Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Here is today's big announcement in the President's own words.

Courtesy of ABC News:

The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states' deciding the issue on their own. But he said he's confident that more Americans will grow comfortable with gays and lesbians getting married, citing his own daughters' comfort with the concept. 

"It's interesting, some of this is also generational," the president continued. "You know when I go to college campuses, sometimes I talk to college Republicans who think that I have terrible policies on the economy, on foreign policy, but are very clear that when it comes to same-sex equality or, you know, sexual orientation, that they believe in equality. They are much more comfortable with it. You know, Malia and Sasha, they have friends whose parents are same-sex couples. There have been times where Michelle and I have been sitting around the dinner table and we're talking about their friends and their parents and Malia and Sasha, it wouldn't dawn on them that somehow their friends' parents would be treated differently. It doesn't make sense to them and, frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective." 

Roberts asked the president whether first lady Michelle Obama was involved in his decision. Obama said she was, and he talked specifically about his own faith. 

"This is something that, you know, we've talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do. And that is that, in the end the values that I care most deeply about and she cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated. And I think that's what we try to impart to our kids and that's what motivates me as president and I figure the most consistent I can be in being true to those precepts, the better I'll be as a as a dad and a husband and, hopefully, the better I'll be as president."

I think that the President has really thrown down the gauntlet here and is essentially daring the Right Wing to come after him on this issue.  As we know the country is more than willing to accept gay marriage, and by attacking Obama the Republicans will demonstrate how out of step they are with the will of the American people.

And let's face it, for those people to whom "protecting the sanctity or marriage" is their overriding issue, Obama was NEVER going to be their choice of candidate anyhow.

It is a GREAT day in America today and I have every hope that now with this issue front and center we will start to see the acceptance of gay marriage sweep the country. As our Vice President would say, "This is a big fucking deal!"

Hey, people were wondering where the hope and change were, well now you know!


  1. angela5:03 PM


    Now I'm going to get a rain parka while I sit around with popcorn
    and watch most of the members of the GOP heads explode.

    Cheap laughs, but fun.
    What WILL Mitt say?

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      Mitt is digging into his anti-gay marriage stance (the one he adopted after he ran against Ted Kennedy).

      He is a man no one should trust. He has been on both sides of every issue and then denies ever having changed his mind. Maybe he's right - he hasn't changed - he is an opportunist liar who violates the sacred principles of the faith he says he embraces. As a Temple Mormon, he is not supposed to bear false witness and is supposed to treat all people fairly and honestly.

      He does neither.

    2. Anonymous6:09 PM

      “My view is the same as it has been since the beginning which is I don’t favor civil union if it is identical to marriage, and I don’t favor marriage between people of the same gender.”

  2. Gryphen said, "Hey, people were wondering where the hope and change were, well now you know!"

    You're right, Jesse! This IS a GREAT day in America! First heard of it on Martin Bashir's show today. Hooray! And if our BRILLIANT President will do this before the election, imagine what he can do if we give him a Democratic LANDSLIDE!!! I'm thinking Medicare for ALL and the demise of the insane "War on Drugs" to begin with. BLESS YOU, President Obama! And the First Family, too. We're with you!

    And I know our President has to stay above the fray, but isn't this just the BEST "Fuck You" to the Racist, Homophobic, Anti-Science, Dominionist Teabaggers? (Sorry for the redundancy) And, speaking of Sarah, has she surfaced lately?

    Peace, All. Think this deserves the best "Socialist" Champagne tonight! Vive le America!

    1. SALLY in MI6:32 PM

      Sarah's writer surfaced to endorse some loser somewhere who ASKED for her support. So they gave her a lukewarm letter and promised a big old SARAHPAC check...if there's any money left after the latest plastic surgery. Can you imagine if she had gotten her claws into DC politics? Horrifying!

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    I am so very proud of our President.

