Thursday, April 05, 2012

The hosts of the View ridicule the idea for Bristol Palin's new reality show.

 I love the part where Joy says that Gino "makes Levi Johnston look like Stephen Hawking."

You know you are a huge fuck up when even  conservative hack Elizabeth Hasselback can't defend you.

By the way below is video of the Oprah interview that Sherri Shepherd alluded to while discussing that Bristol is opening herself up to a whole lot of judgmental scrutiny based on her assertion that she will NEVER have sex again until she was married. (I don't think the Palin family has a firm grasp of the definition for "never.")

Can you say "Stockholm Syndrome?"

By the way I think this video clip tells VOLUMES about the relationship between Bristol and her mother.

Everything about Bristol's body language screams "Help I'm a prisoner!" and it should come as no surprise that seven months later she tried to make a run for it with Levi.

I have to wonder if this newest reality show idea is yet another attempt to get out from under her mother's thumb, or if her mother is orchestrating it as well? It is becoming increasingly difficult to tell where Sarah ends, and Bristol begins.

(H/T to Mediate.)


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Has anyone done the homework to see if that is true or just a rumor. Where did it start? Has their been anything official announced? I don't know for sure that there is anything to this about Gino and Bristol shacking up and getting their freak on.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Of course no one has done their homework. The blogs aren't meant for educated opinions or fact. It's meant for hate and lies.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I hope that it is Bristol, I mean Sarah's lame hope of launching a reality show for Bristol. "Life is a Tripp" didn't seem to sell too well, so maybe a little sexual romp, a tease: Is Bristol Pregnant Again?, and OMG the season finale, the wedding in white. I think that it's a trial balloon, and having people talk about it in a critical way is not making the idea look too good. That's why Bristol and her fellow troll comment posters are having such a busy day. Don't ruin her chances with this trash talk. All she wants to do is have a tv show of her own. It doesn't matter if she is short on talent, charm, personality, looks or any other quality that would make people want to tune in. What does a gal have to do to be rich and famous without working for it or deserving it? (Oh, yeah, I forgot. Trig).

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Blogs aren't meant for educated opinion, or fact? Who are you? The blog police? Even scientists, and economists have blogs. STFU, you ignorant fool.

      Fuck you, and your "homework."

    4. Anonymous1:26 PM

      The View isn't the same thing as blogs. Obsessed much?

    5. Anonymous1:49 PM

      When was the last time a scholar cited a blog in a renowned research paper. It's been awhile since I was in school but I was always taught to avoid websites unless absolutely needed and the web address didn't have .com in the url.

      Commercials sites aren't scholarly and info on them should be taken with a grain of salt. Hell, there are millions of books in the same category.

    6. Anonymous1:51 PM

      So I guess you're all going to start a campaign against hollywood starlets who forgo education to make it big marketing themselves based on everything except ability?

      At least Bristol has a real job and life and doesnt rely on that crap.

    7. Anonymous1:52 PM

      I'm ignorant, yet you're basing your judgments about people you haven't met around a gossipy website? Failed logic didn't you?

    8. *GinaM getting out the giant broom to push aside all the discarded red bull cans, empty Adderall bottles and wrappers of crunch supreme in an effort to read the comments*

      WHEW...could barely read anymore comments due to all the troll droppings from the "Beefy Troll Patrol" group!

      Dang Beefy...don't ya'll know how to pace're actually repeating yourself in the comments below...ya'll need to stop and have some kind of phone conference and come up with some different shit...ya'll just getting so damn BORING!

    9. Anonymous2:02 PM

      @1:24 - you posted a screenshot of Bristol's FB page. She was asked "When is it going to air?" She did not answer. Why? BECAUSE IT IS NOT GOING TO AIR?????

    10. *snickering and snorting*

      Gryphen...thanks for the Oprah video....I had forgotten how STUPID Baldy looked and sounded! From the bumper that vomit inducing granny sweater...and we won't even talk about the shit that was falling out of her "mouf"!

      And Beefy! I know I saw her lips twitching when Oprah screams out in mirth..."What did you do to your HAAIRRR"! Come on're amongst friends here...tell did you keep that gut busting laughter in... when Oprah LAUGHED at your crazy mama and her mental illness obviously on display?

    11. Anonymous2:41 PM

      02:51 PM Bristol has a real job and life


      Media productions aren't good enough.

    12. Olivia2:45 PM

      @2:49 "It's been awhile since I was in school.I was always taught to avoid websites unless absolutely needed and the web address didn't have .com in the url."

      Damn right it has been a long time since you were in school...did you have to use Mosaic way back then?
      .edu has been an url for a VERY long time and you will find very scholarly content all over the web if you know how and where to look, which obviously, you don't.

    13. Anonymous2:57 PM

      For heaven's sake: NO MORE "people you don't know" crap. You don't know me: I don't do reality shows, write books (none that you would read, anyway, unless you read engineering texts), sell my kids photos to magazines. But we DO know about the Palins because they insist on showing up on our teepees, in our magazines and hawking their books.

    14. Anonymous3:00 PM

      I just checked, Nancy is advertising for April 2nd.
      "Also, I star in an upcoming reality series, Life’s a Tripp, which will air on Lifetime beginning April 2."

      This is April 5, 2012. It must be true ! Nancy says so. Bristol/Sarah made her do it. Krusty says they never lie and so competent. also, too.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Bristol will obviously do and say anything for money. The nut didn't fall far from the nut tree.

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      1. Yo're gullible

      2. So I guess you despise Levi then?

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      1:24 PM:

      1. Prove us wrong.

      2. I despise Levi, and Bri$tol. Both are greedy media whores. There. Feel better?

    3. Anonymous1:29 PM

      How does stating a fact make one gullible? Your Levi Derangment Syndrome is gross by the way. Get over him Bristol.

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      You have yet to prove yourselves right on anything.

    5. Anonymous1:47 PM

      If people offered you cash for true info on your life and there was a ton of false info, you'd take it too.

    6. Anonymous2:24 PM

      Please,please,tell us the truth about Bristol's daddy's pimp business!!!We will pay!!

  3. GOOD LAWD GRYPHEN! What have you DONE! We've barely recovered from the other day's "Attack of the Beefy Troll" comments and now you've thrown down more meat for Beefy and Kristy the Palin Family Stalker to feast on! My GOD man...have you gone INSANE! LOL!!!

