Monday, April 02, 2012

For those who fear that Palin will get a free pass from Donny Deutsch.

Now if THAT is the Donny Deutsch who shows up on the panel on Tuesday along with Star Jones and Dr. Nancy Snyderman, then THAT really would be "must see TV!"

People have also been suggesting that Palin will be supplied the questions ahead of time and have access to a teleprompter, but I have to day that in my experience these people NEVER stick to the script.  So if Palin is relying on a carefully orchestrated back and froth tomorrow, I doubt that is what she will get.

And since we all know that the idiot only has a few memorized responses to almost EVERY question we can certainly expect that she will have hard time keeping up with the other panelists.

There will be none of that "can I call you Joe?" garbage on morning television.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I'm guessing that $P is doing this gig to remind the Repug candidates of her "relevance" -- she's fishing for the VP spot.

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      She's fishing in her dead lake. No way in the world will anyone touch her -- she's poison.

    2. "Crazies4Palin" are saying that Baldy is NOT on Greta tonight...that she's on InSannity tomorrow night....and FAKE Business News tomorrow night.

  2. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Palin is good on her feet. I think this environment will be good for her. She's friendly and personable, what a morning cohost should be to succeed. You saw her on The Five. She makes the room vibrate with energy. tomorrow will be interesting. I'm thinking of driving in from Boston and asking a friend if I can sit some place quiet in the studio. he he

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      "good on her feet"
      "friendly and personable"
      "She makes the room vibrate with energy"

      LMFAO. Funny snark. Nice job. You really nailed the pathetic delusion that represents Palin.

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      LOL! Are you DELUSIONAL? Good on her feet? Hardly. She can't do anything without her presubmitted scripts. She's only 'friendly' when she is 'working it', sashaying around flirting. Personable? Not on your life. She's nasty, mean, cold, vicious...the adjectives are endless...and if she APPEARS any of those ways you described her, it's because she is manipulating things to mask her sociopathical attributes. She is a monster.

    3. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Two words: Paul Revere

    4. Anonymous12:39 PM

      If she is so "good on her feet" then why didn't she answer Katie Couric on what newspapers she read? The only thing she's good at is spewing her hatred with gusto.

    5. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Joe? Is that you?

      Joe McGinniss??

    6. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Joe does not live in Boston and I highly doubt that is him.

    7. Anonymous2:58 PM

      C'mon guys, recognize sarcasm. The give aways are Boston, quiet place in the room, and he he!

    8. Olivia5:38 PM

      Wonder how friendly and personable she would be if someone would ask her why Bristol named her little boy after Todd's prostitute.

    9. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Love the satire!

      She's just an uneducated, desperate loud-mouthed ignoramus who thinks she is smart and oh so classy.

  3. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I really hope you are right Jesse, but I fear that she will be a novelty, a 'guest' so that they have to be nice to her for her little drop in visit. It would appear rather in poor taste to the regular viewing audience to have everyone lower their standards and their manners to compensate for Sarah's nasty and hateful spew, so they will more than likely bite their tongues, because that is what top management has told them to do.

    It would be deeply satisfying to witness an epic smackdown of the Wasilla Witch (no offense to Wiccans) but I don't suspect it will happen in this one day foray. But, I can dream, eh?

    I think that Danny will take his criticism to other show formats, like Morning Joe, but NOT on the actual Today show.


    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      I'm sure they have been told to play "nice" with Sarah but the question is will Sarah play "nice"?

    2. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Scarah doesn't know the meaning of "nice". She is stupid and thinks she is god's gift to the world. Of course most of the world thinks she should move away from the mikes and cameras. That would be a true gift to us all.

  4. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I love Donny! The two times I've met Palin, she was very quick-witted and funny, which it what I hear from people who know her she's like in real life. I think unless the topic issomething she cannot connect to, the Today Show atmosphere will boost her.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Hi, How much do you get paid for posting? No one here is buying what you're selling.

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Whatever you say Sarah.

    3. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Quick witted and funny? Do you even know what those words mean? She just turns 'it' on to get what she wants, but she has absolutely NO genuine emotions what so ever, it's all smoke and mirrors, manipulation and lying with Sarah. She doesn't have a compassionate or kind bone in her body.

