Saturday, May 26, 2012

God vs Google

You have to admit, they have a point.

That is why every so often I sacrifice a live chicken to the Gods of Google.

(I'm probably kidding.)

Happy Saturday!


  1. No I DON'T have to admit... NAME ONE .

  2. Paul - Minnesota8:07 AM

    Though google (I won't capitalize their name), similar to facebook, also similar to the tea party and right wing religious people, they all have something in common.

    They all want to invade my privacy and my private, personal, life and know more about me than I want them to know. Also it's more than about me, they want to do this to everyone.

    They're all trolling and policing to make some kind of profit or please some prophet.

  3. WakeUpAmerica8:29 AM

    It's funny. I laughed. However, the sentence under "Perhaps..." is untrue. Google, like all search engines, can returns results that are head-scratchers. I call those lies. Google, I have heard, will return results and sites for porn, including underage sex porn which contributes, I'm pretty sure, to the molestation of children. And while Google doesn't specifically ask anyone to kill, it will return results of sites that do ask you to kill, ways to do it, and what groups to join while preparing for the killing. And no, I don't believe the corporation of Google is a person or a god.

  4. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Actually, I thought Google did not pay any taxes, or at least paid very little??? They use the loopholes just like all the corporations.

  5. Presbyterians obviously don't know how to google properly.

  6. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I have no more respect for Google than I do for religion. They are both trying to take over the world.

  7. Anita Winecooler8:06 PM

    That'll make folks jam on their brakes and join! NOT.

  8. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Both wrong, and that poster judges a group as a whole.

    I google. I found these videos:

    Scientific Proof of God, by Professor Gerald Schroeder, Biology and Physics

    The Secret History of Dinosaurs

    Radioisotope Dating of Rocks

    Thousands...Not Billions

    Science vs. God, Its The Collapse Of Physics As We Know It.

    Google is not an individual, but a tool.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.