Friday, February 24, 2012

The Massey brothers are still trying to keep hope alive for Bristol's seemingly DOA reality show.

Courtesy of Hollywood Life:

Bristol Palin‘s new reality show with her Dancing with the Stars competitor Kyle Massey, 20, and his brother Chris, 22, is in post-production, and the brothers say living with the 21-year-old and her son Tripp was such an eye-opening experience! “We had to learn how to raise children and take care of children,” Chris explains to reporters at Cartoon Network’s Hall of Game Awards on Feb. 18. “Kids are a full time responsibility.” 

Okay I am with others in wondering why Chris Massey keeps referring to "children" and "kids?" If  Bristol really trusted these two enough to let them in on the Palin family secrets she better hope that her non-disclosure agreement with them is iron clad.

Kyle says the highlight was getting to see another side of Bristol while they lived together filming the show. “I think it was really fun to just see the different parts of the world,” he explains. “We got to know Bristol a lot better.” 

And behind-the-scenes, Kyle says she’s so different. “She is really an amazing mom,” he says. “People do not see that side of her and on DWTS you really didn’t see that side of her. We got to see her be mom behind-the-scenes and away from the cameras. She does everything to make sure [Tripp] is OK. That is pretty cool.” 

I actually think that Bristol might be a good mother most of the time to Tripp.

Even though we have certainly seen him quite unhappy in her presence. I think overall she is probably quite attentive and loving.

After all she was essentially the "mother duck" to her siblings for much of the time growing up. Right up until she purposefully got herself pregnant in the hopes of breaking her ties with her mom that is.

 The show was supposed to air in November, but the brothers say that it’s still in post-production and some issues have to be worked out. 

“Well it’s complicated,” Kyle explains. “It’s really complicated. You’ll hear about it soon enough.”

"It's really complicated," Welcome to the world of the Palins Kyle. With them EVERYTHING is complicated.

Okay so as you know I don't believe this show has a refrigerator's chance on a dead lake in Wasilla of ever hitting the airwaves. But I guess there IS a slim chance.

IF the "Game Change" movie does pretty well, there may be some residual interest drummed up to see more of  the freak show that is the Palin family, which could be enough to convince the BIO Channel put at least one episode on the air to test the waters.

I would not bet any money on this, but in my opinion it is about the only hope that the Palins have of breathing life back into this project.

I am not exactly rooting for this outcome by the way. The sooner these Wasillabillies realize their fifteen minutes are up, the better for everybody.


  1. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Does she ever NOT look pregnant? This show (when she is on camera) would be like watching paint dry. BORING is the oinly word that comes to mind. Of course the Massey brothers are hoping the show gets on TV, their mother is producing it. Can't be much of a producer to actually think any Palin would be an interesting subject, unless it was sorting out all the pregnancies.

  2. Anonymous3:26 AM

    I'd like to know what is so amazing about being a mother.Millions of women do it every day with no fanfare and not a tv camera in sight.Yet this plastic surgery addict gets attention and everyone thinks shes so wonderfulThis is complete and utter bullshit.Everyone in this world had a mother and most of them aren't anything like this pos named palin.Enough already.

  3. Anonymous3:30 AM

    "Game Change" will make money for HBO.

    Anything with the Grifter family in it won't make a dime for any network. And cable TV isn't in it for their health.

  4. Anonymous3:35 AM

    Kyle said,“People do not see that side of her (Little Juicy) and on DWTS you really didn’t see that side of her."

    Oh come on Kyle, all mothers dress in clothes that don't fit, followed by dry humping on the floor with a new acquaintance on national television show, accompanied by cheers and shouts of joy from family members.

    Is that not how rill mericuns live?

  5. hauksdottir3:43 AM

    Even if Bristol had a sparkling fun personality, WHY would anybody be interested in watching absolute normality: shopping, eating, cleaning house. Boooooring.

