Tuesday, February 28, 2012

President Obama brings the house down in front of the United Auto Workers Annual Conference. You know the people whose vote Mitt Romney will NEVER get!

Just in case the video will not play for you here is a link to the text.

But I do have to remind you that it is a WHOLE different experience to hear the President speak those words then to just read them off yourself.

Clearly the President is feeling confident these days. And considering his opposition on the other side of the aisle, who can blame him?


  1. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Damn, but I'm MORE than happy we have President and Mrs. Obama representing us. He is the smartest and most likable leader in the nation!

  2. Awesome!

    Remember, remember the sixth of November! Landslide!!

  3. angela2:30 PM

    Poor Mitt.
    It must be hard to be a cardboard cut out as opposed to President Obama, a man who truly has passion.

    Obama 2012

    1. Anonymous4:53 PM

      Yep. Pres. Obama is the REAL man here.

  4. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Screw the auto union. They are the sole reason their industry crashed and they have probably learned NOTHING since their generous bailout.

    Screw unions and their politics. And screw Obama for manipulating us through them.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      sour Fox grapes. sour. sour. sour.

    2. Why on earth are you posting such nonsense here - the unions gave up much more than the CEOs to help save the auto industry. Why don't you listen to the truth - just once in a while - it would really help to avoid the internal argument you have between what you are and who you support.

      And by the by - He is President Obama to you

    3. London Bridges4:12 PM

      Thank God for the unions. If it weren't for the unions the rich scum would pay their workers just like Apple (The Scum - Jobs) does overseas.

    4. Anonymous4:39 PM

      You must be a Palin, @3:37, because the main verb you know is "screw."

    5. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Will you are a real poop! Thank God for the unions and their protecting the workers. I'm sick of the 1% of our nation!

    6. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Wow, you really know absolutely NOTHING about the auto industry.

  5. jaegermeister2:39 PM

    Not ony that, since Michigan is an open pimary a lot of those folks are going to vote for Santorum just to stick it to their "favorite son" Two-Cadillac Mitt. And that's what Sarah wanted right? Or is it? Where's that endorsement for Newt now Sarah? Ah yes, as usual you bet on the wrong horse, so enjoy hiding in Wasilla while taking chicken-shit shots at everyone from the safety of Fox News.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Looks like Romney is going to win MI despite Santorum's pleas to Democrats to "Vote for me! Vote for ME!" And Sarah's latest victim is Newt..dead last in both states.

  6. 4 more years for the sanity of this country.

  7. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Thank you, Mr. President!

    Four more years!

    Obama/Biden 2012 Believe it!

  8. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead3:34 PM

    There will be, Zeus willing, ample time to celebrate on election night. Until then, let's all keep in mind that smirking sack of shit who won not once but twice. There's a mountain of work to be done between now an victory. Hard to believe, but victory is NOT assured.

  9. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Caught part of it today. Put a big smile on my face.
    We have got to make sure people come out in force to keep him in office.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Agreed! In Full force . . . for he's not yet finished the restoration process.

      : )

  10. Off topic

    Sen Snowe retired - quit rather than attempted to fight what her party has become - at least she finished her term.

    It is wonderful to see President Obama spend night and day supporting the American People, regardless of attacks from the left and right.

  11. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I'm not the only one noticing that almost ALL Republicans will agree to appear ONLY on the Fox All Propaganda/All the time, network.

    I've been reading on the internet that others who have functioning brain cells, are getting hip to that, as well...and concluding that there is a good REASON for it!

    Only there, can politicians relax, knowing no one is going to ask tough questions, such as:

    Okay, we GET IT, that you absolutely HATE President Obama--you say it every other sentence. But what, exactly, is YOUR plan, to bring about more jobs and an improved economy?

    Santorum's answer to that is "banning abortions," and Romney's is "lowering the tax rate on the rich, I mean the job creators."

    (So its obvious why they avoid any actual journalists...and that is being noticed.)

  12. Anonymous4:39 PM

    There is a very, very good chance the Dems will take this seat. I would be more surprised if they did not. Let's hope so.

  13. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Very powerful speech! And to think you guys had to put up with Bush for 8 years. Americans should be very very proud of their President. He really has worked very hard for the people of the U.S.A

  14. Anonymous4:58 PM

    In his most aggressive speech yet, President Obama lays out a blistering attack on Republican ideas.


  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Detroit automakers race to keep up with sales

    Auto sales are growing so fast that Detroit can barely keep up.

