Sunday, March 11, 2012

Well it looks like Sarah Palin wrote the Obama campaign's next political ad FOR them.

Keep on talking Sarah, you are just making the reelection of President Obama more, and more of a sure thing.


  1. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Her "only son" gets sent to Afganistan..."except Trig". Freudian slip much?

    Love that she trumps our President in the number of daughters category. She finally figured out how to beat him, huh?

    Was this taped before or after she watched Game Change?

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Hey, I totally missed that. Great catch! I'd like to add this as Evidence #1435 as another moose nugget to the BabyGate hoax.

    2. Before. This interview with Hannity is the worst thing ever and it may be the final nail in her coffin. I love that the Democratic Party or the Re-election Committee, whoever is recognizing this, pointing it out and using it.

      None dare call it treason?

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I went back to the tape of this interview that IM has posted a couple days ago but didn't get the only son thing. Is there a reference for when she said that?

  2. she is still the best at what she does!
    Being $arah Paylin!

  3. She's the gift that keeps on giving, alright.

    She and the rest of the GOP whack jobs are tying a big bow around Obama's reelection and serving it on a silver platter. They're too busy hating the president to even realize it.

  4. Virginia Voter5:30 AM

    Thanks Sarah, you reminded me to make a donation this month to the President's re-election campaign, and I gave more than I was planning.

    This bitch needs to be run out of the political arena once and for all. Game Change is a START, but didn't go far enough.

    Hey Sarah, what era does AIP secessionist TODD and his whore loving buddies want to take us back to? Where the only profession women were allowed to engage in was PROSTITUTION? You know where women and men were sold to the highest bidder and trafficked across state lines to win government contracts? Are you kids proud of their pimp daddy?

    Did you check his pockets for sperm stains lately? You might want to pass a black light over his jeans before you wash them, or does he hide those from you too, Sarah? Sucks to be you bitch, stupid, ignorant, and racist is no way to go through life.

  5. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I'm actually sorry they did this. I thought their approach of completely ignoring her was the way to go and no doubt made her crazy. Now she gets to play the victim, again, and the bots will have a field day saying nasty things about the President.

    1. Anonymous6:39 AM

      This isn't Obama... this is the PAC... I want my ally to fight with every weapon that my enemy has. YOU are a coward!!!

    2. Anonymous6:50 AM

      It's not done by the official Obama campaign committee. But it needed to be done by whomever. My husband who has steadfastly tried to ignore Sarah Palin still (even after watching "Game Change") not understand that she is the poster girl for the darkest side of the Republican Party.

    3. Gasman7:38 AM

      Nope. You are dead wrong. Ignoring stupidity DOESN'T make it go away, it actually enables it. Stupidity like Palin's should be roundly, soundly, and LOUDLY criticized for the buffoonery it is IMMEDIATELY. To allow it to exist alongside reasonable speech is to at least tacitly legitimize such utterances.

      The best course is to acknowledge and expose stupidity for what it is and make the stupid person uttering the banality "smart" for having said it.

      The reason idiocy is such a profitable commodity in today's public discourse is that there has been little cost for spewing it. If the morons felt the sting of public rebuke and humiliation each time they said something imbecilic, they would at least pause before reflexively opening their pieholes.

      THIS is EXACTLY how every stupid utterance on the right should be met.

    4. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Well-stated. Stupidity can't safely be ignored, especially when stupidity like hers is exalted on "news" networks like Fox. Thousands of Americans believe anything they see on a "news" station to be true.

    5. Tell it Gasman! Wish I could "Like" your comment!

    6. Marleycat2:42 PM

      You GO, Gasman!!!! The reason we have the idiot Sarah Palin, and the rest of the RWNJ entourage is we have been too damn POLITE! Hate is Hate, Racism is Racism, and Shit is Shit - and these are just a few of the kinder words for the likes of Palin, et al. We can't be afraid to name it correctly, and short of hiring a you know what kind of guy - no more couched words! Wake up people - what we've been hearing from the Baggers and the GOP through FOX, Palin, Breitbart, etc.,etc., is not"freedom of speech" - it's hate speech designed to facilitate the wholesale slide into repealing civil rights, gutting the Constitution, and increasing the 1% control over American citizens - for the few $$$ we still have left in our pockets. They want it all!

