Thursday, March 29, 2012

Yet another Sarah Palin book.

Yes I know, there have been a TON of books about Sarah Palin, and we have already discussed many of them here. (Trust me there are still more to come!)

In fact there are so many that I don't always take the time to mention them. However I AM mentioning this one, because rather than provide a description of what the book is, the "About the Book" section of the website instead has what's listed below, under the heading "What Conservatives Say About Sarah Palin  :

Sarah Palin “represents a fatal cancer to the Republican Party.” –Syndicated columnist, commentator David Brooks. 

“If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.” –Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist Kathleen Parker. 

“Even at McDonald’s you're interviewed three times before you're given the job.” –President Ronald Reagan’s chief of staff Ken Duberstein on the vetting of Palin. 

“I think it’s a stretch to–in any way–say that she’s got the experience to be president of the United States. She doesn’t have any foreign policy credentials. You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don’t know what you can say. You can’t say anything” –GOP Senator Chuck Hagel on John McCain’s selection of Palin as his running mate. 

“Now I must say I did not think that . . . the Katie Couric interviews were unfair. In fact, if anything, Katie Couric was extraordinarily gentle, even helpful. [Palin] just . . . I don't know what happened. I can't explain it. It was not a good interview. I'm being charitable.” –Fox News commentator Mike Huckabee on Palin’s interview with CBS News anchor Katie Couric. 

“She is the biggest joke to be put on a ticket in national politics.” –Journalist and blogger Andrew Sullivan. 

“She makes George W. Bush sound like Cicero.” –Columnist and blogger Rod Dreher. 

“I’m still proud of Sarah, but she scares the bejeebers out of me.” –Wasilla, Alaska, city council member and Palin’s first campaign manager Laura Chase. 

“She comes on TV and says, `I want to once again confirm that neither I nor my staff ever holds closed-door meetings.’ Well, we had just been in a closed-door meeting for an hour and a half.” –Alaska Senate president Lyda Green on Palin’s transparency–or lack of–while serving as governor. 

“We're not talking about a great statesman of profound experience whose banner is integrity. We're talking about somebody who, right from the get-go, has been a flashy person who gets into a lot of trouble and really has no credentials for any job . . . I mean, she just begs for adjectives like flaky and wacky. It's very easy to say that the liberal media is caving in on her, and yes, they are; but she has given them a lot of raw meat. The woman is inarticulate, undereducated.” –Fox News commentator Liz Trotta.

I don't know about all of you but I just REALLY enjoyed reading that!

If you agree, and wish to read more, you can go here to purchase this book.

If you are wondering about the author, Chris Lamb, this is his description, via the Huffington Post:

Chris Lamb is a communication professor at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina, where he teaches courses in journalism, politics, and, satire. His columns and articles have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated. He is the author of five books.

This is the way I like to see Sarah Palin, reduced to the subject of numerous jokes and humorous one liners told at her expense.

I could not have planned it better if I had tried. Oh, wait....I think I did!


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Sounds interesting...

    That reminds me: When is 'Freds'' book coming out?

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Sometime around never...

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    In "Boys Will Be Boys" Shailey Tripp proves, with copies of documents and lists of names, that her arrest for prostitution and her introduction to that business had roots in the heart of a famous celebrity "family man." One day after standing next to Sarah Palin as she was sworn in as Alaska's first female governor, this "First Dude" was flirtatiously emailing with a young single mom, Shailey Tripp,and saying "You light up my life." What transpired in the weeks, months and years (2006-2010) that followed did not light up her life in return. Guided by a powerful man into the darkness of selling sex, Ms. Tripp has set herself free and is telling her story. The truth will continue to set her free, and she honestly spills the agonizing, humiliating, and depressing details of life as Todd Palin's commodity. Interstate sex trafficking is no joke. The names she names and emails she released prove this woman means business. In the current political climate of taking away women's rights, Ms. Tripp should become an icon for having the courage to stand up and say "I'm not going to let men define who and what I am and what I do." Once you read it, pass it on. This book belongs in libraries, homeless shelters, and women's clinics where it can speak to those who find themselves enslaved by any unhealthy behaviors, limited by losses or disabilities, or injured by the cruelty of others, as the author once was.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Thank you,

    2. Anonymous7:25 PM

      G. - I am just wondering why you haven't followed up on this book? You posted over a month ago that you were reading it. I haven't read it, but from comments it seems that there is information that could hurt Todd Palin. I guess I am asking why you haven't followed up and if you think there is a story in Ms. Tripp's writing.

