Monday, July 23, 2012

If we remember what the LAST Republican presidency was like, perhaps we will be patriotic enough to avoid another one.


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    When George W. Bush was asked when he missed most about being the president of the United States, his answer was most telling. He said he missed 'riding around on Air Force One.' That's it. The perks that came with being the president was what he missed most. Sad, but true.
    In the last year of his presidency, 2008, when the economy was clearly in the toilet due to Republican policies, he took his entire family (cousins, nephews, nieces, etc.) on a worldwide 'farewell' tour on the taxpayers' money. Was there any outcry from the conservative-dominated media? Why, of course not, because there was this 'black' man gaining ground in his quest for the White House.
    But, in the end, George did get that shoe thrown at him at his stopover in Iraq. That was priceless.

  2. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Not enough crosses shown.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Nor Stars of David, or Crescent Moons, or ...

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      That would be the Bush way - remember, he censored photos of caskets and body bags.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I don't know why I am amazed he would say these incredibly stupid things, but I am.

    This is disgusting; horrifying.

    He was a puppet, nothing more.

    No understanding of history whatsoever.

    Entitled, spoiled idiot.

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I didn't watch the youtube video of him saying those words but the first thing I thought was, PSYCHOPATH!!

    That the repugs have the nerve to say anything negative at all about President Obama is beyond outrageous.

  5. Anonymous6:33 PM

    George W.? Wasn't he out riding his bike?

  6. "Mormon Church Owns Unregulated Gun Sale Website"

    1. Randall4:55 AM

      I wonder if its tax-exempt?

  7. The guy just has no clue. He looks back fondly at a time when HE was powerful and got to ride in a cool plane while the vast majority of the nation (those of us who aren't powerful or rich) had our butts handed to us. He lied. He cheated. He robbed. And he looks back on those days nostalgically. Makes me want to smack him.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      And he killed hundreds of thousands of people. I hope this bastard lives long enough to see himself categorized as one of history's greatest war criminals and dies in public humiliation.

    2. Anonymous2:25 PM

      Bodie, I'd like to do more then that to him. We should all remember however he, can not land at a few certian countrys. He is considered, a war criminal..

  8. Anonymous6:58 PM

    How about a link to the source of this quote?


    2. Anonymous8:41 PM

      Thanks. It doesn't get any better with context, either.

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Bain Capital Created 'Demoralizing' Culture of Layoffs At Florida Plant

    But as the layoffs hit, the mood in the cafeteria could be as somber as a funeral, Hewitt recalled. Multiple members of the same family might be gathered to commiserate over being laid off one by one by one. Some of them had worked for the medical diagnostics company for more than a decade.

    Hewitt saw her colleagues crying on a daily basis and loudly celebrating on the rare occasion that someone found a comparable new job. "There was a tremendous sense of loss and this kind of outpouring of grief and mourning as every day they waited for the announcement of who was going next," she said. "People were on pins and needles. Who's going next? They're worried for themselves, worried for their co-workers, worried for their families. They'd talk about how they were going to send their kids to college. It was an incredibly depressing and demoralizing environment."

    Since the Republican presidential primary, Dade Behring, which made blood-testing machines and conducted animal tests at its Miami plant, has become something of a focus. Bain Capital, GOP presidential hope Mitt Romney's firm, had bought Dade and shuttered its factory in Puerto Rico in 1998. The closings continued under Bain's management.

    It's become a familiar tale about Romney and Bain's business dealings. The New York Times reported that Bain pushed the profitable company into bankruptcy. The Miami Herald followed with its own chronicle of the mass layoffs and mass profits for Romney and company. The Tampa Bay Times reported that Dade had received millions in tax breaks to promote job creation in Puerto Rico one year before it closed the factory there.

    Bain, of course, walked away with a huge profit. In 1999, the private equity firm grabbed $242 million after it pressured Dade to borrow more millions to buy up Bain's shares in the company.

    Romney Made Over $25 Million In Foreign Income While Governing, Campaigning

  10. Anonymous7:11 PM

    All I can say is WHAT THE FUCK???

    Declaring that the use of the phrase "middle class" is "misguided and wrong and even dangerous," Kyl argued in a Senate floor speech that Obama is "spreading economic resentment [that] weakens American values" and ignoring "the uniquely meritocratic basis of our society."

    “We have a president who talks incessantly about class, particularly the middle class,” Kyl said.

    "I just think the whole discussion of class is wrong. it's not what we do here in America," said Kyl, the Senate minority whip. He added, "I don't think there's anything called 'middle class values' that are different from the values of other people in this country. Tell me what's different about the values of someone who the president identifies as middle class?"

    Democrats have long argued that the nation's tax system favors the wealthy, and with the economic downturn, inequality has reached levels not seen since the roaring '20s.

    Over the winter, the Occupy Wall Street movement focused popular attention on the divide between the top 1 percent and the rest of the country, with organizers arguing that it was time to stop rigging the system to favor rich, corporate special interests while the rest suffer. Democrats have embraced that message on the campaign trail, with some success.

