Sunday, February 12, 2012

GOP decides to go all in with attack on contraception.

I wonder what else I can get them to do?
Courtesy of TPM:

 Not satisfied with President Obama’s new religious accommodation, Republicans will move forward with legislation by Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) that permits any employer to deny birth control coverage in their health insurance plans, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Sunday. 

“If we end up having to try to overcome the President’s opposition by legislation, of course I’d be happy to support it, and intend to support it,” McConnell said. “We’ll be voting on that in the Senate and you can anticipate that that would happen as soon as possible.” 

The Blunt amendment he was specifically referring to would “ensure that health care stakeholders retain the right to provide, purchase, or enroll in health coverage that is consistent with their religious beliefs and moral convictions” under the Affordable Care Act. Similar legislation was introduced by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) before the White House announced Friday that it would allow religious nonprofits such as charities, hospitals and universities to opt out of paying for contraception coverage and force the insurance company to do so instead. 

The push indicates either that Republicans believe there’s still an opportunity to score political points against Obama, or that they’ve simply calculated they cannot back down now. Regardless, the success of the strategy now rests on the gamble that Republicans will be able to continue framing the issue as one over religious liberty and not contraception, despite the new accommodation Obama carved out.

Unbelievable!  There MIGHT have been a case made for religious freedom in their earlier argument against having an actual religious organization pay for health coverage that they see as immoral, but allowing ANYBODY who states that they don't have to provide it because of their personal moral convictions is ridiculous.

I swear Obama is easily baiting these Republicans into essentially throwing away millions of female votes right before the 2012 elections.

What century is this again?


  1. Anonymous4:33 PM

    according to genealogy research

    barack obama and sarah palin are 9th cousins

    and there is a 0.3% chance that you are related to sarah palin

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I don't believe that it was wrong the way it was in the beginning. If religious organizations want to expand from their worship business to compete against private and non profit businesses to provide medical services, social services, treatment services etc - then they need to compete using the same exact laws as everyone else.

    What if the FLDS church states that it is their "religious" beliefs that children should begin working full time at age 12 as unpaid apprentices as carpenters and were permitted to compete in bids against contractors who follow the labor laws?

    If Churches want to engage in the public sector for business, then they need to conduct themselves as public sector businesses.

  3. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Can you imagine the chaos that would ensue if employers were allowed to pick and choose what they will and wot cover?

  4. angela4:37 PM

    These men really can't help themselves.

    The GOP has no long game. This is all a series of
    reactions that in the end will get their asses lit up by millions of women. Democratic, independent and republican.

    They are so hot to get the President that they are stepping in a pile of shit---with more than half the population.

    Word to these regressive assholes---women vote
    and let their money talk for them. Ask The Komen Foundation.

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Religious and moral convictions are now the GOP's Get Out of Jail for Free cards.

    In this PC world, they shriek in sunlight and hiss at day-walkers that believe in civil, women, insured and equality rights.

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I've said this before and I'll say it again. If a woman wants to consult on this issue with the potential father, or a male doctor, or a male family member that is her perogative. Other than that I don't think men should have ANYTHING to do with this decision or this discussion. On any level.

    That includes politicians, pundits, arm chair quarterbacks,law enforcement, judges, neighbors, friends, and LEAST of all, members of the clergy who have a long and reprehensible history of abusing the very children they insist must be brought into this world.

    It sickens me to have these people dictate to women how they can make decisions about their bodies. Fuck all of them.

  7. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Republican men in the United States Congress are the very, very worst representatives of American women.

    I cannot believe they will be reelected. The 'do nothing' Congress that does nothing more than obstruct.

    President Obama is going to win hands down!!!

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    This is friggin' Politico and look at the comment related to Grifticia:

  9. Wolfbitch4:54 PM

    Like being against birth control went so well for Pope Paul VI.

  10. honeybabe5:00 PM

    repugs really didn't pay attention to the colman controversy did they. makes it better for us dems of course. thank you.

  11. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I'd really like to look into the brain of a conservative and figure out how they justify this.

    "I'm against abortion." .............check But....I'm against birth control which prevents abortion. ........check

    "I'm for fiscal responsibility.".....check But....I'm against birth control which is more cost effective than abortion or having kids.