    Three years after the U.S. auto industry nearly collapsed, sales of cars and trucks are surging. Sales could exceed 14 million this year, above last year's 12.8 million.

    The result: Carmakers are adding shifts and hiring thousands of workers around the country. Carmakers and parts companies added more than 38,000 jobs last year, reaching a total of 717,000. And automakers have announced plans to add another 13,000 this year, mostly on night shifts.


  16. Anonymous5:02 PM

    “I keep on hearing these same folks talk about values all the time. You want to talk about values? Hard work: That’s a value. Looking out for one another: That’s a value. The idea that we’re all in it together and I’m my brother’s and sister’s keeper: That’s a value.”

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      yes, this is where he cranks it up another notch and I found so very powerful. The entire speech was what people want to hear from him right now and he is delivering it 10 fold. I especially liked how very passionate he got around the 20 min. mark.

  17. Anonymous5:04 PM

    But today’s speech was important: It revealed that the alternate reality Romney has been functioning in throughout the GOP primary is soon going to give way to another reality entirely, a general election reality — and Romney, presuming he will be the nominee, will soon collide with it.

    In recent days, that alternate reality has meant that Romney has been speaking to audiences who nod along when he tells them that he got the auto-bailout right, even though he predicted that it would lead to the auto industry’s demise. It has meant speaking to audiences who cheer when Romney makes the convoluted case that things would be better still if we hadn’t pursued the auto-bailout, and that government intervention accomplished nothing more than a giveaway to “union bosses.”

    Things will soon change rather abruptly.

    In his speech, Obama — without naming Romney — went out of his way to ridicule his justifications for opposing the auto-bailout and his current dissembling about how he got it right.


  18. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Fired up, ready to go!

  19. Anonymous5:46 PM

    OFF TOPIC but hysterical.... A writer at the Daily Beast has turned Sarah's latest emails into poems. They are so damn funny!! Here is the link and two examples but there are more....She is gold for comics.


    Are You Flippin Kidding???

    Oh GOD help us.
    Are you flippin kidding???
    Todd doesn’t have $12 million
    That’s something else,
    I don’t know what it stands for
    Put this is a statement,
    Others have asked about my opinion
    On this latest:
    But I hadn’t seen it
    So didn’t know it was this

    Enquiring Minds

    Stupidly ridiculous.
    They just ran a story last week
    “See, we were right!
    Bristol does drugs
    Via Sherry Johnston”
    Or some stupid thing
    That the kids saw
    On the cover
    While shopping
    At WalMart.

  20. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Anyone who defends unions knows nothing about the fall of certain industries. Please, do your country a favor. Reseaech and think objectively.

    1. Take your nonsense where the sun doesn't shine. Without unions people (adults and children) worked 12 hour days for a non-living wage.

      When the unions leave so does a liveable wage, health and safety, training, security and the right to survive for anyone other than the 1%

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      You really have no idea what a union is do you Sarah?

    3. Please take your own advice. Without unions, the United States would never have had a middle class. All of the safe and civilized working conditions Americans have, as well as being able to earn a wage sufficient to support your family, and then to live out your retirement in dignity, are owed to unions.

      Why do you despise working Americans? Why do you support horrendous sweatshop conditions that keep people in virtual slavery? Why do you want a society in which everyone lives a beggarly near-starvation existence, except for the privileged few corporatists.

      You must hate America and what working Americans fought so hard to achieve for the first time in human history.

      You are very foolish if you think you would be one of the lucky ones at the top of the human trash heap which you hope the US will become.

  21. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Truth. Banks gave bad loans because of powerful voices saying all Americans deserve a home, despite financial standing. Truth. The auto industry crashed because of union politics. I deal with unions on a daily basis. It's not pretty and actions executed often aren't in a company's best interest.

    1. Karen in SoCal7:17 PM

      No, banks gave loans to anyone with a pulse, because Wall Street created a huge demand for mortgages that they could slice and dice into securities. They didn't care if the loans were any good or not. Now that it's all unraveling, no one knows who owns what - hence, foreclosure crisis. Unions didn't have anything to do with it.

    2. Anonymous5:55 AM

      You have no idea what you're talking about. Truth.

    3. You clearly know nothing about unions. You say that actions executed often aren't "in a company's best interest." You must mean that unions refuse to vote away wages and benefits to improve the bottom line for stockholders and executive benefits.

      Management rarely "executes actions in a union's best interest."

      Sorry, but thinking people have seen what the erosion of union labor has done to the American middle class and it is not pretty.

      This country was in much better shape when CEOs did not routinely make 300 times a worker's wage.

