Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bristol Palin on Bill Maher, "He's a joke." Actually to be fair SHE'S the joke. He's just the comedian who TELLS that joke.

Bristol Palin poses with her little money maker.
Apparently Bill Maher tweeted a joke about Bristol, that was not only funny, but a little too close to home for the abstinence only hypocrite.

This inspired journalistic heavyweight ZAP 2 it to reach out to Bristol for a comment:

Asked what she thinks of Maher's continued interest in her, the 21-year-old tells Zap2it, "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me, and they're older than my dad. They're just evil. They're like little girls. I feel like I'm in high school with a bunch of teenage girls. It's very strange to me." 

Regarding what she would say to Maher, Palin says, "I don't know. I'm not sure what I would say to Bill. I'd kind of shake my head at him. I think he's a joke. My mom just heard me say something about Bill Maher [and said], 'I'd punch him in the throat!' Someone does need to put him in his place, though." 

"If my dad or any of my guy friends got a hold of him, he'd have another think coming," she adds in jest. "He is a joke."

Okay first that joke was funny. That's the first thing.

And second Sarah has made herself, Bristol, and the whole Palin family a joke so how can they bitch when somebody uses them as a punchline? You don't see Hitler running to ZAP 2 it every time HIS name is used to get a laugh, do you? Same thing.

Now here's the other thing.  Her mom hears about it and her first suggestion is that somebody "punch him in the throat?" Is violence this crazy bitch's response to EVERYTHING?

Next thing you know is that she will put up a map of his house with a gun-sight over it.  Isn't that how she rolls?

However the truly humorous part of this is that Bristol essentially threatens Maher with and ass whooping form Todd. "If my dad or any of my guy friends got a hold of him, he'd have another think coming." Yes he would, and that thought would be "Why is this man with the metro-sexual goatee and high pitched voice trying to scratch my eyes out?"

I know the Palins don't have much to work with when it comes to masculinity in the family, but his idea that Todd is some sort of bad ass is hysterical to me.

I mean I've met the guy! He is a pleasant enough looking fellow, but tough? Oh hell no!

When I was at the last Palin book signing in Alaska, the one in Anchorage, I presented Todd with the perfect opportunity to show the world what a tough guy he was.

But what did he do? He got this suspicious look on his face, asked my name, and then told on me to his wife. SHE was the one to confront me and have me thrown out, all Todd did was sit there like a little bitch.

Here I was one the people they most hated in the world, and all Todd could do was sit tight and wait for the person who wore the pants in the family to deal with me.

Now look I am not suggesting that Todd SHOULD have done anything physical, that would have been stupid on his part. But he could at LEAST have been the one to call over security and handle his family's business, but that didn't happen.

When Joe McGinniss moved in next door Todd became very agitated after meeting him, and what did he do? He went and told his mommy wife, and SHE wrote a Facebook post unleashing the "hounds of hell" in an attempt to drive Joe away. Again Todd did NOTHING except relay the information to the Grizzled Mama.

Look I am not suggesting that REAL men are only butch physically aggressive guys, I am just saying that if you are the daughter of a man known for hiding behind his wife's skirt, luring women in to prostitution, and trying to intimidate elderly gentlemen, you probably should not offer him up as a threat to others.

By the way, who are these "or any of my guy friends" Bristol is talking about?  Shouldn't she have simply offered up Gino Paoletti as her protector? Or are the rumors that Gino got the hell out of Dodge actually correct?

Sure sounds that way doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Maher should file a complaint of the 'bodily threats'!!

    Oh Maher needs to read Shailey's book!
    Could you imagine the jokes -- both on his show and stand-up he could and WOULD do!!!

    He would easily recognize and joke of the connection of 'Tripp' & 'Tripp' -- and I don't mean that as the name of a law firm!!

    Me thinks my evil twin is trying to get out!!!

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Maher was sent the book from Anchorage - I'm sure he has read it because he is an avid reader!!!

      Sure would be fun if he'd nail Todd's ass!!!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I Twittered a link to the book on Amazon to @billMaher.

    3. Dear Beefy Palin...this is what I think of you....

      ........('­(...´...´.­... ¯~/'...')
      ..........­''...\....­...... _.•´


    4. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Outstanding 'finger of fate' award - where could it be placed folks?

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Gino - Thrown under the bus?

    Have no idea who or whether it was true, but someone did post on your blog a short time ago that Gino was as in a la Heidi Klum 'OUT'.

    We should pay more attention to the doors on the house as they are 'revolving' like in a mall when it comes to 'Brisket Porkin'!!!!

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM


      Where is Gino? Bristol alone and living below the TV studio in Todd's hangar. Not a pretty picture. Especially now they are doing the Johnstons PR and saying Sherry took him back. Can't the Johnstons talk for themselves?

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Living in the hangar? Pathetic. If she is with mommie dearest she would want to tell the world about Levi.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Todd is a wimp. Both he and Sarah made a wide path for me in an airport concourse because I stared them down. Both of them lowered their heads, real meek and obedient like, and let me pass. I am not large or famous or anti-social looking in any way, I was wearing a suit and tie.

    Both of them are absolute pussies, all bark, and sweat bullets trying to become invisible when not accompanied by an entourage of security.

    They live in fear of shadows, hiding in their hotel rooms, afraid to poke their heads out of their rooms.

    1. Cracklin Charlie2:29 PM

      Is there video, perchance?

    2. Anonymous3:47 PM

      I like this!

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      They do hide and that has been reported time and time again. The money donated is going to drop more and more for Sarah. They are flying commercially now vs private. They are going down and I hope they end up penniless and in orange outfits in jail. There is so much they have done in Alaska that is illegal and should be investigaged by the Anchorage Police, FBI and IRS. Someday, hopefully, someone will have the balls to go after them!

    4. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Todd makes money off the backs of women. Apimp is, by definition, a goodfornothing parasite.

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    She could sic Tripp on him. Or go after him herself with a horsewhip like a frontier gal she is.

    Can't you see Tripp fighting her battles for the remainder of his life, because she puts herself out for it.

    Her blog, What a farce.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Becoming mommy's little warrior happens. I can see Bristol continuing to use him, as her mother has used her. It's all she knows.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Here is a mommy's little warrior.

      Like Sgt Track Palin and others before, they have help getting anything incriminating shuttered and new revised histories. Poor Tripp is facing a bleak future full of lies and deceit if he can't be rescued soon.