    *quickly getting out of the way as Beefy, Wallow, Nancy, Baldy and Kristy the Palin Family Stalker drag in their up their crunch wraps...pop open cans of Red bull...while swallowing their daily dosages of Adderall in anticipation of the numerous insane postings of filth thrown at Levi and Sadie and HATERS*

    *Meanwhile...Pamper Palin...Trig...Tripp...Tristan...Tiffany and Kristy's 6 children sit quietly in the corner and wait for Toad the Pimp to show up with food..the little tikes know it's going to be a LONNGG day*

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Why are the authorities at the institution allowing you to sue a computer? How's your therapy going to treat your hate?

    2. angela12:31 PM

      Thanks Gina--you made my day with this one!

    3. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Angela, I feel sorry that that kind of thing makes your day.

    4. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 01:25 PM

      Why are the authorities at the institution allowing you to sue a computer? How's your therapy going to treat your hate?

      HeHe...Gee...I can see the spittle flying off your poor little troll lips from my front porch! And WTF does this mean...."sue a computer?"...have you fallen on your pointy troll head and have a bit of a concussion?

      Oh never MUST be a PALIN! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous1:20 PM

      1:25 PM:

      Why isn't $arah Palin already in an
      institution? Sadly, that's where Trig will probably end up one day, because his family isn't giving him the proper care.

      How are $arah Palin's botox treatments going? All that hate has aged her about 10 years.

      P.S.: How do you "sue" a computer?

    6. Anonymous1:31 PM

      anon 1:25

      "sue a computer"?

      Take a break, have a snack, a little sleep too. The Palins are really working you hard lately, huh?

    7. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Bristroll @ 1:25 How long did it take you to come up with that "zinger"? The "authorities at the institution"? No one talks like this. You are so sadly out of touch you can't even pretend to be funny no matter how clever you think you are. You're a loser. Face it. You're whole family is a national joke. I bet you can't go anywhere in public without hearing snickers and giggles behind your back. That's what your mom has done to you.

    8. Anonymous1:36 PM

      *use a computer


    9. Anonymous1:46 PM

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.

    10. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 02:36 PM

      *use a computer


      *Waves at Nancy*

      Hi Nancy! Beefy must have called you because she couldn't figure out why no one was able to understand her backwards here you up after Beefy as usual!

      I hope you cashed that BaldyPac check already...because soon those bad boys are going to bouncing higher than Baldy on back to back FAKE News interviews! LOL!!

    11. Anonymous2:25 PM

      I know Todd Palin is a pimp.

    12. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Nancy had a blog about Bristol's psychologist (How I Got Over My Very Public Mistakes, Ed Welch) . Anyone can put it on a credit card and get the therapy they are selling. You can do it online. Bristol and Nancy will get a cut of the profits. Just put it on your credit card if your insurance doesn't cover it. Better yet, the dude, errr psychologist, also sells insurance if you need some. Bristol and Nancy will get a cut of that also. So everyone can have theraphy and make Bristol and Nancy some more money. Win win for all.

  4. Anonymous12:17 PM

    When will people learn not to believe what is written in trashy blogs and internet sites. OY

    1. *munching on a Jimboy's taco...slurping on a Cherry Coke while reading the first of MANY troll droppings that will be showing up in the next few minutes*

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Trash begats trash. There's a quote to perfectly describe you Gina.

    3. Anonymous1:11 PM

      So, then Bristol is still a virgin? Gino calls for her and 8'oclock and has her home before midnight? Just a kiss good night on the front steps? Who are you kidding? We should start a campaign to tell Candies to ask for their money back.

    4. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 02:08 PM

      Trash begats trash. There's a quote to perfectly describe you Gina.

      You know ALL about trash...especially hanging with the Palins!

      Hey I just created a reality show for ya Kristy!

      "Hangin with the Palin's"....starring the Family of grifters, whores, and miscellaneous children of Beefy and Wallow!

      Special guest (in EVERY episode) Kristy the Palin Family Stalker Troll!

      Coming to an airport bathroom stall* nearest you!

      *PS...disregard the tapping of the feet in the next's just the Toad looking for some action!

    5. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Youd have to prove your case, something youve never been able to do.

    6. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Todd has been proven to be a pimp.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    "Stockholm Syndrome" IT IS.

    Darn painful to watch!

    1. You are right - very painful. Pointless as it is, this was sad enough to watch, I can't help wishing someone had rescued Bristol at that moment. There might have been some hope.

    2. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Isn't everyone's goal to live happily? Isn't that all we can hope for our fellow neighbor? Then why are you fictionalizing a random person's life to portray them as unhappy? And why are you living in the past?

    3. Don the Bluesman1:56 PM

      Gina, will you pass the popcorn please? This is getting good and I have a gig tonight. The verses just flow like water while reading the trollop troll musings.
      Brings to mind A great Canadian Band.

    4. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Most people are here because of the fraud that is being perpetrated. It is not about fellow neighbors or random persons. It is not even about trolls. Dumb or smart. Wigs or hair. Happy or unhappy. None of that.

      It is the crime, the criminal aspect.

      Sure there is comic relief and flames throwing but that is not what it is about or what most people are interested in.

      It is very apparent to many that some serious fraud is going on. One day the whole story will come out. Reap what they sow or justice will win.

    5. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Are they "random" or were they on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars," a Disney show cameo, a book on "my life so far," a blog?

      I mean, I do agree with you that Bristol is "random" in that she has no talent, smarts, or looks (since she had surgery).

    6. *passing the bucket of popcorn to Don the Bluesman while bopping by feet and head to "Too Bad*

    7. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Todd is very happy living as a pimp.

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Still feeding lies?

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Is this why Nancy French is saying Life is a Tripp will be on April 2, 2012

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Bristol the Pistol may have written that before her home schooled lobotomy from Willow's beauty of all about Palins little shoppe. What does it have to do with today?

      Many a filmed programs end up in the garbage and never see the light of day. April 2 or any other day.
      Dead Reality Shows are a dime a dozen and as dead as Lake Lucille. So what if someone finished shooting only to have it dumped?

    3. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Hey stalker, get a life, as you so often like to say. Bristol Bay, you better cut this bitch off, she's obsessed with you

    4. Virginia Voter12:38 PM

      Kristy the troll and/or Bristol must be waiting by the phone for the Google alerts, good God.

      I think it's so funny that Bristol has failed many times over trying to sell a reality show. First is was her and Levi's reengagement, then it was the Massey Brothers, then Life's a Tripp, now trila marriage Italian style with Gino. Sorry, Bristol, no matter how much lipstick you put on that pig, no one's buying it.

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Please prove there was more than one show.

      And who are you to tell anyone to get a life? You come here daily to spread lies about strangers.

    6. That flickr account is really not proof of anything.

      In fact the producers of these shows record a great deal of footage that they may NEVER use. Right now they are probably trying to figure out how to best cut what they have to ensure that it gets on the air.

