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Bristol gives a "big middle finger" to her critics. |
And if you read the comments we let through, the only word that really sums them up is “bullying.” They treat me as if I’m not human, as if they are somehow proving how great they are by (always anonymously, the cowards) tearing me apart with their words. Here’s the thing. In the articles and comments, I saw a lot of hate and a lot of bullying, but you know what I didn’t see much of? Arguments. (That is not at all true. I bit the bullet and visited the ridiculous attention seeking blog and read through the comments. There were MANY very well thought out and articulate posts that laid out why Brancy was wrong and explained the error in thought process that went into writing the post. Of course THOSE were not featured on this post.)
In fact, this reminds me a little bit of the incident in an L.A. bar that went viral several months ago and will be shown in its entirety in my upcoming new reality tv show. There, a guy started yelling at me and called my mom terrible names, but couldn’t tell me one decent reason why he was filled with so much hate. (That is because he was a plant and was paid NOT to have any articulate reason for attacking your mother.)
Here’s a news flash, guys. Your hate and bullying don’t work. People see through it, and they don’t like to be pushed around. You think it’s completely obvious that you’re right, but this younger generation is more pro-life than their parents, and voters just keep defending traditional marriage. Why? Why would we if you’ve been telling us what to think for all these years?
You know what is it about these conservatives that makes them think that THEY can speak for an entire generation? The idea that Nancy French has ANY idea as to what the Millennials are thinking is laughable on its face. And it is highly doubtful that the overly privileged, and fame seeking Bristol can really give her much insight either.
Of course this younger generation is pro-life, just like ALL generations are "pro-life." THAT is why they are so against the wars and want our troops to come home, and also why they are very pro-contraception, but it does NOT mean they are not pro-choice, because in fact they are.
In other words Brancy has NO idea what she is talking about, as evidenced by the post that started this whole thing, in which she essentially called out the President for listening to his daughters and supporting same sex marriage, which is enthusiastically supported by the REAL young people of this country. You know, the ones whose blog is NOT written by super religious thirty something conservative hack writers.
As for recognizing bullies, well in THAT respect Bristol might actually have the inside track.
After all she certainly has first hand experience.
The Palin Facebook fight started with a fairly innocuous post from a guy named Tre. "Sarah Palin's Alaska is failing soo hard right now," he wrote in a status update. Why did Willow and Bristol let this get to them? TMZ says Tre went to school with Bristol and Willow, and though Willow says "I have no idea who you are," he sounds like a Wasilla local. Plus, the Palins have a Facebook history with him. "Talking shit cause you have nothing else going for you," Bristol responded to Tre on his wall. "Just like you pretended you didn't know what Dancing with the Stars was." That's it—all it takes to start a fight that continued for dozens of posts and drew in a dozen mudslingers and rubberneckers over the course of about an hour.
The fight heats up when a guy named Matt jumps in. Matt apparently went to Teeland Middle School in Wasilla with Bristol. At first, Matt sticks to criticizing the TV show and the Palins' attitude: "man these Palins really don't like it when you don't admire them fully, well Im sorry that people don't like some programming," he writes in his initial post. But after Willow retorts, "Your effin fat as hell. Stfu," Matt responds in kind, calling Bristol fat. Willow replies: "Haha your so gay. I have no idea who you are. But what I've seen pictures of, your disgusting. My sister had a kid and is still hot." She adds, "Tre stfu. Your such a faggot." Other than the text-speak abbreviations (stfu stands for shut the fuck up), this is all pretty timeless material. Kids have forever trotted out the gay and fat insults, though one likes to think it has become more taboo now to use the word faggot, especially if you're the daughter of a public figure and you're posting the word in public.
In the next round of sparring, Tre backs off, though passive aggressively. "I wasn't trying to be disrespectful towards you or anything, but hella people apparently don't like it too," he says of the series, "so there must be some truth to my statement." It's a move that both performs for the onlookers and draws strength from them. Willow is having none of it. "You weren't trying to be disrespectful? Are you kidding me? You posted it on Facebook," she writes. Willow seems to acknowledge here that Facebook is a public forum, without realizing that this will come back to haunt her more than it will Tre.
Another poster named Imran shows up to occupy the middle ground. "Ahh damn there's deff both sides to this," he writes. Tre grabs the rope Imram is throwing him. "Imran I agree with you Willow is just trippin." But Willow doesn't give an inch. "No. Im sticking up for my family," she writes. "How would you like it if I posted shit about your family? Soo stfu." At this point, I had a moment of sympathy for her. She and Bristol should never have entered into this exchange, but now they're here, and once they've decided they're defending their family's honor, how can they back out?
Yeah, quite a lot of experience actually, which by the way also includes getting her friends to attack Mercede on Facebook just about every chance she gets, and going behind her back to tell whoever she is dating terrible things about the Johnston's in an attempt to break them up. (Happened more than once.)
Personally I would like to say that IF those threatening remarks that Brancy listed WERE posted on her blog by real commenters, that I certainly condemn that kind of activity. That is never something that should be done by anybody!
However I would also like to say that if Bristol really does not want to receive any kind of negative blowback, she could dramatically reduce it by no longer allowing her mother to pay Nancy French to write posts attacking the President under her name. After all the President is also somebody who people are CONSTANTLY trying to bully, and some of us understandably get kind of defensive about that.
Just a thought.
Beefalo even pissed off Sharon osbourne who ravaged her on twitter,
ReplyDeleteBristol looks brutal in this pic, her spanx are showing: hahahaha
Bristol has fat legs and dirty feet just like her mom. And she has to wear spanx with that loose flowing garment?
DeleteWhat possessed her to dress like a Greek Goddess in the first place.
DeleteSure Bris, it's a good idea, don't worry about all the tape and the spanx, we'll airbrush it out for ya!
Greek Goddess? More like Couchon de lait!
DeleteFire up the coals, stuff an apple in her mouth, and throw her on the spit.
Question: What does a pig do when you poke it?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: How the hell would I know? I'm not dating
Yeah, word's out that Brisket done already run off ANOTHER man. Not that I can blame any of em, all of em.
DeleteI'm sure hell has no fury like Beefy Brisket if'n her man at the dinner table go'n reach fo that last fried poke chop.
Anybody seen Gino lately to see if he still got 10 digits? Cuz he sho lucky if he got em all. You betcha.
@anon 1:13PM "What does a pig do...?"
DeleteWhen your name is Beefy Brisket, you cry "wee wee wee" all the way home!
If she can't handle the heat of the spotlight (which, by the way, she focused on herself purposefully), then she needs to stand the Hell aside and not make such public, ignorant, and categorically false statements.
Most people would call 911 after receiving death threats...
DeleteNot the Palin's!! THEY call TMZ... and Fox... and US Magazine... and In Touch Magazine... and ET...
Bristol would have to dial "O" to get the operator, ask for the number for information, then dial 411 to ask what the number is for 911. Do you really think she'd go through all that hassle over a few death threats?
DeleteYet she testified under oath she was home alone, watching kids, in the woods by the lake, without a cell phone or land line....
Re the photo of Beefy above... I think I've seen that look before.
haha... I remember WANDA. Yep, in thay episode, Wanda looked just like ol' Beefy, especially at the 0:42 mark. lol
DeleteElizabeth Hasselbeck on the View:
She said to Bristol: "You need to mature because you are not.” THAT ought to get to the I'm mature, you are not trolls.
DeleteGood on Liz, I never found what the interest was in her, especially endorsing Sarah and defending her insanity, but it's nice to see her evolving as well.
