Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday morning chuckle.

I imagine that science is ALWAYS irritating the snot out of Creationists.


  1. Great cartoon!

    Now for some more humour:
    Have you noticed that few are cowering in fear of attacking Sarah Palin any more? The National Review just ran a piece titled: "Picking a Veep in a Post-Palin World--Romney may seek competence over flair."

    And this from a syndicated USA Today columnist: "Swift-boat captain Sarah Palin needs a life preserver" where the author highlights but a few of Palin's recent and totally inaccurate rantings:

    "In a not-so-swift swift-boat attack on Barack Obama, Sarah Palin tried to link the Secret Service sex scandal to the president’s ability to manage this nation’s affairs. But she succeeds only in demonstrating how fuzzy her knowledge is of the government she came close to being a heartbeat away from running." (

  2. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I'm one that believes the bible is the inherent truth and the Word of God. I'll go along with Genesis. It doesn't matter to me though whether the earth was created in 6 days or if it evolved slowly - frankly I don't know how long 6 days of creation is in God-years. His years could be time that we can't comprehend.

    Even if I didn't even know or heard of a Creator, I'd still be skeptical on the evolutionary concept. It's too vague. Millions and millions of years and man couldn't evolve better than he has? How long will it take for man to intellectually progress to the point that he'd stop the arrogance, war, hatred, coveting, lying, cheating, stealing, killing, abusing, and atrocities that is in his heart? Is evolution just about the physical?

    Science is wonderful, but it's limited to the physical. It can't describe what happened to the thoughts, patterns, attitudes, intimate behaviors, emotions of men. What is it that all of a sudden made our descendants stop sniffing their butt, eating their young.

    Animal behavior is different than human behavior. Humans have conscience. Funny how those who are insulted by creationists and a need for God to be in control LOVE the ancients and are impressed with the ancients' intelligence. Yet they were very spiritual beings who weren't embarrassed or shamed by reaching for something out there that they knew existed. History tells us that practically every group sought a force outside of their physical world, and they depended on it for harvests, life, and mercy; they celebrated life and weren't ashamed to ask and seek answers about a spiritual life.

    Are evolutionists today so arrogant that they need to scorn every soul that places a dependency on a Creator? IMO, some in the evolution camp seem to have a bee in their bonnet about anything to do with one God. They seem to WANT to be an evolutionary being with no responsibilities, no one to be accountable to, just live their lives the way they want, like animals. I think it may be that their need for an evolutionary world goes deeper and they are afraid there really is a God who knows the number of hairs on their head. Really. Just saying.

    1. Anonymous5:37 AM

      When you guys use expressions by just letting God/Jesus take the wheel, doesn't that mean that you no longer take responsibility for your own actions?

      When you say you are following the voice of God, aren't you just putting the blame or the reasoning to your own self-serving behavior on the Creator?

      Evangelicals, fundies and the like live indulgently and piggishly and unlawfully on the dimes of others, in the name of God "They seem to WANT to be an evolutionary being with no responsibilities, no one to be accountable to, just live their lives the way they want, like animals."

      Just saying. There are two sides to every argument.

    2. Tania5:50 AM

      I stopped reading your idiocy when I saw the part about how or when our 'descendents' stopped killing their young etc.

      If you don't even know what a descendent is; you need to STFU, seriously. It's HUMILIATING!

      You mean 'ancestors'. The difference between the two can be handled without any real knowledge of science so you are really at a basic rudimentary level of reasoning. Your points have all been refuted time and time again.

      You don't know more than scientists. You need to defer to those that do have the knowledge instead of not listening to them and coming up with childish 'arguments' that you clearly heard in church or on a creationist site and didn't bother to fact check.

      I doubt you know more about evolutionary biology than the average high schooler.

    3. I see no conflict between believing in a Creator and believing that evolution is an expression of God's creation.

      What I find confusing is when people claim that they believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God, and then they limit that God to their own limited human understanding and egos. That this omnipotent Deity took six 24 hour days (comprehensible only in terms of the the third rock from "the" sun) to create this world, and then He had to rest. Other stars and galaxies are nothing more than dots in the sky.

      What a stunted, limited, puny view of God, bringing Him down to a human level, and in complete contradiction to their alleged belief in the omnipotence of God.

      I believe awe-struck wonder at the beauty and majesty of the universe, and a recognition that we cannot grasp the infinite with our very finite minds is far more respectful of Whatever might be out there than biblical literalism.

    4. Nefer, you are my absolute, utterly favorite commentator. Where have you been lately?

      I was thinking just about the same thing as I was reading along, and there you were...expressing it perfectly.

    5. Anonymous8:51 AM

      "the bible is the inherent truth"???

      Right from line one, the parent comment exemplifies Poe's Law.

    6. Anonymous10:33 AM

      You call evolutionists arrogant and then end your whine with "just saying?"

    7. Anonymous11:09 AM

      You believe in Genesis? Which version? There are several different versions. Have you even READ the book you claim you follow?

    8. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

      "Animal behavior is different than human behavior. Humans have conscience. Funny how those who are insulted by creationists and a need for God to be in control LOVE the ancients and are impressed with the ancients' intelligence. Yet they were very spiritual beings who weren't embarrassed or shamed by reaching for something out there that they knew existed. History tells us that practically every group sought a force outside of their physical world, and they depended on it for harvests, life, and mercy; they celebrated life and weren't ashamed to ask and seek answers about a spiritual life."

      Just saying, Leonardo Da Vinci, Coupenicus, and many other scientists (human behavior) who "reached for something they knew was out there" would have been tried for heresy and killed by those who believed in God (animal behavior) Da Vinci "knew" things far ahead of his time, by his drawings and scientific study using the scientific knowledge of his day, yet kept notes in backward latin script, that had to be held backward in front of a mirror to be read.

      And yet you write:

      "were very spiritual beings who weren't embarrassed or shamed by reaching for something out there that they knew existed."

      Lovely post, entertaining to read, I could go on, but why bother?

      just saying!

    9. Anonymous10:21 PM

      Jehovah is my God. My Lord Jesus is Jehovahs only begotten son

  3. The creationist should be at the back of the line. He's the least evolved.

  4. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Sarah Palin, wanting to be open and transparent, with a bold and unapologetic bluster, admitted to the McCain team that she was the "C" word.

    No, not that one, she meant she was a Creationist.

    And her one skeleton in the closet? She got a D in economics.

    Yeah, that's Sarah, a C-word dummy perhaps wanting to bigger than Alaska there/here and everywhere.

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Sarah Palin's Secret Service Blunder

  6. Anonymous7:08 AM

    In response, I submit the following video for your consideration.

    "AGE OF DECEIT" (FULL) Fallen Angels and the New World Order

    1. Anita Winecooler7:02 PM

      LMAO, Seriously? Over two hours of bible verses and political propaganda to rebut a cartoon?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.