      Do they continue to promote Bristol as the re-virginized single mom? Or do they opt to show all of the footage they have of Gino coming and going, and spending the night, for an entirely different show?

      Get it?

    7. GryphenApr 5, 2012 02:43 PM

      That flickr account is really not proof of anything.

      In fact the producers of these shows record a great deal of footage that they may NEVER use. Right now they are probably trying to figure out how to best cut what they have to ensure that it gets on the air.

      Do they continue to promote Bristol as the re-virginized single mom? Or do they opt to show all of the footage they have of Gino coming and going, and spending the night, for an entirely different show?

      Get it?
      *peeking through my fingers at the expected explosion from the "Beefy Troll Patrol" group*

      Sooo.....what say you to this got some other flickr links to prove that Beefy has been keeping those big tree trunk legs closed...instead of doing the horizontal slide with the Gino the Stud?

      Snickering at Gryphen's "coming and going" comment...HeHe!

  7. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Say what you will about Romeo Paoletti. He has good taste in TV shows or knows when they stink.

    Sarah Palin's Alaska was so bad he wanted to blow up his TV.

    I have to ask, why did he sell out? Why would he sign on to be in another one so awful? Is he just another poor soul that is bought and paid for? He has no independence or humanity left? He is merely another puppet?

    1. Anonymous1:05 PM

      It makes sense when you consider that someone looking for more drama in their life is spreading these false stories. Dailymail pays I'm sure. Don't believe all that you read. Look how many lies are out there on gossip sites.

    2. Anonymous1:09 PM

      bought and paid for

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Apr 5, 2012 02:05 PM

      I don't take Dailymail words as anything. The FB they published about Gino is plenty. It has been elsewhere and that is Gino Paoletti and his FB.

      I don't care about the Reality Show hype anyway. It is a fact that there is a blog that is operated by incompetents that claim the one Life Tripp show will be on April 2. Who does that is unprofessional and a slob. They need to get their act together. It is under Bristol Palin's name. The writer does not sound like her at all but has Bristol's permission to write ads to go to religious therapy and other insignificant propaganda.


    4. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Todd paid for his hookers.

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I love how one lies spread by jealous people negates all the good a young woman is trying to do. When will people realize when it comes to the Palins and truth, gossip sights are NOT The place for accurate info? Never has been, never will be. It's also NO coincidence that it was the same day as Levi's famewhoring picked up again. They will do anything for quick cash. I feel so bad for Levi's new child.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Hi Bristol, When you have your TV show, will you be filming your blog-crawling and troll-comment-posting as your regular day job? How much does SarahPAC pay you to tell us that everything we read here is a lie and we are all haters. Exactly what "good" does Bristol do? What good does Sarah do? (I have never seen her advocate for a DS group, for example, and that abstinence stuff was a crock of you know what).
      They will do anything for quick cash, Levi and his new child? What are you doing, Bristol, except the exact same thing, using your child and a current boy friend to make some money.
      Gino, if you ever get a chance to read this, I advise you to get a good lawyer, now. If you are going to be part of a "trial marriage" you had better know in advance what you'll have to do to get out the lame show if they portray you in an unflattering way. When Bristol picks a fight to keep things interesting, count of it, you will be the loser and it will be in the video. The producers will stage some lame scenes for you, washing dishes, showing Tripp how to pee standing up (cute scene, especially when it drips on your shoe). You'll be playing the fool more than once if Bristol has editorial control. Demand half. Demand half of the money, too. And make sure that your lawyer writes in an escape clause. They will make you sign a confidentially agreement....oh, you did that already? You're as good as a fish on a hook, all set to be netted and smacked on the head. Good luck, you're going to need it.

    2. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 01:23 PM

      Oh shoot...I forgot to mention "jealous people"...but I see you got your dig in on Levi! Carry on!


    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      What "good" is Bri$tol Palin trying to do? Why should I be jealous of a bitchy, unemployed, joke of a little so-and-so? All you can do is accuse people of being "jealous," because you can't really defend the little witch. It's not like people can get "accurate info" from the Palins, either, since they lie so much. Bri$tol's entire family are fame-whores, and their whoring has never stopped!

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      It's the LDS troll. What "good" is bristol trying to do? Reality shows? You think we need more reality shows?

    5. Anonymous1:43 PM

      If youve never seen her publicly support a DS group, you're blind.

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.

    6. Anonymous2:49 PM

      "When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything"

      Oh wow,that's almost as witty and philosophical as "you can be in the lamestream media without n=being of the lamestream media"...

    7. Olivia2:57 PM

      When is Bristol going to tell us why she named her little boy after her Daddy's prostitute? That would do the world a lot of good.

    8. Anonymous3:04 PM

      If you have never seen her chosen boyfriend make fun of having sex with a 250 pound DS girl,you are blind.

    9. Anonymous3:24 PM

      If youve never seen her publicly support a DS group, you're blind.

      Sure, she pours her soul into it like Eunice Kennedy Shriver

  9. I'd never seen this show before; the women were actually pretty funny and charming.

  10. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 01:19 PM

    Still feeding lies?


    Um...excuse me troll..but you keep posting this SAME flickr link again and only question is....what does this have to do with Beefy shacking up with Gino and getting their freak on?

    Do you have a flickr link conversation to Beefy declaring that she ain't dropping her draws until she gets a "Ring on it"?

    If not....well then...we all know that you are full of shit and have been told over and over by the Palin's to stop posting their "private" conversations on IM's..but yet you persist!

    Which must mean that you are a Palin because as usual your shit doesn't make sense...please don't bother to reply...I'm sure it will be something with "haters", Levi and Sadie all up in it! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      I suggest you go back to therapy now Gina.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      I cannot even follow your insanity. Do you even know what hate means?

    3. Anonymous1:40 PM

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.

    4. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Gina, since you have no problem sharing your opinion, what are your thoughts on Levi's reckless path of immaturity? Why aren't you saying get a job loser? Why are you demeaning Bristol who has respectable, longterm employment?

      $100 you react to this by hurling more insults and ignoring my question. Prove me wrong, Use your mature, adult words by refusing to spread hate and lies for once.

    5. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 02:03 PM

      I suggest you go back to therapy now Gina.

      Oh need to get so testy! Speaking of remember being on Dr Oz and how he had you pinned like some kind of mutant butterfly on his show?

      Funny...that's the last time we've seen your misshapen face on tv...instead we've been forced to hear about these continuous failures of a reality show that you still keep pitching!