Deletebustol is one phony ugly, uneducated liar. she and her insufferable bitch of a mother can cause all kinds of violence on innocent people. the palins will cry that they are victims as people lay dead and maimed because of their vitriol.
ReplyDeletebustol go to hell with the rest of your dysfunctional family. Put that in a pipe and smoke it grifter.
Precisely my sentiments. Well said.
DeleteBristol is how old and hasn't learned from the last time Willow made her homophobic rants?
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol wants to be a reality star then she should stick to harassing Levi and do not make Gay comments because people won't put up with it.
I bet she'll keep her mouth shut now. She got a lot of feedback from this one.
You mean Nancy French. I doubt Bristol even bothers to read "her" blog.
DeleteI'll bet she has visions of being the next Carrie Prejean, except she could never qualify for a beauty pageant.
DeleteVilified and stoned by the masses as a blessed virgin of truth. . .
It would take her waaay too long to read that many words. She isn't exactly an intellectual giant. Maybe someday, she can get Trig to read stuff for her.
DeleteShe's just like her dipshit mom so I don't see her keeping her mouth shut anytime soon.
DeletePrejean, at least, had the self awareness to crawl back into the woodwork after making an utter fool of herself and her cause by sexting and lying.
DeleteO/T sorry, but figure some reader here knows the answer. On another blog people are talking about Sherry Johnston needing to go in for random drug tests. My question is, if she suffers chronic pain and is on pain meds legally with prescriptions, what good does random urine testing do? If she is prescribed narcotics and opiates show up in her urine, SO WHAT? She got in trouble for selling, right, not using, right? She has legal scripts, right? So, what is the deal with the drug testing??
She should be OK if the drug levels in her blood fall within acceptable levels of the dosage prescribed. Sherry probably had a "base level" done initially and the random tests are compared to this.
DeleteSomething similar happens if you're taking meds that must be monitored regularly.
People on big time opiate drugs legally with no legal problems are regularly urine tested to make sure they are dosing correctly and not getting scripts for extra drugs.
DeleteOpiates supress respiration so you can't take extra or you can die like Gerald Levert and Kanye's mother.
Trolls on payroll, thanx SarahPac, won't keep their jobs if not bashing the Johnstons.
DeleteHarassment by the Palins - simply because they can AND they are mean=spirited enough to do it.
DeleteGood to hear from you RAM. Doesn't Brisdull flapping her gums about gay marriage just piss you off?
DeleteBTW, just in case you've forgotten, RAM that's your boss's daughter, the hypocritical promiscuous, 3-times preggo but still never married daughter who's been giving quite a bit of parenting advice lately.
Yeah, I agree with you, RAM, Brisdull never had a chance to learn any better in that effed-up family.
DeleteSpeaking of cognitive dissonance, I'd hate to have your fucking job of having to try to deflect attention away from the continuous stupid behavior of Sarah and Brisket. I've seen the SarahPac financials and unless Sarah is skimming cash and paying you extra under the table, too, she ain't paying you enough. Just sayin'.
I don't think urine levels are quantitative, just qualitative, which is why I am asking. Does she go for serum testing not urine? That would give a drug level. I am pretty sure urine just gives yes or no. But WHY would she need to go unless she has a history of illegal use ( only her selling her drugs has been discussed.) There has to be more to it than just selling her pills?
DeleteOur docs prescribe large amounts of opioids in cancer care and no patient has to come in to pee to make sure they are using the drugs correctly.
Color me confused about yet another thing related to Palin's saga.
When you have been in prison for drugs, upon release you are assigned at number or color. You have to call in each day to see if your color or number is drawn and then must go in to the parole office, during office hours to submit for a urine ample, whiuch you have to pay for!. You do this as long as you are on parole. It is done randomly and certain colors or numbers are called more frequently, depending on your drug problem. If Sherry didn't do this she could be sent back to prison immediately. Thus Mercedes needs to be available to take her in at any time. Just because your number/color was drawn on Monday, it doesn't mean it won't be drawn on Tues! It is random.
DeleteI disagree with the two posters on the reasons Sherry being tested for drugs. I believe the reasons are 1. to check for illicit drugs, and 2. to check the possibility of none of the prescribed drug in her system. If she's getting monthly prescriptions filled, but not taking it, it would indicate that she may be selling it.
What a joke... only the feeble-minded care about Beefy and her thunder thighs. Actress, my ass. lol
ReplyDeleteShe is trying a little too hard to be relevant, although I'll admit I'm enjoying the unintended comedy of watching her fail with her little ghost-written blog. Nancy really needs to "dumb it down" to 6th grade level to have any credibility that it's Beefy writing; plus, that way it won't be such a brain strain on their ignorant readers, all 15 of them.
We've read Beefy's REAL writing before, and it's not like she's been taking an English composition class in her life.
It is hard to believe there is anyone lame enough to fail with a ghost written blog. How do they do it? Can't even say EPIC FAIL now because it is so much worse.
DeleteElisabeth Hasslebeck on The View was not happy about Bristol bringing up the Obama girls and gave her a good scolding. Loved it!
ReplyDeleteBristol's Blog c/o Nancy French = FAIL
ReplyDeleteShe would have to kick the idiot to the curb and fire Nancy, write her own product to get past failure. Not saying it would be guaranteed but she might have a chance. She is way too negatively attached to the tit to grow up in a healthy way. Poor victim alright.
DeleteShe'd just blabber on and on like "miss teen usa", and all, and such, like that....
Still no Job Bristol you disgusting lazy coward? Why don't you stop feeding off the taxpayers like a leech and go find a job for once in your life? Stop spreading your legs an making babies unless that's all you're good for. You have no friends so you have no idea what the "younger generation" thinks. Newsflash: 99% don't care about abortion or gay marriage or my other pointless social issue you regressives try and bring up. They care about getting a JOB! You know like you should be instead of spending your entire day trolling anonymously on blogs.
ReplyDeleteWhat made Bristol decide to name her son after her dads prostitute? That's bizarre.
ReplyDeleteLevi is Tri-G's daddy and Todd is Tripp's daddy. And Bristol is the birth mother of BOTH kids. Does it make a little better sense now?
DeleteThat is a pretty sick comment. So Todd raped Bristol.? That is what you are saying. Based on what information?? If you don't really know, that is a very disturbing thing to post and NO I'm not a troll, a Palin or a a bot. I'm a longtime IM reader, and some of the posts here go way too far.
DeleteWhy would it be rape? Maybe bristol's into tiny two toned weenies. Who knows?
DeleteAn even sicker comment. Gryphen.. WTF?? How far down are you going to let the comments section sink?
DeleteThe Palins are pigs-- but allowing comments like this are just as bad. Now Bristol likes screwing her dad!? One great thing about Joe McGinniss- he was right to tell some commenters that they were as bad as the Palins..
You should speak out against this stuff. You used to never allow incest comments through! Now you do???
I totally agree with you, Lisa. It degrades the blog and the people posting the inappropriate comments.
DeleteOnly a sick creep like a Palin would write their own death threats. I guess it's true: a Palin really WILL do anything for attention.
ReplyDeleteyeah, I'll believe it when the FBI has someone in custody by tracing the "death threat" to their ISP. Until then, Brancy is just full of shit. Always playing the victim, just like her grifting mom. Pitiful.
DeleteThat's exactly what I thought too. No way are us libs as sick, or stupid, as those creepy conservatives to make death threats like that. Definitely an insider to make her look like the victim she so likes to be. Sick!
DeletePalin is the most hated person in America next to Casey Anthony. Which Palin? Any of 'em, all of 'em
ReplyDeletegood one!