    I'm for keeping the government out of people's lives. ..........check But......I'm willing to have government in people's bedrooms to make sure they don't use birth control or have abortions or sleep with someone of the same sex. ...........check AND.......I want to force my version of religious beliefs on everyone else. ......... check

    I'm "pro life" when it comes to fetuses.......Check But.....I don't want to pay taxes to support in any way the kids who are born if I can get abortion outlawed. .........check

    I want to make Obama look bad. .....check AND......I'm willing to look like a hypocritical dumb ass to make Obama look bad. ........check

    "How come people still support Obama and not me?" "It must be the liberal press."


  12. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I can't figure out how any woman today can vote Republican...

  13. aj weishar5:11 PM

    OK, the GOP wants to mix religion into legislation. They need to look at the practices of some religions in the U.S. The contraception argument should open the door for legalizing peyote which is used by the American Indian Church. Applying another Catholic concept kids should be able to buy and drink wine. Tired of your wife? Some Middle Eastern religions allow men to stone their wives to death if they (the husband) has an affair. It's the wife's fault if the husband strays, because she didn't fulfill her duty to keep him happy. I think Newt's ahead of the curve on that one.

  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    I just heard Paul Ryan on TV saying, if President Obama was willing to do this before an election just imagine what he will do in his 2nd term.

    Be afraid, very afraid!

    Good god what is wrong with these freaks?! How on earth can anyone take the Republican party seriously?

    I didn't think I could be surprised by any thing they do anymore but they have reached a new low, once again.


  15. I think the Repubs are walking right into a big trap. Do they not realize that the women who vote are no longer willing to live in the deep, repressive past? Do they not realize that women of child bearing age have never experienced life before Roe v. Wade? Even Catholics?

    Keep on walking into that trap, Repubs. Follow the frothy mixture into defeat at the hands of female voters and those who love them.

  16. Virginia Voter5:23 PM

    I am dumbfounded that the GOP will literally hand President Obama this gift, on a silver platter, tied up with a pretty bow.

    I mean did they not learn anything from the Komen debacle?

    For the GOP to flush the female vote down the toilet with a move like this is something I could not fathom in my wildest dreams. By all means, gentlemen, double down on misogyny, discrimination, and return of second class citizenship for women. Should ensure a democratic majority for generations.

  17. The Rethugs are SO lame they can't see this is tantamount to outlawing sugar and deep fat in the South, Pot on Maui, or bicycles in Portland ...

    How's that 'Spanish Inquisition' thingy workin' for ya? Frothy Santorum is against ALL sex for fun -- even heterosexuals. According to his "moral code," Sarah should be stoned. Oh, wait ... does Xanax count?

    REAL men don't try to run women's health. REAL women would never stand for this. Thankfully, we do have a real man in the White House. And a real woman. OBAMA landslide!!

  18. lwtjb5:35 PM

    Jehovan's Witnesses don't believe in blood transfusions. By this logic should employers who belong to that church be allowed to buy policies that do not pay for blood transfusions?

    Seems like these guys are digging themselves a really deep hole. Think they can sell their argument?

  19. lwtjb5:40 PM

    And since when did "moderate" become a dirty word?

    I am a flaming liberal and not afraid to say so.

  20. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Women and Indy's approve of what POTUS has done.

    GOP solidifying their 20% base....HA who cares!

  21. Wolfbitch5:45 PM

    The Religious Right has always been against birth control, as they believe that sex should only happen in marriage and should always be open to the conception of a child. I've been waiting years for this to come out in the open - the whole anti-abortion thing was only a stalking horse for the real platform, that of completely regulating women's sexuality.

    Now it's out there.

    And women will vote against them in droves - even Christian Right women. Most women don't want these huge pseudo-Biblical families which they, and they alone, wind up taking care of. Most women are not Rick Santorum's wife, and I wonder if she wishes she were not his wife, either. Their last child nearly killed her - do you think Santorum will now practice abstinence as a way to protect his wife's health?

  22. sharon28535:52 PM

    what the fuck is wrong with these idiots? Stay OUT of my private business and shove your fucking religion up your ass. Retards will never learn. goddamn this pisses me off - why are we even having these conversations in 2012?

