Thursday, May 17, 2012

Another "huge scandal" uncovered by Andrew Breitbart's flying monkeys fizzles out again!

A few of you might have seen the above promotional booklet attached to a comment left here at IM earlier today.

Apparently the Right Wing was all worked up because they had finally uncovered "proof" that President Obama was born in Kenya. (I know right?)

Here is how the above booklet was described on the  most batshit crazy website on the "intertubes:"

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii." 

The forces of Breitbart went on to imply that this brief biographical blurb was undoubtedly approved by Obama himself:

He indicated that while "almost nobody" wrote his or her own biography, the non-athletes in the booklet, whom "the agents deal[t] with on a daily basis," were "probably" approached to approve the text as presented.

What? There was a promotional booklet saying Barack Obama was born in Kenya and he"probably"approved it? Aha! We've got that Socialist, Muslim, Communist, black radical church going Christian right where we want him now!

Or not:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me -- an agency assistant at the time. There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."


You know the Right Wing is absolutely turning themselves inside out in an attempt to find something, ANYTHING, they can use to discredit this President. And I have a feeling we haven't seen anything yet.

You know President Obama must have done an even better job than I thought he did if these Right Wing assholes are having to go all the way back to 1991 in a desperate attempt to find something to smear him with. It certainly doesn't sound like they have too much faith in Romney's tactic of using the economic situation to beat him in the election now does it?

Damn is this going to be an entertaining election cycle!

Update: There is some talk of the above "mom jeans" photo of Romney having been phtotshopped. So here is another picture just to show the uncool factor is real, even IF that particular photo is not.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I peeked in on the pee pond earlier and they were going nuts over this. Anxiously waiting for chicken shit Palin's facebook post about it..LMAO!

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I read about this on the internet and what Brietbard News wrote in their article. The Breitbart organization obviously put a strong slant towards Obama being born in Kenyon based on very slim evidence. I thought they were bad when Breitbart was still alive, but now it appears f have taken a very steep decline in creditability from were they were then to where they are now.

  3. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Even in death, Breitbart's a fucking moron.

  4. BreitFART news is trying to stay afloat like SARAHPAC who sent out a email today...
    All the msm is taking a beating about not covering the news. What will happen when Shay's testimony to congress tell about the SS? I will be watching c-span.
    And Krusty... go fuck your self.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Palin4America(dot)com posted that whole PAC lettter. It certainly is poorly written and erratic. Someone at c4pee said they got three SarahPac letters and a picture last week. Looks like Scarah is desperate but I did notice some of the peeponders are refusing to send anymore money because they are afraid she'll support Mitt.

      It doesn't appear Palin's buddy, Bannon, is doing too well heading up Breitbart. I bet Sarah is helping with some of the "strategery" and research.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I can't understand why Shailey didn't mention the Secret Service connections in her book. That seems like a pretty big deal.

  5. I know that Mitt shouldn't wear his magic underwear under jeans,they bunch up:-)

  6. Ratfish9:10 PM

    Maybe they should send their crack video team over to Kenya and, while posing in their pimp and prostitute mode, they can interview people in Obama's birth village and really get the goods on him.

  7. Anonymous9:36 PM

    Drudge Report headline all day has been this. LOL

  8. hedgewytch9:37 PM

    Too funny. Right before I came in here tonight, I checked FB and a relative had posted about this - "OMG - the Pres is a Kenyan!" It was fun coming in here finding this and then making the link to his post. My remark with the link was "Oops".

    1. hedgewytch7:25 AM

      Just checked my site again this a.m. and friends of the relative posted "so?" which made me crack up even more.

  9. Anonymous9:45 PM

    A real comedy bit is evolving, here! With gobs and gobs of money in their laps, the GOP feels the need to use it somehow, and just trying "Vote for Romney" seems so blase.

    So, I suspect we'll be seeing more and more of these pathetic attempts to discredit a great President.

    And only the usual suspects of dentally impaired morons are going to find them inspirational.

    The rest of society will feel embarrassed about them, and they will be the fodder of late night show material--just like Sarah Palin has become.

  10. Anonymous10:03 PM

    I'm sure someone is working feverishly to discredit the wroter...Obama paid her off; she is one of those lying liberals, she had an affair with Obama (wanna take bets which one surfaces first?) And by the way, his mother was a citizen, so even if he were born on the moon, he is still a US citizen. Why were they not all beside themselves about McCain being born in Panama? Oh, right, he's white and one of them.

