Friday, February 17, 2012

Regardless of the man racists see through the eyeholes cut in their white hoods, THIS is the President that I am proud to have in the White House.

I simply could not allow that hate filled post about the commenters at Fox Nation be the one that stayed on the top of my page all night long, so here is one that should soothe your frayed nerves and quiet your troubled hearts.

This is the man our President truly is.

He is not a secret Muslim, or Saul Alinsky trained socialist, or religion attacking ivy league snob.

He is a man that children are drawn to like moths to a flame.

He is a man who fights for this country everyday despite the fact that it seems half of it will never accept him due solely to the color of his skin, or the political party with which he is affiliated.

He is by no means perfect, but then most of us never set the bar that high.

He has made mistakes, and I expect that there are still more to be made, but his successes far outweigh his failures. And he has made progress, and helped the nation to make progress, in the face of the most withering opposition that I believe we have ever seen.

So this is the REAL face of the man who now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

And personally I am going to do everything in my power to make sure he stays the resident at that address. And I urge all of you to lend a hand toward that outcome as well, because we are certainly going to need all of the help we can get.

After all we can't simply count on the Mitt Romney gaffes to do all of the work for us now can we?

By the way if you want to see charisma at work, check out this video of the speech he gave in San Francisco today.

You can click here to see parts two and three.

(All photos for this post are borrowed from our good friends over at The Obama Diary.)


  1. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Some people call him the worst president ever, and all I can think is are you trying to convince us, or yourself?

  2. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Our President.

    I am grateful.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Well stated, Gryph! Thank you....

  4. thank you. I was sickened by the previous post, although it's important that we never lose sight of the ugliness that exists in this country. I do wish you'd delete the idiot whose response to the post that concerned the filthy equation of the FLOTUS to chimps and the like was to completely ignore that and claim that he/she was not racist for opposing the President.

    I am so proud of this President and of his beautiful family. And I am ashamed of those who would denigrate any of them in the way that is evidenced on a daily basis at Fox and on the blogs. That is Palin's base. Neither she nor they are fit to breathe the same air as our President.

  5. Martha again6:27 PM

    You are so great at finding pictures of Obama with children. This one shaking hands with the little girl is another exquisite one. Is there someplace they're all together?

  6. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I'm so proud of President Obama & his beautiful intelligent wife. The President has accomplished so much considering the amount of shit he had to deal with. I believe he will go down in history as the Best President this country has had.

    Check out his record.

  7. Anonymous6:32 PM

    He has the way of looking at you and making you feel you are the only person in the room. Everything arounds you falls away.

  8. Sally in MI6:39 PM

    I may be mistaken, but I think that ovation was louder. longer, and far more sincere than what a certain someone received at CPAC last week. And those pictures are the best..I want someone to compile all the photos of him with children and eitehr make a slide show or publish a book...they are beyond priceless. (Someone at some weird site I stumbled upon wants to make a coffee table book from photos of "SP's Official 2008 Campaign Photographer's pictures." in response to what they are sure are LIES LIES LIES about whta really happened in 2008 behind the scenes.)
    Anyway, thanks so much for posting this. He is an amazingly strong man, and I am proud of him and this nation.

  9. laprofesora6:41 PM

    Smart move, Gryph, to not let the ugliness have the last word. And those certainly are wonderful images to see before I drift off.


    No matter what you say, no matter how much trash you spew, how many lies you tell or facts you twist, our President is a wonderful man. He is genuine, kind and caring. He and his family are wonderful role models for our country. The more you spout hate for him, the more we know the darkness in your hearts. So just give it up. We know what you are, no need to convince us.

  10. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Bwahahaha. The Knicks just lost at home to an injury plagued team with the 2nd worst record in the NBA. Lin had 9 turnovers.

    I called it. I may not believe in young earth creationism, but I believe in the Palin curse.

  11. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Oh BTW...the Palin Curse is alive and well. Sorry Knicks. Palinsanity brought you guys down just like the rest of the No-Goppers. Faux news is next.

  12. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I truly respect and love our President and truly am proud to have the Obama family in the White House.

    Obama = O2...yes we will!

  13. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I love him.

