Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rick Santorum says "it should be illegal to read off of teleprompters." However turning our country into a theocracy he's perfectly okay with.

Courtesy of TPM:

 "See, I always believed that when you run for president of the United States, it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter. Because all you're doing is reading someone else's words to people."

You know the reasoning behind this is that Santorum has swallowed the Republican attack on Obama as somebody who cannot speak well without a teleprompter, even though the evidence does not exactly back that up.

Let me tell you what will be the worst day in Rick Santorum's life if he were to get the GOP nomination. That would be the day he had to face off in a debate with the brilliant President Obama without benefit, for EITHER of them, of preparation, teleprompters, or crib notes.

I guarantee that by the end of that debate Santorum would be reduced to a disgusting frothy mixture.

And you can take THAT to the bank!


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Would writing on your hand be illegal too?

  2. Sally in MI4:07 AM

    So all the disgusting crap that issues from his dirty mouth is all his? He doesn't employ one speechwriter? Fine. Then all the more reason to avoid this guy like the bublonic plague. All these ideas about women, Christianity, morals, wars, and the poor are ALL HIS. I will remember that, Mr. Sanctimonious, when I am casting every vote I can against you and your ilk. You are as insane as Queenie, but have gotten away with it so far because the right is totally bereft of any intelligent candidate to run. Wonder why that is? Oh, yeah, the Tea Party and Norquist made everyone pledge to follow the manifesto set out for them, and you are the best follower of the Pied Piper of hate.

  3. Sally in MI4:09 AM

    I think Rick Santorum running for President should be illegal. We understand who you are Rick, we know what's in what passes for your mind, and you are sickening, with or without a written speech.

  4. angela4:32 AM

    Its interesting all the things republicans think should be illegal.

    And what is this thing they have with debate and teleprompters?
    Dumb ass Palin wants to debate the president. What a lunatic.
    Newt wants to debate the president. Too sad to say.
    Santorum thinks the words written on the teleprompters are obviously
    written by aliens and are not actually the speakers words.

    All of these idiots are all about noise--no substance.

  5. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Remember a while ago when a group of repubs. decided to make the President look foolish, by having a gathering where they would ask him questions? One of them decided it would be fun to have it televised. They were all smirking (McConnell in particular) Well, one by one they asked their questions, and President Obama answered every last one, in DETAIL. At the end, filing out dejected one said "We NEVER should have had this televised" Our brilliant Pres. made them all look like the arses they are.

    1. Yes, I remember it well. Funny that these idiots have such short memories.......

    2. Anonymous6:28 AM

      I remember that well! The repubs had convinced themselves beforehand that Obama would be unable to communicate without a teleprompter.

    3. Anonymous6:38 AM

      I did so LOVE that Q&A with President Obama. The Republican questioners were certainly a sorry bunch.

  6. Kimosabe4:38 AM

    "Four score and seven years ago...". "This was their finest hour!" "Ask not what your country can do for you.". "mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!". "I have a dream.".

    Ok, that last wasnt read from a teleprompter (although the rest of the Dream speech was). Great speeches are prepared and delivered, not extemporaneous drivel. Santorum seems to excel at drivel.

    1. Beautiful response! Kudos Kimosabe.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Not What You Want to Hear4:39 AM

    And if not for Newt Gingrich, this man would be beating Romney. Now I understand why Palin has been trying to keep Gingrich on life support...to keep the conservative vote from coalescing against Romney. Pretty clever, Republican establishment! And of course, the rightwing base will never admit that Palin is duping them once again.


  8. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Teleprompter Rick.....FOX feeds Palin's teleprompter and dah! you need a brain to put the words in the teleprompter.

    Rick asks for secret service after he bashes Govt programmes.

    Methinks this is teleprompter envy.

  9. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Well, teleprompters make people sound smarter than they are. While theyre obviously needed, I think people's reliance on them is sad. What's sadder, people refuse to admit democrats' beloved President sounds barely literate without one.

    1. Anonymous5:49 AM

      Yea -- like the teleprompter on the Fox camera in her studio. And those teleprompters that have been seen when the cameras pull back at her speech.

      Proves - even having a teleprompter -- Sarah is still stunned and stupid.