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Her guy know all of em or any of them she has in her bed. You're the joke B and yes we're all laughing at you.

  6. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Say what you will about the Palin mob, Tripp is just a gorgeous little boy! One can only hope that his nature is better than anyone in his entire extended family. What are the chances that Tripp will do well in school, become a kind and decent human being who respects all good people despite their political philosophy, intellectual prowess (or lack thereof) and race/religion/sexual orientation? Yeah, me too.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Tripp is cute now but he has always looked just like creepy Chuck. Poor kid, when he grows up he will be the "spittin' image" of old creepy. Hope someone intervens and gets the kid on a better path before then.Also hope he has more intelligence than the rest of the Paylins and Heaths.

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Tripp will probably be home schooled. And he will never grow beyond the Palins "family values." How could he?

    3. Cracklin Charlie2:27 PM

      I think he looks very much like his Aunt Sadie.

      That must really chap his mom's ass.

    4. Anonymous2:55 PM

      He looks like a little girl a probably has an IQ of less than 100. He has no chance in life.

    5. Anonymous2:55 PM
      He looks like a little girl a probably has an IQ of less than 100. He has no chance in life.

      That was entirely uncalled for and just mean. He is a three year old! You're a fucking asshole.

    6. Anonymous4:00 PM

      The poor kid is cute, but looks female. Plus, he's being raised in the Palin home which is a disaster looking to happen. He'll have no formal education - be home schooled - taught their horrid christian ways, etc. He stands absolutely no chance!

      His father needs to get him the hell away from all the Palins.

    7. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Please don't be cruel and tasteless re Tripp.

      Now, bp is another story, but Tripp really is just a child that had no choice in this whole sorry mess.

    8. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Palin has trolls to say weird mean things about Tripp or Trig in order for it to look like others are bad. Also, too, it keeps the Palin victim hood meme alive and well. They do most of their own most juvenile put downs.

    9. Anonymous5:29 PM

      I think Tripp looks just like Sherry and I mean that as a compliment.

    10. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Where's the DNA test?

    11. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Tripp is very pretty. But no one wants to watch 1/2 hour show with a boring stupid mom and a pretty boy. Just what is even slightly interesting about this.

  7. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I'd pay to see Granny P attempt to punch Bill in the throat. Just because she can punk Tawd doesn't mean she can punk Bill. She's obviously been drinking her own koolaid.

    Who the hell says they'll punch someone in the neck anyway? It's always about violent imagery with that crazy bitch. Maybe that's what ole Chuckie used to say to her.

    1. Cracklin Charlie2:26 PM

      Speaking of Todd...

      Have you seen Todd?

      Has anyone seen Todd?

      What did they do with Todd?

    2. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Don't forget he was w/Gingrich - that association continues to make the Palins look like the idiots they are. What fucking assholes...assuredly don't know what the hell they are doing with the politics of today.

      Gingrich and Sarah are similar in their constant nastiness and huge egos. Trump is in there too!

      No wonder Alaskans are embarrassed by them! Yikes!!!!

  8. WakeUpAmerica12:39 PM

    First, Hitler is dead, so.....
    Second, Todd's voice makes me laugh every time I hear it. Is he a woman in drag? Third, he is the biggest wussy in the world. HE is a typical bully who exacts revenge in only the most underhanded ways. Fourth, Bristol has friends? No, I don't think so. Like her mother, Bristol has followers. Big difference.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      She has followers and ex-lovers...who knows how many by now? Remember when she took the baby and moved into that deluxe condo in Anchorage so she could be 'independent' and get a job and take college courses? One of her 'jobs' was to sell her sordid story to a magazine, whining about how hard motherhood is, blah, blah, blah. Meanwhile she had two diffferent guys living with ehr, and Levi stopped up for the occasional weekend too. All while she is being paid for being abstinent. We know, Bristol...we know what a sorry excuse for a mother you are.

  9. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Its just funny that this family always brings up "DIRTY OLD MAN" innuendo all the time!!! "All these adult men who are older than my father" they must be perverts in the Plain defense

    I think Maher's joke was funny considering how Bristol said she got pregnant by Levi getting her drunk on wine coolers and then having his way with her when she was passed out.

    She should name the next baby "Peaches" because of her love of that wine cooler flavor

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      I was going to say the same!

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      New baby name

      Bartel Ann James Palin

  10. Anonymous12:45 PM

    What a family. And what Bots. Is she suggesting her mothers bots beat up Maher?

    Punch you in the throat, kick in your balls, bullseyes, threats of killing Judges.

    Did you ever think of not being a slut?

  11. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Dear Bristol,
    You are NOT a little girl. You are an adult paid abstinence advocate and apparently cannot google any stats.
    But if your Daddy Tawd is making you PLAY a "lil girl" I would immediately call the police.
    Yeah(rolling eyes), Pimp Daddy Tawd is just the type the rest of us women want "defending " women.
    Sorry, I do realize that Mr Maher should have known that your second child( that you bother to keep)will be named after your PimpDaddy Tawd's second favorite hooker.

    Little Rabbit

  12. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Compare the level of language and syntax of her remarks--most certainly direct quotes--to the alleged "blog," and any idiot can see that this is not the same person. Too bad Huffpo is so stupid and keeps attributing Nancy's work to Bristol.

    Also wondering if her mommy ALWAYS monitors B's phone calls...

    1. Cracklin Charlie2:24 PM

      Why would she even need to throw in Mommy dearest's asinine comment?

      Because Mommy tells her what to do.

  13. Beldar Won't Conehead12:59 PM

    That sweet ol' granny wants to punch Bill Maher in the throat? I hope she doesnt try, She'll either break a hip or loosen some critical patch of derma-filler on her face. When that stuff starts to fall off in clumps the results won't be pretty.

    O/T - Beldar won't, but apparently George Will:

    "This morning on “This Week,” ABC News’ George Will called Donald Trump a ”bloviating ignoramus,” questioning why presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is associating with the real estate mogul, who once again falsely questioned President Obama’s birthplace this week."

    In a related story, following Trump's highly sought after endorsement of Mittens Romney, ignorami are expected to support Romney 1,000,000:1 in his quest to unseat President Obama in November. That level of support exceeds Obama's among "people with half a brain or more" by multiple orders of magnitude. A Romney supporter, seen wearing mismatched shoes and carrying a "Hey, you stupid moran, I'm a teabagger!" sign was heard mumbling after the news was made public "If only ALL of us were ignoramuses..."