    4. laprofesora1:25 PM

      You mean she's "dim-witted." But she is funny, I'll give you that. At least we laugh at her all the time.

    5. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Yeah right....... Who the F are you? And do you think you would change anyones mind here. What a joke... Sarah quick witted? Sure, maybe when she has done a bunch of coke.

    6. Olivia5:40 PM

      I would bet she would really be quick witted and funny if someone would ask her why Bristol named her little boy after Todd's prostitute. I am sure she could connect to that.

  5. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Small point: in second paragraph, you need to correct a typo: " . . . but I have to day that . . . ." to "but I have to say that."

    No biggie, anyone can make that kind of error - particularly when on deadline or passionate about a topic.

    Just thought you'd want to know.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Enough with the spelling and grammar and shit.

      It's a friggin' blog.

      Get over it or go write your own.
      I f*cking promise -- I won't visit it and I'm fed up with stunned & stupid like you.

      This is enjoyment -- not a god dammed f*cking school.

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Frankly, I enjoy the grammar lessons. So should you. Your ability to communicate is truly wanting and adds nothing to the discussion.

  6. Anonymous11:30 AM

    I agree, Gryphen. Sarah has never been one to leave well enough alone, nor has she demonstrated the ability to speak well without a script - let alone think well without a script.

    I still cannot decide whether I want to watch real-time and give her ratings, or just watch the mop-up highlighting the juicy parts. Decisions, decisions, decisions . . . .

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      My advise to you is not watch in real time. If the ratings for the Today Show plummet because of Sarah then other networks won't want her.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      No way will I give her any ratings. I won't click on news about her either. I come read about it here and get the info without supporting her.

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Listening to some of the Republican Candidates'
    Daughters on the News Shows, they all seem well educated and well spoken. What happened to BRISTOL AND WILLOW? If they are products of Home-schooling,they did not learn much. Is GRIFTING all that they learned?

  8. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Uh... is the Today show scripted? I thought it was just talk. Also, why would there be any "questions in advance"? $arah isn't being interviewed, she'd co-hosting...

  9. mitchethekid11:38 AM

    Saturday I thought this was a April Fools joke. Now I hoping it's a set-up to publicly humiliate her. Push her buttons. Have a freak out on TV.

  10. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Doesn't matter what he said. He'll still suck up to her tomorrow, either bec he's instructed to or because she's "not running," so he doesn't have to be so critical. But he might ream her a new one--a girl can wish, can't she?

  11. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Did Sarah's contract with Fox end? If not, I don't understand how she is able to go on another network while still under contract to Fox....

    At any rate, can't wait to see her FAIL!

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      She has a contract with Fox but has been interviewed on CNN and on Oprah's show.

      The only thing that she may have had to do if it was in her contact, was notify Fox she was going on NBC.

      Celebs/Hosts/Anchors/People do it all the time. It's no big deal that you seem to think it is.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      The lawyers talk, money changes hands, everyone gets ratings and publicity. Happens every day.

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Ouch! Sarah will see this on Gryphen's blog tonight. It will be eating away at her during the whole NBC experience. She has to know that all the Today staff know she is a fool, only to laugh at. Sarah, it's going to be like trying to steal honey from a bee hive. Stir em' up and you're gonna get stung.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Paranoia will destroy you!

  13. lostinmn11:50 AM

    My guess is she'll get your update, watch it and start to understand she might just not have an easy time. On the other hand Deutsch might have a lot of stones on Ed's show but facing her down his feet might go cold and he'll be just another media guy sitting there with a hard on over her. It won't matter, I won't be watching NBC anytime soon.

  14. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Too bad one of the guests on Tuesday to discuss politics - say comparing 2008 to now wasn't Joe McGinniss!! No prior info provided to her as to 'ALL' guests!!

    Surprise Snowdrift -- You've been punked!!!

    Maybe Joe could find himself standing at the window or if they're outside -- stand at the rail and wave at her!!!

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Joe's in the Hampshire County (Massachusetts) Courthouse every day, reporting on his next book.
      Massachusetts: where Paul Revere rang his bells.
      Hampshire County: where Jonathan Edwards gave his "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" sermon. If Sarah really thinks she's divinely blessed, she should know all about Edwards. Right?