    It's not funny anymore - I'm not laughing.....

    I feel like we all got sucked into a timewarp and went flying past the 1950's into the dark ages.

  23. Anonymous5:58 PM

    If Churches want to engage in the public sector for business, then they need to conduct themselves as public sector businesses.
    4:33 PM

  24. This Mitch McConnell dude might want to talk to his daughters and granddaughters and get a more rounded view of things.

  25. Hoken6:11 PM

    The Republicans and the bishops are determined to show us exactly how Teh Church has functioned as an impediment to social progress for 2,000 years (give or take a century or two).

    As Hitchens reminded us, "... we have a right to remember how Barbarically they behaved when they had power."
    It appears things haven't changed much since Mark Twain's time:

    "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."

  26. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Well said Rick.

  27. Anonymous6:13 PM

    The GOP’s War on Women, (and everyone else who isn’t them…)

    This is long, but it’s imperative everyone understands this, so please read. In fact, go get a beverage……

    The GOP is dangerous. I know that sounds alarmist, but I don’t say that lightly. For me to illustrate just how dangerous, I need to explain some basics.

    First, how did so many Americans get so stupid?

    “The Republicans have been cutting Public Education funding for the last thirty years, and now globally, we’re ranked 14th for reading, 17th for science, and 25th for math!”

    We all pay taxes. Taxes go to millions of different things. No one person can specify where and how their tax contribution is spent. That is the government’s function.

    Pretty much everyone has some form of insurance. If you drive a car, you have auto insurance. If you have a job, you pay into state disability and unemployment insurance programs. Even Social Security and Medicare are types of insurance. Even your taxes are a kind of insurance, and pay for Police and Fire departments, among a bazillion other things that most people take for granted.

    The most important thing I learned since President Obama’s Birth Control Punking last Friday, is that 99% of America (and apparently 100% of the media), have ZERO knowledge of how insurance actually works.

    I really feel that everyone needs to understand this clearly, because if we don’t, we’re going to attack back in the wrong direction out of ignorance, and lose ground instead of gain or hold it. So please bear with me – I’ll make this simple:

  28. I'm waiting for the insurance companies to say "Wait, what? You don't want us to cover birth control, but you want us to pony up the money for childbirth, which is WAY more costly? F you!"

  29. Sunny6:14 PM

    Love that pic! Tongue in cheek, only way to dill with Repugs and retain sanity.
    11 years I managed a large retail outftit, dealt with the good, bad, and the ugly, gradually grew disenchanted with the human race, changed professions and never want to go there again, cannot imagine how he copes, national scale and all.
    Let's vote those a-holes out of office, educate and motivate that large apathetic segment so focused on day to day survival and American Idol, that they don't realize staying home uninformed, not voting is the reason women's rights, daycare etc, has suddenly been cut or eroding.
    The teabaggers showed us in 2010 what apathy and complacency combined with childish "get back at ya, Obama" can do.
    Democrats and progressives innate inclination to live and let live, do not impose your views, have proven a serious detriment to 'rill freedom, I say let's borrow a bit of aggresive ideology from the right wing and get this nation into the 21sth century.
    Blogs are handy for venting and sharing thoughts with like minded people, but if we are to repel the ever encroaching fascist Palin and ilk wet dreams, we must get out there in the real world.
    I am, how 'bout you?
    Peace out (thanks Gina!)
    Obama 2012!

  30. I'm waiting for the insurance companies to say, "Wait, what? You won't let us cover birth control, but you want us to pony up for childbirth, which is WAY more costly? I don't think so!"

  31. I'm sure they're all in for covering Viagra and other boner pills. They've been covered by insurance ever since they came on the market. So, boner pills: Yup. Birth Control: nope. No war on women here. What year is this again? 1812?

  32. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The best thing that could happen is if a Jehovah Witness files a complaint (with the Justice Dept?)claiming that they should not have to cover blood transfusions for employees. This, too, is a "religious freedom" issue. If the catholic bishops want to go to extremes, then , I say, let's show them how extreme we can get.

    BTW, some insulin is made from pigs. Calling all Jews!! Calling all Muslims!! Time to rumble.

