Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Emily's List identifies the Top Ten Attacks on Women's Rights.

Courtesy of Emily's List:

Here are our Top 10 Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Attacks on Women’s Rights (just in the last 6 months!) 

  • The Blunt Amendment. Reasonable religious exemptions weren’t enough for Roy Blunt. This amendment would have allowed your employer – not your doctor - to decide what kind of health care you could get based on his or her own personal moral or religious convictions. 
  • The All-Male Birth Control Panel, or the Man Panel. Congressman Darrell Issa convened a panel to discuss the coverage of birth control – but refused to include any women. 
  • Susan G. Komen Foundation defunds Planned Parenthood. Komen opted to cut off funding to the largest provider of reproductive health services in the US because of their new VP’s objection to a mere 3% of their activities. 
  • Rush Limbaugh Calls Sandra Fluke a Prostitute and a Slut. After Sandra Fluke stood up for women everywhere, Rush Limbaugh took to the airwaves and called her a prostitute and a slut for speaking out in favor of birth control coverage. He also said she should have to put videos of her having sex online to compensate the taxpayers who “are going to pay for your contraceptives." Classy. 
  • Forced Trans-Vaginal Ultrasounds. Republican legislators in Virginia invited the commonwealth into the exam room when they proposed a bill that would require women seeking abortions to undergo an invasive, medically-unnecessary vaginal probe before their procedure. 
  • Texas defunds Planned Parenthood. Under Governor Rick Perry, the state of Texas banned funding to Planned Parenthood because it provides abortion services. In the end, though, this fight has only served to hurt low-income women looking for breast cancer screenings, birth control and pap smears. Women in the Military Should “Expect” to be Raped. Responding to a 64% increase in the reports of rape and violent sexual assaults in the military, Fox News pundit Liz Trotta responds, “What did they expect?” She goes on to say that there is a bureaucracy of people to support these women who are being “raped too much.” 
  • Foster Friess Suggests Women Put Aspirin Between Their Knees. Rick Santorum supporter, Foster Friess, reminisced about back in his day when ladies put aspirin between their knees for birth control. Back in his day, people also died of polio. 
  • Santorum wants to deny birth control coverage because he thinks it’s available and affordable. Despite the fact that most forms of birth control still require a prescription and 1 in 3 women have reported struggling to afford birth control. Santorum feels there is no barrier to access, so it shouldn’t be covered by insurance. 
  • Mitt Romney doesn’t understand a woman’s reproductive system. Romney has publicly supported “personhood amendments,” which would ban abortion by declaring life begins at conception. When asked about how this affects birth control, Romney seemed to be completely unaware that hormonal forms of birth control stop implantation, not conception and would be banned under any personhood amendment.

Interesting to note that as the Right Wing gets all "wee wee'd" up over Bill Maher's comedy act that by FAR the most egregious attacks on women are clearly coming from only one direction.

And it certainly ain't the liberal direction. 

And to that point here is today's Doonesbury cartoon


  1. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Well, Arizona, I believe, just DID pass the law that an employer can fire an employee for using The Pill for birth control. He can ask the employee if she is on The Pill, and if so, why. If the employee cannot produce a doctors' letter stating that she needs The Pill for other purposes than for birth control, then the employer can FIRE THE EMPLOYEE. (Even if the employee pays for The Pill out of her own pocket)...

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Got to love Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life
      The video is hilarious.
      Waste not, want not.

    2. Anonymous11:08 AM

      What's the punishment for a tubal ligation or hyster? Public hanging?


    3. Anonymous12:09 PM

      This gets so totally confusing. What is the reasoning/rationale behind some of the legislation? Do these people believe they are saving lives? Preventing murder?
      What about elderly women who have eggs not likely to do well yet they don't want to chance being knocked. Can they use birth control and keep their job? Or must they prove some serious health condition in order to have a job?

    4. eclecticsandra3:14 PM

      Elderly? Like 80 or so?

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    except only one of those potentially affects an actual right (forced ultrasounds). Rush Limbaugh calling somebody a slut doesn't affect anybody's right. Somebody making some dumb comment about aspirin between knees doesn't affect anybody's rights. As for the rest - you don't have a *right* to property. It is impossible to have a *right* to something that you do not own, be it birth control, a telephone, a car, or anything else. Needing something does not give you a right to have that something, because somebody necessarily has to produce it - if you have a *right* to it, then you are a would-be slave driver... the producer *must* produce whatever it is that he's producing, because you have a *right* to it.

