Monday, May 21, 2012

Have you ever wondered how Fox News can outright lie to its audience and STILL claim they are a news organization? Here let Thom Hartmann explain it to you.

If you would rather just read this story, you can do that as well right here:

 In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States. 

Back in December of 1996, Jane Akre and her husband, Steve Wilson, were hired by FOX as a part of the Fox “Investigators” team at WTVT in Tampa Bay, Florida. In 1997 the team began work on a story about bovine growth hormone (BGH), a controversial substance manufactured by Monsanto Corporation. The couple produced a four-part series revealing that there were many health risks related to BGH and that Florida supermarket chains did little to avoid selling milk from cows treated with the hormone, despite assuring customers otherwise. 

According to Akre and Wilson, the station was initially very excited about the series. But within a week, Fox executives and their attorneys wanted the reporters to use statements from Monsanto representatives that the reporters knew were false and to make other revisions to the story that were in direct conflict with the facts. Fox editors then tried to force Akre and Wilson to continue to produce the distorted story. When they refused and threatened to report Fox's actions to the FCC, they were both fired.(Project Censored #12 1997) 

Akre and Wilson sued the Fox station and on August 18, 2000, a Florida jury unanimously decided that Akre was wrongfully fired by Fox Television when she refused to broadcast (in the jury's words) “a false, distorted or slanted story” about the widespread use of BGH in dairy cows. They further maintained that she deserved protection under Florida's whistle blower law. Akre was awarded a $425,000 settlement. Inexplicably, however, the court decided that Steve Wilson, her partner in the case, was ruled not wronged by the same actions taken by FOX. 

FOX appealed the case, and on February 14, 2003 the Florida Second District Court of Appeals unanimously overturned the settlement awarded to Akre. The Court held that Akre’s threat to report the station’s actions to the FCC did not deserve protection under Florida’s whistle blower statute, because Florida’s whistle blower law states that an employer must violate an adopted “law, rule, or regulation." In a stunningly narrow interpretation of FCC rules, the Florida Appeals court claimed that the FCC policy against falsification of the news does not rise to the level of a "law, rule, or regulation," it was simply a "policy." Therefore, it is up to the station whether or not it wants to report honestly. 

During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so. After the appeal verdict WTVT general manager Bob Linger commented, “It’s vindication for WTVT, and we’re very pleased… It’s the case we’ve been making for two years. She never had a legal claim.”

Feel free to spread this far and wide and to use it to convince your friends and relatives who watch Fox that they are being lied to every day, and that the station has already admitted as much in court.

And the next time one of them quotes Fox News to support their point of view, simply reply, "Sorry I do not trust anything that comes from a network that won a court case giving them the right to lie to the American people."


  1. On the topic of lying...

  2. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Good story, but hate that you linked to Lew Rockwell and those conspiratist/libertarians.

  3. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Speaking of liars...all hell is breaking loose regarding Todd Palin and his connection with Shailey Tripp.
    It appears Homeland Security has contacted Ms. Tripp in connection with their investigation of the "culture of corruption" within the Secret Service.
    Ms. Tripp claims she was introduced to former agent David Chaney by Todd Palin and had sex with him.
    Malia Litman has this developing story on her blog.
    Stay tuned and hang onto your hats folks. It may finally be Karma time for Sister Sarah and her 1st Dude "Tawd the Pimp"!

    1. Karma can't come soon enough to those two - it's long overdue!

    2. Can't help but wonder if Senator Lieberman will bring up Todd Palin / Shailey Tripp / David Chaney connection during the Senate hearings since Lieberman is such a good friend of Senator McCain's. What are friends for if not to protect the guilty. But then I was born skeptical.

    3. I will never believe that anything will come of this, but I do hope you are correct!

  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Interesting. I'd heard about this case in bits and pieces over the years. I don't understand how a network or affiliate can have it both ways though -- the outright go-ahead to lie and distort, but have no disclaimers that their information is opinion/editorial, not intended to be factually correct. This flies in the face of the tenets of journalism that (what I was taught) stipulate that your stories must be able to stand scrutiny if the information is questioned.

    1. Why isn't there Faux Gnus in Canada? Because they will prosecute any news organization that broadcasts lies.

  5. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I remember when this story first broke, but have become increasingly dismayed when the rest of the media failed to follow through and expose Faux News. It was a perfect opening for them to prove to the general public that Faux News knowingly lies.