  33. Deni said...
    I'm sure they're all in for covering Viagra and other boner pills. They've been covered by insurance ever since they came on the market. So, boner pills: Yup. Birth Control: nope. No war on women here. What year is this again? 1812?

    6:20 PM

    All us girls have to do is demand that Viagra be classified exactly the same as birth control pills.

    It will be the happy ending of the discussion.

  34. Anonymous6:45 PM

    arsphidius said...
    I'm waiting for the insurance companies to say, "Wait, what? You won't let us cover birth control, but you want us to pony up for childbirth, which is WAY more costly? I don't think so!"

    The ability to get pregnant is a pre-existing condition.

  35. linda6:46 PM

    @Rick 5:01 -- I agree with you. I really can't figure them out. There's no logic.

  36. Anonymous6:52 PM

    "Get the U.S. Out of my Uterus"

  37. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Love the picture you posted at the top of the blog for this article. So always wonder what he has up his sleeve - usually another ace. Almost like a cat with a cornered mouse.

    Can't find the link but there was an interview with a teabagger who said that he made $39,000/yr and thought that the gov't had no place in his life. He also stated that he and his wife had lost their jobs recently - thanks to Obama - and had to go on government assistance and apply for the free lunches that the school provided to needy children.

    Go figure. Apparently this person does not understand that the programs he and his family are utilizing are Gov't sponsered.

  38. Anonymous6:54 PM

    To anonymuous at4:33,they can pay taxes too.I'm fed up with this stealing in the name of the Lord.Mitt Romney can pay his fair sharewhile we're at it and his sons can serve in the military.This prick wants to lead us,hell no is what I say.

  39. Nice going, Rick, and you probably could have added a lot more to that.

  40. Anonymous7:12 PM

    I can't understand a republican woman either. It just seems like an oxymoron.

  41. Anonymous7:15 PM

    O/T "Sarah Palin's Ton Seven CPAC Hack Attacks and Lies" on

  42. Anonymous7:32 PM

    So, if an employee gets pregnant, then of course, they will support full coverage prenatal care, birthing, and maternal leave. Yes?

  43. Anonymous7:35 PM

    The Republicans want to o back to the day of "Barefoot and pregnant"

  44. Anonymous7:50 PM

    We need more fodder!!!

    No more birth control!
    No more education!
    More war!
    More prisons!

  45. Anonymous8:06 PM

    To those frantic hand wringers crying to leave the Palin children alone because alas, teenage suicides are on the rise, IM commenters are the cause!!

    Sarah Palin's looks are moot, focus on her politics you immature blog degrading profanity lovers!
    Food for thought you all..
    The Palin children are fine thank you very much, momma and papa grizzly have made sure to milk the conservative's ignorance and GOP hatred of a black Potus for all it's worth, Bristles, Wallow, Viper and innocent grandson Trig sleep warm and cozy in mortgage free homes, no Palinbot fretting required!

    Wallow Swallow preggers? No prob, SarahPac alive and thriving, grifter's third (fourth?) grandchild will have plenty of formula, clothes, insurance and toys, thanks CPAC attendees! C4P also too!!

    Wallow's feelings hurt 'cause mean bloggers are saying she's the ugly sis now and compare Beefalo to Liz?!!
    Dry those tears, once the hormones settle Ms. Wallow will again be cute and get her snark back!

    Momma grizzly temporarily ok looking thanks to triple botox doses and last minute addies glow?
    All worth it, there is no other woman alive who can inspire future cheated on Conservawitches like she can!

    On to bed concern IM commenters, once all is said and done, the strong Palin family does not even know what is being said here, right?

    Focus on your own, the Palins are just fine, at least until karma comes 'round.
    Nightie night!

  46. Anonymous8:07 PM


    thats a mormon term.

  47. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I was just looking up the phrase "scorched earth" in the dictionary...

  48. Anonymous8:12 PM


    Keep on doing what you guys are doing, and you will ensure that you will not only have NO chance at the White House (which you already BARELY have), but you will also ensure that both the House as well as the Senate will be Democratic!!!