  6. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I am so thrilled they are jumping on her comments immediately! Show this stuff for what it is. This is what is required, because these people will stoop lower than we can ever imagine.

    Let the GOP become synonymous with these hateful people - people like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin. Let these provocateurs do real damage to the party. The party that stays silent on these individuals deserves to be taken down by these very same individuals.

    How about she has to EXPLAIN her comments. Wouldn't that be something?

    Let's start a drumbeat that she do an interview with someone on any of the other networks or from any other source - other than FOX. On the one hand it gives her more attention than she actually merits, but on the other hand why does she get to foam at the mouth and have CNN Web following her every word, but she never has to submit to questioning from them? Isn't that rather strange?

    I notice magically CNN Web isn't highlighting Game Change in any of their links. I also stopped by C4P and my God those people are completely deluded. They just refuse to see the truth. One of the best points made in that film is that Sarah Palin is simply an actress, an actress who can memorize lines. Clearly not someone who should ever have access to the corridors of power throughout the world.

    1. Here's a cool thought: with advertisers now publicly stating they'll no longer advertise with the hate-mongers, thus essentially shutting Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc., down, who will be left to "interview" her? With her forum collapsed, perhaps a street corner somewhere and a megaphone will garner her at least a little of the attention she needs so desperately.

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      I feel like someone at CNN needs to step up and insist that she appear on their network, or do a web/print interview with them. They do not get to continually use her name in links just to increase their traffic. It's BS.

    3. laprofesora10:31 AM

      It doesn't matter. She would never do an interview with CNN or anybody unless she had control over the questions, with the answers written in advance. It would backfire, by allowing her to look competent when in fact she is far from it. Let her stay on Fox and spew her hate; it makes for great campaign ads for the Dems.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I've done my part for Team Obama...and Team G. Tempting also too to donate to Baldy herself: keep the freak show on the road long enough to convince Republicans with half a brain to bury this dangerous, deranged nitwit & her grifting hillbilly clan once and for all by spilling the real dirt, letting loose the big dogs. But just can't bring myself to do that, not one farthing.

  9. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I don't understand why people are not laughing instead of taking this seriously. Why on earth would a black man want to reverse social progress to "before the civil war." She obviously mis-spoke (or didn't understand the talking points she was asked to repeat.) Yes. A black man wants to reinstitute slavery. But even if she intended to say he wants to reverse civil rights, how ridiculous is that? We have to stop feeding this monster the attention she craves.

    1. It is truly hysterical. I laughed like a hyena when I first heard her idiocy. But if the democrats can make money off the crazy woman---even better. The monster IS being given a voice and face on FOX and CNN. She will not get out of anyone's face. To just let her run rampant through the streets scaring the horses and children does not make sense anymore. Campaign time!

    2. Martha again7:06 AM

      We're not laughing because some people take it as license to kill.

    3. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Right. At this point, we ignore her and joke about her being marginal at our own peril.

      When CNN pretends she's relevant, then I guess she's relevant in this screwed up world of ours.

      The woman is still dangerous. As the Game Change script said, "there is a dark side to American populism", (or something to that effect).

      There are people in our country who want their hate and anger to be given a voice, to be legitimized on some level. Sarah is their perfect spokesperson. She is incoherent, but it is the emotion underneath her ravings that resonates with some, whether highly educated people who should know better or low-information voters who don't.

      You hear that, Sarah? You want our attention? You got it.

      You'll wish we ignored you, I promise you that.

    4. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Well what's dangerous is the blatant lies. They say Obama is a terrorist, or hangs around with them! Why they are not sued for libel I don't know, but this is blatant lying to smear someone who simply doesn't deserve to be smeared. Fine, if you don't think we should pull out of IRaq, or that you don't think with should have equal rights for all such as in women's equal pay or taking away don't ask don't tell, fine if you don't agree with our President on these and other issues. Just say so, don't like and call him a Muslim and a terrorist and a non-American. These alleged "Christians" are LYING, lying lying lying and spreading hate. And they pretend to be Christians and alleged Christians believe them and also spread the hate and the lies. That's what I don't get how dumb are these people to be this deluded? Or are they simply all completely evil? Dumb or evil? it's one or the other.