  22. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Btw, I generally support the idea of a union. I appreciate an entity that protects workers. However, a lot of the actions that come from union heads aren't in its citizens best interests or the country's.

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Nothing is... anywhere there is power there is a will to corrupt. Unions need to be watched and regulated as with any other entity. But, without unions where would we be? Never blindly trust anyone and be forever vigilant of those that seek power.

      I'm an Obama fan! But he has to keep my faith by doing the right thing.

      Howdya like them apples Scarah the Greedy. I bet you thought he was pretty smooth too, huh. Ya like his singing also too.

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      6:58 PM You're a liar.

    3. You're repeating yourself. There is no evidence that forcing wages and benefits cuts in a downward race to the bottom in an unrelenting effort to put more and more into management pockets and less and less into the company or the economy (wages and spending) is of any use to the country at all.

      You are not very knowledgeable about labor history in this country.

  23. Anonymous6:19 PM

    President Obama ROCKED this speech! Because President Obama ROCKS!

    Neither Mittens nor Rotten Ricky can even get close to his speech let the f alone what he has done for the working people of the USA.

    I did not mention the Newt or Ron Paul because they are only distractions.

  24. Anonymous6:25 PM

    OK my fellow President Obama supporters, lets make it a landslide victory in November. Get every President Obama supporter you know, registered and ready to vote. Our livelihoods depends on it.

  25. Beldar Willard Conehead6:58 PM

    Oh, Gryphen, youre SO quick to dismiss Mittens. Do so at your own peril, buddy boy! Willard is DOMINATING in his 'niche' demos. Look at the exit polls in Michigan and Arizona. Read 'em and weep!

    People self-reporting, by category
    Douchenozzles: 74% for Romney
    Fucktards: 81% for Romney
    Twatwads: a STAGGERING 91% for Romney!!

    Not convinced? How about these stats?

    Dipshits: 54% for Romney!
    Snorktigglers: 61% for Romney
    Working people with half a brain: 6% (must be a fluke or reporting error...)
    Rats named Willard: 99% for Romney!!

    The trend is clear! As long as most voters are douchenozzles and twatwads, Mittens is a SHOE-IN, baby!!!!


  26. Anonymous7:32 PM

    And I suppose we will hear from the twit accusing The President of trying to upstage the primary in Mich. You know, she of the sideshow bus tour.

  27. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Let me tell you, I keep hearing these folks talk about values all the time, you want to talk about values? Hard work, that's a value, he said, LOOK OUT FOR ONE ANOTHER, that's a value, he said, the idea that we're all in it together, and I'm my brother's keeper and sister's keeper, that's a value, he said.
    He never said what faith you must practice, whom to marry, what to do or not do with your reproductive organs, yet he managed to convey love and pride of country, he makes us realise that we are all HUMAN BEINGS living on this gorgeous Planet Earth, not Planet USA...the value of a human life same in Irak, Iran, Afghanistan, France, Russia and so on, those creatures who claim that a single American child's life is worth more than millions of human beings who are not Christian or American are not human themselves, but reactionary primitive entities on whom sentience is wasted.
    Every single life is priceless, unique, why the desire to extinguish those who look, believe and think different than you?
    Who massacred this continent's natives and relegated them to a corner in their own house?

    Barack Hussein Obama will be re-elected because there are still many of you who are humane just like him.

    Barack Hussein Obama will be re-elected because there remains enough voters in your Country who outnumber the sub-human semi-sentient ones.
    I love IM because you all recognise the difference between being human and looking like one, and because you all know that Barack Hussein Obama is President Obama now and until 2016, pay heed Sarah Palin and neanderthal ilk!!
    That's PRESIDENT OBAMA to YOU, selfish, narrow minded, mean spirited embarrasment to women and all Earth inhabitants!
    You will get your due, meanwhile President Obama will carry on, despite your and your ilk's frustration and rage.
    We all bleed red, we all strive for love, security, our loved one's safety, we all live a few precious years, yet so many squander untold hours hating those who live on places they couldn't locate on a map if their pampered lives depended on it, forever afraid of the OTHER! There is no other, oh North Americans, how I and countless others around the globe despise you, pity you, and ultimately love you, as we can see you as you can never see yourselves.
    Someday, perhaps.

  28. Anonymous8:44 PM

    I'm ALL in ~ and the President is so smooth that he doesn't even have to use his opponents' names to be an effective community organizer...

    Gotta love him!

    : )

  29. Anonymous11:21 PM

    Be on the right side of history - vote Obama 2012!


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