Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Oops almost forgot! Here is today's Doonesbury comic.

Courtesy of Doonesbury.com
Wow, and I thought this looked bad in the real world.

In comic strip form it just illustrates how completely ridiculous this attack on women truly is, and how damaging it will surely be to the Republican party.

Trudeau is a genius.


  1. Gasman8:34 PM

    The GOP HAS to know that they can't win pursuing the anti-contraceptive, anti women memes. I think that they see the handwriting on the wall and understand that they are in for a major league ass whoopin' come November, not just by the president, but in both houses of Congress as well.

    I think that the rush to bust unions, fuck teachers, firefighters, and cops, and the attempt to subjugate women is their last gasp. They reason if they don't do it now, they'll never get another chance.

    I tend to agree with that. I think that the Medieval social regressive shit is virtually insuring that the fundagelical social conservatives in the GOP will NEVER again be a major political force. That moribund tribe of cave dwelling cousin humps have shown that they just don't give a fat rat's ass about the rest of the country and would institute a theocratic dictatorship in a heartbeat.

    I just hope these assholes split the GOP and kill it off once and for all. Maybe we could actually get a second party that wasn't so top heavy with sanctimonious, moronic shitheads.

    One can hope.

    Meanwhile, maximum chaos reigns in the GOP as Santorum notches two more wins. Go fundies! Fuck yourselves hard!

  2. JenniferinVA8:41 PM

    Trudeau is a national treasure and lucky for him the republicans are so ridiculous it makes his job easy.
    I love his Dubya - the empty cowboy hat so perfectly captured Bush and his Palin is genius! This is yet another brilliant commentary by him that illustrates how far these wingers have gone.

  3. Maple8:42 PM

    I'd really, really like to think that it will actually do serious damage to the GOP, but I haven't got a great deal of faith in the sanity of a nation that allowed an idiot (Bush) to serve 2 terms as President.....not to mention voting in a B-movie actor for 2 terms.

    1. Bush stole both elections. IMO

    2. The second election was stolen. He was appointed President by the Supreme Court in the first go-round.

  4. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I don't get how some women are more than willing to give up their reproductive rights to a few neanderthal men. Next, they'll make their daughters undergo forced circumcision to ensure that women don't enjoy sex and increase sexual pleasure for men. Or maybe they'll start arranging child marriage. What a trip back to the dark ages. They say they're religious but they are, in fact, heathens.

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Because the contraceptive issues are being peddled to Republican women as the government trying to regulate decisions that rightly belong to their husbands and God.

      Don't ever underestimate the power of blind faith. There are thousands of women who go against their own personal beliefs every day because they made a commitment at the marriage altar and are more morally opposed to breaking that commitment than they are to standing up for their own moral compass.


  5. Anonymous9:07 PM

    O/T If only Sarah could go back in time to view Meryl Streep's film, "The Iron Lady", then Sarah might have had a clue about the role of British Prime Ministers.

    Here's Sarah begging out of the "Women of the World" event using her kid as an excuse:


    1. PalinsHoax5:46 AM

      Too bad Palin did not beg out when McCain came knocking on her door. THAT was a time when her children really needed her at home.

  6. Trudeau IS a genius!

    Look at the back of the GOP jackass' clipboard!

    1. Anonymous11:12 PM

      I see it is the letter "A". but I don't get the significance. Please tell!

    2. Anonymous3:53 AM

      Ah, bringing back "The Scarlet Letter!"

    3. I saw it in the first strip and praised it's subtle inclusion.

      The Scarlet letter 'A' for Adulteress, caricaturing Limbaugh's slam of 'slut'. Trudeau IS a sneaky-snake subtle genius :)

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    I don't understand how Republican women vote against their own best interests. Watching MSNBC, they looked at exit polls and Republican women voted for Santorum, despite his position about no birth control, no abortions, sex only between a man and a woman who are married and then-- only for procreation. Lucky Karen, what a life!

    It is one of the biggest disconnects. If they don't want women to have abortions, by all means, please give them access to contraceptives and family planning advice. See, that's how they can prevent abortions. It's too simple for them, isn't it.

    1. Anonymous5:50 AM

      Remember, Karen had an abortion to save her life. It's just everyone else who can't.

  8. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Palin, just imagine Steve Schmidt saying something like this,

    Look, we had our doubts, the story was a bit fantastical, there were some discrepancies, but we took her word for it.

    Game over.

  9. Anonymous11:12 PM

    I suspect a lot of the mystery of why ANY woman would continue supporting the rightwing extremist position, is that they feel guilt over sex, and therefore figure OTHER women should feel it all the MORE SO.

    Thus, voting for measures that shame women is in their nature, nourished by mothers and fathers who try to turn daughters into NUNS.

    (I'm GUESSING here, but that "feels" right.)

  10. I am really worried that people like Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich will make serious inroads into the electorate, especially Rick "Mr. Rogers" Santorum with his folksy attitude. Blue collar people like him although he has betrayed working folk over the years. He has reinvented himself as a conservative with a capital "C." How can women and labor support him? I'll never figure that out.

  11. Anonymous12:52 AM

    Wow. Didnt expect this. Actually, yes I did. Opportunistic douche


  12. angela3:04 AM

    Trudeau has done it again. He is amazing.

    I think what we have had the last two years is indeed a psychotic overreach by the Koch inspired tea baggers and congressional fundies. The GOP is just watching it happen as their party slides into a punch line.

    You will always have women who vote against their own self interest (especially in evangelical land). But any other thinking woman better run to the polls and vote Obama because NONE of the GOP candidates think women should have reproductive rights. Hell, they don't even want them to have access to contraceptives.


  13. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Thanks, Gryph!

  14. Anonymous4:38 AM

    Let's be clear, once again, when an elevated conservative is riv'illed to have a pregnant, unmarried high school age daughter, the ESTABLISHMENT rallies around her saying, "Life Happens!"

    But when any other woman engages in wine cooler tent action, they are sluts, prostitutes and have to put up video of themselves in action in order to receive access to health care. . .

  15. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Yay! My local paper in my small city is choosing to run the Doonesbury comic :) Guess we aren't so backwards after all :)

  16. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I'm so glad that our local newspaper is carrying the Doonesbury series about the awful Texas law. I keep expecting that the series will be halted in mid-week because of complaints from our nuttier religious fanatics in the area. So far, so good.

    I did see on local television that a local church hosted a sportsmen's celebration recently that included giving out raffle prizes comprised mostly of guns of one type or another, some awarded to kids. One of the church pastors was the mc of the event. The grand prize included three guns, one cross-box and something else). Strange to see this going on in a church.

  17. The papers in Texas suspended the strip because it doesn't sound so good when you read it in Doonesbury terms.

  18. Del Martian8:43 AM

    Starting with my parents and nearly 40 years of having the San Diego Union Tribune delivered here, I just sent a subscription cancellation. This was just the final indignation. This rag was bought out my a super-rich, wrong-wing jackass and is now nothing another big penny saver. USA -- TSTS! (Too Stupid To Survive!)

  19. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Wow. The comments from the posters here reveal the hatred, intolerance, and ignorance from the left. Then again, what else would one expect from a website that proudly proclaims its own schizophrenia? Subjective terms such as "character" & "positive" have no meaning in the absence of absolute truth. As Dostoyevsky said, "Without God, all things are permissable".


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