Thursday, July 05, 2012

Gottta love Alabama.

Nothing like celebrating a weekend dedicated to independence and freedom by excluding Americans who you kind of wish had never been given their freedom.

You can read more about this racism hiding under the guise of religion here. (There is even more here, including information about their "cross lighting " ceremony. You know with fire.)

By the way it appears that some, including Chris Rock, think the holiday itself has some hidden racist overtones.

 This tweet apparently caused a huge controversy.

Personally I give Chris Rock a pass on this tweet, as he is a comedian who often includes sometimes uncomfortable observations about race in his act.

For the people involved in the Christian Identity Ministries I give no such pass.


  1. vegaslib12:18 PM

    These idiots claim they're not racist, they just don't have the facilities for non-whites. Can you believe this crap?

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    All Crackers invited.

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Jesus loves the little children, ALL the little children of the world, YELLOW BLACK and WHITE they are equal in his sight...............

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM


    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Whatevah! Tell that to the Klan in Bama' and see what they say about that!

    3. Anita Winecooler10:55 PM

      Oh nice!
      Little ditties to soothe the conscience!

  4. By inviting "all white Christians", does that mean all Christians who are white, or Christians who are all white? L

    1. Hey Pogo,

      Actually, I believe that the way they stated "white Christians" on their flyer was, for them, somewhat redundant.

    2. Anonymous2:53 PM

      Good one. And who's checking their ancestries at the door?

  5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:33 PM

    HOLY FUCK!!!


    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Yes, and no doubt wearing white robes and pointy hats. Did you check out one topic:"A Christian Nation." Why not just be truthful and say what you mean : "A WHITE CHRISTIAN NATION." Makes me ashamed of America.

    2. Anita Winecooler10:57 PM


  6. lostinmn12:34 PM

    This is the filet mignon of KKK country. Nothing finer. The racism continues to take small steps out from behind the curtain. Wanna bet if Mitt wins the all out war on people of color gathers steam and we start to see some real segregation under "states rights" and Jim Crow anti-voting laws? And hey southern women or women of any region who hang with racists. Be warned - you are next on the list.

  7. Leland12:35 PM

    Ah! But don't you know? Except for certain places "to the north", the Bible says slavery is okay!

  8. lostinmn12:35 PM

    Regarding Chris Rock - he's right and the Native Americans would echo his sentiments. Women too should take a closer look since they had not rights either back in those days.

  9. My only complaint about Chris Rock's tweet is he should have been more specific: "Happy White Men's Independence Day", or "Happy White Business Class Independence Day", or something like that. Anyway...Chris, rocks.

  10. I do love many things about Alabama. I was born and raised in Mobile, and I still miss it, although I live in the Pacific Northwest now.

    The sand along the Gulf Coast is made of white quartz. It's called sugar sand, and it literally sparkles. Absolutely beautiful, at least until the BP disaster.

    One of the main drags, Government Street, is called Mansion Row. It's lined with beautiful antebellum homes, some Georgian style, others Italianate or Creole-style. Enormous live oaks line the sidewalks and stretch their branches across the road.

    There are some fine liberal people there, but sadly I think they are outnumbered. That's why my husband and I chose to stay here when he retired from the army at Ft. Lewis.

    Sadly, there are bigots everywhere. They are by no means limited to the southern states.

    1. But, can you deny the per capita there is lots higher than elsewhere?

    2. Anonymous2:56 PM

      Ah, but you don't see a three day celebration of "White Christians" complete with a cross burning in your neck of the woods, now do you?

    3. There are some really great folks down there in L.A. (that's Lower Alabama for the un-Southern cultured folks) and really all over the South, for that matter. Mobile definitely has some of the Old South feel of New Orleans (and fun Mardi Gras with Blessing of the Fleet, etc.), the MS Gulf Coast and over in South/SE Louisiana with the plantation homes all up and down the Miss. River .

      I think there are probably a lot more "libruls" along I-10 in Mobile, NOLA, & Baton Rouge than in some of the small towns throughout the South, many with the old courthouse squares in the county seat towns.

      It's like everywhere else I've ever been and lived--- like you said, there are bigots of some kind everywhere you go, not just the South. All in all, there are still more good people of every stripe in the South, but the good folks aren't usually featured on CNN or the Daily Show, unfortunately.

