Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hard to argue with this.

I love it when I stumble across an image that really does represent a thousand words.

And this one certainly does that.

Anybody disagree with this conclusion?


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    And once the fetus pops out it's, eww! You are on your own kid. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and be a God fearing true Amerikan patriot.

  2. Anonymous3:27 AM

    He could have added -- non-white voter (line through); union-member (line through); an atheist (line through); the protesting 99% (line through)...etc.

    1. Sally in MI5:27 PM

      I thin k the sign would have been taller than the guy!!!

  3. Sally in MI3:30 AM

    He needs to add "a very rich white male" and "a corporation." Otheriwse, perfect.

    1. So why do Republicans love fetuses? They are the only one of the three that have no money.

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      They really don't. It's just a way to stick it to women for daring to enjoy nonprocreative sex the way men can.

  4. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Yes, they will protect your rights if you're a fetus.

    But they won't get you any health care once you're born.

  5. Anonymous4:19 AM

    There is a lot of truth in that hand-printed poster. The US Congressman from my district, Dave Camp, now chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, is a proud supporter of the "unborn" (his word) and yet he votes consistently against issues that affect children and families. He seems to think that children are great until they are born and then, like all other Republicans, he just doesn't like them very much. He is also involved in ALEC.

    1. Sally in MI5:27 PM

      hey Beagle, I'm in his district too (actually his hometown, which he avoids like the plague right now!) I wrote him an email after the Maddow show which portrayed our lovely state legislators hurridly passing bills against the Constitution. I wrote to him, Stamas, Moolenar, and Schuette, all from Midland, and all up to their necks in ALEC. I received a reply from Camp...he is NOT involved because ALEC is concerned with state bills, and he is a big shot on Capitol Hill, don't ya know. And yet, he addresses their meetings, and when he was a state guy, he paid his dues.

  6. Yup

    Republicans will protect your rights if you are

    a republican woman

    a republican teacher

    a republican lgbt

    a republican immigrant

    a democrat/republican foetus

    there u go ... thanks for asking.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Not true: there is no party test when a teacher loses her job because the state took money from the school aid fund to give yet another tax break to Shell. They do not accept GOP gays. Or immigrants, or anyone else on the evil list.

    2. DenguyFL12:10 PM

      Two words - Ric Grinell and poof there goes gay republicans. Not to mention GOProud (what are they good for anyway)

  7. Anonymous4:53 AM

    The sign says it all.

    Just like the fake brouhaha over deficient spending (when Republicans just voted to raise defense spending 8 billion dollars and cut taxes on the wealthy this past week), the Republicans are always up for smoke and mirrors.

    They create a crisis when none exists (abortions are actually a tiny part of reproductive-oriented care) and where none need exist (sex education, contraception, and good prenatal care would reduce that tiny number even further). They simply want a smoke screen so they can get in and rape our economy and the most conservative amongst them can push their religious agenda on us all. Power and greed - that's what they are all about - power and greed.

    They don't give a damn about the vast majority of Americans - never have and never will.

  8. PalinsHoax8:26 AM

    That poster's message needs to be spread far and wide and continuously, for it displays the Republiklan's stance precisely.

  9. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Other than the weird phenomenon I see with certain "conservative" friends parroting the EXACT words of such terrible human beings as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, as if they are quoting Buddha or Jesus Christ, I have yet to see anyone's explanation of this mania about abortion.

    In a Facebook fight, one of those "dittoheads" asked me if I was in favor of scraping children out of wombs.

    Now, I know this dimwit quite well...well enough to know he doesn't give half a shit about some thumbnail-sized zygote in the belly of a woman he doesn't know, and normally would say something awful about her--not act like he cares.

    So, you'll pardon me if I discount any true concern about anyone else, including the start of a baby.

    Leaving us with WHAT? I see people spending all day, maybe taking a day off work, to parade around with stupid signs, usually misspelled, to indicate they are indignant about what other people do about their own bodies.

    Can anyone spell out just what the motivation can be, for this?

    1. My guess is that people want to think they are doing something to solve the world's problems, without actually doing the hard things that really would solve the world's problems.

  10. Chella8:52 AM

    Im a proud new Yorker, and i love my state. We have a program called PCAP for all low income pregnant woman that gives them FREE doctors visits, hospital care, neonatal care, and a free stay at a hospital to give birth. Don't plan on keeping the fetus? No problem! They will pay for your abortion. After the baby is born, they take care of all after birth care, until WIC takes over, giving
    The mother and baby free formula, diapers, check ups and whatnot.

    And this program is voted on over and over again by fellow new Yorkers, because we love our state and those who live in it.

    I <3 NY.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      How did you muzzle the GOP in NY state?

  11. Anonymous3:29 PM

    A Palin Fetus, at that.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    Np disagreement here! I'd love to see more on the list, but protest signs with too many words usually get glossed over by those who need to read them.


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