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A brief oasis of happiness in a desert of animosity. |
Levi Johnston owes more than $38,000 in unpaid child support to Bristol Palin -- according to team Bristol.
Bristol's lawyer tells TMZ, Levi hasn't made a child support payment for the ex-couple's son Tripp since June 2010 ... 22 months ago.
According to court records, Levi is required to pay $1,750 a month -- which means his outstanding balance is $38,500.
As for why Bristol hasn't attempted to enforce the order -- via wage garnishment or otherwise -- Bristol's attorney tells us, "We forbore pursuing child support collection in the (perhaps naive) hope that Mr. Johnston would do what men are supposed to do and pay his support obligation voluntarily."
The lawyer adds, "We were also concerned that garnishment or other aggressive collection efforts could exacerbate an already strained relationship" ... no kidding.
We're told Bristol is still holding out hope that Levi will pay. So far, no word back from Levi's camp.
I would love nothing more than to say this is bullshit. But I can't.
There are extenuating circumstances, that I hope to share soon, but for right now I promised to stay silent. (Here is a hint: All of you are not the only ones surprised by this news.)
I will however say that there was an easy way to avoid this WHOLE thing, and it was a way that I suggested to "Team Levi" way back when the issue of child support was first brought up.
In Alaska we have an agency called CSED (Child Support Services Division), whose job it is to make SURE that the payor goddamn well pays the payee on time and in the correct amount.
This removes ANY opportunity for one parent, or the other, to make false claims out of spite, and it makes damn sure that the parent who is in arrears pays up, one way or the other. This is especially important when you have the kind of messy breakup that Levi and Bristol had.
I remember insisting to Tank Jones at one point, that they waste NO time in filing paperwork with CSED to protect Levi, and of course Tripp, from this very thing. Tank, of course, assured me that everything was handled.
As you can see that was just more bullshit.
Levi has received the worst advice imaginable on how to handle all of this, and now he has been painted as a dead beat dad. As a father I cannot imagine carrying around a more hurtful label.
In my opinion Levi has every right to sue Rex and Tank for every dime they have. They mishandled his career, mishandled his child support situation, and essentially destroyed his reputation.
Now let me ask you this, does anybody else wonder if they did this out of sheer incompetence, or whether or not there is something even uglier working behind the scenes?
Stay tuned.
P.S. One more thing, in Alaska child support payments and visitation, are two SEPARATE issues. We do not pay for the right to see our children.
If Levi had an honest, capable attorney he would NEVER have had to miss time with his son. And neither would Sherry and Sadie.
Update: Here is the original custody agreement, courtesy of Radar Online.
According to these Levi is supposed to have Trip every Wednesday and Saturday.
Kind of hard to do when the mother moves the child to Arizona for extended periods of time, or takes him along to California to participate in a reality show, now isn't it?
By the way, neither of those choices were discussed with, nor approved by, Levi. In fact he did not even know they were in Arizona until I contacted Sadie and gave her the heads up.
Update: For the slow people in the room let me clarify.
Yes, my understanding is that Levi DOES owe this amount, or a similar amount in back child support.
What I said is that there are extenuating circumstances as to the reasons, but taht I cannot expand on them right now.
If it had simply been bullshit, I would have said "This is bullshit, but I am unable to give details at this moment." I tried to, at the very least, let all of you know that the Palins had orchestrated this to hurt Levi and that they had also made it impossible for him to meet his obligations.
Let me ask, would you all have rather I simply let this story sit out there without comment? Or was I right to tell you what I could now, with the hopes of following up with more later?
"If Levi had an honest, capable attorney he would NEVER have had to miss time with his son."
ReplyDeleteYou are wrong Gryphen. Levi chose to miss time with his son. He could have shown up on his days ready to pick him up... he did not do that. Bristol would have been in trouble with the court if she denied him his time. Levi allowed Bristol to take Tripp out of town on his days. He gave permission to Bristol.
I wish you would stop covering for him, he is behaving like a dead beat dad. He is NOT picking up his son when he should be. He can't blame anyone for that but himself.
No I am not wrong, and Levi DID show up to pick up his son, and was told they were out of town, when they WEREN'T! Some version of this has happened repeatedly.
DeleteAt heart Levi is very passive, and this is why they have been able to bully him into submission, over and over again.
The Palins stacked the deck against him using ugly underhanded methods that I hope will soon be revealed. The incredibly high child support payments was just one of methods used.
How would you know "Anonymous"?
DeleteI may be anonymous too, out of laziness and strong distaste for any kind of online identity, but I'm not claiming to know inside information.
Gryphen, did levy document the dates he was refused his visitation? I seriously doubt that he did and his lack of acquiring legal assistance to at least file a complaint with the court is lacking on his part, which clearly shows his lack of concern. Preventing a parent from visiting with his child is a serious matter in the courts and it doesn't appear that he has made any effort what so ever to rectify the situation. He is the one who is solely responsible for not correcting matter now and in the past. With his lack of action, not many people are going to feel sympathy for him, no matter what the Palin's have throw in front of him. The longer this goes on, the less the courts will feel he has a legitimate claim.
DeleteWhat are Levi's options now? Curl up in a closet in the fetal stance or wake up and smell the coffee.
DeleteIsn't Tank or Rex his public relations and managers? Why are they sleeping now.
It is GAME ON, not tomorrow, NOW.
Levi has a Loving relationship and that SET THE PALINS OFF. They are Jealous and Vindictive. It is time for ALL OF THE SEX TRAFFICKING AND PROSTITUTION RING INFORMATION TO REACH THE I.R.S. AND THE F.B.I. The Anchorage P.D. should be exposed for all of the Officers who were involved in the PROSTITUTION RING, and ALL OF THE BP EXECUTIVES, and the PALINS' INVOLVEMENT. Willow's Pregnancy is talked about all over WASILLA and Sarah is not TRIG'S BIRTH MOTHER. DR. CATHY JOHNSON SHOULD BE PROSECUTED FOR HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE HOAX.
DeleteHe should go immediately to child services and file. Bristol makes more $$ than him!
DeleteMention her BMSPLLC .
How can she afford all these houses?
Also they are controlling the Johnston family with these shit and Sherry's parole.
I wish the Johnstons would come clean and expose that family. I think Levi naming Tripp was no accident or coininkydink! It was a warning to the Toad!
Amen anon. CBJ needs to LOSE HER LICENSE.
DeleteWell, COME ON all of Wasilla, post some pictures of preggers Willers . Come On all of Wasilla, write to the state medical board and report CBJ. Write to JCAHO and report her and MatSu. Get off your asses and DO SOMETHING all of Wasilla.
Delete'''Willow's Pregnancy is talked about all over WASILLA and Sarah is not TRIG'S BIRTH MOTHER. DR. CATHY JOHNSON SHOULD BE PROSECUTED FOR HER INVOLVEMENT IN THE HOAX.
This family is TRASH. People please DON"T watch any TV show they are on. DO NOT watch Bristol's reality show. People have to STOP contributing to these peoples livelihoods. DO NOT buy their trashy books. STOP contributing to their revenue.
In Tank's past life he use to be a PIMP in Anchorage! Hmmmmm...who else do we know is a PIMP?
DeleteCould that be how Levi ended up with Tank...a tiny, two toned penis having, high talker, purse carrier fella by the name of Toad Palin gave Levi the hookup?
Levi got Wootened! And he will be Wootened until the Palin's take their last dragon smelling breath and depart from this earth! LOL!!