  11. LunaticLakeLucille11:00 PM

    What is so interesting is , Something that Obama used as a narrative till 2007 doesn't bother anyone.

    I think Obama was born in Hawaii .. the article was showing the vetting not done and shows how Obama is different to different people .. thats all ...

    But the narrative used by this blog owner is , he is only too quick to dismiss this... almost like he fears it to be true and wants to be done with this and move on.

    anyways ... its always important to hear different view points but at this blog , each comment is a carbon copy of the other. its wholesale liberalism .

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      The article was quoting what a reviewer/editor said about the President - and said person has explained it was wrong and not checked at the time - 1991. It has NOTHING to do with what President Obama said.

      Get your facts right before you blather on about liberalism. And refer to the President by his title - he deserves and has earned the respect of all people.

    2. LunaticLakeLucille11:00 PM

      LOVE your name..."Lunatic" fits you!

      Is that you Baldy? I heard you're finally going to show off your new face tonight on Greta "VanCrookedFace" show.

    3. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Dear Lunatic, please learn proper grammar and use of commas then get back to us. You write like a middle school dropout so you must be a Palin. Oh and it's President Obama to you scumbag.

    4. Well move da fuck on. I find this site very informative and lively.

      You are right the truth remains the same unlike the repugbaggers who run from the truth and facts.

    5. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Anyone who claims President Obama was not vetted is DEFINITELY a lunatic.

  12. Haha...

    Mom's jeans? Hell, my Mom's is 74 and looks a hell of a lot better in a pair of jeans than Mittens. At least she doesn't pull em nearly as high as Mitty does.

    Hey Mitt, can you pull those jeans a little farther into your crotch? This is sad, but we still don't see any evidence of a package down there, but it appears that your camel-toe is starting to show.

    Mitty, you look like you've been typecast to co-star in Mr Rodgers Neighborhood on casual day.

    Nice tie but loosen it and wear a button-down collar if you're going to wear jeans, dude.

    Shit, Mitt, you can't even fake casual worth a damn, especially wearing that $215.00 Stefano Ricci tie from Neiman Marcus.

    Give it up, Mitt. You're toast, also, too. You can always try again in 2016 against Sarah if she's out on parole by then.

  13. a little o/t, but this is for the C4Pers that might do a drive-by here...

    Great slide show with music. An Oldie but Goodie, and still just as relevant today.

  14. Anonymous11:52 PM

    I'd like to see Sarah's birth certificate. I heard she was born in Canada.

  15. OMG Do they think we really care about their racist bullshit? President Obama has been our President close to four years. Anything before his presidency is irrelevant and simply childish nit picking.

    They are shaky-desperate in trying to find some dirt on our fine President. Even if they go with the economy meme they are shit. This depression is still their fault esp. when they keep blocking President Obama's good plans for US growth. repugbaggers dont want to understand that insisting on giving more to their rich buddies is not a winning meme.

  16. Virginia Voter2:49 AM

    I don't know, but I'll take a metrosexual black Abe Lincoln over old Dad Jeans guy any day.

    Metrosexual black Abe Lincoln....those idiots have just made up their own modern day version of Shaft. Yeah, baby.

  17. Anonymous3:15 AM

    OMG, I'm sorry, can't get passed that picture!!!! Is that a photoshop job or (fingers crossed) is that a real picture of Romney in those jeans?!! LMAO! Whoo, boy, talk about damage control.

    That pic needs to be spread far and wide, and I will my part.

    Thanks Gryphen!!

  18. Anonymous3:23 AM

    It doesn't matter that the assistant said he made the mistake. I have FB "friends" who believe the marketing brief anyway.

  19. That picture of Willard Rmoney in the bad jeans is obviously photoshopped and I think we should stay away from that...there are plenty of original goofy pictures of him to use. This is one area where we should take the high road.....

  20. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Anon @ 10:03 pm

    You are absolutely right. He is a US citizen.
    No matter the location of his birth, simply because his mother is a US citizen.

    This cannot be stated often enough.

    Short story: I am a proudly naturalized US Citizen.
    I married a member of the US Air Force, our daughter was born in a British hospital, and received a proper, formal British birth certificate. This we presented at the Embassy in London and in turn received her US Certificate of Citizenship.

    Now, there was one quirk in all of this, which may, or many not, still exists:
    There was a paragraph mandating that the child would have to prove it spent a minimum of three years on US soil prior to reaching draft age. That meant the military member would have to have at least one full time rotation back into a base/post on US soil in the next eighteen years. I found this rather strange, but in the many intervening years have come to understand that most laws have clauses that defy common reasoning. I do not know if this rule still holds.