  15. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "tell us about that transcontinental plane ride after an amniotic fluid leak"

    The perfect lead-in for a morning talk show.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      A question by Dr. Nancy Snyderman! She's a mother and knows that is crazy! And then ask in medical terms what kind of treatment Trig has been getting to help him and what are the results. What stage of treatment is he doing now and who is doing it.

  16. Anonymous11:53 AM

    I bet before Sarah ever agreed to appear, she made it clear that people on the panel will give her a pass and not ask hard questions or personal ones.

  17. Here's a question for Sarah that's off script...

    Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

  18. abbafan11:54 AM

    Hi Gryphen! Wouldn't it be nice if he verbally bitch-slaps $arah? THAT would be the catalyst of her demise from the public eye. Watching her squirm and pissing herself over her Naughty Monkeys will be an absolute delight! However, knowing this may happen, she may get cold feet and find some asinine excuse to bail. Let's watch and see...

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I see this as an attempt to reach out to an audience outside of Faux News. The problem with this is that people who don't watch Faux News despise her.

  19. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Now she is part of the lame stream media, what will the bi*** complain about now?

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      That's right. She won't be able to white any longer after appearing on the lame stream media.

  20. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Sarah, you better call in sick tomorrow. This could be very bad for you...

  21. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I don't know when that was but Donny has moved on. He will be gaga and supportive. The cameras will cut away and no one will let her mess up too bad.

  22. slowhand12:03 PM

    Serious mistake for Palin to appear with Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Dr. Snyderman is intelligent. The contrast . . . well, it won't be pretty.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I dare Sarah to say something nice about the that will be a side we've never seen.

    2. Anonymous3:01 PM

      Yea, and sister Sarah better refer to him as "President Obama" and not just plain Obama as she normally says in her rants.

  23. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I think Deutsh is spot on. Sarah Palin is a parent who sees nothing wrong with exposing herself and her children to make bank. She has no ethics. I am quite tolerant and forgiving of a anybody’s foibles and, unlike Palin, I would have protected my unwed daughter with my life. I would have done everything in my power to avoid any sort of embarrassment or unwelcome limelight. As to the Willow dustup, I would have avoided responding like it was a plague. But Palin has very little interior governor when it comes to putting herself or her family out there. She is entirely without self reflection and seems unable to grasp how poorly considered responses to press reflect upon her family.

    Also, Palin's sense of personal entitlement despite achievement is simply fascinating and only can be explained by a mental illness.

  24. Anonymous12:13 PM

    This is an NBC ratings trick - unless she does something really stupid, I don't see anyone really putting her down.

  25. Anonymous12:15 PM

    She's too stupid to realize she's being punked. I can't wait to hear the gaffes she produces on Live TV. You know there will be many.

    1. Anonymous1:36 PM

      DO NOT COUNT ON IT. It will all be heavily scripted. Why do people think she will make a bunch of mistakes. I am sure every single detail has been worked out to make her look good, not bad. She wouldn't do it otherwise.

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      I agree with you 2:36 p.m. This has all been worked out in detail to include watching who shows up outside and the signs being cared that could be 'anti' Palin. I'll wager they won't let them be shown per their agreement.

      Someone, someday will nail her ass, but I doubt it'll be tomorrown on NBC!

  26. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Donny Deutsch is a letcherous old man and will make double entendres (probably too obscure for Palin to recognize) and other improper remarks. He's a joke. The fact that he's part of her panel shows just how seriously NBC is taking her. They'll be a middle-aged flirt-a-thon. Lord, save me.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      They can compare runner legs and tight abs, old folk style. Adorable.

  27. Anonymous12:20 PM

    It will be just like when she appeared on "the five". Beckle trash talked her plenty, however when she came on the show he was all sweetness to her. A shame these so called men don't think with their big head when Palin is around.

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM


  28. I want someone to ask her about quantitative easing and to have her explain her position with a little more depth rather than the b.s. she spits out on Fox or the op-eds written by her advisers.