DeleteElizabeth Hasselbeck Slams Bristol Palin For Obama Gay Marriage Comments
ReplyDelete“I have a major problem with her saying this. Number one, as you mature as a mother you will also find out that the conversations you have with your kids do influence how you place your opinions on the table. Secondly, for someone who was the victim of being brought into an election as the child of someone on the ticket, how dare you then bring in Sasha and Malia to this situation. You need to mature because you are not.”
Well, the key to that is "as you mature as a mother". That certainly ain't happening. It didn't happen for Sarah and Bristol will be no different. They will always be the junior high mean girls.
DeleteI can't stand Elizabitch Hasselbeck but I want to hug her for this! I bet our resident "maturity" troll's head is spinning over these comments.
DeleteThere is a reason why some in the blogosphere save characters and time by typing Bitchol instead of typing the much longer Bristol Palin
DeleteFuck Pigstool. Whats the latest on Sarah's steal-a-baby-fake-a-pregnancy scam? Where's Tri-G's birth certificate? Where's the DNA proof? Where's the mom holding newborn in hospital bed photo? None of this has ever been shown. Until it has Sarah can stop claiming she gave birth to him.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I'm asking!
DeleteWhere's Trig's Birth Certificate?
Hey Gryphen you got a shout-out in the comments section on Charlie Pierce's Esquire blog (comment by Roy Webb) there are only 14 comments so it's not hard to find... http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/bristol-palin-obama-gay-marriage-8739955
ReplyDeletelol, haha "spawn of princess dumbass of the northwoods" thanks for the link, Maddie's Mom! Bristle if you're here you need to check this one out, priceless! And don't forget to check out the view, even hasselbeck has turned on you...
DeleteWell it takes a bully to understand the mindset of a bully. Of course SHE is the VICTIM in all this. Even though she KNEW this is how it would play out. Like her mama through and through. Pathetic bullys first...then whiners after the fact. Spare us the BS Palins. We've long had your MO.
ReplyDeleteBristol's blog is Sarah's surrogate speechifying filtered through Nancy French. The sole purpose of this blog is to get attention, even negative attention. People see the outrageous comments and go over to Bristol's blog and she gets lots of hits, more money. Sarah can then use the large number of hits to prove to Lifetime that Bristol does too have a huge fan base and they will all religiously watch Bristol play house with her current or rather then-current boy, Gino. It is a ploy to make Bristol appear more important than she is.
DeleteI heard Gino Dumped Bristol and she has lost another replacement Levi. I guess she thought she could just replace Levi like she did with Tri-G. Darn that Palin luck.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Gino's contract as substitute daddy must've expired, and knowing those Greedy Grifting Palins, they wanted to rehire him at a lower rate since their cash flow ain't so good these days.
DeleteWay to go, Gino. Just like boxing. Keep your chin up and keep your feet movin'. Stick and move. That way, Ole Beefy can't catch ya.
Dumped? Is she pregnant again?
DeleteHow's that "trial marriage" workin' out there for ya, Brisket? Has Gino gotten tired of "playin' house" and gettin' that same ol' same ol' yet?
DeleteBe careful, o' young griftress. The first time Gino's check doesn't clear the bank on the first deposit, he's outa there! Don't wait up, if you know what I mean. lol
Proof?? Where did you hear this?? Because I saw them this weekend.
DeleteThey're in Rhoade Island, Kristy? Hmmm.....
DeleteSorry I'm not Kristy. And it's Rhode Island.
DeleteSoooo....Someone using a blog for a soapbox to assert her moral authority and criticize the President's parenting ability is hurt and shocked when other people criticize her back? Sakes alike, people commenting on blogs, who'd have thought they'd do that?
ReplyDeleteShe really is even dumber than her mom.
and she is not a pundit...
DeleteI think the Palins wrote those threatening blog posts themselves. If all else fails, play the victim; nobody will criticize you then. Oh, poor baby, Bristol, you sure can dish it out but you can't take it.
DeleteYou pretty much summed it up. The Palin recipe.
DeleteYeah, this is just a ploy to drum up attention for her Lifetime show. Most people have forgotten who she is. Not that most ever cared.
Delete@Anonymous 1:47 PM:
Delete"... She really is even dumber than her mom."
Honestly, Anon, I think Bristol tries so much harder to be a dumbass than her lazy mother. Then again, none of the Palins and Heaths need to be trying their hand at brain surgery anytime soon. In a nutshell, there are some bad genes in those folks' DNA.
No surprise, since there's been a lot of sister- and cousin-fucking going on in that family for a long time, both pre- and post-Creepy Chuck, Sr. It's the truth. This I know.
Thanks for the heads up here, G. I'm sure as hell not giving those twits any more clicks if I can avoid going over out of purely morbid curiosity.
ReplyDeleteIf someone else is going over anyway though, and has the time to cut-n-paste some of the funnier comments, I'll share in the lolz, but I'm not going to increase Nancy's traffic for this joke they'd call a business venture.
Gee, what a surprise that the Palin/Heath family (any of em, all of em) intends to play the roles of whining attention whores until their last ignorant fan is dead broke. That family of grifters is absolutely shameless.
These people are just gross Gryphen. It's all a set-up and $arah is the instigator. I was wondering why all the really negative comments were left on the blog. Brancy sent out her veiled insults to get attention and when she got a response, she morphed that into more attention. There is no reasoning, it's all just manipulation and hypocrisy. Very slimy- yuck!
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin has no life other than picking fights with people and posting ghost written responses, much like her mother who is also a heckler, name-caller and attention seeking former politician. Bristol's blog is another one of Sarah Palin's voices.
ReplyDeleteI object to Bristol having any kind of show on Lifetime for a number of reasons. (And if you object to Bristol appearing on Lifetime, you can offer your own feedback to them: http://www.mylifetime.com/about-us/support
Look for the link to "feedback"
1. Bristol has done nothing remarkable with her life. She got pregnant when she was a teen. Her story is not unique. Most of the women who have a child when they are teens, and choose to keep the child do not have a rich, influential mother buying them a condo, featuring them on TV and in magazines, getting them an appearance on DWTS and/or a shot at a reality show.
2. It is unrealistic for unwed teens to dream of being the next Teen Mom as starring on MTV, or the next well-tanned sexually active person on Jersey Shore. Bristol is not a good role model.
3. The incident in the bar shows how immature Bristol is, always spoiling for a fight, calling people names, especially when others are watching. There was a camera crew filming the incident; Bristol was not alone. She was not in any danger. All she had to do is turn to the crew and say, "Let's take a break. Could one of you get security to handle this guy? Then, we'll shoot again." Bristol is not that mature or thoughtful. She is the child of the people who confronted a school teacher in Homer who greeted Sarah with "Worst Governor Ever" sign.
4. The show is a fake. Bristol has excluded Levi from Tripp's life, and she will use the show to claim that he is absent and a bad father.
5. The show will be a political platform for Sarah Palin, and her [political point of view. Since when is Bristol the authority on any kind of marriage, gay or straight? Since when is Bristol the authority on a father's relationship with his children when she does not allow a father in her own child's life?
6. I Think that Bristol has had far more than her 15 minutes of fame. Bristol has no personality, no talent and nothing to make people want to watch her. There are already enough ignorant people filled with their own sense of self-importance featured in lame "reality" shows. They are fake. There is a camera crew there. The only guy who films himself surviving in the wild in Bear Grylls. The rest is fake.
