Wednesday, March 21, 2012

President Obama demonstrates that his connection to people trancends his eloquent use of the spoken word.

I am sure that many of you ave already had the chance to watch this video of President Obama responding to a hearing impaired supporter.

Here is what the young man, Stephon, "said" about meeting the President:

Hello, I would love to share my experience; something that I will not forget for rest of my life. Today was a special day for me, and I was preparing for it. It was announced yesterday, March 14, for everyone to receive tickets to see none other than the President of the United States, Barack Obama! 

When I got ready to get up the morning at 7 am, I did not rush and took my time since the admission started at 8:30 am. I ate some breakfast and got onto the train to get to Prince George’s Community College. When I got there, there was such a long line and I got so worried that I wouldn’t get a good seat to be able to see my interpreter! How was it possible for me to understand what Obama had to say?! 

I decided to let go of my nerves and went with the flow. I waited in line to go through security. Security was almost like security at the airport. It was the first time for me to experience that kind of security outside an airport. Of course, I have been to airports numerous times, but it was my first time to have that kind of experience on my college campus. I was not used to it. I saw the actual Secret Service, and you could feel how serious and strict they were, much different than dealing with county and even state police! You could tell they were not playing around. 

When I got in, I took many videos. What amazed me is that it took two hours to make it just right before Obama started. I did not realize how great of seats there were for us deaf people. Right front of Obama. I sat in VIP with the Governor Martin O’Malley and many other important people. So, it started at about 11. Obama was right front of me. I was ready to jump up and walk toward him and shake his hand. Could you imagine how the Secret Service would’ve responded? When I watched Obama give his speech on the stage I thought to myself, “No way, Obama is not standing right in front of me! Wow!” 

If you want to know more about what Obama’s speech was about, you can find out online. I was close enough to touch Martin O’Malley on his shoulder but I didn’t want to bother him. I regret I could have done better holding my camera while talking to Obama. The moment I will never forget was when he looked at me. He gave me a chance to talk to him. It was like he was waiting for me to say something. I took the moment and signed “I am proud of you,” and his response was “Thank u” in sign language back! Oh my gosh! I was like wow! He understood me after I said I was proud of him. It was so amazing…I was just speechless. Right after he thanked me, he smiled at another deaf lady who signed “I love you.” When I shook his hand it did not feel like he was superior to me. He was just a humble man. I am just impressed by him and know that he will have my vote and he will win second term without a doubt. Yeah, I feel safe to have him for another term. 

And just in case you were not adequately impressed with the President's casual command of sign language you might be  interested to learn that he is not the ONLY Obama so well versed in ASL.

I have often mentioned how important it is to me that my President be person of great humanity. This is just another indication that we chose the right man, and First Lady, and that they more than deserve a second term in office.
(H/T to Distriction.)


  1. Olivia1:36 PM

    Oh my, now what kind of disgusting complaint will Baldy McQuitter or her Leno chinned daughter manage to manufacture about this? Do you suppose they will run right out and learn ASL?

    1. ManxMamma2:16 PM

      That would be such a relief! No more screeches!

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      I'm sure Trig would benefit, you can't word salad in sign.

    3. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Learn ASL? Shouldn't they master spoken English first?

    4. Sasha is also learning Chinese. The Obama's are well aware that their daughters will be citizens of the world.

    5. Actually we do teach children with Down Syndrome simple sign language. Many have thick tongues that make speech sounds difficult. So, while, the SLPs work with the speech sound production, the child is taught simple sign language so they can communicate.

    6. Sally in MI4:06 PM

      Yes, we all know that. Our concern is that Trig has been taught nothing to help him communicate. The last report from Sarah was that he greeted each morning like an infant: clapping his hands to welcome the day. More like clapping his hands for someone to change his diaper and feed him.

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Reading the young man's report of the day brought tears to my eyes.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Ohhh, that made me cry! So beautiful!

  4. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I am proud of President Obama, too. I am also proud of FL Michelle.

    OBAMA/BIDEN .....2012!

  5. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I love them!!!

  6. Anonymous2:00 PM

    You can bet that the Obama Daughters have also mastered sign language. What a great family and a great example of what a family should be.

  7. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Thanks for posting this story. I did see the video earlier in the week but would have missed Stephon's story.