      Sweetie...haven't you gotten the hint yet? You're boring, you have no personality... and the worst thing of have to PAY for a that's pathetic! What a terrible mother you are...pimping out your own little boy...for what?

      I hate laughing at ya'...but make it so EASY! LOL!!

    6. Anonymous1:52 PM

      Made perfect sense to me and looks like it hit a nerve with the troll. God job Gina! Keep it up :-)

    7. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 02:42 PM

      Gina, since you have no problem sharing your opinion, what are your thoughts on Levi's reckless path of immaturity? Why aren't you saying get a job loser? Why are you demeaning Bristol who has respectable, longterm employment?

      $100 you react to this by hurling more insults and ignoring my question. Prove me wrong, Use your mature, adult words by refusing to spread hate and lies for once.

      *speaking in a slow voice*

      Since I'm not OBSESSED with Levi like can take your 100 dollars and stick it in your.....**BLEEEPPPP**

      **Note...due to this being a family blog (H/T to Nancy's....uh...Beefy's Blog) the previous comment was CENSORED**


    8. Anonymous2:14 PM

      There will be no adult conversation from Gina...she's a long standing joke around here. With the exception of a few low IQ sycophants she's pretty reviled by most commenters. Just sayin'.
      If Bristol doesn't like negative attention, why does she consistently try to thrust herself into the spotlight? I think you can answer that one yourself.

    9. AnonymousApr 5, 2012 03:14 PM

      There will be no adult conversation from Gina...she's a long standing joke around here. With the exception of a few low IQ sycophants she's pretty reviled by most commenters. Just sayin'.
      If Bristol doesn't like negative attention, why does she consistently try to thrust herself into the spotlight? I think you can answer that one yourself.
      Spoken by someone who is ANOYNMOUS and too chicken shit or lazy to even use a name!

      But then what do you expect from a commenter who probably voted for that crazy insane gargoyle...dirty wig wearing, QUITTER from Alaska! LOL!!!

      Bring it BITCH!

    10. Anita Avoidgina2:52 PM

      I don't revile Gina. She's a bore. Just don't read her posts if she bothers you.

    11. Olivia2:59 PM

      When is Bristol going to have an adult conversation and share her thoughts about why she named her little boy after her Daddy's prostitute?

    12. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Cranky pants@3:14, speak for yourself. I don't have a low IQ, and I think Gina's recaps of $P's many Fox News appearances are hilarious. Also, the nonstop troll posts about Bristol's long-term employment, how sad we all are, or how we don't know them personally are so tiresome, absurd, and repetitive. GinaM often says what I am thinking, only in a more blunt and funny manner.

    13. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Bristols daddy is a pimp.Come on.Tell me he's not.

    14. "With the exception of a few low IQ sycophants she's pretty reviled by most commenters. Just sayin'."

      No she's not.

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Bristol has something Levi and Sadie don't have.

    She has Tripp.

    Any questions ?

    1. Anonymous1:02 PM

      Then if that's what Bristol has going for her, maybe she should do a better job of raising him that exploiting his publicly while asking for his privacy. Nice example to set, too, being a spokesperson for abstinence while not exactly be abstinent herself. And if the series doesn't go well, then it's good bye father-figure, and hello to the next guy in the door. Nice way to raise a kid. He belongs in school and activities, not being paraded in front of a camera and exploited for cheap, trashy fame.

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      I don't think anyone cares. They all have their own lives. They all have lies spread about them. You will never know who each of them are. So I say to you, stop trying.

    3. Anonymous1:07 PM

      yeah, like stolen goods. Tripp the poor little object. Only a prop for his mother. Bristol can't prove any better the hate she has inside then when she steals a child. With holds her son from his own blood. Now that is low as only evil can do.

    4. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Yeah, why did Brisket name Tripp after her daddy's hooker?

      Little Rabbit

    5. Anonymous1:22 PM

      And he's going to be one fucked up kid.

    6. Anonymous1:31 PM

      What the hell? Tripp is not even Levi's! Levi and Sadie have something Barstool does not have: a loving family. And now Levi has Sunny and soon a beautiful little baby that really is Levi's!
      It is so obvious that Barstool is jealous of Levi and Sunny and Sadie.

    7. Anonymous1:33 PM

      and it's downright DISGUSTING how Bri$tol uses poor Tripp as a pawn in the games she plays. Tripp will HATE her when he's old enough to get out from under her thumb.

    8. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Yes. When is Levi going to ask the skank (Bri$tol) for a DNA test?

      And, where's Trig's birth certificate?

    9. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Why do you enjoy bullying and lying about others? Seriously? I'd like to know.

    10. Anonymous1:40 PM

      And all because of the lies spread by ignorant outsiders.

    11. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Um yeah. Why is Tripp named after Shailey Tripp aka the woman Todd forced into prostitution?

    12. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Why would they care? Levi isnt related to Trippp.

    13. Anonymous1:49 PM

      And she has her crazy mama who thinks we are intrested in haveing her fat ass daughter on the tube telling our daughters how wonderful it is to live in a non sexual fake christian relationship. At least Sunny and Levi are honest with their relationship.

    14. Anonymous2:09 PM

      Why is Tripp named after Bristol's dad's former prostitute? Why does Bristol's dad run a prostitution ring?

    15. Anonymous3:07 PM

      So you admit Levi is not Tripps daddy?

    16. Anonymous3:30 PM

      One thing she has that they don't is a daddy who is a pimp.

    17. Anonymous3:33 PM

      2:40 PM who are the ignorant outsiders ?

      Sarah Palin doesn't deny Shailey Tripp at all. Todd is a clam about it.
      Shailey worked at All About You medical Spa in Anchorage and has the documentation. Anybody call her a liar only if they sue. Everyone could have their say and paper work as court evidence.

      Shailey Tripp is not an outsiders, not ignorant. In her way she is an intimate insider.

  12. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Wow, when Bristol hears people saying her boyfriend is dumb, she will dump him too. Did he quit his job and will be living off Bristol? You can bet they are having sex, or he is in it for the money and Bristol is too stupid to see it. Can't Bristol find an educated, normal guy to hang with. Remember the two guys she was living with in LA. She is trash, will always be trash. Remember Sarah's one night stand with the sports guy. These women are just too stupid to realize people know them for what they are. One thing for sure, she will never get Levi back.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I think that you answered your own question. An educated normal guy wouldn't go near the Palin family. He'd be to smart for that. There are some things that money can't buy: class, and a nice guy.

    2. Anonymous1:02 PM

      I don't even know where to begin when refuting your ignorance.

    3. Anonymous1:09 PM

      They are having sex and both getting compensated (paid) or what you want to call it.
      It is business. Business friends with benefits.