7. Bristol has done nothing that would help single mothers cope with the burden of a full time job and caring for a child (children). Bristol has not had a real job, and she has household help. Most single mothers cannot afford the luxurious home that Bristol lives in while she pretends to fix up the fixer upper next door. I don't think that Bristol has enough experience in child care to offer suggestions that would actually be helpful to single moms:
forming play groups, organizing a co-op baby sitting swap, finding meaningful work that the mother can do from home while taking care of children (or an sick relative). Bristol is not a role model. She is the political operative of Sarah Palin. The best examples of Bristol's immaturity are her defensive responses on her blog and the fight that she picked with the guy in the bar-- instead of ignoring the insults and rising above them. She is teaching Tripp, by her own example, to pick fights with people and grow up as immature as the rest of the Palin family.
3. The incident in the bar shows how immature Bristol is, always spoiling for a fight, calling people names, especially when others are watching.
DeleteThe bar incident was staged. That is not unusual for a reality show, that is how they get viewers.
Bristol is nothing more than an ankle-biting gnat--- just an irritating little bloodsucker.
DeleteMost people try to swat her away without really noticing her, and if there's anything that pisses off an attention whore like Bristol, it's when she's ignored.
Any attention that Sarah and Bristol can manage to get--- good or bad--- gives them the opportunity to suck the money out of someone's pocket. It's real simple: The Palins live; therefore, they must grift.
Picture caption: Ignorance and hate spew forth from this orifice.
ReplyDeleteGuys, wanna know how you get Bristol Palin to go out to dinner with you? Put this on your iPhone and play it where she can hear it. Knowing how Bristol is, she just won't be able to resist.
When you post something that displays your ignorance, you get the comments you deserve. It's not bullying so much as people are not going to tolerate your intolerance any longer. Don't like gay marriage Brisol; then don't have one. But you have no right to say whether others can marry the one they love. It's really none of your business what the rest of us do. So, in the words you like to use on your facebook when you are bullying people, why don't you STFU?
ReplyDeleteBristol, honey, you have not been the subject of bullying. No one threw you on the ground and cut your hair. If you post a blog-- if you even post a comment-- someone will criticize it. That's not bullying. That's the freedom of speech that your brother, Track, is defending by fighting in Afghanistan (according to your mother). People can criticize you without it being called bullying.
ReplyDeleteBristol, dear, you are a child of privilege. because of your mother's position as mayor, governor and VP candidate. Do you really think that you had enough talent to warrant Dancing with the Stars if you weren't the daughter of a publicity seeking politician?
There are kids who are the subjects of real bullying, the kind of bullying that drives them to take their lives. You are not in the same category. Your role is that of playing the victim so people will feel sorry for you. If there are bullies out their, I nominate Sarah and Todd Palin who intimidated a women holding up a sign "Worst Governor Ever." Freedom of speech except when Sarah Palin feels insulted. That's what your mother has been teaching you. That's not bullying.
As for the bar episode, you had a TV crew with you. All you had to do was take a five minute break, let the bar security take care of the heckler and move on. You and your mother exist to bully others. You were not bullied. We've seen the nasty comments that you and Willow write on Facebook, homophobic slurs directed at a vulnerable did. Have you apologized to HIS family?
Remember when Todd Palin and his band of thugs attacked and beat the only black kid in his high school? They beat him so badly he required hospitalization. Remember the video of Todd intimidating the man filming Sarah at the Airport? If you've read Shailey Tripp's book, you would know what a bully he really is.
DeleteDon't forget that was a much younger black kid that was beaten by Todd and his thugs. I think Todd was a senior and the kid was an 8th grader. The bullying goes back many generations in the Palin clan.
DeleteThat picture of her says it all: Adolescent turned hideous, vapid, loudmouthed media vixen.
ReplyDeleteBristol is such a JOKE! It's pathetic, really. She doesn't seem to understand that the world is laughing at her. If this was a friend of mine, I would kindly tell her how she is perceived by all and try to help her not look like the fool she is, but clearly no one is interested in helping her. She is getting more pathetic by the day.
ReplyDeleteDear Bristol: Would you prefer we ignore you?
ReplyDeletePlease please please, if only the media would ignore Bristol!
DeleteLet's look at some really bulling. There was Todd, threatening people over the phone if they didn't fire Trooper Wooten. Todd confronted someone taking a photo of Sarah Palin in the Valdez airport. Todd, Sarah and Bristol confronted a school teacher who held up a sign exercising her first amendment rights to express herself. The Palins are bullies, and that's where Bristol, Willow and Piper have learned to answer people back. Piper pushed reporters on her mother's bus tour last summer. We've seen the homophobic slurs written by Willow and Bristol when a guy criticized Sarah Palin's Alaska TV Reality show.
DeleteBristol, when your show will be reviewed and all of the reviews won't be favorable. When people don't like a show, that's not bullying. That's called criticism. You and your family has been born with a famously thin skin, and none of you can take any criticism. Your mother wasn't willing to learn anything when she was running for VP. And, you, Bristol, continue to be so sensitive about comments that you gained weight when you were on DWTS. You did gain weight on a show were everyone one else loses weight. There have been contestants who were heavier than you. They raved about losing weight on the show. It wasn't about how you looked. It was about the mysterious fact that you are the only dancing contestant who didn't lose weight-- and you are still taking it so personally. Move on, get over it, and stop answering people back. You are teaching your son some very bad manners. I know you can't help it. That's how you were raised. Grow up, change, and become a woman instead of a big girl. And be a good mother to Tripp. That's more important to profiting from his appearing on TV.
Brancy's a Palin, she lives for negative attention (the only kind they know). Time is not your friend, Brancy. People have caught on that the Paylins cry "wolf!" all too often (and I don't mean when they're hunting from airplanes). Your schtick has gotten old, and you're running out of grifts. Poor thing, you're only in your 20's, your mama's a has-been, and the PAC money is running out. I hate to break it you, kiddo, but you might actually have to get a J-O-B someday. Tough break.
ReplyDeleteIf I wanted to hear some ignorant unwed teen moms opinion on anything, I'd go to my local mall and ask one. Bristol is neither unique nor intelligent. I have zero reason to ever read her blog. Who really cares what this little no-nothing - fame seeking poseur thinks about ANYTHING
ReplyDeleteI agree. All this fake outrage is just so she can get more hits.
Deleteshe tells us her phony life story then acts as if one doesn't know shit about her fat ugly ass.
lol, so airhead jr. is now playing her mom's role of st. sarah/bristle of perpetual victimhood? Hey birdbrain jr., quit makin' things up. Everyone knows they're posting those threats themselves to garner attention and so they can go bleating to zsa zsa huffington to post the story, moderate any comments not singing palin's praises and get her weekly sarahpac check for keeping the trashy family in the news. I wonder who pays hp the most kris karkrashian or shit for brains sarah... this whole thing was for one thing and one thing only, to try to convince lifetime that anybody gives a flying fuck what these mental midgets have to say...no wonder we don't hear anything from tawd, he's probably so embarrassed to be affiliated with these 1/2 slutty airline hostesses...Don't forget, don't click on her blog, it's exactly what she wants...
ReplyDeletejc, the Zsa Zsa Huffington thingy is simply perfect!
DeleteI knew Zsa Zsa and helped take down the Huffington political team. Please don't put Zsa Zsa in same paragraph.
DeleteOh Baby Bitch, shut the fuck up. You and stupid ass mother are always trying to play the victim. Both of you like to attack, but when someone fights back, you whine. Classic gutless bullies, the both of you. How about the things that you said about the First Children? They are minors, but that did not stop you or the head Bitch, with your punk asses. You get what you give in this life, so deal with it Bitches.