    As for Palin being quick on her feet? LOL, she spews more word salad than any other politician I've ever heard. You would think she'd be able to manage a coherent sentence or two with that alleged degree of hers but I've yet to see any evidence of the same. She's a joke and a complete hypocrite, appearing with the same lamestream media she's ranted about for four years? Palin proves she's an attention whore and will do anything to remain relevant.

  29. Marleycat12:21 PM

    I believe this will be totally scripted - she will get a pass and her and Todd will come off as the All-American Family Values down home folks - even as he's checking his Blackberry for who's just ordered up some bizarro sex services.

  30. Anonymous12:23 PM

    "orchestrated back and froth"

    Thinking of Santorum?

  31. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Hey NBC executives, why not just dig up Hitler and let him co-host a show? I bet that would be good for ratings also, too, ya betcha.

  32. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I guess she doesn't mind being set up for humiliation on live TV. Anything for a buck eh Sarah? I can't think of a more pathetic human being. I look forward to her live mental breakdown on the air.

  33. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I'm pretty sure everyone except Sarah will be respectful and professional. She already has shown her true mean self by saying "Game On" knowing that Katie Couric is on ABC, making this into a competition between her and if Katie really, really cared.

  34. Anonymous12:31 PM

    they were all gaga and giggling this morning when she was on the phone. Matt Lauer is in her pocket. The others will be attracted to her and will give her a free pass. me thinks. I don't live far from the studio but not getting up at that time. I believe Palin stays at the Millennium on 45th St. That's where she stayed during the UN Assembly during 08 race.

    1. Not What You Want to Hear4:05 AM

      Actually, there was one person who said something pretty funny - it was easy to miss, though, because others were talking/laughing at the same time. Palin had said something about maybe her invitation meant NBC really did want to show "diverse opinions" and this other female voice chimed in with "more like desperation."

  35. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Sarah has been supplied with the questions and the answers for her appearances on Fox, and she can't stick to reading what's in the teleprompter. She goes off script-- and not for the better.

    When Sarah was paid $100,000. to deliver a speech, she didn't practice, and showed up with pages and pages of script. She often bent her head over the papers, trying to find her place. She could not stick to the script.

    I don't know why tomorrow will be an improvement. She does not have the benefit of a campaign staff that is willing to coach her and work with her. Todd? Bristol? Give me a break. Sarah is so smug in thinking that she has the ability to improvise and talk about anything that she does not realize how stupid she sounds.

    Sarah, do you need a reminder? Start ringing those bells and firing those warning shots to remember. How about the Statute of Liberty is a reminder not to make the mistakes that countries in Europe have made? How about saying that Obama wants to go back to a time before the Civil War so he can be a slave? Sarah does not realize how dumb she really sounds.

  36. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Sarah doesn't play well with others, and narcissists don't share the spotlight willingly. With her poor impulse control and weak verbal skills, there's no telling what she'll let rip - especially when she's provoked, and you just know the sharp sticks will come out in this bunch of wannabes and has-beens jockeying to stay in the pop culture limelight.

    Sarah's about to swim with the sharks. She is clueless, with no idea how inept and ignorant she is around these pros.

  37. Anonymous12:40 PM

    She is so cute, she can even laugh at herself. Well, kinda, we all know it was gotcha media, Katie's fault.

  38. Virginia Voter12:41 PM

    Well, I doubt Donny will be that candid tomorrow, but since he did that segment with Ed, Bristol has appeared on dozens of other tabloid covers, preached abstinence during highly paid public speaking gigs, was a contestant on Dancing With The Stars, given numerous tee vee interviews with E!, Oprah, And The View, appeared on her mothers TLC non reality show, and has been filming two additional different reality shows, AND put her name on a poorly written autobiography.

    Gosh, if Donny thought Sarah was a shitty opportunistic famewhore three years ago, I can only imagine what he thinks of her now.

  39. Anonymous12:45 PM

    gretawire blog says Palin will be on her show tonight so I am sure Sarah will have some word salad explanation for NBC Tues.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Sorry this is wrong. That's was Mar 26 info. She's not on greta tonight.

  40. She will get a pass with softball questions lobbed at her....please, give me a break. No one will embarrass her, they will demure to her, It's ratings. I for one sent an email to NBC/The Today Show explaining why I would not be watching and I objected to them giving such a hate monger any play time.