    At any rate, even if President had lived in Hawaii for only three years in his youth, he would have fulfilled even that clause in the law.

    They have nothing!YEAH!


    1. My Mother and her brother were born in the U.S. but the family was visiting Germany when WWII broke out. They couldn't get out until after the war. My Grandfather insisted they both return to the U.S. in order not to lose their citizenship.

      Obama was not only born in the U.S. but spent the required years prior to turning 18 in the U.S. His Mother is a U.S. citizen.

      And the 'baggers are full of something but it's not soggy tea. Only looks like it.

  21. So they'll accept a twenty-year old publisher's blurb written by one employee, not fact-checked, not subject to any governmental verification whatsoever, over the actual birth certificate, verified to be authentic by the entire state government of Hawaii, including the Republican governor.

    Morons. racist morons, every one of them.

  22. Anonymous4:47 AM

    The Republicans will wage as nasty a campaign as possible; they'll outdo whatever nastiness they've done in the past. And Romney will pretend that he is having nothing to do with it, all the while approving and engaging from behind the scenes. He is NOT a nice person.

  23. Anonymous5:26 AM

    This election year is drawing out the true feelings of the roaches, their dirty deeds and dirty plans and their attitudes are plain to see now. The dark recesses of their heart is coming out and exposed to the light.

    The Breitbart legacy is a sad one. One that keeps the flames of suspicion and controversy burning. Banning and all the eager followers of Breitbart who want to continue this legacy will go down in history as rabblerousers, troublemakers, and sell their soul for a lump of coal. That lump of coal right now is masked as the angel of light, but what's hidden behind it is an ugly hateful racist demon that beckons them - and they buy it line hook and sinker. Just sayin'.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      i think it's pretty damn cool that the fuk_tard breitbart croaked

  24. Anonymous5:37 AM

    Mitt Romney has to be Lyle Waggoner, the actor. Have we ever seen them together?

    1. I think Lyle Waggoner is a more compassionate man.

  25. Anonymous7:28 AM

    So what's the story supposed to be now? Are they claiming Obama approved the text - even provided the info saying he was born in Kenya?

    Are we supposed to think he openly admitted he was foreign until after 1991, when, presumably, he decided - "Hey, I bet I could be president if only I deny a core part of my life!"

    Seriously, are they really claiming that after the age of 30, a college professor decides to wipe clean his identity on the off-chance he might be elected president?

    The whole thing is idiotic, but at least in a fantasy, there's a shred of narrative that makes sense. Here, not so much.

    Remember, these are the same idiots who claimed there was voter fraud because the namesake son of a dead guy voted under his own name in North Carolina.

    1. They also claim voter fraud for a naturalized U.S. citizen exercising his right to vote.

      Apparently if you're not a wealthy, white, Christian male born in this country, your right to vote is under question.

      They must be grazing the Constitution like they graze the Bible.

  26. Anonymous8:13 AM


  27. It just staggers the mind to think about how small these people are... This is as close as you'll ever get to seeing de-evolution happening - before your eyes. Breitbart's monkeys should be with Breitbart .... leave the rest of us outta this...

    Even over at Rupe's rumpus room for un-recoverableables, one of his star contributors, Seth MacFarlane, is re-creating something that has the chance to inspire millions (hint: think Carl.....)... Do you think these monkey's give a single hoot?? NOT ONE.... You should just put them in a cage and throw the instructions away...

  28. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I'm not so sure I like the term Metrosexual Black Abe Lincoln. To me, metrosexual conjures up images of fussy, vain men. President Obama is one cool dude, though! His coolness actually inspires confidence in me that no matter what is thrown his way, he can and will handle it.

  29. And why do the nut jobs believe an erroneous pamphlet written by a publishing clerk who admits he made and error over an official state birth certificate?

    Because they want to.

    More specifically, because they can't stand the thought of a black family in the White House.

  30. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

    Screw Romney and his fake "repudiation". This was an underhanded attempt to bring the topic to the fore, and not take blame for it, because a pac put it out and not him.

    Don't think Romney's smart enough to think of it on his own, but someone in his campaign surely did. The hornets nest is open, and there's no way to put it back.

    They can tap dance around this all they want, but the Obama campaign team knows exactly how to throw this back in his face.

    Love the "mom jeans" look, I suppose it's an olive leaf to female voters lol

    Speaking of clueless female politicians, where has Ann been hiding, or even better, why is she hiding?


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