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Why are people worried about Trump? The majority think he is nothing more than a 'blowhard'! He won't draw votes to Romney, but will supply bucks - his to lose!

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Think about Todd the 'bully and pimp'! Since "Boys Will be Boys" has been published we've not seen hide nor hair of him!!!!

      I'd love to run into them at an airport! Hate to say it, but I'd be verbally abusive to the two of them - Bristol too for that matter~

    3. Anonymous3:06 PM

      Interestingly -- I don't think Trump has actually given any of his OWN money to Romney yet, has he? He wasn't on the list of top donors in Rolling Stone -- they did a really good story about the billionaires behind Romney and what they're paying for; it's in the issue with Adam MCA Yauch on the cover...

    4. Anonymous4:40 PM

      I think you meant "people with half a brain or less".

  14. Gryphen, did you see Bristol's recent blog post where she featured a bumper sticker reading "Having an abortion doesn't make you 'UN-pregnant' just means you're the mother of a dead baby"

    It is SO obvious Brancy is trying to stir up controversy because controversy equals more ad impressions. In that same post, "Bristol" peddles one of Nancy's company's booklets- this one on setting oneself free from the emotional prison of post abortion pain.

    I'm so sick of this whiny little brat, I cannot even tell you.

    Her Obama rants garnered thousands of hits and now they are trying to get the same type of controversy going to make money- pure and simple.

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me...They're like little girls. I feel like I'm in high school with a bunch of teenage girls. It's very strange to me."

    Talk about denial. What a fucking hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      How's she doing so far?

      perverts - check
      immasculate - check
      victim - check
      violent threats - check
      don't pay attention/pay attention to me - check

      Miss anything? We've heard this story before.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      Oh, and include a pic or quote from awesome mom Sarah.

    3. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Maybe if she hadn't rolled around the floor simulating sex while scantily clad on national tv.....

  16. Gryphen, I agree with you on all of this and especially that Todd is ultimately a scaredy cat (yes, he is a Bully when it is all words) who would run screaming like a girl if he were confronted. And I agree that Sarah always seems to want to resort to violence to get back at someone, she talks about it all the time. But then what about the other reference here: Bristol says she feels like she is back in high school with a bunch of teenaged girls with all these comments. NOW WHERE HAVE WE SEEN THAT ANOLOGY BEFORE? Oh, yes, that is what WE say about Sarah when she goes off on those who dare to criticize her or point out her silly behaviors and juvenile dialogue. Read here much Brisdull? Report back to dear Mommy much, because you have to. And besides, your Mommy reminds us more of being in junior high school; she never left it (mentally, or behaviorally)! So run along now, pour yourself a wine cooler and you and Mommy talk about Mr. Maher because trust me, he has the goods on you two!

  17. LaurenA1:10 PM

    "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me, and they're older than my dad. They're just evil. They're like little girls. I feel like I'm in high school with a bunch of teenage girls. It's very strange to me."

    Bristol is just as stupid and delusional as her mother. Hey bitch junior, there aren't "all these adult men" trying to say something about you. The only men who discuss you publicly at all are comedians, because you give them a lot of material with the stupid shit you say. You're pretty much useless to the rest of the world except as a laugh. It's hilarious that you keep insisting you're some kind of important person and the whole country just can't wait to hear your dumbass opinions. Your mom talking about punching people in the neck is also hilarious since she's too chickenshit to even go on Maher's show or anyone else who won't go along with her bullshit. You bitches love to talk shit about people but you're nothing but low-class cowards at heart. If anyone threatened to punch you or your mom, you would whine and cry about how mean and violent liberals are. You Palins are the biggest hypocrites on earth.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Here I'll fix it for you Bristol: "I feel like I did for that two weeks that I was actually in High School before I got the mono and had to live with my Aunt in Anchorage until Trig was born". High School and Bristol are not friends, in fact, High School doesn't even know Bristol. GED might, but we don't even know that for sure.

  18. Anonymous1:12 PM

    "I'd punch him in the throat!" are NOT the words of either a lady with any sort of class, or a Christian woman.

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      Sarah has said that before. I have never heard that expression, punching in the throat. It sounds much more serious than a punch in the nose, e.g.

      If you punch somebody in the throat, it could
      collapse their windpipe and they would suffocate. Is this what Sarah was taught to do?

    2. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Ohhhh,I'm sure someone would run in terror from 90 lb Sarah trying to jump up high enough to punch them in the throat.I imagine she would miss and hit them in the balls though,since she is so enamored of that subject.

  19. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Someone in Alaska must know if Gino hit the road..
    What happened to her new reality show with her and Gino fixing up the house by her parents?

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      I'd like to know what happened to Gino. He didn't seem too bright, but maybe when he saw what the Palins have done to Levi, he decided to move on. Good choice, Gino, good choice.

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      It airs on June 19, but then there was an airdate for her show with the Masseys about the fake charity she was going to work for, and it disappeared. Bet this one does as well.

  20. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Hey Gryphen, in your article, what looks like a link to the article in ZAP 2 it is actually a link to the photo of Bristol and Tripp.

    Here's the actual link to the article

  21. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Sarah Palin is advocating violence saying she'd punch Maher in the throat...really, hasn't she learned anything from putting cross-hairs on maps. Bill Maher is smart and quick witted something neither Bristol nor her mother are.

  22. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Toad is noting more than a 'bully' and 'pimp'! It's so obvious. Sarah wears the pants in the family and is running everything! She's manly, I suspect physcially abusive and anti men. Can you even imagine living in that household?

    Bill Maher is an outstanding political comedian and I never miss his show. He's very well read, leans to the left and slams Sarah whenever he gets the chance. He's really the only one still doing it and I LOVE IT!!! Plus, he draws a huge crowd when he puts on his shows.

    Palins - suck it up - you idiots! Sarah has said many, more hateful things - racist - lies - is a fraud, etc.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      It's ironic how conservaturds just love to falsely call liberal women man haters,etc,when it seems they're the ones hating men.

  23. Anonymous1:26 PM

    "Punch him in the throat" is also what Sarah would want to do to anyone who commented on her pregnancy weight gain. (Today Show, April 3, 2012) Uh...I think that would be us.

    Sarah Palin continues to impress with her thick skin, her grace in all circumstances, and her staunch support of freedom of speech. ;p

  24. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "Boys Will be Boys" was sent to Bill Maher....a friend of mine sent it to him. He does have the goods on Todd there is no doubt! The bully in Wasilla had better keep his mouth shut!