    4. Olivia3:00 PM

      2:02 PM, don't you mean "refudiate"?

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    so Bristol is shacking up with Gino after chastley dating him for a year, (forget Arizona) and will chastley live with him under her roof to see how they get along. LOL.

    HYPOCRITICAL and Palins bots will swoon.

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      If my 20 something daughter said she was moving in with her boyfriend - and then added 'but were not going to have sex' I would lower my glasses to the end of my nose and say 'uh huh'? Really? you expect me to believe that?"

      The bimbo who breeds will have a flopper for a reality show, and now we'll have a lot of girls going to their preachers knocked up because they moved in with their boyfriends like the good christian example, Bristol.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Anonymous 2:01 pm. Do you write fortune cookie fortunes for a living? Sheesh. Go back and take care of your kids. You're wasting your time and ours here.

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      like the good christian example, Bristol ________

      Who are these suckers who want to sell us on Bristol as a role model celebrity reality bullcrap star? Of course, the real liars have to be known for what they actually are. It is the decent thing to do.

      It is no secret that that part of Alaska has what is known as breeders. Coincidentally same philosophy as Palin's are famous for. If CEOs of TV shows want to do a program on that, fine. They need to be honest like when they do others, like the Mormon polygamists. They open up and talk about their lifestyle. It is not about covering up for illegal gains.

      The public doesn't want them to sell a lie. If you do abstinent speeches and claim that in your past, as your lifestyle, you better be 10000% honest. No one is going to let up on anyone that looks like a fake. Especially if it is as criminal as faking a pregnancy or being complicit in a crime of that magnitude.

  14. Anonymous12:50 PM

    'Good Morning America' and 'Today' Ratings Battle Goes to ABC on Wednesday

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      This makes sense. If GMA had been creeping on Today for weeks, it makes sense they wouldn't finally overtake them eventually. But that's a pretty big jump. Who was on GMA today? The crowd outside TODAY yesterday was the biggest I've ever seen.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM


    3. Anonymous2:11 PM

      The crowds outside NBC on Tuesday were for Ryan Seacrest. He had to cancel due to illness; some of them hadn't heard. Seacrest appeared on Wed. on NBC and got WAYYY more viewers than Palin's day. Still Couric beat them.

  15. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Why don't you report things that actually sound true? Or report whether or not Levi is even parttime employed or does he just live off being a D list celeb still? We deserve to know what our money is going to, as he solely lives off the public. So sad. Tripp's with the right parent fulltime. At she has a good, responsible head on her shoulders. and doesn't do flighty bs. So, how about letting us in on how the Johnstons earn their way through life? Make something up. You're good at that.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      "We deserve to know what our money is going to" - um I think you're confusing Levi with SarahPAC. As far as I know, unless you are donating to Levi, "our money" is not going to him. What is more curious to me is why Bristol named her baby after her dad's hooker? who does that????

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Gee you are stupid. If Levi is "living off the public" then so is $carah, and so is anyone else who is on TV or radio or has pics in a magazine and gets paid for it. But for most people, "living off the public" means getting government (taxpayer) money. And the ones doing that, hands down - are the Paylins.
      $carah's SPAK got tax money for filming in AK.
      Todd and all his kids and grandkids live off government healthcare.
      $carah exploits the PAC rules to get tax-free funds for many expenses.

      The Johnstons? who cares? they seem to be private citizens. I've never heard them suggest how others should live their lives - unlike that no-good, hypocritical, forked- tongue, nosy busybody $cary Paylin.
      But you were saying?

    3. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Funny how this is the one question the palin lovers NEVER try to explain. Ever.

    4. Olivia3:02 PM

      Who cares what Levi or any of the Johnstons are doing? Only YOU!

      When is Bristol going to tell us why she named her little boy after her Daddy's prostitute?

    5. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Does Bristol know about Todds tiny two toned penis?

  16. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I do not understand why haters enjoy bringing up the past like it's the end all be all. Does it make you feel powerful? Knowledgeable? I don't understand why people seem to think that by cyber stalking someone, they know them inside and out.

    Even if you walk a mile in someone's shoes. you will never know them. That's just common sense right there.

    1. Anonymous1:37 PM

      why did Bristol name her baby after Todd's prostitute?

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Why do people ignore god questions? Scared of being proved wrong?

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.

    3. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Why doesn't Bristol change Tripp's name so he is no longer named after Shailey Tripp?

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      "Why do people ignore god questions? Scared of being proved wrong?"

      1. what is a god question?
      2. why did Bovine name her son after her Todd's whore?

    5. Anonymous2:46 PM

      "Why do people ignore god questions? Scared of being proved wrong?

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything."

      .....when you know nothing you apparently keep repeating it. - what the hell is a god question? if you are referring to God I think it's supposed to be capitalized.

      by the way - does anyone here know why Bristol named her baby after Todd's prostitute?

    6. Anonymous2:48 PM

      3:08 PM:

      O.K., troll. Why does $arah Palin bring up the past, when trashing our president? Why did she accuse President Obama of "palling around with a terrorist" in the past? Why can't $arah Palin get over the 2008 election, that is in the past? Why does $arah Palin "cyber-stalk President Obama on her Facebook page, and beg him for phone calls? $arah Palin doesn't know the president, or his wife, AT ALL, so why doesn't she shut the fuck about them?

      According to your logic, the Palins can talk shit about people they don't know, but nobody is supposed to say shit about them. That's not "common sense," that's hypocrisy. Does it make you feel powerful, and knowledgeable repeating the same shit, over, and over, again, and picking fights with bloggers, that you can't win?

      We're not afraid of being proved wrong, because we know you can't prove us wrong.

    7. *tapping Beefy's broad shoulder..trying to get her attention*

      Hey...MediaInsider left an interesting comment for you...would you like to refute what she said or can I just start laughing now?


    8. Olivia3:03 PM

      Why do you ignore the question of the week?
      It isn't a god question but it is a damn good one. When is Bristol going to tell us why she named her little boy after her Daddy's prostitute?

    9. Anonymous3:06 PM

      I've lost count of the number of times Tripp's odd name has been questioned (the oddity being the fact that it's the name of grampy's prostitute). Yet no troll ever answers. Enquiring minds want to know.

  17. Anonymous1:09 PM

    So Gino is going to move in with Brisket and get paid to do so? Does that mean Tawd pimps out male prostitutes also?
    What a sad, sad thing for Brisket if she has to PAY for a man to touch her.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      How sad for you, little rabbit, that you spend your days making up nasty things about others while those others are busy enjoying life. Praying for you.