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Is the reason they are not investigating Todd Palin due to the fact the cops in Alaska (Anchorage specifically) and FBI agents used the services that Todd Palin provided them? Across state lines? That sounds like an FBI issue to me!

      I would love seeing Todd and Sarah in orange suits and in jail for the rest of their lives. They have been very evil people throughout their lives in Alaska!

      Alaska was noted to have ratings of D+ and F in a recent poll as to 'corruption'. States throughout the USA were all noted in the poll.

      Alaska does have corruption in its past and continues to...Palin as 'quitter' gov was corrupt and unethical and now we have Parnell, whom I think should be recalled.

    4. Tessie8:35 PM

      8:27 - there was a comment on Shailey's blog by "anonfornow" regarding a relatively minor scam involving event tickets and military contracts. It seems that scandals involving the military tend to be swept under the rug. Unfortunately, there appears to be a problem with the blog in that the word-wrap is off, so most of the comment is not visible. I was able to copy it, though:

      If military is involved I have little hope for any whistleblowers. My husband blew the whistle on the National Guard in the mid atlantic. Their PR people have a pretty good scam going. They solicit tickets to concerts and NASCAR and superbowl etc etc and the tickets are supposed to go to MILITARY families. Well ,the NG PR people sell the tickets for their own profit and make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I know a family that lives WAY above their means because they sell these tickets and keep the money and don't report it to the IRS. My husband reported the scam, with links to websites the scammer set up to sell the tickets. NOTHING. Protecting the scammers as it reaches pretty high up the NG and they all take a piece of the pie. It's disgusting. Meanwhile, miitary families are living at near poverty level and don't even get the tickets the are supposed to get to take their kids to see Justin Bieber while daddy is loising sanity and body parts abroad.

    5. Save your money if you are going to buy tripp's novel. she used everybody she wrote about, parents, richard her boyfriend, her kids, her workers, and the church people who helped her.

      Then toad old funky ass used her. It's called Karma.

    6. Kind of you to look at the mistreatment by others toward Shailey Tripp that way, Game of Life. (/sarcasm)

      I would have thought better of you, but sometimes even old regulars here at IM can act like Palinbots or AynRandians.

    7. Game of Life, you are an ass.

      Shailey did not "use" people. She paid her own way with Richard when they dated. Her kids certainly were not "used" by her- God, what kind of monster ARE you? You're saying because a church OFFERED to help Shay with occasional child care or, SCANDAL, toilet paper and maxi pads, that she "used" them?

      And you're saying that because Shailey needed a little help after nearly being killed by her ex husband and losing her twins very far into her pregnancy because of the abuse and stress he put on her mind and body- meant she was to be karmically "avenged" in the form of being used, abused, demeaned, belittled, bullied, and lied to by Todd Palin and his cronies?

      You are sick, Game of Life. SICK.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    It's almost Easter!

    Trig's nanny will bring him to Wasilla for his Palin Easter photo op then he'll head back home to the nanny's home.

    1. Olivia4:21 AM

      They will just move the weeds and the globe in the Fox home studio and bring in the props(including Trig) for the photos. No need to bring him in the house.

    2. Olivia4:25 AM

      One more thing, just in case my last statement trips the wire for the bots...

      YooHoo, can you tell us why Bristol named Tripp after her father's prostitute?

      And of course,

  4. honeybabe5:43 PM

    fingernails scraping down the blackboard, couldn't have a more perfect visual for a book about the palin plague on mccain's campaign.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Sweet! Expose Sarah "airhead" Palin to the world for what she is... a vacuous character. (look it up Sarah)

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    The only book worth reading about another person is the one they tell with their own words. All else is tripe and bias. Only we as individuals can tell our story, for it is only us who know our reasons for our actions.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      That might be true for many people. However, Sarah lies too much to tell her real story. Plus, if she actually wrote something in her own words, it would be a big word salad mess.

    2. So.....those quotes were never uttered?!? Please. ALL biographies are bogus?

    3. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Every historian who ever lived is going to disagree with that. And for examples of books full of tripe, bias, and lies, take a look at any of those written by Sarah or Barstool Palin.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Your lies are the "actions" that most people question and most of your actions besides lying are motivated by hate which people don't like and also question.It is not tripe or bias to point out your lies and call you on them.