  41. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Thank God it is only for one day! Not that I have watched the Today show in decades but for those who do watch it . . . .

  42. dont see how fox is letting her host a show on the competition's network...

  43. Dinty1:00 PM

    Apparently there is too much Mescaline in the water at The Today Show - apparently in addition to deciding to have Octomom and Sarah Palin on this week, they were planning on having a monkey dressed like Katie Couric (that was supposed to be who the "Today Show Legend" was, but it fell through so now they got Meredith Viera)

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Sounds like they are having FREAK WEEK at The Today Show

    2. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Lol. When I heard about the lineup, my first thought was Circus Week!

    3. Dinty3:02 PM

      It really is bizarre they are trying to pack all of this stuff into a week that isn't even in a sweeps period - it's just because Katie Couric is hosting a rival morning show.

      It's like the Today Show is a psycho ex-girlfriend who tries to make you jealous every time you see her.

      Sorry Today Show, Katie's just not that into you anymore!

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Great comment! :)

    5. Anonymous8:23 PM

      So they settled on the Sasquatch from Lake Lucille?


  44. Anonymous1:01 PM

    What in the world were they smoking over there at NBC to green light this stunt? She is so disreputable and her husband is a criminal.
    M from MD
    PS. Maybe someone will stand outside the windows with a sign bearing two words: Shailey Tripp.

  45. Irishgirl1:03 PM

    Palin is a bore. She's been saying the same old garbage on Fox for the last few years and she still hasn't had a new or fresh idea. Apparently they are interviewing her for the 7am slot (about politics!!) and then she is going to co-host for the 8am slot.She is not interested in anyone else so I don't see how that will turn out well. She'll try and make it about herself again.

  46. barney1:25 PM

    Wonder if Missed Sarah will flub all the answers about the birth certificate of Trig and Tripp. I can't wait for her to be cornered and be on the hot seat; the lies she will be flipping will be huge. Maybe she should just call in sick or say that one of her kids is sick. Game on Sarah, you will be punked.

  47. Anonymous1:58 PM

    No kid gloves. Today, the show ran a segment on Reborn dolls, the realistic-looking newborns some suspect Palin displayed as Trigg at an event or two. Someone on the Today staff has a sense of humor.

  48. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Never misunderstimate the havoc that someone like Sarah Palin can cause. Scripts, writers, teleprompters, tape delays; all woefully inadequate when it comes to a megalomaniac narcissist like dear governor in the studio in front of a nationwide audience she can pander to.

    All the other guests and employees? All toeing the line while locked and loaded for mayhem. Any of them get insulted by dear mommy dearest governor and all bets are off. Abortion clinic bombings, Trayvon Martin, the mooslim in the white house (infecting her dreams), no telling what her trigger might be.

    Think of Beavis or Butthead (older folks think Lucille Ball,) carefully trained and supervised operating a nuclear power plant. What could go wrong? Plans can't defeat stupid.

  49. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Audition for Talk Show Host
    content for her reel

  50. Anonymous2:20 PM

    and what's this I hear at c4p about her
    acting in a movie??

    1. Dinty3:19 PM

      If she's taking movie roles, she's definitely accepted the fact her political career is done.

      Guest-hosting, acting in movies, these are not the things a President does.

      So she's striking while the iron is hot, taking gigs she would have never dreamed of taking a year or so ago. Eventually she'll be appearing at grocery store openings and county fairs.

      I know she thinks she's going to go for something like Kathy-Lee Gifford's gig, but that won't happen.

      One word of advice: Don't take Trump up on Celebrity Apprentice - if there is ever a reality show that will lay bare your shortcomings, it's that one.

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Shhhh.... why'd you tell her?

      And the movie role - she thinks she's following in St Ronnie's footsteps. Typically Stoopid $carah though, she gets the order wrong - it's act, govern, then run for Prez.

    3. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Movie role?????? Come on! What movie!?

  51. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Hey if anyone's on Twitter, you could send him a link to Shailey's book and a link for IM, just to get him up to speed before tomorrow.!/Donny_Deutsch

  52. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Mean Girl Down: Sarah Palin’s Pathetic Plummet to Today Irrelevance

    It’s fame-adjacent week TMZ style on Today! Just how desperate is NBC’s Today for ratings? Well, they’re as ticked off and desperate as John McCain in 2008, and pulling the same Sarah Palin Hail Mary.