    1. sally in MI11:12 AM

      You are wrong. You have a right not to be slandered for your gender. Women have a right to decide how many children they will bear, and when. A woman has a right to as much happiness in this nation as any male. A woman has a right to respect, as much as any male does. A woman is a full citizen, and much as that may pain the rich white males, we vote. And we will decide who respects us more come November, or who respects us at all.

    2. Anonymous11:15 AM

      So by following your line of thinking, someone with high blood pressure or diabetes doesn't have a right to the medication? Not all women use birth control to prevent pregnancy. Some women need it for medical conditions. The point that everyone is missing is the HEALTH INSURANCE companies WANT women on birth control it's cheaper. AND they are picking up the cost of the co-pay. Co-pays shouldn't even exist anyway considering the weekly cost of health insurance it's like double dipping. So someone's right to have a gun permit is more important than a women's right to prevent an UNwanted or UNplanned pregnancy? It seems to me if you want to prevent more abortions, easy access to contraceptives is the best way to do that. So what is the next right I will lose?? The right to vote? The right to drive? The right to wear the clothes I want?? This is AMERICA and some people are trying to take away the medical rights of half the population!!! If you have a mother, sister, daughter wife you should care about their HEALTH not worry that some how your are paying for something you don't want to pay for!! You know I don't want MY tax dollars to pay for school vouchers or viagra. My husband kissed me on his way to work this morning and laughing said, "pretty soon you'll have to wear a burkha" but it is NOT FUNNY it's FRIGHTENING! Stay OUT of my uterus!! This should be covered by HIPPA. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

      Ahh the aroma of clueless

      Your logic would make more sense if it were written on paper. You obviously have a computer, but you don't need one, and just because you want one and someone manufactures it doesn't make it a right.

  3. The Sandra Flukes of the world are extraordinary. Most people (women AND men) are too cowardly to take a stand like that, but some people are able to place the public good before their own comfort and safety.
    I will support her, the resulting boycotts, the effect of Emily’s List, and invent additional road bumps for the right-wingers around me; all legal, of course.
    What do you get when you cross Christianity with Sharia Law? Christaria? Sharanity? Naming contest!

    1. sally in MI11:12 AM

      Rick Santorum comes to mind. Dominionism also.

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Maher called Sarah the "C" word, what's the big dill? In Palin's world, the "C" word means Creationist.

    1. If we are going to be credible, we have to go after all who are "putting women in their place" regardless of their political bent.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    God bless Doonesbury. He is made of steel, he is full of conviction and resolve. He makes conservatives look like gelatinous piles of chicken shit.

  6. hedgewytch9:32 AM

    Every woman in America should be up in arms about this. The elder female generations are well aware of the threat. But our young Generation X'ers have grown up without having to fight for their rights the way our Grandmother's, mother's have. They are somewhat complacent I think, but I also think if these young women find their rights to be restricted, violated, denied, the GOP will have woken up a monster that will NEVER be put back in its cage.

    Is the cognitive dissonance so loud with the Republican's that they actually think that these legislative actions will actually gain them votes??!

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      As should every man. responsible men do not want to bring more children into this world than they can financially support. I do know 2 extremely staunch republican couples than will be voting for President Obama in Nov over these issues.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    It isn't "just" half of the population; it is all of us. We have all lost our "Land of the Free".

    It just keeps getting worse...

  8. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I just don't understand what is happening in this country and I really don't understand what is happening to people that I knew and respected that have turned into complete MORONS when it comes to GOP and FOX news talking points, especially when it comes to women. WTF IS GOING ON?

    Case in point: last week on facebook my cousin (a man) had to audacity to post the following, "birth control is not a women's health issue." (Are you fucking kidding me?? Not a women's health issue?!?)
    And then he went on to defend Rush Limbaugh, extol Sarah Palin, and demean President Obama and "all you libs." This from a former hippie and all that entails (Vietnam war protester, pot smoker, anti-establishment).
    I ended up blocking him so I don't have to read his bullshit anymore.

    So what happened to our country? Is it Fox news and the enabling of hate and ignorance by Sarah Palin? Why the war on women? Do they really want us all to turn into Michelle Duggar?

    1. He's always been a freaking follower. Sorry to say that about your friend, since I don't know him, but I’ve known other Vietnam protesters who toe the Limbaugh line on everything.

      The last place I worked, I really bumped heads, since it was then "fashionable" to glorify George W. Bush. The immigrant population quietly supported me, but I STOOD alone.

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      As to your last paragraph, yes, Fox News and Sarah Palin did have a lot to do with this.