    If she was doing something interesting, that she was enthusiastic about, where the focus was on the skill, then the program might be worth watching. If she was building a boat or painting a mural or nursing rescued baby animals or some other passion project, and she was talking about the hows and whys, there would be curious folks cheering her on. But eating?

  6. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I don't know why anyone would want to watch a reality show involving Bristol Palin. The girl is blah in personality and has no talent that has been shown thus far - except perhaps to make babies!

    The girl had no chance due to the mother she has!!!

  7. angela4:07 AM

    Good grief.
    Massey couldn't consciously get past the plural--huh?

    The production problem is probably a child Bristol is claiming as a "god child". Soon we will hear how she is adopting a friends baby and there were legal matters to deal with.

    It is good Bristol is a good mother. She needs to be for her children.

  8. Anonymous4:27 AM

    “She is really an amazing mom,” he says. This from a 20 year old boy.......sure she loves the kid and is probably nice to him, makes sure he doesn't eat bugs and play in the street, but being an amazing mom is so much more that he has no clue about. AND we know poor little brisdull has had no role model to follow. They are probably waiting for all the nasty of the election to die down and throw the show out there to justify the making of it, it will still bomb. It certainly will be a wonderful source for ridicule, that is what I'm sure the producers are banking on.

  9. Anonymous4:36 AM

    The complications are probably because they have to edit out all evidence of more than one child before the show can air. Come on just spill the beans Massey (I don't care which one of you does).

  10. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Frankly who needs to see Bristol be a mom? Lots of women are or have been moms. And of the young single moms, there are precious few with as much money as the Palins. There is so much absolute junk on television now and this, if it ever airs, will only add to it.

  11. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Did we ever find out why Bristol named her son after Shailey Tripp (Todd's prostitute)? Is it her passive aggressive way of getting revenge on her mom for stealing away her first son Trig? Kinda like a "big middle finger" to her mom for taking her baby away. That's the only possible explanation unless Tripp is a common first name in Alaska? Where else would she get it from? She doesn't seem like the type who likes to trip on hallucinogens. More of a beer and weed girl if you know what I mean.

  12. Anonymous4:41 AM

    "complicated"? They have to edit it so Bristle does not show her pregnancy. By the way, "awesome" mothers do not shove pacifiers in their 3 year old children's mouths. They find out what the child wants or needs and take care of it. When this is finally shelved, maybe one of the crew who complained about getting stuck taking care of her kids while she was texting, will come forward and tell the truth.

  13. I might watch the Massey brothers by themselves.

    I do think she knows how to take care of kids; Levi said she was the family “mother” or something in that regard.

    But, who was the little jerk slashing the air with her claws around the schoolteacher in Homer? I thought it was Willow, but others said it was Bristol. That was disturbing.

  14. $arah and toad were talking divorce way before the "ran" for VP....

  15. "Marital Problems," Palin writes: "So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell "conflict of interest" accusations about BP?"

  16. Anonymous5:34 AM

    Have you heard about Santorum's interview with Glenn Beck?

    This is getting absolutely ridiculous . . . .

  17. Anonymous5:46 AM

    The Massey brothers are washed up Disney child actors that need and will pander to anyone to get employment. They are neither good looking ( yes that matters for TV and in movies) nor very talented.

    O/T HuffPo says the emails show Granny Lulu's marriage was in trouble, just like you had stated before Gryphen! Suck on that trolls!

  18. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Quick question Brisket...why did you name Tripp after your Dad's prostitute?

  19. Poor Beefy! The Massey brothers have to pimp Beefy's "mothering skills" in hopes of getting this sure to be yawn fest on TV.

    I'm sure his mother was advised that when dealing with the hillbillies of Wasilla better have a back up plan!

    Looks like they are down to Plan Z!

  20. "We got to see her be mom behind-the-scenes and away from the cameras. She does everything to make sure [Tripp] is OK. That is pretty cool.”

    That's what every Mom does - have these people NEVER been involved with children. I didn't find alot of "cool" about being a Mom - it was giving over a large part of my life to the benefit of others. That's being a Mom and that's what they do.