      Posting on blogs, or sending your trolls to do it,
      isn't going to change most people's minds.

      Can you explain why you claimed crosshairs were surveyors symbols? Can you explain why you thought people would believe such a blatant lie?

      You gloat when anyone writes something good about you, claim it by tweeting for people to read those articles/books but rip anything you don't like.

      So if the only book to be believed is one written by you, are your followers not to believe Chuck and Chucky's book?

      Is that you at Cee4pee who posts on every single thread, every single day as ZH100 with your "positions"?

      You lie and people know it. No book obscures that.

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Truth helps,

    6. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Yeah, the whole biography section of the library is worth nothing. People always tell the truth about themselves and have no blind spots.

      Eye roll)

    7. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Riiight. And Levi date-raped Bristol.

    8. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Hi Sarah, Bristol and Willow, You gals are certainly busy tonight. Yes, I read your books, Sarah and Bristol. A little self-serving. How is it that we can read books about famous people in history who did not necessarily keep a diary or have a flair for research and writing. The biography only tells one side of the story. A good research team can write a much more meaningful biography.

    9. Anonymous8:14 PM

      You sound retarded. Are you okay?

    10. Anonymous9:23 PM

      ROFL.... You are hysterical!!! And not very convincing.

    11. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Tell your Husband to write a PIMP story about his crooked life.

    12. Olivia4:27 AM

      Words of a profoundly uneducated person. Ever read a book, any book?

    13. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Woody HArrelson as Steve Schmidt: "name one fucking newspaper!" I believ that happened.

    14. The complete works of Shakespeare have almost been recreated by a few million virtual monkeys mashing the keys of virtual typewriters.

      I imagine that is also how "Going Rogue" and "America By The Balls" were written...

    15. Come on now...what about the bible?

  7. HAHAHA… nails on a blackboard. Sarah, go home and help your pimp husband parent. Strangely enough, he knows how to do that.

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Everyone's gotta feel special. What a job creator that Sarah Palin is. She really is a celebrity. All icons have lots of unofficial books written about them. None of them mean squat, but they can be entertaining. Personally, I find other people's lives boring. Because I don't know what other people think, I cannot judge anyone honestly enough to depict them accurately in a book/film.

    Palin certainly breaks the mold. People love her when they meet her, people want to get to know her, people who know her just love her for her, a normal person, people certainly are jealous of her brass balls and charisma so it's not shocking she's a frequent topic on the interwebs.

    She has surpassed Marilyn in icon status and will probably go down as the most famous human ever. What more can a person ask for? She's got love, life, family, and fans.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Whatever you say, Lou Sarah.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Actually people love to read about her for the same reason they can't look away from a train wreck, no matter how hard they try. Personally, I scan the articles and comments looking for that smoking gun that will put her away permanently.

    3. Sarah's not much of a celebrity anymore. Time Magazine has the list of people that you can vote for in this year's Times 100 Most Influential People of 2012 and Palin is not on the list.
      Maybe she'll have better luck next year, and her nomination blurb will include a picture of her wearing a lovely orange jumpsuit.

    4. Anonymous6:56 PM

      Surpassed Marilyn? Get a grip on reality. She is a fuckin joke in the GOP. Her own party. Too funny.

    5. Anonymous7:23 PM

      This is snark...right? You can't be that stupid...Oh, Sarah is that you?

    6. ANON 6:53!!!! BWAAAHAHAHAHHAAH!!! Water just shot out my nose!
      "She has surpassed Marilyn in icon status and will probably go down as the most famous human ever."
      !!!!!! Jezus H. Crispy Christ!!!! Your comment is so over the top I figured it was just "AHEM" again! But alas...where IS our AHEM, anyway? I can SO see where he/she gets the fodder!!!!

    7. Oh hilarious.

    8. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Oh please Bellagrazi aka twatwaffle!
      Baldy's only surpassed by the number of shits my dog takes a day!

      How dare you even mention MM, you idiot twatwaffle!

    9. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Charlie Manson had a stranglehold on the public psyche for a time. Maybe work out a visitation and chat about how they were unfairly victimized in the press.

      Fame is fleeting

    10. Tessie7:57 PM

      You spelled infamous wrong.