  14. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Please be sure to go over to the right RW New York Post and rub salt into their wounds. The PALIN CURSE is alive and well in New York City. Hope they run her out of town and storm Fux News!

  15. Bill Maher just addressed this very issue of disrespect on his show, Real Time tonight. At least someone has noticed the thuggish manner in which the right wing is treating a sitting President.

  16. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Beautifully put. We're with you.

  17. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I LOVE my President! There IS HOPE! I am SO proud! He was here in my city today!

    Sorry for shouting. Just can't help it. I'll shout it. It's infectious. We can't sit back. There is no rest for those who work for change. We must keep working to stave off the neanderthals.

    Fire it Up! Ready to Go!


  18. Anonymous7:31 PM

    When my son was 18 years old, he worked at the 2004 Democratic Convention in Boston. He'd been an avid Howard Dean fan, but then started looking at other Democrats.
    He was outside a network booth the day BEFORE the keynote address was to be given by Illinois State Senator Barack Obama. Few people had heard of Obama, yet.
    But my son had the courage, as Obama walked by him, to ask, "Are you Mr. Obama?"
    And what was the response, to this high-school kid who wasn't attached to anything or anyone who could do good to any politician?
    Well, Mr. Obama responded that, yes, he was Barack Obama. And what was my son's name? And where was he from? And where did he go to school?
    And what kinds of things was he interested in doing? They talked for a good three or four minutes, just nice talk. And a hearty handshake.
    Obama had no aides around -- this was when he was still just an unknown Democrat, before his electrifying speech the next night. He clearly had more important things to do that day. But for a few minutes, nothing was more important than talking to my son. With no one around to notice, or make note of it.
    Obama's the genuine article. Meaning, there's a real human being underneath the politician. That happens very rarely -- whatever his failings or successes as President, we need to remember this side of him. Thanks, Gryphen, for frequently reminding us about his humanity.

  19. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Best President we have ever had.

    Obama 2012

  20. Anonymous7:40 PM

    You know, I cannot recall ever seeing this man make a speech without someone yelling out "I Love You!"

    The man has soul.

  21. Best. President. Ever! Let's prove we deserve him by giving him a LANDSLIDE!!! And throw all the Rethugs out so he'll have some help (at last) from Congress.

    Remember, remember, the sixth of November!

  22. Eloquently written, Gryphen, and the pictures are beautiful. President Obama's smile in the first photo is especially engaging and infectious.

    You're right that he fights for this country every day. From time to time I hear people say he can't be a good Commander in Chief because he didn't serve in uniform. Ridiculous. President Obama has the most difficult job in the world and he is acquitting himself with integrity, wisdom, grace, and astonishing courage. It doesn't hurt that he also has style, and as a bonus we have a First Lady with brains, beauty, and determination.

    Thanks for reminding us how lucky we are to have him, and how important it is that we elect him for another term.

    One of many Catholics for Obama

  23. I am still devestated the comments on the Fox News site. I live in a very small rural town. We would never dream of speaking to anyone in that manner. I am calling the NAACP and ask them if they will address this issue. Does anyone else have any ideas on getting these comments exposed. If normal people that watch Fox News knew what kind of hate they were sponsoring, maybe they would reconsider watching that drivel.

  24. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I'll just betcha a million dollars that Sarah secretly loves our 1/2 black President too. For all the wrong reasons of course.

    Admit it SARAH.

  25. Anonymous8:46 PM

    O/T: I guess Pay-Lin got to him... he has trademarked the moniker 'Linsanity'!

  26. Anonymous8:55 PM

    I adore our president and his family and plan to contribute time and money to his re election.

  27. Anonymous9:00 PM

    to anon 6:24

    Your glass is always half empty. That's how YOU choose 2 see the world. Well have fun breathing in your own dust as you are left behind while the rest of the world progresses. There is NO WAY IN HELL that anyone can take "their" country back to the 1700's. Open your mind to the future. MOVE ON or get left behind!

  28. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Thank You for sharing those photos. It is a good feeling to know there is a good person with true hummanity and caring occupying the White House. I am going to do what I can to keep him there also. Some people equate goodness with weakness. Intelligent thoughtfulness vs. belligerant machismo that is so prevalent with the war mongers and fear peddlers.

