ears to the ground listening to local rumors- they thought Sarah was not pregnant. They wanted to see how she would react when they asked about "recording", and they wanted to see if she could actually produce an infant for the "baby shower".
I just bet the reason why this "army wives benefit" shower never happened is due to Palin begging off, coting Trig's "fragility" or "immunity". Only because she felt they might be on to her- which of course they were. That's why she has been SUCH a posterior smoocher where these two idiots are concerned.
Of course this is pure conjecture but I think it's extremely plausible.
the movie Game Change review:
All they would have gotten for their efforts would have been the whir of the jet engines, as Wasilla Wonder Woman Winged her Way, to the Mat-Su clinic to witness her "daughter" giving birth (in parenthesis because at this point,I wouldn't even count Piper out).
ReplyDeleteCheck this out. Here is a news report/video of an 8 lb. 7 oz. baby born early this morning (2:00 am). Look familiar? I doubt that a 6 lb., premature baby with health problems would look this plump and "complete." (And it appears as though today was close to the due date because the mother knew the birth might take place on Leap Year day. In other words, it doesn't sound like this baby is two weeks late so might be expected to be larger.)
Does anyone in Alaska actually believe Palin gave birth to Trig?
ReplyDeleteI think they were calling Sarah's bluff knowing she wasn't pregnant. I'm still wandering when was it that Bristol said that she was momma to that baby duck . . . or something to that matter.
ReplyDeleteAlaska shock jocks. There is something profoundly sad and pathetic about that phrase.
ReplyDeleteHaven't read the comments yet, but here's a clip of Rachael speaking with Lyda Green back when Rachael was helping the lower 48 vet the failed vp candidate, half term governor in name only.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Todd stay in a room when State business was being discussed?
Uggg! Paging Sarah Palin, Your Heavenly Father is on line two - he wants to know why you use his same exact phraseology in your e-mail as an excuse NOT to do the live airing that I planted in your heart to inspire you to write the letter introducing Trig. I told you this birth would be easy, so you could enjoy it, yet you doubt me. I have other things to do, just leave me a voicemail. On second thought, don't bother.
ReplyDeleteA new low, even for Sarah. And I thought this new email dump wouldn't be interesting.
Curse you, John McCain!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
talk about lame, the right wing is lame stream media!
Sarah Palin is a joke! and always has been.