      But so does Rome: there is NOTHING, no, nothing, that takes the attention of the media away from priesthood pedophila scandals like destroying the rights of women. Think about it: when is the last time your saw a media focus or heard people having a heated discussion about the horrors of priesthood pedophilia?? Pretty effective technique, isn't it??! I mean, with all the focus on destroying women's rights, who would be able to remember that right now, in Milwaukee alone, a priest who is known to have molested 200 deaf boys was not defrocked by the current pope – who actually played an integral part in covering up the scandal???

      Or that as of 2003, only in the diocese of Milwaukee alone, there were known to be at least 58 priests engaged in pedophila, and that by 2009, the church's attorneys' fees in defending them had run up to over $26 million, that all of these priests were merely reassigned to other locations also involving children, and that Pope Benedict has been protecting them from the get-go??? Who is talking about any of this now??? If anyone thinks the insane drive to destroy women's rights is not a high-level change-the-subject-away-from-molesting-priests scandals, and that much of the effort is not funded by the Vatican, I've got a bridge to sell them in Brooklyn.

  9. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It's a blitzkrieg alrighty. Here's yet another new (a)front on the Republican War on Women:

  10. Don the Bluesman10:11 AM

    I remember the early 60's with no BC available. My sister got pregnant in her freshman year at collage, my mother forced her to put the child up for adoption. My sister never really recovered from having her child taken away. Later health problems prevented her from having children. She suffered and still does due to stupid policies and women fought damn hard for what they have now. For people like sarah to make the battle for womens health care about a slight to their ego is astonishingly selfish.

  11. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Imagine if all women did this!

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      That is just great!!

    2. X2! Thanks for posting!

    3. Anonymous11:51 AM

      that is awesome !!! I tried to post on his facebook page but I couldn't - but this is definitely something we should all do !!!

    4. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

      I love this idea, thanks for sharing. Next step is to mail them coupons for feminine products. ;o)

  12. Not What You Want to Hear10:15 AM

    Um, what about the right to vote? Do you know who will be hardest hit by Republican efforts to require voter photo IDS? Women. Particularly Democratic women and elderly women.

    1. sally in MI11:16 AM

      I read that. And that is the ultimate goal, isn't it? Retain the rich white male power structure at all costs. Everyone else can go to hell.

    2. Anita Winecooler8:13 PM

      Yes, it's happening in Pennsylvania. Were is the proof of "voter fraud"? Other than the diebold machines, but that's not the voter's fault.

  13. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Are the lawmakers going after BIG Pharma for pushing a murderous substance? Pharma never advertised and enticed women? Why are only females considered to be killing "person-hood"? Even my macho male room mate agrees that he also has "person-hoods" that should be considered in these discussions.

    1. hedgewytch1:33 PM

      That's a good point.

      Also Big Pharma makes a lot of money on BC. How many ads are we seeing now for the latest in woman's contraceptives? I bet those guys as Merk won't be happy if the GOP tries to cut into their profit lines.

    2. Anonymous1:54 PM

      plenty GOP make huge amounts of money from Big Pharma. They are wicked nuts. They just want control of masses of people. They can make money on the black market selling illegal contraceptives for birth control. Take jobs to Mexico to make BC and illegally transport back here. They will make bigger fortunes and buy off others by giving them a cut.

  14. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Sistah Sarah's new "home state" (Arizona) is among the worst of the worst.

  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    And I just read that Mitt Romney, not women's best friend, wants to do away with Planned Parenthood completely.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Yes - it was covered by Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow last night - it is on tape he just said it recently during an intereview!!! truly amazing how out of touch these candidates are - wich I had a super pac I would play that clip of Romeny saying he will do away with PP 24/7 on every major network !

    2. Anita Winecooler8:17 PM

      He actually backed PP years ago, He and Ann actually wrote a check - but that was when he was pro-choice.

      Just like McCain, Say and do anything, at any cost, to win.

  16. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Off Topic

    Cat Fight Alert: Wonkette is reporting that the lovely Ann Coulter went after the lovely half term governor in a Vero Beach FL speech.

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      I'm sure $aint $arah will call it 'satire' while quivering behind her 17' fence. She dare not retard the lovely Ms Coulter's freedom of speech. Winki, winki, winki.

  17. Here is my suggestion (see below) - we offer a counter idea for a bill (law) that holds men 100% responsible for their offspring - I've posted it on facebook and trying to get the idea to spread -- I've also sent the idea to a few senators and congresswomen - we need to flood them with requests like this - fight fire with fire (or rather stupid ideas with stuipd ideas !)