  49. Anonymous9:05 PM

    4 years of acting the adult in the room is paying off. I know for a fact that Palin's speech at CPAC had many conservatives wincing. They realize that to many she comes off as a deranged stalker.

  50. Anita Winecooler9:16 PM

    I haven't read the comments, but isn't this yesterday's news?

    Where are the jobs, republicants?

    No one in their right mind would sign this into law, because it's unconstitutional.

    I incorporated my uterus, so it's a person, and my uterus says "Fuck Off, and Fuck You Mr Blunt.

    Obama 2012

  51. Bristol's Real Chin9:31 PM

    Just what I was thinking... what if I don't think insurance should cover viagra?

  52. So far what I've read about the Birth control issue at "Crazies4Palin" the patients's the word I'm looking for...oh yeah..."ambivalent"!

    There is one crazy in particular over there who said that women just want free BC so they can have as much sex as they want and then abort the babies!

    Um...couldn't figure out why NOBODY explained to this Rhodes Scholar that birth control...pills especially PREVENTS the implanting of an egg...maybe it was too late...I'll check back tomorrow and see if SOMEBODY...ANYBODY responded to the genius!

  53. It's FAR worse than trying to block birth control. Check out this article.

    Under the measure, an insurer or an employer would be able to claim a moral or religious objection to covering HIV/AIDS screenings, Type 2 Diabetes treatments, cancer tests or anything else they deem inappropriate or the result of an “unhealthy” or “immoral” lifestyle. Similarly, a health plan could refuse to cover mental health care on the grounds that the plan believes that psychiatric problems should be treated with prayer.

  54. Cost of birth control is cheaper and more cost effective than a 9 MONTH pregnancy, possible complications, and 6-12 weeks off work. Who will take that woman's place at work during that time off? Better yet, what about paternity leave, especially if they work for the same corporation?

  55. If this became law, I would expect a lot of business owners to convert to Christian "Science". No medical assistance allowed. Pray away the disease.

  56. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Everyone's comments on this post are excellent. GOP, when you mess with women, you are going to lose. This ain't the fifties, and we are not going to take it.

  57. Anonymous3:58 AM

    How can Great-Granny-To-Be LuLu be a great granny if contraception is freely available? That's just wrong. We can't have these horrible democrats take away her freedom to be a great-grandmother before she turns 60.


    You liberals with your "birth control" and your "small families" and your "high-school graduates". The Palins are at Applebee's right now, laughing and laughing.

  58. lostinmn5:42 AM

    Listening to McFossil explain his opposition yesterday I realized what a slippery slope he was walking and I fear he's already sliding and doesn't even know it. If he introduces a bill allowing ANY employer to opt out of contraception coverage because he/she is "morally" opposed then it opens up anyone to refuse to cover any number of medical conditions because they are morally opposed to it - what if I'm morally opposed to STD's? Can I deny coverage to an employee with AIDS, how about the other less deadly types? Can I refuse to pay for cervical cancer exams because it has been linked as being more prevalent in some studies to sexual activity? Where's the line going to get drawn - just sex? Or other things as well. He set them up and now they are groping around in the dark. He's a lot smarter than they think he is.

  59. Paul - Minnesota6:47 AM

    One would think after the Komen fail, this should be the last issue the tea taliban would be pushing now.

    Yet watch them do another major fail.

    Plus, when is the tea taliban going to get around to doing anything about their promise to work on JOBS, JOBS, JOBS. Jobs for everyone.

    As they promised in their last election cycle. I suppose the only potential jobs they're thinking of creating is for some tea party people to be their theocracy government police people in everyone's lives and bedrooms.

    Thanks tea, keep pushing your social agendas. I'll enjoy watching the GOP/same tea party fade into nothingness and irrelevancy in most of the USA.

  60. Paul - Minnesota6:53 AM

    Also, I appreciate women who are now fighting back politically. One example:

    State Sen. Janet D. Howell, Democrat, Fairfax, VA

    For her suggestion that men have to get rectal exams before getting a prescription for Viagra.

  61. Olivia8:51 AM

    If we want to expand religious freedom, Mormans should be once again allowed plural marriage and who is to stop someone from founding a religion wherein smoking pot is a sacred sacrament or ONLY gay marriage is permitted?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.