    4. I think they'll be a LOT more libruls now that Mobile got the Airbus plant!

    5. In my experience, Washington is much more liberal in general than the south, and of course it's a blue state.

      However, there is a large white supremacist contingent in Washington, especially East of the Cascades, spreading into Idaho. There's also no shortage of dominionist churches. These groups are being tracked by the Southern Poverty Law Center. They are a very scary lot.

    6. Anita Winecooler11:07 PM

      Hate is everywhere. My son went to a copy center to pick up some work for my husband, they had a skinhead client getting color copies of neo nazi propaganda, we're talking vile, graphic stuff.

      It's not a "southern" thing at all, just like the militia movements, they're everywhere.

  11. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Cue your offended Christian readers..

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      We should all be offended.

  12. Alabama, like some other states we could mention, always on the wrong side of history.....and damned proud of it.

    1. Anonymous2:11 PM

      I live in Alabama and I can say there are a lot of good Christian people here. My church welcomes all races, but there are many that still live in the fifties and sixties just like in Alaska and many other states. The politics in Al stink but there are good people here.

  13. I don't think Jesus would approve. And they call themselves christians - just wow.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Don't forget the southern Jesus wasn't a librul.

      And he loved Lynyrd Skynyrd and NASCAR. And moon pies and RC Cola for a nickel apiece.

      Just sayin'.

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      And according to the pic on my grammie's wall, he was a blue-eyed blonde which must've raised a lot of eyebrows back in the ol' middle east.

  14. Honestly, i don't think we can change their minds.

    We'll just have to wait for them to die off...

    1. leland2:13 PM

      Unfortunately, with their beliefs that NO abortion should happen and that women are chattel and MUST submit to their husbands (even when legally separated), they just WON'T die off!
      Ignorance says barefoot and pregnant. They will GROW in numbers.
      And if the law steps in and tries to stop them breaking the law, you can bet they will be screaming the loudest about persecution of the Christians and religious freedom!

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      I have to agree with you. They are not capable of change.

  15. Anonymous1:42 PM

    OT OT OT.....What do you all think of this picture of Bristol and who are the 2 babys, 1 must be Piper but the other one Bristol is holding????

    1. Awwww...I see you've discovered Krazy Krusty's new stalker blog!

      That kid that Beefy is holding must be one of numerous children that Molly(Baldy's partner in crime in the Glen Rice thing)calved.

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Wow, so Bristol was pregnant from age 12 onwards! Who is that baby she is holding? Willow is on the left with the glasses and baby piper is in the right foreground but why does Bristol at age 11 or 12 have a "bump"? She was a fat kid, so I guess that could explain it but this photo is hilarious, given Bristol's recent history of birthing 3 younguns in 4 years!!!

    3. Anita Winecooler11:10 PM

      I think it's Krusty posting to get hits on her blog.

      Nice try.

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Another point of controversy is the "Sacred Christian Cross Lighting Ceremony" at the end of the three day conference. Organizers say it's a representation of their faith and that fire has symbolic meaning.

    "We are not burning a cross, look at the word is says it says light a cross. If you light a light in your house do you burn down your house. We often use fire. Our ancient fathers said fire was a cleansing element. Even the Bible says the earth will be purified with fire what purer element can we use as a symbol of our worship," said Reverend Mel Lewis, Christian Identity Ministries.

    The president of the Birmingham Metro Chapter of the NAACP sees the situation differently."

    Like the church cleansed Joan of Arc?

    1. lostinmn2:43 PM

      And the "witches" of Salem

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Have you seen the silent film "The Passion of Joan of Arc?" Absolutely stunning.

  17. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Yup. WHITE Christians. Love thy neighbor as long as they are not any shade of brown. FUCK the racist x-tian fundie fucktards. I'm a proud atheist and am extremely forgiving and tolerant but this nonsense has no place in a modern society. Fuck you, racist fundies.

  18. angela1:50 PM

    'Gotta love Alabama"

    No I don't----and I was born there. Luckily my parents headed north
    when I was a toddler and got me out of the geographically beautiful but benighted state.

    Sorry sane Alabamians--run for your lives.

  19. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Back in the day I would have gathered some African American friends and joined the party.

  20. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Is Palin the keynote? Lots of white people = safety in her puny little mind.