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      I would like to hear William Shatner or Maher read from Shailey's book. Is it in audio yet?

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Shatner reading exerpts from the book would be a total kick in the ass!!!! We'd all love it! Think I'll get a note off to Maher and suggest it! Great, great idea!!!

  25. Punch someone in the throat? Didn't Palin recently say that she would punch someone in the neck (or that someone should)?

    Who uses that phraseology? I would not approve of someone threatening to punch someone else in the face, but it is at least typical wording, and a typical visualization. I mean, who would aim for the neck?

    But throat? Neck? That sounds odd and creepy and also likely to result in a possibly fatal injury; asphyxiation due to a crushed trachea?

    I am not familiar with fighting or boxing terminology, but this seems close to threatening to kill someone. Very violent response to someone making a joke at your expense.

    But then, God forbid the Palins should ever take the high road and ignore someone saying something they don't like.

    And Brissie, honey? An unwed mother running around the country looking for every microphone and camera she can find to bad mouth her child's father is creepy, and weird, and high school mean girl behavior.

    1. Anonymous2:42 PM

      "But throat? Neck?"

      She likely wanted to say jugular and imply something more fatal. She showed some restraint but looks more ineffectual and dumber than ever.

      More like what Sarah Palin meant:

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      This is the 2nd time punching someone in the throat/neck has been attributed to @cara. Is that where a short person aims in a fight?

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      She said it on the today show. I can't remember what the questions was, but she said she'd punch them in the throat. She was on the panel with Star Jones when she said it.

    4. When someone says they want to punch someone in the throat, that means they want to kill them.

      Punching in the throat could fracture the larynx, which is the connection between one's mouth/nose and one's lungs. It definitely can be a life threatening injury.

  26. Anonymous1:46 PM

    What she just complaining about being bullied on her blog? She is a joke. But we already knew that.

  27. Anonymous1:48 PM

    This is one of your funniest posts! Todd wears panties!

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      We know he sniffs them. Shailey said so.

  28. Anonymous1:49 PM

    So here are the Palins, ONCE AGAIN, suggesting that men they don't like are creepy old pedophiles. And ONCE AGAIN threatening physical violence.

    These aren't even "new rules", Bristol, they are old rules: 1) You stick your snotty, ignorant little nose in politics and law, people will comment about it and make fun of you; it doesn't matter your age or your gender. You want to play with the big boys, you gotta expect to get smacked down. 2) If you threaten physical violence, you show the world that you are trash and that you have no intellectual depth; 3) You carry through on those threats, and you go to jail and get your ass sued, for lots and lots of money.

    If you can't put on your big girl pants and accept being treated as an adult rather than a spoiled little girl, then you just need to sit down and shut up already.

    1. Anonymous2:12 PM

      good comment!

    2. Anonymous3:06 PM

      'So here are the Palins, ONCE AGAIN, suggesting that men they don't like are creepy old pedophiles.'

      There is a reason they go back to the same theme over and over. Who is the dirtiest old pervert creep in the family? No doubt a pedophile that still haunts them, possibly more than one. May be able to get by with from where they are from. What they hide comes out so strange because they are in deep denial. The world will see what that family is about years before things catch up with them and their reality comes home to roost.

    3. hedgewytch4:10 PM

      Or simply, as my Grandmother used to say: "If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen - bitch." Oops, I added the adjective, Grandma wouldn't have said that!!

    4. Most of Sarah fan club are creepy old men.

  29. Evelyn Waugh2:00 PM

    Bristol, you should be sure to have your ghost writer review your public responses, since your off-the-cuff remarks and her writing style are diametrically different. (You might want to look up that word in the dictionary.)

    Since you left high school without graduating, I wonder why you harken back to memories of those few years,quite a while ago, you bothered to attend classes?

    Either you, as a 21-year-old woman, want to pretend that you're a little girl and a grown man can't make a joke about you without being called a pervert, or you think his comments are like those of high school girls. Grown men rarely make jokes that resemble those of fifteen-year-old females. Please choose one or the other complaint.

    This is the second time this spring your mother has used the charming phrase "punch him in the throat." I'd never heard this usage before -- is it a special Alaskan threat, or is it what you Palins do to each other when you disagree? Is that why you have to wear scarves all the time?

    Finally, if Bill Maher is "a joke," why get all worked up about him? No one pays attention to people who don't matter.

    1. Anonymous2:53 PM

      "Punch him in the throat" also struck me as an unusual comment, since I've never heard it anywhere other than from Palin. Wonder if this is how she keeps Todd in line?

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      You could do some real damage punching someone in the throat...did chuckles do that to Sarah at some point?

    3. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Yeah, maybe punching Chuckie in the throat was the only way to deal with his "love." Sorry, horrible thing to say, but I wouldn't put it past this crew.

    4. I agree the "Punch him in the throat" was strange to me also. It kind of takes you aback. It's. Just. Creepy.

    5. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Lived in Alaska 40 years. I've NEVER heard anyone use that phrase. Frankly, it's nauseating to even read it. Wonder how sp and her supporters find it acceptable. I'd be embarrassed to think I had voiced it and anyone had overheard it, much less spoken it, at least, twice on a nationally-televised program.

    6. Anonymous5:11 PM

      It makes me think of creepy Chucks. Betcha she wants to go for his jugular. Transfers that to anyone in the outside world.

    7. Anonymous5:42 PM

      I'm glad people are commenting on that phrase; I thought the same thing. It really stuck out as a strange thing to say.

      And what an odd and tacky thing for a so-called politician to say! Especially for a woman.

      She never ceases to amaze me. She is so uncouth.

  30. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Education and humor is not important to this family of grifters...just stirring up controversy, hate and violence.

  31. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Tripp looks a lot like a blond Bristol, eyes, smile, right down to her chin before surgery.

    1. Anonymous2:14 PM

      Mommy, when can I have a chin like yours?

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      mommy, when can I get a chin like yours?

    3. Anonymous3:08 PM

      Tripp has the Johnston wide chin instead of the Bristol pointy chin. Is he really Bristol's?

    4. Anonymous3:40 PM

      He is a cute kid, but I don't think he resembles Bristol. Thank god!!!