    11. Anonymous8:07 PM

      To know Sarah is to love her. That's the greatest tribute, more famous than Marilyn. I assume that's Marilyn Monroe, who also was a good actress, and an impressive career. Sarah will be remembered as a famous human being. She will be famous for being the least qualified person to run for Vice President. She will also be remembered for quitting her job as governor, quitting her job on the energy commission and a mayor, leaving a little town in millions of dollars of debt. Yes, one of the most memorable people in the history of humanity. More famous than Jesus, Moses and Mohamed rolled into one.

    12. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Hitting the bong extra hard tonight eh Sarah? Thank god trig is not your son.

    13. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Marilyn has been dead over 45 years & people still idolize her. A couple of years from now S'error will be a $200 question on Jeopardy.

    14. Tessie8:40 PM

      MM? Marilyn Manson? I thought she was talking about Marilyn Quayle!!!

    15. Anonymous9:10 PM

      "She's got love, life, family, and fans."

      ... and a curse that's quickly catchin' up with her arse.

      Lies have built-in consequences.

      Stay tuned!

    16. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Kristy, you really are a complete fruitcake! And fun to laugh at!

    17. Anonymous10:00 PM


    18. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Actually, 9:40 nailed it. She might be as influential as Marilyn Quayle.

      11:00 - more info on the gay stuff- is that in Shailey's book? I'm curius...are there any videos?

  9. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I think the only accurate unauthorized biography about Palin to date is Benet's and maybe Shushannah's.

    1. Cracklin Charlie7:39 PM

      Trollies got the talking points ready for this one. They must have known about this book for a bit.

    2. Anonymous9:56 PM


    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:18 PM

      "The LIES of Sarah Palin" - Geoffrey Dunn


      She lied. But that's what she does. She lies. Over and over and over and over again. She is a liar. - Dan Fagan, The Alaska Standard (Prologue)


      Palin seems to have assumed her election was instead a coronation. Welcome to Kingdom Palin, the land of no accountability. - Editorial, Mat-Su Valley Frontierman (p.35)


      What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history. Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse. " - John Lewis, US Congress, 5th District, Georgia. (Member of Civil Rights Movement) (p. 192).


  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I just ordered the book from Amazon with free shipping in 2days. Yeah. Keep those books a coming?!

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I laughed at the cover illustration of that book. How apt!

    Dunn just as might as well had "Volume One" stamped on his book, "The Lies of Sarah Palin". We haven't seen the last of her yet, and lies come as easily to her lips as breathing.

    I think in her future she will latch on to, and then destroy the Graham Ministries. With Billy gone, they will not be able to resist her celebrity status, but once she slithers in their door, they are doomed.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Very interesting comment, and probably true. She and Franklin seem to have some serious body chemistry between them, and both love the attention of a camera.

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      The boy has no clue what he'd be getting himself into! Much the same as Gingrich would have experienced. He should thank his lucky stars he continues to fail in government! Sarah Palin is the 'kiss of death' to whomever she supports or touches. Where is Bristol's blog by the way? Another epic failure?!!!!

    3. She probably had a job lined up with Komen till she discovered they expected her to do something - so Komen took on her sister in GOP - great result there

    4. Now this is a book worth purchasing. Dunn's is on point and doesn't have an ax to grind.

  12. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Of course there will be more books. Everyone has to feel important at some point in their lives. What else gives one importance if not for writing a book about a living icon whom they secretly idolize?

    Multiple books about public figures written by strangers mean nothing. Notice you've never mentioned any of the books about Obama. Like the indepth one about his extreme radicalism that makes Palin appear docile.

    1. Anonymous6:54 PM

      As an extreme radical myself, I can tell you the president is about as middle of the road as they get.

    2. Anonymous7:10 PM

      President Obama's books aren't mentioned because he is not an ignoramus like Palin. She alone proved her ignorance. Not the many books or Game Change that just substantiated it.

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM


      Palin is the radical.

      Crosshairs on a map over congressional districts is what is radical.

    4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! oh, keep it comin'!!!! This is better then The Hangover!!! Weeeeehehehehe!

    5. Anonymous7:29 PM

      twatwaffle aka bellagrazi, I need to find out where you live Brooklyn, RI to send the EMT's to 5150 your mental ass.
      You are seriously delusional as is Screech.
      White coats come for her soon.