    I am white, heterosexual, and a senior. I have seen many Presidents come and go in my lifetime, but I have never, ever been more proud of a President than I am of Barack Obama.

    If I were to describe my religious and spiritual beliefs, I would have to say I am closest to being a Deist, like the majority of our founding fathers. Therefore, when I look at our President and his actions, I believe he is truer to the Christian faith, the real message of Christ than any other President, save Jimmy Carter, who in retirement, has done amazing things for those his faith informs him need his help - the poor, the abused, and the endangered.

    President Obama is a man of compassion who doesn't just talk about it - he lives it. He is a man of reason, intellect and faith. He is man of courage who lives his faith.

    Though I do not share his religious faith, I do respect it because of the way he lives it. He is not forcing any one to marry a same sex partner, but he is saying we should respect and allow our fellow Americans to follow their heart and be able to live in dignity and love.

    I say again, I am proud to have voted for him, and will vote for him again.

    - ks sunflower

    1. linda6:16 PM

      i am another white, heterosexual, "old" person (60 years old) and i echo your sentiments!

    2. emrysa6:24 PM

      hey ks I'd hit the like button if there was one. I agree.

    3. SALLY in MI6:30 PM

      Speaking of Carter, the most Christian President we have ever had (and the most vilified by the 'religious right) he has done amazing things around the world, as has Clinton since he left office. Where are the Bushes after DC? Sitting around counting their cash. What have they done to make humanity better? To make this nation better? Nada. It takes a Democrat, every time, to show real leadership and real compassion. The GOP is in it for the money.

    4. Anonymous6:39 PM

      White, heterosexual, and forty-ish . . . and COMPLETELY AGREE with your assessment of our President.

    5. emrysa6:51 PM

      SALLY great point. where are the bush's with their humanitarian causes?? nowhere to be found. couldn't care less.

    6. Anonymous7:41 PM

      ks sunflower- you're my favorite flower. I always love your posts. I so agree- 50ish, white, hetero, and from a little town in Indiana. Yea Obama!

    7. Anita Winecooler8:16 PM

      Love it! Fiftysomethingish Married Hetero woman who's marriage was made stronger today, because LGBT can feel miserable too, like the rest of us! (credit for "miserable like the rest of us" to Cyndi Lauper on Ed Show).

  4. What a beautiful man, a lovely person, someone who can and will invoke his responsibilities as a parent, as a husband and as a public figure. I'm sorry for all of us that we will have only four more years with him as our head of government.

  5. Anonymous5:47 PM

    I hope more gays will be encouraged to come out of the closet and thank those who've gone before them for creating an environment where attitudes could change. That's ultimately what it's about for most people--when they find out someone they respect and love is gay, whatever may have scared them about homosexuality loses it's power (excluding an irrational fear of the lord).

    May there be a sudden and relentless destruction of the religious right.

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:49 PM

    Deep down, I had a strong feeling that the President felt this way, all through the on and off disillusionment of some on the Left. Like everything else he's done, he was waiting for just the right time to put his cards on the table. Poker player extraordinaire!

    Now, just waiting for Mitt "Babbles" Romney to gaffe in the days ahead and say "Okay, I'm for marriage equality too--no, wait, I never said that--no, wait...uh...damn..."

    Obama 2012!

    1. SALLY in MI6:28 PM

      It'll be more like, "well, back in 2000 I supported the gay Olympic athletes and I take total credit for the President saying what he said yesterday, whatever that was again. Anyway, I have shown in business that I am a leader, and President Obama is not leading; he's following. he is not working. I will work for America and the same sex parters in civil unions. Just what he said."

    2. claire11:18 PM


  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    In coming forward, President Obama is reflecting the views of the moderate, or progressive, branch of the Christian faith. There are many, many congregations around the world that also support gay marriage. My own minister and congregation stand proudly with him today.

  8. Good for him!! One of the things I respect most about President Obama is how he stands up for his beliefs,even when he knows it will only give more fodder to fill the hate filled douche bags.As I said to my son today,Pres.Obama could create World Peace,and the asshats would still hate him,simply for the color of his skin.