    5. Dis Gusted3:50 PM

      don't think so - as he gets older, his short chin becomes more pronounced

      he has the same face shape that Bristol used to have - with Levi's (or a Johnston's) gorgeous hair

  32. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Ah, the threats of getting beat up; how I miss them, but I don't get them anymore at my age.

    The last time it happened, a mouthy little bitch who got pissed off at me for some reason at work threatened to have her boyfriend come to the workplace and beat me up.

    My reply to her was "Bring him on down, darlin'; I'll put him face-down on the floor and fuck him."

    That was the last time I heard from her about the boyfriend, and she and her "protector" left town a couple of months later.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      It would be fun to see Todd held down and handled by a manly man - and, just for the record, I do not mean the sexual act! He needs his clock cleaned!

    2. hedgewytch4:19 PM

      Bristol's behavior totally reminds me of a day long ago and far away where I was threatened by the high school female bully - here I was a soaking wet 95lbs at 15. She and 2 of her friends tried to corner me in the bathroom to "beat me up to teach me a lesson". I got into a karate fighting stance my big brother had taught me and said "bring it on". I thought I was going to get the shit beat out of me. Instead, they ran out of the room and called the teacher on me. What a bunch of punks! That's when I knew bullies were pussies!

  33. Anonymous2:06 PM

    We didn't hear a peep out of Todd when Mike Tyson made the "womb shifter" comment about the Sarah Palin/Glen Rice affair.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      That's funny... and true.

  34. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Lets see:

    Call them old adult men - implying their creepy perverts - Despite the fact you're 21 and an adult too - Check

    Call them evil - Hence I'm good and they're evil - check

    Call them girls - emasculate them - check

    Play the victim - check

    Threaten them with bodily harm - Check

    Throw out violent imagery - check

    Her mother taught her well.

  35. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Guess Bristol missed the memo that explained Bill Maher is a comedian.

    She to make herself into a public figure, is benefiting from that role, and is therefore fair game.

    She should have said "no comment" and saved herself the further embarrassment of making foolish and empty threats. If someone follows up on her comments, then she will have to bear the consequences - if, that is, she has any conscience or shame - though that is a long shot indeed.

    I wish this family would fade in obscurity. They shame Alaska and our country. I wish Bristol would gain some self-awareness - enough to at least keep quiet and save whatever dignity she has left for her son's sake.

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Dignity is not a word I ever associated with Bristol.

  36. $carah is always up to something ugly but she has certainly hit a new low, even for her. Using Bristol to do her dirty work so that she can have something new to whine about in her visits to Insanity and Greta. Tawd exposes himself as an even weaker parent and spouse than we already know by allowing his wife to continually pimp one of their children solely for her personal but futile ambitions.

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      Sarah has always pimped the kids and now Toad is a 'pimp' Doesn't that just beat all? Read the book everyone - "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp - Todd's go to girl.

  37. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Who dresses a small child in a camo print shirt?

    Is there any way to escape the constant, subliminal reference to violence, guns, hunting? Sure, okay, it's the great outdoors, puts food on the table, the Second Amendment, yadda, yadda.

    It's still strange, to me, and I live in a rural area where we hunt and fish. And don't dress up our children in pretend hunting clothes. We're rill Americans, so please, don't bother to tell me I'm an elite snob.

    I do hope Bristol is reading to Tripp daily, letting him paint and color, taking him on walks through the woods, helping him play with children his own age who are outside the Palin circle, and starting him on preschool. He needs a stable home with a happy mother whose first priority is being a mother, not a girl looking for a boyfriend. That part of her life ended the day he was born.

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I personally don't like to see anyone dressed in Camo except maybe the guy who repairs my car or does my lawn work. It isn't really something that should be worn unless a person is stalking around in the woods trying to shoot something for dinner, right? Is that what it's for? I just see Camo and go, Redneck! But I guess that people that really hunt do use if for things.

    2. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Tripp is NOT being raised in a stable home! The Palin clan is the most unstable group there is.

      They remind me of the group that is currently on trial in Fairbanks that is anti government. The Palins would fit in perfectly with them. Especially asshole Todd who is a member of a similar group in Alaska (which Sarah tried to lie about when w/McCain..Todd had been a member for a number of years at that point!).

    3. Anonymous5:00 PM

      I see camo and I think impotent.

  38. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Wasilly Hillbillies bring it on. After one of the Palin daughters was a joke, Todd did come out and said one of the comedians was a rapist or pedophile. Another clown tried to get him fired. After that Todd shut up. Why?

    Come on Todd it is time for you to come out with your GAME ON and deal with this. The world is catching on that you are a chicken. You use or hide behind females. Your 21 year old daughter (her ghostwriter) is out there alone trying to make it seem as if you would stand up for her stupidity. In reality you both know you will not accidently run into Bill Maher and you will never have to lift a finger. It is all bloviating from a ghost writer and the publicists that are writing Levi Johnston's history. All Bristol can do is send out the signals that the criazy followers can do whatever to assault who they precieve as an enemy or whatever category they think comedians are in.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Todd is a coward and if he wasn't involved in prostitution why isn't he threatening Shailey with defamation of character? His silence is an admission of guilt.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      One thing we know for sure - the Palins don't have the following they once did. Remember the Letterman episode? Hardly anyone showed up at a rally anti Letterman back then. You can be damned sure no one would show up today. The Palins three - Sarah, Toad and Bristol are total frauds and idiots!

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      It is rather funny that Bristol - and Sarah - respond with indignation to even the slightest..... yet something as BIG as Todd's prostitution ring.... silence.

  39. Anonymous2:32 PM

    If I ever actually saw Todd, I think I would spit on him. I have never done that in my life.... but I would if I saw Todd.

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I'd want to do more than that to him and to Sarah for that matter! And, I've never thought that way before either! How about a damned good slap across their faces or a good fist coming up under their chins?

      They deserve more due to their evil ways these past years. Hell is awaiting them!

  40. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Regarding what she would say to Maher, Palin say's, 'I don't know, I'll have to ask my mom and then have Nancy write my answer for me'.

  41. Randall2:42 PM

    It's really too bad that this classy family didn't get to bring their brand of grace and dignity to represent us in the White House.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      It is, isn't it? I mean, Bristol would have had to marry Levi in 2009, so Mommy could get one of her kids hitched in style on the taxpayers' dime. And Mommy would have been in a mental hospital by now after the stress of not knowing a damn thing about what her role was in DC, and not being able to go speak to all those 'exceptional women' for $100,000 a pop when she was low on cash, nor could she use SARAHPAC any more as her personla slush fund. Yes, it would be a different world for the Palins were they under the DC microscope.