Frankly I don't care if he paid or not. The amount is ridiculous. He doesn't make that much money to pay that amount.
ReplyDeleteWhat I do care about is that he choosing not to see his son. There is nothing Bristol or her family could do to stop him, if he actually wanted his son on his visitation days.
Sorry but he is making that choice all by himself.
And you know this how, Anonymous?
DeleteThey do NOT look like the parents of that kid.
DeleteLevi Johnston is an idiot.
ReplyDeleteLevi may be an idiot, the Bristol is a sociopath.
DeleteI don't think Levi is an idiot! He was a kid when all of this was going down. Up against the devils of the Palin family to top it off! Can you even begin to imagine what his life must have been like.
DeleteHopefully, the truth on all of this will eventually come out. To include what really happened to Levi's mother, the drugs, probation, etc.
I wish Levi and his new little lady a very happy life. I suspect the Palins are just circling again to make his life miserable! Bristol especially!
And Bristol isn't...
DeleteJust imagine what he was thrust into (no pun intended...)
This family is obviously CRAZY. The thing with Trig, the second forced pregnancy, the working with Todd on the slope...the whole thing happened to a frankly undereducated boy who was being manipulated and controlled by a powerful family. give hima break.
YOU are obviously a troll. Bristol? You just can't let it go, can you?
DeleteHe may be an idiot or whatever. I hear Keith is still friendly with Palins. Anyway he was some example and role model. Don't know his relationship with Levi now. But he could have a bigger part in all of this than anyone would know. Very suspect that back in the scrub computer days, all the good things about his part in hockey disappeared so quick.
DeleteLevi deserves a break due to his upbringing, age and getting tangled with such evil forces.
They are all idiots.
DeleteThe Custody Agreement
November 15, 2010: Check out these questionable pics of Bristol driving after a night out.
Isn't Bristol the Palin Golden Child?
DeleteBristol not only looks tipsy but she also, too looks pregnant in the second link. So much for no drinking during pregnancy.
DeleteNaive Levi was used as just another one of Sarah's props to make Bristol's immorality seem legitimate. Sarah knew when she schemed this up that she would NEVER let them marry. He just happened to come in handy.
DeleteLooks like Bristol drives while drunk. Good Tripp was with baby sitter.
DeleteWhy give Levi Johnston a break? It takes two to tango. How was he “forced” into any situation? Who “forced” Levi to screw Bri$tol? Fuck them both.
DeleteWhy give Levi Johnston a break?
Levi thought he was only doing Bristol. He had no clue how far reaching her parents are.
If it was only Levi/Bristol, those 2 could tango. Kids have sex all the time with only the thought of the immediate. They trapped themselves. It didn't go on as with other young, uneducated kids who have financial hardships and learn from mistakes.
Levi was maneuvered into being a RNC prop for the family. He was lured into the family values myth of the Palins and being a Daddy for a Palin grandchild. He is not blameless or better, but he has a huge disadvantage. And no, it wasn't only 2 doing the tango. He does deserve a break, not a full on pass.
AnonymousApr 7, 2012 09:28 AM
DeleteLMAO at the pics of Beefy (and wow was she Beefy!) What's with that STARE! And was that Willow in the back on the left hand side?? WTF was she doing bar hopping??
And now I see the Palin Troll Patrol have taken up residence. But who can blame them...I mean how boring is Beefy's blog and who wants to hang out with that ignorant bunch at "Crazies4Palin" which has turned into some kind of bible versing...begging Baldy to run...slobbery mess! LOL!!
At least here the Palin Troll Patrol may learn something! I do have to wonder a few things about Beefy's failed reality show filming. Especially after seeing this picture posted of her drunk ass!
WHAT must Beefy look like on camera?? Reading the comments by MediaInsider and some other "anonymous" folks in the know...it must be BAD! I'm figuring the poor camera man was trying to find her best side and like the audition scene in "Tootsie" every angle was fucked up! LOL!! What if one of those side shots of Beefy made her look like Gov "Burntface" Brewer! Poor Beefy...your mama has publicly ruined your life and then she publicly ruined your FACE!
YOU NEED TO LEAVE your crazy mother alone, Beefy! Baldy does not LIKE you...much less LOVE you! I think the only reason why Wallow escapes Baldy's wrath is because Wallow is a little bit smarter ( just a smidgen!) and as cunning as Baldy! We all saw how Wallow handled Baldy in SPAK! Wallow pretty much told Baldy..."Fuck off...you crazy old bat...you're not going to ruin my life like you did Beefy...I can do that all by my damn self"!!
I keep hearing about Beefy not being very bright and probably learning disabled just like her mental mama...and that's too bad because that means she will never WAKE up to how fucked up she is and what she's doing to ALL of her kids....Trig...Tripp...Tristan/Tiffany, Doc, Sleepy and Grumpy! LOL!
Love ya Trolls...but it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I'm going to go out and enjoy it!
You can bash Levi and Sadie until your fingers are raw...but it won't change the FACTS!
Levi escaped from the clutches of two of the most notorious, noxious, nasty, hags from Wasilla...and he's moved on with the very LOVELY and now pregnant with his child Sunny!
That news is fucking with Beefy and Baldy til the point that they are spending their time commenting ALL day on IM'S!
Gryphen OWNS you two BITCHES!
I'm not surprised at all. Bristol has hinted at this now and again. What burns me though, is that SHE is the millionaire. SHE is the one with two mansions in her name. SHE is the one who could have gone to court and gotten this amount, which she knows he cannot pay, reduced. Yes, Levi has defaulted on an obligation, but you are right, he's had terrible advice along the way.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely correct.
DeleteHeres the thing:
If Brisdull truly wanted Levi out of her life, it would be done.
She has no need for his money,
And she obviously has no desire to have Levi be a part of Tripps life,
Yet she continues to mention Levi every.single.chance.she.gets.
She really is obsessed with him.
She blames him for ruining her fairy tale life, and all she can do is hate.
Pretty scary.
$173,000 for a 5 bedroom house(FORECLOSURE)
Deletein Maricopa County Arizona is not a MANSION.
Most houses in that county are under water.
Bristol Palin made a bad investment, and her mother made the same mistake. The SARAHPAC minions have wasted their money by donating to the FAMILY of GRIFTERS who invested in an area that has DEPRECIATED BADLY.
The Paoletti's are in Real Estate. They really screwed over the Palins and now they are all stuck together for that dumb reality show ruse. Ha! I hope one of Gino's girls get the goods on him and makes some bucks. It would sure help Bristol to get back to reality.
DeleteThe Palins have to buy Bristol a bf b/c they fear what would happen if she didn't have something to cling to.
Remember Levi wanted to marry Bristol and make an honest women out of her. She said no...
ReplyDeleteIf Levi doesn't get some legal help, people will completely lose respect for him. We have been waiting for him to do something and he is not. How can you help someone who will not help himself? There are big attorneys out there who would probably take his case for pro bono. They do it all the time. Is he hiding something and doesn't want it exposed?
"If Levi doesn't get some legal help, people will completely lose respect for him."
DeleteTo late.
He yet to many people walk over him.
No respect here for Levi.
A ring wouldn't make Brisdull an honest woman.
Delete"Make an honest woman out of her".
DeleteWhat a stupid, sexist, archaic expression.
Oh, and Levi....you need to visit a urologist for a snip. Making baby after baby (how many now...three?) you can't support or raise is irresponsible.
The planet has enough people. Give your duplicating, egotistic urges a rest.
