Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bill Maher's New Rule for Bristol Palin.

When you are compared to Snooki, and YOU come out looking like the dipshit, that should be a wake up call.

Of course in Bristol's defense, she rally needed to have ghostwriter Nancy French at her book signing. After all how else could she be sure her autograph was spelled correctly?

(H/T to the Huffington Post.)


  1. Anonymous4:12 AM

    New rule for Bristol Palin: Keep an Bayer Aspirin between your knees.

    (Maybe Bristol could become their next spokesperson.)

  2. Irishgirl4:22 AM

    Wow, the Palins are really in the news for all the wrong reasons.

    More about the HBO kerfuffle:

    ""It is true that I interviewed Jason Recher to get his side of the story. He was one of 25 people involved with the McCain-Palin campaign that were interviewed for the movie," Strong said. "I did not offer to show him the script. I did not offer to show him the film. HBO offered to show Gov. Palin the film several weeks ahead of its debut and she declined the offer.


    In one scene, for example, Palin is seen feverishly jotting down notes about basic historical facts, like who the Nazis were in World War II. Asked if she wants to take a break from her history lesson, Palin, played by Julianne Moore, says: “No way. This is friggin awesome.”

  3. Anonymous4:32 AM

    Nice little dig at Fox news in this video!

  4. Heir Head. Beautiful.

    Are there any accounts of how many people showed up for this bonanza?

    It is pretty sad that Bristol was reduced to giving away her books while accompanied by the ghostwriter. Great example for the youth of America: get knocked up; fake graduate from HS; go on DWTS while preggers again; get extensive plastic surgery; not write a book; pitch a reality show; keep an eye on insane mother while learning the finer points of grifting.

    That's it: The American Dream.

  5. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:40 AM

    OT, but was just visiting the Looney Bin where I found a link to this upcoming book (pub date is 2/28):

    Seems they now have to reach WAY back to The Barracuda's high school days to make their icon relevant. Haven't read the full review and don't know if anyone reported this yet, but the post ends with "the book will be a hit with American and Alaska history buffs, sports writing fans, and Sarah Palin supporters." Like her HS hoops "career" is relevant to Amreican history! Delude on, Bots.

    PS: The linked website (also a SP fan club) is promoting a "sold out" "Reload Retreat" in Phoenix. Classy, huh, with what happened in AZ a year ago...

  6. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Or in case someone asked about something that was in said book.

  7. Anonymous6:11 AM

    It's really sad how jealous Pigstool is of Levi. She wishes she had his life. She is utterly obsessed with him. It's so pathetic. She STILL can't get over Levi, just like Sarah can't get over President Obama. What a sick disturbed family.

  8. Anonymous6:13 AM

    I can't wait to see the fetal position scene. I ordered HBO just for this event and so did MANY of my friends. Sarah should be worried. People are very interested in this movie and not just Liberals/Democrats! Many many independents and some republicans too! I'm so excited for March 10th. We're having a big viewing party. It's going to be awesome.

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Or in case someone asked about something that was in said book.

    5:50 AM
    Hi Bristol. "said book" LOL. You're so obvious. No one talks like that except you. Hey quick question: Why did you name Tripp after your Dad's prostitute? That's weird huh? When Tripp gets older will you tell him how he got his name? Oh and is he still sucking a pacifier to keep him from talking? How's the godchild?

  10. Anonymous6:17 AM

    uhh why did Bristol name her son after Todd's prostitute? Was it revenge for Sarah stealing the first Tripp (aka Trig)? Does that whole family use children as pawns? How bizarre!

  11. Irishgirl6:17 AM

    Gryphen, this is a must read. It's from the same guy who reviewed Game Change a week or so ago.