    2. WakeUpAmerica3:56 PM

      Satire, right?

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      There is a reservation awaiting sister Sarah 'idiot' Palin in AIP in Anchorage, AK. She should be placed there and kept forever as she needs daily mental analysis! And, then FINALLY we'd hear no more of her!! And, then perhaps we'd hear no more of her family. Alaskans would be so damned happy!!!

    4. Anonymous5:52 PM

      The Palins SHOULD BE under the Federal microscope.

    5. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Bristol and Levi were never meant to marry. Heck, they hardly dated. They were together, what, 4 months in 07 before they briefly broke up in Jan 08. They hardly saw each other in the second half of 08 with Bristol travel schedule and Levi's work. Bristol and Sadie didn't know each other except in passing. Of course they broke up. A baby only complicates things, especially a relationship with no trust.

  42. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I think everyone wants Tripp to be healthy and happy, but face it, he is a Palin. He is being raised in the Palin family and will turn out just to be another Palin. Crazy is expecting any other outcome.

    I feel very sad for Tripp for the simple reason that he will never be able to grow - in the slightest bit - to his full potential as a human being. Not in that family.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Not a bad way to be. All have level heads and know what is important in life, family.

  43. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The Palins may be making a mistake in pushing Bristol so much in the news. I think they are trying to generate interest in her Unreality Show, but it may backfire. Palin fatigue is setting in. By the time the show finally does air, folks will be fed up with all things Bristol.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Why don't you take every moral person's advice and stop internet bullying? Why not use your maturity? You do have some right?

  44. Anonymous2:46 PM

    One thing you can say without an argument from most people is she has probably f**k all of her "guy friends". Of course, only after she has drank all of her "Colt 45".

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      You can keep dreaming up this stuff. It makes you look stupid.

  45. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Why are the Palins obsessed with "punches to the neck"? Is that what happened to Tawdry and gave him his girlie voice?

  46. Anonymous2:51 PM

    New names for Mr and Mrs Palin:

    wee willie and winky

  47. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Yeah, Todd's tough alright, he drives a snowmachine on the same course that real Alaskans drive dog teams on. Yep, gas up the old iron dog and let's go because I'm too big of a pussy to run a dog team! Any moron can ride a snowmachine, most of of choose not to pollute Alaska with this stinky and loud curse, but it's all that Todd can do, because he's about as Alaskan as Newt Gingrich!

  48. What you idiot palins don't understand is because of your cross hairs and vitriol talk you hillbillies got people maimed and killed in az.

    bustol you are an adult now. Stop crying to your pimped daddy and stop whining about the truth after all you are the skank that didn't know who screwed you.

    bustol we all know gino, ben, levi, glenn, arpio, and chaney don't want anything to do with bustol's skankyness any more. bustol has men backing her up? are too funny girl.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      how old are you? Do you know how to write?

  49. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Deelicious, Gryphen. I love how honed your knife is when it comes to whittling Todd down to size. Idiot and bully, the dangerous combination that makes the Palins tick.

  50. Anonymous3:24 PM

    her "guy friends?" Would that be Ben from the Anchorage condo, Gino, the Masseys, and whoemever else she has slept with since Trippy was born? Seems that Bristol only considers a man a friend if she sleeps with him, doesn't it? And Bill is probably shaking in his boots worrying about a confrontation with Todd. Todd is as trapped in Alaska as Bush is in Texas...they go anywhere and the questions will start.

    1. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Or the guy friends who defend her against hate and lies. It happened after the bar incident last year.

      Lots of people in Wasilla and around have no knowledge of the things they talk about or the people they speak about. Hence all the lies.

  51. "Someone needs to pull his hair".

    Piper Palin

  52. Suck it Lifetime3:45 PM

    Is this what we'll get in bristol's new show? Bristol speaking to the camera about Granny approved messages with Granny yelling things out form the background?

    Punch em in the throat Bristol

    grab them cajoles Bristol

    tell em how we chose life

    Tell em what a great mother I am. Don't mention that I'm a grandmother, it makes me sound old.

    Tell em how I was a basketball star in High School (don't mention that it was over 30 years ago)

    Tell em how your brother is a combat vet risking his life over in afghanistan to protect our rights to spew BS.

    Tell em how Levi is a deadbeat and how he stole your virginity

    Tell em how Trig is your brother and don't forget to mention he's retarded

    Don't forget to quote the bible and tell em how you're a born again virgin

    Tell em I have a degree in Journalism or communications or whatever.

    Tell em you're havin Moose for dinner and tell how

    I shot it down with 1 bullet and wrestled it to the ground with my bare hands after i chopped it in the throat.

    14 episodes of that? No thanks.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      watch the trailer.... It's really pathetic. No wonder Sarah is going all out to sell this hodgepodge of old clips, opening with her of course! It's just old stuff centered around Tripp - oh and course Bristol and Willow - the "other" Kardashians. Yuck

  53. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Ole' Busty Bristol has got to learn to that if you're in our faces people will take jabs at you...dumbass.
    If she doesn't like it then she'd better reconsider doing a reality show and writing rubbish on her blog.
    Her ghost-written book told the whole world how she got drunk, forgot to take her birth control pills and date raped by it was her first time.

  54. WakeUpAmerica3:50 PM

    I wonder when Tripp will get the family chin implant.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      She had lipo. I don't understand this chin implant talk. Lipo is a simple procedure with little recovery time. Bristol's never been in isolation long ever. She couldn't have had any major "adjustments."

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Tripp would get an implant from his money he made on his show "Life's A "Shailey" Tripp" but it could end up being that Tripp will be one of those child actors who grew up saying where is my money? All I know is that my mom was saving it for me!

  55. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Her guy friends? Does she have any left?

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Many. Do you know her? If not, shut it.

  56. Gryphen, I think Bristol & Co are trying to throw some water on the flame of rumors that two such dark haired/eyed/skinned people as Bristol and Levi are unlikely to have SUCH a Nordic looking blue eyed cutie as Tripp.

    Yes. I know- it's POSSIBLE, but just think about it: how many people in your life have had children who bear such opposite features from their parents? I know light eyes are not altogether UN common, but they aren't the norm either. But the fair skin IS uncommon- Levi and Bristol both have dark olive skin, common to many people with dark hair and dark brown eyes.