1750.00 a month? A month?? For one child? Teen parents?
ReplyDeleteWhere did they come up with that amount?
Sounds fishy. Looks like Sarah knows someone in the court department. Maybe they wanted it that high because it would be difficult for Levi to pay and they knew it. Palins taking control again. Who set up this amount? A judge, friend of Sarahs? Why did Levi's attorney accept it. Fishy? Would love to see the attorneys assets and bank deposits, etc. Is he getting money from her Pac?
DeleteWho all in Alaska is getting paid off by the Palins? Levi's attorney and Sarah's doctor?
DeleteI have always thought that the amount, considering the fact that the dad does not even have a high school diploma, was excessive. How many other fathers with similar situations (basically unemployed with limited education) have to pay so much per month?
DeleteI know! We are a one income family of 5 (while I'm still in school and hubby works full time) and that is almost our total monthly income, unless hubby has a good sales month and gets a good commission. This is outrageous! It sounds like he's paying for more than just one kid! Hmmmmm. My dad only paid about $150 month per kid when my sisters and I were little. This amount is unrealistic and highlights the palin greed. I can't believe any court would enforce this amount!
DeleteIsn't child support supposed to be money one parent NEEDS in order to take care of their child (food, medicine, clothes)?
DeleteBrisdull Palin is a fucking millionaire!!
Why does she NEED Levis pennies?
Because she can't have his PENIS!!
Seriously. My food budget is 500 a month to feed a fam of 5, with two growing teen /preteen boys. What does that preschooler eat? Is he allergic to non designer clothes?
DeleteTripp isn't Levi's, he was probably paid off to keep the TRi-G hoax going and now he is a screwed position.
He was a minor when the hoax happened, wasn't he? Can't he sue and show he was blackmailed as a minor?
Does any else think it is beyond odd that CBJ who likes to protect abused kids, must know Levi is in shit position, in part because of her actions.inactions...yet she remains silent?
What a horrible doctor.
I can't stand BRISTOL, but saying she is a millionaire is ridiculous. She is not a millionaire, not even close.
DeleteWasn't the situation that the amount was set so high because Levi had a lot of income in 2010? From the book and the interviews and what not? Still, it's a high amount. There's no need for child support to be so high. My dad made way much more than Levi and he only paid $1000 a month for two kids.
Delete9:25 AM:
Delete“Brisdull is a fuckin millionaire!!
Why does she need Levi’s pennies?”
It doesn’t that Bri$tol is a millionaire. Levi Johnston helped make the damn kid. He should contribute something.
As I've always thought, Tank et al were paid by Team Sarah.
ReplyDeleteOh God, now Bristol, Sarah, and Kristy or whatever her name is will be camped out on this blog refudiatiing every comment.
ReplyDeleteYa gotta wonder bots why Levi has "gotten away" with not paying child support for so long without getting his wages garnished, going to jail, or getting his license suspended? Maybe because Tripp is not his son, maybe because he let Bristol use him and Tripp in her money making ventures, maybe because he's getting paid to keep silent. We all know the deal.
So go on, tell us how Bristol hates needy Levi, has a job she loves, gets her baby fix from her neice, has a happy, supportive family until your fingers fall off, blah, blah, blah...none of us believe it, never will, and Gryphen will never stop blogging until Sarah and her trashy family stop poisoning rational social and political discourse and disappear from the public consciousness forever.
Now, I am going to take my kids to Six Flags and enjoy the beautiful weather. I suggest you do the same .
Beautiful! Enjoy your day!
DeleteI had surgery yesterday so I'm bedridden.
DeleteI will gladly play Whack-A-Troll here, while you play it there!
Funnel cake?
+++++++ homer simpson: agggghhggg ++++++++++
Hav1e fun. It is an exceptionally gorgeous day
DeleteI wish you speedy healing.
DeletePlease try to defend a boy who , this past week, vented more personal dirtylaundry and said he wont stop fighting to spend time with his son. Where is he currently? Hunting, where he usually is.
DeleteIt is a holiday weekend. Real fighter and mature father. NOT.
10:58 PM:
DeleteBri$tol is may have custody of Tripp, but when is Bri$tol going to find some maturity, and get off her duff, and get a real job?
Levi needs a caretaker. Maybe his new baby mommy has the smarts.
ReplyDeleteYou need a new career, troll.
DeleteHis new 'baby mommy' has MUCH MORE SMARTS than the entire Palin Klan and their PIMP DADDY GAY HUSBAND/FATHER.
DeleteHe was smart enough to get away from Bristol and her poisonous family.
DeleteAnon 7:41 AM You mean 'caregiver'.
DeleteCaretaker, like at grave yard, might be more appropriate if he doesn't wake up soon.
DeleteJust the next chapter in this sick, twisted tale. It's obvious that "team Bristol" (eyeroll) is doing this in retaliation for Levi and his girlfriend's news.
ReplyDeleteIs it true that Levi has been sending checks and Bristol hasn't been cashing them? If so, I hope Levi has records of everything.
Bristol and her mother are determined to play this out in the court of public opinion, which is disgusting and shameless. Would any of us be surprised if they are manipulating the situation in their favor? This is a family who will do anything for fame and fortune and are desperate to land reality tv shows.
I feel sorry for Levi. He hasn't handled himself well, but he's swimming with sharks. He needs to take this, himself, to family court. What judge would approve of a mother and grandmother making statements to a tabloid about a custody/child support case?
Court of public opinion is absolutely perfect!!
DeleteOdd that people with so many secrets would be obsessed with constantly being in the public eye, but there is little that makes sense with the Palins.
Doesn't take much to bait the Palins to see how low they will stoop. Like fish going in the lamestream flow ha. So says the public while we pass the popcorn. Sarah Palin falls for it every time lol. Then she wonders why she gets no respect from America. She has no self-control as vindictiveness is her #1 forte'. She taught Bristol well and that's her downfall too. Bitches.
DeleteWhy shouldn't Bristol pursue public opportunity that ensure a good life for her son later on? She has nothing to hide and she's doing it for his financial benefit. It's not like their happiness of lifestyle relies on fame? She has a job.
DeleteDo you actually believe "public opportunity" ensures a good life for her son "later on?" There is more to being a good parent than "financial benefit." She is EXPLOITING her son for financial gain. Look that up. Obviously, their lifestyle DOES rely on "fame." "She has a job" my ass! She does not have a job that can pay for her expensive houses. Whatever money she has came from mommy's celebrity, and from exploiting her son. Your reasoning sounds just like Bristol, justifying her exploitation of Tripp.
Delete11:00 AM:
DeleteSo, why can’t Levi do the same thing? Tripp is Levi‘s “mistake, too. Bri$tol doesn’t have a job. Tripp has a job. Being his mother’s meal ticket. Some people can’t live off fame forever, and Bri$tol has no fallback plan. Bri$tol, and her entire family are fame-whores.
What the hell are you calling "public opportunity?" Do you mean the so-called reality shows you keep trying? Where the only interest is Tripp? Where you can't generate any interest, except for Tripp? Where test audiences have been turned off because of your lack of talent? "She has a job." If she has a job that can sustain her and her kids, why is she pursuing "public opportunity" to ensure a good life?" They only reason you have been offered any "public opportunities" is because of your mother's celebrity. Get real.
Delete$1750 a month is outrageous for a young man with no job to have to pay. That has to be based on a one-time paycheck or on Bristol's income.