ReplyDeleteAs usual a Palin sticks her foot in shit then cries 'cause people tell her she stinks. What a dipshit.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin is an uneducated, backwoods, redneck hick who did what her kind does...she drunk-fucked her uneducated, backwoods, redneck boyfriend with no regard for using protection, and got knocked up. She'll live out her loser life in relative obscurity, with a fat ass and a big mouth. Five years from now, she'll be a distant memory, and she'll wonder why people smirk and giggle when she rolls her cart down the aisle at Costco, her gut slapping against the top of her thighs. Pig.
ReplyDeleteThe "Matt" you mention in your post is Matthew Scott. He was found dead a few weeks ago in Anchorage of a drug overdose.
ReplyDeleteHey Bristol, care to tell the folks here what really happened in 2007...the sinkings of the boats, "Pacifica" and "Cheeky B" in the Juneau Harbor? Perhaps Dylan Kolvig wants to tell the story, eh?
Someday all your secret pregnancies and crimes will be out there for all to see.
BTW..Why did you name your second baby after your daddy's prostitute?
Gryphen, something needs to be pointed out in that screenshot showing "Bristol's" comments: http://bit.ly/L4biyy What this shows is a Wordpress (blogging software) administrator's view for administering user comments. Accompanying each comment is the IP address of the comment author.
ReplyDeleteThe one posted by "John" shows the IP address All IP addresses that start with 10 are LOCAL IP ADDRESSES. In other words, they are from within the local network, not from the public internet. In short, it's a fabricated comment.
The one above it also happens to end in 196? What are the odds? 1 in 256 (each IP address "octet" is in the range of 0 and 255). And the ones above that both happen to end in 80 and are from different authors? Coincidence? Possibly. But "John's" comment is definitely fabricated.
Like Rick Perry says...OOOPS
DeleteLOL. Smoking gun.
DeleteI didn't bother to even look at the screen cap, but I can confirm as someone with quite a bit of experience in this area that all IP addresses that start with 10 are indeed part of a local network, and are not from the internet.
Thanx. That is how they roll. Do you think MSM will pay attention?
DeleteGood catch! Save that screenshot and send it to G.
DeleteThese frauds are just poseurs, looking for an angle to grift off of in order to pull in a few bucks from the pockets of the most ignorant. Anyone else can see right through the Palins and Heaths.
Excellent work, 2:52.
DeleteGryphen - Hope you'll consider updating the post with the IP address info and, perhaps, also too the time zone indication that Bristol isn't handling the blog.
LMAO!! What a pack of dullards. Fabricating insults for attention and to play the paylump victim card! Anyone with media connections please forward the link :)
Delete"john" isn't even commenting on bristol.
Deletehis comment is in reply to "56survivor" who comments regularly on hillbuzz and other right blogs.
idiots brancy!!! john was replying to something vile 56 survivor said.
oh and btw-i am not sure but can they post ip addresses? can be looked up and info gathered about who this is.........again, idiots!!!
I "don't go there" either, so thanks for the information! But this may entice me to look.
DeleteI agree, an update exposing this would surely punctuate the post while showing their M.O.
She can't possibly refute this.
Maybe 'John' is Brancy's other half and he was posting his disgust for the poster above him, and he was doing from the bedroom whilst Brancy was in the kitchen.
Delete'John' wanted America to kill the poster who was chapter and versing Bri$tol as to why $he is a piece of shit; the IP is part of an internal, private network.
@4:40 They can post that one. The reason that 10.x.x.x IP addresses are used is because the entire block is unassigned, it's just used in local networks, so unless you are on that particular network, you can't trace it.
DeleteThink of addresses in that block as an extension in a phone system. If you were to think of it that way, the entries for the "threats" each have fully-qualified telephone numbers like "(415) 555-1212", except the one that she highlighted from "John" has "x49196".
I do not ever recall any other child of a so-called politician who made news headlines as much as Bristol Palin. Why are editors and news producers escalating these stupid, empty, and ignorant blog postings, which are written by a ghost-writer because the so-called author is incapable of crafting a coherent sentence? Why elevate this uneducated person's opinions and categorize them as 'politics'? Is it because they suspect the content is really being dictated by the worst governor ever? I cannot believe it is all about ad clicks.
ReplyDeleteWatching a clip of our President addressing the graduating class at Barnard College in New York City today, I couldn't help but think of the 600 young women who've devoted four years of hard work and study to earn their undergraduate degrees, many holding down part-time jobs to pay their way.
ReplyDeleteI see our President in his academic robes and Harvard Law hood, and I am proud that there are dedicated, intelligent, thoughtful young people who will help guide our futures, and a President who respects them. His sister is a Barnard graduate; perhaps one day Malia or Sascha will attend.
Comparing this picture to the nasty dust-up that Bristol started is just too bizarre. I don't think she has ever been near an institution of higher education, nor does she wish to work toward a degree, nor learn things just for the sake of learning them. She's never been exposed to the world of ideas, debates, and thoughtful discourse.
We are a great and strong country, and will continue to be, but not because of the "contributions" of the Palins, old or young.
Shit, this dumb ass COW has never even been near an institution of lower education. She is a one trick pony. When her overused kuchie drys up, she will be done. Just ask Gino.
DeleteGino, I hope that you are getting your rabies shots, now that you have escaped from the Cow. Run my man, run and don't look back, because she is starting to gain weight again. RUN !
DeleteThink about it, when J-Wow and Snookie think that you are a dumb ass, you need to stay indoors for the rest of your life. This makes you officially a world class laughing stock. Wasilla, please keep that dip shit up there.
DeleteThis is all damage control thru victimhood. BP is afraid now that she's made so many people angry that no one is going to watch her show, and she's probably right. She thought that controversy would breed viewership but she and Nancy kind of misjudged this publicity stunt and it blew up in their faces. I think at this point the "Lifes a Tripp" show has been greenlighted and must go on, but I think we're going to see some of the lowest ratings the the Lifetime network has seen for quite some time. At any rate, if this plays out the way it seems to be rolling, this will definitely be Bristol's last stand regarding reality TV. I personally will tune into see a trainwreck, however I won't tune into to see a boring person going about her daily life. Jersey Shore; trainwreck. Bristol Palin; boring.
ReplyDeleterofl I love how someone thinks they can but up a nasty, venomous post and then whine like hell when they get criticized for it. whaaaaa, call the whaaambulance!
ReplyDeleteignorant redneck, can dish it but can't take it. just like mama.
Thanks for that reminder about the cyberbullying of Bristol and Willow. As usual, they can dish it out, but play the victim card when they do it.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at C4P and I cannot believe that they are really planning for a brokered convention and Palin to take the nomination from Romney. They are basing this on the fact that Palin rented space in Tampa during the time that the RNC takes place. They are delusional, but then so is Palin too.
Hey everyone, this is Sarahhhh, Sarahh Paaalliiinnn! I'm here at my rented space at the Tampa shopping mall and I hope you'll all come down and see me and collect my pre-printed ballots and take 'em back to the convention and ya know, like broker me in. My ballots only have MY NAME and I'm thinkin' after readin' the Constitution and stuff that this is what'll get me to be the President, maybe there won't even have to be a vote because that seems to be what the Constitution says. So come, get my ballot, take it on back to the Convention and let's all just broker me in as the 45th POTUS! Geezzzz, if only the other candidates had read the Constituuuuttiioooon then they'd know that this here strategy is the one to use! I'm electin' Todd as my Vice, because we all know that "Vice" is his middle name! Come on down to mall and get yer ballots and....wait, who is that guy with the white coat, with the buckles? That's not Neiman Marcus! That's a whatmacallit coat, a coat for crazy people...wait, wait, I'm not crazy.....