    There are many better role models around for motherhood than the Palin clan - I suggest the Massey brothers study Michelle Obama - she makes sure her kids are OK under much more difficult situations than most other Moms have ever had to face.

  21. Anonymous6:06 AM

    It was reported that her free book giveaway in DC was filmed for "her" reality show. What a BUST!! What - 10 people showed up for the 100 free books? I am sure the sponsors would not be happy about that. She should do what she SAYS she supposedly is doing, quitting show biz. She has no personality, not pretty enough, plus all the pregnancies have taken a toll on her, she looks middle aged.

  22. “We had to learn how to raise children and take care of children,” Chris explains to reporters at Cartoon Network’s Hall of Game Awards on Feb. 18.

    Cartoon Network - 'nuff said.

  23. Anonymous6:17 AM

    "It's really complicated", Kyle said. That could mean anything, but with the Palins, it raises suspicions for sure. IF Bristol did have 'children', and didn't want her mother's fan base to find out, wouldn't the show producers have to work out the legal ramifications with how to present Bristol in that reality show?

    If show production team sees another baby around, and know it belongs to Bristol, they are on a slippery slope of deciding how to present her as a one-child single mom, and keeping all their staff from leaking the truth.

    Again, IF Bristol had two children, the whole branding of her as having the one and only child is disengenuous and illegal, wouldn't it be? They'd have to have everyone sign non-disclosure agreements just because of "Sarah Palin"? They would have a huge legal responsibility on their shoulders and be in a legal bind and a call from Sarah's lawyer if someone leaked.


  24. laprofesora6:25 AM

    I know I'm stating the obvious, but WHO CARES? Is anybody really interested in the day-to-day (fake) life of Brystil Paylin? I'd rather watch paint dry.

  25. Anonymous6:28 AM


    Yes, let's keep the children ignorant and afraid. Who needs doctors anyways? After all, Jesus didn't go to college and look how he turned out.

    All we need is to read selections of the bible and watch the 700 club with an occasional hour or two of Campmeeting.

  26. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I thought Kyle's mom was producing the show? It's all theirs no?

  27. Anonymous6:42 AM

    And Anon 2:55, go to hell you sexist prick. I hope you don't have children.

  28. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Anon 3:26, remember, I highly doubt the brothers have friends with kids or are even around small children if at all. Bristol's probably one of the first mothers theyve known. But their friendship seems genuine. The boys appeared to get along amazingly with the extended Heath family.

    Don't take their compliments away from her though. You have no room to judge anything regarding Bristol, or remark on any specifics. That's how some of the sordid and stupid lies became truth on the blogs, people choosing to be gullible and hateful bu nature.

  29. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Gryphen, if Bristol were physically trying to break away, please explain why she was content that whole summer in their presence? Real reason: jealousy that her mother had a new baby when her friends were all having babies too and she felt left out. I mean, look how stoked she was with her new brother. Was she really going to give up that? Thats how you made it sound btdubs. Through all conversations and current standings, that is most accurate to me. And judging one occurrence isn't fair, but it seems you believe that one occurrence with Tripp isn't the norm. Remember, he is with her 24/7. Children are temperamental.

  30. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Non-disclosure agreements? For what? Remember, the Masseys were in Alaska last summer and around the whole family. They obviously saw Trig, who would be a child, making the term 'children' appropriate. Though Trig is Willow's "little love."

  31. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I don't understand why you keep saying "palin family secrets." They're obviously pretty trusting evidenced by the number of people they invite to their home. Not very guarded people.

  32. Anonymous6:57 AM

    "I didn't find alot of "cool" about being a Mom'

    You've obviously never been to Wasilla. Motherhood is peer pressure.

  33. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Anon 5:46, notice how that email was responded to with humor.

    And you're a jerk. The Masseys are pretty successful.