    'Game Change' - Sarah Palin posse flipping out over HBO film before seeing it

    One snippet:

    But I also know the great truths docudramas can tell and the mass audience they can tell them to when they are as compelling as "Game Change." And one of the great truths here is that we are in trouble as a nation when a candidate this ignorant, self-absorbed and imbalanced could make it to the Final Four of the general election.,-2011,7675299.story?page=1

  12. Anonymous6:26 AM

    Wow, irish girl, this movie is going to be ridiculous. False narrative indeed.

  13. Anonymous6:31 AM

    About new books, just read them and judge for yourselves. Too many lies have been told in relation to Sarah Palin (formerly Heath). Why wouldn't people who actually knew her want to correct the record publicly instead of discussing things privately about how they're ashamed of all the people who've lied about her, past and present.

  14. Anonymous6:42 AM

    POTUS Palin on Hannity

    Here's the latest from Camp Wasilla!
    Get ready folks.. WAR is coming!

  15. Anonymous6:42 AM

    "PS: The linked website (also a SP fan club) is promoting a "sold out" "Reload Retreat" in Phoenix. Classy, huh, with what happened in AZ a year ago..."

    5:40 AM


    It's unbelievable how unaware and insensitive these people are. Even if they don't care about the connection (AZ and Retreat/Reload) don't they think anyone else will get it? Way to get the country behind her, dimwits. And thanks for that.

    Quite a slap in the face of those shot last year, I'd say.

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    New Rule for Bristol Palin: Don't be pregnant as an unmarried abstinence advocate while dancing on national TV.

  17. Anonymous6:58 AM

    It's interesting that Meg Stapleton's comments on Schmidt kind of mirror those of Meghan McCain, someone who doesn't hold back and doesn't bullshiz around. Schmidt didn't respond to Meghan's book so we have nothing to go on, but its' interesting that everywhere you look, there's a lot of negative writing on the behalf of Schmidty boy.

  18. Anonymous7:03 AM

    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

  19. Kyle Massey speaks about learning how to raise "children" from Bristol.

    We had to learn how to raise children and take care of children,” Chris explains to reporters at Cartoon Network’s Hall of Game Awards on Feb. 18. “Kids are a full time responsibility.”

  20. Anonymous said...

    About new books, just read them and judge for yourselves. Too many lies have been told in relation to Sarah Palin (formerly Heath). Why wouldn't people who actually knew her want to correct the record publicly instead of discussing things privately about how they're ashamed of all the people who've lied about her, past and present.

    6:31 AM

    Having a tough time defending old Baldy huh troll....what is this "(formerly Heath)" shit? Meg Stapletongue and all of Baldy's defenders are PAID by BaldyPac to defend the idiot!

    The question you need to be asking....especially since her bots' are asking the question too is...why haven't other prominent Republicans defended Baldy? Where is Darth Cheney? Or...even a Reagan?

    Give it up troll....this movie is going to destroy what little bit of sanity Baldy is hanging on to! And I can't wait!

  21. Anonymous said...

    It's interesting that Meg Stapleton's comments on Schmidt kind of mirror those of Meghan McCain, someone who doesn't hold back and doesn't bullshiz around. Schmidt didn't respond to Meghan's book so we have nothing to go on, but its' interesting that everywhere you look, there's a lot of negative writing on the behalf of Schmidty boy.

    6:58 AM

    LOL! Okay...I see what the talking point is! Trash Steve Schmidt....but I think Baldy and company didn't think this one through!

    Mistake....Steve is not SCARED of that ill bred group of hillbillies! I think the hostility towards Steve must be from the fact that the Toad's blackmail attempts didn't work out!

    Which is why the hillbillies hate him so much! HeHe! Stupid hillbillies thought ole Steve and Nicolle was going to keep their mouths shut...but the dumb hillbillies haven't realize that Steve and Nicolle have been given PERMISSION by McShame himself to tell the TRUTH about Baldy and her inbred family!

    Oh and nice try with trying to use Meghan McCain...I read Meghan's book...something I'm sure you only skimmed troll and Meghan admitted she was a spoiled brat on the trail....what's Baldy and company's excuse...hmmm...troll?