    The judges in the case were indeed either misguided in their narrow interpretation or were encouraged to grant a ruling favorable to Faux.

    Is it a case of "there but for the grace of God go I" in terms of one network covering for another in fear that it might also be found out or at least accused?

    This is why is it so crucial that schools and parents teach children critical thinking. Unless we can use logic and reason to see through the smoke and mirrors, we are doomed to be bamboozled at every turn.

    So many questions as to why the FCC allows obvious, easily disproved lies to continue but gets all up in arms over a nipple pop. Priorities, priorities, priorities.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      ''''This is why is it so crucial that schools and parents teach children critical thinking.''''

      WE should teach our own children critical thinking. That is something a parent is responsible for, and should do. Schools/teachers are not responsible for everything our children need to learn in life.

  6. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Makes you wonder if old Murdoch had anything on the judges via hacking on the phones.... just sayin'

    1. hedgewytch7:41 AM

      I don't doubt it for a second!

      I can only hope that the News of the World scandal keeps growing and finally makes it across the water to our country. Once that breaks loose, we MIGHT have a chance to reset our media back to default factory settings once again.

  7. Anonymous5:25 AM

    So if the Todd the Pimp story is about to hit the mainstream, is this why Scarah has been virtually silent for a month? I mean, how could such a wonderful Christian woman have missed commenting on the National Day of Prayer, on President Obama's embrace of gay rights, and so much more than normally would have sent her to the Fox airwaves smokin' mad and self-righeously indignant? It will be an interesting summer for the GOP and John "I admire Sarah Palin and her family and she was qualified for VP" McCain.

    1. $arah is scheduled to screech on Hannity tonight.

  8. maple5:41 AM

    Thanks for the historical info about Faux Gnus, Gryph. I'd heard bits and pieces, but had always thought Faux got away with it because they had an "entertainment" licence.
    The rest of US media are much too kind and complacent towards this travesty -- as are the American people.

  9. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Our nation has become a nation of liars. i notice it in everything! Make up anything . They all pretend to be christian too. They even want It's even okay for drs to lie about the condition of a fetus if it prevents a woman from having a abortion. Next they will lie about us having cancer, so we can't get any treatment . It's bad when even the supream colurt are liars. Clarence Thomas lied for 20 yrs abiout his wife's earnings why hasn't he been kicked off the bench?. No pride in anything everything is corupted by money fron Corp and rich ppl

    1. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Why is Clarence Thomas always the whipping boy when you guys want to go after the Supreme Justices? I am diehard liberal. But I must admit, Thomas earned his way to where he is.
      Why is his face under Supreme Court whipping boy, all the time?

    2. Because he is not qualified to be there, he has glaring conflicts of interest, never says a word so either he is an idiot or doesn't really care. He was a Bush joke of sorts, daring the Dems to vote against a black man, knowing they really couldn't but also knowing he was a right wing puppet.

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      No, he didn't earn it. Look back at his record - the only way he "earned" it was by kissing conservative butt, not by the integrity of his decisions.

  10. Anonymous5:47 AM

    We used to watch Fox; my husband, who is quite conservative, can't stand the vitriolic Hannity and others on there anymore. The smirk on their faces as they slam their hated politician is truly scary. It's like watching a fictional news station, with the host characters overly-dramatizing their role as holiness watchdog and righteous pundit.

    Monica Crowley, Ann Coulter, John Stossel and their ilk; totally unreasonable. They insult man's intelligence by thinking they are fooling anyone.

  11. Since I have a close relative who won't listen to any station but Fox, I've sent links to him in the past about FNC's "right to lie". How anyone could continue to know those facts yet still listen to Fox is beyond me. Something that goes along with the lawsuit story is that Fox isn't allowed to broadcast in Canada since Canada has a law that prohibits lies over the airways. Rupert Murdoch tried to get it repealed but wasn't successful.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Fox is available on cable and satellite here so we can't escape it either. We all have relatives addicted to it as well.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      This is why Fox is so popular. So many like your family member love to hear their hate talk, it is a comfort drug for bigots.

    3. I'll give you odds that your close relative doesn't go to the links. Closed mind syndrome..."Don't confuse me with facts."

