Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Liberals are really ALL about helping the disadvantaged.

I don't know WHY the conservatives get so snippy with us?


  1. Anonymous3:19 AM

    That's funny!

  2. Anonymous5:04 AM

    THIS is why I come here first thing in the morning. Thanks, man.

  3. Anonymous5:21 AM

    That's ironic considering a number of people here write "could of" and display no signs of grammar knowledge. Gryphen, why do you stereotype? Are you secretly a 13 year old? You're not helping the ideological war. Conservatives are not bad people just because they believe in themselves and not Government or a President's empty promises and lies.

    1. Yes I am a 13 year old boy. (Thanks for noticing!)

      And yes I do stereotype.

      But thankfully YOU don't. (So, uh when did ALL conservatives become teabaggers?)

      P.S. By the way the President's promises would not have been empty if the conservatives had not worked overtime to block every attempt he made to implement his policies.

    2. He is not saying conservatives are bad people.

      He is pointing out that people have noticed the startling and frequent misspellings on teabagger signs.

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Kristy obviously is not capable of understanding what you are saying. She repeats the same words millions of times expecting us to care.
      I noticed she wrote a typical " maturity" rant last night and no one responded. Wow, she was quiet after that. She gets off on negative attention. What would Freud say about that?

      PS I'm 13 too so don't bother Kristy, andbim a mean judgmental liberal. But I'm not an obsessed delusional hypocrite like you do I sleep just fine. YOU are annoying and you need help. Politics or not, it doesn't matter. It's too bad for you that you can't see it. Mental illness is treatable if you know/admit you have a problem. What will it take for you to see it?

    4. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Conservatives don't believe in themselves and not government. That is a huge load of talking point bullshit. They all scream about not touching Medicare or social security. They like government when it helps them. Why don't you just admit that you don't like welfare or poor people. That's the government you dont like. And you sure like defense spending and weapons. We spend more than most other countries combined. You are an idiot if you think conservatives believe in themselves and not government. Based on FACTS and historical data, THAT IS A LIE!! You are a brainwashed tool of corporate America and you don't even know it!! Pathetic!

    5. WakeUpAmerica6:42 AM

      The ones who come here and write "could of" and confuse "your" and "you're" are the trolls, specifically the Palin/Heath clans. LOL

    6. WakeUpAmerica6:48 AM

      First, "government" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence, you sanctimonious bonehead. Second, Google is your friend. Go to the GAO website and see who grows government the most, conservatives or liberals. It should be enlightening to you. Spend more time doing legitimate research before you post and less time absorbing the egregious lies known as talking points on Fox News. Then we might treat you with respect. Until then, don't let the screen door hit you where the good Lord split you.

    7. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Many people thought that Bristol named her son"Tripp" because she could not spell"Trip" but then we found out that he was named after her daddy's prostitute Shailey "Tripp".

    8. Anonymous8:32 AM

      Deer teabagger @ 521 You could of wrote an intelligent comment but its a bad one. I thing you must be retarted. No other explanashun. Mitt is shit and if you vote for him or support him in anyway, you are shit to. BOOM! PROVEN.

  4. Anonymous5:35 AM

    That is cute.

  5. Anonymous5:53 AM

    So tell us, 5:21 - do you ever take the saddle off of that sanctimonious high horse of yours? And also too, how do you keep him/her from getting saddle sores from the constant ass-chapping?

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      5:21 needs to get laid. What a loser!

  6. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Hilarious! And yes, the teabaggers I know can't spell for shit. The fiscally conservative republicans who are disgusted with their party - highly intelligent (and dear friends).

  7. WakeUpAmerica6:41 AM

    That poster is hilarious.
    Be a liberal and support spell-check!

  8. Anonymous9:55 AM

    The sign is funny. I get the joke.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:28 PM

    I love it! I'm going to send it to brancy's blog in the "Mr President, I built this" contest. It's a shore wiener!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.