ReplyDeleteI agree that there is something very, very wrong and suspicious about how "Team Levi" has handled his affairs. Levi is a complete dolt for allowing it to contine.
He was made to pay that because he had just done the Playgirl layout. Van Flea convinced the court somehow that, since Levi made that ONE paycheck that ONE year, he will perpetually make that, and thus he convinced the court that Levi would be able to afford that amount.
DeleteShows that the Palins do not only have the APD (see Shailey's book, Boys will be Boys), but also the courts in their pocket.
Gryphen, this is more than just average Palin drivel. These words will live forever courtesy of the internet and Tripp WILL see them one day.
ReplyDeleteI seriously think it is time for some type of intervention/deprogramming for Levi. Tank and Rex are obviously on the Palin payroll- at this point I think we can all agree that has crossed the line from rumor to fact.
If Tank or Rex had Levi's interests in mind AT ALL, we would have never heard word one about nonpayment of child support.
Levi has sent the checks or given them to Rex to send. Just because Bristol doesn't cash them it does not mean Levi is a deadbeat. She only does that so she can specifically say "I haven't gotten a dime from Levi since xyz"
Levi, whatever Rex and Tank have told you- WHATEVER "agreement" between you and the Palins you may have signed, you were coerced by an attorney who was not acting on behalf of your interests as indicated by the law. Whatever Rex has convinced you the Palins can do to you, they can't.
I know you may have to wait until your mother is off probation, but in this 24 hour news cycle world the damage to your reputation will have been done.
Levi, I am begging you to really examine Rex and Tank's treatment of you. Not what they SAY or convince you of, but their ACTIONS. Just because they might have gotten you a job or two doesn't mean they are looking out for you- it means they are doing the bare minimum to CONVINCE YOU they are looking out for you.
Get away, Levi. Get freed from their ridiculous restrictions. You can do it and I know Gryphen would help you. And WE would gladly donate to a fund for your legal and living expenses.
Break free, Levi. It's the only way to protect your legacy for your sons.
Tragic for sure. People make bad choices all the time in personal and business partnerships.
DeleteBoth Joe McGinnis and Nick Broomfield (You Betcha! Doc) corroborated with Mercede and her mom that Levi is a total "no show" in their lives.
DeleteIt is up to Mercede to take care of her mother completely. She has no life because the powers that be can call her mom in for a drug test any hour of any day. And Mercede has to be there to take her mom.
Point being, it will be somewhat difficult to even get Levis rear, let alone have him truly listen.
DeleteJoe McGinnis and Nick Broomfield
corroborated with Mercede and her mom that Levi is a total "no show" in their lives.
Why is Keith Johnston almost always never mentioned? He is actually out of the picture with Mercede and Mom. He is actually out of the picture with Levi and whatever babies spawned by a Johnston?
Who all is keeping Keith a secret?
Levis EAR, NOT REAR! Ha!
DeleteRex sends checks. They probably share a same account to avoid taxes.
DeleteMercede has no life? How does she go on trips more than I do, and I have a good job with pretty decent vacation time. How does she hang with friends everyday? Camp? I know she does take care of her mom but to say she is livingin hell when she has nice things and goes nice places is a little stretch.
I believe that Levi is somewhat of a "no show" in his family's life but again- I strongly feel this is a direct result of Rex and Tank exerting their influence.
DeleteLevi was a teenager when Rex got his claws into him. If, for the past 3 years, ALL Levi has been hearing is that his family can't be trusted, they'll sell him out to the tabloids, etc- he would eventually start to believe it.
Just think about the position Levi was in- he suddenly found himself no longer NEEDED by the campaign and suddenly he's being phased out, even as his second child with Bristol was close to being born- suddenly he's persona non grata in the Palin household. Within DAYS of him speaking up about how he's being treated, his desperately ill mother is arrested on a put up deal and his family's name is trashed.
Then a knight in shining legal armor shows up- I can only imagine the sweet talking Rex gave Levi.
Basically I view Levi as being in an abusive relationship. Isolated from his loved ones, given just enough praise and assurance to make him believe he needs Rex and Tank. Every time he has visited the idea of cutting ties with his jailers, they encircle him that much tighter.
Nyah, Tripp is the last thing that any of these players are considering. Once a mistake always a mistake. Bristol had all the advantages, she went on to work him for all she can. Levi is still a deer in the headlights. All of it sickening. May a few people wake up and clean up the system. Child abuse is prevelant. WORSE in Alaska, as they also treat women horrific. May shining light on this public display get some attention towards the corruption and all the children who are objects and sometimes conviences for people like the Palins.
DeleteMy brother's ex did the (almost) same thing to him. Said she needed the support payments in 'cash' instead of waiting for it to go thru the court system. He trusted her and thought it was the best for his child.
ReplyDeleteTwo years later his checks are garnished because he hadn't 'paid' support. She told the court he had never made a payment and he had no proof. She offered him an out. She was getting remarried and if he would let her new guy 'adopt' the kids they would drop the case. Of course he would STILL be allowed to see his child.
He was an idiot all the way around. He was NEVER allowed to see his child and they brought that child up hating him and the rest of us.
As a family we went thru the grieving process of losing a child. Because that is in fact what she did to us. We still grieve after 20 years for the child that was taken from us thru cold, calculated lies and schemes.
I hope that Levi is able find someway to overcome what I believe Bristol has also done to him. They have never intended on letting him be a part of Tripp (or Trig's) life. Never. This plan is an old one and was put into effect immediately. And I think Tank was a part of it.
He should have listened to you.
My brother's ex tried the same thing, but he didn't actually pay in cash, he sent her checks. He also paid medical expenses, bought clothes and other things for their daughter and kept all of the receipts. We thought he was dumb to not go through the court for child support payments, but at least he could prove that he did pay support.
DeleteMy ex didn't want me to go through the court for child support, but I did it anyway. Now he is glad, as one of the checks got lost in the mail. The clerk of court's office had the records that his workplace had sent the support payment, so he wasn't in trouble, and although delayed, I got the support payment.
Levi seems too trusting of the Palins and of Tank and Butler. I hope he learns from all of this!
Bristol makes all ex-wives and ex-girlfriends look bad. I'd never dream of keeping my ex from our daughters, even if he wasn't paying child support!
What did Tripp do to deserve this punishment?
DeleteA trip to Office Depot for a book of receipts that she signed when he handed over the cash could have saved all of you a lot of pain. We have a small business and I NEVER accept cash unless we give them a receipt. I need a record of what money come in and what money goes out. Don't give cash to anyone for anything without a receipt!!!
DeleteShoot, Ok, if no one will say it I will.
ReplyDeleteTripp is not Levi's son. He should get a paternity test. Tripp's Chuckle's chin is a dead giveaway. If he does owe child support, it's for Trigg. His real son. You know, the one that looks exactly like him. As for the other two moosetwits Rex and Tank they obviously underestimated the power of the dark side of the force. They made money off of both Levi and Darth Palin Scarahmanga.
Speaking of.. why is Darth issuing a statement for Bristol's problems? The preemptive attack, the usual MO, was most likely made to cover a lie.
Maybe he did get DNA or knows. Tank had that story about an older baby. Who knows what either side is about.
DeleteYup, you said it and I concur. Trig always looked like Levi to me. And Tripp, that chin always made me do a double-take.
DeleteI believe Mercede published toddler pictures of Levi at one point. Looked very much like Tripp looks.
DeleteMaybe he is the father of both children.
I think you got it. A simple paternity test would seal the deal.