    Tomorrow, Her Royal Self will co-host Today but in case you thought it was going to be all winks, Paul Revere bells and gaffes, no. No, people, this is serious mean girl stuff (aka: Palin ™ politics). Palin is doing this to get even with Katie Couric, former co-anchor of Today, who will be guest hosting in the opposing time slot on ABC’s Good Morning America. Katie is using her guest host time to befriend the morning viewers again, and entice them to tune in to her upcoming talk show debuting this fall.

    Watch a preview here, as Palin tells us all how she doesn’t want to bore viewers (too late) with in depth political talk (as if?), but there’s so much to talk about what with the oh my goodness and the energy and the freedom and all!

    ...Matt Lauer “joked” about Palin preparing for the guest host slot by reading some newspapers. He might have thought Palin was laughing with him, but he’ll pay.

    You recall that Couric had the nerve to ask Palin what she reads, and that is a sin for which she cannot be allowed to roam free without repercussion. The Palin fans are licking their lipstick and getting their nightsticks ready, because they are so sure Sarah Palin is going to bring the hurt on liberal nasty Katie Couric (who was actually McCain friendly, but had the bad grace to think a VP should know what they read).

    NBC is doing this to dig at Katie, who left them for a nighttime desk. But NBC probably should have checked with Fox about the ratings for Palin’s Real American Stories show, but then, they probably forgot about that little fizzle since it was dropped faster than Sarah Palin’s forlorn agent said yes to The Today Show gig. Maybe NBC didn’t read the fine print on the Palin’s last book sales. Or maybe when the stench of irrelevance is stalking your nightmares, you just don’t care.

    Today sees GMA creeping up just like McCain saw Obama bringing the momentum and the excitement in 2008. And when you need a Game Change, who do you call?

    ...Sarah Palin’s stint as Mean Girl getting petty revenge on Katie Couric on Today demonstrates just one more reason why Sarah Palin will never be politically relevant again. And even if Palin’s ratings beat Couric’s, the Palinistas will never understand that four years ago, Sarah Palin was running for VP and today, she can’t get an interview on anything but Fox Business even though she has a contract with Fox. Now Sarah is a guest host on a week when Today is also having such political icons as “Octomom” Nadya Suleman and Kim Kardashian.

    Americans love a train wreck. People might watch Palin, but only because they’ll be hoping for a “as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska!” as foreign policy/national security cred moment. But meanwhile, Katie Couric will be doing what she’s done for years, which is sort of like being a Fox puppet, only with real responsibilities.

  53. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Must Miss TV.....

  54. Anonymous3:19 PM

    It's impressive that Ed picked up on Palin using the Letterman feud to detract from Gingrich capturing her spotlight at the Republican dinner since Frank Bailey later confirmed exactly that strategy in his book.

    The Letterman feud resurfaced recently with Sarah trying to cash in on the Limbaugh-Fluke issue. I'd love for someone (Deutsch would be perfect) to ask Sarah about the hypocrisy of her being a guest on Jay Leno's show considering he told an almost identical joke as Letterman's--just substitute John Edwards for Rodriquez. (Tonight Show, Sept 2, 2008)

    Also too, someone should ask about Sarah's abusive habit of objectifying her daughters so she can accuse men she doesn't like of perversion. How about her emails re Jay Ramras. (email #s from MSNBC's Crivella West collection)

    Oct 5 07 email #21077 - “Maybe Jay's missing his little lady and feels frustrated lately. I'll have to keep him away from Bristol. “

    Oct 21 07 email #21354 - “Sheeesh... He's basically just announced I'm not around HIM enough! Doesn't he know why? I have two teenaged daughters, everyone knows gotta' keep the young 'uns away from the likes of Jay.”

    I'm dreaming. Since Sarah is billed as a co-host, I don't expect them to question her at all. I do expect Sarah to make lots of flirty and pouty faces with lots of lip-licking like she did when she joined a Fox panel.

  55. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I've seen the segment of the show with Star and Danny (isn't the doctor usually the third person?).