  8. Thank you for always sharing these great clips and stories about our First Family. No wonder I always go to your blog first every day.

  9. Once again, I'm SO PROUD of the First Couple!

  10. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Maybe Sarah can ask Michelle to teach Trig sign language. Then maybe he would be able to communicate. Poor kid.

  11. hedgewytch2:21 PM

    Many of our hearing impaired citizens sometimes feel as if they were "other". To have a President understand and acknowledge this person utilizing his personal language was a profound experience for him - and through him - his peer group.

    Obama Rocks!

    1. Rethuglikons have never stopped trying to turn BHO into The Other. They're looking more ridiculous with each passing hour.

  12. Anonymous2:23 PM

    That was wonderful!!

  13. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Yes, I saw the first video earlier, too. Loved the second one even more!

    DON'T like THIS stuff, though:

    WHAT IS GOING ON HERE??? Has he not thought about what this power would do in the hands of the likes of Santorum, Mitt RMoney, $arah Palin???

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Try this article on it:

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      I found another explanation that makes more sense.

  14. Anonymous2:43 PM

    That man just rocks. You can't force or manufacture such worldliness and class.

  15. abo gato2:45 PM

    The BEST first family EVER. I am so glad this happened in my lifetime.

  16. Anonymous2:58 PM

    We are so, so fortunate to have President and First Lady Obama!!! They are beautiful people!

  17. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Each day I become more impressed with President Obama and the First Lady. My positive impressions of him began during his speech at the Democratic Convention in 2004. I knew he would be a great President after that and I'm glad it happened so quickly.

  18. Good grief, Gertie! Yet another tearful moment with The Man. Where's the Kleenex!

    He and his equally fantabulous wife are the best thing to happen to this country since....oh, I don't know.......sliced bagels? -:)

  19. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Maybe Sarah can arrange for front row seats at an Obama event. Then he and Trig can have a special moment that Sarah won't understand.

    How can people not love this man?

  20. lostinmn3:12 PM

    Over on "librull" HP the comments are running heavy that either the whole thing was a set up or that they taught POTUS just enough sign language he could fake it through the photop. You can't make this stuff up.

    Obama used ASL with a deaf kid while Brisket gives the finger to American TV audiences. Hope she doesn't hold her breath until he apologizes to her

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Maybe she should hold her breath until he apologizes to her - just saying :)

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:20 PM

      You can't make this stuff up.

      Well, yes, yes you can.

      FAUX "News", Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, etc. have made a LOT of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ by simply "makin' stuff up".

      And, apparently, some people believe it, and vote accordingly.

      Fucking scary.

      (Funny how MIA got in a lot of trouble for "actually" flipping US off, but Brisdull wants a CALL from the President because she said she WANTED to Give the MIDDLE FINGER to her haters. What a piece of shit she is.)

  21. Anonymous3:14 PM

    OK, Gryphen: You can delete my earlier post about President Obama signing the Marshal law in peace times: Here is the snopes account of that:

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      "Google-ing" I fell for that too. lol!

    2. Google "Santorum" only!

  22. Anonymous3:15 PM

    I totally love our POTUS and beautiful FLOTUS! So much grace, so much authenticity and humanity.


    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Typically, a voter uses his or her intellect when assessing a President, not his or her loins.

    2. Sally in MI4:03 PM why did the GOP choose Palin again?

    3. "loins"?? LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous4:46 PM


    5. Anonymous4:51 PM

      AnonymousMar 21, 2012 04:29 PM
      Typically, a voter uses his or her intellect when assessing a President, not his or her loins.


      Just another low blow from a Right Wing, please do tell, what does YOUR candidate have that Obama doesn't? Oh, I'm sure we'll hear crickets on this one! No loins deciding here, just a strong feeling that Obama is doing what is best for our country. I don't get wet for him and I don't think he's a rockstar! It's politics, you idiot, not some teenaged crush!

    6. Exactly . . . .

  23. Anonymous3:24 PM

    It appears that Jeb, The Bushinator, may be Willard's VP pick. Willard: Keep in mind that the Bush Crime Family tried to have Ronnie Raygun assassinated. (To get H.W. the presidency, pronto.) Bushes were good friends with the Hinckley family. In fact, H.W. had a meeting scheduled with John's brother the day John shot Reagan!