  22. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    What did you say? I'm trying to get over the grammatical mistakes and the leaps in logic to figure out what you're attempting to say.
    I'm glad you feel so sorry for John McCain in his choice of aides.
    What we've been saying is that he made a huge mistake in choosing his running mate, too.
    Please cite the people of "high rank" who have refuted Wallace's story. Also the things that came out in the media.Please be specific, or will be difficult to believe you.
    In the meantime, the "few" on this website, and all over the globe,
    who have figured out Sarah Palin's modus operandi will continue to believe what they know to be true, as seen and heard in her own speeches, her reality show,and her tv appearances.
    If someone tried to say that John Kerry, or Hillary Clinton, or Ron Paul, or Nancy Pelosi or -- add a few thousand more public servants --
    didn't understand who governed the UK, we would need proof to believe such a thing of experienced, educated, intelligent people.
    When we hear that Sarah Palin couldn't tell the difference between the Koreas -- thus revealing an appalling lack of historical knowledge -- 20th century knowledge -- we can easily believe it, because we've already seen her in action.

  23. Anonymous said...

    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    7:03 AM

    Oh you poor stupid troll! Your pathetic musings are so "amusing"! You sound so you MUST be a Palin or Palin lite!

    Still hating on Nicolle Wallace huh? Where is the proof that Baldy "began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign" got some emails we can see troll? Otherwise STFU and take your "random" babbling's over to "Crazies4Palin"...they would love your "inside" knowledge of the Hillbillies!

    But be careful over there...they don't like the big you might need to dumb down your comments so they can understand what you're posting!

    Good Luck Troll!

  24. Anonymous7:42 AM

    When I need a laugh... I look at the DWTS video of the fat cow having to climb on a chair to flop across her partners back.

    He looked like he was getting a hernia carrying her fat ass across the stage.

  25. Anonymous7:47 AM

    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    @7:03 AM:

    Fuck John McCain for picking a smarmy, ladder climbing asshole for a running mate! $arah Palin is the worst VP pick ever. It isn’t just a “few” people who believe that, either.

    $arah Palin has earned herself a reputation for being a crazy person, and a LIAR. Palin's lies have been refuted far more often, by high ranked people. Why would any intelligent person believe anything that hateful bitch says?

  26. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Sadly, wake up calls don't work for people like the palins. There will never be a revelation of their bad behavior on their part. Never.

  27. Anonymous said...
    New Rule for Bristol Palin: Don't be pregnant as an unmarried abstinence advocate while dancing on national TV.

    6:47 AM

    You forgot to add:

    'as much as you have been... '

    FTFY :)

  28. LOL!! Thanks Carrie @ 7:19AM for that link to Kyle Massey's interview! What's up with Kyle repeatedly saying "kids"!! How many damn kids was living with Beefalo?? Now this is a question our resident troll needs to answer!

    And this part had me screaming in laughter...

    "The show was supposed to air in November, but the brothers say that it’s still in post-production and some issues have to be worked out.

    “Well it’s complicated,” Kyle explains. “It’s really complicated. You’ll hear about it soon enough.”

    Uh oh Beefy...."complicated" is code can we put this reality show on without Beefalo! LOL!!

  29. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I really really hate saying this but are the Palin kids slow or just very poorly educated, or both? Their grammar is atrocious! My 8 year old is a better writer. And their knowledge is so lacking. I'm talking about their comments on this page,

    They also seem very emotionally immature, like Sarah. Jealousy and bashing of Levi and Mercedes when no one is even discussing them? Sarah and Todd should be ashamed of their poor parenting skills.

    By the way, there is very little out there written negatively about Steve Schmidt and/or Nicole Wallace. Give examples or SU. You are misquoting Meghan, who, by the way has had plenty to say about you Bristol.

    Dont you slow people get that your posting and smashing of people only increases interest in the movie and makes it look like you are lying? What you are doing (what your mom taught you to do) is so sick, sad and dysfunctional.
    It's like hitting your head against the wall over and over to post the same nonsense here over and over.