  21. Beldar Bama Conehead2:25 PM

    Technically, no, Gryphen. According to my preliminary calculations I don't gotta love Alabama. But I'm incredibly embarrassed to admit that my lack of careful reading actually had me really excited about attending the conference. As I'm sure you know, I am a maniac about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to do with horseshoes. Ok, I know that basically just means the actual game of horseshoes itself, but still, Im a maniac about it.

    I was so excited about going to Alabama that I packed everything: my custom-fitted carbon fiber and asbestos horseshoe gloves, my skin-tight spandex horseshoe competition shorts, my official 1988 US Olympics(tm) Horseshoe Team jersey (sponsored by the Adidas horseshoe division), and my lucky competition-grade athletic supporter signed by horseshoeing legend Ernesto Heriberto "Harry" Funicello (I was NOT wearing it when he signed it...)
    I was SO PSYCHED!!!

    Then I read the "white Christian" line... Wow. I'm bowled over. But I'm selfish enough to think "Ok, Bel, don't panic. You can pass for white, being.. you know.. caucasion, and all. But, then I think... the christian part... Oh, man... What if there's a secret handshake all the christians know and I won't know it. Of what if they make the horseshoeing contestants shriek out anti-semitic bible verses as they pitch the shoe? The only bible quotations I really know are the offensive ones I make up. I doubt THOSE will go over well....I'm screwed!"

    So, the upshot is, I'm not going to Alabama. But I am going to go to a crowded local public park, drink a case or more of beer, fly the Confederate battle flag, spit tobaccy juice with abandon, eye minorities with suspicion and throw recklessly into the air the Jarts I recently bought off eBay . Remember, you don't have to BE in the South to behave like a Southerner. (no offense to southerners intended...)

    1. Anonymous4:11 AM

      Beldar, don't let the fact that you make up bible verses stop you from going! You can claim anything you want and a huge percentage of the Christian population will have no idea you're makin' stuff up!

  22. lawd hep me jeezuz them's some dumb white folks.

    Am I the only one that thinks that tweet by Chris Rock is funny as hell? I mean, if you can't taste the sweet irony merging with some sad historical truths there... Just think about Mel Brooks' Blazing Saddles, which was pretty damn irreverent racial humor that made some of us rednecks tuh squirm a little bit, cuz it cut intuh the quick just a bit too close to the truth of the day.

    You don't make fun of nobody because they're poor, but if they do stupid shit like print up a flyer like that one posted up above, I'm gonna skewer their asses 'til the cows come home. To their faces if I see em in person! The stupid sons of bitches, just all eat up with the dumb ass!

    I guess I feel like my kinfolk earned me the right to laugh at other white folks, at least the ones that didn't even TRY not ta be stupid, since my kin was all dirt poor sharecroppers for several generations on into the middle-20th century almost, working an livin in the wood shaks next door, right alongside the colored folks that was doing the same sharecroppin', scratchin' out a livin' in the dirt.

    Thank the lawd my family folks weren't stoopid or racist when we's all growin' up, cuz now that we ain't poor no more, we unna-stand why we ain't no better than nobody else, excep stupid racist fuckerz that a bullwhip wouldn't begin tuh straighten' out!

  23. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Why didn't we let them secede?

  24. Omigod,

    Look at the 3:00 PM fellowship activity they had on the schedule for yesterday!


    Does everybody else know what that is? If not, I'll tell you in a lil bit. Hell, I didn't learn washers until I was in college and went to a family RE-union (they called it a "git-tuh-gather") with some of my grandparents' kinfolk from wayyyyy back that I'd never met.

    I'm not even really sure what state it was actually held in cuz I know we drove an hour AFTER we "left the black-top road" in the country somewhere in east Alabammy. So it mighta been Jawja or hell, Flor-duh, mebbee. Damn road was so dusty cuz they was needin sum rain!

    I'm talkin' banjo music in the backgroun an’ shit.

    1. Anonymous9:38 PM

      So wth are/is WASHERZ???

    2. It's just an old poor man's horseshoe-type game where you toss or "pitch" 2" stainless steel washers (usually 10 washers per player, alternating pitches) towards a hole about 20-25 ft away. The hole has diameter approx 2 1/2 inches by maybe 2" deep in a flat smooth dirt area. There are 2 holes, one at each end where the players pitch their washers from.