  24. Anonymous3:28 PM

    This is random and for those of you who read Levi's assortment of lies - er- tales, DITH. Did he discuss his bad knee injury in early 2008 that took him out of the game? This would have been around the time he and Bristol were broken up (when she was in Anchorage). Just curious. Thanks.

    1. ManxMamma4:36 PM

      And this has what relevance to this post?

    2. Please take your meds, then write again when you're lucid. (If ever!)

    3. AnonymousMar 21, 2012 04:28 PM

      Ummmm....just love the oodles of funny and "randomness" in this entire comment!


    4. Anonymous5:05 PM

      LMAO. Are you for real? You think anyone here is going to help you with ANYthing? This post is not about your obsession with Levi. Get over him Bristol. He has. Why can't you move on you sick freak? You really are disturbed mentally like your mom huh? Get help. You're sick and Tripp and trig deserve a better mother. GTFO child abuser.

    5. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I think that's how Bristol cornered him and got him to impregnate her for the first time...he was injured and could NOT leave that tent and run away. She laid him down and got his seed....poor Levi!

    6. Anita Winecooler9:33 PM

      This is random, but I'm surprised Beefy didn't get pregnant sooner since she was Levibowing since she was fifteen.

  25. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Oh, dang it. I'm a man and am not supposed to get all teary eyed. Kidding. I'm glad I don't have enough machismo so I can get teary eyed at really good stuff in the news and on Gryphen's blog.

    Wow. I was really touched by the videos and by this young man's information on his experience of meeting President Obama.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:35 PM

      My husband usually blames it on his eyeballs sweating - it's a sign of strength, believe me!

  26. It's awfully nice to have a President that young folks can look up to and respect.

    I'm very proud of the current POTUS, and happy to say I voted for him, and that I intend to vote for him again.

  27. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Boy, I wish we could clone him and the 1st lady. Such respect and total class.

  28. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Love, love, LOVE these videos!!!

    I work with kids who are deaf/hard of hearing and all of them are African-American or mixed race as well. To have a President who can relate to them on both fronts is just SO wonderful!

    Such a genuine, caring couple we have in the White House...and will have for four more years!

  29. Today is National Down Syndrome Day -- has everybody read the heart-warming and insightful words of Sarah or Todd or Bristol about Trig's progress?

    Me, neither.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Why does there have to be a day for these children? Is there a national "epileptic day" or a national "hydroencephalitis" day? Is there a national "cystic fibrosis"day? I guess my question is why should there be a day for people with genetic disorders? Is there a national "I'm Normal" day?

      I'm sorry for the people that are surprised by these children but we have the medical means today to not have to be "surprised" by any of these disorders. There are tests that can ensure that a person does not have to live with these types of ailments.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      What's that sound I hear? Shhhh....

      Oh yeah...crickets chirping in the Palin compound! Princess Super Advocate is falling down on the job again!

      Oh well, on this National Down Syndrome Day, I wish Trig the best and hope he's getting the necessary therapy, care and love he deserves and needs.

      And to anon @6:51 - these types of 'national whatever days' are important to help spread important information about these types of syndromes/diseases. Families who are dealing with them often feel isolated, and focusing attention on them, even for one day, helps the families feel more supported and keeps them updated about new breakthroughs. And does National Down Syndrome Day really hurt you in some way?

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:57 PM

      **ignoring the weirdo in aisle 6:51**

      Great comment, DarkLady!

      They are PHONY. to. the. ROTTEN. CORE.

      All of em, any of 'em (except Tri-G, of course...)

  30. Dinty4:36 PM

    OT: It appears AlaskaWTF is gone again, anything you can tell us?

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I think he or she is a person that doesn't live here that seems to post sporadically and never really has anything to say. Suffice it to say, no one really misses him/her?

    2. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Then again, that blog does seem to come and go from the blogrolls at the blog owner's discretion. I did the "see all" on the local blogs and there are many that are showing even though not updated for many months, but AlaskaWTF seems to be put up and taken down at Gryphen's whim. Who knows...they didn't seem to be anyone with anything important to say. Last I saw they thought that Willow was pregnant.