    1. SALLY in MI6:25 PM

      The GOP doesn't want world peace...whatever would they do with the billions they throw at the Pentagont hen...feed the poor? No, not only do they like discord and hate, they breed it into their kids while attending church to hear sermons about how liberals hate Christ and aren't patriotic. Last time I checked, God did not mention the USA in the Bible, and if HE had, He would not be happy with the way the GOP treats everyone but the rich white bazillionaires and ther stooges in Congress. Go, Mr.President! You are right on this, you were right on health care, you were brave in taking out bin Laden,. and we have your back!

  9. Anonymous5:58 PM

    How Robin Roberts Landed The Obama Interview

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Report: Obama Camp Raised $1 Million In First 90 Minutes After Endorsing Gay Marriage

    1. claire11:29 PM

      His courage inspired me! I just sent him $$ too!

  11. Anonymous6:00 PM

    This is marriage equality....about time.

    And now I will head for the bomb shelter and watch the fallout....the billionaires battling the dominiosts. They both seem to want to inslave part of the population. But can they agree on which group or groups of people to inslave? Isn't this basically facism?

  12. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Listen to this!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:43 PM

      That was great! Ellen is a beautiful person.

  13. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Homosexuality is found in over 450 species.

    Homophobia is only found in 1.

    Which is really unnatural?

  14. emrysa6:11 PM

    I think this is great, but what gives me good laffs:

    the right wingers will say "oh, this is just a political move to get re-elected," but they will not acknowledge that it's their own STUPID SHIT that has brought this issue to the forefront and has essentially forced obama to make a stand. they have been working to get their discriminatory bullshit on the ballots in various states every year in order to get more people to the polls, and now it has BACKFIRED on them because the issue has gotten so big that the head honcho has to state his position. LO FUCKING L they MADE this happen, they've shot themselves in the foot so-to-speak - while it's great for all of us reality people the right wingers are stupid that they don't see that they have contributed to this outcome. dumb asses! ROFL let this be a lesson to all of us, how things really play out!

    1. emrysa6:27 PM

      oh, and I forgot to add - that's my goddam president motherfuckers! love him!

  15. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Dustin Lance Black, Oscar-winning writer of the movies "Milk" and and "J. Edgar," is back on Team Obama.

    Black told the Huffington Post Wednesday afternoon that he was deeply moved by President Barack Obama's statement in support of gay marriage, which he called "a game changer."

    "It does show leadership. It shows strength. And all these things I've been waiting to see," Black said. "I've caught myself saying, 'Yes we can' again."

    Black's enthusiasm stands in sharp contrast to his strongly-worded op-ed in the Hollywood Reporter on April 26. He called for those in the LGBT to consider withholding support for the president because of his spotty record on gay rights. (Black later said the Hollywood Reporter's headline misconstrued his position.)

    Black said the stridency and passion of Obama's statement on Wednesday convinced him of the president's commitment to equal rights.

    "This was such a bold statement -- more than I ever expected, more than I ever dreamed of," Black said. "I heard everything I needed to hear."

    Black also affirmed his support for Obama in a blog post with a link to Obama's reelection fund. He argued that the president's public statement of support for gay marriage should serve, for those in favor of equal rights, as a call to action rather than a victory.

    "We in the LGBT community need to get out and change more minds, to make sure that this statement gets translated into a incredibly positive political position for our president," Black said. "President Obama listened, and did everything we asked -- so now we've got a lot of work on our hands."

  16. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I do not know how orchestrated this was; and I do not know how calculated it is. What I know is that, absorbing the news, I was uncharacteristically at a loss for words for a while, didn't know what to write, and, like many Dish readers, there are tears in my eyes.