    I hope you girls one day realize how your mom is the one who dragged you into all this. That is where your anger should be directed. I'd like to hope you seek counseling but I'm worried for you that it's too late. Why are you ruining your lives?

  30. Anonymous said...
    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    7:03 AM

    ... hope you and $arah's other media minions gotchur money up front.

    [heh heh]

  31. @GinaM:

    You're priceless :)

  32. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anon @7:03: What "Thatcher stuff"? Do you mean the story about Sarah Palin thinking she'd have a dialogue with the Queen about the war in Iraq?

    Based on the "This is random..." in your comment, maybe you are too young to remember Thatcher in her prime and you confused her with the Queen just as Sarah Palin did.

  33. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Why wouldn't people who actually knew her want to correct the record publicly instead of discussing things privately about how they're ashamed of all the people who've lied about her, past and present.

    6:31 AM
    Nice word salad.

  34. Anonymous8:46 AM

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    7:03 AM
    You sound dumb. Your grammar is astoundingly awful. You can't even convey a coherent thought. Is that you Sarah?

  35. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I love the "this is random but.." troll. One of my favs.

  36. Anonymous8:53 AM

    “Well it’s complicated,” Kyle explains. “It’s really complicated. You’ll hear about it soon enough.”
    They probably have to edit out all evidence of Bristol's multiple babies. It won't matter though. I have a feeling Massey will let the truth out soon.

  37. Gina-You are very welcome! This isn't the first time Massey has referred to "kids" in an interview about making the show. BTW...Brooklyn had the first comment there. Anything about Bristol she jumps on right away!

    Waving to Kristy!!!!

  38. carrie said...

    BTW...Brooklyn had the first comment there. Anything about Bristol she jumps on right away!

    Waving to Kristy!!!!

    9:03 AM

    Yes....ole Brooklyn is going to be busy! Hopefully she'll be able to get some sleep before she begins her shift...what with being "Down Under" an all....LOL!!

  39. Anonymous9:23 AM

    What's funny is that the book "Game Change" wasn't soley about Palin. It had a lot of other not so flattering things to say about other folk. Do you see them crying?

    Nope...only one person keeps crying & whining about it.....

  40. Anonymous9:42 AM

    GinaM - you are always criticizing my grammar, but yours is bad all of the time.

    Like here you said: "LOL!! Thanks Carrie @ 7:19AM for that link to Kyle Massey's interview! What's up with Kyle repeatedly saying "kids"!! How many damn kids was living with Beefalo?? Now this is a question our resident troll needs to answer!

    UH, even high lowly GED person, now it should be "How many damn kids WERE living with Beefalo"" not "was"

    And you do this all of the time by the way. Maybe you should use a grammar checker before dissing on others for what you do. You are not very nice either. Saying you will enjoy seeing another human curled up on the floor. Man, that is just psycho sick.

  41. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Would someone tell me WHO Kristy is?

    And living "down under ?"

    How would you know this?

    Please share with the rest of us. Thanks.

  42. Anonymous said...

    GinaM - you are always criticizing my grammar, but yours is bad all of the time.

    Like here you said: "LOL!! Thanks Carrie @ 7:19AM for that link to Kyle Massey's interview! What's up with Kyle repeatedly saying "kids"!! How many damn kids was living with Beefalo?? Now this is a question our resident troll needs to answer!

    UH, even high lowly GED person, now it should be "How many damn kids WERE living with Beefalo"" not "was"

    And you do this all of the time by the way. Maybe you should use a grammar checker before dissing on others for what you do. You are not very nice either. Saying you will enjoy seeing another human curled up on the floor. Man, that is just psycho sick.

    9:42 AM

    Uh oh....I think I broke the troll ya'll!! The poor thing has mixed up my comments with others and now the poor thing is spewing!

    Do you want some cheese with that "whine" troll?