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      Barely literate? You are an idiot. Do you even listen to yourself? President Obama has NO problem speaking off the cuff and he does it often. Your statement reveals your utter ignorance and lack of thinking skills. Get lost.

    3. PalinsHoax6:10 AM

      To Anon @ 5:57am

      Even President Obama's most subdued comments are vastly more intelligent and more articulate than any Republican's feeble attempts to sound coherent, knowledgeable and sane.

      The Republicans reflect every town's "village idiot". And of course the Queen of Village Idiots is Ol' $carah Palin herself.

    4. Anonymous6:17 AM

      This comment is too stupid to merit a response.

    5. Anonymous6:17 AM

      Oh there you are racist troll. We were all wondering where you were. The silence has been deafening to say the least. I guess Game Change put you in a fetal position all wee-wee'd up with your panties in a wad. Hahahaha. It's OVER troll, give up. We won. You lost. Game OVER.

    6. Anonymous6:35 AM

      "democrats' beloved President"

      President Obama is president of the United States, not just one political party's President.

      President Obama's literacy is not in question. He invariably sounds literate because he IS literate.

      If you are saddened by the use of teleprompters, please explain why reading from a piece of paper or note cards in one's hands is more acceptable to you than using a teleprompter?

      And while your at it, please rate how important you think not using a teleprompter is. Is in your top 10 problems facing the United States? Top 1,000,000,000.

    7. lilli6:42 AM

      Sarah's totally illiterate WITH one.

    8. Anonymous at 5:57:
      I have NEVER heard President Obama sound illiterate! Can you cite an example? Perhaps you're referring to our previous President or President Wannabe Palin.

      Don't you think it's a stretch to refer to a former President of the Harvard Law School as illiterate?

    9. AnonymousMar 13, 2012 05:57 AM
      Well, teleprompters make people sound smarter than they are. While theyre obviously needed, I think people's reliance on them is sad. What's sadder, people refuse to admit democrats' beloved President sounds barely literate without one.


      *grabbing troll by the scruff of the neck*

      Didn't I...*smacks troll upside the head "Big Momma style*....Tell YOU...*SMACKS*...Not To...*SMACKS*...Come here..*SMACKS*...No Mo...*SMACKS*...*SMACKY*....*SMACKS*!

      NOW GIT!!!

      *shoves troll out of IM's comments*

      Don't make me have to tell you again!

      *wipes hands with a wetnap (can't look at Kleenex the same after reading about biracial peni Toad's "sexcapades')*

      *clears throat*

      Yeah...Rick "Frothy Mixture" is another one who needs to STFU...these crazy Repubs are losing their damn minds!

      Did anybody see "Milt" saying "Ya'll" and "grits"? WTF is wrong with these idiots?

      Rhetorical question...no need to answer Ya'll...*snicker*.

    10. Who do you listen to? Certainly isn't President Obama, who is amazing in his ability to answer random questions anywhere anytime.

      Palin sounds illiterate despite having a speech written by someone else AND a teleprompter. Santorum can only speak on women's reproduction - a subject it appears he studies all the time.

      Ahhh - the problem is Palin and Santorum don't understand how to read from a teleprompter.

      AND President Obama is President to all Americans - unlike those who would only support the rich and/or the religious right.

    11. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

      Teleprompters make people sound smarter than they are.

      Yeah, I see how well that theory worked for a certain palm reading, teleprompter using ex governor of Alaska. (aka Wonkeye Salmon, also too! "Borderline Spice", also, too, two "Baldy" Any of 'em, all of 'em.

      And for the record, if you're a legal citizen of the United States of America, President Obama is your President, get used to it- he'll be around for five more years.

      My favorite line from Sarah Palin is "God won't let the wrong person win the election" It's the only time she was tight.

  10. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Those that bitch about teleprompters and have been exposed for having used them or while bitching about them, having walked to stage with crib notes.

    I don't give a rat's ass about President Obama using teleprompters in that there is much other work to do that will help us than memorizing a speech.

    Santorum sure does pic low lying fruit. May be read meat - but low lying fruit!!

    While he's campaigning -- go get a real job. The teleprompters would be out in a day. Two things at on time - ain't gonna happen. Multi-tasking and Rethug in the same sentence -- NAHHH!!!

  11. Anonymous5:07 AM

    If you do one thing in your life, read Palin's latest facebook message and recognize the truth in it.