  34. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "$arah and toad were talking divorce way before the "ran" for VP..."

    Yes because writing that to an employee really reeks of seriousness. Bailey replied with laughter. In no other place does Sarah reference problems. Just the opposite.

  35. Anonymous7:05 AM

    If an "amazing" mother is one who dresses her child in appropriate attire (jacket, shoes, hat, etc. in winter) while her mother shleps around her special needs son (grandson?) barefoot and coatless on a cool windy night, then, yes, Bristol is a good mother by that measure. But what about all the other things an "amazing" mother would do? Does she work? No. Does she go to school? No. Does she allow her child's father and family to be a part of the child's life? No. Does she provide a stable home? No. The Massey Brothers should run in the opposite direction from Bristol: nothing good will come from being part of her life. She is as selfish and clueless as her delightful mother.

  36. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "Amazing" mothers do NOT isolate children from their fathers. That's something the Massey brothers just hope viewers don't understand.

    "Amazing" mothers conduct themselves with decorum in part so their children can be proud of them and see them as a role model. So that kind of mother does NOT get into homophobic rants in bars with a film crew in tow.

  37. Anonymous7:13 AM

    It's interesting that Bristol never really planned on marrying Levi, or it would've happened at least by summer 08. You have Sarah cheerleading that decision, despite her denial of the relationship, with Todd giving his disapproval for the boy even back in 07. In mid-08, you see Bristol hanging around her family more than her babydaddy, and she happily joins the campaign trail while remaining far from the Johnstons.

    Good relationship my ass.

  38. I see Beefalo's troll has copped a squat in this post!

    Better be careful there're writing so many defensive post on Beefy's behalf you don't want to slip up and "revill" some tidbit of info that you are NOT suppose to "revill"!!

    Remember what happened to you last time! HeHe!!

  39. Gasman7:33 AM

    BP's sole claim to fame is that she was a promiscuous unwed teen mother of an incompetent, imbecilic buffoon who happened to be tapped as a candidate for VP.

    Who the hell gives a fat rat's ass about ANYTHING that this moronic progeny of an even bigger moron does?

    When the interest in Sarah Palin has faded to the point that the box office receipts for that cinematic pile of shit "The Undefeated" could only garner a few thousand tickets sold nationally, who in their right mind would contend that a hokey "reality" show about Palin's eldest slut daughter would be programming that would interest anybody?

    The only via career path for Bristol on the lens side of the camera is if she decides to become a porn actress. Other than that, she is going to have to figure out how to earn an honest living. THAT is probably the biggest challenge that any Palin could face.

  40. Now, what would be happening between 6:42 AM and 7:00 AM that would allow the Palinfairy Troll to post a few happy-happy comments after calling someone a "sexist prick" (tsk)?

    Would that be Bristol after getting up and before going downstairs in the Palin compound for breakfast? While the 24/7 nanny takes care of Trig, Tripp, and the mysterious 1 year old no one has seen?

    Let's see if the Palinfairy Troll posts again from her desk in the dermatologist's office in a couple of hours...

  41. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I thought I remember hearing that Casey Anthony's friends also thought that she was an "amazing mother" - even though they spent more time partying with Casey than seeing her interact with her daughter.

  42. Anonymous8:20 AM

    And Anon 2:55, go to hell you sexist prick. I hope you don't have children.

    6:42 AM:

    There is nothing sexist about what 2:55 AM said. I’m a female, and I think Bri$tol does always look pregnant, and she is fucking boring! The Palins need to stop having children!

  43. Anonymous8:23 AM

    6:45 AM:

    “Anon 3:26, remember, I highly doubt the brothers have friends with kids or are even around small children if at all. Bristol's probably one of the first mothers theyve known. But their friendship seems genuine. The boys appeared to get along amazingly with the extended Heath family.”

    You are fucking stupid! I doubt that Bri$tol Palin is one of the “first mothers” they have ever known! A lot of women are mothers! Their friendship is not genuine. The Massey brothers may genuinely like Bri$tol and the rest of her screwed up family, for some misguided reason, but I have hard time believing the Palin/Heath Klan gives a damn about the Massey brothers.