Deletelol. They can't help it! Those C4Pee folks were born with the stupid, and they obviously ain't gettin' no better either!
DeleteSarah is going to be down there in Tampa with Beefy Brisket, hawking that trailer load of books that her PAC bought. Grifters are gonna grift cuz that's all they know to do.
'Nuff said.
Yea....rented a space in Tampa...Todd (two tone pecker) is setting up shop to provide services to the Repugs. My guess is more male escorts than female. How can these people hold their head up in public.
DeleteAnonymous4:17 PM sez:
Delete"Yea....rented a space in Tampa...Todd (two tone pecker) is setting up shop to provide services to the Repugs."
BINGO! I totally bet that's what the space rental is REALLY about. that family's entire existence has been financed by prostitution.
I hope ALL her cult fans write in her name. It'll serve her right.
DeleteBrisket is disgusting, if she isn't woman enough to apologize to the Obama children she should just shut her piehole.
ReplyDeleteBrisket isn't a women, she is a nasty child like her mother.
DeleteGryphen makes the most important point of all that seems lost to other bloggers and media -- Bristol isn't writing the blog. She's merely her mother's prop...still and always.
ReplyDeleteI think Bristol was promised the blog would get her attention, help get the 'reality' show on the air, and bring in some money. She's most likely clueless about the blog topics and impact on her image. She's been convinced that negative reaction comes evil and provides her a crown of thorns. It's nuts that people either praise or criticize Bristol based on the blog.
Bristol is 21. If she isn't writing it, then she needs to end the blog/stand up to Sarah. I doubt Bristol is clueless. She obviously comes by her mean streak and lying naturally.
DeleteGryphen makes the most important point of all that seems lost to other bloggers and media -- Bristol isn't writing the blog. ------
DeleteThat annoys the heck out of me. The bar fight scene when she rides the bull is also fake. That was staged. I hope more of the public will stop allowing cons to get by with that.
cant. type. laughing. so. hard.
ReplyDeleteA Palin telling somebody "Your hate and bullying don’t work." hooo-weee!!! that's HIGH-larious. Hey, Bristol, Nancy, Sarah and the whole lot of you:
MEAN PEOPLE SUCK! You and your flying monkeys (Nancy: look it up) have redefined political discourse in this country. It all started with Obama palling around with terrorists.
Poor Brancy, the c4p idiots are now chattering amongst themselves that they need to be wary of her as she is a Romney fan. Some are even going to the usual extreme of hating her because Romney dissed Palin at one time.
ReplyDeleteUh oh Brancy. I hope you've got a backup job.
The time stamp on comments at "Bristol's Blog" are based on Central Time, 3 hours earlier than
ReplyDeleteAlaska time and 2 hours earlier than AZ and CA time. How transparently 'not Bristol's' could the blog be?
Since yesterday was mothers day I have a question for you, has anyone ever seen Sarah talking to her mom Sally? In all the footage weve been subjected to ive never seen screech interacting with her mom at all, not even on the hideous bus tour. Isnt that odd? Why does screech go to the trouble of bringing Sally along if she is just going to ignore her?
ReplyDeleteBecause they have both slept with the same guy. I'm just saying. Jealousy is a Bitch.
DeleteGood Point. And Considering that it was Mother's Day weekend, and Brancy being such a fine christian spokesperson for marriage with a man and a woman in the home,
DeleteWhere's the heart tugging Mother's Day Tribute? I know it isn't a "christian holiday", but still, didn't this child of God know one of the commandments is "Honor your Mother and Father"?
Great photo but a little scary - she looks like she's taking aim at a corn dog - male type - no wonder Gino bailed - I wouldn't want that face coming for me.
ReplyDeleteIn other news - this blog of hers is turning FUBAR in a hurry - shades of her mother she won't just shut up and go away for a while. That's the problem with narcissism and borderline personalities - they can't let something go even when they are going down fast they just double down.
Just shows they can't handle blogging. It sure did deteriorate fast didn't it?
DeleteIt sure is amazing that Brisdull can poke jabs at the President of the united States someone who is supposed to be respected. Her mlother says things or lies all the time, and shows no respect for the President of the United Ssates. When others defend the president, or tell her off she gets all defensive. Brisdull the bible says "silence is golden" practice that why don't you? You don't know what having a hard time being a single parent. Most people don't have nannies, like you.Or Condo's like you. Most ppl don't get a job without a highschool deploma, like you.I'm sure it came through some cronie of your mother. You and your mother have never had the problem of providing health insurance for your children. You have been on s socialist program all your life! You Hypocrite!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy doesn't Bristol just give it up? She and her ghostwriter are not very clever and no one in the world cares about the political opinions of a just barely graduated high school person whose claims to fame are 1) a teen-aged pregnancy and 2) a not-so-successful stint on DWTS.
ReplyDeleteI get what your post says, but had a good laugh at the question. When has Bristol not "given it up"?
DeleteWay to make your kid hated all over the world, Sarah . . . .
ReplyDeletelmfao here:
ReplyDeleteThat’s it. That’s pretty much the post. (Yes, I made a little joke about Swiper the Fox, but anyone with a brain would know that wasn’t serious.) You see arguments like that all the time in political magazines. It’s not a big deal, and the people who make arguments like that don’t stir up much controversy.
But I’m not a pundit. I’m just a mom made famous in one of the most intense and embarrassing ways possible – by having your teen pregnancy announced in the middle of a presidential campaign. Oh, and I was a finalist on Dancing with the Stars, one of the most-watched shows on TV. But all that means I’m more a part of pop culture, the culture that creates the television we watch and the music we listen to. When real pundits write blog posts, they don’t pop up in Us Weekly… but mine do.
Not a pundit, but reads political magazines. You betcha!
DeleteI love this freudian slip{
"But I’m not a pundit. I’m just a mom made famous in one of the most intense and embarrassing ways possible – by having your teen pregnancy announced in the middle of a presidential campaign."
I'm not a pundit/ having your pregnancy announced" Shouldn't that be "MY pregnancy" to agree with "I'm not a pundit" in the first part ?
And I agree, she doesn't read political magazines.
I found the grammar/fact errors very entertaining. That's why I included the second para.
DeleteShame on me for giving any attention to "Bristol's Blog" beyond reading about it at IM. But they let some very negative comments through and I wondered what they would censor. Is anyone surprised this comment is suspended in moderation?
ReplyDelete"Does Bristol understand that her mother is responsible for her undeserved, intense embarrassment during the campaign? Bristol’s pregnancy was made public by the McCain campaign specifically to counter rumors and prove her mother’s pregnancy. Why didn’t her mother protect Bristol by simply providing medical records and a birth certificate and leave Bristol out of the questions about her own pregnancy? The campaign strategy effectively shut down media inquiry at the time but was illogical and the questions remain unanswered. Bristol has since been rewarded for suffering embarrassment and it seems untoward to complain about it."
They also censored a comment pointing out that Bristol isn't authoring the blog.
Color me unsurprised Brancy, you save or make up a few vile ugly comments to whip out later in order to generate interest in your sure to fail "reality" show (you wouldn't recognize reality if it came up and smacked your fake chin).
ReplyDeleteTrue Christians are not buying what you are selling, money is not the root of all evil, greed is, and greed is what drives you and everone behind your ghost written blogging. I pity all these faux Christians who can't see through this charade, to all of you Jesus would say I don"t know you, and turn His Face away.