    So let me simply say: I think of all the gay kids out there who now know they have their president on their side. I think of Maurice Sendak, who just died, whose decades-long relationship was never given the respect it deserved. I think of the centuries and decades in which gay people found it impossible to believe that marriage and inclusion in their own families was possible for them, so crushed were they by the weight of social and religious pressure. I think of all those in the plague years shut out of hospital rooms, thrown out of apartments, written out of wills, treated like human garbage because they loved another human being. I think of Frank Kameny. I think of the gay parents who now feel their president is behind their sacrifices and their love for their children.

  17. Anonymous6:37 PM

    "In the end the values that I care most deeply about and [Michelle] cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it’s also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated. And I think that’s what we try to impart to our kids and that’s what motivates me as president and I figure the most consistent I can be in being true to those precepts, the better I’ll be as a as a dad and a husband and hopefully the better I’ll be as president."

    "Treat others the way you would want to be treated."

    What is it about that that (some) (so called) Christians cannot understand?

  18. Anonymous6:41 PM

    And no wild ravings from the Queen of Mean? She must really be in the muck! It's been 12 days since she's tweeted, not even acknowledging the wingnut from indiana's election win? The one she endorsed when it looked like he was ahead? No word on her pitbull smackdown from Barack, no Fox appearances, no facebook screeds. Although I am COMPLETELY loving the silence, it feels like something is brewing...What do you think Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      I agree. Or, maybe the queen of mean is realizing she is done. I noticed Fox is renewing contracts. Maybe she got the ax with the condition of keeping it hush hush. We can only hope that money train is done for her!

    2. Anonymous9:22 PM

      I think it is deliciously hilarious that he chose Robin Roberts from Good Morning America. The Today Show got SP a while back, while GMA got a return by Katie Couric. Now GMA's Roberts gets the POTUS saying he supports gay marriage! What a way to rub salt into the wound.

  19. So now everybody who was bitching about Obama loves him again. When will they figure out this man is working for ALL of us? As if they are more qualified than he is to deal with these issues...a little patience and trust would be in order.

    Time to stop whining and get busy getting him some support in Congress. Imagine what the next four years could accomplish.

    1. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Lynne, I'm only speaking for myself, but I vote for the "D" candidate, no matter what he or she stands for. I'm just happy that O made such an earth-shattering public statement. He had my vote already, I just hope this doesn't cost him the election.

    2. Anonymous7:21 PM

      Nicely stated Lynn :)
      So I will just add


      Vote DEMOCRATIC in 2012

      Little Rabbit

    3. Anonymous7:37 PM

      Lynne, you are absolutely correct - we need to make sure Dems and the old-fashioned moderate Republicans (you know, the ones who negotiate and work with Dems for the good of the country) and moderate Independents take back the House from the fanatics and the Koch Brothers and make sure the Dems keep the Senate. This we not only owe President Obama, we owe it to ourselves.

      Let's all get out there and ensure everyone who wants to vote for Obama and Democrats does just that. It is time we worked together again.

    4. Anonymous8:29 PM

      I agree with you, Lynne. He is every American's president. Not just those that are progressive, or independent, or conservative.

      He will not, can not, make every single person happy. But he can damn well do a great job of giving every issue a good, intelligent and thoughtful going over. I trust him completely because of that.

    5. Anita Winecooler8:54 PM

      Thanks, Lynne, very well put. He's fighting for all of us, he's kept his promise and deserves all the help we can give him, and more.

  20. Anonymous7:12 PM

    They're all playing checkers, my President is playing chess.

  21. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Jon Stewart just smacked down Sarah AGAIn!

  22. Anita Winecooler8:28 PM

    So proud of President Obama. No more equivocation, no more "separate but equal". Getting this out of the way early on was brilliant, Mitt has six months to hem and haw, the radical right can vent their spleens and get stuck on stupid

    President Obama can move onward and focus on the big picture. I doubt he'll get much, if any, real backlash.

    Obama 2012!

  23. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Put away the pom-poms. He HAD to address the Biden thing, and this was a cowardly way to do it.