DeleteI don't think Tripp is Levis.
I think Trig is Levis, but he has been paid handsomely to shut up and go with it. I believe he has lied to his mother and sister because no one else could possibly be trusted to keep such a lie.
Though Trig may be his, I think Levi has "given" him to Sarah Palin, (let her adopt even),
and now he cashes his checks, takes the palin abuse in the media because who really cares except sarah and brisdull,
And now he is starting his real family. And he probably has money on the bank and all this deadbeat talk is just more Palin coloring.
Absolutely, no way in hell Tripp is his, and Trig obviously is.
DeleteWhen dads go through periods of unemployment or they are working but at a lower rate of pay, they can easily go through the court to get their child support amount lowered. It's based on a portion of income, and if that income changes, they can petition the court to get the amount changed.
No way in hell Levi should be required to pay that amount at this point.
I mean really,
DeleteHow can SO MANY people look at little Trig and say, Wow, he really looks like Levi,
And almost no one sees Levi in Tripp?
Just like we don't see Todd Palin in Track Palin,
But lots of us see Curtis Menard, Jr.
Just sayin'
Mercede and Levi both have very strong jawlines. The kid has a weak chin like Bristol's. Oh wait. She got a new fake one at the dentist office and ruined her looks.
DeleteI agree Tripp doesn't look too much like Levi and is growing more and more away from his father's looks, but the similarities are there.
DeleteAnd people just need to leave random baby Trig out of this. It complicates the simple.
Owes $38,000+ and $1750 each month, new baby on the way, no high school diploma.
ReplyDeleteBesides all the other help Levi needs, he'd better get himself a good supply of condoms. He can NOT afford another kid.
All men in the world need to think what if they knocked up every girl they boned and were legallly obligated to support the children.
DeleteWould that work? Maybe
How many kids is he paying child support for? That's a lot of money.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. This amount of child care is obscene and excessive.
DeleteThat is my mortgage.
DeleteIn California.
That was my mortgage in the UWS in NY 5 years ago. That is more than my mortgage in Chicago.
DeleteThat is TWICE my mortgage in WA State...
DeleteMy guess that the "ugly" is Levi did a paternity test and found that he is NOT the father of Tripp, therefore, he would not be required to pay child support. Also, I am guessing that Trig is really Levi's son and he was forced to sign away his parental rights to him when and IF Trig was legally adopted by the A-holes, Todd and Sarah.
ReplyDeleteMe too.
DeleteYup, I agree.
DeleteI agree too.
DeleteIt pains me to read comments about how stupid Levi is; he is in there with the sharks, and he was just a kid when this all started.
Yup, he is Tri-Gs dad. Not Tripp's dad perhaps. (blackmailed), he signed an agreement, but was he coerced as a minor. inquiring minds want to know.
DeleteMe three.
DeleteI agree also, too.
DeleteMe four, five, six...
DeleteIMO, he might have been dad of TriG, but is not dad of Trip. They made him 'pay' the alimony, with the understanding that he would NOT pay, but somehow, possibly, they are shooting themselves in the foot now by bringing his non-payment up again. If he feels cornered, and feels like he has nothing else to lose, then he just MIGHT open up and spill the beans.
Question is, if anyone will believe him...
I have thought ever since the custody hearings that Rex and Tank were either incredibly incompetent or working for Sarah. The hearings were drawn out; Levi kept being given more hoops to jump through. Even then, it was obvious to me that the Palin's were going to make it damned hard for Levi to have anything to do with his son. (if indeed Tripp is his son). Levi should have been given joint custody; why wasn't he? Bristol's income should have been considered when it came to child support, and would have if the arrangement was joint custody. Levi has complained a number of times that Bristol isn't cashing his checks; so why is she complaining that he isn't paying. Why hasn't Levi gone back to court to get that ridiculous support payment changed, and his right to see his son re-established. If he had a decent lawyer, he would have. This is a not very bright kid with a very bad lawyer thrown into a shark pool. Does he really have any choice but to walk away from it?
ReplyDeleteI agree, Elizabeth. From the start, Levi was manipulated. He was just a kid who did poorly in school because of learning disabilities. At some point, I bet he refused some part of the deal and wanted out of the scheme -- and he therefore saw his mother set up and go to jail. That would have broken MY resolve, for sure. My guess is that the Palins used the carrot (the Slope job, etc.) and the stick far better than a naive kid could understand. Or defend himself against. An unemployed kid against a family with a prostitution ring (and all that implies re money and "enforcement"), a history of criss-cross cheating and graft unpunished by the law, millions from SP's book advance and speaker fees, his own legal team that betrays him, a corrupt court/legal system, and an MSM that colludes by remaining silent.
DeleteHow could anyone expect a teen -- or even a savvy adult -- to try to buck this?
I think Levi is right to let the Palins do their thing, ignore it, and pursue his own life. If the Palin want to sue him for the payments, let them -- a lot could come out in court, and Levi has little more to lose, unlike the Palins.
Brisdull will do absolutely everything she can to try and prevent Levi from enjoying his new family.
DeleteShe is consumed with hatred for him.
(I think it ate part of her chin. That is some strong hate!)
Levi needs to stay out of the media because it hasn't helped him yet, break free from TANK, and tell Rex, who im assuming is pro bono, to make Bristol honor the visitation schedule. Maybe let Levi pick Tripp up from his sports practice or school when he starts soon.
DeleteTank and the media are poison for Levi. To the general public, he will never be respected in terms of this story. He had to know going public with it would not play out well. But he needed money and drama pays.
THere are legal and mature ways to fight for rights.
Why are some people advocating for Levi Johnston to be deadbeat dad, and walk away from his kid? They are basically saying, "Good luck with your hot girlfriend, and your new replacement "mistake," (Levi's new baby) Levi! Forget about the first "mistake" (Tripp)! Just "move on," and forget about him!"
DeleteNot cool.
10:54 AM:
DeleteBri$tol does not have a job, or plans to go school, either. Tripp has a job: being his mother's meal ticket. What does that tell you about Bri$tol's upbringing that her entire family are lazy grifters, always inventing new ways to swindle money out of people, and whore for attention? $arah Palin tried to trademark her fucking name! $arah Palin quit her job, that she was never good at, to chase fame. Bri$tol’s father quit his job to be $arah Palin’s designated purse carrier. The Palins don’t believe in hard work, and are always looking for easy money. Neither of Bri$tol’s middle-aged parents really have jobs, either. What does that tell you? What does it tell you about Bri$tol’s upbringing that she would name her son after her father’s prostitute?
The Palins use their children as pawns. Should be a law against that. And Levi needs to get his act together and get a good lawyer.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely Christian family; playing their drama out in the court of public opinion. sick.
ReplyDeleteWhy do the Palin's always have to make this a PUBLIC issue. This should be a PRIVATE issue!! They keep telling us that they are private family yet ...
ReplyDeleteExactly. The Palins are publicity whores.
Because they are trash and proud of it. Here's proof:
Palin's rep RESPONDED to Levi blaming them for not seeing Tripp. IF Levi and TMZ had stuck with his NEW baby announcement only, the blog and TV show would be BORING so TMZ and Levi had to take shots at Palin on her day on The Today Show. Was Levi merely cashing in on his baby announcement?
DeleteBristol needs a "villain" so she can play the victim. Levi's a dumb fool, but Bristol is something much more sinister. It looks like another generation of poorly-parented Heath/Palins is born.