Ten comments at a time, really? Go ahead and laugh all the way to the bank, the gravy train is slowing down, down, look up the word counterproductive and the reason why you are about done might dawn on you, not holding my breath though.
I posted the above at the site and haven't seen it published yet and I don't care if they do or not, I'm not planning to go back there ever, I feel sorta dirty for giving in to morbid curiosity and don't care to feel this way again.
Excellent post Gryphen, you covered all the bases calling out that revolting skank on her hypocrisy and stupidity whoring her name for that hateful French woman to vomit forth Scarah's bitter envy for our President and his beautiful family. Now off to read the comments.
This scene in The Fighter has always made me think of the Palin's. They like to rile up their brood, and set them off on a dangerous, no holds barred brawl and then act all surprised and hurt when things spiral out of control and people get hurt.
ReplyDeleteNo class, hateful, with a huge chip on the shoulder, but feigns brevity and gravitas when there is some blowback at their bomb throwing.
I love how you missed the whole point of her post. You specifically need to take in those words. You own part internet responsibility for writing hateful things for no reason and you approve hateful comments. Bristol and her family don't sit there and trash people for their enjoyment. They don't post articles on their facebooks pages and meanly give their personal opinion hoping their fb followers will chime in with attacks. (ahem Ms Johnston). The Palins are living their lives trying to end blind hate. Bristol is not a homophobe. She confronted a random man in a bar who was shouting immature things at her. She looked like the mature one. Notice TMZ didnt post the full video and Bristol (and friends) were annoyed at that. Go back to that facebook post she wrote last year and read the comments. Bristol's friends MArissa and Bristol herself commented to others. The event was not staged.
ReplyDeleteSure Bristol had ONE lapse in judgment concerning her words. The other people in the convo used similar or worse language and B apologized and NEVER spoke that way again. Now, she merely says things like "i'm sorry you feel that way _____. Enjoy your day." People learn and move on.
I don't see Gryphen illustrating his prodigal daughter's nasty mouth (Sadie) when she's confronted with adversity. Maybe I should start a blog to show who the real MJ is. I wouldn't do that though, because people have different maturation processes. they mature at different times. THere is a reason though why Wasilla teens thought "facebook lurkers" fake facebook account, which trashed Bristol repeatedly, was Sadie. There's history of her behaving like that. But you won't find THAT truth on this blog. NOPE. Must construct and distort stories to make the Palins into the bad guys, even when they are the mature ones.
NO ONE on this blog gives a shit about your weak-ass attempts to defend the asshole Palin family. Give it a rest, we KNOW who and what these people are. You're apparently the only one who's too slow to catch on. It's sad and annoying watching you try to convince the rest of us. Give it up for god's sake!
Delete"She looked like the mature one."
DeleteYou are entitled to opinions, beliefs and whatnots but for most it is too far of a stretch to think for a nano-second that the bar fight was anything other than a set up or a staged performance. If she looked mature that was her act for that show. The video is on-line in it's entirety. You see her leave the bar. It starts with her on the mechanical bull at the Saddle Ranch. The actor first says something about Levi and it goes from there.
You are obviously on a mission. Just don't want the set up at the Saddle Ranch to go without countering that myth.
The Palins are the bad guys. Grifters by nature are. Ignorant, also, too.
Delete"Bristol and her family don't sit there and trash people for their enjoyment. "
DeleteBULLSHIT! I stopped reading right there. anyone who has heard both the quitter and her spawn speak or read their "writings" knows that's complete bullshit. good luck with that.
btw, TODD PALIN IS A PIMP! what does that say about you that you keep defending those low-life dregs.
DeleteShut up Brisket defender. We knew it was you the minute you brought up Sadie. Get over your jealousy of her why dont you.
DeleteOh, look, someone jealous of Mercede Johnston, judging her with rumors and outright lies.
DeleteIt's not mature to judge people who you have no personal knowledge. The Johnston's are a happy, loving family. Yeah, Levi made a huge mistake when Bristol lost her moral code and kept having unprotected sex without benefit of Marriage. (Aka "Fornucation") look it up ;o)
It's deceptive to say "I'm on the pill" then blame Levi, accusing him of Rape (Read Bristol Palin, My life so far with Nancy French") It's all in there. You betcha!
So what is it about Mercede that irks you so? Her real high school diploma? Devotion to Family? Her outer and inner beauty? Or her truthfulness?
Or is it because "Saintly" Bristol uses her son as a way to hurt his family?
Report back to Nancy and she'll explain it to Bristol, then come back and let us know!
Nice Try!
You failed miserably and didn't get the point of the post at all.
Who the eff is Brancy?
ReplyDeleteNancy French-Bristol Palin surrogate
DeleteBristol Palin + Nancy French. Bristol's name is on the blog but she doesn't write the posts. French usually writes for a Christian website, and now, Bristol has become a Christian.
DeleteBristol Palin + her ghostwriter Nancy French.
DeleteSiest du?
Bristol Palin + her ghostwriter Nancy French.
DeleteMrs Scheisskopf?
MPD Multiple Personality Disorder. We're trying to integrate them, so the real "Bristol" can "Come out of the closet" and live her life out loud. Another combination is "Beefancy".
DeleteI don't understand Gryphen, how you came to think the Palins are "famous" for internet insults. There was 1 confrontation. I can personally say that's the only time either willow or Bristol has ever written anything remotely negative publicly or privately. And interestingly, a ton of their peers came to their defense. Forget to mention that? I can name 1000 people who wouldve strongly defended their families. The girls' cousin (Palin side) wrote recently:
ReplyDelete"You have the right to criticize people who are well known. However when the town you live in has that persons entire family living there, you should have enough common sense to respect them and not talk badly about them to other people or on the internet. Especially if you are friends with those family members on Facebook. Just being honest because I know if you were related to someone well known, you wouldn't want people talking bad about you either"
That is why people defended Bristol and WIllow that Nov. THAT is the decency Bristol is asking people to look for within themselves before they write ignorant, cruel things. Jus because you have the right doesn't make it right.
You obviously don't read Sarah Palin's nasty facebook posts where she insults the President of the United States on a regular basis. She also spews her ugly statements in speeches and on Fox. The snarl in her voice says "mean girl."
DeletePeople are not allowed to talk about the Palins because they all live in the same small town-- and, they have friends there, huh? You make it sound like Peyton Place, a soap opera of a town where one family is powerful and can shut up others who would talk about them. Seriously, you make the Palins look like Tony Soprano. No one would dare to talk about him, either.
So, you have verified exactly what we have been thinking. The Palins are bullies who keep the town quiet about their secrets-- especially if you are friends with those family members of Facebook. Thanks.
Yes just because you have the right to put crosshairs on Dem districts doesn't make it right. Or defend a woman using the N word as her free speech rights doesn't make it right.
DeleteFail you clueless nitwit!
Delete"I can name 1000 people who wouldve strongly defended their families."
Deleteso you keep the facebook "fans" in a database and can cite their names. well good for you, although really that's pretty sad. you know as well as the rest of us that the palins do not "know" 1000 people.
I can't wait for all the grabs to come out from when Bristol had her friend April stalk and trash Levi. And so much more. Bristol doesn't retain much, hope she did forget and will be surprised. Fun times are coming.
DeleteEnjoying how she handled J-WOWW, the Bristol yellow chicken liver. Next Hasselbeck and who else?
Blah blah blah blah.....
