Thursday, March 15, 2012

Santorum theme song. Must have been hard to write. I mean what rhymes with "frothy mixture?"

Okay I'm being a little bit unfair. I mean these young ladies clearly ADORE the anti-education, anti-separation of church and state, and anti-gay message of Rick Santorum, and they felt the need to show that adoration by writing a creepy bubblegum tune in his honor.

Nothing more American than that now is there?

And really how creepy can the song be?

GAME ON! Join the Fight 
We've finally got a Man who will Stand for what is Right 

GAME ON! Victory's in Sight 
We've got a Man who Understands that God Gave the Bill of Rights 

Oh, there is Hope for our Nation again 
Maybe the First time Since we Had Ronald Reagan 
There will be Justice for the Unborn 
Factories back on our Shores 
Where the Constitution rules our land 
Yes, I Believe... Rick Santorum is our Man! 

GAME ON! He's got the Plan 
To Lower Taxes, Raise Morale, To Put the Power in our Hands 

GAME ON! Change is at hand Faithful to his Wife and Seven Kids - He'll be Loyal to our land 

Oh It's crazy, What's been slipping through our hands 

When we the People are still supposed to rule this Land 

Rick Understands 


Oooh, that IS creepy!

I'm sorry exactly WHEN did "God" give us the Bill of Rights? I think James Madison might have something to say about that!

It seems like these girls are getting the Bible mixed up with the Constitution, That seems to happen a lot with supporters of Rick Santorum.

By the way, how happy do you think a certain Grizzled mama will be to find that her signature slogan (Game On!) has been hijacked for a pro-Santorum campaign song? Yeah, SOMEBODY just made the list!

Though to be honest it is kind of catchy. You know if you ignore the ignorance, the Reagan necrophilia, and the fact that Santorum wants to take this country back to a time when only rich white Christian men had a say in how this country was run.

And who really cares about THOSE kinds of details? I mean besides EVERYBODY of course?


  1. "What rhymes with Frothy Mixture?"

    How about:

    "traitorous tincture?"
    "Teabagger fixture?"
    "Republican Dicks Tour?" And ...

    "November Landslide FOR SURE!!!"

    1. And I was trying to come up with just one!

      Thanks for those. I'll bet you can squeeze out a few more. (Hint)

      Yer makin my day.

  2. God gave the Bill of Rights? God gave the Bill of Rights? Who is responsible for the human destruction represented here?

  3. Sally in MI1:19 PM

    Are those girls related to him? Otherwise, how did they get so brainwashed? Oh, right, home schooled Christian Nazis.

    Too bad his wife wasn't quite so faithful back in the day. And too bad
    Ricky's 'faithfulness' included impregnating his 49 year old wife who then had a severely handicapped child that devoted daddy Rick now ignores in favor of lying and raising money. Priorities. Game on indeed...the con game.

  4. Anonymous1:20 PM

    OM-- they are serious! I thought this was a liberal atheist joke! This is done by sincerely ignorant Christians!

  5. Virginia Voter1:24 PM

    These two must have been a couple of Warren Jeffs' many sister wives, either that, or they are plucked from the Duggar litter.

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn1:36 PM

    Since when did two of the Duggar girls start a singing career?

  7. I heard the song over the weekend on some news program. I was so disheartened to see young girls like this so terribly misguided. They are lovely, their song is soul crushing.

  8. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Oh those poor misled children. Very very sad.

  9. Are these girls even old enough to vote?

  10. Are they even old enough to vote?

  11. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sisters of Dominionism is the immediate hit I got when I saw them. Oh yeah, they are way indoctrinated, that's clear!

  12. Anonymous2:17 PM

    OMG, enough already with Ronald Reagan. I don't think that 2/3 of the people who are licking his butt - posthumously - even know anything about him and his record.

  13. Anonymous2:17 PM

    One of the shows on MSNBC (Ed's I think?) yesterday said that if Santorum were to win the Republican nomination that the religious folks would come out in huge numbers throughout the U.S. That scares the hell out of me!!!

  14. Anonymous2:24 PM

    This is frightening. Why is the one in the feather necklace trying to look so sexy, when that should be the opposite of appropriate behavior in the book her menfolk tell her to live by?

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    The whole production seems too contrived, like a string of campaign slogans, to be the inspiration of these girls acting alone.

  16. JenniferinVA5:24 PM

    There is certainly a fair amount of vogue-ing in that video! Why are those poor girls writhing around like they're doing tryouts to become one of Rick's mistresses?
    I love how they sing about the old conservative chestnut of gettin' gumbint out of our lives while in the next breath they're singing about following the Constitution and then they're all for taking away a woman's constitutional right to an abortion.
    The song isn't even catchy because of the horror of hearing them try to rhyme something with Ronald Reagan and having to hear it three times!
    I wish I could be amused by that but it depressed the hell out of me.

  17. Beldar Frothy2012 Conehead7:13 PM

    Gryphen, I actually like the new santorum song. Musically, it's a frothy mixture of cheesy early 70s teeny bop pop and late 90s Norwegian death metal. And, honestly, I think the lyrics are catchy, also, too.

    It sounds even better when you put the santorum lyrics to the music from Steely Dan's monster hit "Rikki Don't Lose That Number". And even better STILL is to put the original Steely Dan lyrics with the original Steely Dan music and never mention the word santorum or the weasel-faced douchebag who inspired the word AND the campaign jingle. Just sayin'...

  18. Anonymous7:24 PM

    They'd make a good act for Ted Haggard's ministry, but nothing beyond that.

    Game off.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

    yay! Justice for the unborn, factories on our shores
    And Saint Ronnie Raygun.

    The video is disgusting. Do we really want back alley abortions and sweatshops? Have they been tested for lead poisoning?

    I loved Ricky's visit to Puerto Rico! he said something like "I was known as Senador Santorum Puerteroquinneno's" (in a Pittsburg accent, no less) and THEN said it would be mandatory for them to learn English if they want to be part of our country.

    What little frothy forgot to google is Learning English is already in their curriculum and they must pass to graduate.


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