    6. Cracklin Charlie7:37 PM

      She's just a tiny little kitten compared to Obama, right?


      Agree, 7:54. And even though I am very liberal, I like his mid-road governing style.

      This book looks really good.

    7. Anonymous7:42 PM

      Oy, your grammar.

    8. Tessie8:05 PM

      I highly doubt Shailey Tripp (the namesake of Sarah's first grandchild) idolizes her.

    9. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Jesus how many times are you going to post tonight Sarah? One delusional comment is enough. Run along now.

    10. Anonymous8:25 PM

      That's President Obama to you Sarah. Never forget that. You are a loser and he is a winner.

    11. President Obama to you - you absolute idiot

    12. Anonymous9:54 PM

      Do you really think that anyone IDOLIZES the wife of a PIMP who is BISEXUAL? You Palin TROLLS won't even try to DENY the PIMP DADDY PROSTITUTION allegations, because they are TRUE. PIMPIN' PIMPIN' TOAD THE PURSE CARRIER.

    13. Anonymous10:01 PM

      "Docile" is not the opposite of "radical."
      Time to check your Troll Thesaurus.

    14. Olivia4:35 AM

      Don't forget that aside from Barack Obama himself, the single person most influential in getting him elected in 2008 was Sarah Palin. Thanks Sarah, and thanks for all you are doing to re-elect the President in 2012.

  13. Anonymous6:20 PM

    With ALL the negative comment there has been over the years about Sarah Palin, why is there still lip service paid to her? Wouldn't it be best if we just withheld any mention or comment on this pustule called Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      She will be exiting center stage soon. Always a flurry back stage before the curtain finally falls.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:34 PM

      Do you want her to be your president?

      I don't.

    3. Doesn't work - she thinks no response means everyone adores her

  14. Anonymous6:27 PM

    wow..yo Sarah...I know you read here...people are waking up to all your bullshit..who you going to blame this to be a palin..

  15. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Love the cover. Like nails on chalkboard.
    I do believe that the horrifically terrible and unbelievably dangerous selection of Sarah Palin as a VP candidate will be the subject of political science classes for years to come. Gee, Sarah, you are finally a celebrity.

  16. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Yowser! I mean ... ouch!

  17. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Well it looks like the kool-aid drinking trolls are out.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      I think it's just one... Sarah Palin herself. No one else cares enough about her to defend her here. Her own family hates her guts and talks shit and makes fun of her behind her back. Even piper can't stand her.

    2. Anonymous9:34 PM

      It's true, they all think she is nuts.

  18. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Kathleen Parker's was the one I liked most.

    Huckabee -- oh man this should be fun to watch play out. Two foxturds going at each other. She's so vindictive, she'll take it 'on air'. Would be interesting to know what Roger says to her or maybe we'd get lucky and he'd fire her as isn't her contract up in October??

  19. You sure struck a nerve Gryphen. The Palin trolls and miscellaneous Palin sycophants are hilarious and in denial, but they keep trying. They are like energizer bunnies without a clue. They are steadfast in their march toward the cliff. Lemmings should be envious.

    1. Nah, it's the same troll so far. Drooling the same goofy phraseology over and over and over...........

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      It's Kristy, aka Bellagrazio on the twitter. Some call her twatwaffle. She's off her rocker obsessed with the Palins. A stalker you know?? And slow as molasses.

  20. Anonymous7:21 PM

    How funny...
    secretly idolize? If I wanted to be an idiotic, under-educated, seemingly mentally ill, middle-aged woman, who continues to quit every job she is under-qualified for I would idolize Sarah Palin....
    but since I am not...I will idolize someone like Hillary Clinton, Madeline Allbright, Michelle Obama...and the list goes on and on....
    You know, being an icon and having people dress up like you for halloween and repeat the things you say is quite a big deal...just as Antoine Dobson.
    He has a facebook too...and a book deal... :)

  21. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Reminder - Rachel Maddow is on The Daily Show tonight

  22. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I truly love the window licker trolls here. They make me laugh...and it is good for the soul....on every Palin related post. Keep on keeping on Gryphen!

  23. Anonymous7:24 PM

    That collection of comments is priceless!

    With friends like that, who needs enemies?

    It is gratifying to see so many far right conservatives see right through her.