    5. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Because its not funny.

  10. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Ha ha. Nice job FOX. She's dumber than a box a rocks.

  11. Anonymous6:24 AM

    ONLY SON???

    NO ONE says that accidentily except Alzheimer's patients.

    She's DONE!

    1. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Sarah Palin has lied so much, that even she can't keep the story straight.

    2. lostinmn6:48 AM

      Well, Tri-G is just a prop she got to appeal to the fringe. Once she lost she's kept him around for the prop that he is. Poor little guy.

    3. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Where does Sarah say "only son"?

  12. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "LOOK at me, DAMMIT, LOOK at me!"

    I see you, Queen Esther. You look like SHIT.

  13. She's making a pathetic effort to stay relevant, and must be smarting badly at not being included in Newsweek's 150 "Women of the World" who are making a difference; this weekend the meeting of the world's most powerful and effective women in the news, their words, their inspirational lives, powerful, smart, accomplished women of the world making the world a better place...while Sarah Palin sits twitting her nonsense to a very small audience.

    She diminishes herself. The rapidly (!) fading prettiness was all she had. Now being outrageous and angry to get herself into the news is all she has left.

    The only interesting thing about her is her incredibly incoherent thought process as evidenced by her hopeless-to-follow verbal rants. As she speaks, so does she think. The suggestion of mental illness is becoming more and more likely a possibility.

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Thank God they didn't put her in the 150 "Women of the World"! I'll bet she thought she'd be named though!

      I think it's time that Palin fades from the world - media truly needs to stop covering her.

      After seeing "Game Change" last night, it is apparent she is a liar and fraud and totally inept. What a friggin mess!

  14. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Even if Sarah Palin meant before the Civil Rights movement, she would still be saying that African Americans should stay in the back of the bus, not be served in restaurants (although they can work in the kitchens), not attend decent schools, and be subject to lynch mobs. I don't think she understands what either the Civil War or the Civil Rights movement were about. She is historically deprived, to put it mildly. And that ignorance is dangerous in a democracy.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Thanks beaglemom. She IS truly dense!

  15. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sarah, thanks for pissing me off. Just made a donation to

  16. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Whoa! Where does she talk about having only one son? It's not in this diatribe, is it? Wow, that's some slip.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Anyone have a link to that major blooper?

      If she said that, then it needs to be posted over and over again on all the pro-Palin sites.

    2. Anonymous7:19 AM

      I'm wondering that, too?

  17. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Palin in the 'new' Couric interview.

    It's funny that a comment like [Obama taking the country back to pre-Civil War days] that was kinda made to … I don't know, you know … reporters."

    "Mocked?" she asked.

    "Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah," Palin said.

    Sarah, if you would bother to study history of the country you wish to be executive of, regulate, you'd know that you were trying to get "Civil Rights" in there instead of the Civil War.


  18. Anonymous6:58 AM

    No, she's not an idiot.

    She's an asshole. A wholly unsympathetic asshole, and that's a unapologetic, definitive summation of Sarah Palin.

  19. Smirnonn7:01 AM

    "These attacks are wrong and dangerous."

    Finally! I agree with @6:59 that ignoring the paylump ("I don't think about sarah palin.") has worked just fine. But these comments come from a whole new depth of stupid. Iron core of the Earth stupid. And to not use this gift as ammunition would be a damn shame. What she's accusing President Obama of is pretty serious stuff - deluded and stupid but serious accusations just the same. And it's time she gets called out on this bullshit. Y'know, talk about the whole "those who live in glass houses should not throw stones" (or canned food, I might add). What she's accusing Obama of is pure fiction, made up in her addled mind. OTOH, what she's DONE is fact. Game Change is but the tip of the iceberg. If she keeps ratcheting things up at some point there's bound to be blowback and all sorts of "issues" will start re-surfacing, not the least of which is the "wild ride"/Tri-g babygate situation. So, keep it up, serror! I may just need to buy some Orville Reddenbacher stock this week :)


  20. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Keep on Fighting

  21. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Palin took what Obama said and did then flipped it to the opposite. The psychological term is "splitting" to split people all bad, to polarizing extremes. Facts, truth do not matter deleted replaced with negative distortions. This is a characteristic of personality disorders.