    “Don't take their compliments away from her though. You have no room to judge anything regarding Bristol, or remark on any specifics. That's how some of the sordid and stupid lies became truth on the blogs, people choosing to be gullible and hateful bu nature.”

    The Palins are hateful liars by nature, and they do it in PUBLIC. Therefore, we do have room to judge them.

  44. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Gryphen, if Bristol were physically trying to break away, please explain why she was content that whole summer in their presence? Real reason: jealousy that her mother had a new baby when her friends were all having babies too and she felt left out. I mean, look how stoked she was with her new brother. Was she really going to give up that? Thats how you made it sound btdubs. Through all conversations and current standings, that is most accurate to me. And judging one occurrence isn't fair, but it seems you believe that one occurrence with Tripp isn't the norm. Remember, he is with her 24/7. Children are temperamental.

    6:52 AM:

    Content in who's presence?

    You can call Trig Bri$tol’s “new little brother” all you want. It doesn’t prove anything. Where’s Trigs’s birth certificate? And, why was Bri$tol doing most of the mothering? And, no Tripp is not with Bri$tol “24/7.” I have seen pictures/video of Bri$tol out without Tripp, many, many, times. Most parents aren’t with their kids 24/7.

  45. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Non-disclosure agreements? For what? Remember, the Masseys were in Alaska last summer and around the whole family. They obviously saw Trig, who would be a child, making the term 'children' appropriate. Though Trig is Willow's "little love."

    6:54 AM:

    A non-disclosure agreement, about how many children Bri$tol really has, and who gave birth to Trig. Duh.

  46. I am in the middle of an adventure into the right wing mind on Facebook. I recently reconnected with a childhood friend who grew up in the same middle class neighborhood as I did. The other day, I posted Bill Maher's comment about Bristol Palin's book signing with her ghostwriter. My friend commented that "children should be off limits for cheap jokes." I pointed out that Bristol is an adult; wrote a book; appeared on DWTS and put herself out for public consumption. My Facebook friend asked, "Would you say the same thing about Chelsea Clinton?" So, I schooled her on the fact that Sarah Palin is not a public official but the star of a reality show where she put her children on display. I also said that, if Chelsea Clinton were ever to appear on DWTS, she would be fair game - and deserve all the jokes that would follow. Except, I said, Chelsea is too classy and well-educated to lower herself to such trash. My Facebook friend said that she "didn't want to argue this" but children, whatever their age are off-limits. Apparently my new/old friend has a very thin skin. She also chastised me for putting up a poster showing Republican women as subservient to their men. A shout-out to the birth control debate by the GOP.

    This is an example of what's out there in the Right Wing World. In the meantime, my friend posts anti-Obama stuff that, of course, is fictional and racist.

    This is a fairly well educated woman in her late 50s.

  47. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I don't understand why you keep saying "palin family secrets." They're obviously pretty trusting evidenced by the number of people they invite to their home. Not very guarded people.

    6:56 AM:

    A failed former vice-presidential candidate, and half-term governor, who once may have been considering running for president, all while hiding from reporters, and whining constantly about how the media, and bloggers, are out to get them, is not “trusting.” The Palins don't talk, unless they can control the message.

  48. Anonymous8:54 AM

    “You've obviously never been to Wasilla. Motherhood is peer pressure.”

    6:57 AM:

    What does that mean? There aren’t that many people in Wasilla, Alaska.

  49. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Anon 5:46, notice how that email was responded to with humor.

    And you're a jerk. The Masseys are pretty successful.

    6:58 AM

    $arah, and Toad are perfect for each other: They are a mess! And, what the hell have the Massey brothers done, lately? They are indeed washed-up former Nickelodeon/Disney child stars. They will keep sinking even faster, if they continue to be associated with the unpopular, and washed-up Palin/Heath klan.