  24. Anonymous7:31 PM

    It is just amazing that Sarah and her trolls don't seem to understand. We all saw Sarah's ignorant answers to interview questions. We heard her lies.
    No amount of fb postings can undo those first impressions, nor the impressions of the hateful rants across the lower 48.

  25. Cracklin Charlie7:32 PM

    Wow, the Sound and the Fury is a perfect title. Have you ever read that book by William Faulkner? He is the American master of stream of consciousness literature. That book will make your brain ache. It's the story of an old Mississippi aristocratic family, whose glory has faded due to promiscuity and madness.

    This fits the Palin family to a T.

    And of course, for Sarah alone, there's Macbeth's soliloquy:

    "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
    To the last syllable of recorded time,
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing."

    Told by an idiot, indeed.

    1. DobieTracker12:03 AM

      Wish I had read your post before I posted my meager comments below :)

      And yes, originally Shakesphere. Thanks you saved me some research !

    2. "OUT, OUT, BRIEF CANDLE!!!"

  26. Anonymous7:41 PM

    That book cover is absolutely priceless.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      I totally agree! What a perfect cover.

  27. Anonymous8:09 PM

    I noticed at C4P that SarahPac is once again begging for money. How delusional are people that they would still contribute to her PAC and why does she even have a PAC since she is not running for office...

    1. Anonymous9:39 PM

      So ShePac is Bristols PAC?? Can we have an IM PAC? It's insane.

    2. Anonymous10:48 PM

      Begging for money because of a movie, too, that hasn't been made and Palin knows nothing about. (SarahPac letter has thread at Cee4pee.) She stretches things as far as they'll go. Desperation .

  28. I never understood "schadenfreude" until I discovered Immoral Minority.

  29. Tessie8:14 PM

    Wow. Sarah's got the high-paid troll on this post. No grammar/spelling challenged Palin offspring here. I've never heard of this book nor the author, but if she's so adamant in repudiating (I REFUSE to use that other word) it, it's got to be a must-read!

    Tell us, RAM. What did you think about "Boys Will Be Boys"?

  30. Anonymous8:15 PM

    When Dan Quayle WAS the Vice President, people began to collect the dumb things that he said. Dan Quayle was famous for misspelling "potatoe." He also wished that he had studied Latin before visiting Latin America. He picked a fight with the fictional TV character, Murphy Brown. What started as a four page self-published pamphlet turned into a monthly magazine.

    And, now, Sarah Palin has inspired enough great comments to inspire an entire book! All one has to do is watch her appearances on Fox-- imagine, Barack Obama wants to go back to a time before the Civil War. Right, Obama would want to go back to a time when he would be a slave. (I think that's Sarah's secret wish for Obama, not Obama's wish). Sarah will forever remain in my memory ringing those bells, firing those shots and warning the British. The trolls are out tonight.

  31. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Where is tri-g's birth certificate? Why does Sarah refuse to prove she give birth to him? It should be easy for any real mother to prove they gave birth to their "son". Why can't Sarah? Hmmm I guess she hates tri-g. Poor kid. Thank god she isn't allowed to raise him.

    1. DobieTracker12:01 AM

      What I notice is that she does not even offer an excuse for not showing the certificate.

      I could have seen her saying that she would "not dignify a request like that" but after President Obama showed his birth certificate and after the statements she has made about the President's need to show his certificate, there is simply NO way she can use the aforementioned excuse.

      She has no choice but to ignore the entire prospect of showing the birth certificate. It is a no win situation for her NO MATTER what comment or excuse she might offer for not showing it.

      She is just banking on the media "not going there" i.e. sacred motherhood and apple pie type of thing. Same reason fewer female murderers get executed which I think is also wrong.

    2. Georgia is trying to pass ANOTHER "birther" bill.

      I saw an article the other day that I can't find now, but there was a woman quoted - who I believe was part of the Legislative Body - who said something to the effect of:

      I'm sick of being called racist. He [President Obama] needs to show his birth certificate!

      This is, of course, AFTER President Obama HAS provided his LONG-FORM BC.

      It will *never* matter.

  32. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Why did Bristol name her son after Shailey Tripp aka Todd's prostitute? Isn't that a bit strange?

  33. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Sarah Palin is a nobody. Shes like a gnat. Worthless and useless. No offense to gnats.

  34. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "Sound?" Yes. "Fury?" Mmm, more like "Impotent Rage."

    But at this point, the only word I can think of to describe this peri-menopausal has-been is, "boring."