    It's a forced quick round of news and or current event topics/questions. The three get a quick minute to comment/express their view/opinion and it's on to the next issue/topic/question.

    You betcha she will have been told the topics beforehand. Either that or they promised all the topics will be from her knowledge base of tabloid news. I expect to read (cause I will not be watching) that she gave the conservative Christian pat answers to all the questions.

    1. Anonymous5:02 PM

      She may be only doing one liners. Dumb joke, like she is witty and clever. Hope her delivery is top notch. She won't get in the Comedy Club for stand up.

  56. imnofred4:13 PM

    It's in the best interest of NBC for Palin to shine. I seriously doubt that she will be asked anything other than a softball question. This whole thing is a shot at Katie, period!!

    The only hope of a debacle is that her ego goes into overdrive and she goes off script.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      She may do that meth mouth thing she can't control. How many times will the tongue slip out? Glad it is on HD.

  57. I'm sorry, Jesse, but I'm going to have to differ with you here. Donnie Deutsch is an arrogant, pompous windbag who bought his way onto Morning Joe. I've watched Morning Joe for a long time, because I really like Mika and Joe. The presence of Donnie is baffling, unless he's just on there to make everyone else look brilliant by comparison. He's as idiotic as Sarah in his own way. He makes the most ridiculous observations. He's no more a journalist than Sarah. Sure, he's smarter than Sarah, but this lamp on my desk is smarter than Sarah and probably knows more about international affairs than Donnie and Sarah put together.

    I wish to god they'd put her on with Tom Brokaw so he could give her the same "WTF" look he gives Donnie Deutsch whenever he's unfortunate enough to be booked on the same day as that unqualified ass clown.

  58. Anonymous5:45 PM

    It’s fame-adjacent week TMZ style on Today! Just how desperate is NBC’s Today for ratings? Well, they’re as ticked off and desperate as John McCain in 2008, and pulling the same Sarah Palin Hail Mary.

    Tomorrow, Her Royal Self will co-host Today but in case you thought it was going to be all winks, Paul Revere bells and gaffes, no. No, people, this is serious mean girl stuff (aka: Palin ™ politics). Palin is doing this to get even with Katie Couric, former co-anchor of Today, who will be guest hosting in the opposing time slot on ABC’s Good Morning America. Katie is using her guest host time to befriend the morning viewers again, and entice them to tune in to her upcoming talk show debuting this fall.

    Matt Lauer “joked” about Palin preparing for the guest host slot by reading some newspapers. He might have thought Palin was laughing with him, but he’ll pay.

    You recall that Couric had the nerve to ask Palin what she reads, and that is a sin for which she cannot be allowed to roam free without repercussion. The Palin fans are licking their lipstick and getting their nightsticks ready, because they are so sure Sarah Palin is going to bring the hurt on liberal nasty Katie Couric (who was actually McCain friendly, but had the bad grace to think a VP should know what they read).

    NBC is doing this to dig at Katie, who left them for a nighttime desk. But NBC probably should have checked with Fox about the ratings for Palin’s Real American Stories show, but then, they probably forgot about that little fizzle since it was dropped faster than Sarah Palin’s forlorn agent said yes to The Today Show gig. Maybe NBC didn’t read the fine print on the Palin’s last book sales. Or maybe when the stench of irrelevance is stalking your nightmares, you just don’t care.

    Today sees GMA creeping up just like McCain saw Obama bringing the momentum and the excitement in 2008. And when you need a Game Change, who do you call? Media Bistro reports:

    ...NBC’s Today is pulling a Palin. And we all know what that portends. Thank goodness Palin is going to spare us heavy duty politics talk, and just keep things light and talking-pointy. After all, an educated America is bad for Republican business!

    The Palinstas thought April of 2012 would bring them Sarah Palin storming the GOP Presidential nomination, atop a Grizzly Bear in all her inevitable God-granted glory. Instead, they’re getting round 500 of a Palin grudge match on morning TV, as Saint Sarah can’t just can’t leave the juicy bitterness of 2008 behind.

    Sarah Palin’s stint as Mean Girl getting petty revenge on Katie Couric on Today demonstrates just one more reason why Sarah Palin will never be politically relevant again.