    The likelihood of those two producing this ivory skinned child is very low, in my opinion. I know people say Tripp looks like a young Levi, but when you WANT to see similarities, you can find them where you want them.

    The reason I bring all this up- Bristol obviously is trying to minimize the physical contrasts between herself and her son! In this photo, Bristol's skin has been lightened considerably and her EYES- whoa! Compare her eyes in this promotional photo to any candid photo such as any of the close ups from the RNC. Her eyes are DARK brown naturally but in this photo they are lightened to the point of looking like a completely different person.


    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Is someone trying to start something new to get in the news for Bristol and female looking son? Sorry, but I suspect so.

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      At the very least she is obviously ashamed of her Alaskan native heritage and genes and is doing everything she can to erase their imprint on her face.

      She must hate herself very much.

      Bet she takes full advantage of the free life time medical she and Tripp get becasue of those native genes.
      b Except for the life time free medical she and Tripp get.

      The whole family is takers and users. They give nothing in return.

      Would love to see a paternity test, Bet Levi could sue the shit out of little Bristol.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Nyah..colored contacts...

    4. Anonymous5:40 PM

      If both parents have a recessive gene for blue eyes - brown is dominant - then the baby will have blue eyes. There are blue eyes in both families. It's not only possible but likely in this case.

    5. Levi was blond as a baby & toddler.

  57. ibwilliamsi4:13 PM

    Tripp's adorable! It's unfortunate that his family is so prone to violence.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Except they've never actually fought anyone. In people's minds they have though. People dream up many things.

    2. ibwilliamsi6:26 PM

      Welcome back, Sarah! Quick question - Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

      How about I punch you in the throat?

  58. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Is it just me, or does something look unusual. Tripp has blond hair/blue eyes. His mom and her siblings and parents have brown hair/brown or hazel eyes. Levi and his sister have brown hair/brown or hazel eyes. Where did the blond hair/blue eyes come from? Didn't Bristol have a "boyfriend"/"crush" during high school, that wasn't Levi?

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Sure sounds to me like something new is 'trying' to be started about the KID, et al the Palins. Oh my God, he is a Palin as sad as that is to say for him - they are liars and frauds and will do ANYTHING to keep themselves in print!!!

    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Dylan Kolvig

    3. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Johnny liked her a lot and she dated Gabe G before Levi, officially breaking up in April 07. Remember, blond genes run in the Palin and Heath families.

    4. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I had cousins who were blond little vikings when they were kids, but by the time they reached adulthood they had become either brunettes or dishwater blonds. It does happen, so over time we'll see, I guess.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Sorry -- my mother-in-law stated the same thing about my youngest daughter. She was/is blond and blue eyed. My husband and I were both brunette and brown eyed, although I was blond as a child. Our oldest daughter was blond with brown eyes, and my sons had brown hair and brown eyes. She was very wrong. My daughter's husband's eyes are brown with brown hair -- they have two brown eyed brunette children and one who is blond with blue eyes. We are all Scandinavian -- although my husband was Norwegian and German, and there are blond hair and blue eyes in our extended families.

      I don't know who the father of Tripp is, and we will probably never know for sure, but Tripp sure does look like Mercedes.....

  59. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Ok.... Sarah has a long term plan. June - Bristol's show meets with rave reviews and Bristol gets her own.... something. Anyway, Bristol will appear IN PERSON with her adorable son Tripp in August at the Tampa Strip Mall. A $100 donation gets you a chance for a personal photo with the World's Most Famous Unwed Single Teen Mom in the World! Also too.

    More people , and get this - news outlets -, will be all over Sarah, because of Bristol! Then Sarah steals the stage. hmmm. Sarah is cooking up something and it smells .

    The Tampa GOP Circus has its side show....

    1. Anonymous5:07 PM

      Give me a fucking break. Bristol is NOT Sarah's meal ticket! We are all to wise to both of them. Kid or no kid - using each other - they are all liars and frauds! And, Todd is the pimp!!!!

  60. WakeUpAmerica4:16 PM

    Tripp does resemble Sadie which is a good thing. He seems to have her beautiful eyes. Hey Bristol, Tripp wil never look like you because, uh, plastic surgery isn't genetic. What a doofus.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Tripp has Bristol's eyes.

  61. Anonymous4:17 PM

    I think Todd is confined to the jurisdiction of tohe Anchorage PD. They are "protecting" him and themselves from serious investigation of sex trafficking by outside investigators.

  62. Anonymous4:39 PM

    At least the Dud is in good company. After all he and Romney both lead a gang to beat up a kid who wasn't like them.

    One of these days maybe some one in the Palin family will become and adult and realize that a no comment is the appropriate response to something like Maher's crack.

    Incidentally, Maher's crack isn't funny and why is he wasting his time giving free PR to the Palin Mafia when all the rest of us just want the whole family to get swallowed up by Alaska's version of Pelee.
    It would be very Biblical with the earth rending and stones falling, and steam rising and a lot of Old Testament hell fire images.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Maher is funny and should not stop his commentary. He knows what idiots the Palins are and have always been. I love the fact he knows so much about them - and there is more to come, I'm sure.

      Suck face Palins and get the hell out of Alaska - we don't want you here!

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Maher's a tasteless comedian who's not taken seriously.

  63. Anonymous4:41 PM

    At the 2008 RNC convention I watched with amusement as the clown car dumped all of the awkward looking Paylin family on the stage.I remember thinking then that Toad was shifty looking. I was right.

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      from day one he reminded me of that Playboy star, Dorothy, her husband. Snyder something? Anyway he was a sleazy pimp and jealous. He murdered her. Same type as Todd Palin. They give off the same energy. Not manly except as they are creepy.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Awkward? They looked right out of JCrew catalog.

  64. Anonymous4:45 PM


    Based on what Bristool said I am wondering if she is pregnant?

    "I feel like I'm in high school"- Bristol

    The last time Bristool was in high school she was pregnant, so if she feels like she is in high school then what are we suppose to take away from her comment?

    Is that why Bristool is moody or why Gino left her?


    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Bristol please don't tell us you are knocked up again. We don't need another little bastard in Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Well, she was the victim of malicious attacks from catty high school girlswho don't know her. I've seen her Juneau friend defend her a number of times, as well as Wasilla and Anch friends.

  65. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Barstool..a bit of advice:If you don't want to be the target of funny,harmless puns from comedians,DON'T publish a book about the details of your sex life,mmmkay?

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Then what else is there for Bristol to talk about?