    1. angela6:02 AM

      Really? Palin wouldn't know the truth if it fell out of her bottom.
      And if it did she'd swear she was a victim of a high colonic.

    2. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Sarah Palin is trolling for attention any way she can. She cannot stand that our President pays her no mind and it drives her crazy. In her mind, she thinks she's on the same level as the president, only illustrating her delusion and self entitlement, when in reality, she couldn't hold a candle to the fine, gracious, intelligent, capable man that our president is.

      As far as her mental masturbation that she blurts on Facebook EVERYONE knows that she doesn't write any of that, she just signs her name to it.

      AND, as I notice, NO BODY is interested in what she has to say, thus there is NO NEWS covering her latest ghostwriter's effort to garner attention. Yep, check it out, Google New, Yahoo News, AOL News...no one has picked it up and they won't, since it is so inconsequential what comes out of her twisted thinking.

    3. Anonymous6:18 AM

      The truth that she is mentally unstable, deranged and unfit for any public office? Yeah we figured out that truth a long time ago. Try to keep up.

    4. It's pathetic that Palin has to depend on other people writing her FB rants and tragic that she has to pay or beg bots like you to plead her case. BTW, we've already read it and it was the same old crapola. I suggest you buy one of those belts with your name stenciled across the back so you will know who you are if you ever get your head out of your arse.

      When you get back to us please explain why your anointed one hasn't filed a lawsuit against the book/movie that she claims are lies. If anyone needs a reality check or a life lesson it's the sad and gullible folks like you who have fallen so hard for the phony scam that is $arah L Palin.

    5. Mrs Palin wouldn't know the truth if it whacked her on the head and knocked the latest wig into next week

      What she does know is anger, discontent, jealousy, hatred, incitement of hatred and violence in others and love of publicity and other people's money. I've no doubt missed a few items.

    6. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

      Oh look! The "If you do one thing in your life" troll!

      Let me take the liberty of copying and pasting the entire comment.

      AnonymousMar 13, 2012 06:07 AM
      If you do one thing in your life, read Palin's latest facebook message and recognize the truth in it.

      This comment makes no sense whatsoever. "If you do one thing in your lifetime"

      Ohh, that sounds so important, a real "attention grabber" Thanks, but I don't buy stupid.

      "read Palin's latest facebook message"

      Huh? What for? She doesn't write her own books, she has Rebecca of Stnoey Fridge Farm write them for her. It's not a message, it's the rantings of a deranged woman filtered by a panty sniffer on her payroll.

      Truth and Palin is an oxymoron. (look it up, it's not a mentally challenged person with acne cream on her forehead)

  12. Anonymous5:08 AM

    These GOP challengers sure do focus on the important things to all Americans - now it is teleprompter use! Where are the job plans? Where is the plan to keep people in their homes? Now, these are important things to discuss.

  13. What a trite person… is that all he’s got?

    1. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Unfortunately, yes. That is all he's got.

  14. Anonymous5:15 AM

    And the "someone else's words" part is total BS as well. I think our President has written more of his own public remarks than most. I'd like to know what Rick Santorum would do if he gave a major speech - memorize it?

    He only has the luxury of hurling this accusation because he will never have to deliver a major speech.

    Can't wait until it's just Romney, so these other guys can shut up. And believe me, we'll see some teleprompters then.

  15. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Yea, and this is the guy who thinks we should not have sex for enjoyment - but, just to make babies! I think he is creepy!

  16. Anonymous5:39 AM


    Please do a post on how Sarah spends the majority of her PAC money on consultants just to help her prepare for her facebook posts and 15 min faux news spots.

    Someone posed that question at C4P and they about all had seizures because there is no way to refute the amount she spends and having no job to need that much "consulting".

    If she needs to spend all her PAC money just to prepare for the miniscule speaking out she does imagine what she would need in any official capacity.

  17. PalinsHoax5:40 AM

    Well Santorum, I think that it should be illegal for presidential canditates to wear sweater vests while campaigning - makes them look dorky, uninspiring and desperate.

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      I think it should be illegal for presidential candidates to be stunned and stupid!!

      Ooops -- that disqualifies all the Rethugs!!

    2. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Now don't pick on the sweater vest, it's whats inside that is dorky!