    2. Anonymous2:12 PM

      2:39 - Shouldn't Bristol change Tripp's name now that she knows he was named for her Dad's prostitute?

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      Yes, just like Sarah should change Tri-G's name because it means Down Syndrome.

    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      I feel sorry for Tripp - both of them, Shailey and Beefalo's son.

    5. Anonymous2:47 PM

      "I was referencing to the person who sells bogus stories to maintain her materialism."
      Right - Bristol then.

    6. Anonymous2:53 PM

      2:39 PM:

      How sad for $arah Palin, that she has spent the last 4 years unhappy, and whining, and making up nasty shit about President Obama, while President Obama, and his family are busy enjoying life, and the White House. They will also enjoy another 4 years in the White House. I pray for an exorcism for $arah Palin.

    7. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Bullshit! The Palins are lazy, and materialistic. They are the ones who tried to copyright their fucking names! They swiped all that materialistic shit, at that Hollywood swag party a couple of years ago! $arah Palin quit her job, so she could be a full-time grifter. The Palins have done books, photo shoots, teevee, propaganda films, etc. $arah Palin is famous for not only being dumb, but for making a living as a media-whore who sells lies! You are projecting all of the Palin faults, on other people! FAIL!

  18. Anonymous1:12 PM

    I actually think this new reality show lie is more outrageous than the Arizona reality lie. The lies just get more extravagant and more far-fetched. Guess Sadie enjoys her materialism and laziness.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Sadie? I think you mean Bristol. What does this have to do with Sadie? Why did Bristol name her baby after her father's hooker?

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I was referencing to the person who sells bogus stories to maintain her materialism.

  19. Anonymous1:15 PM

    If people used their spidey sense, It would come as no shock this lies about Bristol was aired the same day as Levi sells his new baby news to tmz etc. Anytime there's a new bad rumor, the Johnstons are always just around the corner waiting for the money to hit their accounts. So transparent and obvious.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      why did bristles name her baby after a woman her dad forced into prostitution? in other words: why did beefalo name her baby Tripp? perhaps there's more to Todd's pimping than we know? were all the Palin girls in Todd's philly stable? Who on earth would name their baby after their father's hooker?

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      2:15 PM:

      So, it's only O.K. when Bri$tol exploits her and Levi's little "mistake" for money?

  20. Anonymous1:26 PM

    After much observation, SP seems very frigid, physically she does not like touching or being touched. You can see her cringe inwardly. It is usual for people like that to pretend and try to overcompensate for it with the winks and innuendo.

    Bristol is the typical offspring of someone like that - - very needy physically. Puts much more of her time and efforts into being the center of attention and early onset of physical relationships.

    The Palin kids will grow up to be needy adults. But what made SP so frigid? So needy herself that it almost borderlines on narcissism?

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Sarah Palin is not borderline - she is full-fledged narcissistic. Classic narcissist. It is a mental illness.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      I think she was abused by creepy Chuck, frankly.

  21. Love the visual of a Sarah/Bristol morph...

    SaraBris- Definition:

    1) A mythical two headed creature unable to exist outside the realm of it's own narcissism and hate filled rhetoric.
    2) Any of a number of WasillaBillies opining about nothing and declaring war on "Haters" for real or perceived sleights.
    3) Any 2 indiviual mammals with a combined IQ of 83 or less.
    4) Human breeding machine capable of birthing unknown quantities of offspring while at the same time covering the evidence so as to appear abstinent.
    5) Faking a Birth, for political or monetary gain.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.
      "perceived slight" actually means flatout lies told from a place of hate.

    2. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Are they still "flat-out lies told from a place of hate" when they're direct quotes from a Palin book, reality show or interview?

    3. Anonymous3:14 PM

      3:06 PM:

      "When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything."

      This definition fits the Palins, perfectly.

      $arah Palin always tells flat out lies, told from a place of hate, about President Obama. But, President Obama is an adult, and ignores $arah Palin. He takes the high road. Palins only know how to take the low road.

    4. Anonymous3:20 PM

      "When you know nothing"---it's astonishing, how self-aware you are.

  22. Anonymous1:37 PM

    From the Washington Post:

    NEW YORK — ABC’s “Good Morning America” is claiming a one-day victory in viewership over longtime champ “Today” on NBC.

    On Wednesday, “GMA” was watched by 5.236 million viewers, while 5.149 million viewers tuned into “Today,” according to the Nielsen Co.

    Wow. Can we let that sink in for a moment?

    On the day before, Tuesday, the day Sarah Palin supposedly walloped Katie Couric by attracting 4.5 million viewers to Katie’s .5 million viewers, Palin fans were quick to do the ‘landslide victory lap’ with their queen. But then on Wednesday, Ryan Seacrest drew one million more viewers (ratings reported viewers at 5.5 million) than had tuned in to see Sarah on Tuesday and as it turns out, The Today Show N O R M A L L Y enjoys an audience of between 4 and 5 million daily.

    So in reality, Sarah’s appearance had little effect on the show’s average, daily ratings.

    Her actual ratings bump was in the mere thousands, compared to Seacrest who bumped the numbers by exactly one million. Hardly worth the effort of polishing the crown…

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Sarah and Bristol will do anything to stay in the public view. Sarah is definately done with politics. Alaska is done with her too. Maybe she will do commercial next. Bristol is drooping lower all the time. Why does she even tell people she is going to college or beauty school? Where is Willow these days? She has gone with her boyfriend over a year and no sex? Maybe he is the father of Tripp.
    I don't think Bristol or Sarah know the fathers of any of their children. I see more books coming out.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      Every magazine interview the Palins have givens tells you all the truth you need about them. Too generous in my opinion but there are people who do care about setting the record straight and it's not anti-Palin bloggers apparently.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Not the whole truth. Not that anybody in the REAL world gives a crap about a family of sore losers, who is still obsessed with trying to "set the record straight," FOUR years later! I know I won't be wasting my money on anything with a Palin on it. Nobody gives a flying fuck!

  24. Wow Gryphen. This/these trolls posting here must be quite a sight in Wasilla - tandem computers, frothing at the mouth, raging and screaming at the computer as they read each post. What a bunch of snarky childish comments. If she were my kid I'd give her a time out and tell her to STFU and start living a little less like a gypsy - with profound apologies to the gypsies, At least they are honest about their thievery. The Palin's want the people they are stealing from to think they are this wonderful family when in fact the mother is a grifting, coke snorting tramp with a hate list that would make Nixon jealous, dad is a pimp who might just get the IRS interested in how much money he was taking from his whores and the oldest daughter? How can one delicately describe an amoral grifter who uses one of her sons as a prop to make money?