    Americans love a train wreck. People might watch Palin, but only because they’ll be hoping for a “as Putin rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It’s Alaska!” as foreign policy/national security cred moment. But meanwhile, Katie Couric will be doing what she’s done for years, which is sort of like being a Fox puppet, only with real responsibilities.

    You know what they call an experienced journalist with a peppy smile? A Walter Cronkite Award Winner for Special Achievement for National Impact on the 2008 Campaign.

    There’s no way Palin can ever get revenge for this:

    ...In 2008, Sarah Palin thought her running mate John McCain stood for regulation, but couldn’t give one example of such, declaring instead, “I’ll try to find ya’ some and I’ll bring ‘em to ya’!”

    Now, for her (please God) final act, scorned Sarah Palin will play out her 2012 strip tease on the mainstream media that she loves to pretend she hates. Let’s hope she ensnares a few more faithful, because nothing says revenge like a Republican brokered convention.

    Brace yourself, Mitt Rommey. Tuesday’s gonna be politics Palin style and you know how she always manages to hurt those nearest the most.

  59. Anonymous5:49 PM

    CNN is playing this as a battle of the morning co-hosts. Couric v. Palin.

    I rarely watch any of these am shows but tomorrow I will make sure my tv is tuned into Katie.

  60. Anonymous6:50 PM

    According to C4pee open thread, Palin sent out Sarahpac letters they received today. She offers "Undefeated" with a $50 donation. She'll do anything to get money into her pac-even go on NBC. No coincidence here-just more of her scam.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      She's gotta unload that junk somehow. May as well be with her deluded followers . . .

      Give till it hurts Pbots!

      Grisly mama needs a new pair of naughty monkeys!

    2. Not What You Want to Hear3:58 AM

      And she had just sent out a letter before that getting everyone riled up about Jane Fonda playing Nancy Reagan in an upcoming movie - and then asked everyone to send their "generous" donation to help SarahPAC fight the liberals.

      Ann Coulter said one thing right in her career when she said there's too many charlatans in the GOP. It really should be renamed GOP, Inc.

  61. Anonymous7:11 PM

    I watched the Today show this morning and they had a segment on about Reborn dolls. Lifelike dolls that look just like real babies. Even showing a segment of women who carry them around treating them just like a real baby. These things are amazing and it is so hard to tell they are fakes. Hope this is someone at Today trying to send a message to the Palins. Hard to believe it could just be a coincidence a day before she comes on the show.

  62. Anonymous7:21 PM

    NBC Facebook..are you excited about Palin..voice your opinion!/today

  63. Anonymous9:04 PM

    This is all so ridiculous.

    Why in hell would Sarah Palin want to remind everyone that she couldn't answer a simple question about what newspapers she reads? She is so petty, so lost in her woundedness and her desire for revenge and do-overs that she has probably prepped for this Today stint with all the smart-sounding talk she can muster. I am sure Katie Couric could care less, however.

    Pathetic, and it may just backfire on her sorry ass.

    I am pleased Matt Lauer brought it up already and that Meredith Viera also made a crack at Sarah's expense. Sounds like they aren't personally happy with their network on this one. I am no great fan of either of them, they are pretty soft when it comes to journalism, but good for them for saying something!

    And very interesting about the Reborn dolls. Amazing coincidence if it is one.

    We like to assume there is consensus on these kinds of decisions, but who knows, this ploy of putting Sarah on in the morning for ratings may not be universally popular with everyone, so each may be doing their part to push back on it.

  64. quill9:16 PM

    It would be interesting, if the legendary guest turned out to be Katie Couric...

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Live blogging

  65. Anonymous11:05 PM

    For a great laugh, check out all the comments at the Today Show Facebook page where they announce she'll be on the show. They weren't friendly, and they weren't written by the mainstream media.

  66. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Tripp to get a half brother he'll never see. Thank you Sarah and Pimp Daddy.
    Levi is telling friends Sarah Palin and Todd have completely alienated him from his son Tripp, and he barely sees him as a result. Levi says Sarah and Todd have lied to him, telling him Bristol and Tripp were out of town when they were not.

    As a result, we're told Levi is "so excited" about starting his new family.


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