    1. DobieTracker11:57 PM

      The Sound and the Fury is the title of a William Faulkner novel--I forget how the words are used in the novel, but very very fitting for Palin as I remember in the novel, it was all sound and fury and nothing behind it, like Palin with all her rhetoric that really has no basis in reality

      Got to go google Faulkner and review this for myself.

  35. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I noticed someone wrote above as well about why shailey Tripp book has not been reviewed here - other books (mcguiness,etc) had posts after posts after release - and why has the mainstream media (anybody) picked up her book ? Shailey stating Todd Palin is a pimp should and seems like that would have hit the news cycle in a major way - why is no one picked this story up ? Is there something we are all not getting here ? Other people please comment on this interesting issue

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM

      I do not get or either. Not as all. She passed 3 polygraph tests at the NE but people seem to blame it in them dropping the story. They DID run a story, then the APD issued a FALSE press release. It was a big fat lie - they admitted it later.
      I also heard the Palins threatened a big law suit but I doubt that is true. I believe Shailey. I think journalists haven't even faced babygate. All of Sarah's gates are ignored by the media and this seems like no exception.

      It all will come out though. Im hoping so. It does make me angry. Is it the topic or because of some higher ups telling the media it's off limits.

      The Palins are egomaniacs and arrogant though. They believe laws don't apply to them. They do though- they are not as special as they think and people line this make mistakes.

    2. DobieTracker11:52 PM

      I have not read the book, cannot afford the costs right now, but I think the use of the word "pimp" is off-putting. Most people hear the word "pimp" and think of someone out on the streets running hookers in a sleazy neighborhood and even though I DO think the term is technically correct here, Todd, nontheless does not fit that sterotypical image of " pimp."

      I think using that term makes people discredit the book right off the bat.

      Again, the term may well be technically correct but it makes it sound like Shailey is trying too hard to make him look sleazy.

      Please, those who have read my other comments KNOW how much I dislike the Palin clan so PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS ANY KIND OF DEFENSE OF TODD OR ANY KIND OF CRITICISM OF SHAILEY.

      I am speaking from a public relations type of perspective only.

      The only nice thing I can say about Todd is he seems to love his kids, but other than that I have an extremely low opinion of him and have NO DOUBT he screws around of Sarah as much and as often as he can AND that his treatment of Shailey et al is just his way of taking out anger on women that rightfully should be taken out on Sarah. Todd does NOT wear the pants in that family and I think he has many insecurities about himself as a man. In some ways, Palin really psychologically abuses him and he is simply not man enough to stand up for himself.

      There is NO end to the dysfunction of this family.

    3. Anonymous4:04 AM

      There is definitely something screwy going on since the release of Shailey's book. If allegations of pimping were leveled against the spouse of any other celebrity, and that is just what Sarah Palin has become, that news would be carried on all major media outlets and, yet, there's been zero response by them since the book's publication. Unbelievable!

    4. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Well, if Todd is a pimp then he should be called a pimp. He also does not seem to be the nicest of people, just like his wife.

      I think that marriage is absolutely a two way street on the abuse stuff. I think these are two people who have the goods on each other. They may share some love or bond through their children, but I think they also share ambition and a desire for money. They want to maintain their "perfect" appearance to the outer world for those reasons.

      The question about Todd's sexuality alone - regardless of his philandering and what all with Shailey (and probably others) - would have damaged that marriage long ago. I don't envy Todd being married to Sarah at all, and I am sure she is either volatile or cold and withdrawn depending on the day, but I am sure she believes she has reasons to be pissed off at Todd as well.

      These people stay together for financial reasons, primarily. And to keep a lid on all the chaos and scandal that simmers just below the surface. It is a marriage of convenience.

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I have NO doubt about the validity of Toad Palin and his prostitution rings. He's a POS. By I wonder if the MSM doesn;t take Shailey seriously because of stuff like this:

      I've followed her blog all along..and some scetchy things have given cause to a raised eyebrow.

    6. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Here's my two cents on Shailey's book: It is a poorly edited and oddly organized tome with a compelling story. It's really too bad that a magazine didn't pick this material up as a three-part expose'. The story seems to have adequate documentation and does sound believable, but it isn't a book-length piece. Therefore, there is considerable repetition and padding, particularly in the second half, which is annoying. In the right hands, this could have been a blockbuster article. I hate to admit that in its current form, I don't see anyone in the MSM picking this up.