ReplyDeleteAgree 100%
DeleteAnd Bristol's the responsible parent with a job. What does that say about Levi's upbringing that the two now adult children don't have plans to go to school or get a real job?
DeleteOOOPS! I hope I said Troll @10:54, not 44. If not: SORRY!
DeleteAnyone can predict a Palin "Breaking News" item. When they need a public relations boost and their fall from grace meter goes crashing down, they ALWAYS run to the tabloids for attention. TMZ is on speed dial.
ReplyDeleteHehas been ill advised not to get his child support lowered. His income is low, there is no way it should be 1700 a month. BUT he has not been attempting to pay, nor get reduced support set. Geez can he can any more stupid?
ReplyDeleteI'm with 8:09.
ReplyDeleteJesse, there's a whole treasury of new Sarah photos on See4Pee...Just Duh Facts We Like! Since you link to that blog, you may have already seen them, but they are perfect for IM.
ReplyDeleteI don't question what you wrote, but his child support payments were calculated during a period he was doing well. Now that he has less coming in, and Bristol appears to have more coming in to her, the child support payments should be recalculated. I suspect if they were, Levy would be paying far less that what was originally ordered to pay. So yes, Levi should consult a lawyer to reduce his child custody payments and also go back and look to reduce what he currently owes Bristol. In the meantime, he should also pursue visitation rights.
ReplyDeleteLevy just seems like he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, which I'm sure he is not, and by his neglect of both issues he's just hurting himself and his child. There is really is no excuse for his laziness and lack of concern for his child and their relationship.
Yes, actually, there are excuses. I've tangled with sociopaths, that had nowhere near the Palin's money and power, as a mature adult with a masters degree in a large city. Until you've experienced it, you've no idea what a nightmare it is and how it destroys your entire life.
DeleteI feel for Levi, and hate the Palins, because of personal experience dealing with mentally ill sociopaths. I can only imagine what it would be like dealing with an entire family of them, as a young, dumb kid, in a small town they completely rule over with impunity.
It's not something anyone can understand unless they've lived it. There were "no excuses" for many of the things I was driven to do in a much easier situation, except that the people I was dealing with were master manipulators and drove me, literally, insane for a few years.
The only way out is to completely and totally have nothing to do with them. Unfortunately for Levi, Tripp is involved, so he can't just walk away without looking back, which is the only solution.
10:17 AM:
DeleteNope. A family of sociopaths is not an excuse for Levi Johnston to be a deadbeat dad. That is also no excuse for him not really even trying. A question for all the people advocating for Levi Johnston to be a deadbeat dad: Would you just walk out of your own kids’ life? Think about it. If it were your own kid, and your ex’s family were sociopaths, would that be a good enough excuse for you to walk away from your kid? Seriously?
Me thinks that the 'behind the scenes' circumstances you allude to are none other than team Payme paying for incompetent counsel under the table for team levi. And the tit for tat goes on and on.
ReplyDeleteRex and Tank are merely greedy aholes who legally stole from Levi to pad their wallets.
DeleteRex might send Bristol checks but where is the m oney money from?
I agree with 7:47. The PaleUnClan doesn't really expect Levi to pay (they knew it was an exorbitant amount) but use it as an excuse whenever they need to stay in the headlines and bash Levi. There's obviously so much more to this than we know at this point. The grifting has to keep up so there's enough hush money to go around. Scarah can't handle it herself, so Brisket is taking up the slack...what/who next?
ReplyDeleteClan starts with a 'K'.
ReplyDeleteOnly if you are talking about the KKK.
DeleteHe needs to file an order for modification. It is based on income "now" and within a year of filing a return. If he isn't making what he was making when the order was set, he can adjust it. The longer he waits, the greater the arrears become and the harder it will be to pay it back. Any first year legal brain knows this. Why isn't he getting good legal counsel? Because he either ignores his counsel or he's the victim of shoddy representation. If the latter is the case, he can sue his attorney and if the attorney is found to have been conducting a sabotage campaign on this kid, that will blow up big time in the Paylin veneer.
ReplyDeleteThis is done automatically.
DeleteYes. AFTER he gets a DNA test.
DeleteThe timing reeks of pure jealousy. Infuriated by the news made public that Levi has a girlfriend who is a thousand times better and with a new baby on the way, Bristol turns to Sarah and cries Mommy!!Look! He's hurting me! Do something!
ReplyDeleteThere is something that you did or something about you Bristol that turned Levi off. It looks like he treated you exactly as you behaved towards him.
Are you reading this? He was never really into you and your obsession is showing.
Even the palin troll said that brisdull"forbade" levi from this and that.
DeleteMen LOVE being told what to do, right guys? ;)
If Brisdull is over Levi, how can he continue to hurt her?
Exactly. Brisdull is as hung up on Levi as she ever was.
If she had any pride, she would tell Levi that she didn't even want his money. The ONLY important thing was that Levi and Tripp spend time together.
Brisdull would never have to see Levi.
But she can't do any of that.
She is totally obsessed with trying to control Levi.
Really? Because his emotions showed the opposite through 09 and 2010.
DeleteTroll/Bristol how do you know what Levi's emotions were?
DeleteWhatever Levi was feeling would have been taken away by all the Palin drama from Todd the bully & Sarah the cougar to Bristol the slut! Bristol proves she's a mean girl every time she presents herself! Who could continue to love that?
Anonymous Apr 7, 2012 10:52 AM
DeleteThis is 2012, Bristol. Levi has moved on. Get over it. How does Gino feel about your obsession with Levi? Is he too stupid to know that you haven't gotten over Levi? How embarrassing!
In Levi's place, I would get a GOOD lawyer, demand DNA tests on ALL Bristle's kids and make the results public. Then I would write a tell all about this truly nasty family. Be first to cash in with the TRUTH, and then make a new life elsewhere with the beautiful Sunny and their baby.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. The Palins have screwed Levi from the getgo! Someone is going to cash in on the evil Palin family at some point and I can hardly wait!
DeleteUh, aren't both parties supposed to be mum on the other in terms of trashing in the media? Seems Ms, Payme isn't paying attention to the order. And the lawyer releasing a statement makes it even more egregious.
ReplyDeleteWell, they both do it, so no one can cmment on the other.
ReplyDeleteOnce again, thank God Mr. Obama is President and Mr. Biden is Vice President.
DeleteHow in the hell can an unemployed kid afford nearly 2 grand a month in child support? He had only a few gigs and Bristol got huge chuncks of that cash.
ReplyDeleteWe don't know what the amount would be now. It's been years since Levi's income was totaled I'm sure. That sounds like a good amount for 09 and maybe 10. But since then, he's made very little money in comparison.
DeleteWhich just bets the question, why doesn't he blow the whistle on her faked pregnancy? Which then begs the quetions, why does anyone think that Mercede and Levil don't know?
DeleteNow, they are saying he owes over $38,000. The Palin's are evil to the core.
DeleteYeah, but he does owe it. Do you know of anyone in the know that says he doesn't? No, of course you don't and to stick up for him is just sticking up for deadbeat fathers. And does he make enough money to pay up? Of course he does, he makes hundreds of thousands with his publicity stunts. That's no secret is it?
Delete11:23 AM:
DeleteI’m sure Levi Johnston does owe child support, BUT:
Bri$tol, and her family make MILLIONS with their publicity stunts. That's not a secret, either. The Palins, and Levi Johnston: All whores.
The one person among this group of grifters and misfits who needs really a good lawyer is poor Tripp!