      The college she doesn't attend?
      The husband she doesn't have?
      Her virginity she gave away?

      It was either write a book about her sex life or do porn!

      The girl has nothing else to offer society.

    2. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Levi did and he was mocked when Lawrence forced him to read it aloud. he took it in stride. But I don't think that's what Bristol's angry about. I doubt she cares about that. I think she cares about people assuminng things and reading into things that aren't there. The blogs do a lot of that. I mean, there's a complete fictional persona of her in all your heads. To be fair, there's a fictional persona about Levi too and his ilk.

      People just need to realize NONE of you, including Gryphen, knows these people well or at all.

  66. Anonymous4:47 PM

    "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me..."

    Mini ME ME ME... "I'm the victim".


  67. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Somebody explain to me what Bristol is complaining about?

    Bristol, who chooses to be a public figure by having a reality show and publicly making comments about other adults is complaining that another adult who happens to be a comedian made a joke about her and Bristol is portraying herself as a female victim, oh woe is me.

    But is it okay for 21 year old adult Bristol Palin to pick on and make fun of two little elementary school girls?

    Sasha and Malia Obama, two little girls who have never made a comment about Bristol at all. Those two little girls are not politicians, spokesman or motivational speakers but yet Bristol made those little girls the subject of her bullying rants.

    So how does Bristol justify her "I'm a victim, an older man is picking on me" when she picks on elementary school girls?

  68. Anonymous5:05 PM

    "If my dad or any of my guy friends got a hold of him, he'd have another think coming," she adds in jest.

    Bristol darling, I know you have a GED and everything from Wasilla, but in the lower 48 we don't say,

    "he'd have another think coming"

    we say, "he'd have another THING coming"

    Go back to school Bristol you dumb shit!

  69. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Can't Bristle get a husband? What's wrong with the Palin girls?

  70. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I don't believe Bristol is Tripp's mother.

    They don't have the same chins!

  71. Anonymous5:31 PM

    "I feel like I'm in high school"- Bristol

    Bristol when you were in high school:

    A. The boys were playing Home Run Derby with you. The boys were getting homeruns off of you, taking you deep.

    B. The boys were having their way with you in your canvas tent.

    So which part of high school are you reliving?
    A or B?

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      What about the art work that was put on display outside of Wasilla High School - cost of $150,000 that looked like a vagina! They were comparing it to the Palins - Sarah, Bristol and Willow - vajayjays. They actually covered up the art piece. Have not heard what happened to it - originally made the news, but nothing of it since!

      Wouldn't that be a legacy to have? The Palins are not respected in any way in Alaska! None of them! Heaths either!

  72. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I agree with another commenter. Without any intent to slam an innocent child, he IS a cute little boy. BUT it is an inescapable reality that he DOES look like his maternal great-grandfather,AKA Chuckie. He does. If his only value to that family is the money and fame to be garnered from his exploitation, they better hurry.

  73. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me, and they're older than my dad.

    Well Bristol, we find it really weird, that all these adult men go to your daddy for prostitutes.

    Bristol, do you find it weird that your daddy takes a cut of the money of the prostitutes who are your age and keeps it for himself?

    Bristol, read Boys Will Be Boys by Shailey Tripp, interesting reading. It will open your eyes.

  74. Anonymous5:48 PM

    My mom just heard me say something about Bill Maher [and said], 'I'd punch him in the throat!'

    I guess if anybody who would know about getting their throats punched it would be Sarah.

    I'm sure Glen Rice punched Sarah in the throat alright in the Alaska college dorm room.

    Not sure about Todd though. According to Shailey Tripp, Todd comes up a little short and can't extend that far.

  75. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Bill Maher could handle Todd and his minions: a. he has a gun too, and b. he's fearless: remember the heckler in his audience on HBO a couple of seasons ago? Maher charged right up there to help get the yahoo out of there. Fearless.
    I respect him for that.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Love Bill Maher...far, far smarter and funnier than Todd Palin or his idiot wife. They have zero senses of humor and don't get 'funny' or 'humorous'!

      Plus, Bill Maher is much better read than either of the Palins. He'd run circles around Palin if put in a 'one to one' with her!!! God, wouldn't that be a hoot and holler to watch?!!!!

  76. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Maybe Bristol should go to college and get an education so that she can talk and respond like a grown up instead of playing the helpless female victim card when she doesn't have anything intelligent to say?

    Bristol is starting to sound like Sarah.

    Joe McGinnis is peeping into Piper's room and spying on me when I am working in my garden.

    David Letterman wants my daughters......

    "I find it really weird, though, that all these adult men, that they're always trying to say something about me"

    Levi stole my virginity. (How can Levi steal something you already gave away?)

  77. Anonymous5:57 PM

    There are lots of guys who defend Bristol and any woman against hateful attacks.

    Meghan McCain has a point. When will internet bullying cease? My answer for the time being is, when all the ignorant people vacate the interwebs. Until blogs like this one, that spread lies like wildfire, cease to exist, the world is effed.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      "There are lots of guys who defend Bristol and any woman against hateful attacks."

      That's because those guys wants a piece of ass from Bristol and her mother.

      Take note, you want a piece of ass from Bristol? According to Bristol's book, all you have to do is go buy her some wine coolers.

  78. Anonymous6:03 PM

    The Maher joke was about both Levi and Bristol. Funny we didn't hear any whining from Levi, or any silly threats to punch someone in the throat. He either doesn't hang on the media's every word, as the Palins obviously do on a daily basis, or he is mature enough to know that comedians make their living off of their jokes, and Maher's happen to be related to personalities and politics. In fact, you never hear any 'celebrities' whining about jokes on them except for the Palins. What lightweights!

  79. Anonymous6:20 PM

    He got this suspicious look on his face, asked my name, and then told on me to his wife. SHE was the one to confront me and have me thrown out, all Todd did was sit there like a little bitch.

    LOL, yup that's our alto voice Todd.

    SARAH SARAH SARAH come here... Gryphen is here... doing something about it Sarah or I'm going home.....

  80. Anonymous6:28 PM

    "Who cares Bristol? Maher is a comedian and you are joke, so he makes jokes about you and your family.
    Stop whining and crying over everything, it's not like you or your Mom are nice people. Sarah Palin made her name by chit-talking, and now when it's done to her, you and Sarah play the victim.
    Get a life, get a job, get an education, screw you!"


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It just goes directly to their thighs.