  50. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "$arah and toad were talking divorce way before the "ran" for VP..."

    Yes because writing that to an employee really reeks of seriousness. Bailey replied with laughter. In no other place does Sarah reference problems. Just the opposite.

    7:00 AM

    Who gives a damn? It's not front-page news, so why are you hyperventilating? Toad is unemployed, and carries $arah Palin's purse. I doubt hardly any other women would want him.

    And, FYI: There are a lot of people who air out their serious dirty laundry to their employees. Stupid.

  51. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Wow, Bristol was really all over this. the comments hit too close to home?

    To add the list of things "Amazing Mothers" do or don't do:

    "Amazing Mothers" don't lie about their kid's age and then stuff a pacifier in his mouth to keep him from talking so that the lie isn't obvious.

    In fact "Amazing Mothers" know that no 3 year old kid should have one of those things in his mouth at all.

    Also, every "Amazing Mother" that I know makes sure her children have as much contact as they can with both sides of their family. The way she has treated Levi and his family is sad and in no way "Amazing".

    She is a two bit skank with no morals or upbringing. She prostitutes herself and her child to anyone who will throw her a few dollars.

    In the divorce..where the judge was obviously bought and paid by the Palin's...Levi was ordered not to use his son's pictures for profit. Think how many magazine photos Bristol has sold of the same child.

    And lastly, NO "Amazing Mother" puts out a book that describes being forced to drink wine coolers and then raped in a tent by the child's father. Nothing about that story screams "Amazing Mother" to me.

    I think the Massey's should quietly shut the door on this horribly conceived reality show and go on with their lives.

  52. Anonymous said...
    Does she ever NOT look pregnant? [...]
    2:55 AM

    Let's just call it what it is these days -- fat.

    I knew a guy whose wife was having morning sickness most of her 3rd pregnancy, and it fell to him to feed the other 2 kids -- so what did he do? He took them to McDonald's every day for 3 months, for both breakfast and lunch. HE gained about 30 pounds.

    BTW, I was curious about what dermatologic clinic Bristol worked at in Wasilla -- there seems to be only one, a big white building at 851 E. Westpoint Drive, on the corner of N. Crusey (purple A pointer).

    It's not very far away from the dental clinic (red pointer) where her aunt Molly works...

    And it's about a block away from a McDonald's.

    But what I found REALLY interesting in the Google Maps street view was the closeup of this truck in the dermatologic clinic parking lot.

    Hi, Bristol!

  53. Anonymous9:36 AM

    And Anon 2:55, go to hell you sexist prick. I hope you don't have children.

    6:42 AM
    I read 2:55's comment and there is nothing sexist about it. Do you even know what that word means?

  54. KaJo said...

    But what I found REALLY interesting in the Google Maps street view was the closeup of this truck in the dermatologic clinic parking lot.

    Hi, Bristol!

    9:13 AM

    *squinting hard *

    Are those car seats?? Meaning more than one....

  55. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I doubt that Bristol Palin, in her pursuit of a performing career will ever commit to improve her self. She did not prepare for her cameo acting role and evidently did not prepare then work her butt/gut off in DWTS. That is reminiscent of Sarah Palin convinced she is exempt from studying to be rewarded as a politician.

    When people have deficiencies for their goals some emerge as delusional they are entitled. Some compensate by lying to get ahead. Plastic surgery can not change what lies within. Most of us here would have advised a personal trainer, nutritionist, classes for acting, avail even free store stylist and honesty to command respect, integrity and support.

    Some people do not improve with age. Their lies merely get bigger.

  56. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I don't doubt that Bristol loves Tripp and takes pretty good care of him overall, but ...

    Good mothers don't keep their child from his father

    Good mothers don't ask the father to give up his rights because you don't want to deal with him.

    Good mothers don't write books inferring that their child's father raped her while she was drunk.