  36. Anonymous8:57 PM

    "The Undefeated", the 10th worst documentary of all time, according to the Internet Movie Database.

    (Scroll to bottom of that page to see Bottom 10 ranking).

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Wasn't Andrew Breitbart the star? The "yndefeated" were DEFEATED and all ran to Big Breitbart for work. Now Jonas Goldberg tells us his widow had to beg for support for his children at his memorial service.

      I hope someone will verify that, it is hard to believe he hadn't thought about his family. The widow comes from money. What happened? Did they all invest in James O'Keefe?

  37. I finally got Shailey's book from Amazon today. Much as I did not want to read another thing about any Palin, I felt strongly about supporting Shailey. I got the book this afternoon and finished reading it tonight. Wow! Todd is a sleazy piece of work, and thank you, Shailey, for getting the story out there. We should all try to promote her story. There are some things that just need to be said.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      The fact that no one is covering her story besides Allison and Malia (and one short review posted on IM) is incredibly frustrating. She has tweeted, Facebooked, blogged. People have mailed the book to the major mainstream media and others whom they thought would be interested (Andrew Sullivan, etc.), people are googling "Todd Palin prostitution" and "Todd Palin sexual predator," sending letters to state DOJ, FBI, state police in Alaska, in Alabama, where Greg West, Todd's partner in the sex ring, lives, Tennessee, where they were recruiting women over state lines. ...
      Even though it is a self-published book, one would think someone would step forward and review it for its legitimacy. If it's all bullshit, one would think Sarah Heath and Todd Palin would threaten to sue for libel. It's maddening. I don't understand.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!1:07 PM

      Must be that McGuiness already had the media outlet, so SP knew she couldn't keep the lid on his book, so she decided to jump (or have RAM jump, er, lumber...) onto Facebook to post her screed to head Joe off at the Pass.

      She was successful, for the most part.

      But she still threatened to sue.

      With Shailey's book,

      Sarah KNOWS that if SARAH draws attention to it, there will be MILLIONS of people checking it out that would NEVER have heard of it before.

      She can't threaten to SUE someone she wants no one to know about.

  38. Anonymous10:44 PM

    WHAT THE FUK ?!?


  39. Anonymous11:23 PM

    She PAC are the conservative female politicians who support taking away women's choices and freedom regarding our bodies. They have a right to their beliefs, but not a right to shove them down the throats of those who disagree. Women like his destroy all that women have worked for over the last century. And they pay lip service to the words " freedom" and " individual responsibility!" These women are complete and total hypocrites.

  40. Our Lad3:04 AM

    This embarrassment to the United States of America will be ended only by one thing and that is having this woman hear the words "will the defendant please rise." Nothing short of conviction and incarceration will shut this vile harpy up. I know nothing about the law but I do know a felon when I smell one and if she ain't, well, I'm the king of England. How or when this will play out is anybody's guess but a person who has played as fast and loose with EVERYTHING , has been a serial liar and three card monte mechanic for as long as she has has to have left her prints on something. Once the hush money is gone, somebody's gonna drop a dime and roll over on this infestation and when that day comes, and only then, can you shut down this blog, put your feet up and enjoy a nice hot cup of "I FUCKIN TOLD YA SO." Keep up the good work, ace.

  41. Anonymous6:00 AM

    It's hard out there for a BITCH. Sing it with me Pimp Toad.

  42. Anonymous8:55 AM

    JUST went and ordered it. I wish there were more about the content, but I will die of joy if there's some "new" juice in there. Can't wait to read.

  43. Anonymous11:16 AM

    It's a book of political cartoons. Sorry, not laughing. The woman is vile Maybe Shailey should turn her book into a comic book and people will take notice.

  44. A new book reveals her latest scandal in "My Night with Sarah Palin"
    Excerpt: "I admired her stamina. Her ability to Charlie Sheen it night after night."

  45. Anonymous12:03 PM

    This great article from The New Republic was written two years ago, but still merits a reread to understand Pailin's weird syntax. My favorite quote: "It’s a kind of linguistic Silly String."

    1. Randall6:42 PM

      Thank you for that - John McWhorter writes well.

      My favorite word-picture was: "Palinspeak is a flashlight panning over thoughts, rather than thoughts given light via considered expression."


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