    Proposal to counter the Republican attack against women's health care - get the word out to your state congresswomen and senators - push for a bill that requries all males over the age of 12 to have their DNA in a database - after all they are half the genetic material needed to create a baby - and since the men do not want women to have birth control, and everyone is suppose to be 100% re...ponsible for their own actions and offspring (no government support or handouts at all according to republicans) - it only makes sense that every single male should be in a database so they can be tracked down and their wages garnished to support their offspring - and if they can't - then it's off to a workhouse of some sort to work for below minimum wage (the rest of their compensation is in the form of room and board) and what little salary they get will go to any children they fathered. The wealthy will love this idea - it provides cheap labor (they can also be used in work groups (with chains of course so they don't escape) to work in the fields - thus doing the work that no one else wants to do (and eliminating the jobs that are now filled by illegal immigrants). Inmates (with tracking anklets of course) who have good behavoir could even become house help for the uber rich. Sounds like something the Republicans should really go for ... right ??? After all peresonal liberty is meaningless when compared to the rights of a sperm and an egg which are much more important - so what's a little DNA in a database if it means that every single sperm will now be protected and have a "loving" father ?

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      I think it sounds like a great idea. It would also be interesting just to watch male legislators squirm their way out of it.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      How does the Viagra thing work with Military? I know a disabled Vet. He has to have Viagra. Not sure who pays for it bcause he gets all kinds of other help from County and others. Including Catholic Charities, probably mostly for his wardrobe, quiet the ladies man and makes the scene at a local Casino. He won't spend a dime of the money he gets from government on medication or clothes. But what keeps him in action is the Viagra, without too depressed. Since he won't spend cash he will trade the drugs he gets from taxpayers (not Viagra, other drugs). He likes young women who could produce a child for him. How could the republicans make him take responsibility for all he gives up in the area of possible children?

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      Viagra is manna from the gods. Hookers today have a whole new side business pushing that stuff.

    4. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

      Viagra is essential for men's health? I've never read an obituary for a man who died from being impotent.

      I am aware, however, that Viagra has some off-label uses. It's used to increase blood flow after some surgeries to help healing, and to prevent falling accidents in nursing homes. It stops men from rolling off their beds in their sleep.

  18. Anonymous11:38 AM

    We conspired and voted for Santorum in our state´s primary.

    He won.


    That is what our party gets for trying to eff with our daughters.

    ¨The greatest threat to security is a disgruntled crew member.¨

    Damn straight!

  19. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Oh, Olympia Snowe is being vetted for VP.

    (It won´t help)

  20. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Many women simulate pregnancy for surrogacy or adoption purposes.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Is that what Sarah Palin did? A "pregnancy simulation"? LOL

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      You obviously do not know the meaning of the word "simulate." Look it up.

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      The old Turkey Baster simulation (Insemination)? Whatever gets you off.
      , heh?

  21. Gryphen, you might enjoy this story from NC. More guys need to be straight about bc & women's rights being family values.

  22. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Ann Coulter: Only Ann Coulter Should Exploit GOP Base, Challenges Sarah Palin to Slap-Fight

    Beloved liberal icon Ann Coulter had stern words for genius Facebook inventor Sarah Palin, whom apparently she simply does not care for, while speaking in Vero Beach, Florida.

    “One of the ones promoting that [a brokered convention] is Sarah Palin, who has suggested herself as the choice,” Coulter said. “I think as long as it’s between us girls — I’ve been observing something about her. I don’t think it’s likely to happen. I don’t know what these people are cheering for. As I wrote in a column a few weeks back, who is this dream candidate we’re hoping to get from the convention, because Rick Perry used to be the dream candidate. Can we see them in a debate first?”

    Coulter was so perturbed, she was forced to compare Palin unfavorably to the Democrat Party.

    “And just a more corporate problem is I think our party and particularly our movement, the conservative movement, does have more of a problem with con men and charlatans than the Democratic Party,” she said. “I mean, the incentives seem to be set up to allow people — as long as you have a band of a few million fanatical followers, you can make money. The Democrats have managed to figure out how not to do that.”

    Coulter proposed a pledge for Republican presidential candidates, which would be meant to limit their ability to profit off of political stardom.

    “The one pledge I support and I think I’m going to draft it up is for all Republican nominees for president — I want them to sign a pledge saying, ‘If I lose the nomination I pledge I will not take a gig with Fox News or write a book.’”

    Coulter, a frequent guest on various television programs featuring political inanities, is herself the author of nine “books.”