ReplyDeleteGreat point. Can you imagine if Ms. Palin was the sitting Vice President and this crap went down? She is an embarassment to this country.
DeleteIf Palin was President she'd have Levi and Mercede being water-boarded in Guantanamo Bay, for daring to try even a little to stand up for themselves.
DeleteWas the purpose to collect on child support or to get some much needed attention? Levi and Sunny make an announcement that they're expecting a baby so Bristol has to get in on the act. Bitter, hateful girl. The public smearing of Levi is a replay of what they did to Mike Wooten. The Palins are trash!
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Levi - he's a 21 or 22 year old kid with no education up against a vicious clan. Steve Schmidt had trouble handling the insanity of Sarah Palin - what chance does Levi have? If Levi ever expects to have any peace, he needs to get a good lawyer and needs to get the child support reduced to a reasonable amount that he can pay each and every month. He needs to do it for himself, for Tripp, maybe for Trig too, for Sunny and the new baby.
I like the way the palins use the media to go after Levi they are worried about Tripp learning about their evilness but don't mind bashing his dad. I can guarantee that this is going to backfire on Bristol someday. Tripp will Figure out on his own what is going on and it isn't going to be pretty. Levi needs to document every time he has tried to see Tripp and failed because of Bristol and her parents so he can show Tripp someday.
ReplyDeleteTime for a DNA test.
ReplyDeleteIt is very possible with Bristols easy ways under the influence that Tripp isn't his.
Two things that I've read here over the past couple of days stick out in my mind. I'm going to go back and check this after I comment but didn't Levi say in his TMZ interview that he hadn't seen Tripp in a month?? So he's seen him fairly recently. And then the other thing was about Bristol not cashing the checks. If she has $38K in un-cashed checks then that's her own fault. And if that's not the case and he is that far in arrears why hasn't she taken him to court to have his wages garnished.
ReplyDeleteAlso, that photo with Bristol and a "friend" kissing Tripp--I thought the guy looked like Levi myself. Could it be from the visit a month ago? It seems pretty obvious all of this back and forth started because Levi went public with his new baby news.
And if that's not the case and he is that far in arrears why hasn't she taken him to court to have his wages garnished. ***
DeleteI read on the internet, a Bristol interview, I think. She was saying she wants him to give her full custody. He is to trust her and he could see Tripp. SHE WOULD DROP ALL HE OWES. She is not interested in going to court or garnishing his wages. Lawyers can work out details and just use the court to settle it. This is about control of Tripp, the Palins want full control. They can ruin Levi's name even more, they want him to be totally discredited so anything he might say has no cred. Everything they do must be to ruin his character.
I have heard that Levi has put some money to or for his support to Tripp. Don't know. The picture was not Levi. That was one of her reality show co-stars.
Bristol will not be garnishing wages or anything much except character assassination. Levi has a new child to consider. That child may get an education and read how Levi goes down in history.
Judging by the Palin's past manuevers, this little $38,000 tidbit was probably thrown out there so that if there is a reality show(falsely promoted as a "docuseries), people can say poor victim Bristle had to do it 'cause Levi wouldn't pay.
ReplyDelete"Forbore"? Seriously, the "lawyer" said "forbore" to a TMZ audience? Sounds like something Sarah would say
trying to sound all "lawyerly".
The Palins are starting to show their Troopergate/divorce viciousness through Levi.
I had mentioned a year or more ago, as I am sure others have as well, that the ineffectiveness of Levi's lawyers to protect his rights makes it look like they are negligent by design.
ReplyDeleteSince this cannot but make them look professionally bad, why would they take a case and then so publicly mishandle it?
Where do they gain?
PS also consider same for CBJ.
This is trippy. Just read somewhere on Shailey Tripp blog that her grandparents (or parents?) lived next door to Levi at one time. Would that mean they were next door neighbors with Keith and Sherry Johnston?
ReplyDeleteThey (Shailey's relations) would have an interesting perspective on the family. Keith is such an enigma.
I suspect a bigger player in the baby situation than anyone knows. Also, too, anything Palin. Levi must have learned about manhood and parenting from Keith, his father.
"There are extenuating circumstances, that I hope to share soon, but for right now I promised to stay silent."
ReplyDeleteWhy are you staying silent, Gryphen? Why would you have promised that? Who is being helped by you being silent?
From what I've read over the past 2 years about this issue leads me to believe that if you'd represented your friends Sadie and Sherry a little more emphatically by speaking out on this blog and speaking out to their moronic or clueless son/brother, a lot of these reputation-destroying complaints by Bristol/her mother might have been avoided.
I think your hesitance has actually contributed to the hopelessness of the "deadbead dad" situation, considering how much you are "in the know".
KaJo: I agree. If Gryphen had not repeatedly said he knows something, but can't divulge it, but if he had instead DONE that (i.e. divulged the info), maybe Levi/Sherry/Mercede would not be in the dire straits they are in. Maybe even the US would be better off.
DeleteGRYPHEN: Finally get ALL you know out there - DO NOT protect anyone. Maybe you can put out info w/o naming names, or by commenting on your own blog under an assumed name, BUT DO IT!
In Ohio, a custodial parent cannot take a child out of the State without the other parent's consent -- whether he/she is paying child support or not. You might check that out.
ReplyDeleteWhy does none of this surprise me?
She's stayed in Alaska since she's been back from LA, minus 3 short trips to Korea, DC, and AZ this past March. What's Levi legit excuse now? He needs a legit lawyer, though only the bad ones work pro bono.
DeleteGeoffrey Dunn today article @ HuffPost is must read, again:
ReplyDeleteIf Only Sarah Palin Had Run... You Have Got to Be Kidding
She's back to her trailer-trash feud with Levi Johnston these days--and that's probably where she best belongs.
ReplyDeleteHow much money did the Palins pay Tank & Rex?
Or did they pay in prostitutes?
Didnt you say Rex was once a pimp? Because Im pretty sure I can totally see that. Fame seeking, money grubbing Levi-destroying asshole.
DeleteSince Keith Johnston is a good buddy of Todd's wonder how he got paid off? I don't know his line of work but could he be one of Todd's "buddies" that helped him build their "free" house? Wasn't that also about the time that Sarah changed some laws in Wasilla so they wouldn't have to pay high property taxes, inspections, or something like that?
DeleteEither in prostitutes or in 'consultation fees' on her different PACS through the different LLCs.
DeleteThey claim that Levi has not paid child support for 22 months. But you say that you aren't allowed to say that's not true. Right?
ReplyDeleteLook at Tripp, his eyes, hair and everything. He does not look anything like Levi. Remember Sarah getting pissed when everyone said Todd was not the father of Track? I bet Levi is not Tripps father either. Just having Bristol tell him he is the father, he believed it. You can bet Bristol played around and she just grabbed Levi when she found out she was pregnant just like Sarah grabbed Todd...
ReplyDeleteOh you can kind of see Levi in Tripp's earlier pictures. But you could also see Todd, Chuck, Bristol and Sarah's sister. Bristol had only slept with Levi before Tripp's birth so it has to be him.
DeleteBristol had only slept with Levi before Tripp's birth so it has to be him.
DeleteReally! Everyone knows she was with Ben!
Bristol is trying to change history one troll comment at a time.
Why was Bristol "hoping the baby wasn't" Levi's? Levi wasn't the only "boyfriend" Bris has had since she was a young teen.
Dylan Kolvig may be the father of Trig, possibly Tripp. I think Levi was just a standin baby daddy to cover for Bristol's promiscuity.