  18. Anonymous5:46 AM

    It should be illegal to be Rick Santorum

  19. Irishgirl6:13 AM

    Ole Rick should have a word with Palin. Just how many times did she try to load her concession speech into the teleprompter in 2008?

    Also, I was listening to the Rachel Maddow show from last night. In it Wallace said that Palin had a whole nest of problems (at the 3.25 mark). Interesting phraseology. Nicolle knows.


  20. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Teleprompter=="someone else's words"

    Piece of Paper=="your own words"

    Santorum is an idiot. How can he possibly think a piece of paper will contain words only written by the candidate. If you want words direct from the candidate's mind without the aid of speech writers, then you would have to lock candidates in an isolation cell for 30 days.

    I'm beginning to think that Santorum might actually be more of a disaster than Sarah Palin. The politics of know-nothings are poisoning the political process in this country.

  21. Anonymous6:28 AM

    It should be illegal for presidential candidates to PREACH while campaigning. Not all citizens are Christians, that does not make them "less than". It is really sad that the gop does not have ONE candidate that people respect or even LIKE. Gingrich is in it for the money, and I suspect so is Little Ricky. It must be easier than working for a living. Palin found that out. Since she is all about hate, why are sponsors not pulling out of her appearances on Fox? We should start a movement to get her ugly, hate filled mug off TV.

  22. Anonymous6:38 AM

    It should be illegal for anyone that lost his last US Senate election by more than 15 percentage points to run for President.

  23. Anonymous6:39 AM

    So essentially they are saying that President Obama can not possibly sound as smart and articulate as he does on his own because he is a BLACK man. And of course everyone knows that a black man is really just an ignorant ol darky shuffling his feet and looking wide eyed, mumbling "yas massa" like the movies used to portray. EYE ROLL

  24. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I will give Rick some credit ...

    At least his daughter is not knocked up.

    1. Rick has nothing to credit him - and whether or not his daughter is "knocked up" is really irrelevant to the discussion.

      Perhaps his daughter is smart enough to ignore the teachings of her father (to date single women can still get prescriptions without the permission of their parents) or perhaps she is scared of sex due to lack of education and/or seeing what her mother has had to bear because of Rick's paranoid concern about women and sex.

      Despite the horror of Palin and Santorum, I hate that whether or not they have a pregnant child is part of the conversation. Bristol generated her own publicity by the stupidity of being a born again virgin - Rick's children have not done anything to be part of the discussion.

  25. Anonymous6:47 AM

    O/T thanks Gryph for your Jeremy Morlock posts and attention to what is happening to our troops. As well should be, the focus on political aspirants and others deemed prepared and able to handle National Security.
    A CNN report today "Washington base back in spotlight after Afghan shootings"
    This highlights the failures at Base Lewis-McChord.
    I was riveted, as well, heart sick to read your Sunday, June 12, 2011
    "Sarah Palin ignored Jeremy Morlock's plea to be brought home from overseas under a 'compassionate reassignment.' Update!"
    In a nutshell what an incompetent, careless Goverrnor she was. Her heart was made of stone. She makes sure her small town Hockey-Mom roots boost her up to just being one of the folk and a great Mother. What Governor would not have made certain their staff was up to speed when it came to military matters, especially regarding the local troops, drugs in the military and so on? Wasilla is so rah-rah military and the troops, recruitors LOVE her, recruiting is vital there. The military replaces college education in the area, they think they solve their boys will be boys, deliquency problems with the military. No competent or caring Governor would have let Jeremy's plead slip away. If nothing else a decent engaged person would have embraced the issues and done more to educate regard these serious life forming matters.
    Of course, Sarah Palin uses the military to fund her Pacs in her questionable quest for power to be leader of the free world. We won't hear the last of her self proclaimed greatness in all things military and of motherhood. But she really sucks and has total responsibility in her lack of action as well as her actions when it comes to what happens with her use of the military. In particular what she did not do concerning Jeremy Morlock.

  26. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Re: Game Change

    The modern day Republican Party is reckless enough to have knowingly put an unstable, unprepared person one 72 year old’s heartbeat away from the highest office in the world. It wasn’t a fluke; it was part of an ongoing pattern of reckless behavior that began in earnest in 2001 when George W Bush and his administration lied to us and the press spoon fed the lies to us like the lap dogs they have become; the same lap dogs who still can’t bring themselves to call Mitt Romney a liar, even as he says the President is going to “change Medicare as we know it.”