    Good mothers don't drag their child to 5-6 different residences in 3 years. Palin Compound, Anchorage condo, Palin Compound, LA - DWTS, Arizona, Palin Compound, LA (reality show), Palin Compound, New house across the lake

    Good mothers don't expose their kids to multiple boyfriends - Ben, back to Levi, Gino, Kyle & back to Gino

    Good mothers don't badmouth the other parent on National TV, in magazines and in a book.

    She clearly has some maturing to do as both a woman and a mother.

  57. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Oh, I almost forgot. Good mothers don't change their face so that they're nearly unrecognizable to their child (and everyone else).

    I wonder if he saw her all bandaged and bruised. I would think that could be traumatic for a child.

  58. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I am 2:55 I happen to have given birth to 3 children, and NEVER looked porky like Bristles does in between pregnancies. I worked a full time job, had a husband overseas in the service most of the time, raised the kids by myself. I put MY personal life on hold to get my children raised. Amazing mother? Bristles? What a joke. Almost anyone can give birth, it takes an amazing woman to RAISE the kids once they are here. My father said many years ago "Pacifiers are for LAZY mothers"

  59. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Bristol...I also do not see one thing about the post at 2:55 that is either "racist" or "sexist". You clearly have no idea what either of those words mean.

    Poor dear..if only you had really gone to school at some point in your life! Does it hurt to be as stupid as you are?

    The poster is are BORING. Just because you have the ability to have 3 children before you are 21 doesn't make you interesting. It just makes you trash.

    PS...there is this wonderful item available from doctors called "birth control". Since you clearly would be too stupid to figure out that complicated system of different colored pills on different days...the shot would be a great option for you.

    Or..better yet...follow your mother's example and have those tubes "tied and burned" know, like she did after Piper.

  60. Anonymous11:38 AM

    They're obviously pretty trusting evidenced by the number of people they invite to their home. Not very guarded people.


  61. Anonymous1:28 PM

    GinaM said...
    KaJo said...

    But what I found REALLY interesting in the Google Maps street view was the closeup of this truck in the dermatologic clinic parking lot.

    Hi, Bristol!

    9:13 AM

    *squinting hard *

    Are those car seats?? Meaning more than one....

    9:44 AM
    Bristol works at a clinic in Anchorage, according to what she has said. That truck looks like a Toyota and Bristol drives a Dodge. Also, Dr. Weiss's clinic is in the back of the Lakeview Plaza and parking for it is in the rear of the building. Dr. Weiss is my dermatologist and I know for certain that Bristol is not the receptionist at that clinic.

  62. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Wowsa, seeing someone be a mom. Once in a lifetime experience.

    For fuck's sake.

  63. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Get your blinders off fellas. Bristol Does Not Have ANY Talent. She is a dud with zero personality. You want Hollywood life, then ditch Bristol. She's an anchor that will only weigh you down.

  64. Anonymous9:20 PM

    What could be so complicated except Mama Grizz didn't like the outtakes. Seemed she wants a starring role in Bristol'
    s reality. show.

  65. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Really, it seems all Bristol wants is to have babies without the hassle of the baby fathers.

  66. Anonymous9:25 PM

    That's show biz... gamble on a show and it bombs. Leaves Mrs. Massey holding the bag and footing the bills. Way to go Brissypants - you couldn't even work up a sweat to promote your own reality show. Loser.

  67. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Bristol has no talent, no looks, no personality. Why is she putting herself in a position where her incompetence is so apparent? Because that is what her mother does. Can't stand to be out of the spotlight but doesn't know what to do when she is there.

  68. Are you people even real? You're like a bunch of cartoon characters. Haha I really hope that this is just Gryphen posting over and over again, because I'd hate to think that there are really people like this in the world. Very sad. And incredibly pathetic.

  69. KrisMar 8, 2012 08:23 AM

    "Kristy" from Down Under! Typical Palinbot'...biting the hand that feeds ya'! You're luck "Kris" that Gryphen even posted your insulting the meantime....



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