  23. Anonymous1:09 PM


    Sarah Palin Not Embarrassed Enough This Week, Would Like to Debate Obama, Please

    Self-awareness does not seem to be Sarah Palin’s strong suit. (Her strong suits are winking, licking her lips, and quittin’ stuff.) Having made herself an easy target for anybody with iMovie, with her rather odd assertion that Obama, a known Lyin’ African, would like to take America back to the good ol’ slavin’ days, Sarah Palin was simply terribly offended that an Obama campaign video-capture-person might take her appearance and, you know, show it. And now Sarah Palin is out for revenge, via her Facebook page.

    Exhibit A in these diversionary tactics is an absurd new attack ad President Obama has released taking my comments out of context. I’m not running for any office, but I’m more than happy to accept the dubious honor of being Barack Obama’s “enemy of the week” if that includes the opportunity to debate him on the issues Americans are actually concerned about. (Remember when I said you don’t need a title to make a difference?)

    Your Wonkette joins every American in saying, “Yes please.”

  24. eclecticsandra3:13 PM

    I think you wanted to say that NON-hormonal methods of birth control prevent implantation. Hormonal intervention prevents conception.

  25. Anita Winecooler8:36 PM

    For a party that rails against Government intervention and liberty, they're doing their best to drive up health care costs by demanding un needed tests and procedures in an effort to force their beliefs on women.

    This is all they got to divert attention from the real issues? President Obama's many accomplishments?

    My husband shakes his head whenever he reads their bullshit. "These are Fathers of Daughters? Husbands of wives? Children of Women?"

    We need to re-elect President Obama and give him a Congress that's willing to work for the people.

    The GOP wants to party like it's 1812!

  26. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Texas legislators passed and Governor Perry signed a SONOGRAM bill here too in Texas last month.

    Time to vote out ALL the GOPers and start electing more DEMOCRATS and more females !!!

  27. All of this "outrage" about birth control issues with the Catholic Church, this "war on religion" is a bait and switch from the Vatican that the republicans bought hook, line and sinker!

    First of all;

    When you are basically poor or a student, more than $100 per month IS expensive...ESPECIALLY if you are attending of one of the Catholic/publicly funded universities like Georgetown, where, if you do NOT have health insurance you are EXPELLED. The cost of this health insurance is ~~$1,800 per year~~ for a single person.


    The public is asking that birth control be included in the health care insurance..NOT "from the churches hand" it is in Catholic/publicly funded universities and various entities in ~~28 other states~~and MANY other countries and cities (including Italy and Rome) with NO COMPLAINT!


    In the US, the Catholic church has 69% of their funding from the GOVERNMENT, that is TOTAL funding, so it includes churches as well as other enterprises and entities.

    The Catholic Church, receives $ 2.5 BILLION in public funding, ~~~$2.5 BILLION~~!!!

    The Vatican sits on $13 TRILLION~~ $13 TRILLION~~of wealth.


    This is simply a diversion from the crimes of the Catholic Church.

    They are only trying to stir up phoney outrage to change the subject.

    As reported Feb. 9th, 2012, in the Journal Sentinel Newspaper:

    Sealed documents filed in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy identify at least~~ 8,000 instances of child sexual abuse~~~ and 100 alleged offenders - 75 of them priests - who have not previously been named by the archdiocese, a victims' attorney said Thursday.

    570 victim-survivors have filed claims in the case.

    8,000 cases of CHILD RAPE and this Archdiocese has NEVER released the names of the 75 priests who raped these children!!

    The Vatican would rather have this Archdiocese file bankruptcy than pay restitution to the victims...........but yet CONTINUE to have it's American Churches and enterprises collect $2.5 BILLION per year! that can continue to sit on their $13 TRILLION!

    Then there is THIS;

    (CBS News) An Irishman named Diarmuid Martin says the Catholic Church in Ireland has reached a breaking point, a crisis that he says results from the sexual abuse of children by priests and the cover-up by the Church.

    Martin has provided~~ tens of thousands of pages of evidence against specific priests,~~~ and his words and actions carry extraordinary weight.

    That's because Diarmuid Martin is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin. Bob Simon reports.

    There's overwhelming evidence that the Church hierarchy was not only aware of the sexual abuse, but did little about it.

    The Dublin Archdiocese knew who the predator priests were, even wrote reports about them but then locked up the files.

    Investigators on a state panel, the Murphy Commission, asked for the files, but the Church refused until Diarmuid Martin became archbishop.

    Martin: I provided the Murphy Commission investigation into Dublin Diocese over 65,000 documents.

    And the material was there.

    It was in my archives.

    It is OBVIOUS that it is the CATHOLIC CHURCH, that is at war with women AND children.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.