    Awww....poor troll....but could you answer my question...."How many damn kids does Beefalo have?"

    Waiting with bated breath for your answer.......


  43. Anonymous said...

    GinaM - you are always criticizing my grammar, but yours is bad all of the time.

    I am? Who are YOU?

  44. Anonymous said...

    Would someone tell me WHO Kristy is?

    And living "down under ?"

    How would you know this?

    Please share with the rest of us. Thanks.

    9:45 AM


    thanks....I needed that!

  45. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "PS: The linked website (also a SP fan club) is promoting a "sold out" "Reload Retreat" in Phoenix. Classy, huh, with what happened in AZ a year ago..."

    5:40 AM


    It's unbelievable how unaware and insensitive these people are. Even if they don't care about the connection (AZ and Retreat/Reload) don't they think anyone else will get it? Way to get the country behind her, dimwits. And thanks for that.

    Quite a slap in the face of those shot last year, I'd say.

    6:42 AM

    We Alaskans are certainly glad that Arizona exists! Each time someone pops up and says "Alaska is the craziest state in all of America and is full of nothing but morons and I'll NEVER visit"! we shake our heads and say one word "Arizona".

    Arizona has stolen our crown and we are both sad and happy at the same time. Hopefully those that threatened never to visit will keep their pledge even though we no longer win the craziest state competition, hopefully the lingering Palin presence is still enough to keep them away.

    I gotta say that even though AZ is absolutely shithouse crazy, I still don't let it stop me from doing things like floating the CO or seeing my friends in Sedona-Sedona is crazy but in a much diff. way than the rest of AZ, but it still seems like one of the only "sane" places in the whole state.

  46. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Gina - whoa. You are funny much of the time, but other times a real bitch. I think the who is Kristy question was sincere...and no it was not from me.

    But Carrie says "Hi Kristy" And you say Brooklyn needs sleep and she is down under.

    Do you really think everyone here knows what you two are talking about?

    And why do you accuse everyone of being a troll because they simply ask a question or want clarification.

    Can't someone who might be new here ask a question?

    I can't understand why you think her question was so funny because I have no idea what you were referring to either. And I have been reading Gryphens blog since 2008 and am not a troll. I am sure you will call me one, but I am not.... I know you are having fun, but do you have to be a bitch all of the time to others who may be on your side ?

  47. 11:11 AM

    Now do you really think I have anything to say to YOU after you called me a "bitch" 2 times! LOL!!

    Again....WHO are YOU?

  48. Anita Winecooler6:12 PM

    Gina M, you Rock!

    The reason the trolls keep bashing you is basically you're hitting the right nerve, or they'd simply curl up in a fetal position, surrounded by a pile of index cards in a language they don't understand, like American English

    My favorite Troll comment was this one:

    Anonymous said...
    This is random but where are people (aides) getting the Margaret Thatcher stuff "allegedly" spoken by Palin? Do they not realize she began mentioning Thatcher before the campaign and from the beginning of the campaign on? I think anon aides just hit an all-time low. We know DC is filled with smarmy, ladder climbing assholes, but I feel for McCain that he hired the worst of them.

    And yet, the few, comparatively, people who will always believe any negative Palin story, regardless of accuracy, doesn't even realize that people of high rank refuted Wallace and some things that came out in the media.

    7:03 AM

    The kids with wierd names were trotted out onstage, and that's when Sarah first mentioned "Thatcher". "Governor Palin, which girl is Bristol?"

    "Thatcher right there, in the black blimp dress with the huge boobs holding her baby's daddy's hand while he wipes drool from her adoreable God Given, Non Fungible, Freedom Loving Chin!"

    What I love the most, bless her white cotton haines her way panties, is how she descrbes the people in washington "smarmy ladder climbing assholes" Basically saying Mc Cain hired the worst of them, meaning Sarah Palin.

    Wallace and Schmidt where doing their job. Sarah quit before the race even started.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.