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      The only angry, shouting comments I see are from anti-Palin folk. Everyone else politely asks questions that are forever ignored by the otherwise insane.

    2. Anonymous2:39 PM

      If that's all you see, you need to get new glasses, Sarah. You're welcome.

    3. Anonymous3:27 PM

      3:02 PM:

      The "everyone else" who asks questions "politely," is likely the same stupid troll(s). Probably you. Why take any of their stupid questions seriously? The trolls ignore the answers to the questions, and keep on asking the same questions, anyway. I bet the mood would brighten for many around the country, if that mean, shrill, Palin bitch, and the rest of her family, would get lost in Alaska, and shut the fuck up!

  25. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Bristol - why did you name Tripp after your dad's prostitute? Wonder how Tripp will feel about that when he is old enough to know. I can just imagine him being about 13 and deciding to google himself. he will learn all about his grand-dad pimping out a prostitute named Shailey TRIPP. You know he's going to wonder about that. We all do.

    1. Anonymous3:00 PM

      perfectly stated!

    2. Anonymous3:10 PM

      perfectly stated!

    3. Ur man n Hollywood3:19 PM

      Ur man in Hollywood.....and others know all about Gino and the 'trial marriage' act.

      The truth is; Gino is and has already been shacked up with Bri. Gino would move out for a few days at a time during filming. But not always, and his clothes were in the closet and scattered all over the two pairs of dirty boots left by the backdoor.

      The production team dreamed up the 'trial marriage', because, they knew that too many local peeps knew that gino was already living there. The PT was trying to save the show from any further fuck ups!

      Attention Bri, there are NO secrets n Hollywood. The only question is....when will it come out!

  26. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Fact: Bristol's "reality show" will never make it to air. My PA assistant friend said everybody was quietly allowed to finish filming the bare minimum of days, then the show was canned. Footage of Bristol is HORRIBLE. She has had more surgeries since the failed show with the Massey shows and to try to even get one positive facial angle on her while filming was a nightmare. She also MUMBLES, so they would have to do a ton of voice dubbing to make her audible. She also CANNOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS -- like, walk this way so the light will follow you and the cameras can track you. And she's mean as anything when the AD's tried to gently help her and correct her and teach her a little about how to be on camera.

    Again, the show is NOT happening.

    Media Insider

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      so where does the funding come from for these Bristol reality show disasters. 1st the Massey one and now this latest mess, someone must fork over big dollars to get the shows to the point where cameras are rolling.

      WHERE do the $s come from?

    2. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Media Insider - Good to see you here @ IM. I still miss your blog.

      Do you have any other info? Maybe about this latest twist re: Gino moving in?

    3. Olivia3:32 PM

      I wrote this on an earlier thread and I think it is something to consider.

      It occurred to me recently to wonder if Bristol is developmentally disabled.

      All the proud talk from family bad grammar and bad spelling trolls about how she has a "really good job"(that a normal person wouldn't think is such a "really good job"), and is so happy and stable and blah blah blah, how she has faced her earlier mistakes, plus the blather about how she loves babies, can't get enough of babies, along with the extremely poor choices she appears to make over and over again.

      Add this to what has been said about all the failed show bizzy things she keeps trying to get.

      The story is that she is so uninteresting,talentless, hard to work with, lazy etc. that the shows never air because no one would be interested in watching.

      Maybe she isn't lazy, maybe she is just mentally incapable of doing what a normal 20 or 21 year old can do.

      It reminds me of a couple of ever so slightly mentally disabled girls I have known over the years. Both of them LOVED babies too but their parents were aware and intelligent enough to put them on long term birth control.

      Both of them had families who were thrilled and bragged(with good reason) all the time about their "really good jobs" and how stable their lives were. The fact that either of these girls was employed and on their own was a big deal considering their mental disabilities. It isn't such a big deal for someone with normal mental abilities so families and friends wouldn't make a big deal over it.

      Families and friends of regular kids don't brag about "the really stable good jobs" that their kids have anything like these Palin trolls do about Bristol having a job in a doctor's office and getting training in office skills.

      Getting training in office skills isn't something that a normal person would consider a huge accomplishment. It sounds like her friends and and family do consider it a huge accomplishment for her. Makes you wonder.

      There has been so much emphasis from the Palin trolls about how Bristol et al are so happy and at home and just living life, it really makes me think that they might be covering for a mental disability.

      Adding to this, another thing that makes me wonder is why would a normal person put himself out there to be so widely mocked and ridiculed for one public failure after another public failure. This also makes me think there is a mental disability. There isn't that much money in the world to make a normal young girl do that.

    4. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Thanks for the update, MA. What a waste for the production company to continue filming after moving the project from BIO to Lifetime. Do you know if Bristol would get her full payment whether or not the show aired?

  27. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Sarah Palin's TV Ratings Go Rogue

    The Today Show won the time period as expected. They have long been the #1 morning network news program with ABC's Good Morning America coming in second. However, the ratings for Tuesday on the Today show were 5.497 million total viewers, and 2.209 million in the 25-54 year old demo. That's down from their average for the February 2012 sweeps period (5.55 Total/2.47 Demo). So Palin obviously didn't do anything to help out the program.

  28. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I think Bristol's the smartest one in this scenario. She realized in 2010 that without her family, all she has is her son and a boy named Levi who who no doubt let her down again somehow. You can't live happily for long with a guy who has no conceivable future in his plans. And with her decision to end the relationship for good, she made the smartest, more pro-woman decision of all.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Here's a pro-woman decision. Get a college degree, Bristol, so that you can support your children with your brain, not your vagina output.

    2. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Wait, haven't we been constantly reminded that Beefalo enjoys quality happy family time with the Paylin clan in Wasilla? And now you tell us that she realized in 2010 "that without her family, all she has is her son and a boy named Levi....". As it turns out, she dumps the boy named Levi, replaces him with a neanderthal named Gino and still has the little baby named after her father's prositutute. How the hell is that pro-woman?

    3. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Well, that's not saying much because you don't have to be very smart to be the "smartest one of the bunch in that scenario."

      PS-The Palins are alot of things-but "pro-woman" isn't one of them.

  29. Anonymous2:09 PM

    There is nothing "real" about the Palins:the sheer stupidity proffered by these two sanctimonious hypocrites borders on unbelievable.

  30. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Sigh. So much hate. And all coming from the left. First the media attacks SCOTUS for calling out Presidential bs, now more and more democrats are becoming unhinged by the second reporting shit that doesn't matter and even sounds fictional.