    If anyone attemots to explain for accurate understanding the reaction is rage.

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I'm delighted to see how "Team Obama" reacts immediately to the lies or crap that any of the Republicans put out there. He's on top of things as usual. I'm so happy he is our President and I can hardly wait to vote for him again.

      "Game Change" was a wonderful movie and assuredly shows Palin to be the idiot and liar we all know her to be in Alaska! Woody was best actor in it as far as I was concerned. I plan on watching it again and recommend it to everyone.

  22. Anonymous7:09 AM

    If you torrent, here's the movie:

    1. Oh, goody, another porn site. Thanks a bunch.

  23. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Advertisers are saying they do not want to have their ads on Hannity, either, along with Beck, Limbaugh and some others. That would take care of the Screech from Wasillka. Her voice is horrible, scratchy, high pitched, whiny. Is she wearing false eyelashes also, too??

  24. Anonymous7:17 AM

    John McCain, POW, elder statesman, GOP POTUS Primary winner, continues to be cowed by that ignoramus Sarah Palin.

    I admire and respect her, I'm proud of our campaign and I'm humbled by the fact that I was able to give her [the Republican vice-presidential nomination]."

    Schmidt himself has defended "Game Change" and been critical of his own decisions on the McCain-Palin campaign. "I regret playing a part in a process that yielded someone on the ticket who was not prepared to be president," Schmidt recently told the Washington Post, speaking of former Alaska Gov. Palin. Schmidt said that the film is "the true story" of what happened over the course of ten weeks.

    In response to Schmidt, McCain simply said, "I regret that he would make such a comment."


    McCain begged Schmidt to join his team, Schmidt joined and helped John win the Primary. But when asked what he regrets out of the whole irresponsible, gimmicky VP pick? He regrets Steve's comment on Palin, he doesn't regret losing the right to name his own ticket?

    Seriously. John McCain has closed out his legacy with a 10-week cynical bullshit narrative.

    1. what do you expect old mc cain to say?, that he realizes what a disaster palin is and he made a horrible mistake?

      remember choosing palin was his first act as a possible president.
      you expect him to say he was crazy from the get go?

      and saying he "regrets" someones statement DOES NOT mean he said it was untruthful!

    2. PalinsHoax9:29 AM

      "what do you expect old mc cain to say?,"

      Well, to use Ol' $cary's garbage-mouth terminology, I expect McCain to find his cajones, man-up, stop being limp and impotent. I expect McCain to apologize to the American people for his reckless, rash, irresponsible decision to name Ol' $cary as his running mate.

      McCain - it's time for you to be an adult and admit that you made a colossal mistake. Then it's time for you to retire and go count all the inventory that is in your 7 houses.

    3. PalinsHoax9:31 AM

      "what do you expect old mc cain to say?,"

      Well, to use Ol' $cary's garbage-mouth terminology, I expect McCain to find his cajones, man-up, stop being limp and impotent. I expect McCain to apologize to the American people for his reckless, rash, irresponsible decision to name Ol' $cary as his running mate.

      McCain - it's time for you to be an adult and admit that you made a colossal mistake. Then it's time for you to retire and go count all the inventory that is in your 7 houses.

  25. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Pushback from the Palin minions:

  26. Martha again7:18 AM

    I watched that entire Sean Hannity interview, and now, reading the comments, am very intrigued with the "only son" comment, but now I CAN'T FIND THE WHOLE VIDEO ANYWHERE !!!!! Does anyone know where to find it?

    1. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Sean and Sarah March 08, 2012

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM’t-‘man-of-valor’-no-surprise-he’d-take-mahers-‘dirty-money’/

  27. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I didn't hear the " only son" part either.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I fear it may have been a case of wishful thinking on the part of the poster who said Palin called him her "only son". If not, it would have been nice of him or her to have posted a link along with the remarks.