Delete"Bristol had only slept with Levi before Tripp's birth so it has to be him." Suuuure, Bristol. Nobody believes that!
DeleteIs that why Bristol told Levi that she hoped that the baby was not his? Bristol does not know who is the Father of Tripp. Ben, Gino, Others? Her legs were open like a GARAGE DOOR.
DeleteThe only thing left to uncover is the reason why Levi won't blow the whistle on Palin's faked pregnancy. Something that would put him in a compromising position, legally speaking. And if it's not that then this is just another play by both parties to stir up the media.
ReplyDeleteProbably because all he could say is "I think she wasn't pregnant." He cant prove anything because no one to date has been able to in any way. Simply saying that he thinks she wasnt pregnant wont cut it. His sister never saw Sarah once during that time, plus she spent oodles of time outside Wasilla. It seems anything from Levi would be hearsay or perceived by the public as malicious intent.
DeleteWouldn't it be something if both families were in on leaking things to the press just to keep the Palins out there in the media - all the while - paying Levi and not going after him as to the child support? I wouldn't put a damned thing past the Palins!
Delete"I wouldn't put a damned thing past the Palins!"
DeleteYa know, if we have learned ONE for-sure thing about the Palins, THAT IS IT. The more you learn about their audacious behavior, the more credible become all the other "crazy" rumors (Trig, Tripp, Shailey, mysterious fires, etc).
I am getting the picture where neither side respects the courts or law. The Palin's only value courts, public officials or government that can be bought off, black mailed or intimidated into submission. The only thing I know about Keith Johnston is he does have some of the Wasilla religious family, he may be more cult than is known. He possibly has connections with Todd's shadow businesses. It is for certain that he is protected.
ReplyDeleteIt is pathetic how both Sherry and Mercede are disregarded. They are only used and very carefully manipulated. Sunny no doubt will have the same treatment but as long as she is a good girl as is needed, she will be happy. Mercede loves Sunny and they are close. The new baby will keep Mercede under control and they will all be happy. No one needs Tripp, they have a new baby to satisfy the emotional needs. The hole Tripp leaves also gives them victimhood status.
Tripp is disposable since Levi has let himself get backed into a corner. He may put up some ruse of fighting for Tripp, knowing full well not much can be done to overcome the corruption in the system up there.
I don't see Levi coming around and fighting like most think a real father would do for a child. He is young, wants another life and his situation is overwhelming. Swimming with the sharks is hell and he deserves a break on some of it.
This may only be war of publicity with little care about court. I think Sarah wants Levi totally annihilated but she will settle for him going off in the sunset with new baby. Bristol has been trying to get him to sign off on any custody of Tripp. She's said she will forget the child support, all of it. So that is only there for her negotiations. Once she gets that she can let up on trashing the Johnston's in anyway. As long as they all keep the secrets it can be a truce.
I feel sorry for Tripp (if Levi really is the father!) when he is old enough to read all of this crap. He is going to hate his mother and the Palin family, I have no doubt! Enough will be out there, in Alaska, to inform of things if he is interested! Wait until he reads the book by his mother - drinking, drugs, rape in the tent! Nothing but bullshit!
DeleteThe poor kid. I'm on Levi's side!!!
Why is everyone assuming that Levi is not paying? Jesse says he can't comment on that which leads one to believe that he is paying. It's just that Jesse can't say right now. Maybe he'll be able to say next month or next year? Ya'all think?
ReplyDeleteMaybe after Sherry has completed her house arrest and then parole obligations?
DeleteIf Levi's been paying child support, which I read between your lines, where is the money coming from? He obviously currently is having money problems as his other responsibilities are lacking ,but the money has to be coming from somewhere and that book was a failure.
ReplyDeleteWell look at that
ReplyDeleteA Saturday feeding frenzy in the IM cesspool
Look at you. Jumping right in.
DeleteI would rather jump Sadie's bones
DeleteBristol's attorney is full of crap unless Levi's making $100,000 a year. $1750 a month is the old number from the earlier child support settlement dated around March 2010.
ReplyDeleteThe custody agreement was signed in August 2010. It modified the child support calculation to income of $72,000 as of June 1, 2010 which would mean support payments closer to $1200 a month.
The Palins' revenge is out of control. But wouldn't Levi expected this?
One item that commonly comes up on the Real Housewives shows is that BOTH parents need to sign a contract to allow a minor child to appear on television. If Levi hasn't signed to allow Tripp to appear on the new "reality" show, he has another legal issue to pursue with those Palins.
ReplyDeleteBut if Tripp is not Levi's true son after all, that makes more sense. Even the Palins aren't ballsy enough to run all over someone like this.
When Levi went on Dr. Phil to push his book,Dr. Phil had contacted Bristol's attorney before Levi came on his show. The attorney sent a letter answering questions and when Dr. Phil read the statement that Levi was 20k behind in payments, Levi did not deny it. His rep in the audience said the Palin's didn't want the money. I thought then what a stupid thing for his rep to say. I had always felt both Bristol and Levi were kids trying to resolve adult issues and Dr. Phil seemed to feel the same way at that time. NOW, they are both adults and some ADULT behavior needs to be displayed. I seem to recall that amount of child support was awarded by the courts when Levi was making a nice living selling stories to the press,posing for Playgirl, and being on Kathy Griffin's show and Bristol's only income was working as a receptionist. Now that Bristol is making her own good living, you'd think an attorney representing Levi would have the payment amount reduced UNLESS Levi is still making more money as he has his own book,video with the pop star, filmed a reality show,and whatever other jobs he has. As far as the grandmother and aunt, I do not know any state that gives legal rights to them for custody unless both parents agree to it or are incapable of caring of the child. Levi should take Tripp to see them when HE has him.
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter when the story comes out because there HAS to be much more going on than what we know. If Levi could use that kid to make money like brissdull does, then he would be able to pay the bills he owes. I still don't think that tripp is Levi's kid. Not until a DNA test is done. Every since Sadie spoke of that text that brisdull sent, I have never thought for a second, that Tripp is Levi's. The judge should make it very clear to the paylins that Tripp is NOT to be public foder for their attention getting schemes. That should be the NO ONE rule and who does not follow it, brissdull and scara, should be held accountable. PERIOD.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a BITCH! Where will she stop in her obcessive revenge on Levi - would she actually send him to jail for non-support?
ReplyDeleteThe trolls here repeat constantly how "mature" Bristol is. This lates TMZ shit is NOT mature. It's petty and hateul and obviously in response to Levi's announcement of the new baby.
I really hope Levi can get out from under the Palins control. They are hateful vengefull people with hearts of stone.
We need to stop with the paternity questions. Tripp does resemble young Levi enough to not question it. And really, Levi was Bristol's only serious boy friend, despite their shortish relationship through all the breakups and Levis other loves. Even Johnny was just a mutual crush, and he was sad he couldnt date Bristol in 07 because when he returned to Alaska, she had a boyfriend. Remember these exact quotes?
ReplyDeleteBristol's only serious boyfriend???? WTF!!! She was getting around and was screwed by many before Levi. I guess you're under the mindset you can't get pregnant from a one night stand because the sperm haven't seen that uterus before.
DeleteWhat's Levi supposed to tell Tripp about the first 4 years of his life? "Son, I spent 4 full years hunting and chasing nonexistent fame and I made some money off trashing your grandmother and blaming her for my youth."
ReplyDeleteReal smart planning Levi!