    So sad for the country. Bring back human decency.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      Human decency? Like jesus taught? Heal the sick? (single payer health care) Give to the poor? (welfare) Turn the other cheek? (end the war)
      Is that what you're referring to? How about "Do unto others?"
      Those are hallmarks of human decency.
      I don't see much of these sentiments coming from the right.

    2. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I agree. Get the Palins off the airwaves so we can have human decency!

    3. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Yes, let's bring back human decency and stop having fucking teenagers become "star" mothers on national tv. Thanks to Bovine we have a slew of young moms who think this is the way to support your out of wedlock children.

    4. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Oh, fuck you.

    5. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Anonymous Apr 5, 2012 03;12 PM:

      Sigh. So much hate. And all coming from the left. First the media attacks SCOTUS for calling out Presidential bs, now more and more democrats are becoming unhinged by the second reporting shit that doesn't matter and even sounds fictional.

      So sad for the country. Bring back human decency.


      OOOOHHHH,you said the word SHIT,oh my goodness,so much profanity from the right,it's so so sad,sad,sad,oh my,what kind of example are you setting??Oh my,it's so sad,no one wants to be happy,everyone on the right just wants to use four-letter words like SHIT,it just makes me so so sad.When you know nothing, it's easy to think you know everything.Sad.

    6. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Human decency- you mean like slavery? Public hangings?

    7. Anonymous3:16 PM

      @3:12 Sarah, slow day?

  31. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Bristol has become even more pathetic, and I really didn't think that was possible.

  32. brisdull has the personality of a stone.
    she cant even answer a simple question from Oprah.

    she tried to hook levi by getting pregnant and he told her to get lost.
    her mother old ho palin, did the same thing since its common knowledge todd is NOT tracks biological father.

    what happened here is this: preview audiences hated brisdulls show so much that it was not able to get on tv.

    so, they are hoping to get the show on the air by taking this sexual route.
    cept brisdull is soooooooooo boring even if the show showed brisdull HAVING sex people wouldnt tune in.


  33. Anonymous2:17 PM

    O/T Today Show Ratings Down With Sarah Palin As Guest Host

    The sooner the media (and Palin) realizes that Palin is old news and has nothing to offer, the sooner they can quit pretending that she has some sort of relevance that they can exploit. By all indications NBC might have done better in the ratings with Kim Kardashian or Octomom as a co-host.

  34. Bristol is nobody's prisoner.

    She is an adult woman who has borne 3 children.

    She could have decided not to follow mommy's path of rage, vindictive atrocities, treasonous statements against our president, and demeaning one and all who disagree with her.

    But she chose her mother's bribes of fame and stardom instead. It was Todd who was originally asked to be in DWTS. Sarah convinced them to take Bristol instead. Sarah secured Bristol's speaking engagement agent. Sarah secured Bristol's book deal.

    And Sarah secured not one but two FAILED reality shows for Bristol. And now a third.

    All so Bristol will keep the truth of her firstborn child buried as deep as her God given features are under that travesty of plastic surgery.

    Has the public consciousness EVER seen two more hypocritical bitches? Bristol goes on tv and says in her "book" how she will NEVER again have sex until she is married. The very day she does the voice over work for the "pause before you play" PSA, she and Gino share a hotel room.

    All the while she is taking money- over a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS- to be the "face of the abstinence movement", she is sharing a bed with Ben or Gino.

    And now she's just like her mother-
    "I'm going to pretend to run for president so I can make lots of money"
    "I'm going to pretend to be abstinent so I can make lots of money"

    Hypocrites. Idiots. Fearmongering racists. And supporters of a SEXUAL PREDATOR, Todd Palin.

  35. Anonymous2:35 PM

    O/T Nikki Haley has a "palin" problem

    Nikki Haley’s Imaginary Mark Sanford Scandal

  36. nswfm2:48 PM

    Sigh. So much hate. And all coming from the left. First the media attacks SCOTUS for calling out Presidential bs, now more and more democrats are becoming unhinged by the second reporting shit that doesn't matter and even sounds fictional.

    So sad for the country. Bring back human decency.
    Don't you think that "Human Decency" went out the door when we attacked Iraq which had no WMD? How many people did we kill? Maim? Displace? Military did we fuck up in the head with TBI and PTSD, let alone maim? All under a President whose VP said deficits don't matter? Big tax cut for the 1%? Bail outs for Wall Street, sold out Main Street? This and a lot more crap happened under the Compassionate Conservative....GWB. I'd like to see some human decency, but don't think it's coming from the dipshit who brought up palling around with "terrists" and "death panels."

    Fuck you, Sarah Palin and your Wasillabilly grifting clan.

  37. Anonymous2:51 PM

    OT: Moore to attend W.H. Easter Egg Roll

    Actress Julianne Moore, who was just in town for the D.C. premiere of “Game Change,” will be back on Monday for an event at the White House.

    Moore, who played Sarah Palin in the controversial HBO flick, will read to children at the annual Easter Egg Roll, the White House announced on Twitter. Actor Forest Whitaker, Disney star Bella Thorne and Robin Roberts of “Good Morning America” will also take part in the reading.

    A bunch of celebrity chefs will also be on hand, including Andrew Zimmern, Richard Blais, Marcus Samuelsson, Carla Hall and Bryan Voltaggio. Other notables you might see wandering around the South Lawn: Andy Roddick, Michelle Kwan and DJ Jazzy Jeff.

    Taawwwwd!!!! Hide the can goods! LOL!

  38. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I always felt sorry for Bristol, especially considering her need to fill up the empty space in her life by having babies. I think what Sarah & Todd did to her was unforgivable - when they took Trig from Bristol they messed her up forever. Unfortunately, you can't buy unconditional love, and the babies won't be giving it to her once they are old enough to figure out the gig. Having a reality show based relationship isn't going to fill up that space either. What a fucked up world that family has created for themselves.

  39. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Bristol has matured and is moving on with her life....

    More like re-inventing herself.

    Her "abstinence" gig isn't paying anymore so she will present herself as a "mature" mom, so happy with life, the man of her dreams moving into her chalet by the lake to practice abstinence until they are married?

    That's a fine plan, Bristol, but putting it out there on "reality" tv is about as disgusting a grifting ploy as any of your mother's.

    Does she think the money she gets for her show will last long? Will she use it to boost herself into another career? Can't imagine what, but I am pretty sure nobody wants to watch Bristol play house.

  40. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Wow!!!!! Wasilla computers are smoking.

    Bristol is mad, real mad, you better watch it you stupid anons. Beefalo is a great name. Maybe Life with Beefalo would fly.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.