  28. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Nicolle Wallace: Game Change Film 'True Enough To Make Me Squirm'

  29. Anonymous7:23 AM

    We didn't even need the behind-the-scenes story to fully appreciate that Sarah Palin was the wrong pick. She was terrified, uncertain and grasping in all the interviews she couldn't control. Put her in front of a mike in front of a highly anticipatory and accepting crowd, where she controlled the narrative - sure, she came off impressive. But even in those friendly audiences she gave nonsensical speech.

    She very visibly, abjectly gave up in her Couric interviews. She knew she was rev'illed as wearing no clothes (despite the six-figure-make-over) and each successive interview was defeated.

    When she came out from the speech she just gave in New York, and she saw Couric waiting for her with the tapes reeling, she grimaced, reluctant to give away the high from the live crowd adulation, and submit to questions she didn't know how to answer.

    If she were only shallow, she'd be a perfectly good Quail-like VP, but she demonstrated throughout her thin public office career, that given the opportunity, she'd make Nixon look like a girl scout.

  30. This is one time I enjoy listening to her.

  31. Gasman7:28 AM

    Of all the profoundly stupid things that have come out of Palin's piehole, this might well be the stupidest.

    So, let me get this straight: Our first black president wants to take us back to the antebellum South? Am I missing something here?

    Apparently Palin is too stupid by half to realize how banal her utterances actually are.

    With sincerest apologies to all other women on the planet, Palin really isn't anything more than a walking, talking twat.

    1. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Love your intelligent comments, Gasman! They're always spot-on.

  32. Anonymous7:28 AM

    McCain is whining about Game Change when he hasn't even seen it. He really is a joke.

    I liked this commentor's take on the old man:

    This is one bitter angry and somewhat demented old man. He can only think in terms of starting wars. He is bigoted and he has not nor will he evr recover from his 2008 beating. He knows that picking palin was a collossal blunder just like suspending his campaign and going to washington to do nothing was. The mystique built up around him by media hass not helped. others in pow camp with him at same time paint a different picture of him than the hero media implies. He needs to retire quit lashing out. Palin is even a bigger idiot now than 2008 and he still defends but only because he does not have courage to admit his stupidity.

  33. laprofesora7:31 AM

    Yep, we donated. Can't wait to see how much the idiot raised for Obama with this little gem. Keep up the good work, Scarah!

  34. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Why did Sarah Palin have no trouble at all jumping into bed with a French Socialist and giggle at his crossing-the-lines with no problem, but finds 2nd Amendment loving Americans so distasteful?

    She talked to a Canadian cartoon version of Nicolas Sarkozy who asked her dirty questions for a number of minutes, on the radio. This was greenlit by her foreign policy adviser, Steve Biegun, and no one else was informed.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Everyone should listen to that interview on YouTube. If you don't think Sarah is narcissistic and stupid now, you sure will after the interview. Listen to it and pass it around.

    2. Marleycat2:52 PM

      President Obama: Sarah Palin wants me to call her? Shit NO! And make sure she doesn't call ME - or get near me. That's an order, too!

  35. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Kurtz on CNN just interviewed the I believe producer and maybe screenwriter -- I'm not sure which two gentlemen they are (Danny & ??) -- doing two segments on his Sunday morning show with them.

    Kurtz did his best to expose them for putting out a fictional story in Game Change about Sarah. He lost. They held their own -- Strongly backing up as they have done throughout the many interviews they have done. Kurtz tried hanging it on Schmidt & Wallace but the two continued to say they spoke to many to confirm.

    It's grand seeing Kurtz get screwed as he truly believes someone died and made him God with regard to what is right and wrong with media. He who works on CNN and writes at Daily Beast is the know all to be all -- BS. He's a jackass that has thinks his shit don't smell.

  36. Anonymous7:43 AM

    She used memorized tracts, some poorly conceived, to thrive in those crowd appearances. She cannot speak extemporaneously. She does not have the required substance, the necessary knowledge and experience. To this day, she just repeats herself over and over and over.

    She was a fool to think she could pull it off. If she had done her homework in the months leading up to the pick, or if she had even done her homework more recently, she might have had a chance. She did not, as her primary activity seems to be stewing about perceived slights and plotting her revenge.