    We’re not out of the woods, yet. Not by a long shot.


  27. Anonymous6:52 AM

    I'd rather my president have a speech on a teleprompter and important facts (like who North and South Korea are) in his head, instead of the opposite. Like someone I won't name, but Julianne Moore portrayed her in Game Change.

  28. This ought to piss Palin off royally. We were just reminded in GameChange that she was begging everyone to load her version of a 'concession' speech into the teleprompter. The very same concession speech that had to be written by the speechwriter assigned to her for the duration of the campaign.

    Romney is annoying but Santorum is one sick puppy. Clueless, conniving and revolting. He is rapidly wearing out the mute button on my remote.

  29. lostinmn6:54 AM

    Can this guy and his GOP cronies be anymore stupid? Do they really think the American people give a shit about teleprompters? I really think they have this mind numbing fixation on the so-called base. Here's a clue Rick and the rest of your numbnut friends - are you listening Sara? - this "base" you are talking about infers it is a large solid foundation. In fact I think the base you are pandering to is more of a block of wood upon which you have balanced the rest of the GOP and Indies. Do you really think this small number of outrageously racist idiots are the support posts for your party? No wonder you are turning off so many people in the middle of the political spectrum.

    And I might add Rick, I guess you don't need a teleprompter - or is it that the person inputting the garbage you spew would laugh hysterically while they tried to input it. And we've seen how well that works for Sara - she can even sound average WITH a teleprompter - when she's on her own the words that come from her mouth are the most mangled English I've ever heard.

  30. ""See, I always believed that when you run for president of the United States, it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter. Because all you're doing is reading someone else's words to people.""
    Rick, you creepy dullard, it is perfectly possible to have your own words in the teleprompter. It is done all the time, especially by our President, who is known to have a very strong role in writing his own speeches.

    Just because you can't possibly write your own speeches doesn't mean it is true for everyone. And how do you know Piper didn't write her own words on her illiterate mother's hand?

  31. Gasman8:10 AM

    Santorum: "See, I always believed that when you run for president of the United States, it should be illegal to read off a teleprompter, because all you're doing is reading someone else's words to people."

    Why does it need to be "someone else's words?" It is quite possible to have one's OWN words entered into a teleprompter. Santorum is a buffoon intoning a dog whistle for other buffoons.

    Maybe if Santorum actually used a teleprompter he wouldn't put his feet in his mouth so often. He's not that great an extemporaneous speaker. The "seat of the pants" style that he employs in his campaign is a non-starter for a president. Santorum is conducting a months long job interview to be POTUS, yet everything about his campaign says that he's running for the local school board.

    He thinks teleprompters should be illegal, but an invasive GIANT expansion of government interfering in the health decisions and reproductive rights for women should be legal.

    How is such a strategy supposed to get him to the White House?

  32. Anonymous8:27 AM

    lil ricky is doing anything to garner some attention, he is trying to appease the extreme reichwingbatzshitcrazy part of the GOP...but even he is only drawing crowds of less than 200...he needs to say anything to get some attention.

  33. Anonymous12:33 PM

    The purpose of Santorum's 'outrage' is to attract news media attention to himself, thus obtaining free press for his campaign. He is using outrage deliberately – as a free substitute for campaign advertising. No attempt here to excuse him of what he is doing, by any means, but merely to point out that he is being craven as well as stupid.

  34. Anonymous12:46 PM

    So Ricky, are you going to make reading and writing illegal too?

    SSS - Socially (In)Sane Santorum

    1. He is trying his damnedest, along with the rest of the GOP.

  35. That man is an idiot........almost as bad as Palin.

  36. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Teleprompters are the work of the devil and instruments of pro-choicers!

    What a "moran."

  37. Anita Winecooler9:14 PM

    Gaaaaa he's a male version of Palin on steroids! That's why Sarah's going to crash Florida. She thinks frothy mixture will pick her as VP if Gingrich doesn't make the cut.

    Dream on Sarah, Game Change will probably be released on dvd by then, expanding your ignorance to a wider audience.

  38. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Teleprompter cartoon...



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It just goes directly to their thighs.