Sunday, March 11, 2012

Keep on Fighting.

I thought we could take a moment to cleanse our palates of all things Palin for a moment, knowing that we will surely return to that topic many more times today as well as in the days to come.

By the way in answer to the allegation that Obama requires the use of a teleprompter to speak effectively (A creation solely from the frustrated minds of the conservatives who are frightened by his eloquence)  I would like to refute that claim here, here, and here.

Now for all of you Obama haters out there try to imagine ANY pf the GOP candidates, or even your fantasy candidate, handling any of those situations with the same intelligence and command of the facts.

Can't do it can you?

That's why this man is GOING to win in 2012. And that's why he SHOULD win in 2012.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Uncle Gryphen: Your word in God's ear!
    Unfortunately, the Teabaggers have been VERY busy re-districting all over the states, thus making it more and more unlikely that our President can win the Electorate College votes.
    Also, too, we STILL have the Diebold voting machines...

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Don't be so darn negative. President Obama will win reelection.

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      I agree to the response. President Obama is going to be reelected - look at the polls - he's way out in front of the Repub candidates, is up in the polls as to favorability and things are improving. They have nothing to go after him about except social crap. The Dems need to be sure in some states that people have the correct ID required to vote...that is the main thing since the Republicans have changed some laws. We have the numbers (voters) to go up against them EVEN if they spend billions!

  2. Sally in MI12:41 PM

    And now a soldier has gone wild and killed Afghan civilians in their homes...I suppose we should not apologize for that either? We should get the hell out, right now, and I don't care what the war mongering right has to say about it!

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM

      President Obama should and will apologize for this idiot killing civilians in their homes. I agree, we should pull out of there. It's gone on entirely too long and is costing us way too much. I think we should divorce the country myself. The hell w/the Republican hawks!

  3. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Every day that goes by and I see the sorry excuses that the GOP have put up as their candidates, I am reminded of the absolute URGENCY to re-elect our amazing, calm, dignified, reasonable, courageous, dependable, gracious, intelligent, kind, compassionate, sensitive, understanding, strong, capable PRESIDENT.

    Any thing else is simply ludicrous and insane and truly SUICIDAL for this country.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Let's have Dem voter drives, and we CAN make it happen!

    2. And let's not forget, he needs the back up support in Congress to get the job done. Lots of election work ahead.

  4. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Using a teleprompter wasn't a big deal until Sarah Palin made it one! I would never fault a busy elected official of either party for using one under certain circumstances. I would rather they read their speeches off teleprompters than waste time trying to memorize them.

    That's not to say that they don't also need to be able to think on their feet during interviews and discussions. There is no question but that Obama is able to do that.

    I guess poor old Sarah doesn't realize how the teleprompter in HER studio reflects in her glasses lenses when she's pretending to be speaking off-the-cuff to her Fox News collaborators.

    1. Anonymous2:09 PM

      You mean like when she's answering the questions that she knew would be asked?

    2. or like when she was insisting that they load her "concession" speech in the telepromter. tee hee

      Anything she 'writes' is more suited to a paper shredder.

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    How can you say this with a straight face when you continue to take money from advertisers who stand against Obama and all he stands for?

    If you need instruction on how to tell Google not to let these ads on your site, I can tell you how to do that. However, I believe you don't want to do that since it would mean less money for you. If that's the case, you're a grifter just like Sarah, albeit a much less successful one.

    1. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Isn't the point that he is "taking" their money and not giving it to them.

      When I see ads for things that I know the readers of a site won't go to or politicians who won't get voted for, I consider it a coup for the good guys, and the bad guys are paying for it.

  6. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Every day I feel proud of President Obama. And confident that he can and will do what needs to be done for the country. My husband and I both worked actively on the campaign in 2008 and, for various reasons, will not be able to this year. But we'll make contributions, put up a yard sign and bumper stickers, and do what we can to make his re-election a reality.

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    President Barack Obama inspires me to be the best person, the best American, the best citizen of the world I can be.

    OBAMA 2012

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      I do believe that this is the most flattering and meaningful compliment one can afford the man.

      He inspires a lot of us Canadians too, myself included. ;-)

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    OT, but I turned to Fox to see what they were saying about the murders in Afghanistan, and was surprised to see on the crawl that primaries are being held in MI this week...we just had ours, but the morons at Fox don't even care that the PO symbol for Mississippi is MS. And these people want us to 'trust' them for news?

  9. Anonymous3:02 PM

    How Sarah Palin Invented Bill Maher’s Liberal Excuse For Misogyny

  10. Anonymous3:04 PM

    They ALL use teleprompters INCLUDING idiotic Sarah! After watching "Game Change" last night, I so hope the media stops giving her so much time. She makes me sick to my stomach and is the biggest farce put upon the Republican party.

    President Obama WILL be reelected!!

  11. Gasman3:23 PM

    The idiotic teleprompter meme is a facile bit of projection on the part of the GOP. They've got nobody that can even come close to President Obama's oratorical skills and they know it. They are simply resorting to the same threadbare playbook they've been using for decades. If you say something often enough, some people will begin to believe it, no matter how untrue it actually is.

    The problem is, the GOP has been pushing the teleprompter meme so often, I think that some of them are actually starting to believe it. THAT will pose certain disaster for any GOP nominee that thinks he can do without the teleprompter. Romney seems to have figured that out. Santorum hasn't. That's why Santorum fucks up so often.

    If Romney is the nominee and uses the teleprompter, the meme is dead. How can the GOP complain about the teleprompter if their guy uses one? If Santorum is the nominee and eschews the teleprompter, he is pledging to fuck himself each time he steps before a crowd and cameras. Either way, the teleprompter meme is going to die out very soon.

    I kind of hope it is with Santorum.

  12. Anonymous3:55 PM

    The man has soul.

  13. Anita Winecooler8:31 PM

    President Obama is the only one who genuinely cares, he instantly connects with people in a meaningful way, he's smart, quick on his feet, and sharp as a tack.

    Compared to It was an airtight crate, Rufus LOVES it, he's part of the family, I love the trees here, they all seem the right size, I don't follow the sport but know many race car owners, Howdy y'all, I just got served grits, I love grits, I drive a chevy and my wife drives two caddilacs, Howdy yall, I got served cheesy grits and biscuits!"

    Obama has my vote.

  14. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Mr. Fish cartoon.

    For me, it's a tough call. I am inclined towards Rocky Anderson, Jill Stein, or someone, but I don't know who.

  15. Anonymous1:38 PM



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