    She has no more mastery of world history and current geopolitical dynamics, domestic and foreign, than she did when they supposedly plucked her from obscurity. She has no one but herself to blame for that. The information is out there, waiting to be absorbed and understood by anyone and everyone who has access to a library, the internet, or a classroom. Apparently Sarah Palin doesn't believe this kind of study is necessary, and apparently she feels she has "better" things to do.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Maybe she really thinks God puts those words in her mouth and she faithfully lets them tumble out in random order. Don't they speak in tongues in her "church?"

  37. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Hollywood needs to make the movie, "Boys will be Boys"

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      That's a very good idea. Shailey Tripp's book is awesome.

  38. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I watched, donated and felt gloriously happy as I did so. Yes Sarah, your dangerous and irresponsible statements have consequences. Every time you spew one, we will donate to our sitting President Obama.

    Does anyone know where we can find the earliest ratings information for Game Change? Can't wait!

  39. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Can her husband be prosecuted under the Mann act? Should we protest Lifetime for having the daughter of a sex trafficker on the air?

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      When Shailey's book gains traction, it may be a bit awkward to put Daddy Todd in her show.

      Hi Daddy! How was your day! How's business! I checked up on Craigslist like you asked and you have 10 new "friends!"

  40. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Sarah Palin Unveils 2012 Strategy: Insane Racism Redux

    ...Palin is going to ride her waning media relevance before she reveals herself to be a cheap coward again when she stands smirking at the convention, pretending she doesn’t care when this doesn’t happen...

  41. Anonymous8:15 AM

    McCain Reacts To HBO’s Game Change: I Don’t Use That Much Profanity In Real Life

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Oh yes he does and there are many on record who have talked about it. From elected people to pundits.

      Not having HBO, I could not watch but I've heard comments spoken that they were being quite tame in his 'potty mouth'

    2. lostinmn9:36 AM

      He just got painted as a complete tool and afraid of Sara Palin and he's worried about a little profanity? OMFG - he's such an idiot - no wonder he chose her

    3. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Two writings quickly found. The first where in front of aides and reporters he calls Cindy a 'C'.

      The second "Cornyn was raising some issues about the amnesty bill, and McCain called Cornyn’s concerns “chickenshit,” and said he was raising them to derail the bill. Cornyn, to his credit, snapped back, saying: “Wait a second here. I’ve been sitting in here for all of these negotiations and you just parachute in here on the last day. You’re out of line.” McCain responded by telling Cornyn: “Fuck you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room.”

      McCain's wiki page says:

      "McCain acknowledges having said intemperate things in years past,[314] though he also says that many stories have been exaggerated.[315] One psychoanalytic comparison suggests that McCain was not the first presidential candidate to have a temper,[316] and cultural critic Julia Keller argues that voters want leaders who are passionate, engaged, fiery, and feisty.[292] McCain has employed both profanity[317] and shouting on occasion, although such incidents have become less frequent over the years"

      The man has been well known for his temper. Think of that within a war or war negotiations. Not what's needed and why I can't understand that they allow him to speak to world leaders, most certain in Iraq, Afghanistan, et al. He can't be trusted. He paints himself one way on camera but I hate to think how he speaks 'behind it'. He's dangerous to national security.

    4. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Thought he didn't see the movie. I think all of them are lying and that they absolutely have reviewed it. I cannot imagine Palin not having done so because it includes her..her ego would do the entire opposite of what she is saying - lying as usual!

  42. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Here is the scoop straight from Sarah's mouth to friends - track did this "tour" because this will finish up his obligation to the military - he won't have to do his "weekend warrior" stuff for years to fulfill his obligation - this will get it done - this was his choice.

  43. Anonymous8:21 AM

    FBI and Secret Service, keep a very close eye on the Bitch. Remember, this is how Hitler got started.

  44. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Well, now we know why the majority of her PAC money is spent on consultants aka tutors.

  45. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Teach your children well.

    1. Marleycat2:55 PM

      Hey, I just listened to that song - and I kept thinking Chuckie didn't teach his children well and neither did Sarah!

  46. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Would someone please find the only son comment,and publish it,all over the news.

  47. Ratfish9:06 AM

    What's wrong with you people. Sarah did mean to say Obama wants take us back to the time before the Civil War, not Civil Rights.