  29. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Gryph, I always love your tributes to greatest president since TR, but you have to do a page on the Palin curse of Lin, just so it can make into Google.

    In a way the sports curse is rather mild when you compare it to the death curse. The list is endless: Turkeys, Ted Stevens, fish, wolves, moose, Jeremy Morlock's victims, the Tuscon 6, Steve Jobs, Whitney Huston. And then of course there were the intended victims (ie federal judges targeted by her pal Schaeffer Cox).

    When you think about the charnel house that is the Palin brand, it is hard to view the images of her frolicking around NY with her giant head and meth shrunken body as anything but obscene.

  30. Anonymous9:22 PM

    My beautiful and loving President.

  31. Sharon9:34 PM

    On the subject of our first lady...I just watched the video on showing her surprising a group on a tour entering the blue room, with Bo at her side. She is the most amazing woman. You must watch her sincere reactions to every kind of visitor, treating each one with her personal style. You can not be taught this or fake it...the gift comes from birth and she has it in spades as does her husband. There was a large group of older black women that just cried and each got such a hug, and I know I would react the same. Children respond to her just like they do to Barack. This is why the world loves America.

  32. Anonymous10:20 PM

    After President Obama finishes his second term - wanna bet he goes down as one of our best presidents EVER! Love the guy and the job he is doing!

  33. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Thanks, Gryphen.

    I'm a life long Republican who's voting for the only sane choice.

    Obama 2012. He does America proud.

  34. sally in MI10:41 PM

    And on another front, Jerremy Lin had the most turnovers i one game in the NBA and the Knicks lost, ending their winning streak. Thanks, Sarah! The Curse strikes again!

  35. Anonymous10:46 PM

    I am so jealous of the people who get to meet him, touch him, get a kidd on the cheek from him! I love Bill Clinton, too, but never really wanted to meet him. President Obama, that's an entirely differrent story, and I am a middle-aged white woman. I adore this guy!

  36. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Thank you. These kinds of posts always cheer me up and remind me what's worth fighting for.

  37. Anonymous1:27 AM

    President Obama was on my list of 5 famous men, if given the chance, I was allowed to...well, you know. But I have to take him off the list. That man is so decent, and that family is such a solid unit, it ruins my image of him just thinking about it. I wonder who should I replace him with?

    On another subject, I'd like to thank you, Gryphen, for monitoring the previous thread so closely. I'm guessing there were much more offensive comments than the few you did allow through. I don't think my blood pressure could have handled it!

  38. Anonymous1:48 AM

    lovely post, awesome President

    I rarely ever gave money to political candidates - but after Sarah Palin came onto the stage I started making small donations on a regular basis to help President Obama and other democrats get elected - now, I give every single month (it's an automatic deduction) to President Obama's re-election fund and when the phone rings I now pick up when it's unknown number since it is most likely one of the organiations to re-elect dems and I give what I can (before all this hate from the right and attack on birth control I never picked up the phone)

    I've adjusted my budget - don't go out much, etc. so that I can have the spare cash to support them - we can not let out country slide into the dark ages and allow the Republicans the majority of seats in the Senate and Congress - this election is just too important.

    I'll be volunteering too - stuffing envelopes, etc.

  39. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Being able to connect with people the way he does, people of ALL ages, that is something that cannot be faked. Romney has tried and looks very awkward. Gingrich looks as though he is a king snarling at peasants when he gets close to regular people. These photos of our President always make me smile, so natural and unpretentious.

  40. Anonymous4:04 AM

    I just ordered my O'Bama T-shirt in time for St. Patrick's Day!

  41. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Thank you for this article. President Obama is a class act. The Republicans understand only money and how it talks to them.
    Obama has had to endure disrespect and hatred totally unrelated to anything he has done. I read today that Bill Mahr said he is the Jackie Robinson of politics. If that is so we are standing at first base daring anyone else to attack him. I am sticking up for him. I have had to tell people who send me Obama hate-mail to never bother me with their trash again. I also tell them that he is a decent man. And they are bullies.

  42. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I have the greatest respect for President Obama and I have great faith in his intelligence, sense of decency and integrity. And I love his smile.


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