    His position is that it's a personal position, and gay couples "should" be able to marry, but don't have a RIGHT to. He thinks individual states should decide. He has no problem with states banning gay marriage.

    He does not think it's unconstitutional for states to deny gay people the rights and benefits associated with legal marriage.

    Once, slavery was a state-by-state issue, too.

    Would you applaud a politician who said he was personally against slavery and thought all slaves should be free, but that individual states should still get to decide whether to allow slavery? Would you admire him and think of him as courageous?

    Gawker is right. EQUALITY IS NOT A STATE-BY-STATE ISSUE!{%22type%22:%22powwowLoaded%22}

    1. angela4:31 AM

      He set up the Biden thing . . . .
      I wouldn't play poker or chess with the man . . . .
      Get it?

  24. Anonymous8:54 PM

    LOL, Jon Stewart just referred Palin as a cartoon character in in his Julia .....

  25. Anonymous9:34 PM

    It is still a start though - I must admit to crying. Finally now I can see a day where I can legally marry my beloved wife of 4 years. This alone still means plenty to some of us.

  26. Gasman9:59 PM

    I think that President Obama just placed a GIANT rake in front of the GOP. He came out unambiguously for equality which seems to have the effect of forcing the GOP to rally around the banner of homophobic bigotry and inequality. Obligingly, the GOP has been falling all over themselves trying to see who can step on it the hardest and the mostest.

    The president wasn't going to get the homophobe vote anyway, so it was probably a vote neutral move. However, since it clearly and unambiguously paints the GOP as the bigots they are - or rather allows themselves to paint themselves as such - it does make them look that much smaller and meaner. It also firmly affixes the millstone of homophobia squarely around Mitt's neck.

    I think it was tactically brilliant as it merely lets the GOP wound themselves while the president comes out in favor of equality.

    Well played sir, well played.

  27. Anonymous4:54 AM

    The discourse in these comments is awesome! Intelligent, heartfelt, insightful. So great to be part of this community.

    OK, time to stir the mud, let's have a Bristol post.

  28. Sharon28535:57 AM

    President Obama has been attacked relentlessly by rightwingers - the coming election is going to be a bloodbath no matter who wins.

    It breaks my heart to witness the reality of politics today. The real issues we face are lost in the battles of power hungry and wealthy individuals that don't give a crap about this country.

    They don't care about the gays, the poor, the elderly or healthcare. They don't care about the economy or jobs or the middleclass.

    Most of them care about two things only. Power and money.

    It's beyond outrageous that some of these crazies are attacking the rights of women - after all these years - why are we even having these discussions?! Why are we allowing it?

    The religous rightwingers are not "christians" or good people. This is not the middle east - and religion has no place in govt - it's time for all of us - regardless of our religious beliefs - to take a stand and send them packing.

    We have serious problems in our society and they're getting worse.

    Healthcare should be a right to all citizens regardless of income or circumstances.

    Women should have the right to choose without the intrusion of govt or religious groups interfering.

    Gays have the right to marry and live their lives with honor and dignity. It's NONE of our business
    who they choose to partner with - we have much more serious issues to deal with. Leave them alone and let's move on.

    The middleclass has been under attack for decades and we're at the tipping point. A long time ago it was predicted that there will only be 2 classes left eventually - the very rich and the very poor.

    We still have time to take back our country. And I'm very ok with my tax dollars going to help those in need instead of paying for prostitutes to entertain the losers having fun on my dime. ugh!

    If you want to measure the greatness of a country, just take a look at how they treat and care for those in need.

    They call our president a "socialist" because he takes a stand for all of us - not just the wealthy - but all of us. I can't imagine why anyone would want to end any programs that help and protect those citizens that need us.

    Screw the gop and the wasillabillies and their evil, self serving, cold agendas.

    I will vote for Obama again - we all need to stand together against the insanity of the gop and rightwing crazies.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.