    You know, so Paul Revere could warn the British that Obama was coming.

    1. Anonymous11:54 AM

      I think you are right.

  48. Anonymous9:30 AM

    No "only son" comment to be found. It is a wreck of an interview without that. She may still have a chance in comedy if she can work it hard enough. Can't wait to see Boys Will Be Boys. Someone must nail the real Todd Palin character on screen.

  49. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Could the video with Palin saying she has one son be posted here? I've suffered through two full-length clips of her with Hannity and I didn't hear it.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      NO "ONLY SON" FOUND. It may have been a figment of imagination or wishful hearing.

    2. Perhaps someone misunderstood the parody here:

    3. Anonymous2:43 PM

      In a speech once I think in 2009 she definitely slipped and said "my only son" when referring to Track. I believe HP did a piece on it.

  50. Cricket4569:46 AM

    Steve Schmidt,Nicole Wallace, and others from the 2008 McCain campaign know things about Sarah that could forever take her off the national stage.

    Can't they see that she is poison to this country? She contributes absolutely nothing positive to our political discourse, and in fact, sets the country back decades.

    Why aren't they releasing what they know? Surely, it could be done in such a manner as to be anonymous.

    If they were true patriots, they would not let this woman continue to spew her racist poison.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      I think they have all the dirt on the Palins but are reluctant to release it because of the blowback and potential for further divisiveness.

      I also think that she knows they have all the dirt and if she ever does try to run for political office, they will release it. She is relegated to spouting off on Faux.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Maybe they are holding the best for last, in case she decides to go rogue and run. They know, she knows, it's just a matter of will she run the risk?

  51. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think they are worried that Obama will become the Black-Muslim "slave owner" and whites will be the slaves. Seriously, this is the discussion at the pee pond.

  52. Anonymous10:32 AM


  53. I can no longer bear to watch her videos. She's too disgusting. Even the comments are distressing to read. How much longer will she be allowed to broadcast her poison over the airwaves? Does the GOP not see how much harm she's doing to them? Are they all nuts?

  54. Randall11:19 AM

    Yes, Sarah, that's right:
    Barack Obama wants to move us back to a time where not only couldn't he have been President - he couldn't even vote.

    You are SO smart.

  55. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Ugh. As a native Minnesotan who doesn't sound like Palin, I still cringe every time I hear her fake folksey voice. It's like nails on a chalkboard, though real fingernails on a real chalkboard never bothered me.

    Also, what's up with her fake Jewishness? Star of David. Uh huh, Sarah, you only care about Israel in the sense of somehow being supportive of it will bring about your delusional end of the world faster. What a schmuck. Though one bright enough to constantly still scam certain segments of the USA.

    She's not going to run tea party people. Get over her and used to it. Though she's happy she can still use them for personal gain. It's profitable for Sarah.

  56. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I cannot believe this looney woman is going to the Republican Convention with the hopes of being placed on another's ticket OR if "God opens a door" perhaps she'll run for president!

    She's such an idiot! Gingrich is the only one I could see being involved with her and he'd just do it for spite! The two of them would never get along. Wonder if he and his wife watched the movie? If he didn't, he has no idea of her evil capabilities. But, I think she'd meet her match with him! Perhaps it would be fun to watch, but I don't think Gingrich will be nominated. He is frightening too!!!

    Sarah is a looney tune no doubt about it. Plus, she is so damned harmful. Thank God we have President Obama and I'm betting the man will be reelected. Plus, he has a great team surrounding him knocking back the statements/lies put out there by Sarah and some of the rest of the jerks.

    Hopefully, the media stops allowing her air time - keeping my fingers crossed!

  57. Anonymous1:43 PM

    That Star of David sure is gaudy. It looks more like a hood ornament than jewelry.

  58. Anonymous2:45 PM

    In a speech in the summer 2009? she definitely slipped and said "my only son" when referring to Track. I believe HP covered it.

  59. Don the Bluesman3:56 PM

    IF she goes to the convention it will be as a FOX news nut or as a janitor. I think Game Change and Boys will be Boys will knock her out. She is in Vegas now doctor shopping for downers.


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