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I live with a right winger who will only listen to Faux Noise...Everything else is the "Liberal media, in the pocket for that n*****."

    The cognitive dissonance he employs is so sickening. On the other hand, it's kind of awe-inducing.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      You ought to be ashamed to post what you posted. AND to admit you live with someone like that, says a lot about you.

    2. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Yeah, the fact that my roommate and I won't kick his disabled father out on the street, or into a home....I bet that says quite a bit about us.

      Especially given the abuse he piles onto us for not being conservatives, Christians and true Americans. Or the abuse he gives me for being Bisexual.

      How about you mature past fourth grade and learn to get the whole story before you judge?

  13. hedgewytch7:39 AM

    I've been talking about this for years. And what really floors me is when presented with the facts, how many people will STILL defend FOX news!! They just don't get it, and I guess are willingly allowing themselves to be lied to.

    Thank goodness we have the internet, but still, we have to be vigilant, with the attacks upon internet freedom.

  14. Paul - Minnesota8:18 AM

    Gryphen, thank you so much for your post and for sharing the video.

  15. Anonymous8:45 AM

    I've been shaken to the core, recently, having finally heard the fate of Dan Rather (a guest on Bill Maher's program, last week).

    His tale is similar to this one...he and his team found out some ugly facts about the phoney "war" going on. The kind of thing that people would win the Murrow award for doing--in the good old days.

    Today, however, even the stalwart CBS News has been corrupted by the corporate takeover of the nation...and Rather was FIRED instead of honored.

    The other news organizations try to come off with SOME dignity, and only Fox has gone the total batshit crazy route--becoming the National Enquirer of television. (Any day now, expect the lead story on Fox "News" to be an Elvis sighting.)

    But if you find yourself being incredulous over ANYTHING you hear on the news, that should be a strong signal to suspect it of being "altered" from reality. DO NOT let yourself think, "Well, its on TV, so it must be true."

  16. hedgewytch7:39 AM
    I've been talking about this for years. And what really floors me is when presented with the facts, how many people will STILL defend FOX news!! They just don't get it, and I guess are willingly allowing themselves to be lied to.

    To be lied to over and over requires a gullibility that hinges on their listeners' FEAR which Fox exploits. Fear of being in a minority very soon. Fear of rational people who tell them there is no big Daddy in the Sky, fear that women are more powerful than men, fear their children's higher education is polluting their minds with facts, etc.

    Fox News is a corporate con-man who knows what people want and what they fear and tells them just what they want to hear -- LIES -- to justify their fears and calm them back into a justification of all their mean & backward thinking.

    I say Forward...

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Why do people want to call racial hate as fear? It is NOT fear, it is a false sense of superiority over people of color.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      '''Barbara Carlson8:50 AM

      hedgewytch7:39 AM
      I've been talking about this for years. And what really floors me is when presented with the facts, how many people will STILL defend FOX news!! They just don't get it, and I guess are willingly allowing themselves to be lied to.'''

      They feed off the racism. They like knowing others feel the same hatred they feel. Fox and their hate is comfort food to them. This is why they defend Fox.

  17. Cluster-Fox - Pravda - Stasi-News.... what ever you want to call it, just please call it trash... since the day it started, it's been a lie.....And now, at least in the UK, SOME of the purveyors of Rupe-Smut MAY BE GOING TO JAIL!!!

    We're coming after you Roger... And won't quit until you're done.... wiped from the map.... a smear on the Ave. of the Americas.....FIN...

  18. Anonymous9:40 AM

    See the documentary film, The Corporation. This case is covered extensively - an excellent film, on capitalism, in total.

  19. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Holy Crap, shit will flow off Fox today, Palin will be on Hannity for an hr, to discuss Pres. was NOT vetted!!!!!

  20. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Sarah Palin Needs a Map Again

  21. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Kiss of death- Palin affect:

    Good Morning America Continues Ratings Wins Over Today

  22. Anita Winecooler1:40 PM

    The people who watch news actually believe it's all true, afterall, if it's on television, it's true. I've heard of this a while ago, but never saw it refuted until now.

    Yeah, I'll do my part and send it to the fox news viewers I know. They'll cry "Foul" and "Media bias on the left side". I just love pissing them off.

    CNN is on the way to becoming "Fox Lite".


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It just goes directly to their thighs.