Sunday, April 15, 2012

Atheism as explained by student enrolled at a Christian school.

So, so, so very much wrong here, I don't even know where to begin.

I hate to break it to this poor misinformed child, but the number of "those who do not wish to be responsible for their actions" is growing.

Now if you will all excuse me I need to take a few minutes to bang my forehead on my desk in frustration.

(You can read more about this and see the ongoing discussion over at Reddit.)


  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    A fine example of the sterling and well-rounded education that our christian schools offer. "Christian School" is an oxymoron!

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Well, there is a lot that came to mind after reading this but I'll stick to just saying, 'at least this kid knows how to spell.'

  3. Great education system - so which is worse - home schooling by the ignorant or religious schooling by the ignorant.

    I'll vote for public education every time - and for those who think home schooling is the best thing since sliced bread - surely it depends on the intelligence and knowledge of the teacher - and most of the world's best Moms just don't have what it takes to do the job of a teacher.

    1. Anonymous8:58 PM

      I agree. We considered home schooling at one time (for much different reasons than the religious home schoolers). But, I realized that I do not have the time or the energy to give my kids the attention that they would need. Yes, I do cringe at some of the things my kids pick up at school, but the benefits outweigh the negatives. My kids love going to school and every one of the teachers I have volunteered for loves her job!

  4. WakeUpAmerica7:07 PM

    Yes, that is a bunch of hooey. There are probably many more who call themselves Christian who take no responsibility for their actions. I think the real problem is organized religion. The various religions LOVE rules. it makes life neat and clean and black and white. No gray area there. If people just followed the example and teachings of Christ, we would all be ok. You don't have to be "Christian" to do that. Even Gandhi said he followed the teachings of Christ and he wasn't Christian. "Above all else, love one another." That's all we need, and it doesn't mean, "Except the gays, people of color, fornicators, or poor." It means to care about and respect everyone. Great advice.

    1. Randall3:55 AM

      ...and Jesus said, "And that [slave], which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes."
      Luke 12:47

  5. I am so damn sick and tired of people shoving their beliefs down my throat.

  6. I am guessing they have never talked to an atheist about what atheism is.

  7. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

    yep, yore tax dolars at werk!

    "Atheism is the belief" is an oxymoron, and 30 years and darwin....

    Pass me the hard stuff, winecoolers won't cut it this time!

    Bottoms Up!

    1. Anonymous9:08 PM

      No tax dollars involved here. At least we have that to be thankful for.

    2. WakeUpAmerica9:25 PM

      christian school = no tax dollars (yet)

    3. Anonymous2:22 AM

      Not true! Because they don't pay taxes, we are subsidizing them!

    4. Anonymous3:23 AM

      Well, indirectly, it is tax dollars...people can write off the money they spend sending their kids to private school, which means that's money that's not being taxed which means less money for the government to pay for things like Medicaid and Food Stamps.

    5. Anonymous10:42 AM

      I live in an area where there are many "religious" schools. We, as taxpayers, mus supply them with busing to their school (or pay their parents for taking them). We also provide fire and emergency services to them. So do not say that they do not get tax subsidies.

      My thoughts about this young person is that I will cut them a break because of their age. When I was young, I attended parochial (catholic) school and I think I would have likely had the same kind of thoughts about atheists. As I grew older, I have changed those beliefs radically. Hopefully this young person will too. Once he/she is allowed to think for him/herself they might realize what a bunch of horseshit they were fed.

      The part that I found the most interesting is that I think being religious means you never have to accept any responsibility for anything you do. It's all "God's plan" and you are blameless. Whereas, as an atheist, I have no one but myself to blame. "God" doesn't open any doors for me..I have to do it myself.

  8. Anonymous8:17 PM

    "The easy confidence with which I know another man's religion is folly, teaches me to suspect that my own is also."
    -Mark Twain

  9. Sally in MI10:12 PM

    I got into it on my local paper's blog after a Tea Party activist wrote a LONG letter inviting people to come to their "Tax Day Protest" today at our Courthouse. I was called 'one of those ;liberals who wants government to do everything for them.Probably has a degreee in Mayan studies and still lives in her parents' basement because she's too lazy to get a job." Where did this mindset come from? I've run across it before. No liberal I know is lazy, or wants the government to take over everything so we can sit back and let them give us 'other people's money.' I tried to point out that tax dollars ARE our money, but I'm afarid it's hopeless. On a positive's pouring rain here and not expected to stop, so it's gonna rain on their little parade.

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      It's projection. Your typical older Tea Party member went to great public schools courtesy of Uncle Sam, was eligible for great low-cost college (whether they went or not) thanks to Uncle Sam, probably bought a wonderful house in the suburbs thanks to Uncle Sam, and is now driving their Medicare-paid scooter around and living off the Social Security provided by Uncle Sam. They're terrified that someone else might want a piece of the pie.

  10. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Wait: I thought saying things are "god's will" and also, too, being able to do all sorts of bad things cause jeebus will forgive you afterwards, meant you didn't have to take responsibility for your actions?
    Isn't THAT what religion does for you?
    I've seen alot of suffering in this world, especially of little children. If that is "god's will" then he is a f'ed up sicko and I'm steering clear!!

  11. Beldar Galilei Conehead3:40 AM

    Wait. I thought atheism was caused by fluoridation of the public water supply? Seriously, I didn't know it was invented by Darwin. Thanks, Religion, for protecting us from science!!

  12. Anonymous5:39 AM

    It must be frustrating to see a view one espouses distilled down to a silly, entirely unrepresentative bumper sticker......

  13. Anonymous6:24 AM

    It is unfair for the student to think that atheists are "people who do not want to be responsible for their actions".

    However, religious belief in one God does require a person to take account of their actions and think before they act. It puts their faith in God who is the final judge, who will deal with all the unfairness, hate, murder, etc. It forces a person to reflect on the fact that everyone is born with good and bad attributes and that forfeiting the bad will keep them from the temptations of evil. Don't WE teach our kids to not hang around the wrong group at school?

    When corruption raises it's ugly head and victims of it have no recourse, or have been persecuted unfairly, and are nameless because they don't have an advocate, they have the One advocate they know will finally heal their wounds, pull them out of the ditch and take on their foe.
    And, it gives them hope that they will be vindicated in the next life.

    What's so wrong in believing in a 'next' life. Don't most of us when we see a loved one pass away desperately want them to go to the other side and remain alive so we can join them some day?

    Just as an example, When a corrupt politician takes advantage of taxpayers, fires people who don't love him/her, neglects the elderly, victims of hard times and lack of heat, becomes an avenger, loves to hate, destroys innocent people's lives, heats up hateful divisive rhetoric, lies, manipulates lives, slanders, people somewhere are crying out to a faithful God who will hear their plea. I don't find anything wrong with that. I can't imagine knowing that people like that would just get away with every evil imaginable and we don't have an eternal Father to run to.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      I'm sure all this drivel above makes you feel all comfy, cozy and secure. That's what it is supposed to do.

  14. Anonymous7:42 AM

    All these Christian 'leaders' running for office are the ones that want to be held harmless for their actions. They leave it all up to God and only God is to blame for their faults, their wealth, their abuses and bus throwing mistakes under them and whatnot.

  15. Anonymous8:12 AM

    I think he's got it backwards

  16. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Actually, people who don't believe in God are more responsible than those who do. That's because we can't just say sorry to God and then move on. We have to live with our choices and as a result, we make choices that we can live with.

    I told a religious guy at work the other day that the reason I know there isn't a God is because he appeared to me in a vision and told me he didn't exist.


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