    But Kyl said he sees the rich very differently -- more like sports heroes along the line of Chicago Bulls great Michael Jordan.

    1. Anonymous4:06 AM

      I wish that members of Congress were sanctioned when they tell outright lies while speaking on the floor. (I know that sentence sounds funny but the problem it addresses is serious.) Those who lie should be challenged to prove the factualness of their statements. If proof is not readily available, the person who lied should be sanctioned.

      The purpose of Congressional debate is the creation of legislation that affects all of our lives and, frequently, the lives of all people, it behooves senators and representatives to argue forcefully but honestly. Especially in recent years progress in so many areas has been stopped or hindered because members of Congress have outright lied in Congressional debate: "death panels," climate change denial, tax issues, going to war. The list is almost endless. It is one thing for members of Congress to disagree with one another but it is another to lie deliberately to keep good laws from being passed - laws that would stimulate employment, protect the planet, see that even the wealthiest pay their share of the tax burden, provide health care protection for everyone. Lies told by members of Congress have also sent young citizens to war. The floors of Congress are not where fodder for the evening news or Facebook should be made; it is where honest discussion should be held to create meaningful legislation.

    2. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Kyl has obviously never read Maslow. Ooops, what am I thinking? He's a TeaTHUGlican - he doesn't read.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      "Those who lie should be challenged to prove the factualness of their statements."

      Republicans don't have to bother with facts. Wasn't John Kyl the one who said that abortions were 90% of what Planned Parenthood does? Then his spokesperson issued a statement saying it wasn't intended to be a "factual statement"? See? They don't even have to TRY to be factual.

  11. Anonymous7:27 PM

    He also never owned the ranch in Crawford before he decided to run for president. He purchased that in 1999, so he'd a place to go that would make him look Reagan-esqe. Someplace he could be photographed clearing brush, wearing a cowboy hat, etc. Bush a ranch owning, brush-clearing cowboy? Publicity, pure and simple.

    1. If I recall correctly he 'cleared brush' because he was afraid of horses. If was a pure sham set up to portray him as a good ol' boy Texas rancher. When he left the WH after eight nightmarish years, they couldn't wait to unload that 'ranch' and move to his gated-community in Dallas or Houston or wherever he parks his miserable hide today.

      If ever there was a perpetrator guilty of crimes against humanity it's our 43rd president George Walker Bush

  12. Anonymous7:32 PM

    No George, you were--and always will be--"infamous." You were not very powerful either as there is nothing that will every change the fact that you were a puppet for Cheney and the rest of the neo-cons. Finally, there is nothing even remotely "awesome" about your tenure as President.

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Good grief, this man is as vacuous as they come.

  14. Gryphen, it would really be nice if ONCE in a while you acknowledged the brilliance of the great severe conservative minds of this country that assess problems and identify rill common sense conservative solutions.

    For example, future-President Mittens Rmoney - and by future I mean very very distant future - correctly identified the cause of the horrific Colorado massacre as "people are distracted from reality". (that's from the mind of a quarter-billionaire!)

    If you ever read my comments here you know I've been saying that for many years. Ok, I also say that hundred-round drum magazines for assault rifles aren't helpful, but mainly I say "people are distracted from reality" Thank you for your insights, Mr. Future-President, you worthless sack o'bones!

    And in a more gun-related metaphor, we all recall The Screechy Wretch(tm) urging every man, woman, child and foetus to "reload with reality" to solve, I would imagine, America's stubborn gun problems that can't be solved by reloading with more conventional ammunition....

    So Mittens and Screechy will soon take their place among the pantheon of great thinkers and problem solvers throughout history such as Louis Pierroux, the French medical theorist who, in 1801, discovered The Vapours - a disease for which no cause, cure or symptoms have yet been discovered and Walter C. Muck, an inveterate tinkerer who gave us the steam powered soup spoon in 1853, many years after losing the top half of his skull in an unfortunate boiler explosion.

    Re-elect George W, Bush!!
    Elect Mittens2012. Always Undistracted From Reality!

  15. ..and I was a war criminal.
    ..and I tanked the economy.
    ..and I made the US look foolish to the rest of the world
    ..and I failed horribly during 9/11 and Katrina
    ..and I relegated all power to the sociopath Cheney

    FU, SHRUB!!!!

  16. Anonymous5:39 AM

    You have to be pretty fucking awful to make Bush, Sr. look preferable as a President.

    Just wanted to point out, that Laura Bush and Mitt Romney have been drivers in accidents involving vehicular manslaughter - if anyone in Obama's Administration had that kind of record, accident or not, you think these guys would be quiet about it?

  17. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The quote of Bush is amazing to me. Can you imagine President Obama saying something like that? They's crucify him for doing so! But, the asshole Republicans keep their mouths shut, as usual.

    I worry more about what Cheney tries to continue doing to our country than I do Bush. War, war, war - that is all he wants. We cannot financially afford it and we don't need to lose more of our younger people to death or injuries.

    Romeny has many former Bush administration members advising him and that is frightening as hell.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012


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