DeleteYou see, it's a mother-daughter grifting team. It was intended to get the "young" voters interested in the mom, directing them to her pac. Then they would donate to the pac and spread the word about how cool Ms P was. The Pac pays french to sound like barstool and on and on it goes. A self-perpetuating griftopia! Only problem is, IT DOESN"T WORK. only people visiting Brancy's blog are old pee ponders.
ReplyDeleteding ding ding we have a winner
DeleteThis morning on the View, Elizabeth Hasselbeck Slams Bristol Palin For Obama Gay Marriage Comments, watch video:
Just my two cents: I don't think the writer of BP's blog posts is Nancy French. I think the author is RAM. Really different writing styles, IMO. And RAM has to do something to keep earning her $8K per month from SarahPAC.
ReplyDeleteIf the writer really is RAM...well, that's just too deliciously funny (considering what we know -- from Toki -- about RAM's dislike of Bristol).
Well Nancy French is the fresh face even if RAM is behind the blogs. RAM isn't so "attractive."
DeleteThey caught Dr. Laura when she had plants. When Arianna's husband was running for office they had plants call in to all the talk radio, they caught them at it. MSM, WHY NOT CALL OUT BRANCY?
ReplyDelete1. Tripp's grandma is female (I know that's obvious)
ReplyDelete2. Tripp's grandma is a senior citizen.
3.Tripp's grandma is an Alaskan.
4. Tripp's grandma is family.
I mention those things because the Palins uses those cards when they are attacked. They want women to stand up for them because they are women.
But what is Bristol doing to a female Alaskan senior citizen grandmother of her son?
The way Bristol is treating Tripp's grandma is a form of bullying. She is keeping Tripp away from his grandma to get back at Levi.
Grandma Johnston has done nothing to warrant this type of bullying from Bristol.
Bristol claims to be a Christian and a victim of bullying.
So tell me what is Bristol practicing.
Bwahahaha!!! Stinged and zinged much? The art of subletly eludes this trio of monery-hungry harpies. Like she wouldn't give anything to be part of the succesful- in -Hollywood crowd.
ReplyDeleteLike the employee who knows they are getting fired but quit first and say I didn't want to work here anyway bwahahaha!!
She looks like one of those cheap, blow-up sex dolls (3 Lifelike orifices!) that I know nothing about.
ReplyDeleteNow she is saying we all want her dead because she is against the gays. Of course the threats are probably made by Sarah I wish they would investigate
ReplyDeleteShe was "attacked" in LA and had an excuse to go back to Alaska. Now the death talk will get her out of something else. For sure it is manipulation.
DeleteWhen all else fails, call on the victim card. Sarah knows that one well. We used to call it a prick tease in high school back in the day.
DeleteOh oh be careful in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteIf it is true Gino broke up with Bristol then you can count on Bristol getting meaner than a junkyard dog.
She can't go a few days without getting penis.
Just ask Levi, Ben, Gino and them others.
Every time I look at the above photo, all I can focus upon is the U-shape-with-a-dimple form of the chin. Is that the implant, does anyone know?
ReplyDeleteha ha ha Bristol. That's what you get for letting your mother run your "career". Like Elizabeth said GROW UP.
ReplyDeleteOh,dear! Brancy got "death wishes". Interesting choice of word! (IF true, she should show them to the public, {heavily redacted, because someone might get offended by the language}, report them to the police (fair notice, I did not read her entire post, I refuse to give her traffic). "Death Threats" is the usual term.
ReplyDeleteAs a public figure of her own free will, and the daughter of a Failed Politician, she should be held to higher scrutiny.
Put up, or shut up, Beefy, Nancy or whatever personality you are today.
Prove it because no one's buying it.
Here she is, playing "Victim".
Anyone surprised?
Death wishes ?
DeleteIf it is a wish she doesn't report to Homeland Security or something? How weird anyone, even Brancy would announce death wishes. Why is politico giving that any space?
DeleteIt's just wishful thinking on Brancy's part. She wishes she WERE that popular so now they gotta go makin' stuff up again. Now even more people won't be tuning in to her Lifetime show. No depths are too low for the Palins!
DeleteWouldn't death wishes come from the person speaking about death wishes? Death threats would come from other persons.
DeleteHey, Brancy - one word for you:
Any questions?
He strolled through the streets of Athens in full daylight carrying a lit lamp.
DeleteWhen asked what he was doing, he would answer: "I am just looking for an honest man."
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - Mark Twain
ReplyDeleteA poster left a comment (before it was erased) on Bristol's site mentioning he noticed that all of the "threatening mail" that Nancy put in the blog was all generated from one geographical area. He accused Nancy of fabricating the e-mails. Then shortly after the the e-mail disappeared. Imagine that! I left a post just a few minutes ago mentioning what the was post said and that it disappeared. I then stated it'll be interesting to see how long my post would stay up.
ReplyDeleteIf you send death threats to yourself, that is a crime. Death wishes? She may need a visit, like uncle Ted, from Secret Service or FBI. I think it is serious to amp up the death card. Even if it was real, it is not something to use for your own personal desires or to manipulate others.
DeleteI deeply hope they will not get by with this. It is time they start answering for what they are doing. It is all rot. It should not be tolerated.
Flooding the blogosphere is one of Palin's amazing strengths and perhaps the only reason she and her family are in the news at all. That was proven by by all the bots keeping Beefy on DWTS when she obviously had no skill in dancing and only got fatter and fatter.
DeleteSarah, it has been said, also wrote her own supporting letters to the editor under other people's names. There are so many other examples on how little Bristol is being threatened, in one way or another.
Victimization is no longer credible for Bristol.
Hey Bristol, if people are really posting death threats on your shitty ass blog why not call the police? Contact the police, instead of posting lies to get people to feel sorry for your skanky ass?
ReplyDeleteIs this recent blog post Bristol's blood libel?
The Palins are the scum of the earth. They constantly attack the President and others, but don't want criticism. They whine, play victim & blame others. Same shit, different day. Thank goodness people are finally waking up to their Bullshit.
Bristol Shareen Palin: B.S. Palin
ReplyDeleteBTW, idiot ghostwriter: You excoriated the President for discussing the issue of same-sex marriage "with his teenage daughters."
ReplyDeleteFrom what I understand, the Obamas have just one teenage daughter (who's 13); the other daughter is 11.
Nobody is posting death threats against Bristol. They are most likely written and posted by Sarah Palin's flying monkeys. She's called out various threats on her daughter Bristol, yet never followed through by contacting the police. It's all for publicity, folks. Nothing to see here. Move along.
ReplyDeleteWow!!!!Sharon Osbourne said on Showbiz Tonight that Bristol needs a shagging from a black basketball player. Then she walked around in a widelegged prance. Hilarious!!
ReplyDeleteYou guys all know, of course, that this is nothing more than promotion and marketing for the launch of Bristol's reality show, right?
ReplyDeleteAll the blog posts and internet activity in response to the criticism of the US president. The mention and photograph on SNL. Being a topic of interest on The View.
They did that to get coverage. Hello? The successful machinations of well-placed management by Hollywood entertainment industry marketing professionals.
Bristol's "blog?" It's not real. Probably Nancy French doesn't ghostwrite it. Most likely it's written by Lifetime marketing staff. Could be they've contracted with Nancy to write it, who knows.
It's like any other movie/TV show "blog." It's not Bristol Palin's personal thoughts and expression. Does anyone really think so?
It's a campaign to attract viewers. They were counting on it and it's working. Next comes more invitations to late night talk shows, Jay Leno and Conan O'Brien, red carpet stuff, and some black-tie dinners with photogs.
I'm guessing even Gryphen generated a couple of extra bucks for his trouble...