      Actually, it's pretty fun outside game that you set up in the shade, and the old salty veterans can spank the rookies b/c it's a skill game and not as easy as it looks.

      I brought it back with me to the frat house and it ended up being an early iteration of beer pong --- just something else to gamble on or create an outside drinking game.

      Not really a big deal, but I did have a major nostalgia rush when I saw it on the good white christan minister flyer above. Once the game caught on, it became kind of a phenomenon we'd do every day in the hour or so before we all went in for dinner at the frat house.

      I won enough "dollar games" to keep the mini fridge stocked with beer until graduation because we def had some frat bros with more money than common sense, and they just never understood the fact that they were just "giving me their money". lol

  25. Personally I have no use for the 4th of July as a holiday. However, it is useful as a reminder to reflect upon the gap between the promise of the declaration of independence regarding human rights and the sometimes shameful history of the United States in securing those rights for all.

  26. No Gryph, I DON'T love Alabamie... In fact I despise Alabamie. They are a core part of the American racism industry. Ask folks that have struggled against racism, bigotry, and hate or the last 100 years. They'll tell you.

  27. Anonymous2:59 PM

    So Jesus wouldn't be welcome because he wasn't white!!!

    1. Leland3:42 PM

      To Anonymous:

      BINGO!!!!!!!!! (But don't tell THEM that. They wouldna unerstan' that semites ain white!)

    2. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Bite yer tongue! ain't you never seen a pitcher of littul babee jeezus?

      'course he's white an had him some blonde hair and blue eyes, too

    3. lostinmn4:05 PM

      And he was a Jew - he never was Christian. All those qualities they love about Jesus are Jewish qualities - but then they hate Jews - so does that mean they hate Jesus? I did read somewhere that Jews aren't invited so Jesus couldn't get through the door.

  28. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Tuesday TV ratings:

    Bristol crappy show is no where on the list again!!!

  29. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Jefferson could have written "all men and women are created equal" but he wanted to duck the tweet storm.

  30. Cracklin Charlie3:17 PM

    All White Christians Invited!

    Well, idn't that special?

  31. Give Rock a "pass"?....SHAME ON YOU.....SHAME ON YOU GRIFFIN!!

    Rock spoke the truth.....I can't see how the black community can feel

    celebratory on the 4th of July, when they have spent all these years either

    outright enslaved, or in today's America, having MORE of their male

    population enslaved in jail, then ever were enslaved before the civil war, not

    to mention the current, targeted, voter surpression for this upcoming

    presidential election ...most do you think the First Nations

    feel on the 4th of July...either relegated to the land reserves that the white

    population chose for them or struggling as a do you THEY

    feel, as they travel the lands that their ancestors enjoyed, their heritage,

    knowing it was taken from them for the enrichment of the white

    population....the white population who celebrate this "freedom" on the 4th of


  32. Not just one of these hate groups around.

    Wikipedia says :

  33. WakeUpAmerica4:17 PM

    Disgusting and small-minded.

  34. Juanita Jean posted a photo of this Billy. When you see him it makes sense. VJ

  35. Anonymous5:01 PM

    As others have already pointed out Jesus wasn't white, but then he wasn't "christian" either. The whole scam of "christianity" has always been to profit on this poor guys name and use it to control the masses( no catholic pun intended).

    BTW some historians and theologians are in line with the thinking that Jesus wasn't just an Arab but an actual black man. A very black skinned man, straight from ( gasp) Africa--of course the middle East consists mostly of NORTHERN AFRICA.
    I kind of find it funny but I bet all these racist Christians ( I do not include the decent ones) are probably praying to Jesus as they read this, begging him to have been white.

    Just think of the bible people who were black
    Lilith ( Adam's first wife)
    and all their children were made in GOD"S image

    Does that mean GOD is black? According to the much revered bible, yep GOD is black.

  36. Mary Barbour11:41 PM

    I like the devil's horns that are pointing to the sign--nice touch!

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Probably not him but his hand looks like it was the hand of a guy who I worked with a few summer breaks from college on an oil rig out in the Gulf of Mexico. He'd lost those 2 fingers in a winch line accident.

  37. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Yup, so President Barack Hussein Obama is closer to the image of Jesus and God than anyone attending this conference!!!!

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      President Obama just may be the spitting image of Jesus. Kind of ironic isn't it.


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