  31. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The President and First Lady are fantastic people and we are very proud of them.

    I wonder if they know how to speak ignorant trailer park in case they ever run into a Palin?

    1. Hahaha-that's hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh.Comes in handy after I got all teary eyed watching this adorably excited college kid and President Obama:)

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:00 PM

      considering the paylins are too chickenshit to even head to their Costco without a group of people around them,

      thankfully, there would be plenty of head's up from their vile stench,

      to wisk the POTUS and FLOTUS away without having to SUFFER a Paylin interaction...b/c there is no known antidote to the Ugly.

  32. Anonymous4:47 PM

    They just seem like nice people, and that can't be faked. The connect with those that take the time to come and be in their presence and that is very important. We do have humanity in the White House, even if Barack has to make some very hard decisions sometimes and kill the bad guys.

  33. Anonymous4:48 PM

    It's a heartwarming story! The Prez is a compassionate man who really connects with people something that the GOP can not and will not do.

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    So happy to vote for President Obama again. We are so lucky they are in the White House. A truly wonderful family.

    O/T... There is a huge uproar over ghost writing. Strong kick-ass women fight back against false accusations.

    1. GOOPY Paltrow is Phony as a Palin8:14 PM

      I appreciate your enthusiasm, but Gwyneth Paltrow is about as "kick-ass" as Bdull Paylin.

      GP writes that she had to "FIGHT" for EVERYTHING , NOTHING was handed to her.

      Um, okaaaay.

      But her "godfather" IS Stephen Speilberg (yes, THAT Stephen Speilberg);

      Her mother is Blythe Danner;

      Her father was Bruce Paltrow.

      GP was also Engaged to Brad Pitt for awhile.

      Wow. Those are some *pretty tough* odds to overcome, how *ever* did she *do* it?

      (Just to counterpoint, Rachel Ray worked her ass off demonstrating 30 minute meals at grocery stores all over NY back in the day. She definitely worked her way up. Good for her.)

  35. Anonymous5:08 PM

    President Obama never fails to impress. I saw this video yesterday and posted it on my facebook. A girl I went to high school with, who is deaf, commented that she now likes Obama more than ever. It must be amazing, as a deaf person, to see your president communicate in your language. It gave me chicken skin the first time I saw the video, and each time after - I swear I've watched it 20 times now! Obama Biden 2012

  36. Anonymous5:41 PM

    As of today, one of my grandsons that is partially deaf ( waiting to see if he is a candidate for an implant--testing is way behind since my daughter and SIL adopted him just 1 1/2 yrs ago) is now "cool at school" because he signs :) this is a huge boost to my grandson who is 8. You heard it here people , he is "cool at school"! This one event has succeeded in bringing him out of his shell, he can sign just like President Obama!! No one can understand what this means to our family, this little incident has changed my grandsons perception of himself.
    Thank you President Obama

    1. Our Gorgeous FLOTUS!8:23 PM

      That is. AWESOME!

      I'm really happy for all of you; it's amazing to see confidence take root in a child when there was very little before.

  37. Anonymous5:52 PM

    From the Brisdull post to this one...could the contrast between the Wasilla Hillbillies & our POTUS and FLOTUS be any more stunning?

  38. She is so beautiful!

    1. Our Gorgeous FLOTUS!8:16 PM

      Agreed, L8! She is just Gorgeous!

      AND smart?

      AND funny?

      Wow. What a couple!

  39. PalinsHoax6:17 PM

    Our dear President Obama - what a gentleman and a gentle man.

  40. Anonymous6:19 PM

    The Obamas ooze compassion, integrity, and class. That is sarah's problem with them, she knows that she knows that she is not like them, can never be like them, and that they are so much better than her "clan".....she knows that and that makes her attack and attack, hoping that she can crack that which they have.....she is just too immature, angry and shallow to know that she can't.

  41. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I was there (at PGCC) . . . and the POTUS is even more resolute and charming in person!

    2012 promises to get real interesting.

  42. Anita Winecooler9:41 PM

    Both our President and First Lady go out of their way to be accepting and inclusive of all the people they represent. It's so refreshing to have smart, caring and loving people in the white house.

    Four more years!

  43. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Love This!! -E


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